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Pre-Conference Children’s Pastor/KidMin Leader Track



Student Center Speakers: Dean Guthrie & Josh Dryer

9:30 a.m. – Pre-Conference Session 1:

• The Importance of Spiritual Health & Discipline – How to Avoid Burnout

When you hear Christians speak of “spiritual health and disciplines”, they usually mean regular practices that benefit our lives and produce fruit, much like the discipline of daily exercise or reading will produce benefits in our lives. In this session, we will be discussing setting up a pattern of spiritual disciplines that will help you not only grow and have a more mature walk with Christ, but will also allow you to feed the fire while avoiding burn out!

• Ministry to the Whole Child

Our cities and communities are filled with kids whose lives are hectic. They’re facing potentially difficult situations at home, school, and everywhere in between. This session will captivate your heart to not just teach kids truths about the Bible - but inspire you with ways to minister to the spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental aspect of kids.

• Table Talk – Q & A

12:00 p.m. – Lunch On-Site (Included with Pre-Conference Registration)

1:30 p.m. – Pre-Conference Session 2:

• Partnering with Your Senior Pastor

During our time together, we are going to learn that a healthy relationship with the Senior Pastor is essential for a Children’s Pastor to succeed. While it’s important that we build relationships with students and parents, the relationship that we have with our Senior Pastor is, by far, one of the most important relationships in which we can invest.

• Creating a Team Mentality

Moses had Joshua. David had Jonathan. Jesus had the 12 disciples. Paul had Timothy.

We’re stronger Kidmin leaders when we do ministry with a team. This session we will explore the power of a team, developing a team, and empowering people within your church to help you achieve your ministry goals.

• Table Talk 2.0 – Q & A

4:00 p.m. – Pre-Conference Ends

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