2013 Okanagan4Kids.com Baby & Toddler Guide

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The Okanagan Valley’s #1 Resource for Families! The Okanagan4Kids.com

Baby & Toddler Own Your Birth




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2013 Okanagan4Kids.com Baby & Toddler Guide



What Do Doula’s Do?.........................................6 Financial Checklist for Families..................19 Own Your Birth....................................................8 Best Apps for Moms.........................................20 Great Parents Have Great Sex......................22


Real Estate with Jaime Briggs......................23

You Want Me to Eat My Placenta?................10 10 Things I Wish I’d Known About Breastfeeding..12


Community Breastfeeding Resources.......13 Children of the Okanagan 2013.................24 Fabulous Finds...................................................25

CHILD DEVELOPMENT Crawl Before You Walk....................................14


Getting Babies Started in the Water..........17 2013 Resource Directory................................26 Importance of Eye Examinations...............18 Community Programs.....................................30

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e are thrilled to share the first annual Okanagan4Kids.com Baby & Toddler Guide with you! It has been an idea in the making for two years and we couldn’t be happier to see it become a reality. In many ways we can relate to the research and preparation that comes with pregnancy and then the anticipation of the arrival of your new bundle of joy. As new moms, we both experienced frustrations and challenges that could have been alleviated had we known about all of the resources and services available in our community at that time. Editor

We have put together a collection of resources to help you find the information and services you need as a parent in your community through the various ages and stages of parenthood. We know all too well that parenthood is a crazy busy adventure and we sincerely hope that the resources in this magazine can make the experience easier and less stressful. If you find a product, service or resource that you love, please share it. We want to thank all of our loyal site visitors, advertisers and community partners for continuing to support us as we grow the services provided by www.okanagan4kids.com. Without your support, this magazine would not have been possible. Be sure to check out our website: www.okanagan4kids.com to find more family related resources, activities and events happening around the Okanagan Valley!

Sue & Jen

Sue Bojahra/Jen Sencar info@okanagan4kids.com Contributing Editor Jodi Quibell wordtothewiseservices@gmail.com Graphic Design/Layout Sue Bojahra sue@okanagan4kids.com Advertising advertising@okanagan4kids.com Publisher 4Kids Online Enterprises Inc. info@okanagan4kids.com Printed by Premier Printing Cover Photo By Liz Soergel, Aviva Studios For article submissions please email: contribute@okanagan4kids.com

Prenatal Education Breastfeeding & Postpartum Support

To share your feedback please email: info@okanagan4kids.com Contributors: Amanda Martin, Christy Phillips, Karalyn Lockhart, Lisa Ford, Dr. Amanda Stevens, Dr. Stephanie Strawn O.D., Lauren Sanbrooks and Kelly Paley, Jacquie Haycroft, Beth Veenkamp, Jaime Briggs, Jen Sencar and Sue Bojahra. The articles contained in this publication are solely the opinions of the writers and do not necessarily represent or reflect the opinions of 4Kids Online Enterprises Inc. or Okanagan4kids. com. The articles and information contained in this publication are for information purposes only.

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W do?”.

hen I tell people that my passion is working as a Birth Doula, the most frequent question I am asked is “What is a Doula? What do you

The simple answer is that doulas provide informational, physical and emotional support during pregnancy, labour and birth. But, what does that look like, exactly? Here are some examples of what doulas do to assist expectant mothers: Pregnancy is a time of change. Your body is changing, your world is changing, your life is changing. Doulas support mothers during pregnancy by: • Offering an attentive ear and acknowledging any concerns or questions they may have. • Providing suggestions on books and articles to read or which prenatal classes would best suit the couple. • Using their past experience to inform clients of local resources they may find useful.

Suggest ways to help ease common pregnancy symptoms like heartburn or backache.

Labour is an intense experience both physically and emotionally, for both the mother and her partner. During labour, doulas assist the parents to be by doing the following: • Answering questions. This can mean either answering them directly, or ensure there is an opportunity to ask the nurse and/or health care provider. • Offer assistance to help the mother change positions, or give a solid foundation to lean against. • Be a continual supportive presence. • Provide breaks for the partner. • Be a gopher. Fetching water, juice, ice packs, blankets and more. Doulas have training and experience which allows them to understand the needs of the mother and her partner as labour progresses and the birth of the baby comes closer. Doulas can assist in many ways during the birth by: • Guiding the mother with gentle and encouraging words, but also words of strength and support, acknowledging how well she is doing and how close her baby is. • Assisting the mother and her partner in maintaining a comfortable position to push in. • Making sure a mother has cold cloths for her chest and forehead, has her hair pulled back and glasses on. • Informing the parents to be which procedures are being done to mother and her baby, to educate them about the pros and cons of what is happening so that they can make decisions that are best for their family. By offering constant support, doulas can make a labouring mother feel well cared for, like someone is constantly watching out for her and her needs. The mother’s partner may need a break, nurses have other patients and responsibilities, but often a doula will stay with mother to make sure she is being cared for, has the attention she needs and feels she is being heard. Contributed by Amanda Martin, DONA Certified Birth Doula. 2013 Okanagan4Kids.com Baby & Toddler Guide



hat does it mean to ‘OWN’ your birth? Owning your birth, which could also be thought of as ‘empowered’ or ‘conscious’ birthing, is about speaking up and taking full responsibility for you and your baby’s birth experience by planning for a happy and safe birth.

It’s about being key player in your own health care, by making informed decisions and choices throughout pregnancy, labour, birth, breastfeeding and beyond and staying involved in decision-making. It’s about feeling and acting empowered to ask questions and stay in control, knowing how to establish rapport with your care provider, and discovering whether or not you can trust them and accept their advice in the event of special circumstances. Before we’ve experienced birth for ourselves, television is where many of us develop our understanding of birth. Normal birth makes for boring viewing so programs highlight complications and drama. It’s so unfortunate that the simplicity of a healthy and relaxed mama, calmly and confidently

surrendering to her body’s innate wisdom and experiencing a natural, non-medicated birth does not exist on television, unless it’s a nature show featuring some other mammal, or perhaps a documentary capturing a rare glimpse into birthing in some other cultures. Instead, hearing negative, fear-inducing messages about birthing can cause women to doubt their own wonderful and powerful abilities to birth naturally, in comfort, without trauma. Their confidence is further squashed by negative birth stories they’ve heard (frequently at their own baby showers!) and by intimidating statements from their own care provider (baby’s head size!). Many women are completely unaware, or perhaps are too afraid, to realize they can ‘just birth’ if they

Here are a few more tips for achieving a fulfilling birth by ‘owning’ your experience: Most important - Actively seek out the right care provider to attend your birth - someone who will accommodate and support you in your specific birthing wishes – then you will be less likely to come away from your birth with feelings of anger, doubt, disappointment and betrayal. Check out your local midwifery groups or ask friends about their doctors. Reflect on what you want for your birth by seeing it play out in your mind. If your wish is to have a safe, calm and gentle birth for yourself and your baby then reflect on what safe and calm means to you and your baby to determine how your wishes translate into birth preferences. Put your birth plans/preferences to paper (two pages max, point form) and communicate these wishes early and often to your care provider at each prenatal visit, with smiles and courtesy. Trust your instincts and disengage from a care provider who gives you the impression that your desires and concerns aren’t valid. If your caregiver minimizes your concerns during your prenatal visits they are very likely to follow their own agenda on the actual day of birthing. Remember, if your baby is still on the inside, it’s not too late to change care providers. Educate yourself about the environment, policies and procedures routinely conducted at your different birthing facilities (home, hospital, or out-of-hospital birthing suite). Assess these factors when considering your birth preferences. Finally, register for prenatal education classes that, rather than preparing you to be a good patient, aims to boost your confidence and relaxation during birthing, so you feel led to achieving the kind of fulfilling and life-affirming birth that is your right as a mother! 8

2013 Okanagan4Kids.com Baby & Toddler Guide

OWN YOUR BIRTH Photo courtesy of Karen Edwards of Apple Tree Doula & Birth Photography karenedwards@shaw.ca

can relax deeply and ‘let go’ by trusting their bodies and maintaining an inward focus. Instead, they hand their experience over to someone who will ‘deliver’ their baby to them by ‘doing’ to them what they will. For example, birthing is often not allowed to begin in its own time. An epidemic of inductions is part of the reason for our soaring caesarean rate. Though mother and baby are both completely healthy, she is told of dangers and complications that “could” arise by waiting for birth to begin normally. The mother agrees to an induction. The contractions are wildly intense. Mother is bedbound with belts, machines and IVs. She cannot move into positions that would allow her more comfort and baby a chance to descend. Baby’s heart rate becomes a concern. Baby is not fairing well with this style of labour. A caesarean is recommended, for baby’s sake. By waiting just one day, this same motherbaby duo could have experienced a normal, healthy labour and a joyous, empowering birth. With a 33.3% caesarean section rate at Kelowna General Hospital, it’s so important that Okanagan women and families take the lead in deciding how their babies will come into the world! Serious implications for the parent-mother-baby relationship can occur when interventions happen, whether they are avoidable or not. Separation, drugs and disappointment all have the potential to affect bonding, breastfeeding and that feeling of fulfillment and joy that this lifechanging experience can and should bring. When the rights of families are respected and the parents are allowed a decision-making role, then their selfaffirming experience of birthing will lead them onto

parenting with love, joy and confidence. Learning to ‘OWN’ your birth and empower yourself can happen through many avenues, such as through childbirth education classes, hiring a doula, research, sharing of ideas with like-minded families, and reading positive birth stories and other literature that inspire confidence and teach about the simplicity of birth itself. Watching videos of empowered or conscious births can be a very beneficial piece of your plan also! Preparation of mind and body for birthing by practicing relaxation, deep breathing and visualization techniques, as well as developing your confidence and your birthing companion’s confidence and having the courage to be your own best advocate so that you can bring your baby into the world in a way you dreamed it could happen – This is being empowered! Own it baby! Contributed by Christy Phillips, parent educator and owner of Born to Birth Hypnobirthing.

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POSTPARTUM YOU WANT ME TO EAT MY PLACENTA? a pill on the other hand, almost anyone can handle that. While many of the benefits of placenta encapsulation are anecdotal, there is an increasing amount of research explaining why it works so well. The placenta plays an important role in endocrine functioning during pregnancy. The hormones contained within the placenta at the time of birth may still be beneficial to mothers during their postpartum recovery. Research has shown the placenta contains many hormones, vitamins and minerals such as progesterone, CHR, ell, not really. I wouldn’t call it eating.... cortisol, estrogens, endorphins, vitamin B, iron and many more. Deficiencies in many of these listed have I’m sure by now you’ve heard of Mad Men been linked to postpartum depression. star, January Jones, who was recently in the spotlight for choosing to consume her own placenta In addition to hormone balancing, placenta capsules after the birth of her baby. Why? To beat the capsules have also been shown to: baby blues, heal faster after childbirth and to have a • increase breast milk production happier postpartum overall. Many women worldwide • lessen postnatal bleeding are turning to placenta encapsulation for its postpartum • hasten uterus to pre-pregnancy state benefits for these exact reasons.


Placental encapsulation and ingestion has been used in Chinese Medicine for hundreds of years. The Traditional Chinese Method consists of steaming, dehydrating and grinding the placenta into powder form. The powder is then put into capsules and is to be taken on a schedule, much like a vitamin. There are a brave few out there who choose to consume the placenta raw by blending it up in a smoothie, or baking it in to their favorite casserole - but let’s face it - that would make most people a tad squeamish. Swallowing



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• increase energy levels • increase the ‘natural high’ feeling after giving birth

By re-introducing these nutrients back into the body, a woman has a better chance of avoiding the hormonal ‘crash’ or the ‘baby blues’ that is so common after childbirth. It is reported that 80% of mothers suffer from the baby blues; 12-16% of mothers are diagnosed with postpartum depression – that’s about one in every seven mothers. Anyone who has suffered from postpartum depression knows that it is a very serious condition which may require medication. Your placenta has already been created perfectly for you and baby so there are essentially no side effects. This service has helped thousands of women throughout North America and I can assure you this is not just for the crunchy folk out there! Contributed by Karalyn Lockhart of Instinctive Birth.

www.tendertushies.ca 10

2013 Okanagan4Kids.com Baby & Toddler Guide


Photo courtesy of Karen Edwards of Apple Tree Doula & Birth Photography karenedwards@shaw.ca


he transition to motherhood is rewarding and challenging. Those early days of breastfeeding are sometimes marked with frustration, sore nipples, sour milk stains and tears (not just the baby’s). I’ve been there. However, I made it through those early weeks and have found joy and intense love with breastfeeding. With experience, it’s so easy to look back and say to myself, “if only I knew then what I know now.” Of course, I can’t go back, but as soon as someone invents a time machine, I will travel back to my younger self and whisper sweet breastfeeding tips in my ear. Here’s what I will say: 1. Have no fear. Your body is perfectly designed to make milk. The process begins during pregnancy and will be perfected when your baby arrives. 2. You don’t need to, nor should you, wait for your milk to “come in.” Colostrum is milk. Don’t worry about its small amount or yellow tinge. Think of it as precious liquid gold! It is concentrated with antibodies, provides all the nutrition your little one needs and baby will love its sweet taste! 3. Your newborn’s tummy is small, about the size of a shooter marble. It doesn’t stretch, so your baby needs to have small, but frequent meals of mommy milk, colostrum style. 4. I know it’s hard and you’re exhausted, but your baby needs to breastfeed at least 8-10 times in a 24 hour period. Your baby needs the nourishment and more breastfeeding now, means more milk later. You and your little one are working 12

together to establish an ample milk supply. So, take comfort, all this hard work WILL pay off! 5. While breastfeeding is natural and normal, it takes time to perfect this new relationship. When you’re getting frustrated, take a deep breath, lay back and let your baby take the lead. Your little one is hardwired to breastfeed! 6. You might be told to breastfeed every three hours. Often, your newborn will want to (and needs to) breastfeed more often than this. Don’t worry, your baby knows when he is full. Follow your baby’s cues. 7. Take a “babymoon.” Enjoy your precious little one at home, inhale that sweet newborn smell (did you know breastfed babies smell sweet?) and breastfeed, breastfeed, breastfeed. 8. Surround yourself with supportive people. Become part of a breastfeeding community. The advice and support from other mothers who have experience with breastfeeding is invaluable. 9. Need help? Get it! Don’t feel embarrassed or guilty; we all need help sometimes. There are trained breastfeeding professionals in our community who can make suggestions to improve your breastfeeding experience. 10. Remember sweet mama, it gets better! The dedication you put in during the early weeks of breastfeeding will pay off! One day, very soon, you will appreciate how easy breastfeeding makes life. Yes, it will make life easy! Breastmilk is always available, it’s the perfect temperature, it meets your baby’s nutritional and immunological needs and it comes in two attractive containers! While I don’t have a time machine to go back and make my early days of breastfeeding easier, at least I can share my experience and knowledge with other new moms. My husband also insists that if they invent a time machine, that I deliver a hoverboard to his 9 year old self. Until Doc Brown finishes the Delorean, join us at Kelowna Breastfeeding Cafe. Contributed by Lisa Ford, Doula and co-founder of Kelowna Breastfeeding Cafe. kelownabreastfeedingcafe.com 2013 Okanagan4Kids.com Baby & Toddler Guide


2nd Tuesday of every month from 7-9PM at the Kelowna Health Centre (1340 Ellis St.) Phone: 250.868.7844

Breastfeeding Clinic - Interior Health Kelowna

Access to the Kelowna Breastfeeding Clinic is by appointment. Hours are Tuesday and Friday mornings from 9AM-12PM at the Rutland Health Centre (155 Gray Rd.) Phone: 250.868.7730

Kelowna Breastfeeding Cafe

Offers a relaxed, non-judgemental and informative place for moms to find breastfeeding support. Meetings on the 1st Tuesday of the month at Kelowna Community Resources (1735 Dolphin Ave.) from 10AM-12PM and the 3rd Tuesday of every month at Malachite Midwives (1955 Bowes St.) from 12PM-2PM. Web: www.kelownabreastfeedingcafe.com

Okanagan Breastfeeding Coalition

Web: www.okanaganbreastfeeding.org

La Leche League

As well as informal meetings, La Leche League Canada offers telephone assistance at any time and home/ hospital visits if needed. All La Leche League services are free of charge. Kelowna: The LLLC-Kelowna group meets at 7PM on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 630 Cadder Ave. (The Parent Place) 250.860.0575 Vernon: The LLLC-Vernon group meets at 10AM on the 1st Tuesday of each month at the Vernon Alliance Church 2601 - 43rd Ave. 250.260.4120 Web: www.lllc.ca

Penticton Breastfeeding Cafe

Offers a safe and supportive place for nursing mothers and children to discuss breastfeeding questions. Held weekly on Wednesday mornings at the PDCRS building (330 Ellis St.) from 10AM-12PM. Web: www.okanaganbreastfeeding.org Email: info@okanaganbreastfeeding.org

2013 Okanagan4Kids.com Baby & Toddler Guide

Prenatal Breastfeeding Class - Interior Health Kelowna

Offers a two hour class for pregnant women and their support person about the advantages, basics and challenges of breastfeeding. Held at the Kelowna Health Centre (1340 Ellis St.) Call to register. Phone: 250.868.7700 Web: www.interiorhealth.ca

Prenatal Breastfeeding Class - Interior Health Vernon

Free breastfeeding class for women and their support person. Taught by International Breast Certified Lactation Consultants. Held at the Vernon Health Centre (1440-14th Ave.) on the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 6-8:30PM. Phone: 250.549.5721

Vernon Breastfeeding Support - Interior Health

Public Health Nurses offer individual counselling to women having difficulties with breastfeeding. Phone: 250.549.5721

Westside Breastfeeding Support Centre

Free drop-in breastfeeding support on the Westside every Tuesday from 10AM-1PM. Address: 853 Anders Road (Maternity Care Westside) Phone: 778.755.5720 Web: www.maternitycarewestside.com

Weight and See Program - Interior Health Vernon

Breastfeeding support program run by Interior Health’s Public Health Nurses. The program runs Fridays from 10AM-12PM at the Vernon Health Centre. Address: 1440-14th Avenue Call: 250.549.5721 PPDA: Postpartum Depression Awareness Project LTD.

Is a non-profit organization with two very important goals: to increase AWARENESS & RESOURCES for postpartum mood disorders! Are you struggling with changes in mood in the first few years of your child’s life? Are you experiencing instrusive thoughts, panic attacks, difficulty getting through your daily tasks? For more information about how to find the Resources and Help you need, as well as Support Groups in your area, visit: www.ppda.ca


The Importance of Cross-Crawl Movement in Childhood Development


ou’ve got to crawl before you walk. This common colloquialism holds true in childhood development as much as it encourages someone not to get ahead of themself.


Crawling is absolutely essential for proper development of the physical body and the nervous system that controls it. Here is a basic breakdown of some of the systems that crawling helps develop in your infant:

The Concerns: Why do the sensory systems matter? What’s the big deal? All over North America we are seeing a very scary rise in Neurodevelopmental Disorders (Autism Spectrum, AD/HD, Dyslexia, etc.). There are numerous aspects at play with these conditions, but early detection and intervention are often centered around milestone delays and dysfunction. Crawling is just one piece of this puzzle. However, it is one of the easiest ones to positively influence.

Short crawling time is linked to awkward running

Physical Musculoskeletal System (AKA Muscles & Bones) style and poor limb co-ordination. “Early Walkers” Physically, baby is learning how to use their body. The body develops by interacting with its surroundings as baby explores the world around them. Muscles start to grow stronger and joints form based on the stresses put upon them. The natural curves of the spine progress with the new demands. Core stability and postural tone become ingrained.

demonstrate lower performance scores on preschool assessment tests. Movement and exploration through space allows child to make connections between the upper and lower limbs and the right and left sides. This is later connected to whole brain learning, related to reading, comprehension, math, and organizational skills. THAT’S the Big Deal.

Sensory System Development (AKA Brain Connection) WHEN SHOULD IT HAPPEN? Perhaps even more substantial than the physical development is the impact of crawling on the nervous system. Cross-crawl pattern movement (described later) strongly influences the input and output pathways traveling to and from the brain. This complicated network is called the Sensory System. A strong sensory foundation allows for higher functioning neural pathways to be better laid as development continues. The two systems most impacted by crawling development are: • •


Proprioceptive System: tells your brain where your body is in space. Vestibular System: considered the most important of the sensory systems because it has the most influence on all the other systems and on the ability to function in everyday life. This system works as the conductor of the orchestra, controlling the input, communication and volume of other signals traveling to and from the central nervous system.

Baby should start crawling around 8 months and be good at it by 9 or 10 months. Baby should regularly crawl for at least four months, preferably six. There will be overlap during this period when they are learning to walk (around 13 months), but crawling should remain the primary mode of transportation.


Normal crawling pattern involves forward movement of right arm with the left leg to a fixed position on the ground, followed by forward movement of the left arm and right leg in a symmetrical fashion. Common variations included scooching with one foot, crawling with same-side arm and leg, and the bear walk (on hands and feet with bum up in the air). Although they are often adorable, consistent variations may indicate a joint problem (such as congenital hip dysplasia or a motion restriction) or a motor control discrepancy. These variations are usually pretty easy to troubleshoot, but it is worth having things checked out by a professional who understands the growing neuromusculoskeletal system. 2013 Okanagan4Kids.com Baby & Toddler Guide


You needn’t be a concerned passive observer; there a ton of fun activities that you can “play” with your baby to encourage proper cross-crawl patterns. • • • • •

Walking and crawling are not the only two crucial movement milestones. Baby needs to roll before he crawls as well! Encourage rolling. Encourage rocking back and forth on all fours, the army crawl and sitting. Tummy time is also very important developmentally. Just because baby isn’t sleeping on his belly doesn’t mean he does not need to spend waking minutes there. Strive for two hours a day split into 15 minute segments. When changing a diaper, play “patty cake” with hands and feet. Touch right hand to left food and vice versa. Do a few sets with right hand to right food and left to left while you’re at it. Basically, you are “going through the motions” to teach the brain. To encourage more time crawling once they’ve started, create obstacle courses or tunnels. Play with your baby on the ground. (The crawling time is good for your brain too!). Linear (head-to-toe) rocking is food for the vestibular system. When baby is small, you can hold him or her lying with belly or back on your forearm (and head in hand) and gently swing back and forth. Once they are too heavy for that, good old fashion swaddle and rock will do, with or without a rocking chair.

This is an exciting time! As baby begins to explore the wonderful world around them, their personality will start to shine through and you will have so much fun crawling around your living room together! Enjoy it, encourage it and participate! Contributed by Dr. Amanda Stevens, Valeo Health Clinic

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etting your baby used to water early is important from a safety point of view. It’s also great fun! Since all babies originate from the watery environment of a mother’s womb, the sooner the baby is placed in water after delivery, the easier the transition will be for the child. Babies have not been pre-conditioned to fear water hence the baby is more likely to be inhibition free, enabling him/her to become confident and relaxed in the water.

Parents used to be advised to wait until initial immunizations had taken place before taking their babies to public pools; however health experts no longer believe this to be the case, so it is really up to you when you start taking your baby into the water. Early childhood development in the water directly relates with the overall mental and physical development of babies. In recent studies, it has been discovered that movement and exercise increase the efficiency, function and size of the important memory and learning area of the brain. With water being a natural environment for babies, movement and exercise in this setting creates an ideal environment for development. Furthermore, being in a body of water, a great example of gravity, allows for the babies’ brain to learn more complex things. Gravity stimulates the brain to activate the neck muscles so the infant raises his head, which allows the baby to become more fully aware of his body and the environment around him. The pressure of the water over the entire body also helps to stimulate the nervous system, helping the child experience their body using all of their senses. In the warmth of the pool, similar to the environment of a mother’s womb, babies will positively connect the familiarity of the water to their own safety. However, noisy public swimming pools may be daunting for your newborn, so searching out quiet facilities or more quiet times in the facility schedule, semi-private or private programs with small class sizes will increase your baby’s comfort level. Swimming classes can emphasize the importance of the bonding between the parent and Tips for helping your baby become comfortable in the water: child, as well as the social • Make every bath time (right from birth) a fun and relaxing experience. Let connection that will occur your baby explore kicking and splashing. Move them gently through the in the class environment. water on their back. Get them used to having water on their face by gently squeezing a sponge of water over their head or using a colander to “make Babies feel and respond it rain”. to everything. The pool provides babies and • Blow bubbles in the water – this helps show babies what they should do children the opportunity with their mouth. to experience new • Visit the pool when it is likely to be quiet, maybe asking a friend with a situations and therefore baby to come along too! grow their competence • In the pool, make sure you keep the baby’s face close to your own and and self-esteem. maintain eye contact. • Be animated and upbeat – Every experience in the water should be positive Lauren Sanbrooks and and fun. If your baby is accidentally splashed, react with a big smile and Kelly Paley of We Teach praise and move on to a different activity. If you freak out about it, your Swimming (WETS). baby will pick up on the negative and learn to fear getting his/her face wet. 2013 Okanagan4Kids.com Baby & Toddler Guide


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IMPORTANCE OF EYE EXAMS Did you know that 80% of your child’s learning is based on vision?


isual development is an active process that begins in the womb and continues throughout life. At birth your infant has all of the necessary ocular structure, but their eye is still immature in development, seeing only patterns of light and dark. Their vision rapidly improves over the first few months of life and then gradually improves to adult-like clarity at about the age of three. Colour vision becomes more developed around the third month and by six months they are able to control their eye movements and develop hand-eye coordination. Problems with eye health, alignment or clarity can cause serious problems, even blindness, if not corrected during the critical first years of life. It is important for all children to have a comprehensive examination at six months, one year and every year thereafter to ensure the best visual development. Do not make the mistake of thinking that your child is too young or that you can wait until complaints arise. Children often do not complain because they accept their eye ailments as normal. Although schools may conduct vision screenings, they are not comprehensive. Your optometrist will ensure that their eyes are seeing clearly, that they are aligned properly and that they are healthy inside and out. The BC Medical Services Plan provides benefits for children’s optometric eye exams. Dr. Stephanie Strawn, O.D. Lake Country Optometry Clinic



eed some peace of mind to help you sleep Prepare a will better? This checklist can help you sleep like a Visit the Canadian family website to learn about the baby. importance of having a will (www.canadianfamily.ca/ articles/article/having-a-will). Your priorities and needs change as you move through different stages in your life. When children A financial advisor can help you make informed enter the picture it’s more important than ever to financial choices during this exciting time. Now is the maintain a strong financial plan. A plan gives you time to get started on your journey towards financial confidence that you’re doing the right things to create security. lifetime financial security for you and your family. Here’s a checklist to help you get started: Contributed by Jacquie Haycroft, Sun Life Financial

Develop a spending plan

Do you know where your money goes? You will have new expenses and will likely operate with less money while you’re off work. Make sure you know what your parental leave income will be and ensure you know where you are spending your money.

I want to start a family. Mortgage protection • First-time home buyer plan • RESPs*

Have enough life insurance

I can help with your goals. Let’s talk about Money for Life.


You and your spouse should ensure you have enough life insurance to provide for your child should the unthinkable and unexpected happen.

Jacquie Haycroft BA (Econ) Bus: 250-860-6403 ext 2244 jacquie.haycroft@sunlife.com www.sunlife.ca/jacquie.haycroft 2139 Springfield Road Kelowna BC V1Y 7X1

Protect your finances

The effects of a critical illness can impact you and your family in many ways, including your financial plan. Having coverage will help you to focus on the care and recovery your family needs if you or a family member are faced with a serious illness.

Life’s brighter under the sun Mutual funds offered by Sun Life Financial Investment Services (Canada) Inc. © Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, 2013. *

Invest for your child’s future

It’s amazing how quickly they grow. Start an RESP* as early as possible and take advantage of the matching government grants. Waiting until high school removes growth potential that can make a huge difference when your child goes to university or college.

Keep saving for your retirement

Retirement savings can be easy to postpone when juggling new expenses and saving for your child’s education. Even small contributions can make a big difference down the road.

... where we play, learn and grow with Christian values. 1, 2 or 3 days per week; for ages three to school age. Working with families for the social, educational and spiritual growth of their children.


2013 Okanagan4Kids.com Baby & Toddler Guide

kids@kcc.net | www.kcc.net/preschool



side from the usual favorites; Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram etc. we have researched and shared our own personal favourites for you to try out and enjoy. There’s also something for the kids!


This is a great app for busy moms on the go because it lets you save content you find on the web and put it in your ‘pocket’ to read later. It also syncs to your phone, tablet or computer so you can read it anytime, offline. Free, iPhone, iPad, Android.

My Cycles

This app is awesome because you can track everything from monthly menstruation to ovulation and more! I use this one on a regular basis. Free, iPhone and Android.

Presented By:

Total Baby

Keep track of everything from nursing, bottle feeding, poops, sleeping, baths and more. It is a must-have app for new parents. $4.99 for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.


Put all your kids games in a safe place. I love this app because your kid cannot get out of Kid Mode unless you enter a password. The app also prevents kids from accidentally downloading or purchasing anything. Free and paid editions for the iPhone, iPad and Android.

Enter code: OKiPad13 www.OKANAGAN4KIDS.com


Need some inspiration for dinner? This is a weekly go-to app around our house. Thousands of recipes submitted by users like you and me with a great rating/comment system. Free and paid editions. iPad, iPhone, Android.

Contest closes at midnight on September 30, 2013 2013 Okanagan4Kids.com Baby & Toddler Guide

LIFESTYLE Daily Workouts

This app provides you with short, full body workout videos and exercises that you can do on your own timeline. Includes everything from cardio workouts to simple yoga and more. Free and paid editions. iPad, iPhone, Android.

FUN APPS FOR KIDS Everloop Goobit

This is a safe social app for kids! Kids can post, share photos and prank (Goob) friends on the go. Free and paid editions for the iPhone, iPad and Android.

Endless Alphabet

This is a super fun and interactive way for kids to learn the alphabet. From the same makers as the popular ‘Monster at the End of this Book’ app. Free, iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.

Monster at the End of this Book

This is a family favorite! The app is a fun and interactive story experience that will leave your kid giggling at each new page. $4.99, iPhone and iPad

Where’s My Water

This is a fun physics-based game for kids of all ages that has won several ‘Game of the Year’ awards. Created by Disney, it’s fun for kids and adults alike! Free and paid editions. iPhone, iPad and Android. Contributed by Sue Bojahra, founder and co-owner of Okanagan4Kids.com


Kelowna’s Unique Children’s Boutique

Kids clothing in sizes 0-14, shoes, toys & accessories #101 - 2903 Pandosy Street, Kelowna


LIFESTYLE GREAT PARENTS HAVE GREAT SEX sex is not serving you. Dump your need to be wined and dined and just do it. The truth is that if you want to feel more connected to your spouse, you need to connect more with your spouse. Sex is a really great way to create more connection. Use it.

Sex is unnatural and not that good

Photo courtesy of Katie Nugent Photography. www.katienugent.com


ince becoming a parent, how many articles, blogs, books and health journals have you read offering tips on being a better parent? It seems there is new information on this topic daily and it can get down right overwhelming trying to be proactive and ‘do the right thing’ as a parent. What if I told you that one of the most important things you can work on as a parent is something that you already know how to do. It’s actually the thing that got you into this whole parenting ‘mess’ in the first place! That’s right SEX can be the key to a happy household. The importance of maintaining a close and intimate connection with our partner as we ride the roller coaster of parenthood is often overlooked and put on the back burner, but a healthy sex life can have a powerful impact on our actions as parents. Sex is a sure fire way to re-connect with your significant other and yet many, many parents can attest to having gone through some serious dry spells or full on draughts in the bedroom. To start having the kind of sex that leads to better parenting, kick these four thoughts out of your bedroom:

I am not in the mood

The biggest lie going on in many bedrooms is that you have to first feel an intimate connection in order to have sex. That romance novel way of thinking about 2013 Okanagan4Kids.com Baby & Toddler Guide

Get out of your head and let your body do the work. The truth is that the only way to start having better sex is to start having more sex. If you feel you are out of practice, it is really important that you get back in the game. Not having a sex life leads to lack of intimate connection which leads to lack of communication. If you are feeling lonely in your relationship, or you think your spouse might be, commit to getting back into bed together. Your kids win in the long run; happier parents are much better parents.

I don’t feel sexy

That is because you are not having enough sex! The act of sex and the biological responses that come along with it actually help our bodies produce more beneficial hormones, which in turn leads to better health in a number of ways. More feel good hormones, like oxytocin for women, reduces stress and has the same physical benefits as exercise. If you want to improve your health and get into good shape, commit to having more sex.

He/She doesn’t deserve it

Stop making sex all about the other person. You are responsible for your sex life. Work on making sex about you and your commitment to the many benefits, such as connection and communication. When you use sex as a weapon or a reward for good behaviour you are making it about the other person. The fact is, you are together and you have children. The benefit of being in a monogamous relationship is that you have a guaranteed sex partner. What does it really cost you to have sex with your spouse when you are not particularly pleased with him or her? Nothing! Just do it. Do it for you and do it for your kids. Contributed by Beth Veenkamp of Constructing Life Coaching. 22



ccording to a recent survey, “growing families” is currently the biggest reason people buy homes. Other key motivators include: • Marriage - 59 % • Divorce - 48 % • Retirement - 37 % Whether shopping for your first home or one to suit your growing family, searching for a new home can be stressful and overwhelming. For couples entering the homebuying process together, here are some tips for “harmonious househunting”: • Each person should come up with a list of a few things that are most important to them. Then, they should decide as a couple the top 3-5 things that are important for their new home together. • When looking for a home, communication is key. Consider designating a point person for different aspects of the home-buying process so that information is not delayed or communicated to just one part of the couple. • Don’t get too many people involved; typically more people means more stress and what is most important is that the couple is happy with the decisions being made. • Don’t forget to have fun! Remember that this home will be the place to build memories and your family life together.

Following these simple guidelines can help couples eliminate added stress in the home-buying process. Regardless of market conditions, buying a home remains an investment in our lifestyles where the emotional benefits can equal the economic investment. The fact remains that people move for lifestyle reasons.

Contributed by Jaime Briggs. Realtor, Coldwell Banker Horizon Realty.

Fortunately Canada continues to enjoy a stable, balanced market with near historic low interest rates and a good inventory of homes for sale. For more real estate advice or assistance, contact your local Realtor.

Jaime Briggs

250-860-7500 Award-Winning REALTOR® since 2006




inding out something is wrong with your new baby is a parent’s worst nightmare. But we are so fortunate in the Okanagan to have nurses and hospital staff who are experienced in dealing with neo-natal issues. One mother has taken her birth experience and her passion for photography to create the “Children of the Okanagan” a fundraiser for children’s care at Kelowna General Hospital. Liz Soergel, mother, photographer and owner of Aviva Studios was inspired to create the “Children of the Okanagan” book project after the birth of her daughter Lauren. When Lauren was born, she inhaled amniotic fluid which made breathing difficult. If it is not treated immediately, it can result in infant death. Liz was so grateful for the care that she and Lauren received, which is why she created this project as a way to give back so others can receive the same great care at Kelowna General Hospital. She has partnered with Astral Media’s Have a Heart Radio-a-thon and to date the project has donated over $37,000.00 to the children’s care at Kelowna General Hospital. Liz Soergel is currently working on her third edition of “Children of the Okanagan”. Each page in the beautiful book features a different child photographed by Liz in an outdoor location in the Okanagan. The book has space for up to 200 children and each photo session will focus on the child’s individual personality. Instead of a sitting fee, the parents are asked to make a $100.00 donation to the Kelowna General Hospital Foundation for each child that appears in the book. The book will be available for purchase in December 2013 in time for the holiday season. Partial proceeds from the sale of the books will also be donated to the Kelowna General Hospital Foundation. For more information visit www.avivastudios.com. Contributed by Jen Sencar, mom and co-owner of Okanagan4Kids.com

Children of the Okanagan 2013 Raising money through portraiture for

KGH Foundation Be a part of this beautiful book which to date has raised over $37 000 for children’s care at KGH

SPACE IS LIMITED call today to reserve your child’s page!

www.avivaphotostudios.com 250.317.4395

FABULOUS FINDS We love to shop local and support small business! Here are a few of our favourite products this year. PoPo’s Poncho


Perfect gear for a rainy spring or cool summer nights! Micro-fleece lined pocket. Water and wind-resistant with nylon and PU coating. Available in bright and fun colors for both boys and girls. www.poposponchos.com

Made in North Vancouver, these slippers are hand crocheted and hand dyed in small lots for a one-of-a-kind pair. Great for all ages! www.scallywagskelowna.com


Personalized Books

Unique and fun, Personalized Books star your child with their name, friends and city printed in a story! www.storyisyours.com

The Gro-Clock uses fun images of the stars and sun to communicate when to go back to sleep and when it’s time to get up. www.chickenlittle.ca

Retro Apple Microfibre Diaper

The insert is made of 4 layers of microfiber and the inner lining of the diaper is made of a soft micro fleece, that helps wick away moisture and keeps tushies dry. www.tendertushies.ca

Babe Wrap

Whether you wear it to cover your little babe while nursing, or to bring out the babe in you, it’s the perfect addition to any woman’s wardrobe www.dressedtodeliver.com

2013 Okanagan4Kids.com Baby & Toddler Guide

Piggyback Rider

Carry your child effortlessly on your back! This is a great replacement for carriers and strollers and can hold kids up to 60lbs ages 2+. www.poppyschoice.ca

Scrumptious Baby Cream

This 100% vegan, familyfriendly baby cream is a natural and organic solution to your little ones dry skin. www.scallywagskelowna.com



Nannysitters Nannysitters Placement Agency specializes in connecting families in Kelowna and the Okanagan with fabulous fully-screened, local nannies to fulfill their childcare needs. Mention Okanagan4Kids when you call to book a babysitter to receive 50% off your first booking fee! Call: 250.575.6645 www.nannysitters.ca Kelowna Child Care Society KCCS provides a variety of information and services for families and child care providers. Call: 250.762.3536 www.kelownachildcare.com Penticton Child Care Resource & Referral Program www.pentictonccrr.com Vernon Child Care Resource & Referral Program www.childcarechoices.ca/main/ interior/vernon

CLASSES & AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS the Red Cross Swim Levels. City of Kelowna Fun, everyday programs for you and your child. Check out the latest Activity & Program Guide online. Call: 250.469.8800 www.kelowna.ca/recreation

Reflections Dance Studio Reflections Dance Studio offers classes in Jazz, Tap, Ballet, Lyrical, Hip Hop, Contemporary and PreDance for ages 3yrs to Adult. We offer a variety of program tiers that are well-rounded consisting of exceptional training, a place to build friendships and team spirit not to mention have a whole lot of fun. Our studio is here for all students no matter what your goal may be as a either a recreational dancer a performance dancer or a competitive dancer, we have the program that suits the way you want to experience the gift of dance. Call: 250-717-8884 www.reflectionsdance.ca


Call: 250.470.7496 www.weteachswimming.ca

We Teach Soccer (WETS) We Teach Soccer is a local private soccer school for children that offers year round learn to play soccer programs using achievable progressions based on a Grassroots Program focused on youth ages 4-10. Call: 250.470.7496 www.weteachswimming.ca


Tender Tushies Diapers Your one-stop cloth diaper and more store. We carry an amazing selection of cloth diapers, natural baby products, little legs, wetbags, custom blankets and more! “Saving the planet, one Tushie at a time”. Call: 604.809.0637 www.tendertushies.ca

COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS Scallywags Kelowna’s unique children’s clothing boutique! Call: 250.861.1312 www.scallywagskelowna.com


We Teach Swimming (WETS) We Teach Swimming is a private swim school for children that offers learn to swim programs using achievable progressions based on

Bankhead Family Place Call: 250.762.4476 Email: bhfp@clubhousechildcare.com C.A.T.C.H. COALITION www.catchcoalition.ca

2013 Okanagan4Kids.com Baby & Toddler Guide

RESOURCE DIRECTORY COCDA - Central Okanagan Child Development Association Supports families in promoting the optimum development of children with challenges. Call: 250.763.5100 www.cocda.com Kelowna Community Resources Kelowna Community Resources offers a variety of services to parents and children promoting healthy development of children in our community. www.kcr.ca Okanagan Boys & Girls Clubs Provides a safe, supportive place where children and youth can experience new opportunities, overcome barriers, build positive relationships and develop confidence and skills for life. Call: 250.762.3914 www.boysandgirlsclubs.ca

The Bridge Youth & Family Services The Bridge Youth and Family Services Society, a non-profit, charitable organization, has been developing and providing innovative and quality programming for children, youth and families in the Central Okanagan of British Columbia since 1969. Call: 250.763.0456 www.thebridgeservices.ca

Penticton Public Library Offering preschool storytime, bedtime stories, toddlertime and baby songs & rhymes. www.library.penticton.bc.ca YMCA of Okanagan The YMCA of Okanagan offers health and fitness, child and youth development, employment services and child care and camp programs, all designed with a passion for building healthy communities. Call: 250.491.9622 www.ymcaokanagan.ca

EDUCATION & COUNSELLING Constructing Life Coaching Call: 1.855.765.2636 www.constructinglifecoaching.com Family Resource Centre for the North Okanagan Not for profit organization that provides counselling and education services for children, youth, adult individuals, couples and families. www.vernonfrc.ca

Heritage Chrisitan Preschool Working with families for the social, educational and spiritual growth of their children. Call: 250.980.5604 www.kcc.net/preschool

2013 Okanagan4Kids.com Baby & Toddler Guide

Okanagan Regional Libraries For over 75 years, the ORL has been a source of free entertainment and learning for your child. With 29 branches in the Okanagan, a world of wonder is always close by. www.orl.bc.ca Strong Start A free preschool program primarily focused on children 3-5 years and their parents/caregivers. http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/early_ learning/strongstart_bc/


OgoPlay Family Entertainment Center Ogoplay family entertainment center is the newest and biggest kids play center in West Kelowna. Ask us about our birthday party packages! Call: 778.754.5866 www.ogoplay.ca



chiropractic care for infants and kids of all ages, prenatal care and more. Call: 778.484.5790 1591 Sutherland Ave., Kelowna www.valeohealthclinic.com

Denise de Haas – Canadian Scholarship Trust Consultant I help families identify personal savings goals and develop the right strategy to keep your money safe and growing. As the sole distributor of Canadian Scholarship Trust Plans we have an excellent understanding of RESPs – after all it’s the only thing we do! Call: 250.300.9819 www.cst.org

Interior Health Provides pregnancy support and weekly Baby Talk groups through the various Interior Health centres to support new parents navigate through a baby’s first year of life. Vernon: 250.549.5721 Kelowna: 250.868.7700 Rutland: 250.980.4825 West Kelowna: 250.768.6150 Penticton: 250.770.3434 www.interiorhealth.ca www.healthypregnancy.gc.ca

Story is Yours Personalized books and novels for children and teens have your child’s details printed right into the text so that your child is reading their very own story! An online and mobile gift shop, Story is Yours offers personalized books, toys, puzzles, games, arts & crafts and Science Kits. Visit our website and use “OK4K” to get your 10% discount on personalized books. Call: 250.469.2156 www.storyisyours.com

HEALTH & WELLNESS Jacquie Haycroft – Sunlife Financial Advisor Simple Planning Makes an Impact! I can help you position your finances for success in the future. Call: 250.860.6403 ext. 2244 www.sunlife.ca/jacquie.haycroft


Our Baby Impressions Personalized and unique gifts that last a lifetime. Call: 778.755.0102 www.ourbabyimpressions.com 28

Lifestyle Dentistry Exceptional family and cosmetic dentistry for every lifestyle. Now open in Glenmore to take care of your family and all their dental needs! Call: 778.484.CARE (2273) www.lifestyledentistrykelowna.com

Valeo Health Clinic At Valeo, our mission is to guide the families of the Okanagan toward becoming Healthy, Strong & Empowered. Specialized

NUTRITION INFORMATION Better Together BC Provides information about making family mealtimes healthy and fun. www.bettertogetherbc.ca Baby’s Best Chance Available at your local Health Unit or www.bestchance.gov.bc.ca Canada Food Guide Availalbe at your local Health Unit or at www.healthcanada.gc.ca/ foodguide BC Nurse Line 24/7 Call: 1.866.215.4700 www.bchealthguide.org Giving Birth Naturally Empowering each woman giving birth - online nutrition resources. www.givingbirthnaturally.com

2013 Okanagan4Kids.com Baby & Toddler Guide


Aviva Studios If you are looking for stunning and elegant images of you and your loved ones, look no further. Aviva means “to inspire and to invigorate” and that’s exactly what I hope to do with my images. Call: 250.317.4395 www.avivaphotostudios.com

Blissful Baby Planning Blissful Baby Planning offers a unique pregnancy and newborn service to new parents. From Prenatal Classes to Postpartum Support, and from Breastfeeding Education to Private Nurse Care, Blissful Baby Planning will meet all of your needs as you embark on this beautiful and joyous journey. Call: 250.215.3125 www.blissfulbabyplanning.com Instinctive Birth Call: 250.826.2245 www.instinctivebirth.ca

Sharla Pike Photography If you need Fresh, Fun + Creative photography, then I’m your girl! Professional photography specializing in family, newborn, maternity, boudoir and wedding! Call: 250.212.2844 www.sharlapike.com


Birth Kelowna Find information on local birth support professionals, birth and new parent planning and more. Call: 250.215.4812 www.birthkelowna.com

Postpartum Depression Awareness Project Provides resources and help for those struggling with changes in mood after child birth. Join the Postpartum Depression Support & Education Group held Fridays at the Canadian Mental Health Association Kelowna (504 Sutherland Ave.) from 1-3PM. www.ppda.ca Postpartum Support - Vernon Provides support and information to women experiencing postpartum depression. Call: 250.549.5721

Central Okanagan Prenatal Services Hospital tours, group and private prenatal classes and doula services. Call: 250.768.6979 or 250.862.6368 www.centralokanaganprenatal.com Kelowna Family Y Give you and your baby a healthy start to your new lives together. This prenatal wellness program is a compliment to your birthing and delivery class. (see ad on p. 5) Call: 250.491.9622 Okanagan College - Continuing Studies Learn the basics of childbirth and new parenthood in a fun and supportive environment. North Okanagan - 250.545.7291 ext. 2850 Central Okanagan - 250.862.5480 South Okanagan - 250.492.4305


Jaime Briggs - Coldwell Banker Horizon Realty Jaime Briggs is an Award-Winning professional Realtor at Coldwell Banker Horizon Realty in Kelowna. Call: 250.860.7500 www.briggsonhomes.com


COMMUNITY PROGRAMS Central Okanagan Family Resource Program

Come and enjoy our free drop-in playtime led by an Early Childhood Educator. A positive, supportive environment with creative activities, toys and fun. No registration required!. Dates: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 9:3011:30AM at the Martin Ave Community Centre Email: frp@kelownachildcare.com

Creative Playtime & Wee Tots Creative Playtime

Have fun with your child in a safe and creative space. Wee Tots Creative playtime for first-time parents only. Takes place at the Parent Place - 630 Cadder Ave. Please check their website for current dates and times. www.thebridgeservices.ca Call: 250.763.0456

Family Play Time

Moms, Dads, Caregivers and children are invited to drop in for some social interaction with other parents and playtime for kids. 2829 Inverness Road, West Kelowna Webber Road Community Center - 2829 Inverness Rd. West Kelowna Mondays & Fridays 11:00AM12:30PM. Lakeview Heights Recreation Centre - 960 Anders Rd. West Kelowna Wednesdays 11AM-12:30PM. Call: 250-762-3914 Rutland Boys & Girls Club - 355 Hartman Road 9:3011AM. Call: 250-765-3345.

Lake Country Playgroup (ages 0 - 5 years)

Mondays 9:30-11:00AM at the Lake Country Boys & Girls Club (3130 Berry Road). Enjoy quality time with your child in a fun and stimulating environment. Parent supervision required. $2 per family. In the gym. Call: 250-766-5277

MACC Parent and Tot Drop-In Gymtime

Wednesdays 6:00-7:00PM. Once a month we offer an evening parent-tot program open gym led by Dave. A pre-school craft, games and music are provided. Held at the Martin Ave. Community Centre Boys & Girls Club (1434 Graham Street, Kelowna).


Making Connections at First United Church

Fridays 9:15-11:15AM. Drop-in program for parent/ caregivers and children under age 5. A time of bonding through music followed by coffee and discussion for the parents and supervised playtime for the children. Richter and Bernard. Admission is by donation.

Mats ‘N Chats Parent/Child Gym Time

Wednesday mornings at 8:45-10:00AM & 10:1511:30AM. An hour long gym time for parents and preschoolers. Mats and equipment will be set up. First Baptist Church at 1309 Bernard Avenue. Suggested donation fee is $2.00. Call: Pam at 250-861-5425

Okanagan Boys & Girls Clubs

Drop-in sessions held at locations throughout the Okanagan Valley. Check their website for locations and times. Web: www.boysandgirlsclubs.ca

Parent Talk

Parenting information support group held at the Parent Place. Free child-minding is provided! Please bring a nut-free snack for your child. 630 Cadder Ave., Kelowna. Please check their website for current dates and times. www.thebridgeservices.ca

Tiny Blessings at Willow Park Church

Thursdays 9 -10:30AM. For new and expecting moms to build friendships and support. 439 Hwy 33. Contact Dale at 250-765-6880 ext. 112.

Toddler Talk at the Webber Road Community Centre

Okanagan Boys & Girls Club staff along with occasional professional guest speakers will provide an educational workshop for parents and child minding for children. 2829 Inverness Road, West Kelowna. Call: 250.768.3049



Exceptional family and cosmetic dentistry for every lifestyle.

#105 - 1972 Kane Road Kelowna, BC V1V 3C4

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smile@LDKelowna.com Between the new Coopers Foods and Shoppers Drug Mart

Visit us online to view our fabulous, state-of-the-art dental studio! www.lifestyledentistrykelowna.com

& youth n e r d l i h helping c e healthy adults. becom For more information call 250-763-0456 The Bridge Youth & Family Services 1829 Chandler St., Kelowna, BC V1Y 3Z2 info@thebridgeservices.ca www.thebridgeservices.ca Accredited by the Council on Accreditation for Children and Families

Where can I go for parenting advice? Drop-in and Workshops at our Parent Place: • Creative Playtime (ages 0-6) • Special Deliveries (first time parents) • Parent Talk - featuring parent topics • Parent Education Workshops

Where can my family go for counselling? We have qualified, committed professionals at The Bridge Youth & Family Services to help you and your family. Our fees are based on your individual financial needs.

Our programs rely on the generous donations from individuals and corporations in or community.To make a donation call or visit us on-line.

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