El Ojo del Lago - August 2016

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Saw you in the Ojo



El Ojo del Lago / August 2016

Saw you in the Ojo



Richard Tingen


Alejandro Grattan-DomĂ­nguez Tel: (01376) 765 3676, 765 2877 Fax: (01376) 765 3528 Associate Publisher David Tingen Graphic Design Roberto C. Rojas Sandra Hernandez Special Events Editor Sandy Olson Associate Editor Victoria Schmidt Contributing Editor Mark Sconce Theater Critic Michael Warren Book Review Panel Margaret Van Every Margaret Porter Clare Gearhart Roving Correspondent Dr. Lorin Swinehart Art Critic Rob Mohr Sales Manager Bruce Fraser 2ႈFH 6HFUHWDU\ Rocio Madrigal ADVERTISING OFFICE Av. Hidalgo # 223, Chapala Mon. thru Fri. 9am - 5pm Sat. 9am - 1pm Tel. 01 (376) 765 2877, 765 3676 Fax 01 (376) 765 3528 Send all correspondence, subscriptions or advertising to: El Ojo del Lago http://www.chapala.com ojodellago@prodigy.net.mx Ave. Hidalgo 223 (or Apartado 279), 45900 Chapala, Jalisco Tels.: (376) 765 3676, Fax 765 3528






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Dorothy Blanchard spins a tale that could well be out of Oliver Twist—but it takes place in Mexico.

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Editor’s Page


Profiling Tepehua



Rosemary Grayson brings us up to date on the career of Guadalajara’s Hernandez Brothers—who have set the world RI EDOOHW RQ ¿UH


Uncommon Sense



Lakeside Living


Anyone Train Dog


Welcome to Mexico


Bridge by Lake


LCS Newsletter



Kathy Koches agrees with most of us here at Lakeside: Mexicans can fix almost anything!




Michael Warren’s poem Irises catches the haunting beauty of a painting that was never sold during the tragic lifetime of its painter, Vincent Van Gogh.



Clare Gearhart appraises (glowingly) Ian Lopez’s book, the best-selling Dog Whistle Politics.



John Thomas Dodds writes of a moment when everyone in his life “came and went like two trains going in the opposite direction, a blur of faces in the windows.�

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El Ojo del Lago / August 2016





Saw you in the Ojo




Defining “Definitions”


xactly when it happened is still in dispute, but happen it did and thereafter liberals suddenly were regarded by some as only a few steps up from child-molesters. Yet given the definition in most dictionaries of a liberal, i.e., “generous ...tolerant, broad-minded, favoring reform or progress...,” it would seem a most worthy thing to be. In keeping with that definition, the liberal movement has been responsible for a great majority of the social and economic advancements of the past 100 years. Go back to the birth of Social Security, the right of AfricanAmerican soldiers to fight alongside white ones, school integration, the GI Bill of Rights, the War on Poverty, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Medicare, Operation Head Start, child labor laws, banking reforms, the fight for universal health care, the minimum wage, (which disgracefully hasn’t truly increased in real value over the past several years), environmental safeguards, female suffrage, and equal rights and protection under the law. Courageous liberals were in the advance units of each and every one of those noble crusades. Today, liberals, conservatives and independents all enjoy the benefits of those historic battles. Still, some, while grudgingly conceding most of the above, have fallen back on other antiliberal arguments. They branded as “unpatriotic” liberals who were against the war in Iraq, snorting that criticism of the war was aiding our enemies; yet GOP Congressmen railed against Clinton’s war in Kosovo, with one Senator going so far to say that President Clinton was “worse than Milosovic!” But nobody ever called “unpatriotic” those congressmen who were carping about that war! (Truth is, there was little to criticize. We got in quickly, we won quickly and we got out quickly, leaving that entire part of the world better off for our having gone there. Comparisons, anyone?) As for the charge that Democrats are usually a bunch of weaklings who can’t be relied upon to protect us


El Ojo del Lago / August 2016

against our enemies, people forget that six of the major war (hot, cold and otherwise) presidents of the 20th century were Democrats: Wilson, FDR, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, and Clinton. Another accusation is that liberals are too concerned with “fringe elements.” Yet, going all the way back to Thomas Jefferson, liberals have believed that government has no more noble purpose than the protection of its least fortunate or under-represented citizens. The theory is that as the weakest grow stronger, the more durable and dynamic the nation itself becomes. Yet often those who fight for the poor are derided as “bleeding-heart liberals,” those who struggle to improve the global environment are branded “crazy tree-huggers,” those who wage war against prejudice and discrimination labeled “anti-religious.” Here is the contradiction: the vast majority of those hurling the accusations profess to be Christians, and proudly boast of their deep belief in the teachings, sanctity and example of Jesus Christ. But go back to the classic definition of liberalism. Is there a more accurate (political) word for the short but glorious ministry of He who gave His name and life to the most powerful reform movement the world has ever known? He worked among the poor, associated with the humblest of men, was tolerant of every human frailty, devoted to replacing the status quo with something more equitable, and left us with hundreds of forgiving quotes such as “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” Is there a single word which could characterize such a compassionate attitude, such an inspiring message? Politely, I suggest to my fellow Christians that Alejandro the word could well Grattanbe— liberal. Dominguez

Saw you in the Ojo


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n the morning of February 6, 1481, six prominent citizens of the Spanish city of Sevilla, Jewish converts to Christianity, were marched through town barefoot, each carrying an unlighted candle. After attending Mass and a sermon, they were burned at the stake. A few days later, seven more victims were similarly cremated. Thus began one of the darkest episodes of modern western European history, the Spanish Inquisition, which was to last until 1834. Early on, a massive stone platform named the Quemadero was


constructed at Sevilla to accommodate all the burnings. Pope Innocent IV paved the way for the Inquisition in 1252 with his papal bull Ad Extirpanda, sanctioning the use of torture on heretics, by this action, in effect renouncing the teachings of the Jesus Christ he professed to follow. In the popular imagination, Ferdinand and Isabella are kindly monarchs who launched Christopher Columbus off on his world-altering voyage to seek a shortcut to India, causing him to accidentally discover the Americas. In reality, the reign of

El Ojo del Lago / August 2016

this royal couple was far more sinister. It was Queen Isabella who was convinced by the Dominican priest Tomas de Torquemada, the future Grand Inquisitor, and two other prominent churchmen that an inquisition was needed to root out Conversos and Moristos, those Jews and Muslims who had betrayed Christianity by means of false conversions, thus corrupting the souls of others. Torquemada was to become one of history’s most accomplished sadists, rivaling Joseph Mengele and Lavrenti Beria, frequently taking a careful, personal interest in the torture and interrogation of his victims. Victims of the Inquisition were generally rousted from their beds late at night and hustled off blindfolded to a darkened chamber in an unknown location, there to be interrogated by hooded figures using the most barbaric torture instruments ever devised. The suspect was never informed of the crimes he was being accused of, never confronted by his accusers, never accorded access to meaningful counsel, and was considered guilty until proven innocent. The Edict of Expulsion in 1492 gave Jewish and Muslim citizens until July 31 to convert to Christianity or trudge off into exile, forfeiting their worldly goods in the process. To avoid forced conversions, many Muslims and Jews did flee the country. Others found sanctuary on the estates of nobles until the monarchy threatened landowners with severe penalties for harboring them. Because they were suspected of secretly celebrating Muslim and Jewish rites, many were regarded as false Christians or crypto-Jews, who had only converted in order to gain positions or status. Those unfortunate souls became the focus of the Inquisition. In 1465, Castillian aristocrats, resentful of Conversos who had advanced socially and economically, demanded an inquisition to put an end to so-called Judaizing in their region. Jealousy and rivalry helped to fuel the Inquisition. As the Inquisition progressed, even children were encouraged to inform on their parents. Confessions secured by torture are unreliable. If subjected to sufficient pain, anyone can be made to confess to anything and to accuse others who may be innocent. The torture devices designed for the inquisitors were ingenious and effective. The water torture, wherein a suspect’s nostrils were held shut while eight quarts of water were poured into him through a funnel, has unfortunately not gone out of

style. Often, a cloth was forced down the victim’s throat with water being poured into it. The cloth was swallowed all the way to the stomach, causing suffocation. The pit and the pendulum made infamous by Edgar Allen Poe’s short story of the same name existed in reality and had frequent use. Many have heard of the iron maiden, wherein a suspect was enclosed in an armor-like suit of steel with sharp spikes facing inward, leading to a slow, agonizing death. The hanging cage, in which a victim was tightly enclosed by iron bars and left suspended outdoors to die of starvation, dehydration and exposure to the elements, appears early in the film Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves. Other devices were equally heinous: The rack, the wheel, the garotte, the heretic’s fork, the head crusher. The so-called “pear” was inserted into the mouth or vagina and expanded until flesh was lacerated. There were variations on the commonly used strappado, but typically a victim’s hands were tied behind him and a rope was used to suspend him from the ceiling by the wrists, dislocating the shoulder joints. Sometimes weights were added to increase the victim’s torment. It was rare for a suspect to be acquitted because there were major financial incentives to find him guilty. A convicted heretic’s worldly goods went into the coffers of the Inquisition itself. Ferdinand and Isabella shared in the profits, as did the accusers, those who turned in wealthier associates, troublesome neighbors or family members. Once convicted, victims were subjected to the dread auto-da-fe, an act of public penance during which their sentences were meted out to them. The ultimate punishment involved 45 to 90 minutes at the stake. In rare cases when a suspect was acquitted, he was forced to swear an oath never to reveal anything about his experience. If the oath was violated, he was subjected to 200 lashes. Jews who did not convert but who remained in Spain were primary targets. Groundless accusations, rumors, innuendo and superstition inflamed the gullible citizenry, causing Jewish homes and businesses to be looted and burned, their owners massacred. Jews were accused of murdering Christian children and drinking their blood. Jews were even accused of causing the Black Death that swept Europe in the 14th century by poisoning the wells. The Inquisition set the stage for the pogroms of Czarist Russia and the Holocaust of World War II.

There is some disagreement as to the number of persons executed during the Inquisition, but some historians have speculated that there may have been over 2000. The techniques of Torquemada and the inquisitors were not forgotten by subsequent generations. Others were eager to apply them. In October, 1578, the theologian Michael Servetus was burned alive by Calvinist persecutors because of his non-trinitarian views. John Calvin even urged the use of green firewood so as to prolong his suffering. Elizabeth I, who may deserve the sobriquet “bloody” nearly as much as her unfortunate half-sister Mary, zealously persecuted Catholic priests and monks after her ascension to the throne. Dutch Protestants were known to heap torment upon Catholic priests, some who found themselves serving as living bumpers on fishing boats. The 2014 burning alive of a captive Jordanian pilot by ISIS, while mobs of spectators cheered and hooted, serves as a warning that religious fanaticism is still with us. The water torture of the inquisitors differs little from the waterboarding of prisoners by US authorities in the aftermath of 911, even though such as former Vice-Presi-

dent Dick Cheney continue to argue that it does not constitute torture. Late in life, Torquemada retired to a monastery to devote the remainder of his days to prayer. There is no evidence that he ever repented of his sadistic acts. In one of history’s strangest acts of retribution, his bones were disinterred and ritually burned by his detractors in 1832, only two years before the InDr. Lorin quisition was abolSwinehart ished.

Saw you in the Ojo






few months ago this column covered the dangers of Mosquito carried Zika Virus and the need to take steps for prevention. The Mosquito net project was born. The sewing Center at the Tepehua Community Center took up the challenge, and nets are going into production. This is a challenge bigger than anticipated. Recently there was a meeting in Chapala concerning dengue fever, recent cases that have been confirmed, and the fact that Chapala, including Tepehua, are at the top of the list...for the state of Jalisco. The urgency behind


the simple net has just escalated. The rainy season, although a gift for life, it also brings its woes for areas of poverty, as with any catastrophe, poverty is dealt the first hand. The multiple family shared sewer systems that even in the dry season tend to overflow, run down the rocky terrain to the streets, where they find their standing ground and created puddles of disease: the perfect breeding ground for the mosquito, and for parasitical diseases. Although the girls are working hard on this...production takes longer than anticipated, so we will also use ready-made that are avail-

El Ojo del Lago / August 2016

able on the market to give us a head start. Africa solved a major Malaria epidemic with the simple mosquito net... the news flash above is not a good one, especially as this will be a heavier rainy season than usual, we can follow the book on Africa...keep it simple, stay ahead. Zika virus is a cousin to Dengue Fever, yellow fever, Japanese Encephalitis and West Nile as they share the same courier AEDES, which is a daytime biting mosquito. Its rapid spread to the Americas from Africa in 2015 through 2016 is causing an epidemic that is reaching pandemic levels...according to Wikipedia. (It was in the Americas prior to 2015, but isolated cases.) In January 2016 the United States center for disease control and prevention issued a travel warning on affected countries. Columbia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador and Jamaica, have gone so far as to warn women NOT to get pregnant until more is learned about the diseases, especially Zika. Please let us take this very seriously. We can help prevent this with the first little steps in simplicity: Mosquito nets. Tepehua thanks those readers who have already contributed to buy the nets...they cost from 200 to 400 pesos

per net, depending on the size. Distribution will start in Tepehua Pharmacy serving pregnant women first...we will cover as much territory as we can, and keep our readers posted. Please safe guard your staff, they should have one in their home. Their sickness will affect you. Contact Moonie if you are willing to help in any way. If you have a sewing machine and would like to help the ladies, but prefer to work at home, we can supply the material for you. Donations of nets and monies happily accepted. moonie1935@yahoo.com or 7635126.

Saw you in the Ojo 11



Guadalajara’s Parque Revolución



For those who have sated themselves on Guadalajara’s high profile tourist attractions, the neighborhoods of the city’s midtown offer a change-of-pace urban experience that invite the visitor to return again and again. From working-class neighborhoods on its eastern edge that offer up colorful mom-andpop shops, newsstands, and street food vendors to the stately boulevards and historic mansions on

El Ojo del Lago / August 2016

its west end, midtown is a great weekend experience. A nighttime stay-over is a must, because while daytime browsing is great fun, it’s in the evening, that these neighborhoods really come alive. A weekend stay-over is made even sweeter by bargain rates on hotels that cater to businessmen during the week. Midtown is home to museums and monuments, sidewalk cafĂŠs, bookstores, bars and clubs with live music, and a checkerboard of eclectic



and sometimes funky shops. At its heart is the Parque RevoluciĂłn, located where the Avenida Juarez becomes the Avenida Vallarta at the intersection of Calzada Federalismo. It’s hard to miss. An everchanging mural which covers the billboard-sized wall of a Pemex station is visible from blocks away. The Parque RevoluciĂłn

is only a 20 minute walk from the Centro Historico, or two subway stops from the San Juan de Dios Market station, which is located adjacent to the market on the side facing the Plaza de los Mariachis. Here the lines of the Tren Ligero subway system converge just blocks from the University of Guadalajara. While there’s no question that the concentration of students fuels much of this neighborhood’s ambiance, it’s a also convenient place for


7DFR VWDQGV DERXQG LQ *XDGDODMDUDœV 3DUTXH 5HYROXFLyQ workers from nearby shops and offices to grab lunch. Here you can enjoy a street taco, buy indigenous art and crafts or a bouquet of flowers, and get a haircut or shoeshine. Or you can just order yourself a paleta, pick a shady bench, and soak up the atmosphere. On a weekday afternoon, students on their way to and from classes – or just in between classes, study and congregate on the Parque’s north side, where a collection of street vendors hold permanent court. The mood here is nothing if not mellow, and has the familiar feel of parks near Barbacoa (barbecue) taco stand in Guada- u n i v e r s i ties worldODMDUDœV 3DUTXH 5HYROXFLyQ wide. There’s more to see here than can possibly be covered in a single post, so my next posts will take you on a walking tour of midtown, where you can enjoy the Guadalajara that tourists rarely experience. Antonio RamblÊs

Saw you in the Ojo 13



f he could have seen what lay ahead that day, Juan, a pickpocket, would have remained in the city. Instead, he hitched a ride to the Mexican pueblo where tourists flocked to the tianguis, the open market. Passing a fruit stand where an old man patiently piled oranges in neat little pyramids, he snagged one of his wooden fruit crates. Tilted against a shady wall, it made a place to rest while he continued to stalk his prey. But a little boy kept poking his head around the wall, drawing away his focus. He raised a fist to scare him off, but his cherubic face caused him to drop his arm, and toss a few pesos his way. The boy swooped down on them and ran off. To his annoyance, a new distraction arose. The old man shouted at him to return his crate. Juan gave him the single digit salute. Nodding, the old


man turned to a huge, burly fellow squatting on the curb trimming onions with a dirty, long-bladed knife. He lumbered toward Juan. In his rush to move on, Juan nearly bumped into a stout, middle-aged woman in a bright flowery dress, limping by in flimsy sandals never intended for Mexican cobblestones. A large open straw handbag dangled on her arm. He tailed her until she stopped at a silver jewelry stand where he got a good look at her bulging wallet. He was moving in for the grab and run when

El Ojo del Lago / August 2016

she took him by surprise by plopping down upon a small metal table piled high with bright gauzy dresses. The rickety contraption collapsed, sending dresses aloft like frightened birds and the woman to the ground. Shoppers and merchants rushed to her aid, Juan among them. In seconds, he had disappeared into the crowd—with her wallet. Slinking away as quickly, he felt a sudden nausea and weakness. He was shocked to see his shirt covered with blood. He lifted it and discovered a jagged knife wound. Disoriented, he staggered into an alley and sank to the ground. He tried to concentrate. A vague memory of a familiar thug with a knife appeared, then the flash of a knife. At the sound of footsteps, he froze. But rather than the guy he feared, he found himself looking up into the face of the small boy. They studied each other in silence. Juan wondered if the boy had followed him by himself. He needed to return to the city to a doctor quickly. He decided upon a plan. “What’s your name, kid?” “Angel,” said the boy, pronouncing it Ahn-hel. “Want to make some money, Angel?” The boy nodded. He slipped a fifty

peso note from the woman’s wallet and waved it in the boy’s face. He sent the boy for a taxi with a threat of what he’d do to the boy if he told anyone else where he was. He doubted the boy would realize he was in no shape to carry out the warning. But he did give a sigh of relief when the boy returned with the taxi. He handed the boy his fifty pesos, knowing he’d lift it from his pocket before he left. The rest of the money he stuffed into his pocket and gave the wallet containing the credit cards to the boy. A puzzled frown creased the boy’s small brow. Juan knew the return of the credit cards, valued more than the cash, made things easier on him in the long run. Then he told Angel to look for the fat lady and tell her that he had found her wallet in the street. With a wink, he told him that she would give him a reward. The boy waited while Juan staggered to his feet and then fell before he could reach the taxi. He rushed to Juan’s side, and after several awkward attempts, he managed to get Juan to his feet and into the taxi. As the taxi pulled away, Juan reached for the stolen money to console himself. It was gone! His gut felt like a hollow pit. His heart pounded, pouring blood from his wound. The kid! He thrashed and cursed but before long, he drifted into a sense of calm. His heartbeat slowed. His anger faded. Oddly, he began to laugh. The little rug rat. He had outsmarted him. He hadn’t even found the fifty pesos. With a sigh, his head fell back against the back of the seat. In the pueblo, Angel removed the fifty pesos from his tennis shoe, slipped it back into the wallet with the rest of the stolen money, and stepped inside his humble home. His grandmother was visiting from California. He laid the wallet in her lap and went outside to play. senoradecasa@gmail.com

Saw you in the Ojo 15



DO Go Gentle...


y father was a gentle man. He wasn’t meek. He had strong opinions, but he was gentle in the way he expressed them. When I was in college, I remember coming home full of myself, sure that I understood the world better than most people, certainly better than he did. Our biggest source of disagreement was the War in Vietnam. As a World War II vet, he knew a thing or two, but he listened to me and my ranting about the war without interrupting. He asked me thoughtful questions. He explained, kindly, that not everyone would agree with me. I am fairly certain I did not show him equal respect. We eventually agreed we could love each other even if we disagreed. I have been thinking about him lately. It seems as though we could use a bit more gentleness in our world. I hope I have been able to emulate my gentle father, and I hope that as a society, we might put a little more emphasis on being kind and gentle. It may seem like an easy-to-understand word, but what exactly does it mean to be gentle? A gentle person is, of course, kind. She often puts the needs of others ahead of her own. She tries not to be judgmental. Even if she does not understand why someone is the way they are, she avoids gossip and accepts the fact that people are different. I remember the day my daughter told my father that she was gay. He had absolutely no frame of reference for such an announcement, but, after a long period of silence, he simply told her he loved her. Sometimes the most gentle response is silence. He was good at that. Garrison Keillor summed up the necessity of gentleness: “What keeps our faith cheerful is the extreme persistence of gentleness and humor. Gentleness is everywhere in daily life, a sign that faith


El Ojo del Lago / August 2016


rules through ordinary things: through cooking and small talk, through storytelling, making love, fishing, tending animals and sweet corn and flowers, through sports, music and books, raising kids-- all the places where gravy soaks in and grace shines through. Even in a time of elephantine vanity and greed, one never has to look far to see the campfires of gentle people. Lacking any other purpose in life, it would be good enough to live for their sake.” Of course Keillor is right. We see gentleness around us every day. One of the characteristics we expats love about being in Mexico, we often point out, is the Mexican people. The people are gentle and kind. We rarely see Mexican people express anger in everyday situations. They are kind to their elders, and they are gentle with their children. We enjoy being around them because they make us feel good. Our world today is not a gentle place. Because of the omnipresence of media coverage, we see violent expressions of intolerance and hear hateful speech from many sources. It is easy to feel discouraged when we hear our political leaders appeal to fear, racism and hate. We need leaders who gently remind us that we are all in this together, and we need to find ways to get along with kindness and compassion. We often see too much condemnation and too little love. The Dalai Lama suggests that we can make the world a better place for everyone if we practice kindness and compassion in our own lives. It may seem to be an uphill battle, but success often comes in very small increments. I think my father understood that.

Saw you in the Ojo 17



love Mexico and the Mexican people. Besides being kind, warm and generous, they possess the most amazing ability. They can fix almost anything! The other day I was sitting at my vanity table in the bathroom, which of course has tile floors. As I picked up my purse, my handheld mirror went crashing to the floor. The mirror itself did not break, but the handle snapped right off! Now neither I nor my husband are what you would consider “handy around the house.” In fact I have been forbidden to ever again use Super Glue, having once glued several of my fingers together. However, I naively thought this would be an easy thing to fix. I tried regular Elmer’s glue, which of course did not work, and then my husband tried Super Glue. I was about to toss the mirror and go purchase a new one, when Fernando, the handyman who does work around our property, came by. I asked him if he could fix my mirror and he just smiled and said, “Si, Senora.” The next day he arrived with my mirror, handle re-attached, and handed it to me with a smile. He had simply drilled a small hole in the mirror frame and another in the handle, inserted a tiny dowel, and applied Super Glue to the whole thing. Who would have thought of that? Apparently most Mexicans! Another time our microwave decided to act up. When I pressed the start button, the display flashed the word “CHILD” at me. I wondered if this was some safety feature to prevent


El Ojo del Lago / August 2016

children from using the microwave, but no matter what buttons I pushed, I could not make the display disappear. Enter my savior, Fernando. He apologized that he must take the microwave home, but he returned the next day with the fully functioning microwave. Yet again, he amazed me with his ability to “fix anything.” When our old TV decided to quit working, we called our friend, who had been a TV repairman in the US prior to retiring to Lakeside. He came over and took a look at it, but told us that even if he could get the parts, which was doubtful, it was a 20 yr. old TV and probably not worth fixing. We decided we would buy a new one, so he and my husband carried it out to the curb, thinking that the trash collectors would pick it up later that day. They came back in the house so he could pack up his tools, and when he left some five minutes later, the TV was GONE! Just like that – it had disappeared. Someone saw it, decided they might be able to fix it, and away they went. Unfortunately, America has become a society used to disposable things, and when something breaks or does not function properly, most people simply discard and replace it. Not so in Mexico: Things here are repaired, recycled and reused. I find this a delightful and fascinating situation. Some of this is due to economic necessity, but I think it goes deeper than that. Mexicans have not become the unthinking consumers like their neighbors north of the border. They are conscious of the need to conserve resources and not wantonly waste things. We could learn a lot from our Mexican neighbors and friends. Kathy Koches

Saw you in the Ojo 19

New Revolution In Mexico %\ 5RVHPDU\ *UD\VRQ


conic brothers, Romulus and Remus mythically founded Rome, whose culture revolutionized the world. Iconic brothers, Isaac and Esteban Hernandez are now to found a hitherto overlooked culture, to revolutionize Mexico. For Isaac Hernandez, at 25 years old, has risen out of the dust to be one of ballet dancing’s biggest names. Using his star spangled persona, Isaac now puts stardom and genius to work helping make the dreams come true for budding young Mexican dancers. Brother Esteban (21) is fast emerging from the same crucible. Both are trailblazers in a country that until now has been mostly asleep to the magic of ballet. Hence the title of the new gala performance Despertares (Awakenings) that exploded on stage for the first time in Guadalajara this past July. Tipped in Forbes Magazine last summer as one of the world’s best ballet dancers, Isaac was also pronounced the best in Mexico’s history. He starred in Russia’s Olympic Games closing ceremony. He is a 13-time gold medalist. He danced at the world famous Mariinsky Theatre, and was the youngest lead principal at the English National Ballet. Isaac Hernandez is a star on a stratospheric rise to fame. His dad, his mother, his nine little sisters and brothers in the backyard were the launching pad. Just a dozen years ago, on a broken concrete floor, the barre his mom’s clothes line and the audience, their brothers and sisters, Isaac and brother Esteban found their passion. But they entered the hallowed world of ballet casually. Father Hector and mother Laura were both professional dancers. And dance was the hobby to occupy ten kids. Now both the brothers, born and raised in Guadalajara, have put a girdle round the earth. Isaac has


El Ojo del Lago / August 2016

danced in Havana, Moscow and (startlingly) in Jackson Mississippi! Yet he appeared in Mexico but once, when he was 14. Hector warned the youngsters of the profession’s hardships and difficulties. For Esteban, Germany, Cuba, Russia and the USA have recognized his talent, with three Grand Prix, nine gold medals and a silver. The president of Mexico himself, Felipe Calderon, presented, the then 12-year old, with The National Youth Award. Just two years ago with brother Isaac and sister Emilia, Hector founded the production company Soul Arts Productions. It works side by side with Releve their new non-profit organization, to promote maximum impact on society through the arts. All his success packed into so few years, Esteban ascribes to a huge family effort. Isaac and Esteban want to inspire young people. Their mission is to demonstrated by example. “Everything is possible, if you are dedicated and work hard” says Esteban. He is the first and only Mexican to graduate with highest honors from the Royal Ballet School, in London. Humbly shocked to win a recent top accolade in the Sacramento, California Latino Spirit Awards he said “I never thought anyone knew I was here.” Those who will now know he and brother Isaac are certainly here were in the Telmex Auditorio at a sellout performance in Mexico City. Isaac directed and danced in the production. Earlier this year saw him take a standing ovation from an audience of 10,000 at London’s Albert Hall. The revolution is almost here. https:// www. facebook.com. soular tsproducRosemary tions Grayson

Saw you in the Ojo 21



came favorably disposed to the Apprenticeship of Stefan Varek having met Marine Master Sergeant Varek in several other Drynan tales where he often appears in time to save an otherwise hopeless situation. Varek “…charged out of his hiding place, across the short distance to the gunman and drove the knife to the hilt in his abdomen. Varek sawed the serrated blade up into the man’s guts and spilled them onto his knees.” (Domain of the Scorpion, psychological/thriller, 2009). In Drynan’s book of short stories, The Phoenix, Varek makes a cameo appearance as a Gunnery Sergeant in Korea. Besides organizing an orderly retreat in the face of overwhelming Chinese forces, he attempts to calm “the paralyzing fear of first combat” felt by a young soldier whose father died in battle. “Don’t worry, son, I’ll see you through this. I owe that to your old man.” I cannot recommend this book--enough—if you’re a WWII vet or buff steeped in the lore and legend of Pacific theatre battles, or if you like to savor the military nomenclature of each and every weapon Sgt. Varek sees, hears and uses or, especially, if you can sing the second verse of “Bomb, bomb, bomb Tehran.” For make no mistake; master story-teller Robert Drynan is an exMarine whose military experience reshaped his view of duty and of country. He’s gung ho just like Varek but with this proviso:


El Ojo del Lago / August 2016


The Soldier does not fight to follow the orders of his officers/Not for the flags, not for patriotism, not the common folk/Not for his mother, not sons and brothers, nor a lover—/He fights only for his comrades in arms and to survive. I found somewhat disconcerting, given his central Euro-background, that Stefan speaks without an accent, in perfect American tones and even uses soldierly idioms and jargon as though he had grown up Stateside. On the other hand, you try to duplicate a Bohemian accent on paper! But apprentice Stefan Varek, like Athena sprung from Zeus’s skull fully grown and clad in a full set of armor, is a Marine through and through from age 18 on. He thinks clearly, speaks well, shoots accurately, and leads his charges unerringly through the steaming jungles of Java desperately trying to avoid the invading Japanese. One of his charges is Maggie, a nurse and love interest. Wait till you read what she makes Stefan promise! Inevitably, there are clashes with Japanese soldiers. “He came to his knees preparing to rise. A second Jap soldier almost stepped on him. The Jap’s eyes went wide. Stefan rose swiftly and thrust his bayonet into the enemy soldier’s chest, drove forward until the man sprawled on his back, gurgling... and dying on the end of his rifle.” Mark Sconce

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,ULVHV Vincent is framed by Paul, his luminous blue glows from the wall of a millionaire’s dying dream shaped like a Roman villa from Herculaneum perched on the cliffs above Malibu. Madness extols itself in perfect form – there is no vision more extreme, complete than these last lingering flowers of summer’s heat becoming and dying, at the same time. The alchemy of paint’s beyond analysis – Van Gogh, insane, with buzzing in his ear, places a daub of white just here, and here there is a point of pain that must persist. The canvas, not seen by Paul nor sold by Vincent, hangs on the wall, elusive, strange, magnificent.

—Michael Warren—

Walking the Dog In Memory of Duke %\ 5REHUW -DHJHU The rope is worn smooth. The frayed loop at the end chafes Though my fingers grip the knot As this tenacious tan dog Drags me around our small town. Long lead or short makes no difference. He is always at the bitter end, Straining at the next bird or squirrel Or dog or cat, or place to piss, The next pile of waste or invisible trace Of those who passed before. If I try to change the route Or simply slow down to consider, To meet these moments on my terms, He jerks me straight, Pulls me back to his pressing needs. I am mostly patient with him. He makes my arm strong And reminds me how the world works, How the ravenous dogs of desire And worry, of anger and fear, These and all their starving pups Drag me across the rough edges of the world No matter how I wish to sit, Or set my course, or set my heart.


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Focus on Art %\ 5RE 0RKU

The Fountain of Youth “Art is a form of Consciousness.” Leo Tolstoy


ew to Lakeside? Like to grow young again? Enter the exciting world of the arts and drink deep from the fountain of youth. Your life will be enriched by the mystery and excitement that unfolds when you become a participant in the growing community of writers and artists here at Lakeside. You will wake up every day to face a blank page, or empty canvas, to the reality and complexities of the creative process and the struggle to find form and direction in the work you undertake as you explore that vast store of knowledge amassed by those who have gone before you. Aware of the dimensions of the task, the excitement inherent in becoming an artist or writer through disciplined effort, you will begin to reassemble the fragments of your life into a coherent whole, a way of seeing that is fresh and current. The creation of worlds whose scope and order push art forward requires time and discipline. When you fail (and you will fail) you may be tempted to settle for the creation of variations of themes based on the works of historic schools. But if you persist in the search for your truth, your failures will enable you to unravel art’s mystery, and create works that are intuitive and relevant: worlds that are a species unto themselves, subtle, nuanced, sensual, evolved, intelligent and coherent worlds that exist outside of chronological time. You will join a community of writers and artists who have walked through the challenges into new life singing their “songs of freedom,” and in the process discover mentors and communities that empower your efforts. Groups like the Lake Chapala Painting Guild offer companionship and help to develop the skills needed to enact your dreams. The Ajijic Writer’s Group, founded and coordinated by Alejandro Grattan, provides essential critiques and a sharing community. The Chapala- based writers group chaired by Jim Tipton and Victoria Schmidt offers a creative forum. And The Not Dead


El Ojo del Lago / August 2016

Yet Poets group motivates new poets through public readings and personal encouragement. My hope is that my words will inspire you to enter the creative life and join the fun and crazy world artist and writers inhabit. Meet now a few of the disciplined writers and artists who live and work at Lakeside. The quality of their achievements will surprise you. Painter and color theorist Lois Schroff invigorates life at Lakeside with

her wisdom and subtle paintings. Rainer Gocksch’s sculptures encapsulate the essence of emerging life. Poet Judy Dykstra-Brown’s sensual and organic observations uncover unseen worlds evoked by her magic use of language. Poet Margaret Van Every probes the core of human experience as she reassembles the passages of her life. With deft hand and mind Michael Warren offers a scholarly understanding of the craft of poetry. And poet Mel Goldberg’s tight Haiku demonstrate cutting precision of rare beauty. amazed by white clouds I accept my poverty Drink deep from the fountain. Open your spirit to the new life that will begin with your first creative effort. Rob Mohr

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f the political scene has left you baffled, even embarrassed of late, this book can help make sense not only of what is happening within the fabric of our society, but also in the political scene. Whereas some have turned to “outsiders” for the possibility of change, others seem to support candidates who court the less affluent, and seduce them into voting against their own economic interests. Haney-Lopez elucidated these and other conundrums of American politics deftly and clearly, without having to draw sides and vilify the sometimes unwitting perpetrators. “How coded racial appeals have reinvented racism and wrecked the middle class,” the book’s subtitle, states his thesis, which he goes about proving with a lucid prose style, underscored by copious bibliographic notes. A dog whistle‘s sound can only be

heard In h d by b canines. i I much h the h same way political jargon that is not overtly racist can be heard as racist by those who are predisposed to hear the subliminal message. Frequently a term such as “states’ rights” is heard differently by a Southerner and a New Englander. Being a liberal white child of the Sixties, I followed the civil rights movement through its twists and turns, and worked in the ghettos during the riots, to assure

my social services clients would receive the attention and support they needed. After the Brown vs. The Board of Education decision and the enforcement that came with it, I, like many others, shelved my racial concerns, accepting the notion of “color blindness” as a beneficent stance towards issues of race. In spite of an awareness of the atrocities in our systems of policing, judging and incarceration, housing, etc., my belief remained strong that racism had been dealt with, that the rest of the issues would be solved over time. As Haney-Lopez makes clear, racism has not gone anywhere, much less away. It is couched in new language, and racist ideas have begun to be expressed through euphemisms such as “states’ rights,” “law and order,” “home land security,” and lowering taxes on the wealthy. Obviously, those terms are two-edged swords, but when they are used to fan the fears of whites, and to support unrestricted capitalism; they become weapons to be used against both people of color and the economically disadvantaged. The first chapter of the book may be off-putting to conservatives, but it bears reading in that it points out how the GOP began to develop as the “white man’s party,” not only because of our national unwillingness to address race

as a factor, but also because of political expediency. In order to win an election one has to excite enough loyalty to get voters to the polls, and if a subliminal or overt approach to the matter works, then it is pragmatic to follow it. The conservative movement has used this technique to such an extent that they have convinced themselves that they are not racists. They don’t pull the race card, now do they? Yet references to welfare queens, illegal aliens and Sharia law all serve to enflame a natural paranoia in those who are susceptible. In truth, the book is a complete challenge for those of a conservative mindset, even though it does not challenge the basic tenets of a thoughtful, humane conservative. Perhaps Haney-Lopez is so convincing because he does not demonize the opposition. Instead he appeals to all readers to examine their beliefs, their behaviors and their language, in such a way that they expose their personal stance in a humane and intelligent way. Liberals are not let off the hook. They too have adapted the dog whistle to serve their own needs, and have been conspicuously absent in countering its negative effects. There is a large disaffection of people of color with the liberal side, so it seems doubtful that either party will be able to claim their loyalty in the future. The conclusion of the book is (an analysis of the current state of affairs, with the caveat) that changing demographics, and the end of a generation in which white supremacy was tolerated will not ever put an end to the evolution of dog whistle politics. A section called “What to Do” suggests clear measures to be taken at every level so that America can once again take an honest look at the issues of race in our society. If you’re searching for political understanding, Dog Whistle Politics is an important book to read! Clare Gearhart


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Comes C omes A Time Time F For or Dying Dying %\ -RKQ 7KRPDV 'RGGV


omes a time, comes a time for dying when the shadow walks away. Up until it dawned on me in an evening of sunsets, it wasn’t anything I paid much attention to. Lacking an extended family to speak of, in half a century anyone who passed left me out of the equation. Everyone in my life came and went like two trains going in the opposite direction, a blur of faces in the windows. I remember my first coffin. In grade six, the nuns marched us out of class and across the street to Dwyer Funeral Home to say our meek little benediction over the body of someone they told us was important. To this day I cannot lie on my back with my hands folded over my chest. As an adult I avoided funerals as an end of life ceremony and preferred to remember the good things about the person I had known; that way they never really died on me. My mother at 87 was the first personal close encounter with the reality that there really was the possibility I would end up in the proverbial dustbin. No open coffin though, cremation without ceremony was her option—she was heading straight for Heaven. That was a lifetime ago. Since then aging has played games with the face in the mirror. And although I’m not particularly thrilled about having to end the journey I’m on, in the end the choice will be a foregone conclusion. I do know that I have come full circle. In youth when everyday was sunrise and life engrossed all my senses, dying


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was a destiny I gave no thought to, and now having discarded time as irrelevant, reveling in the life that surrounds me, relegates death to just a likely possibility when the music stops playing. I can now reflect on the knowledge that dying is a part of living. Never so clear to me now that I live in a small Mexican village where it is an accepted part of daily life. For the first time I have been able to visit my neighbors coffin and remember him as he was and always will be in the hearts of those who passed his way. La celebración de la familia con la muerte del abuelo brought tears to my eyes, not only for the sadness of those left behind, but for all the celebrations I missed thinking death was not something I cared to pay a mind to. The music I love no longer plays at the top of the charts, and the melodies that rattle in my morning mind are vinyl stages of life that began and ended like mile markers on the interstate. No matter how long it takes there is an ending to everything. Is it possible that what I was after, after all, was an expression of self, and that’s all I will leave behind. In the finale there could wellness be, the inauguration of the end of what I started out to do in the very beginning. I still cannot lie back with my hands folded over my chest, not for fear of dying, but because I want to reach out and hold on to John Thomas everything. Dodds

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Fro om Doctor To Patie ent %\ 'U +HFWRU 9DOHQ]XHOD


ast year I developed hearing loss due to calcified bone in my ear canal. As most doctors do, I put off the surgery to correct the problem. I had patients that needed my care, which was the best excuse to avoid surgery. I hated to admit that the real reason was I was scared. In the New Year I decided it was time to watch over my health, I started to schedule my surgery. The surprise was that in order to fix my internal ear they first needed to make sure that the passage between ears and nose was permeable. It wasn’t. It turned out that I also had a deviated septum with an internal bone callus blocking 90% of my left nostril. So now instead of one ear surgery, I had to first undergo a larger


surgery. Let me just say that becoming a patient and facing a surgery from the other end of the scalpel was a turning point in my medical practice. The first thing I can remember after surgery is telling my wife that I wanted to write about this experience. Maybe it is because anesthesia makes one sensitive, but there were several things l acknowledged then that happened around that time, some of them funny and some of them not so much depending on one’s perspective. A week before surgery I had a phone call from a funeral home in Guadalajara saying that it was the discount month for doctors, and that it would really be a great idea to make arrangements now

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that it’s cheaper. Of course I felt completely disturbed by the fact that they called, but decided to go the polite way and see it as a “funny” coincidence and gently thanked them for their kind offer, but I wasn’t planning to hang up my lab coat just yet. It may have just been a coincidence, but it really got me thinking “What if?” I have a young beautiful wife and a two-year-old daughter who deserved a mature and smart choice from me, so I decided to call an insurance agent and bought myself life insurance with funeral expenses included just in case. I did not give in to fear of death but certainly as a Surgeon I know there are no 100% risk free procedures. Now thinking about it makes me chuckle! Surgery day is when the real experience started, I was asked to remove all of my clothes, and then young nurses came into the room to start an IV and administer the prescribed meds. l am not a shy fellow but, it really feels uncomfortable knowing that a bunch of strangers were going to be looking at my privates. As usual with patient/doctors, things are complicated and it took them four attempts to find a vein. I was ready to take the nurse’s needles and start the IV on myself, but just before that they finally got it so l kept my cool.

Then my anesthesiologist--the one I work with for my patients, and my surgeon who also is a friend and partner came in the room smiling and greeting everyone as if there was a reason to be happy, not for me! But it was nice to see them relaxed and well rested. When they asked me if I had any questions before we started, l had all the questions in the world but couldn’t find the words to ask them. Basically it all came down to, is it going to be alright? And then I just realized, these were two professionals picked by me in whom l trust completely, and l knew things would be great. When I arrived in the cold operating room in my very short and slim gown I thought at least I would get a nice buzz out of the experience, but to my disappointment I don’t remember it. The next thing I know I woke up in the recovery room in some pain, but managing to withstand it like a champ, because I promised myself I wouldn’t be a pain in the butt to my surgeon and complain as little as possible. That attitude lasted as long as the remaining anesthesia, then the real postoperative pain kicked in. I thank God for IV pain killers and morphine, and also for my Anesthesiology resident brother who came home to administer a couple of extra shots on the following day. They did a great job and l had great care before, during and after my surgery by everybody involved in it: doctors, nurses, family members and friends. And even so, it’s made me realize a bit of what patients go through when dealing with even more severe conditions and greater invasive surgery. I have nothing but the utmost respect for all the responsible and courageous people that make a smart call and choose to do something in favor of their health, despite the discomfort and changes in routine it may bring, and they have my infinite gratitude for trusting their health and their precious life in my hands. This experience has humbled me.

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Sandy Olson

Phone: 331-283-8529 Email: sandyzihua@hotmail.com

OPEN CIRCLE Sunday morning finds many Lakeside residents at the Lake Chapala Society and Open Circle, a forum on a variety of stimulating topics. A social hour with coffee and snacks at 10:00 a.m. is followed by an interesting lecture and discussion at 10:30. Here are the next presentations. August 7 Letting Mexico Mellow You Out Presented by Sandy Britton When you travel to, do business with, or move to another country, the culture clash can puzzle and even frustrate you – or it can expand your mind and change the way you see things. Sandy will share how the concept of “cultural intelligence” helped her understand her adopted country better, but even more important, how her time in Mexico has altered her view of life. August 14 My Favorite Songs Presented by Olga Kaplounenko Lakeside’s own Russian chanteuse will present her favorite songs from different periods of her life, songs reflecting an array of musical styles and tastes that include jazz, rock, bossa nova, and others. She’ll sing for us in Russian, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and maybe Swedish. August 21 Keys for Creating Caring Communities Presented by Barbara Hildt Barbara will share the most important things she learned doing community organizing and youth development work, ways to create conditions of mutual respect and cooperation within diverse groups and communities so that people of all ages, beliefs and backgrounds feel they belong and are appreciated. Promoting peace has always been her principal motivation. As a young mother prompted by fear, she became an organizer of the Nuclear Freeze movement calling for a halt to the nuclear arms race. She was soon persuaded to enter politics. After five terms in the Massachusetts legislature (‘83-’93), Barbara focused on promoting peace by creating programs aimed at preventing interpersonal violence. With her Mexican colleague, Livier Ayon, Barbara has facilitated workshops for several Lakeside schools and organizations. Currently she serves on the Board of the Lake Chapala Society and chairs their ComBarbara Hildt munity Committee. August 28 Generational Change: The Fourth Turning Presented by Hans Krauklis In their 1997 book, U.S. historians and demographers Howe and Strauss tried to divine the unfolding of history by defining cycles of 80- to 90-year periods—a human lifetime— subdivided into four phases or “turnings:” High, Awakening, Unravelling, and Crisis,” followed by the next High, etc. The interplay among generations has brought us to the “Fourth Turning” (Crisis), which may last another decade, to be followed, according to their prediction, by another High. September 4 A Day in the Life of the Jalisco Ballet Presented by Suzanne Salimbene Not involved in dance professionally, Suzanne has been a lifetime lover and supporter of dance. She will introduce us to Jalisco’s only professional ballet company, summarizing its history, the background of its ballet masters, and its goal to attain international recognition. The focus will be upon the dancers themselves through a description of the exacting six-day-a-week warm up, training, and rehearsal schedule. Company dancers will talk about their rigorous daily routines and their previous training, experience, and professional goals. RECITALS AT THE TRAIN STATION For music lovers, there are lovely evenings ahead at the Old Train Station in Chapala. The Centro Cultural Gonzalez Gallo presents the following: August 11 at 7 p.m., voice recital August 18 at 7 p.m., guitar recital with Eduardo Lara.

THE BREAKFAST CLUB A really great dinner deal happens on Thursday nights in San Antonio. It’s the brainchild of Wes Fink and Ron Mohr, who named it after the movie The Breakfast Club, where an unlikely group of high school students are stuck with each other in detention and become friends, So, friends, if you want to participate, make your menu selections, indicate a seating choice and the number in your party (up to a maximum of six). They need to know by Tuesday night for dinner on Thursday. Wes Fink and Ron Mohr The Breakfast Club seatings are at 5:30 and 7:30. You are welcome to be seated for the first seating any time between 5:00 and 5:30 or the second seating any time between 7:00 and 7:30. Seatings at the Breakfast Club have always been first come, first served. wes.fink@gmail.com / 765-5890. GROW YOUR OWN….. ……..vegetables, that is. The Ajijic Organic Vegetable Growers meet on the second Wednesday of the month at 10:00 in the gazebo at Tabarka Restaurant, Rio Zula #7. The next meeting will be on August 10. For information, email John McWilliams at mcwilliamsmx@ gmail.com or by phone at 376.766.0620. There are two websites that gardeners will find very informative: growingyourgreens. com and smilinggardener.com/introductions/why-grow-a-garden. YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THE LAST ONE Lakeside Little Theatre has broadened its Playhouse Series to be a key offering throughout the year. Here is the final performance of the season: Cavalliera Rusticana/Pagliacci, Pietro Mascagni/Ruggero Leoncavallo, August 13-14 Reserved seat tickets for each performance are 200 pesos each. Show times are Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m. Choose and reserve your seat at the time you purchase and pick up your tickets at the LLT Box Office on a first come, first served basis. Reserved seat tickets for each performance are 200 pesos each. Performances are Saturday evenings at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday matinees at 3:00 p.m. THE WORST SINGER IN THE WORLD The next Naked Stage production will be Glorious. It’s directed by Georgette Richmond. The play is based on the true story of Florence Foster Jenkins, the worst singer in the world. In New York in the 1940s, everyone wanted to see her live. She was known as “the first lady of the sliding scale,” and warbled Front, left to right: Liz White, Anne Drake, Graham Miller and screeched her Back, left to right: Jim Lloyd, Karuna Gomez, Walt Laway through the tham, Hillary LePage evening to an audience who mostly fell about with laughter. Play dates are August 19, 20, and 21. For more information and reservations, email naakedstagereservations@gmail.com. For those who use Facebook, look for The Naked Stage for breaking news and updates. The Naked Stage is located in Riberas del Pilar, at Hidalgo #261, on the mountain side and directly across from the Catholic Church. I’LL SEE YOU AT THE PLAY The event is the Lakeside Little Theatre’s kicking off Season 52 with production of Mark Twain, Uncensored. It’s a fundraisshow and runs August 23-28. The playwright is our own Ed The Playwright ing Tasca. This fun-filled show is directed by Barbara Clippinger. Himself—Ed Mark Twain, Uncensored features many of Twain’s characters



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Rear: Graham Miller, Sandy McKoy (Stage Manager), Allyson DeJong, D’Le Beatty-Tobias, Mac Morison, Roland McKoy, Maritza Freyslinger, Michael McGraith (Producer) Front: Andrew Higareda, Mia Bradley Supan, Pamela Johnson, Ed Tasca, Joanne Stuart, Barbara Clippinger (Director) Missing: Diana Rowland, John Foster, Justin Cogswell, Bob Hendrick, Judy Hendrick, Esteban Oeatling interrupting his lecture in performance of some of their most famous scenes. Subjects range from religion to travel abroad to life in the old west to the Civil War, often in context with today’s news. Ed is multi-talented and has published seven works of fiction and two plays. He’s also won a host of awards for humor. Don’t miss this great show! Tickets are available now at LLT’s Box Office, which is open every Wednesday and Thursday, from 10 a.m. to noon, then every day during the run of the show from 10 a.m. to noon, except Sunday, and one hour before curtain. THE GIRL GETS AROUND Our literary luminary Kelly-Hayes Raitt writes from Hanoi that she just learned that the Southern California Journalism Awards have been announced. Her column, “Living Large in Limbo,” from The Argonaut (a weekly newspaper in West Los Angeles) was awarded Second Best Column in a newspaper with under 50,000 circulation! We know this is a big deal and congratulate Kelly and hope to see her soon. Check out her website: www.LivingLargeInLimbo.com. SOMETHING NEW IN TOWN We hear from John Stokdijk about the inaugural meeting of the Ajijic Book Club will be held at La Nueva Posada on Tuesday, August 30, 2016 from 4 to 6 p.m. ABC focuses exclusively on nonfiction books. ABC welcomes all world-views. More information is available at http://computerguyajijic.com/abc/. THEY’RE FULL OF HOT AIR Saturday, September 8 is Ajijic’s Globo Regatta, which features hand-made hot-air balloons made out of paper. They will be constructed largely on site by teams engaging in friendly competition, with the balloons ranging from small and simple to large and very complex, and will be continuously launched throughout the show. The fun begins at 3pm at the Ajijic Soccer field near El Torito on Calle Revolucion at 3 p.m. LET’S PLAN AHEAD There’s an exciting 2016-17 season at the Lakeside Little Theatre. The 2016-17 season looks like this: Painting Churches, September 23-October 2 Outside Mullingar, October 21-30 Chapter 2, December 2-11 Death and the Maiden, January 13-22, 2017 Chicago, February 11-28 Second Summer, March 24-April 2 For information on ticket sales, call 376.766.0954


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(messages are okay), or email tickets@lakesidelittletheatre.com. THE PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB Jill Flyer, photographer extrordinaire, has formed a club aimed at anyone who has an interest in photography, as an art form to be appreciated or for people who simply like to take photos. The club is for both amateurs and professionals. Meetings will be held at the Ajijic Cultural Center on the second Tuesday of the mont from 2 to 4 p.m. For more information, please write Jill Flyer @: fotoflyer2003@yahoo.com. FOR YOU CHORISTERS OUT THERE Talented singer Cindy Paul is starting a small choral group, the Lake Chapala Chorale. She’s auditioning singers up until mid-October. It’s not necessary to read music. The debut, “Christmas Then and Now,” is set for early December. Write the email for details: LakeChapalaChorale@gmail.com, or cindypaul2@gmail.com. Also, phone her at 376.762.0865. FERIA MAESTRO DEL ARTE The 15th annual Feria will be held November 11-13, Friday and Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission will be 50 pesos. The feria’s location is at the Club de Yates de Chapala (Chapala Yacht Club), Paseo Ramon CoJill Flyer rona in Chapala. This is a great volunteer opportunity. If interested, please contact Rachel McMillan (376) 106.0935, rjmcmillen@shaw.ca. Those of you who might want to try hosting, please contact Sandra Spencer, (376) 766-1923, sandraspencer@gmail.com. NEXT MONTH….CHILES EN NOGADA CASA, the Culinary Arts Society of Ajijic, just completed two oversold days of cooking classes by guest chef Marie-Lyse Jacobsmuhlen. The menu that she prepared was called,” A typical Sunday Brunch in Sri Lanka.” Marie-Lyse assembled a very ambitious menu that was complex and layered with multitudes of exotic spices, which were all available at Mercado de Abastos in Guadalajara. Net proceeds from this class will be donated to Tepehua Centro Comunitario and Ninos Incapacitados. CASA’s next cooking class is scheduled for September, with guest chef/owner Oscar Perez Nafarrate Solis from El Jardin de Ninette, when he will feature some different takes on the classic chiles en nogada and mole in honor of Independence Day, 16 de septiembre. If you would like to know more about future cooking classes or to pre-register (space is limited) please contact casalakeside@yahoo. com. CASA meets the third Monday of each month at La Mision Restaurant on Rio BraMonica Molloy, Marie-Lyse Jacobsmuhlen and vo, with social time beginning at 3:30 pm (unless otherwise Michele Lococo notified). The next meeting will be on August 15. To inquire about CASA membership, contact their membership chairman, Rick Feldman, or use the website: casalakeside@yahoo.com

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e all know what rehabilitation is or at least we all think we know what it means. The true definition is “to restore to a good working condition.” But what about PRE-habilitation? Isn’t it more important to prepare for an inevitable injury, sickness or surgery and even to postpone death? The best form of pre-habilitation may well be as simple as strength training, which may be performed at home or at a commercial gym. Lifting weights or any resistance has many health benefits. Balance can definitely be improved by working the lower body, front, rear, and both sides of the legs, as well as the core, (a band that surrounds the body and separates the upper body from the lower body). Strong muscles will help prevent bones from being broken as easily during falls that may occur when walking on uneven surfaces and strength training will help prevent Sarcopenia, or shrinking of muscle size with corresponding loss of strength. Lifting weights may reduce or eliminate osteoporosis, or weak bone structure, prevalent in older women, which in conjunction with strong muscles will aid in fewer broken or fractured bones. Dementia, such as Alzheimer’s Disease, may be prevented with a sound program of strength training which also stimulates brain waves. Parkinson patients can benefit greatly by adding


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resistance exercises for balance and fine motor control tuning. Functional movements, as we age, become more difficult. Even performing simple tasks such as squatting, bending over to pick up an object or reaching over-head can be made more effortless with resistance exercises stressing these movements. Strength training for fat loss may actually enlarge the heart, thicken it’s walls and make the heart perform more efficiently and is far superior to performing endless hours of long slow cardio, as in walking on a treadmill. Recovery from surgery will come quicker when the muscles surrounding the surgical site are strengthened, as muscle heals faster than fat. Prepare for upcoming operations with strength training especially where the incision is to be made. Joint replacements will become easier to recover from when the muscles holding that particular joint are strengthened and the time for rehabilitation will be shortened and you will be back to a normal life sooner than expected. On a personal note, I took my first weight lifting course as a freshman at Texas Christian University in1966, and have continued to workout as I approach my 69th birthday. In the last three years I have had a hip replacement, which I prepared for and I recovered in less than a week. I survived a five day-old burst appendix and left the hospital five days later with my surgeon saying “You have just won the lottery.” Last year I had a random attack of Tackycardia where my heart rate zoomed up to 167 Beats per Minute (BPM) for seven hours until a Cardiologist applied pressure to my eye- balls which brought my heart rate down to a respectable 67 BPM. Last June it was discovered seizures in my right leg were caused by a Stage 4 malignant brain tumour that needed to be removed immediately. That surgery was successfully performed on Tuesday morning and I was back to training at the gym on the following Friday. Strength Training really is the best medicine.

Saw you in the Ojo 39


Anyone Can Train Their Dog %\ $UW +HVV artthedogguy@yahoo.com

Keep a Tally!


uring a recent class, a student said his dog just has a stubborn streak and will ignore him when he calls him. I asked what he did about this and he said mostly he raised his voice and called a few more times and when he still didn’t come he mostly just gave up and realized that the dog is just naturally stubborn and hard headed. I wanted to tell the man that he was the one who is hard headed but I realized the problem wasn’t going to be resolved by me being ignorant. We went back and started at square one and reviewed the steps to a successful recall which require that you have to get the dog’s attention and that is why the first thing we taught was for the dog to respond to his name and to focus. Next we use a lure and a hand signal and voice command to tell him what we want him to do. We make the task very simple and easy so we are setting the dog up to succeed and when he responds favorably we “mark” his success with either a vocal response or a clicker and then we reward. Sounds easy? It really is but the challenge is carefully following the rules and to practice. Here’s a simple tool to help you to be more successful. Get a small notebook and draw a line down the middle of a sheet. On the top of one side put your name and on top of the other column put your dog’s name. Now proceed


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to practice the recall or the “come” command. (This system can be used with any task) Every time the dog responds favorably and looks at you when he hears his name and comes directly to you as soon as you give him the command you count that as one for your side and put a check mark under your name. If he ignores you, needs you to raise your voice, or doesn’t come at all, or in any way does not perform the task in the way you taught him to perform, you put a check mark under his name. This means he won that round. Keep practicing in various situations and be completely honest and tally the check marks for your success and for his. You see if he is doing it improperly and you are allowing that, he is really training you that he has found another way to play this game and you have accepted his method. Now if you were the trainer manager for one of these multi-zillion dollar sports teams someone would look at your results vs. his results and suggest that you perhaps should try to figure out what is wrong here. Now is time for you to go back to the play book and review your steps and to practice doing it properly and not to proceed to step two, three, etc. until the student has completely mastered each phase. You continue to keep your tally and do not change criteria (location, distance, distractions) until the student is performing the task perfectly at least 4 out of 5 times or 80%. Only then do we change any of the criteria and remember to only change one thing at a time. If you change locations everything else stays the same. For example never change location, distance and add a distraction all at once because we are setting the dog up for failure, Remember we build on simple, solid successes. If we don’t keep score we can’t expect to improve and if we don’t try something new and more difficult we keep doing the easy thing over and over and often become proficient at doing things Art Hess improperly.

Saw you in the Ojo 41



Mexico’s Rainy Season


uring the hot arid months of spring, we anxiously await the arrival of the rainy season. We get to the point where we beg for the cooler temperatures, and moisture to tamp down the endless dust, and refill our evaporating lake. People make friendly bets as to the date of the first “actual” rain, which most describe as a gully washer, water from sidewalk to sidewalk. When the “rain birds” begin their mating song, we know that the rain will soon come. And when it finally does arrive, people have been known, myself included, to go outside and dance in the rain. The new appreciation for the change in weather lasts all of about a week in our house. The first casualty of the rainy season is our garage, where we have to dam the water from entering. Each year we try something new with varying degrees of success. Our next issue is our dog, Baxter, who puts terror into the word Terrier. He doesn’t like getting wet. He refuses to go out for his walk. Even on a leash, he applies his brakes, and he doesn’t move. I bought a yellow slicker for him, and while that helps, he still hates his walk. But Oso, our Chow-Retriever mix is impossible to dry. And our nice clean floor is covered with big muddy paw prints. Luckily, most of the rain this year has been at night. Good for the dogs, bad for the satellite. It seems that the weather gods are not fans of mysteries,


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or television in general, but as soon as the program gets to the point of imparting crucial information…the picture begins to pixelate, and the sound cuts off, and the satellite displays the message that it is “sorry” please wait while signal reacquisition is in process. When the storm is bad, we must grope around to find the remote for the TV and the Satellite to turn them off in case the electricity goes out. Which can happen frequently. Of course, reading books become the obvious alternative, and we don’t even have to have electricity due to electronic books with lighted backgrounds or use of book lights. Heavy morning rains are the least popular. I can get to my car, but driving, parking, and walking in the rain require a very special kind of patience I don’t possess. Mexico’s rock roads are a hazard in the rain, as the rain disguises all those big pits in the road, as water covers the road. Even the kindest of drivers spray pedestrians on the sidewalk. And the rain seems to make our pot holes worse. People using the bus don’t fare well either, a woman told me when she got off the bus, the water came nearly up to her knees! She couldn’t cross the road because the water had been flowing so hard it had developed its own current. Parking is at a premium as more people are driving because it is raining. They want to park as close to their destination as possible but end up walking further, and even umbrellas can’t protect us, as they are often too wide for the narrow sidewalks. So, we park, slog through puddles, to our destination arriving wet, with spongy shoes, wondering why we even left the house in the first place. Yet the rainy season does us many favors. It tells us that our roof leaks, the doors and windows don’t shut tight, and reminds us that fireworks aren’t the only loud noises our pets don’t enjoy. Remind me: Why were we so anxious for rainy season? Victoria Schmidt

Saw you in the Ojo 43

Speaking Truth To Power %\ 0DUJDUHW 9DQ (YHU\


ome lives seem to have a theme almost from the start, and so it appears with Barbara Hildt, who set her priorities early on and never deviated. It certainly didn’t hurt to have parents who were activists for peace and social justice. She attributes to them and her Quaker faith her lifelong commitment to promote peace on whatever level and through whatever avenues available. And Barbara availed herself of many—the Peace Corps, mobilizing grassroots activists, public service, peace education in schools and community organizations. Barbara studied art and music for two years at Bard College and then taught art in two Washington DC inner city schools and a private school. These experiences taught her that “everyone has potential for creativity.” She and David Hildt married in 1968 and immediately entered the US Peace Corps, serving three years in Brazil, doing rural community development. On returning to the US, Barbara earned a degree in Art Education from Massachusetts College of Art and went on to teach art at a private boarding school outside Boston. In ’76, the couple moved to Amesbury, Massachusetts, with their daughter Natalie, born the prior year. Then came sons Michael and Simon during the next six years. Having children, Barbara says, turned her into a determined community activist. Her concern about the nuclear arms race motivated her to organize the Merrimack Valley Council for a Nuclear Weapons Freeze, which was affiliated with the national movement calling for a bilateral halt to the production of weapons of mass destruction. At the same time, she mobilized mothers to get behind their baby carriages every Saturday, rain or snow, with signs opposing the construction and licensing of the Seabrook nuclear power plant just over the border in New Hampshire. Motivated by concerns about threats to public health and safety, Barbara was persuaded to run for public office and was elected five


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Barbara Hildt

times to serve in the Massachusetts House of Representatives (198393). Prompted by the Chernobyl meltdown (1986), she gained the support of Governor Dukakis to try to stop the Seabrook plant from operating. They fought all the way to the US Supreme Court, which did not rule in their favor. Unfortunately, the hazards of the plant have increased since then as irreparable cracks have formed in the containment structure. Now many state and local officials are calling for an immediate shutdown. During her ten years in office, Barbara served on legislative committees with oversight of state agencies responsible for environmental protection, education, social services, welfare, mental health, public health, juvenile justice, and prisons. She became convinced that costly problems such as child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, and substance addiction could be prevented through effective education and early interventions that change behaviors of young people. Thus she became a leading advocate for comprehensive health education in schools. In 1993, shortly after leaving public office, Barbara was made the Public Policy Fellow at The Bunting Institute at Harvard University, where she wrote and spoke about The New Politics of Inclusion and taught seminars in Effective Public Policy Advocacy. She was also hired by The Medical Foundation (199396), as part of her mission to work for violence prevention, to design and direct a violence prevention campaign organized by students in 50 Massachusetts high schools. Other leadership roles ensued. She was hired to direct a federally funded regional coalition to prevent

violence and substance abuse in four Merrimack Valley communities. She and her team of community youth workers created Peace Quest, a model for developing healthy behaviors in ethnically diverse youth through peace camps, art activities, and recreational programs that promoted cooperation. In 1990 Barbara co-founded WiLL, Women Legislators Lobby, a network of women state legislators affiliated with Women’s Action for New Directions (WAND), a national organization empowering grassroots women to promote public policies for peace and to win elections. She served as president of the board of WAND from 1997-2001. In 2003 Barbara started Youth Empowerment Services (YES), Inc., a nonprofit that conducted training for youth, teachers, and youth workers, based on HIPP (Help Increase the Peace Program). From 2004-08 Barbara was an adjunct Professor of Sociology at the University of Massachusetts in Lowell, training students to lead HIPP workshops in schools and youth programs. Barbara retired to Lakeside in 2009 with her husband Allan MacGregor. She has continued her commitment to help create peaceable,

inclusive community groups and schools as a volunteer and serving on boards of Love in Action, Viva la Música, and the Lake Chapala Society, now as chair of the LCS Community Committee. Barbara Hildt will speak about “Keys for Creating Caring Communities” at Open Circle on August 21 at 10:30 a.m. in the LCS rear patio. Margaret Van Every

Saw you in the Ojo 45

The Egyptian Caravan n %\ &DURO / %RZPDQ

Dear Sir: Thank you for publishing this sane and sensible article “Orlando Massacre Dedication” by Mark Boyer. It is so refreshing to read an article that is not merely a reaction to the situation, but is rather a thought-out

response of rationality. His views are not sparked by political intrigue, but rather of basic human kindness and caring. Thank you, Mark, for writing this. Tish Wagoner tish2you2@gmail.com


ifteen scared, wilted neophytes atop swaying humps, meandered across the Sahara to their tented camp. The silhouette of camels sauntering across hot sand, bearing travelers and cargo, reflected the universal image of the term ‘desert caravan.’ I rode the first camel in a line of twenty, clinging to a polished wooden saddle in a high, uncomfortable perch while the sure-footed animal ambled along in a rote manner. As the lead rider, if I fell off this beast, the entire convoy would be disrupted. I focused on the white-robed camel driver trudging in the sand ahead of me and prayed. Months later, I participated in a different type of procession; a chain of hi-tech ships, instead of a trail of camels, crossing over water, hot dunes, a convoy moving inside a narrow channel cut into the sand rather than on top of it. Passage through the Suez Canal, the artificial sea level waterway connecting the Red Sea and the Mediterranean, brought excitement rather than anxiety. During the 12-hour transit, sipping cocktails on our cool, shaded veranda of the 600 passenger Azamara Quest luxury liner, replaced memories of swirling sand and brutal sun.The dreamy comfort of the nautical caravan won my favor. At 4AM, container and cargo ships, along with our lone cruise vessel dotted the Gulf of Suez, waiting for the Canal Authority to rank the order of the 22 ships scheduled for that day’s second northbound convoy. Most of the canal is single lane, but strategic calculation enables passing of north and southbound fleets mid-point in the wide Great Bitter Lake. Officials assigned our ship to position number two. One of many Egyptian pilots, required to guide all vessels through the passage, boarded the Azamara at Port Tewfik. He announced that the lead Maersk container ship, despite the mandatory reduced speed to prevent sand erosion, still


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churned up too much debris. He maneuvered passed the culprit, making our cruise liner the new trailblazer of the caravan. I felt as if I was on that lead camel again, with an unobstructed view of the canal ahead and an unbroken string of 21 parade vessels following. From the bridge, an on-board historian offered tales about the Suez Canal, which triggered my imagination back 150 years when the 120-mile waterway opened. What a spectacle that must have been with horns blaring, operatic voices and dancing from Verdi’s grand opera, Aida. I chuckled, thinking about the 1938 film Suez and ill-cast Tyrone Power, who portrayed Ferdinand de Lesseps, the French diplomat who masterminded the idea and the funding of the Suez. In the movie, clean shaven, young, dashing and trim, Power bore no resemblance to de Lesseps, tall, portly, sporting a bushy moustache and 64 years old when the project was finished. Egyptian pharaohs considered passage through the Isthmus of Suez as early as 1850 B.C., but dug an east-west channel connecting the Nile River to the Red Sea and used by Cleopatra instead. During the 1798 French campaign in Egypt, Napoleon also abandoned his dream of a canal when his engineer erroneously reported that its construction would require navigation locks. As we entered the narrow waterway, we glided past residential neighborhoods, loading docks, a golden domed mosque and multiple spired minarets rising above the city landscape. For Egyptians living along the route, these ship caravans are interwoven into the fabric of their lives. The daily parade of vessels continues 24/7. Our port side veranda offered refreshing breezes and a view of activities on this strip of mainland Egypt. The unfortunate passengers with starboard porches saw nothing but the drab, desolation of the Sinai. At dawn, as the rising sun twinkled on the apartment build-

ings lining the banks of Port Tewfik, we heard the familiar Muslim call to prayer that had blared from loud speakers atop minarets in Dubai, Muscat, Salalah, and Aqaba. We watched as men, wearing their white robe dish dashers scurried through the streets, all obligated to gather at mosques for Friday, ‘Holy Day’ prayers. Conflict and international tension has plagued the Suez ever since Ferdinand de Lesseps obtained concession from the Pasha of Egypt and Sudan to construct the canal in 1854. Selling shares in the company to French investors, de Lesseps ran into trouble when the British opposed the use of forced-labor Egyptian workers. Thousands died under the severe conditions. The British sent armed Bedouins to start a Workers’ Revolt and digging had to be halted many times. Finally, on Nov. 17, 1869, the canal opened under French control, but ironically, the first ship through the passage was the British PTO Liner, Delta. Bankrupt, de Lesseps had no choice but to sell shares to the British, who gained control from 1882 until 1956, when Egypt’s President Nasser nationalized the canal. He closed the Straits of Tiran to all Israeli ships, forcing the Suez Crisis, in which the United Kingdom, France and Israel all invaded Egypt. UN peacekeeping forces settled the raw nerves until 1967, when Nasser ordered the troops out of the Sinai. The Six-Day War between Israel, and the Egyptian/ Syrian coalition immediately erupted. We passed numerous cement observation turrets raised on the canal banks, manned by Egyptian military, binoculars searching the horizon for an unlikely Israeli invasion. Abandoned pontoon bridge sections lined the sand, ready to form a bridge for military vehicles to cross over to the Sinai to protect against attack. With my binoculars, I locked on a young soldier’s field

glasses. Eyes to eyes, he waved a friendly hello in the visual exchange. After the Six-Day War, the Egyptians blockaded the Suez, placing mines at both entrances. For the next eight years, fifteen cargo ships, known as the Yellow Fleet, remained trapped inside the channel, until the canal reopened to traffic in June, 1975, with a convoy led by Egyptian President, Anwar el-Sadat. Current one-way tolls average $250,000, making Egypt’s annual take 5.3 billion US. Our ship, one of only a few cruise lines to include the Suez Canal in its itinerary, paid $150,000. Nearing Port Said, the gateway to the Mediterranean, hallmarks of city life sprang up on the banks. As we exited this historic channel, our protected Egyptian caravan dispersed, as each ship steamed alone into the open sea. Here, an ironic twist unfolded. The French sculptor, Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, impressed by the colossal figures of ancient Egypt, designed a statue of gigantic proportions that would guide ships into the entrance of the Suez. He envisioned a huge Greek goddess, draped in a robe of folds, her hand held high with a torch reaching to the sky, and would call it “EgyptBringing Light to Asia.” He tried to sell the idea to Suez officials, who financially strapped, declined his offer. Bartholdi went searching for an alternate location and landed in New York City. He made a few changes to the facial features and added a crown. I will never look at the Statue of Liberty the same again. The roots of the cherished American icon originated in the Egyptian Suez Canal! Carol L. Bowman

Saw you in the Ojo 47

%\ /RLV 6FKURႇ www.lakechapalapaintingguild.org


oethe (1749-1832), the exemplary German poet/playwright/scientist of the 18th Century worked for the greater part of his life to resolve his epic poem, Faust. The first part of the publication appeared when he was 24 years old and the ending segment only a year before his death at age 83. Dr. Faustus was the bored professor who longed for excitement and love in his life—so much so that he sold his soul to the devil (Lucifer/Mephistophiles) who created the appropriate situations. Goethe had to resolve the issue of how one extricates the powerful force of evil—once the pact has been made. In the final scene, depicted on Easter Sunday, Faust sees a choir of angels singing Christ is Risen and, at the same time, Mephistopheles being turned away by the sword of the Archangel Michael. Faust realizes his error, turns to Christ, and regains control of his soul. Goethe was a man with a foot in both the world of art and that of science, and he was a keen observer of nature--Metamorphosis of Plants, Theory of Colors. A very vocal critic of Newton’s color theory, he felt that Newton did not observe the truth to be found in nature, but merely jumped to theory, and that Newton’s followers would lose sight of the reality of the spiritual world that is the creator of the organic world. Indeed, this is what has happened. Historically, in the Western world, the 15th century began the Renaissance and the end of the Middle (Dark) Ages. This was a turning point in human evolution marked by discoveries of scientists still revered today (Galileo, Newton, Darwin). The age of materialistic/mechanistic physics was born, opposing folk tales, fairy tales and superstition. Prior “Classical Antiquity” incorporated the mythology and philosophy of Greece, Egypt and other countries where initiation rites were performed in temples of Gods and Goddesses. The appearance and sacrifice of Christ Jesus in that era was realized by the mystics as a public enactment and confirmation of the well-known secretly-performed rites of initiation wherein the aspirant was placed in a three-day “sleep” and then awakened with the realization that he/ she had a personal experience of the


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truths concealed within the previously unknown invisible world. These three very different cultures that include our own were and are obviously created by the human mind--as the thinking process changes through the epochs. Now that we are more than 500 years into the scientific era, the subject of the super-sensible or evil is rarely considered. As a Western population, we very rarely create heart-felt imaginations. We instead use brain-centered technology to examine dead organic matter and glimpse into the starry world, expecting to uncover secrets of our existence or the fantasy of escaping our destiny. I found it interesting that Shakespeare (art) and Galileo (science) were born in the same year (1564) and that Martin Luther (religious revisionist) was born in 1483, paving the way to a new consciousness. In religion today, other than through the practice of exorcism by select churches, most no longer appear to believe in the existence of an immoral spiritual influence (while at the same time preaching that Christ came from an unseen world ruled by a God). However this is not the case for some serious and well-respected writers of our era such as C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters, That Hideous Strength, or psychiatrist M. Scott Peck , People of the Lie, Glimpses of the Devil, or Dorothy L. Sayers, The Man Born to be King, Letters to a Diminished Church. When considering the present (or past) world condition, it is easy to despair, but recognizing our part and acting on it, will help save humanity. Lois Schroff

Why Ajijic, Mexico? %\ 'U 7RGG 6WRQJ


limate Mile high site with clean, clear air/breezes from all directions each day. Temperatures in the 70s everyday of the year, low humidity. National Geographic rates this village as having the #2 best climate in the world. Rains only in summer and mostly only at night. Never worry about getting wet! Services Cost of Living with driving and eating out/entertainment (2-3 times/ week) about $25k/yr. Some live here OK on SS at $15k/year. Rents at $3501100/month, normal range is 500-800 that includes electric, water and trash. Personal services are 1/4th cost of in US (maid, car driver, personal care - $2-4/hour) Auto mechanic a 3 min walk at 1/3-1/4 the USA cost. Haircut $3.50, Car wash - $2. No need no heat or AC, you can walk to most anything, a drive of more than 10 miles seems totally unnecessary. Sites Village plaza/churches, boating on the lake, mountains, ancient artifacts (caves, pyramids, petro glyphs.) Thermal baths, rustic rural villages, 1000 acres of exported raspberries, Guadalajara the #2 city of Mexico at 500 yrs old has anything to be found in the USA/CA (theater, opera, a zoo, COSTCO, SAMS, etc.) Entertainment Live music every night at some restaurants in our own village. View A 400-year old village with cobble stone streets, church bells each 15 minutes, mountains 1/4th mile to north, Mexico’s largest (50 mile long) lake 1/3rd mile down hill to the south, 2nd floor, large windows on three sides that all look out on to colorful scenes with ever blooming flowers Health A significant feeling of increased vigor once back here within even a week. Fresh vegetables and fruits from the weekly street market at 1/3rd the US cost. Abundant lemons/limes growing

in yard. Clinic just three minutes away. English-speaking doctor seven-minute walk ($15/visit) Full medical coverage by VA for me and now coverage for full family via TriCare, 66 hospitals in Guadalajara include some of the best in the world. A very welcome climate here for alternative medicine offerings Convenience By Walking Three minutes: Four Corners convenience stores, auto mechanic, Chinese restaurant. Four minutes: Clinic/hospital, 24 hour pharmacy, 4 restaurants, 2- ATM. Six minutes: Four more restaurants, fruit/vegetable shops, Mexican grocery store, gas station. Eight minutes: Village plaza (400 yrs old), lots of life, great restaurant, butcher, many sidewalk vendors. Ten minutes: LCS with nearly 4000 members, daily classes, lectures, video/audio library, an acre-size paradise with lush vegetation. By Auto Four minutes: Wal-Mart, FedEx, Two movie theaters. Six minutes: Restaurants with live music/dancing (7), other restaurants (5). Eight minutes: Church. Ten minutes: Thermal bath resort at San Juan Cosala. Eleven minutes: Chapala, the county capital with many stores, a large Lakeside boardwalk. Forty minutes: International airport (12 flights/day to USA, $90 to reach TX). $24 by taxi to airport. Four hours: Pacific Ocean beach towns (perhaps $40 by bus) ($100 to TX or $50 with senior pass) Communications Internet – quite similar to US ($18/ month). Skype phone-like conversation is free. Local phones – house phone ($15/mon), cell phone ($16 of minutes lasts a month or more) International phone – Magic Jack ($40/ yr.) Unlimited calls to and from USA/ CA, can carry same phone on to USA for use up there. Dr. Todd Stong

Saw you in the Ojo 49




he declarer play left something to be desired in this hand that was played at a club duplicate game. North’s opening bid of 2 diamonds was the Flannery Convention showing 4 spades and 5 hearts with 11 to 15 high card points. It was originally conceived to handle what was deemed to be an awkward holding. The theory was that if you opened 1 heart and partner bid 2 of a minor, you couldn’t show your spade suit without “reversing” the bidding and promising in the region of 16+ points. The 2-over-1 game force system has led to a decline in Flannery’s popularity but it’s important to understand it if you do come across it at the bridge table North’s opening bid was duly alerted by South and East chimed in with a bid of 3 diamonds, a natural call in this context. South had a minimum hand in terms of high card points but his excellent fit with partner’s majors persuaded him to jump all the way to game. He chose to play in spades rather than hearts as when the 4-4 fit is trumps the hand can sometimes produce more tricks than the 5-4. West led the diamond 3, top of a doublet on in East’s suit and declarer played the 10 from dummy, which was won with the Queen. East got out with a small spade, won by West with the king to continue with her second diamond which was won in the dummy with the ace. Declarer now played a trump from the dummy, won by East who now played the diamond king hoping to promote a winner for his partner. It was not to be as South held the boss spades


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and now drew the last trump. At this point South had lost 3 tricks and needed to bring home the heart suit without loss to make his contract. A firm believer in the “8 ever, 9 never” maxim (with a combined 8 cards in a suit you always finesse for a queen but with 9 cards you play for the drop), he now played a low heart to dummy’s king and cashed the ace only to discover that West had an established trick with the heart queen. So where did declarer go wrong? Primarily by not paying adequate attention to the opponents’ bidding and play. East had shown a six card diamond suit, meaning that West had only 2 cards in that suit. Therefore, there were 11 “vacant spaces” in West’s hand as opposed to only 7 in East’s, making it likely that West held more cards in any particular suit. When trumps had been drawn, declarer should have played a small heart from his hand to dummy’s ace, in case there was a singleton queen lurking. When only small cards appeared he could have returned to his hand with the club ace and then played a heart to dummy’s jack. He would have been rewarded with a game bonus when the queen turned out to be with West. Of course, there was no guarantee that finessing the heart jack would have worked but in the long run knowing the best percentage plays leads to success at bridge. Questions or comments: email: masson.ken@gmail. com Ken Masson



fter I gave the lecture on Ocular Diseases “What you should know about your eyes” on January 10th 2016 (at Open Circle), I was asked all sorts of questions but I was also asked to write an article about Corneal Dystrophies. A few friends, with corneal dystrophies, came to ask me to see them and to diagnose their corneal problems. They really wanted me to examine them and advise them of what to do with their problems. But before I discuss any of my friends’ problems let us first find out about Corneal Dystrophy. What does it mean? Corneal dystrophies are a group of genetic, often progressive, eye disorders in which abnormal material often accumulates in the clear (transparent) outer layer of the eye (cornea). Corneal dystrophies may not cause symptoms (asymptomatic) in some individuals; in others they may cause significant vision impairment. The age of onset and specific symptoms vary among the different forms of corneal dystrophy. The disorders have some similar characteristics; most forms of corneal dystrophy affect both eyes (bilateral), progress slowly, do not affect other areas of the body, and tend to run in families. Most forms are inherited. The symptoms of corneal dystrophies result from the accumulation of abnormal material within the cornea, the clear outer layer of the eye. The cornea serves two functions; it protects the rest of the eye from dust, germs and other harmful or irritating material, and it acts as the eye’s outermost lens, bending incoming light onto the inner lens, where the light is then directed to the retina The retina converts light to images, which are then transmitted to the brain. The cornea must remain clear (transparent) to be able to focus incoming light. Such material may cause the cornea to lose its transparency potentially causing loss of vision or blurred vision. A symptom common of many

forms of corneal dystrophy is: Recurrent corneal erosion can cause discomfort or severe pain, an abnormal sensitivity to light (photophobia), the sensation of a foreign body (such as dirt or an eyelash) in the eye, and blurred vision. It needs immediate attention. The presence of a corneal dystrophy may be found incidentally during a routine eye examination. A diagnosis may be confirmed by a thorough clinical evaluation. The treatment of corneal dystrophies varies. Individuals who do not have symptoms (asymptomatic) or only have mild symptoms may not require treatment and may instead be regularly observed to detect potential progression of the disease. Specific treatments for corneal dystrophies may include: Eye drops, Ointments, Lasers, Corneal Transplant. In individuals with significant associated symptoms a corneal transplant may be necessary. Corneal transplants have been highly successful in treating individuals with advanced symptoms of corneal dystrophies. I will not enumerate all corneal dystrophies but I will discuss one patient seen here in the village: a female in her sixties, who already did have a corneal transplant in one eye, and was concerned about having another corneal transplant in the other eye. The examination, effectively, revealed some corneal abnormalities in the endothelium, which is the last inner layer of the cornea. The fact that her corneal damages were located off center of the cornea her vision was still good and no double vision, which is one of the most current problem induced by this problem. She was reassured that an eminent corneal transplant will not be necessary and to wait a few more months until it will become a real problem. It is very good to be examined on a regular basis to make sure that the health of your eyes is free of any potential eye diseases.

Saw you in the Ojo 51



n Part One, we looked at the traits of a psychopath, now I want to examine what makes an everyday psychopath turn into a person that commits murders. Their childhood upbringing usually comes to mind, but Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Dennis Rader grew up in healthy households with supportive families. A University of Wisconsin, Madison study on psychopathy in criminals showed a decreased connectivity between the amygdala, which processes negative stimuli, and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, which interprets responses from the amygdala. If connectivity is low


between these two parts of the brain then negative emotions do not surface, as seen when psychopaths are caught showing no sense of guilt or emotional pain. This study was on criminal psychopaths and not everyday psychopaths living amongst us undetected. It does, however, give credence that these tendencies may be grounded in their DNA. Ted Bundy’s words show a psychopath’s main traits--callous, exploitative, impulsive inclinations, and an inability to feel remorse: “I don’t feel guilty for anything. I feel sorry for people who feel guilt. I’m as cold as a mothef...... as you’ve put

El Ojo del Lago / August 2016

your f..king eyes on. I don’t give a sh.t about these people.” Let’s speculate that Jack the Ripper was not a psychopath but a psychotic. Many traits are similar between the two. The main difference is that a psychotic does not have a complete sense of reality, and can be kept under control with medication. Some of the most heinous crimes are committed by psychotics. I personally lean toward Jack the Ripper as a psychopath because the murders were calculated. The victims may have been watched before the murders took place. Voyeurism is part of the psychopath’s power. A psychotic Jack the Ripper, I believe, would have been caught because the brain chemistry is different. In this hypothesis the glutamate system is deregulated, which in bipolar or schizophrenics causes manic phases that can manifest as hallucinations or delusions. Psychopaths do not hear voices in their heads nor hold fast to elaborate theories about the world. A case which defines psychosis is that of Richard Trenton Chase who drank and bathed in the victim’s blood. He believed he had to prevent Nazis from turning his blood

into powder with a poison they had hidden under his soap dish. The X factor, as I call it, which leads to a person becoming a serial killer can start at an early age. These signs can foreshadow a person committing violent crimes in later life. Psychopaths feed on power. They may love to set fires indicating the potential to become an arsonist. They see it as having the power to destroy things. Young people often have a tendency toward voyeurism, another early indication. They feel they have control, especially in a private setting, as the person they are looking at doesn’t know. It gives them a sense of dominance. What stands out for me is their lack of remorse for killing and torturing animals, and their disconnection to it being wrong. It’s all about the power over and dominance of their victim. When they’re young it’s easier to show it with a defenseless animal. This kind of behavior shows an extreme risk of becoming a serial killer. As mentioned in Part Two, Aaron Kosminski is the most credible Jack the Ripper suspect. He carried a lot of emotional and psychological baggage when he came to London. The pogroms, introduced by Tzar Alexander III after the assassination of his father by a Jew, led to anti-Semitic violence. The Pale were Jewish ghettos outside the cities. Jews were banned from rural areas and entering most cities. They were prohibited from building synagogues and using Hebrew in official documents. Russian peasants would loot, rape, and murder within The Pale. Aaron was around 17 when he lived there and probably witnessed a lot of violence. His two sisters Matilda and Betsy were in their early 20’s, and he may have seen them being raped. Oppression, violence, and rape would have left deep mental scars on one so young. Could Aaron have been duped by a prostitute in the Whitechapel area and robbed by an organized street gang? It’s highly likely given that the area was like The Pale he left in Poland. It’s possible that he murdered before and that he liked that power over life and death. Like most serial killers, he evolved to feed his ego and notoriety because of the modus operandi of the murders. Was Aaron Kosminski Michael James Cook Jack the Ripper?

Saw you in the Ojo 53

The Ojo Crossword

ACROSS 1 Hindu religious teacher 6 Accountant 9 Shoshonean 13 Jargon 14 Flange 15 Was Funny 16 Ales 17 Card game 18 Register 19 Rate 20 Easy things 22 Whichever 23 And so forth 24 Acquire 25 Bird´s home 27 Laughing dog 29 Sap (2 wds.) 33 Fruit 34 Pose 35 Space ship builders 36 Titles 39 Ancient 40 Whining voice type 41 Northeast by east 42 Strive 43 Licked 44 European country on Adriatic Sea 46 Active 49 Attentive 50 Lose moisture 51 Lubricate 53 Lyric poem 56 __ crustacean


El Ojo del Lago / August 2016

58 Whirl 59 Plastic 61 Defect 62 Friend (Sp.) 63 Mountain range 64 Anger 65 Napkin fabric 66 For fear that %XOOÂżJKW FKHHU 68 Braid DOWN 1 Blade 2 Garland 3 Administrative unit 4 Mindy´s friend 5 __ A Small World‌ 6 Bottle for salad dressings 7 US liquid unit 8 Added up 9 Honey abr. 10 Vegetable 11 Lowest in rank 12 Lazily 15 Outlaw James 20 Lounge 21 Saucy 24 African antelopes 26 Roomer +ROG LQ DႇHFWLRQ 30 Vapor 31 America %DG SUHÂż[

34 Cunning &HOO VWXႇ 37 Conger 38 Recede 39 Long, dramatic musical composition 40 Inquisitive 42 Crests 6WDYH Rႇ 45 Finger extensions 47 Salt addition 48 Ranges of hills %HQH¿FLDU\ 52 French city 53 Elliptic 54 To eat 55 Aborts 57 Knitting stitch 58 Ruler 60 Still 62 Alternative (abbr.)

Personal Musiings About the Mystery of Life %\ .DUO +RPDQQ

Life is Terminal


ime marches on for whom the bell tolls… Metallica The other morning at 6:30, I heard the church bells ring to call the faithful to morning mass, followed by a slow and solemn ding-dong, dingdong… to announce that someone in the village had died that night It did not toll for me that morning, but I also wondered when it might and under what circumstances. Will I be alone or will someone be with me? Will I know? Will I suffer? Once I asked my friend Don, as we were playing our weekly round of golf: - “Don, as a priest, you know about these things. What happens when I die?” - He paused for a while, and, after teeing off, slowly answered, “It will be a great surprise.” He died a few months later, peacefully in his sleep, after he had returned from his annual Christmas visit with his family in Nova Scotia. So, my friend, wherever you are, ask the big boss to grant me the same. *** We have no control over when and where our life begins, nor when and how it will end. Between the beginning and the end, in that time called “life”, we have the illusion of being in control. And unless there is such a thing as reincarnation, we only get a single shot at our moment in history. In the words of Emily Dickenson, “Dum vivimus, vivamus.” So, while we live, let’s live. At times, I feel as if I have lived several lives in one, and know that I have no future other than my present. Some people live as if they would never die, and others die as if they had never lived. When I spent money on “frivolous” things such as travelling – frivolous in the mind of my last ex-wife – she would ask the rhetorical question, but what about the future. - “What future? I am living my future right now.” She is – or was - as the case may be, the kind of woman who spent one dollar on gas by driving across the city to

redeem a coupon that was worth 75 cents. Whether or not she is still alive, hunting for “bargains”, I don’t know; all I know is that I am spending my money on what pleases me, so that I will not be left one day with the regret of “I wish I had…” Not always do I manage to live in my “present” future. No, at times I do worry, especially during sleepless moments at night when I can do nothing about what worries me, like dying alone. For many years, I have lived alone although my life did not start out that way, but soon became such. So, here I am: living on the razor’s edge of time. My future is shorter than my past, and the present, well, as soon as I say it, it is gone and has been added to my past. *** On a lovely morning a few days after my 75th birthday, I was sitting in front of the Black and White Café on the plaza of Ajijic on the shores of Lake Chapala, enjoying a mocha cappuccino, and as the sun kissed my face and the pleasant breeze from the nearby lake stroked my cheeks, I looked across the still brown Sierra – the rainy season had not yet begun – and my wandering thoughts took me across the mountains and the continent and the ocean to my first university English class, which dealt with “The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman,” the 18th century novel by Laurence Stern, in which the narrator and protagonist claims to remember the traumatic circumstances of his conception, followed by the equally traumatic event of having his nose crushed by the forceps of the incompetent doctor Slop, who assisted at his birth, and then later, his accidental circumcision, when a window sash came crashing down without warning on his foreskin, as he was urinating out of the window of his bedroom because the chamber pot had gone missing. I don’t know why my thoughts strayed back more than 50 years, other than after crossing the threshold of my 75th year on this planet, I have more

often thought about my own life and how the twists and turns had brought me to where I am now. But unlike Tristram, I remember neither my conception, which must have taken place sometime in the late summer of 1940, nor my birth, which happened on the second of May 1941, as I was told, a date which was later confirmed by an official document from the office of vital statistics with a fat swastika stamped at the bottom to prove its Karl Homann authenticity.

Saw you in the Ojo 55

Over 60 years of “People Helping People”


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Annual Fund Drive

People Helping People

Well we’ve hit the 40% mark. Thank you to everyone who has given. We believe that we can reach our goal of $400,000 MXN. The numbers predict it! Our membership is currently well over 2000 members. We’ve reached 40% of our goal with less than 4% of our members giving. LCS’ programs and services depend on this source of revenue. Please make your gift today.

We don’t know how long LCS has been using this tag line. It’s been years. More often than not this phrase resonates deeds un-lauded. But it is so true! Recently a local motel was desperate. They had an American citizen in dire need. Suicidal, dropped off by the police the night before. They called us. With the help of LCS volunteers she was “rescued” and possibly her life saved. She is back in the U.S. doing well. LCS received a request from the Director of the Seguro Popular hospital in Jocotepec. They wanted to set up a database to better serve patients. They turned to us and asked for a computer. We took one of the donated computers we had as a backup, stripped it down, rebuilt it, installed a Spanish operating system, and productivity software and happily delivered it to them. These two things happened in just the last 3 weeks. LCS receives these calls to action regularly, as we have for decades. Responding with the generosity and kindness of the spirit we embrace when we proudly answer the question “What is LCS?” - We’re People Helping People.

Let’s Get Serious! You’re here in Mexico. You’re having a great time with retirement, feeling as invincible as you did when you were a teen. Crazy as that sounds, it’s not the problem. The problem is, to put it bluntly, now you’re dead! And though the resources are all around you, and you are reminded frequently, you didn’t prepare for what you denied as the expectable. LCS gets a phone call - sometimes from the consulate, sometimes from the police, or a hospital nurse. More often the call is from a friend or neighbor of the deceased; frequently a family member. They are calling because they know LCS maintains a database that is designed to help the people left behind. If you haven’t registered LCS is empty handed when it comes to assisting those struggling to deal with your untimely demise. They’re already suffering from your loss! There is no excuse. LCS works with both the American Legion and the Cruz Roja to keep the Post Life Emergency Registry database relevant and accessible. Forms are available at LCS, the American Legion Post #7 in Chapala, and on our website. Please register! Don’t delay one more day.

Dues Update The LCS By-laws allow the board to increase dues based upon cost of living changes reported by the Mexican Central Bank at the end of May each year, which was reported as +2.6% in 2016. Effective January 1, 2017 LCS dues will be: * Regular member dues will become $540 MXN * Senior dues will become $510 MXN * Student dues will become $255 MXN Twenty-one years ago LCS dues were collected in U.S. dollar equivalents. In 1995 it cost $18 US to be an LCS member. At today’s exchange an LCS membership costs $29 US which is exactly the same number as based upon the US inflation rate since 1995!


August 2016

El Ojo del Lago / August 2016

¡QUE GANGA! What a Bargain! The name is what makes us unique. The plans for the new bazar/thrift store are going well. The store will be located next to El Ancla Restaurant, on the carreterra west of Ajijic. The grand opening is scheduled for September 16. Store hours will be Thursday through Tuesday from 10 AM - 3 PM. Walk out with a smile and a bargain! We will begin to accept donations beginning August 11. Drop them off at the store. We can make arrangements for pickups. Save your “stuff” it will all be put to use somehow. Proceeds go to support LCS programs and services. We’re still looking for volunteers. Contact Terry Vidal at executivedirector@lakechapalasociety.com.

Fiesta Patrias The town of Ajijic has LCS to help with the Fiesta Patrias. Planning is on the way so date and time still to be determined. It supposed to be a good old fashioned Mexican quermés. It will happen sometime in August, We’ll send an announcement. A quermés is an outdoor party with food and drink to help raise money for a special cause.

4th Annual Children’s Art Camp a Great Success! LCS thanks all of the hard working volunteers who helped make this year another success, including all of our friends from ASA. There were nine workshops led by the following: * Acrylics: Javier Zaragoza (legacy artist) * Watercolour: Dan Williams * Drawing: Rodrigo Zuloaga * Daily Projects (Drawing and Painting for kids 6 to 8): Jesús López Vega (legacy artist) * Collage: Janey Marquez * Fabric Crafting: Cyndi Bosch) * Kids 5 and Under: Lori Polanco and Lupita Fernández de la Torre * Papier Maché: Dana Douin * Jewelry: Barbara Passarello and Bobby Lancaster

The LCS Annual Directory The most important directory lakeside. Become an LCS member and be recognized. Place ads now. More importantly go to your favorite merchants and encourage them to place an ad. We have a special incentive; they can reduce the cost of an ad by offering LCS members a special discount! E-mail directorio@ lakechpalasociety.com for more details.

We had approximately 125 kids attend Art Camp this year - about the same as last year. Over 55 volunteers helped make this another successful Art Camp; we had more than 15 parents helping out as well. The sale on Saturday, July 23 was very successful. On Saturday, July 30 each child who participated in Art Camp will receive a Certificate of Merit. Those who sold their artwork/projects will also be paid. Margaret Larson generously provided a daily snack for all the kids at the end of each day culminating in lonches and chips on Friday along with piñata party!

6HH D ORW PRUH SLFWXUHV DQG IXQ E\ Following us on facebook for all things LCS at: www.facebook.com/lakechapalasociety

Saw you in the Ojo 57

Activities *Open to the public ** US citizens (C) member card required HEALTH INSURANCE * IMSS & Immigration Services M+T 10-1 Lakeside Insurance T+TH 11-2 HEALTH & LEGAL SERVICES * Becerra & Galindo Services TH 10:30-12:30 Blood Pressure F 10-12 Drug & Herb Consultation 4th M 10-12 Hearing Aid Services M & 2nd+ 4th Sat 11-4 Sign-up Ministerio Publico W Aug. 3+24 10-2 My Guardian Angel M + TH 10-1 Optometrist Claravision TH 9-4 Sign-up Skin Cancer Screening 2nd +4th W 10-12:30 Sign-up US Consulate W Aug. 10, 10:30-12:30 Sign up LESSONS (C) Children’s Art Sat 10-12 Exercise M+W+F 9-10 Fitness thru Yoga M+F 2-3:30 Intermediate Hatha Yoga T+Th 2-3:30 Line Dancing T+Th 10-11:15 Stretch & Balance Exercise T+Th 8:45-9:45 LIBRARIES(C) Audio Library Th 10-12 Book & Video M-Sat 10-2 US Library of Congress Books**/ Talking Books TH 10-12 Neill James Biblioteca Publica (WEC) M-F 9:30-7, Sat 9:30-1* SOCIAL ACTIVITIES (C) All Things Tech F 9:30-11:30 Bridge 4 Fun T +TH 1-5 Discussion Group W 12-1:30 Everyday Mindfulness M 10:15-11:45 )LOP $¿FLRQDGRV 7+ Needle Pushers T 10-12 Open Gaming M 1-4 Open to public 2-4* Scrabble F 11:30-1:30 Spanish/English Conversation Sat 11-12 TED Talks Learning Seminars T 12-1:15 Tournament Scrabble T 12-2 SERVICE & SUPPORT GROUPS * Caregiver Support Group 2nd+4th W 10:30-12:30 Have Hammer Workshop Demo 1st & 3rd M 10-12 Information Desk M-Sat 10-2 Lakeside AA M +TH 4:30-5:30 Open Circle Sun 10-11:30 Toastmasters M 7-8:30 7,&.(7 6$/(6 0 )

Costco Returns Costco will be here August 16-17, 11-1:30 a.m. on the Blue Umbrella Patio


El Ojo del Lago / August 2016

Video Library News July 13 HOURS #7336 During an attack on a U.S. compound in Libya, a security team struggles to make sense out of the chaos. 7.4 on a scale of 10 action/drama movie. THE FAR PAVILIONS #7338 Story of forbidden love in 1800’s India set against the revolution for India’s freedom from England. Ben Cross and Amy Irving. THE GAME OF THORNS #7334 By request! 9.5 on a scale of 10 Adventure/drama/fantasy. THE LADY IN THE VAN #7332 Maggie Smith as a “transient” lady living in a van that she parks in the driveways of upper class homes. TEA WITH MUSSOLINI #7321 Maggie Smith, again, as a lady in a group of elderly British women who, in 1935, chose Italy as the place to live to blend their proper British sensibilities with their love of Italian art. Judi Dench and Joan Plowright. STEVE JOBS #7327 Steve Jobs (Michael Fassbender) takes us behind the scenes of the digital revolution, to paint the portrait of the man at its epicenter, the CEO of Apple, Inc. MY HOUSE IN UMBRIA #7326 Yeah, Maggie Smith again. Why not? A group of unlikely people find solace and friendship after being thrown together in the wake of a terrorist attack. THE REVERENT #7318 A frontiersman, in the 1850s, fights for survival after being mauled by a bear and left for dead by his team of fur traders. An Oscar for DiCaprio and two more for the movie.

Introduction to Spanish Classes Classes are held each month starting the second Tuesday of the month and continue for three weeks. August classes start on Tuesday, August 2 and will be held at the LCS campus from 12:00 until 1:30 PM for LCS members. This is a casual class offered for the beginner that covers the Spanish alphabet, simple vocabulary and phrases to use about town for shopping, and other useful information about our area and Mexican Culture. Learning materials are provided, and the tuition for the classes is $175 pesos. Sign up is available at the LCS office. Or you can sign up on the LCS website.

Neill James-isms Marianne O’Halloran has been digging up some fun facts about Ajijic’s mysterious patroness. Upon Neill’s arrival, rent for a small house was $5.00 US monthly; the cost of a maid was the same. One generally arrived by boat from Chapala since the road to Ajijic was apparently a challenge. In 1964, Neill bought a new red VW Sedan 113 or “Beetle” with radio, antenna and white wall tires for $24,206 MXN With the exchange rate then, the cost would have been US $1936.

TED in the Summer Tuesdays 12 - 1:15 in the Sala August 2: I Am My Connectome Sebastian Seung is a computational neuroscientist at MIT. A leader in the new field in connectomics, Dr. Seung and his team are studying the totality of connections between the brain’s neurons. Seung’s hypothesis is that “we are our connectome,� that the connections among neurons is where memories and experiences are stored. August 9: Our Shared Condition - Consciousness Philosopher John Searle lays out the case for studying human consciousness and systematically shoots down some of the common objections to taking it seriously. As we learn more about the brain processes that cause awareness, accepting that consciousness is a biological phenomenon is an important first step. And no, he says, consciousness is not a massive computer simulation. August 16: The Illusion of Consciousness Professor Dan Dennett is both a philosopher and cognitive scientist. In an amusing and anecdotal talk, he makes a compelling argument that not only don’t we understand our own consciousness, but that half the time our brains are actively fooling us. August 23: Do We See Reality as It Is? A cognitive scientist, Donald Hoffman’s empirical research has led to new insights into how we perceive objects, colors and motion. His research has led to a “user interface� theory of perception—which proposes that natural selection shapes our perceptions. It has also led to a “conscious realism� theory - which proposes a formal model of consciousness and the mind-body problem. August 30th: Brain Magic Think of magician Keith Barry as a hacker of the human brain — writing routines that exploit its bugs and loopholes, and offering a revealing look at the software between our ears. In this TED talk, he shows us how our brains can fool our bodies — in a trick that works via podcast, too. Then he involves the audience in some jaw-dropping feats of brain magic. Please email susaninunity@gmail.com if you would like to receive information about the “TED in the Summer� series.

Thursday Film Aficionados LCS members only. Bring your card. Films shown in the Sala from 2-4 p.m. No food. No pets. All showings subject to change. AUGUST 4- THE JOY LUCK CLUB- 1993- USA Through a series of flashbacks, four young Chinese women, born in America, and their respective mothers, born in feudal China, explore their past. Based on Amy Tan’s novel, this is one of my all-time favorite films. Bring some extra tissue. (134 minutes) AUGUST 11 - ELVIS & NIXON- 2016- USA - and CURFEW- 2012- USA Elvis & Nixon - the untold story behind the meeting, in the White House, between Elvis Presley and Richard Nixon. (82 minutes) Curfew - At the lowest point of his life Richard gets a call from his estranged sister asking him to look after his 9-year-old niece for a few hours. Academy Award winner for Best Short Film. (19 minutes) AUGUST 18- DIVA- 1981- FRANCE Two tapes, two Parisian mob killers, one corrupt policeman, an opera singer, a young courier and the coolest philosopher ever put on film. All these characters twist their way through an intricate and stylish French thriller. (118 minutes) AUGUST 25- EYE IN THE SKY- 2016- ENGLAND Helen Mirren plays Colonel Katherine Powell, a military officer in command of an operation to capture terrorists in Kenya. An edge-of-your seat take on modern warfare. (94 minutes)

August Bus Trips Wednesday, 10 August Tonala, Tlaquepaque. Shop Tonala for home decor and handicrafts and in Tlaquepaque, find upscale retailers and fine dining in an historical architecturally significant, pedestrian-only zone. Cost 300p for members and 350p for non-member. Bus departs promptly at 9 a.m. from the sculpture in La Floresta. Thursday, 25 August Galerias Mall. Major retailers including Best Buy, Sears and restaurants Cheesecake Factory, PF Chang and more, also shop Costco, Sams and Super Walmart. Cost 300p for members and 350p for non-members Meet at the sculpture in La Floresta, bus departs promptly at 9:30 a.m.

THE LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY, A.C. 16 de Septiembre #16-A, Ajijic, Jalisco LCS Main Office: (376) 766-1140 Office, information and other services - Monday-Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Grounds open until 5:00 p.m. LCS BOARD OF DIRECTORS. President - Ben White (2018); Vice-President - Cate Howell (2017); Treasurer - Michael Searles (2017); Secretary - Carole Wolff (2018); Directors: Matthew Butler (2018); Dee Dee Camhi (2017); Lois Cugini (2017); Barbara Hildt (2017); Geoffrey Kaye (2018) Yoli Martinez (2017); Monica Powers (2018); George Radford (2018) Immediate Past President: Howard Feldstein. * Executive Director - Terry Vidal

The LCS Newsletter is published monthly. Deadline for submissions is the 17th of the month preceding publication. Submit all news items to newsletter@lakechapalasociety.com 1RWH 7KH HGLWRULDO VWDয় UHVHUYHV WKH ULJKW WR HGLW DOO VXEPLVVLRQV DFFRUGLQJ WR WLPH VSDFH DYDLODELOLW\ DQG HGLWRULDO GHFLVLRQ

Saw you in the Ojo 59



El Ojo del Lago / August 2016

Saw you in the Ojo 61


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El Ojo del Lago / August 2016

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* HOTELS / SUITES - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, 766-1344




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- STEREN Tels. 766-0599, 766-0630







/21$6 0(;,&2 Tel: 766-0045, Cell: 33-3956-4852




'5 9,&725 - <28&+$ Tel: 766-1973 - INTERLAGO CHIROPRACTIC Tel: 766-3000

Tel: 766-1306


%(72¶6 :,1( /,4825 Cell: (045) 333-507-3024



6&$1',1$9,$ 6RXUGRXJK %DNHU\ Tel: 766-0604

&+5,67,1(¶6 Tel: 106-0864 - CRISCO SALON Tel: 766-4073 - GLORIOSA Tel: 766-3372 1(: /22. 678',2 Tel: 766-6000






- FRATS Tel: 765-2505, 765-3946 - LINEA PROFESIONAL Tel. 766-2555, Fax. 766-0066

,17(5&$0 Tel: 766-5980 08/7,9$ Tel: 766-2499

- CASA DEL SOL Tel: 766-0050 - CASA FLORES Tel: 766-5493 - CASA TRES LEONES Cell: (045) 331-350-6764

- DENTAL EXPRESS Tel: 106-2080 3DJ - DENTAL HEALTH ONE Tel: 106-0826 3DJ '5$ $1*(/,&$ $/'$1$ /(0$ ''6 Tel: 765-5364, Cell. (045) 331 351 7797 3DJ - DR. ALBERTO DON OLIVERA Tels: 765-4838, 765-4805 3DJ 2'2172 &/,1,&. Tel: 766-5050 3DJ

(0(5*(1&< +27/,1( $0%8/$1&( &58= 52-$ ),5( '(3$570(17 POLICE $MLMLF &KDSDOD /D )ORUHVWD

0($7 328/75< &+((6( 721<¶6 Tel: 766-1614



0(',&$/ 6(59,&(6 - ALTA RETINA - Dr. Rigoberto Rios León 2SKWKDOPLF 6XUJHRQ


Tel: 766-1521 3DJ &$6,7$ 0217$f$ Tel: 766-5513 3DJ &+$3$/$ 0(' Tel: 765-6399, Cell: (045) 33-3950-9414 3DJ '(50$72/2*,67 Tel: 765-2400, Cell: (045) 333-170-6570 3DJ '(50,.$ 'HUPDWRORJLF &HQWHU Tel: 766-2500 3DJ - DR. GABRIEL VARELA Tel: 765-6666, Cell: 333-128-6347 3DJ '5 +(&725 %5,6(f2 * ,QWHUYHQWLRQDO &DUGLRORJ\ Tel: 766-1870 3DJ '5 -8$1 0 $&(9(6 0LFURELRORJLVW Tel: 766 1244, Cell. 33-1429-1343 3DJ '5$ &/$8',$ / &$0$&+2 &+2=$ 2SKWKDOPRORJLVW Tel: 333-441-5902 3DJ '5$ 0$57+$ 5 %$//(67(526 )5$1&2 Cell: (045) 333-408-0951 3DJ - GO LAB Tel: 106-0881 3DJ +263,7$/ $1*(/(6 '(/ &$50(1 Tel: (01) 3813-0042 3DJ ,0(' ,17(*5,7< Tel: 766-5154 3DJ - ISILAB Tel: 766-1164 3DJ /$.(6,'( &$5',2/2*< &/,1,& Tel: (387) 763-0665 3DJ /$.(6,'( 0(',&$/ *5283 Tel: 766-0395 3DJ - PLASTICA LIFT Tel: 108-0595 3DJ 3/$67,& 685*(5< 'U %HQMDPLQ 9LOODUDQ Tel: 766-5513 3DJ - QUALITY CARE Tel: 766-1870 3DJ 5,&$5'2 +(5(',$ 0 ' Tel: 765-2233 3DJ 9$5,&26( 9(,16 75($70(17 Tel: 765-4805 3DJ

029(56 /$.( &+$3$/$ 029,1* Tel: 766-5008 67520 :+,7( 029(56 Tel: 766-6153


086,& 7+($75( (9(176 ' - +2:$5' Tel: 766-3044 3DJ /$.( &+$3$/$ &+25$/( Tel: 762-0865 3DJ /$.(6,'( /,77/( 7+($75( Tel: 766-0954 3DJ - NORTHERN LIGHTS FESTIVAL DE FEBRERO Tel: 108-1407 3DJ 7+( 1$.(' 67$*( 5($'(5¶6 7+($75( 3DJ

* NURSERY /$6 3$/0$6 Cell: (045) 33-3170-1776/33-1195-7112 3DJ


)$50$&,$ 0$6.$5$6 Tel/Fax: 765-5827 )$50(; Tel: 765-5004




* REAL ESTATE $-,-,& +20( ,163(&7,216 Tel: 766-2836 3DJ %(9 -($1 &2)(// +RPH 2ႈFH 3DJ - CHULA VISTA NORTE Tel: 766-2177 Cell: (045) 33-1892-2194 3DJ - CIELOVISTA Tel: 766-2688 3DJ &2/':(// %$1.(5 &+$3$/$ 5($/7< Tel: 766-1152, 766-3369 Fax: 766-2124, Tels: 765-2877 Fax: 765-3528 3DJ - CONTINENTAL REALTY Tel: 766-1994 3DJ &80%5(6 Tel: 766-2688 3DJ - DON SNELL Cell 33-1005-9129 3DJ - EAGER & ASOCIADOS Tel: (376) 766 1917, 1918 3DJ - FOR SALE BY OWNER Cell: 33-3808-0324 3DJ - FOR SALE BY OWNER Cell: 322-146-4517 3DJ *(25*(77( 5,&+021' Tel: 766-2077 3DJ *(5$5'2 0(',1$ Cell. 331-121-7034 3DJ -8',7 5$-+$7+< Cell: (045) 331 - 395 - 9849 3DJ 035 5($/ (67$7( Tel: (315) 351-5167 3DJ 12e /23(= Cell: 331-047-9607 3DJ 3(7(5 67 -2+1 Tel: 765-3676, 331-323-0893 3DJ 5$8/ *21=$/(= Cell: 33-1437-0925 3DJ - VISTA ALEGRE Tel: 766-2688 3DJ

Tel: 108-0887 3DJ - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, 766-1344 3DJ ³/$ 7$9(51$´'(, 48$7752 025, Tel: 766-2848 3DJ /26 02//(7(6 Tel: 766-4296 3DJ 0$1,; Tel: 766-0061, Cell: (045) 331-065-0725 3DJ 0(/¶6 Tel: 331-402-4223 3DJ 020¶6 '(/, 5(67$85$17 Tel: 765-5719 3DJ - PIAN THAI RESTAURANT Tel: 766-2020 3DJ 3,==(5,$ 726&$1$ Tel: 765-6996 3DJ 7+( 3($&2&. *$5'(1 Tel: 766-1381 3DJ 721<¶6 Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069 3DJ - YVES Tel: 766-3565 3DJ

5(7,5(0(17 5(67 1856,1* +20(6 $/,&,$¶6 &219$/(6&(17 Tel: 766 1194, Cell: 333 954 9534 3DJ - CASA ANASTASIA Tel: 765-5680 / 33-3452-5864 3DJ - LA CASA NOSTRA Tel: 765-3824 3DJ 0, &$6,7$ 1XUVLQJ +RPH $VVLVWHG /LYLQJ Center Cell: (045) 33-1115-9615 3DJ 1856,1* +20( /$.( &+$3$/$ Tel: 766-0404 3DJ - OHANA Tel: (01387) 761-0403 3DJ

- SELF STORAGE-BODEGAS CHAPALA Tel: 766-0661, Tel/Fax: 766-1045 3DJ

* SHOE SHOP &$/=$%,(1 Tel: 766-4956


62&,$/ 25*$1,=$7,216 /$.( &+$3$/$ 62&,(7< Tel: 766-1140 3DJ /26 1,f26 '( &+$3$/$ < $-,-,& Tel: 765-7032 3DJ

* SOLAR ENERGY - ESUN Tel: 01-800-099-0272


63$ 0$66$*( - TOTAL BODY CARE Tel: 766-3379


* TAXI $57852 )(51$1'(= Cell: (045) 333-954-3813


* TOURS - CHARTER CLUB TOURS Tel: 766-1777 /<',$¶6 72856 Tel: 765-4742, (045) 33-1026-4877



* SATELLITES/ T.V. $-,-,& (/(&7521,&6 6 $ '( & 9 Tel/Fax: 766-1117, 766-3371 3DJ - SHAW SATELLITE SERVICES Tel: 33-1402-4223 3DJ



* WATER - TECNO AQUA Tel: 766-3731, 108-0808





5(17$/6 3523(57< 0$1$*(0(17 &2/':(//%$1.(5 &+$3$/$ 5($/7< Tel: 766-1152, movile: (045) 33-1175-9632 3DJ - FOR RENT 3DJ Tel: 765-2671 -25*( 7255(6 3DJ Tel: 766-3737 +$&,(1'$ 305 Tel: 766-3320 3DJ 0$1=$1,//2 9$&$7,21 5(17$/6 Tel: (314) 100-6773 or (314) 109-0657 3DJ 520$ 3DJ Tel: 766-3163, 766-5171 - SANTANA RENTALS Cell: 315-104-3283 3DJ

The Ojo Crossword

* RESTAURANTS/CAFES 48,52= ,PSHUPHDELOL]DQWHV Tel: 766-2311 48,52= 3LQWXUDV Tel: 766-5959


* PERSONAL ASSISTANCE 1(:&20(56 ,/6( +2))0$11 ilsecarlota40@gmail.com, www.guadalajarachapalatravelguide.com Tel 01(33) 3647-3912 Cell (045) 33-3157-2541

3+$50$&,(6 )$50$&,$ &5,67,1$ Tel: 766-1501 )$50$&,$ (;35(66 ,, Tel: 766-0656


$-,-,& 7$1*2 Tel: 766-2458 - CASA FUERTE Tels: 3639-6474 / 81 '8/&( $7=,1 - GAUCHERIA Tel: 766-4357 - GAUCHO TEQUILA Tel: 766-0764 - GO BISTRO Cell: (045) 33-3502-6555 - LA CASA DEL WAFFLE Tel: 766-1946 - LA CASA DEL CAFE Tel: 766-2876 /$ 0,6,21



Saw you in the Ojo 63


WANTED: ISO Mexican plated. Toyota RAV4 06 0r 08.Toyota Highlander 2006-2007, Toyota RAV4 2010-11. Or Honda CRV 2006. Email: adafromhavana@aol.com FREE: 2LO ¿OWHU IRU IRUG H[SORUHU Email: garmemorial@hotmail.com. FOR SALE: Mexican Plated, 2002 Nissan Sentra, 4 cyl, Automatic, PS, Cold Air, Dark Green, 88,000 miles. Price: $50,000 peVRV 9HKLFOH LV LQ H[FHOOHQW FRQGLWLRQ YHUL¿HG by Tony at Goodyear in Chapala. Must sell due to health. Call: 331-174-7133. FOR SALE: Selling Volkswagen Beetle 2001. Great shape. Special equipment with Surfboard on the top you can have a look at it at FRATS (Carr. a San Nicolas 38) Contact: Ferdinand Reyes, 331-893-4063. Price $50.000 MXN. FOR SALE: 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited in excellent condition, Gray exterior Black interior, leather seats, body style SUV, transmission: AUTOMATIC, Drive Train: 4x4, Tires are in very good shape. Features: Alloy Wheels, Antilock Brakes, Driver Airbag, In Dash CD, Passenger Airbag, Power Door locks, Power Seats, Rear Window Defrost, Sunroof, Tilt Wheel, Tinted Glass. OFFERS. Please call or Email For more details call Mike 331-431-7368. Email: mikenan@prodigy.net.mx. FOR SALE: 2016 Honda Fit Hit. 4500KM. +DV QRW KDG LWV ¿UVW RLO FKDQJH ([FHOOHQW condition but a bit small for our large child with four paws (We should have taken her WR WKH VKRZ URRP 3ULFH ¿UP )XOO\ loaded. White in color. 15 Jul. We just purchased our new CRV and the dealer said that there are no more 2016 Fit Hit models available locally... If interested email me at: Email: rvanparys@hotmail.com FOR SALE: Honda CR-V EXL NAVI 2013, one owner, 62,000 kms, Honda maintenance services, top of the line, sunroof, GPS/ DVD, reverse camera, 4 cylinders 2.4L 4WD, new tires. Call for details 331-269-2696. FOR SALE: Honda CR-V EXL 2012, one owner, 62,000 kms, Honda Maintenance services, top of the line, automatic, 4 cylinders 2.4L 4WD, sunroof, cruise control, reverse camera, economic fuel system, new tires, reverse sensors. Call for more details 331269-2696. FOR SALE: Ford Windstar Van. This is a very good van with Jalisco plates. I just had new front windscreen put in, new motor PRXQWV DOO WKH OLTXLGV ¿OOHG RU FKDQJHG E\ P\ good mechanic who looked at the brakes and other things. The air condition does not work. I had some dents taken out and new paint put on. I am asking for $40,000 and I have all of the legal papers. I am going to put pictures here when I get them taken. I can send them to you for email if you give me the address. I will also have pictures to my website www. itzicreations.com. You can click on the picture of the van. I can answer questions. Email: Itzel_Solis@hotmail.com. FOR SALE: Honda Civic 2001 - Jalisco Plated - White, 4-door, manual shift, 4 new tires, 2 spares, new battery, 147,000 km. 86' RU EHVW RႇHU &DU UXQV ¿QH EXW the insurance has expired, so you have to come east to Vista Del Lago area to see and test drive it. Call: 376-763-5664 and leave a message if no answer. FOR SALE: 1997 Ford Explorer Sport SUV 2dr auto Used daily. Good for long and short trips. Taxed with Jalisco plates. Regularly maintained and has a very comfortable ride. Located in Zapopan. No rust. Only nega-


tives are sun bleached paintwork and spedo QHHGV WR EH Âż[HG 3ULFH 0H[ (PDLO Richcooke@gmail.com. Call: 331-827-9727. FOR SALE: Rear Storage Cover for 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee-$1500 pesos. Email: brianway1@gmail.com WANTED: I want to buy asap a used SUV, years 2007-2011 approx. Examples: +RQGD &5 9 7R\RWD 5DY 1LVVDQ 3DWKÂżQGer, Nissan Frontier, Nissan X-Trail (not with CVT trans), Suburu Forester, Ford Explorer, Ford Escape. Also Honda Element, Honda Fit. Prefer Mexican-plated. Please call Lewis at 766-1266 in Ajijic, or email to stockardlewis@gmail.com FOR SALE: Nissan Juke 2012, Turbo, very sporty and fast, manual 6 speed, 43,700 km, sunroof, like new, Mx. plated, Price: $225,000 pesos. Call: 765-7746. FOR SALE: Nissan 1986. 4 cil, manual old pick up Jalisco plates all paid $1800 dollars or pesos text anytime 331-007-8873. WANTED: Looking for a US plated vehicle to drive back into the US and take my belongings (not furniture) with me. It has be an older model, maybe around 2000 to 2004 in very good condition and has been well maintained. It could be a minivan, car, SUV etc. I will dispose of it in USA. when I arrive. Call: 106-1160.


FOR SALE: Acer S220HQL 22� Monitor Energy Star Full 1920x1080 HD. As New in perfect condition Used a couple of weeks selling because I am leaving Mexico. Price: US$125. Email. ians9977@gmail.com. FOR SALE: ViewSonic 1930 WM Monitor with Sound in perfect condition. Price: US$70 or Pesos $1300. FOR SALE: Dell 1907 FP Monitor in Perfect Condition - One of the best monitors Dell has sold. US $70 or Pesos $1300. Reason for selling Leaving Mexico. Email: ians9977@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Two USB keyboards Pesos 150 each. In great condition. Email: ians9977@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Canon Selphy DS180 small photo printer (4x6 prints) Very cool, barely used, multiple trim settings, have installation CD and instructions - Box of plenty of photo SDSHU ([WUD WZLQ SDFN FRORU UH¿OO VHDOHG All cables has multiple settings to trim, etc. Device is about 8’’x8’’ I printed about 5 photos with this, is great quality. Price: $500pesos OBO. FOR SALE: NexStar NST-350US 750gb capacity USB 2.0 cable & power supply included. Asking US$40 or $750 pesos. Please email lailapaje@gmail.com for more info. FOR SALE: Only a few months old. Wireless/WiFi HP DeskJet2545. Prints, scans, copies. Prints both black & white and in color. Can print wireless from your smartphone. 'RHV QHHG LQN UH¿OOV FRPHV ZLWK RULJLQDO LQN cartridges. Have original packaging. US$40 or $750 pesos. Email me at lailapaje@gmail. com or PM me for more info. FOR SALE: HP Probook 6450B Laptop 4500 pesos. 14 in 2.27 GHZ, 2 GB, 160GB Windows 7, 1 year warranty. Email: Mikebrn@hotmail.com. Call: 331-330-1050. WANTED: Does anyone know of a recording studio and tech for hire anywhere in the Lakeside communities? I want to record D SRGFDVW DQG QHHG DQ 0S ¿OH (PDLO VWHphenacs@aol.com. FOR SALE: I have a used Moto 360 Version 2 that was advertised as compatible with the iPhone. It does do some things with the

El Ojo del Lago / August 2016

iPhone but not nearly what an Apple Watch can do. However, it will work great with an Android phone. So I would like to sell this watch, complete with charger and directions. Call 376-766-3420 for more information. FOR SALE: +3 2ႈFH 3UR &RORU black and white, 2 sided printing, scan, copy, fax,wireless or cable, manual, software disk, needs ink cartridges, empty cartridges included, price $125.USD, ph 333 -815-7436. WANTED: I’m looking for a place that VHOOV &KURPHERRNV VSHFLÂżFDOO\ RQH WKDW KDV a 13â€? screen. Does anyone know a place in Guadalajara that would sell them? Email: saileach@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Extend your WiFi range. Ordered 2 by mistake. This one in sealed package. Works a treat with my laptop. Almost triple the range. Works through walls. Plug in to a USB port Install drivers with included CD and away you go. Can help install in Windows if needed. Just bring your laptop to El Limon. Price: $20 USD or MXN equivalent. Email: rskryd@gmail.com.


WANTED: The Ranch is needing airline approved crates to ship dogs to new homes. We need medium and large size crates. If you have one to donate or sell, please call 7664738. FOR SALE: Extendable dog leash. Shipped from USA, thought I lost my original one, turns out I did not, nearly new. Was US$40 shipped. Can handle up to very large/ strong dog. 16’ extendor w/�stop� button. Comfort kung-fu GI Joe Grip. This is the cordHG YHUVLRQ QRW WKH ÀDW ULEERQ W\SH ZKLFK LV prone to breaking more easily. Asking US$20 or 450p. Email: lailapaje@gmail.com 333 -196-5466 or PM me. WANTED: If you know of a kitten looking for a home let me know....female, spayed, litter trained, not looking for a rescue kitty. Email: gwebhil@gmail.com. FREE: Rockie needs a new home. Master moving to live with family in US, no dogs allowed. He is a medium sized adult? boxer? MSD, good pet, great protector. House and leash trained. All shots etc. Comes with food DQG VWXႇ 'RHV ZHOO ZLWK RWKHU GRJV QRW VR well with cats. Please help us, you can make him a happy dog again. Call anytime, 387761-0928. WANTED: Looking for a parrot, preferably young, hand tamed and raised at homeFRXOG EH $IULFDQ *UH\ DQG GH¿QLWHO\ RQH WKDW can/would talk. Email: donnalainson@yahoo. com.


FOR SALE: 2 Patio Chairs with Ottomans custom made from reclaimed wood in Tonala. Chairs and ottomans include custom made cushions made with Sunbrella fabric. Moving, must sell. $10,000 pesos for the pair. Call: 376-766-1148. FOR SALE: Golden Technologies Power Lift Recliner. It will lay you down for a nap and stand you up when you are ready to go. Perfect if you have trouble getting out of a chair due to surgery or arthritis. Brown fabric, lighted controls, battery backup works even in a power failure. Large size hold up to 350 pounds. Made in the USA. Approximately 6 months old. $18,000 pesos. USD ok too. Email: c.johansen51@gmail.com. FOR SALE: AirSoft5000 alternating pressure therapeutic mattress, used for patients FRQÂżQHG WR EHG IRU ORQJ SHULRGV RI WLPH WR prevent bed sores. Excellent condition,

twin size, supports up to 120 kg used only 2 weeks. Price: $2000 pesos...new $2800. FOR SALE: Smart TV 40’’: Philips and 2 Koblenz voltage regs/surge protectors. Model 40PFL4609 40’’ or 100cm/4000 series. LED/&' 305 )8// +' S :LÂż +'0, ports. USB port. LAN/PC-IN and other necessary video component ‘ins’ Purchased brand new only 6 months ago. Philips Smart TV w/ :LÂż DQG EXLOW LQ 1HWĂ€[ 1R 5RNX ER[ QHHGed. Also will include TWO of same model Koblenz voltage regulator/surge protectors, also bought new, at same time (you only need one, but maybe the second one can be used IRU RWKHU VWXႇ %UDQG QHZ IRU HYHU\WKLQJ ZDV over 8k pesos. Am asking $6,400 pesos for everything (TV/remote, and two identical Koblenz voltage/surge protectors.) Only six months old. Email: lailapaje@gmail.com or 333-1965-466 for more info. FOR SALE: Brother Sewing Machine in good condition. Leaving Mexico must lighten up. US$ 49 or $980 Pesos. Cell: 333-8217319. FOR SALE: King size comforter set in light blue. Included are: 3 euro pillow shams with pillow, 3 small dĂŠcor pillows and 4 king VL]H SLOORZ VKDPV )DEULF LV D VLON\ OLNH ÂżQish. All machine washable. This is a US king size. Very good condition, Price: $2,800 pesos. Contact 376-106-2032. FOR SALE: Warren Hardy Spanish Series - Level 1, 2, 3 -Books Only US $15 or $289 Pesos each. FOR SALE: Apollo House hod Tool Kit 53 pieces. $30 or equivalent in Pesos. (Pesos equivalent OK) Reasons for selling - Leaving Mexico. Contact -333-812-7319. FREE: Hundreds of books, most in English. Where can I donate them? I just inherited a huge collection of books, ranging from the 50’s through the 90’s mostly. Cookbooks, encyclopedias, novels, poetry, comics, essays, well you get it, just about everything in this collection. I’m currently sorting them, but they are about 200 or more books in total. I am completely for donating them, no charge, but they’re so many that I’d need you to come pick them up in Guadalajara (Near Plaza del Sol) Or if you know of somewhere I could take them in Guadalajara as well, I’d appreciate the info. Email: supermaitro@hotmail.com FOR SALE: Wilson Graphite Tennis Raquet In good condition for intermediate players. Has been sitting for a while. US$ 30 obo. or $570 Pesos. Email: ians9977@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Bell + Howell Ultrasonic Pest Repeller As new condition - They have worked for us. I have two types. The bigger ones have a night light and a socket. Smaller ones are just the repeller US$6 ($120 Pesos) each for the large ones and US$ ($100 Pesos) each for the smaller ones. Email: ians9977@gmail. com FOR SALE: Exercise machine. Elliptical, stair step type excesise machine. Nearly new. Price: $1200 pesos. Call: 376-763-5536 or adventurefor2003@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Koblenz No Break UPS 700 VA with voltage regulator. US$65 or Pesos equivalent In box in new condition, Safeguards your electronic and computer equipment from power voltage variations and provides power during outages. Reason for selling - Leaving Mexico. Please contact 333821-7319. FOR SALE: Digital anti-Theft Safe. US$55 or Pesos equivalent. As new only used once. Leaving Mexico so would like to sell. Please contact 333-821-7319. Dimensions 198mm H, 310mm w, 210mm D, 7,81 in

H x 12.19 in W x 8.25 in D. FOR SALE: 3LODWHV <RJD &RUH 37 VWXႇ foam roll, ball, mats, books, blocks, weights, etc. Foam Roll: (this is for rolling on the ground on top of the roll - used for getting knots out of your back, legs and any other area you can smush on to the roll.) 2 blue extra-padded mats (not regular yoga mats, but much thicker), very clean (gently used & DOZD\V ZLWK D WRZHO LQĂ€DWDEOH \RJD SLODWHV ball (Medium, barely used, with attachments for resistance bands to use while sitting/working with ball) (gently used) set of 2lb weights (never used) 2 yoga blocks (never used) 2 separate resistance straps, each with comfortable handles (can use in multiple ways) (never used) set of 3 resistance bands (never used) BOOKS: Yoga/Pilates exercise ball book; Resistance Band exercise book; Pilates book (each with color illustrations. 1 plastic jump rope (never used) For everything: $700 pesos. Email: lailapaje@gmail.com. Call: Laila 333-196-5466. (Prices if new: foam roll: from the US and sold only by PT/chiropractor, usually about $20US; ball: 500p; both yoga blocks: $400p, all three books: $800p; weights: $250p; resistance bands/2 separate resistance straps w/handles: $500p; blue yoga mats: $250p each). FOR SALE: 2ႈFH FKDLU LQ SHUIHFW ZRUNing condition. MXN $400. Email: ians9977@ gmail.com. FOR SALE: Sell 14’ Tandem axle trailer. Email: jerrychristean@gmail.com. WANTED: The Gillette Atra razor was discontinued several years ago and I have several years’ worth of blades. The handle for the UD]RU EURNH DQG , FDQQRW ÂżQG RQH DQ\ZKHUH Does anyone have one sitting around? Email: elzear.swain@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Extendable dog leash 16’. For small, medium but made to handle pulling or strong/large dogs. Comfort grip handle. Accidentally ordered extra when I thought I lost my original dog leash, of course I found it after the new one arrived. Color: blue. Up WR Âś OHQJWK 7KLV LV D FRUG QRW ¾ÀDW ULEERQÂś type. I did a bit of research and found that WKH Ă€DW ULEERQ H[WHQGDEOH OHDVKHV HVSHFLDOO\ with larger dogs, can easily break. The cord is much stronger (my original corded leash I purchased in 2004, the day I adopted my dog, still works.) This is a solid model, used a single time, and not available in the MX, had to import from US. Was $40 for purchase and shipping. Asking US $25 or $450p OBO. Contact me if interested: Email: lailapaje@gmail. com or Cell: 333-196-5466. FOR SALE: Lasko tower fan, QUIET, remote, many settings. Fan has multiple timer settings. Can rotate left-right or stay stationary. 3 speeds. Easy to clean. Still have original box. Bought for US$100 several months ago, plus shipping. Lightly used. Can sell for US$73 or equivalent of $1400. I can pack it in the original box and if you want to take it apart for any reason, very simple w/ a philips-head screwdriver. Please email me if interested at lailapaje@gmail.com or call my cell at 333196-5466 (or text same number as my voicemail is unreliable), or PM me here but that is also not terribly reliable. FOR SALE: Shaw 630 HDPVR. Clear and ready to activate. Comes with an HDMI cable and I can get RCA jacks, as well. Asking $5,000 Pesos. There is a little “wiggleâ€? room on the price, but I am selling it for someone and will need to check. Call MX Cell Phone 331-423-2993. FOR SALE: Two wrought iron stools with suede cushioned seats in excellent condition.

$500 pesos for both. One stool with rattan woven seat $100 pesos. Email: sunnyvogler@ yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Electric Wheelchair. Email: raul_gc_1989@yahoo.com.mx. FOR SALE: Hamilton Beach Electric Deep Fryer. 20V-1500W. In perfect working order. I no longer need it. Price: $800 pesos. FOR SALE: Babolat tennis racket, used for 20 minutes (injury cut play short) with Babolat zippered protective cover. NS Drive OS. 3:43/8. Was told this racket is better for beginner to intermediate players. Please email: lailapaje@gmail.com if interested. Asking US$60 or equivalent in pesos, OBO. Grip is black, racket is mostly black white and blue trim. Babolat zipper case is all black. FOR SALE: Small Weber gas grill, 2 gas WDQNV DOO ÂżWWLQJV DQG JDV 3ULFH SHVRV Email: sunnyvogler@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Apple Iphone 6S Plus, space gray colour, 16GB - $13,000 pesos. Less than one year old. Email: brianway1@gmail.com FOR SALE: Standing Golf Bag, black fairly light in weight. Price: $800 pesos. Email: coyotecarol60@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Heavy duty Sunpak 7500TM tripod, rarely used. Price: $800 pesos. Email: coyotecarol60@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Women’s lazy boy recliner, brown, almost new. Price: $4,000 pesos. Email: coyotecarol60@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Nikon Camera F.E. Nikon series ‘E’ 50 mm lens. Nikon series ‘E’ Zoom 75 - 150 mm lens. Nikon L37 52 mm lens. 1LNRQ % VSHHGOLJKW Ă€DVK 1LNRQ 0' VIVITAR tele converter. Various Filters. Large camera Bag for all items. Email: edmundjude@hotmail.com. FREE: Spa Supplies. The control unit on P\ LQĂ€DWDEOH VSD TXLW ZRUNLQJ GD\V SDVW the one year warranty. I will not replace it. I have lots of chlorine, test strips, ph adjuster DQG VPDOO ÂżOWHUV WR JLYH DZD\ 3OHDVH 30 PH for pick up. I live in lower La Floresta. Email: sunnyvogler@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: VW Beetle car cover. I have a customized VW Beetle 2010 car cover in mint condition. Silver, felt lined, with buckles and straps. $500 pesos or BO. Email: Thetis01@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Brinkman electric smoker. $500 pesos. Email: garmemorial@hotmail. com. FOR SALE: IW :HUQHU ÂżEHUJODVV VWHS ladder. Price: $1500 pesos. Email: garmemorial@hotmail.com. FOR SALE: Whirlpool 3.5 cu ft. freezer. Price: $2000 pesos. Call: 331-125-8877. FOR SALE: 20 gallon water pressure tank with pump. Bought last week, used I day, change of mind over forced decision, has one year guarantee. Cost was $7500 pesos, would sell for $5000 pesos. Can send photos. In Raquet Club. Call (387) 761-0002. FOR SALE: FOUR HAND CARVED HORSES. Each approximately 12â€? long by 9 ´ KLJK DQG HDFK D GLႇHUHQW SRVH &DUYHG from Parota wood or Rosewood from Michoacan. $795 pesos each or $2950 for all four. Email: jrkoelbel@hotmail.com. FOR SALE: Display cabinet. 24â€? wide, 17â€? deep, 42â€? high. Display opening: 18â€? wide, 23â€? high. 2 lower drawers. $895 peVRV 5HFHQWO\ UHÂżQLVKHG MUNRHOEHO#KRWPDLO com. FOR SALE: Samsung Air Conditioner Window Mount $1800p. 2 years old, hardly used. Bought at Costco for $3000p. 12,000 BTU. Email: julieywayne@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Family size pancake grill.

Listed at Walmart $649. Price: $150. Call: 331-125-8877. FOR SALE: Sears and Roebuck rototiller. Used for 20 hours, 5.5 hp. Did a great job clearing property for landscaping and no longer needed. Price: $300 US or peso equivalent. Email: sunnyvogler@yahoo.com. FOR SALE: Brookstone Big Blue Live Wireless Speaker. Rarely used, like new, paid $79 USD plus tax, asking $450 pesos. Email: mcintyrelorna@hotmail.com. FOR SALE: Quick Blinds installed in minutes originally paid $4,500p each. Cost $4,800p today for one. Sale Price: $2,500pesos each. 9ft. Wide by 6ft.-10� HIGH. Call: 376-765-7123. FOR SALE: Nikon Camera D-3200 kit, with 18-55 and 55-200 lenses, camera bag, memory card, CD, etc. Used once or twice. Price: $500 USD or its equivalent in pesos. Email: colleenantoinette@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Fold out table & clamped outrigger with harness for small breed dogs. 3ULFH 3 (PDLO KHLQ]VWDSႇ#KRWPDLO com. WANTED: Looking for a gas kiln for potWHU\ (PDLO GLDQHKVFKDHႇHU#JPDLO FRP FOR SALE: Veggie / rice steamer, like new. Kenmore steamer, steams multi-layers of veggies and has a bowl for steaming your rice at the same time. Contact: simpsca2000@gmail.com or call 387- 761-0259. FOR SALE: Professional stainless steel meat grinder almost new. Price: $700 usa ¿UP &DOO FOR SALE: Large Solid Wood dining table 46� diameter (top can be removed from base if necessary) - $50 US or equivalent pesos. Pick up in Chapala. Email:jenn@thefeatheredleopard.com. FOR SALE: 3DSHU 0DFKH *LUDႇHV %RWK for $1000p. 1 is 4 feet and 1 is 3 feet tall, they hang on the wall. Email: julieywayne@yahoo. com. FOR SALE: Dual lnb 4’-2� Dish & Shaw Satellite receiver. Price: $6,500 pesos. Call: 376-765-7123 or 331-252-1613. FOR SALE: Folding Pepsi Table. Call: 106-2103. FOR SALE: Shaw Satelitte Receivers, DSR 505 HD, DSR 315, Satellite Dish and Shaw LNB, Only US $200. Call: 387-7610642. Email: elegast@yahoo.com FOR SALE: Black Cleveland Golf Bag with hood. No foot stand. Weight est. 10lbs. Asking $1,000 pesos. Proceeds going to assist a Mexican family. Contact: Linda - 333843-5903. FOR SALE: FIR sauna. 2 person far infra red, red Canadian cedar sauna with color therapy and music. New $2,800 and brought down in boxes. Used only a few times. Moving back home. Asking $2000. Tel. 376-7665130 or cell 331-420-5771. FOR SALE: Large Tan Asian Carpet 10’6� x 6’-5� Comfortable to walk on. May need cleaning. Sale price: $1,500pesos. Can & do cost up to $20,000p in Guadalajara. First FRPH ¿UVW VHUYHG &DOO RU 331-252-1613. FOR SALE: Plastic water proof beach Chairs & Table. 2 x Water proof Beach or sundeck Chairs. 1 x water proof table. Price: $2,500p. 376-765-7123 or 331-252-1613. FOR SALE: I have Ink cartridges Number 34 (Black) and 35 (Color) Combo pack for the Lexmark Printer. In the original box, unopened. E-Mail: captnaselli@netzero or Call ZLWK \RXU RႇHU FOR SALE: Exercise equipment. We are

selling a Health Rider. It is basically a cross between a stationary bike and a rower. It is a durable, compact piece of equipment with low impact on your knees/body. No parts to wear out. Easy to transport. Retail price is $500 USD. We want 2,500 MX Pesos. Google Health Rider to see what it looks like and how it works. We can also send you a photo via email. Factory Manual included. Free delivery in Lakeside area. peteneri@gmail.com 376763-5664. FOR SALE: Hospital bed. Head of the bed raises and lowers, knees can be raised, and the height of the mattress raises and lowers. All powered from your 110 V system. Side rails raise and lower. Old, but completely functional. As is normal, this bed is sold without a mattress. $6000 pesos, bring 2-3 strong men to move it out of the house and into your truck. I can e-mail a picture on request. 376-765-3213 home phone. We are near Chapala on the Ajijic side. FOR SALE: This trampoline has a 12 foot diameter. The entire structure is just under 14 feet in diameter. The trampoline is almost 3 feet above ground and it has a 6 foot high safety net all around. Paid $300 US. Will sell for $200 US, o.b.o. Contact: house 766-5130, Cell 332-129-5161. FOR SALE: Surround Sound DVD Player $1,800p. Samsung ht-e330k home theater surround sound DVD Video & Audio Player, USB, Auxiliary TV receiver bought at Walmart last year for $3000pesos. Great condition. Call: 376-765-7123 or 331-252-1613. WANTED: I would like to buy a guitar. A XVHG DFRXVWLF JXLWDU ZRXOG EH ÂżQH 1RW IRU me but I’m buying it for a young Mexican who wants to learn how to play one. Email: elzear. swain@gmail.com. FOR SALE: 3 Year Old White GE Dishwasher cost $16,500pesos . In good working condition. will sell for $4,800p. Call: 376-7657123 or 331-252-1613. WANTED: This might be a long shot, but worth a try. Looking for secure monthly parking for my vehicle close by Chapala centroSOD]D 3DUNLQJ LV D OLWWOH GLႈFXOW DW RXU KRXVH and would prefer an easy in/out secure space if that is possible! Can pay up to $500Pesos a month. Any info- either respond or email me at jenn@thefeatheredleopard.com. FOR SALE: Hard Wooden dining table, 6’long and 3’wide. Easily seats 8. Has a plastic coating to prevent burns and stains, $1900pesos. San Juan Cosala. Phil: 387761-0125. FOR SALE: Hoverboard. I’m asking $500 US or peso equivalent which is less than I paid for it. Email: sunnyvogler@yahoo.com. WANTED: I am looking for someone Lakeside who can tune my piano and has repair knowledge, not cosmetic, as the move was very rough on the innards. Please refer to my email: mexicocurty@gmail.com. FOR SALE: Luis XV. Design. All pieces are included in the pictures: $50,000p. Table with 8 chairs is 2.8 meters long. + China Cabinet. Call Katia she speaks English at 331520-4997. FOR SALE: I have a tower fan and two electric space heaters. One heater has a fan with thermostat and heats a room quickly. The other heater is the radiator type also with thermostat. My new house has ceiling fans and is warm in the winter. Each item is $150 pesos. Email: sunnyvogler@yahoo.com. WANTED: Gym equipment. Weights, bench, Email: ojays5077@gmail.com.

Saw you in the Ojo 65


El Ojo del Lago / August 2016

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