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Oklahoma OUTLOOK | Spring 2023
God is into Revitalization
God is into revitalization. The entire story of the Bible reveals God’s heart to birth new life. The biographies of Joseph, Moses, Lazarus, Simon Peter, and countless others illustrate this truth. From Genesis 3 to Revelation 22, broken creation is revitalized into new heavens and new earth. From sin to salvation, our lives are revitalized by the saving power of Jesus Christ.
Revitalization is the act or process of giving new life. The Church of Jesus Christ is the hope of the world. Unfortunately, over time many churches become inward-focused and lose their vision to be life-giving agents of Jesus. Disagreements, disunity, disobedience, and dishonesty are seeds that grow into life-strangling weeds. The enemy uses these distractions to paralyze the church and its mission. Jesus said in John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” How many churches in your community or county can you name that were once healthy but are now just a shadow of their former history? I believe God wants every Assemblies of God church in Oklahoma to be life-giving agents of Jesus. Churches that are unhealthy must be resuscitated.
In 2002, Faith and I were asked to help revitalize a church. This church had been through recent hardships. Just the year prior to our arrival they experienced a major split. Deacons and staff left disgruntled to start an independent church. Members had scattered into various congregations throughout the community leaving the finances in peril. Almost all missionaries were cut from support and the outlook was bleak. In addition, over the course of several years, church members were associated with two high-profile murders and one attempted murder. The church treasurer was found guilty of murdering his wife, the Missionette
leader. My predecessor was a faithful man of God, but the enemy had been relentless. Faith and I were advised not to go to this church that some called the “Bootcamp of the Assemblies of God.” However, we felt God’s calling to revitalize.

When we arrived, the church structure was covered with 1960s-style lava rock on the exterior and interior walls. This rock was so sharp that most people had cut their hands, arms, or suit pants on the jagged edges. We kidded that our church had regular membership and “blood covenant” membership for all who had wounded themselves. Birds and squirrels burrowed through the lava rock mortar and joined us for worship each Sunday. In addition to our usher and greeter teams, we established a “living sacrifice team.” Each Sunday this group would go early through the sanctuary with pellet guns to offer these critters as living sacrifices. One Sunday a squirrel got loose and we almost had a revival.
Although the first few years were very challenging, we would not change this journey for anything. God blessed us and we saw hundreds of first-time salvations. Eventually a new church building was opened on 48 acres. We could not have imagined this when we arrived in 2002. We experienced nearly 18 years of weekly miracles. Our church focused on the least, the last, and the lost, and multitudes were saved and discipled. God deserves all the credit and glory. Currently, I am writing a book documenting these miracles entitled, From Lavarock to Love, Joy, & Peace – A Story of Revitalization.
Anything is possible when a struggling church unifies around Jesus and focuses on worship, evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, and ministry. The power of the Holy Spirit brings true revitalization. In this issue of the Outlook, you will read stories of God’s redemptive plans
for his church. I believe Oklahoma is filled with churches that God has revitalized because God wants all churches to be healthy.
If your church needs revitalization, I strongly encourage you to connect with our Acts 2 ministry. Acts 2 is designed to breathe life into struggling ministries. Executive Presbyter and Pastor Bruce McCarty is leading the Acts 2 ministry in Oklahoma. If you have any questions or need assistance, please get in touch with our office and we will get you all the information for the upcoming Acts 2 forums.
Here are my Top Ten steps for a Pastor who recognizes the need for new life within a church:
1. Pray
2. Evaluate the current strengths and weaknesses of the church
3. Accentuate the discovered strengths of the church over the short term
4. Ask a seasoned Pastor to be a mentor for a year
5. Take your church leadership through the Acts 2 Journey
6. Identify your top 3 church needs
7. Recruit a small team to focus on those 3 immediate needs
8. Realize you are not called to entertain the saints but to reach and disciple the lost
9. Understand you will never please everyone
10. Remember God called you. YOU GET TO DO THIS!
Let’s all pray and believe that God would help us have a healthy, revitalized church in every community of Oklahoma. We hope you enjoy this edition of the Outlook.
We are better together,
Dr. D Wootton