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Ojai Music Festival Arts Management Internship Program

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“Unique mentorship experiences with the Festival’s staff allowed me to explore different facets of the industry and deepen my commitment to further developing as a well-rounded arts administrator.”



The Festival’s Arts Management Internship program welcomes college students and recent graduates to go behind the scenes working closely with the staff and production team and gain invaluable hands-on experience for their future careers.

Festival interns have gone on to have successful careers in both the nonprofit and for-profit sectors. Those who have gone on to work in the arts have done so at organizations across the country, including AMOC*, Ojai Music Festival, San Diego Symphony, Pacific Symphony, Early Music Guild of Seattle, and Voices of Change, as well as forged new paths as entrepreneurial performing artists and composers.

Colleges and universities represented have included Berklee School of Music, Boston University, CalArts, California Lutheran University, Cal State UniversityLong Beach, Manhattan School of Music, Occidental College, San Diego State University, Stanford University, UCLA, USC, Moorpark College, and Westmont College

Steven Rothenberg Internship Fellow

In 2011, Ojai Valley residents Ila and Fred Rothenberg generously provided the Festival with a fund to support the Festival’s growing internship program, which is dedicated in memory of their son, Steven Rothenberg. The 2023 Rothenberg Fellow is Landon Wilson.

The Festival’s Arts Management Internship Program is made by possible by the generous support of Fred Rothenberg, in memory of Steven Rothenberg.

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