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A Note From the Former President
from 2021 Annual Report
by Oklahoma 4-H
As the now Past President of the Foundation, it seems strange to reflect on all that has happened in the last two years. From global pandemics to record breaking gifts, the Foundation has worked tirelessly to continue to provide resources necessary for Oklahoma youth to reach beyond their perceived limitations and expand their skills, minds, and goals to impact the world around them.
Thousands of Oklahoma youth participate in 4-H activities and educational programs in all 77 counties each year, ranging from in-school enrichment, field days, camps, and club meetings. These programs provide a full 21st century education on topics such as healthy living, computer science, shooting sports, and, of course, livestock and agricultural projects.
Historic gifts, generous benefactors, outstanding alumni, special achievements, and project work inspire us to push harder every day. As time marches on, the needs of the Oklahoma 4-H Program continue to evolve, and we remain committed to addressing each need. However, we cannot stop here.
In our strategic planning retreat in August 2020, we were encouraged to shift our focus and reach to establish new goals as well, including establishing a permanent operational endowment to cover fixed costs so that we can spend our time and resources on providing support for the program and the establishment of an advisory council to inject new ideas and talent into the foundation. These goals won’t be achieved overnight, but every contribution and individual bring us a step closer to ensuring the legacy of the Oklahoma 4-H Program for years to come.
Your contributions to the Oklahoma 4-H Foundation are more important than ever. We hope you find that we are grateful stewards of your generous resources and look forward to our continued and new partnerships to create a bright future for Oklahoma 4-H!
President, Oklahoma 4-H Foundation Board of Directors