ra n Fibers Cer usic Wors ard Condu Communica ussion Ope on Debate Persuasio tion Keybo ywriting M alism Mass zz Drawing si la a o P Brass Perc rn J p ti u m o g l ta o J nimation n n ra C ti e o h io m h g d u ry C Theo n Arg tring eramics A dia Au cting Li S C e ip e h ir M D rs ra rs o e e n p b p o W u O Fi si a c mmunicatio ke Commu n a g usi Persu Jazz Drawin udio Journalism Mass Com Costume M wind Brass Percussio ywriting M l la n Debate P o ra ti o g h ta n C n ti e h m d g g A u o age Dance rg Wo hip Theory Directing Li Opera Strin sion Media unication A ogy Piano Music Wors e Makeup Percussion ate Persua ech Comm b g m e e n u ater Pedag p Drawin D ti ss st S ri o ra n C B n o yw g ti la si d ce ta P e phic D oodwin Choral Jazz rgumen ghting ge Dan ra A W Li ta G g S n in g o o n tr n in ti o g S a ia ti ct in P e ic ra ct n ir st ogy e A p D sion Med Opera mmu me Makeu ook Theatr ercussion ate Persua Speech Co ater Pedag u P b e rb e h st n a T D o g e ss C Y si n e c ra r o D B si ce e ti u n p ic a M Da ph ind ghting P menta and Vocal stration Gra heatre Acting Stage no Woodw Directing Li ation Argu lu ia Il P ic p n u u y ss g m ke la o a m g G o a M Marching B T C d d Pe ine Percussi ok ch me c Theater ind Brass tmaking Sta n Newspaper Yearbo esign Spee ance Costu n si w D D u ri d P ic o M e h o g y p l W h ta ra p S ca G o o ra o n og ing Pia visi d V tion tion Argu Pedagogy arching Ban Theatre Act Communica rnalism Tele lass Illustra u M r G k o o ch te d J o g e a e e e st in rb in p h g a T ca S ta n e d S a Y a o gn Costum Arr er usic king Graphic Desi Acting Stage Dance n Newspap rching Band Vocal M bell Organ hy Printma o n d p o n si a ti ra vi g H ra le o st p Te g lu Ty in Il Piano uct Ma ss atre phy alism Arranging Stained Gla r Pedagogy g Photogra arbook The dcast Journ n e te a g n Y ti a n a ro e in ki r B h rg a a e T P O p g a tm c n n n ll ti sp si o ri e ati hic Desi ndb New hy P l Mu ws Wri Television ration Grap ducting Ha Band Voca y Typograp n st ication Ne h o g n p lu C sm in u Il ra li h m g a rc rd m to a rn ss a o o u o C la M h o ss st J Keyb ed G ook The ng P ging aper Yearb aking Stain ting Broadca andbell Organ Arran ation Painti Composition sp ri tm im w n W n e ri ry s A P N o w e s e h n y ic T N o h p si H and V p eram tion phy Typogra cast Journalism Televi Arranging Marching B Conducting g Fibers C ra Communica g in rd ss a to w a o o ra h M yb P D e K d g zz a sm Ja ali Bro aking S intin rgan sition Audio Journ imation Pa ws Writing Handbell O hy Typography Printm n ory Compo e e A ia N h g d T e s in n o ic ct M ip ti u m h a d n ra n rs ic o o p Ce un asi Wo ournalis Keyboard C on Painting Photogra Mass Comm ing Fibers Broadcast J n ting Music w o ri g ra ti sm n D li si yw ti a o la ri p rn P zz u W m a ti o o J s g a im ew htin io J ing Ha ral ry C eramics An ass Communication N Media Aud String Cho rd Conduct rship Theo C a o o n W ra o rs yb e e si e p c b a K O u si Fi u rs n n e sio ainting sitio wing ng M sm M ate P nimation P ory Compo A g Playwriti ral Jazz Dra edia Audio Journali e tation Deb n o h n s ti h T e h ic C g m m ip u Li g h ra rg in e rs g A C tr S Wo M ctin ommun on ers akeup Dire ng Music sm Mass C eor rawing Fib ssion Opera n Debate Persuasion ti M li u ri D a rc e rn e yw zz u P m la a o u P J J st ss l o g io ra n h e C ind Bra rgumentatio String Cho Media Aud g Music Worship T cting Lighti no Woodw ersuasion D n unication A stume Makeup Dire ion Opera P ti m ss ri u zz m te a o rc yw a J C dagogy Pia e b la P e l P D ch ra ghting g Cho ce Co tation d Brass Li n Spee n n in in g a e tr si D w g m S e d u in o D e rg o ct g ra e ic A n e W h ir ta o p p D n O asi Gra ing S ogy Piano mmunicatio ercussion e Makeup bate Persu dagWarren heatre Act Speech Co d Brass P ce Costum heater PeThe ntation De M. Angell n in T e n a w m g Light D c d Yearbook T u si o si e rg o g u e D A g in W M ta ic ct n Graph Vocal Piano ing S p Dire nicatio ct u u d n y A n o g m ke a o ti a m e B g o ra a M tr g C d a st in e e e lu h P h Il um r eech ss Pe ss Marc ok TArts College of Fine Dance Cost usic Theate n Graphic Design Sp dwind Bra Stained Gla o per Yearbo M e o a g g l W n sp ta S ca ki w o o a e n V g N tm ia o in n P Pri Act Band UniversityGlass Illustrati gy nication vision Oklahoma MarchingBaptist ok Theatre ch Commu ter Pedago d alism Tele o g e a e e e rn in rb in p h u g a T o S ta n e J S a Y n c rr st g r g si A e si n u ca M ap ce C De aki an road Stage Dan phy Printm on Graphic and Vocal sion Newsp andbell Org ti B ra g vi g H ra g in le o st p in ct Te g h A lu Ty in Il rc a ct e y sm u tr h M li ss d a ea Con otograp Arranging Stained Gla r Pedagogy dcast Journ earbook Th Painting Ph riting Broa usic Theate Printmaking bell Organ wspaper Y d e M W n y N s ph a h l p w H n ca Animation e o ra o N g g si V o in vi p n d Tele stration Gra onduct g Ban phy Ty lu C sm in unicatio Il ra li h m g a rc rd m to a rn a ss o o u o C M h la o P J yb G ss g e d a st g K rboo ngin dca intin taine m M Composition spaper Yea riting Broa Organ Arra tmaking S imation Pa w W n n e ll ry ri s A e N o P b w e d s e h n n y ic T N o a h m si p H n vi ra ip Ce ing pogra Tele icatio hing B Worsh ss Commun ard Conduct ting Photography Ty Broadcast Journalism ging Marc wing Fibers a o n ra a M yb D rr e A K zz sm a n n li J a o a a siti ain Org horal io Journ phy Printm ory Compo ews Writing onducting Handbell nimation P Media Aud orship The nication N phy Typogra adcast Jo eramics A C u C ra W m g m c rd to rs o a o si e Persuasion o C h u b P yb Fi M ss e Drawing alism Ma position K Playwriting on Painting Writing Bro uctin Choral Jazz n Media Audio Journ Theory Com rs Ceramics Animati ommunication News g Lighting g in ip h tr S rs o oard Cond W ra o e e Music Mass C Persuasi ing Fib ition Keyb sion Op
Find your Place Tell your Story Yours is a wonderful story – beautifully and purposefully crafted by a sovereign God. And it is meant to be told.
t Str ni eor dia Communica eramics A Worship Th uasion Me alism Mass Fibers C ors rn u g W Debate Pers ng Playwriting Music o in J c w si ra io u d D Au hti ting M l Jazz g ri ra Li o yw h g la C P in ia g d ct e e g in M Dir Str ussion Lightin Persuasion ion Opera Brass Perc ss te u a d rc b in e e P D w d o g n ss o o W Bra Desig ectin ntati akeup Dir on Graphic on Argume ti M ti a ra ic st e n lu u m Il u m st m Co Co iano levisio e Dance rnalism Te Pedagogy P g u r o ta J S te a e h g T in Ke Act Glass Music Composition r g Stained and Vocal n B ki a g in st tm h n ca rc ri d a P a M String Cho ography WritingtoBro TypSome slearn w y e ry h o N p e h ra of you will tell n T g o to ti o a Ph hip unic Commu era usic Wors Mass Comm p M O sm n li g a n io ti rn ss ri u u Ye Jo layw through music; Perc ng Pstory Speech d Brass others Lightiyour in w n d g g o si in o e ct D W e ir D phic iano aper ration Gra edagogy P sion Newsp ndbell IllustYou Televipaint ss Theater P la sm G through drama. may employ or li a d e rn u g in Sta ctin Ha st Jo oard Condu ng Broadca yb ti eramics Printmaking e ri K W n s o w ti e N posiyour medium. g FibersbeC incould tion computer w Comas a ra ic ry D n o uasion u e graphics It zz m h a T m J o C ebate Pers Choral Worship D g c n si in o u tr ti S M ta n g e ra e Dance n Ope Playwritin on Argum cting Stag and Vocal Aplatform. nicatiprovides Percussioor u m e ss m tr a camera a lectern that you the ra o a B C e h T d eech ing B ok Woodwin Design Sp ing March er Yearbo g p ic n a h a p rr sp Typography ra A w G e n N n a sion otography ll Org h vi e P Illustratio le b d Te g n n a ti H in sm a ation N g n P ournali ductin imatioyou, Conexcited Communicic assexchange ard are s Anwith Mto o ic Design Broadcast J Regardless, yb m we to imagine honored e sm ra h K li e p a C ra n rn G o u rs o onhip Theory Cotrm ratiors mpositi udio J Glass Ilsiluc stW g Fibe A in w ia ra d D e hea M Theory Co tales, T zz you si asonyou develop your inriedtinstory-telling l Jaready to guide g Mu aper skills. YeJaarbzzooDkrawing M g Choraand atikinngg PSlatayw ate Persupahy PrinLitm b l e sp ra D o w h e h n C N g o ti ca g Opera Strin n o lM o Strin ogDrairecting rgumentaotographaykeTy Te era Ovipsi ing PBearsnduasiVon in on Awill upphow n letheir arcliusm abrcahtehow io rn M u ss M o h J g P study with you others have told stories and WHO KNOWS, it may be destined for the CommunicatiWe e in e st e m g g P D u n n ca a ti d st in Co ng Sgtahtin Bro inad Brass andbellonOrgAargnumAerrntation phy pPriDntm tinogodw riW W en PDaancesomeone snelse’s AgnimSatatigotelling ireactkiing Li w e sctin N ic o ra H ti u m g a n ia o g o ic story can shape our own understanding even ra New York Times Best Sellers list or, no ke P p n e ti a in u A a C Ty y ct M rc alism eTe y du Comm bers mtemr unPic edagog Keybonard SpCeoench st PhDoatongcerapChostumtieng BW rawing aFibedtime dJouBrnrass POrg aoddca McassThCeoaas in g ro n w g ti sm n si li o in e e a o si a ti g u D P rn si ta ri u o we seek to inspire our audiences. M less important (maybe Dmore), ic S o ll p n h W o J e o p m ti n g b s ti o a d ra ia in a w C io n ic G P e d ct a n im u N A u H n ry y A n o g Comm The stratio ation dagog ard CondSupctein mics TAheatre Media ech Coc mm Ghlaipss Illuw o Design Thuenaicter Ptieon Kraepybhic ritual with your grandchildren. Fiabpeersr YCeeararbookrnalismcalMaMssusi hotograp Music Wors inegwsp tiSnour ra si in G D o a p u P N o tag geP Danece n o V m o zz J Playwriting o n And, we will think together carefully about the role of art and how n a ti o C o J levisi g d ra ti io n in a d a st l ry ct u s B o lu im ra A A e Il n g o h Te h A in T e C ediaMarch ics Theatr g hipined Glass atironPeNdagwo Cnotes, ta Sus, mTuhneicate uasi angMingcreations usiacallow eeararbmook“to ocmwhat baeprs Opera Strinthe Debate OPrgers nWgors Y M C Aorrnown Fi ki r can as C.S. Lewis present No matter the ultimate audience, ss g e g n a n tm a in ti n M si K ri w ri u sp P ra n M w yw Ppla Vocal tation ography g Chosm Journdalism l Jazz siDon Ne ia Audio omstpraosi tiotino Gra LightiyngTynarrow ry CIllu rgumenas ThGelaoexclude.” in ali ra Teleavi ss and desperately practical perspectives life point of your story is theAsame all arching Bacn WofoSrsreal edg M Ssttr hip Mgin era ourn Phinogtographthe p Direct d ra J u n e e o p ke in si O a ca ta e n d u b M a n a si Fi rr rs u io e ro e g A er CYea P rgan uss inegwspaprs stum ting B tation aDnedbbaete tmakin l Jazz siDoranwN tiyngPriM PwesrcW ri n O ri ss yw ll la ra P B h e stories: to be shared withCoothers. p N o g d ra vi J n n le dwin ChoraorTe Typog Ligor AgudioMarchuir ACrgounm g gra duectingyouHupareDirdrawing phhtiydebating, composing, Ssttrin ePcthin atiooanrd Whether MAerrdaiangin to Piano Woo radinvestigating Jogurnalism o neicyb e n u p o O m si ca g a m ke n u n a o a n ti K C rs io a ro M e in B ss Pell Org u riting maetion orPaperforming, eech ng Musi esrcW oAstnuim Crecording Dgeblook ssNePwsinging sign SpCollege Haatendbforward or acting, we with tiuoctn in Our goal in the Warren M.DeAngell arance datiBora g Playwriti s ta D n n in ic n ti e w h m e m d g g d u o Li n e ta o ic rg o C S n W A C g u era Str ianaoss Comm CommutinoicnatiKoenyboard irectin Acting PM ydelight upisDtransformed agaoligsm heatreYour ake ussion Op M to watching and listening as your life and of Fine Arts is to help youTFind rc si Poeudrn e o e ch P p r e m m te e u o a p ss C st J e S o h ra C T B gn Theory c ce tation D icoDrsehsiipstory phW Woodwind Vocal Musi Stage Dan n Argumen o o n uGsira n ti oM g c your is told. Place and Tell Your Story. a ia ti in P ic ra ct n st A u y g lu m o e Il m Co dag ss akeup D heatr Stained Gla Theater Pe gn Speech Costume M Yearbook T si e c r D si e ce u p n ic a a h M D p sp l ra w e G Ne tag oodwin Voca Illustration Television e Acting S hing Band y Piano W ech ss tr g rc a la o a e g G h a M T d d e e k g P in o in o ta S ng pe ater earb Organ Arra Printmaking ic Design S Music The wspaper Y ypography tion Graph ctin evision Ne nd Vocal
Artists play a critical role in any culture that values beauty. Art is a vehicle for expression, worship, and meaning-making. When artists create, we epitomize what it means to be made in the image of God. As an OBU art student, you are encouraged to pursue your giftedness, hone your skills in a particular medium, and to ultimately find purpose and joy as you explore your calling as a creative artist.
OBU  |  art and design
ART DEGREES Bachelor of Arts in: Animation Art Graphic Design Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art MINORS Art Graphic Design
ART HIGHLIGHTS Biennial Trips to NYC for J-Term Study Tour Opportunities to create work for local nonprofits and the OBU campus community Award-winning student work (as recognized by the American Advertising Federation)
Seasoned and caring faculty who regularly exhibit and publish work
If your passion is music, the Division of Music at OBU can offer you a professional degree to match your career aspirations. All of our music degrees are built on a strong foundation of core music skills with courses designed and taught by accomplished, knowledgeable, and caring faculty members dedicated to your success musically, academically, vocationally, and spiritually.
OBU  |  music
MUSIC DEGREES OBU music degrees, accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music, include: Bachelor of Musical Arts (minor required) Bachelor of Music Education (vocal or instrumental) Bachelor of Music in: Composition Piano Performance (with optional emphasis in Pedagogy) Vocal Performance Worship Studies MINORS Music Music Composition Worship Studies
Music Performance Opportunities Even if you decide not to pursue one of our degrees in music, we still hope you will participate in one of our exceptional vocal or instrumental ensembles, including: Bison Brigade Marching Band Bison Glee Club Bison Jazz Orchestra Bisonette Glee Club Chamber Music OBU/Shawnee Community Orchestra Piano Ensembles Symphonic Winds University Chorale University Ringers You can also enroll for private piano, voice, or instrumental lessons or audition for one of our musical productions.
THEATRE DEGREE Bachelor of Arts in Theatre MINOR   Theatre
THEATRE HIGHLIGHTS Three main stage productions with opportunities for acting, design, stage management, crew, and front-of-house Annual New Works Festival featuring original studentwritten plays Award-winning involvement and recognition in the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival A broad-based theatre education rooted in the Christian liberal arts tradition, where the theory of the classroom manifests in the work on the stage
Whether you are interested in performance, design or technology, you can find your place with OBU Theatre. We present a wide variety of productions, including musical theatre, classical plays, children’s theatre and original works. Each of our productions is student-driven, with students fulfilling design and management duties as well as performing. No matter what your theatrical interests are, there is a place for you with OBU Theatre!
OBU | theatre
JMAS DEGREES Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication: Journalism Emphasis Media Emphasis MINORS Journalism Media
Attendance of national and local conferences and competitions for media students and professionals Opportunity to produce, anchor, and create news and feature content for OBU-TV News, a weekly, online campus production Development of portfolio via a weekly student newspaper and annual yearbook production. Student positions offer hands-on publication experience Professional internship opportunities allow students to gain real-world experience in their field An engaged and supportive faculty who work to develop student potential and create qualified media professionals
My transition from undergrad to the real world was seamless because of my experience in the journalism program. I learned firsthand how to be an effective communicator and how to be successful in my career path. The journalism program created a foundation that has led me to success in every professional endeavor. ANDREW, ’10
Marketing Manager Maschoff Brennan | Sandy, Utah
The challenging JMAS program offers you a multifaceted skills set, a strong foundation for journalistic scholarship and application, and professional internship opportunities. While completing the academic program, you will work with professionals from the industry as you build your portfolio by participating in various cocurricular contexts.
OBU | journalism and mass communication
I loved how my professors gave me the freedom to guide my coursework to topics that interested me, which I still reference and discuss in my career today. The oneon-one attention you receive at OBU is second to none, whether it be continuing an academic discussion or just chatting with your professor, they take the time to get to know you personally and help put you on a path to success.
COMMUNICATION STUDIES DEGREE Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies MINOR Communication Studies
Athletics Development Associate Fordham University | New York, New York
You will have the opportunity to compete with our nationally recognized debate team. You will be challenged to design original research projects that celebrate the intersection of your passion and communication studies scholarship; these projects often make their way to the national stage at communication conferences. You will have a strong voice in shaping your undergraduate experience to meet your future goals as you interact one-on-one with your professors. You will be prepared for communication-focused internships.
If you are driven to understand the best approaches for particular audiences within a variety of complex contexts and if you are passionate about intentionally engaging others, this is the degree for you. Using an audience-centered approach, you will learn to analyze, evaluate, prepare, share, and promote communication acts shaping your life and the lives of those around you. You will be challenged by communication theories, principles, and applications within interpersonal dyads, families, small groups, organizations, cultures, and sub-cultures.
OBU  |  communication studies, debate
t bers Cer usic Wors ard Condu Communica ersuasion Painting Drawing Fi tion Keybo ywriting M lism Mass si a zz la o a P rn p J u m o g l o J n C ra ti Animation o h io h g d s ry C u o ic e A g m h T ng Li in ra ia tr e d S C ip e M unication orsh bers ion Opera Persuasion Mass Comm heory g Music W ral Jazz Drawing Fi te n a ti sm b ri li e a D ss Percuss yw rn la u n P o o T J rgumentati String Cho g Lighting dia Audio c Worship unication A uasion Me up Directin ion Opera riting Musi rs ke ussion e ss a P yw u rc M e la rc P P e te e P a b m g ss e u n Lighti d Bra in d Brass tation D g n w in in e d w o ct Dance Cost m d o e u o ir o W rg D A W Graphic iano tion keup gy Piano Illustration edagogy P stume Ma Communica ss P o la C r G ch e te d e a ce e er Pedago p e n in S h a T ta D S Broadcast Music Stage phic Design Printmaking g ws Writing y e in h N ct p A ra n g o o stration Gra ti e p a tr a ic Ty e Worship un arbook Th Mass Comm ting Music cal ri o sm V yw li a la P d rn spaper Ye n u a o g B J ghtin wind Brass Marching Directing Li dagogy Piano Wood phy ra p g u Arranging to ke o a h P M Pe ined Glass n Painting c Theater king Sta a si dio u u tm A M n ri l P ia s Animatio ca d o e V phy on News uasion M ommunicati y Typogra C h p ss ra a g M to ebate Pers e Dance Costume o h P laywriting alism Stag Lighting P dio Journ d u g n a A in B o ct g e ia ir in e Acting d h D e rc M up gogy Pian nging Ma ume Make ater Peda st e o h C T ic h Organ Arra nimation Painting p The quintessential ce c ra n si a G u D M lustration ics A d Vocal ed Glass Il instories. bers Ceram Persuasion arching Banto countless ta Yearbook S M te opening a g b n e ki D a on Newspaper Printm e n g o y h ta si p S vi ra le g g Argumentati o Te in p Ty rching Band lism Theatre Act an Arranging graphy anging Ma cast Journa to rr d o A a h ro P n B a g aking rg g n rg r Yearbook n O ti O ti Printm s Wri“As for the beginnings ofphyfairy-stories,” wrote n Pain ndbell Handbell Typography s Animatio ication New oard Conducting Ha n ic u m m ra ra Conducting m e g rn o C u to C o alism ho st Jthe ng Pscarcely “one improve formula.” Paintican wing Fibers udio Journalism Mass ry Composition Keyb Tolkien, g Broadcaon n n o ti ti ri a bell W im s n w o A l Jazz Dra A e e edia tion N cting Hand hip Th ramics M a u e rs d ic C o n n n o o u W C si rs m a e c u m b si rd o rs Fi u a C o M g ss yb ting a e in g in K n M w a ti bate Pe P ra ri n D sm n atioquickened, mpositio ghting Playw Choral Jazz Media Audio Journali With ry Cosyllables, but our minds are ofive ics Anim e m h T ra e tion C a ip h ic n rs Directing Li ssion Opera String rs u o W asion g Fibe ass Comm M rawinreadied, Dare Percu ting Music our sm bate Persu ri li zz e a a D on yw J rn tifueled. la u n hearts and our imaginations l si P o o o J ti ra p o g ta nd Brass m h C en Co ghtin Audio tion Argum hip Theory pera String Directing Li on Media rs O si o rs a p e u u W n b rs io ke Fi c e a ss P si Communica u u M g e Perc ebate zz Drawin ywriting M ce Costum l Jabefore ind Brass entation D Though g Pla ra w n m o io d ti u h d o h C u rg o g A A Li W g we do not yet know the or the after, Stage Dan n in g ia o o n Str Med ectin nicati dagogy Pia Makeup Dir ch Commu ssion Opera n Debate Persuasion e g u e n e rc p ti m e S ri u P st n yw o g Theater Pe la ss C si ra have we ubeen o to our or ng P ance d Bnor hic De ticharacters ntatiintroduced D p h in e g ra w m e Li G d g o rg ta o g n S A o in W ti ct g n Opera Piano nicatio e Actin up Dire n u y tr io g m ke ass Illustra a o a m e ss g o h u a M T C d rc e e e k P P o ch m e u new world, welcomed ostour Yearbo Brassare filled with tion c Theater ind we ance Cto Design Spe Newspaper no Woodw munication Argumenta Vocal Musi g Stage D ia on Graphic in P d ti ct n ra A a y B g st o e g lu g tr Il in a a h d anticipation, curiosity, and hope. Com r Pe Glass k The Makeup ng Marc er Yearboo ng Stained usic Theate Graphic Design Speech ge Dance Costume p ki M a a sp l tm w n ca e ri o N P V ta d dwind sion ography Illustration arching Ban e Acting S Piano Woo tr M lism Televi ss a y a e la g g h rn G o T u in g d o g a e J k n d o in a e st o P Arr Sta r eech earb g Broadca Design Sp usic Theate Printmaking bell Organ wspaper Y ic d e M h n y N p a h l p H ra n ca G o ra o g g si V o n in vi p o d an Tele rati y Ty Acting rd Conduct Marching B Photograph Journalism Glass Illust r Yearbook Theatre g d st g in e n g ca in ti n d a in a ta a rr S ro P A B g ape Music rgan akin riting Animation nd Vocal sion Newsp phy Printm Handbell O a n News W vi B o ra g g ti le g o a in in Te p ic ct h n Ty u rc u d a sm n m y g M d Glass urnali graph ard Co Mass Com roadcast Jo an Arrangin y Printmaking Staine ting Photo B tion Keybo rg in si a O g o P n p ti ll m n e ri o o b C W d ti Han ews levision nima graph p Theory Conducting unication N urnalism Te Ceramics A raphy Typo
gn Piano unication stume M o Graphic Desi eech Comm g Stage Dance Co gogy Pian a d Newsp e P o r si Design Sp te Televi n Thea n e Actin o c ti tr si a ra u e h st M T lu Co Il l k Voca Glass Yearboo Keyboard ing Band ng Stained h sm ki li rc a a a rn M tm w u n o ra ri J P D g phy Jazz dcast Arrangin sition riting Broa phy Typogra o ra p W g s m o to w o u C e h rg N P A on heory Tas ainting icatias Choral as oitrsiship glovingly CommunYet, W And so, your story begins. “Once Pupon exciting as and carefully and in ss tr a S c M si u ra e M p sm O riting ournali icationwill ussionsentence mmunstory Coyour ss Perceach a time,” there was you. With all ofJyour ing Lighting Playw the Author Bracrafted peechof it, indhas S w d o n o g Yearbook si W e Direct r D o ape story: phic Grapurpose ewspthe gy Pian find fulfillment o N g n talents, all of your dreams, all of your efears, and only as it echoes a o n d o ti e P Organ si ra vi r st bellGod’s Th ate ss Illu sm Tele ed Glastory. cting HaofndEden, A“The ournaliwrites in u J tion d ta n st S o ca C nimatrue d and all of your passion, you have walked, As Jerram Barrs in his book, Echoes g a n rd ro ki a s B Keybo eramic Printma riting C n W o rs s ti e w si b e o Fi Media p N m o her work within ing rawcontext crawled, leaped, inched, danced, andCommunication artist the of and rsuasionof God’s TheoryhisCor hip sees l Jazz D ateas Paesubset b rs ra keup e o o h D W C n c g o si m in ti u M Str more creative ostu e Ma Csomething umentaThe true artist pera ce rg drug yourself through each page as the larger and infinitely work. values n O A a D ater n n io Playwriting o e g ti ss a u ing Sta Music Tghne Spekiech ommunic CThe Brass Perc more than e aAct ocal made.” Vhas atrup ech e e h si d p T e n S tma n Author has introduced you to the world. self. true artist holds mirror to what God a D n k B o ri ic n Woodwind g o P h g p in rb si rapography March Illustratiopnhy GTy er Yea phic De p g a ra Yearb G in sp r g e w n n p e a o a rr N ti A ra sp Your environments have challenged you, vision Illustra Ginlatissng Photog TelevisiomnunNiceawtion News WA rgan le O d e Te in ll e ta sm b S a li d P a n a an m do alldbell Org on lism kinAgnimatiexperience” aOBU ss Cowill rnsm ing toH have riranmtmicas“college Maand adcast Journ oardWeCowant nductyou Hgan Music Worsngh dcaJostuJrnoauliat characters have enriched you, and plotBrotwists pehrsy CaPegreat a g ra ro in g B o ct p u g d yb n n Ty n e ti ti o io K ri b ti Wedia Aud hyratowfoster pD rd C Playwri nimation POain racan ing Fi nit.ication NoenwsM gzz to Phl owe ompositiPoaninting ora n peraas oenctinKgeybLioaghtingCera A a ti io J si have revealed you. And with a turn of Cthe u s si a ss o u ic m u p rs m m rc m e o e h o P C P C ir C D ss M AnimOaptieoran Strindgio Journuamlism ournalinsmArgMum ing Fiobdewrsind Brass tioan Deubsiacte WorsChoipstuTmheeoryMakeJuapzz Draw page, a new chapter tos begin. Ceramic uation Arg enta A ia ACuodmiomuJnicatioW no Wosi dinch M ia rsis ready l ce e ia P e n ip d ra b M g a e o n Fi D h y ti n M g C ic o ri o e n n g e g g g u o a e a yw We want you to thrive artistically, academically, and socially the College in Sp uasi usic orsuhme ersu omm Draw nge PAlacting Sta ion Opecra TShtrein ater Pedtion DebaGte pPhic Desihgtinng PlagywSritatigneg DMance CCohst Debate Pers up CDirectoinogk LiTghhetiatr J ra ss si n l u u o ta rc ti ra n M n e o o ta e P ti n l m e ra u g ca in ss m o andicare Fine guidingDiryour want lust ake Yearb oodwindhinBgraof gThLi tredinaggogy Piano Arguthat chapter, nedAGrglass Ilto indevelopment. SPyou oindedicated nd VArts tre Act n We ct a ti a e Mentitled e We hope perhaps a B e ra m e u n p u st O p k o m u o W C rc m o P ta r a ke o C aking S arb to successfully Maaper Yeyou ussio Theatea career ate ge Dance ech pheyknow gy PAiarrnaonging MDesign Sto stuNmwill agostories your vocation Cooand StageHill,” Printm taontionGraDpehbic Desi Bd raVssocaPlercMusicpursue eewspprepare Pedour n ce e n r p d a “On Bison will be where m n te ra ic in u D a g h w e o p si rg d e h p A vi ra o g ti T n o Ty G le W hing Ba Sta Te lustrabillse isMaakeouopk DTirhee gourn ngoa M Music alism with stratiPohnotography Theatre that uinneicdatiGtoolanpay ss Ilyour ActstinJconnects m yanPgia VocalSmiles Cgom it. jobarcand earning enough goAgFinding in a lassourIllufaces d G ca ta ch e d e d S P a k e e Cospstaupmer Yearb wind B rr intertwine. sneak onto o p ro in r o S B n ta te ce rb ki a n S Orga Graphic gDraepsihgyn Printma ing StagevisiDoann New er NYeewas Writing cal Mreasonable cHanTdhbeellreturn p si a u sp Woogd Band V w Printmaking e N le o ct for your hard work to earn a degree. n o p tigoraphy Ty visionstory and your nd CVonducting Glass IlluPhstora lism Teater PedarrgaonggyinPgianMoarchinch as we imagine howTeOBU’s atrJeouA ard le a e B h rn g T in to h k sm o rc li o a st a a o rb e akiCngomSmta edPainting Journ r riYtienag Broadcaocal MusincdbeTllhe Organ A hic Desigyn PSripnetm ging M Keybntmaking imSatatiin e n p a a rr n sp A o w e W n a N s a p h story mightndintersect. We can feel our n rg el ri onation New rching BaCnodndVucting H lustrationphGyraTypograp StagTe leviusi inaglism Ha bell O graphy Typography CePramicJsouArnalism nic however, that genuinely, Il Photograresolutely trest JAoct ss oTemmgreater, edaca urn oarddesire la Thembrace ybour dPGyou nsigtiinogn MKaeis ass CFar kBro g e st a to o n Pe M in rr o o ti ca h A ta d pulses increase as we anticipate how other r rb in a P a S a a te sm n e ro a li g a Y g B e o a n n n rg h p ti r g rn o ki T Oorystory ews W n a Ain ati through apeand Comof Christ Jou ritiHim, Pain spN uHsiacndbell Organ nimHim, rinmtm Writing dipbellTthe w P M and that Him, for you will n e s a e N l y s w h H h e ic ca p n N o g o ra V n in si ra g o n e h o g vi ct o ti d strat BanConductin Glass Ilto ondu Wors characters we influence nicati and love will y inTy bers C JournaliM smassTeCleommunicaing Marceyb muknow hinogard g p Fiyour graDprahw Com dting Pho lugrapah Keyboard C MusiPcaintingralPhJoato e st in forever find place and tell your story. g n K n ca ta o zz sm a d S ti li n a rr si a o A ro o ti in g rn p B a n si u n ki sps n ing Cho po Comyours will impact n P vision NeNwew atiSotr your storyThand theirs. nim ell TOhrg eoryhow ws WritingAudioctJinog Haonrsdhbip y mPicrisntm eoary Com Aanimatiliosm le Ceramics A TybpeorsgraCpehra sieon Meadrdia CondM u usic W unicationnging MK nicaPtieorsnuaN ass ComTe u y m ers rn h b m u p Fi m o ra o J g C g Fi st to in te a o ss o a g ca w h g a a We can hardly wait to learn what God has in d alism and M knowledge in with P Dbe eyb Arr tion Deb position nKgMay Dra roouarn ritin“once rawfilled your upon sm M gio BJgoodness intinagtime” Playw siaWriAtiundthe om dipbellTheOorgryanComppoogsiraphy e io Journali imSatrtiinogn CPhaoral uJnaiczzationn NMew ry Audnext Anand gWoHrsanhand ing LigChetiramoficGod d ia the in Theohe e s eCct ct ir u store for you pages, the days ip d D Medin Ty h n o may your “ever after” always find on your mind lips: ra rs o y m C e o h si p m c p a W usi ard gra ing Fibers adCca ion O alism nMaDssebCaote Persu osition Kelayb Music ng and winBgrassFibPeersrcuss yworitingatiM inhtionragl PJhaozzto Dras w ra rn a P D p o u P o ti m zz g J Playw o n ta ting Bro io a n o C has ordained forritiyou written in His own n J ti e io h C d g l m ry u u Li o im String nra Nsieown W s OA Mriedia CAoundduct emduianicA ipup ThDeirecting rs Ceram n on Arg sic Worske g Chora ic h o ti M in ti a e tr a p n S ic o a n u si u a ra n rs m u e m e This my song: P is my omstory, this Co Opone of them came ard ritin Pers book before Maisss riting Muume Maazz DrainwdingBraFissbe Percuossuio onC DebaCteomposiin tiogn LiKgehyb liusm tinog Plaimyw arg on Debateto be. g gPelayw Dance CgostChoranlo JW mentatimy atipoenra oodw edia AundicioatioJn rn ct A n ry Praising Savior, all the day long. e o A ir Argumentati up Directing LightiSnta e D h s T O in ic p ia tr u m P n ip S M mmu y CeraPercussio Worsh e Make ing Fibers ake Persuasieoench Coyw ssion OperraPedagog woodwind Brass urn Mass Cotam cec Costl um Costume M ritatigneg DMaunsi zznoDra la rass Percu TheuamteentationGraDpehbicate Design LiSgphting in a P B J W onicaatiliosm d J S n ArgumTehneo in ra o w g io h ia d d C P o u n o rg ct A o y g A g A u W ti g in in m o ia ra n tr o g e d ct m o st S n a ip tr e e o ti d Illu Pia Dirook Thea Pe ra nica sigonn M c DWaonrs Speech ritiCng Mtausi ceh Costzzum Makeupearb ussion OcpeTheanterDebaterapPheicrsDueasi ch Commu wespaper Y l Ja Brass PVeorccal Musi Playw ng S ge ce Costuem o G esign Spee
ra n Fibers Cer usic Wors ard Condu Communica ussion Ope on Debate Persuasio tion Keybo ywriting M alism Mass zz Drawing si la a o P Brass Perc rn J p ti u m o g l ta o nimation J n n ra C ti e o h io m h g d u ry C Theo n Arg eramics A tring dia Au cting Li C S e ip e h ir M D rs rs ra o e e n b p p o W u O Fi si a c mmunicatio ke n a usi ing ss Commu Persu Costume M wind Brass Percussio ywriting M Jazz Draw rnalism Ma la u n Debate l P o o J ti ra o g ta h n io n C ti d e h u m d g A g u o age Dance eory Com Wo Arg g Li dia Strin uasion Me Worship Th rawin up Directin n Opera munication ogy Piano rs g io ke m c e a a o ss P d si C u e u M P rc M te e e ch a r P e b g m te e e n u a D ti Sp ral Jazz D Dance Cost wind Brass ng Playwri mentation phic Design String Cho ation Argu cting Lighti iano Wood ing Stage e ic P ct n ir ra stration Gra u A D e y m p g e p sion Med o O m u tr g o a a C n ke e d a h ter Pe me M ook T ercussio ate Persua Speech a u P b rb e e st n a h D o g e T ss C Y si n e ra c r o D B si ce e ti u n p ic a M Da ph ind ghting P menta and Vocal stration Gra heatre Acting Stage no Woodw Directing Li ation Argu lu ia Il P ic p n u u y ss g m ke la o a m g G o a M Marching B T C d d Pe ine Percussi ok ch me c Theater ind Brass tmaking Sta n Newspaper Yearbo esign Spee ance Costu n si w D D u ri d P ic o M e h o g y p l W h ta ra p S ca G o o ra o n og ing Pia visi d V tion tion Argu Pedagogy arching Ban Theatre Act Communica rnalism Tele lass Illustra u M r G k o o ch te d J o g e a e e e st in rb in p h g a T ca S ta n e d S a Y a o gn Costum Arr er usic king Graphic Desi Acting Stage Dance n Newspap rching Band Vocal M bell Organ hy Printma o n d p o n si a ti ra vi g H ra le o st p Te g lu Ty in Il Piano uct Ma ss atre phy alism Arranging Stained Gla r Pedagogy g Photogra arbook The dcast Journ n e te a g n Y ti a n a ro e in ki r B h rg a a e T P O p g a tm c n n n ll ti sp si o ri e ati hic Desi ndb New hy P l Mu ws Wri Television ration Grap ducting Ha Band Voca y Typograp n st ication Ne h o g n p lu C sm in u Il ra li h m g a rc rd m to a rn ss a o o u o C la M h o ss st J Keyb ed G ook The ng P ging aper Yearb aking Stain ting Broadca andbell Organ Arran ation Painti Composition sp ri tm im w n W n e ri ry s A P N o w e s e h n y ic T N o h p si H and V p eram tion phy Typogra cast Journalism Televi Arranging Marching B Conducting g Fibers C ra Communica g in rd ss a to w a o o ra h M yb P D e K d g zz a sm Ja ali Bro aking S intin rgan sition phy Printm Audio Journ imation Pa ws Writing Handbell O n ory Compo e ra e A g ia N h g o d T p e s in n o ic Ty ct M ip ti u m h a d y n ra n rs ic h o o p Ce un asi Wo ournalis Keyboard C on Painting Photogra Mass Comm ing Fibers Broadcast J n ting Music w o ri g ra ti sm n D li si yw ti a o la ri p rn P zz u W m a ti o o J s g a ew nim htin io J ing Ha ral ry C unication N n Keyboard Conduct Media Aud String Cho Ceramics A rship Theo o m n m W rs ra o o e e si C b p c a Fi O u si ss u a rs g n e M sio ainting win sitio ng M ate P Journalism nimation P l Jazz Dra ory Compo A g Playwriti e io ra tation Deb n h d o n s ti T u h e h ic C A g m m ip u Li g h ra ia rg e in rs d g A C Str Wo Me ctin ommun on wing Fibers akeup Dire ss Percussion Opera ng Music Persuasion sm Mass C eor ra ti M li ri D a te e rn a yw zz u b m la a o e u P J J D st l o g io ra h e C d Bra ntation ing Lightin String Cho Media Aud g Music Worship T o Woodwin mmunication Argume keup Direct ersuasion D n ion Opera a P ti ss M ri u zz te a o agogy Pian rc yw e a J C e b la m P e l P u D ch ra st ghting g Cho ce Co tation d Brass Li n Spee n n in in g a e tr si D w g m S e d u in o D e rg o ct g ra e ic A n e W h ir ta o p p D n O o asi Gra ing S mmunicatio ercussion agogy Pian e Makeup bate Persu heatre Act Speech Co d Brass P ce Costum heater Ped ntation De n in T e n a w m g Light D c d Yearbook T u si o si e rg o g u e D A g in W M ta ic ct n Graph Vocal Piano ing S p Dire nicatio ct u u d n y A n o g m ke a o ti a m e B g o ra a M tr g C d a st in e e e lu h P h Il um r eech ss Pe ss Marc ok T Dance Cost usic Theate n Graphic Design Sp dwind Bra Stained Gla o per Yearbo M e o a g g l W n sp ta S ca ki w o o a e n V g N tm ia o in n P Pri Act and gy strati nication vision Marching B ok Theatre ch Commu ter Pedago d Glass Illu alism Tele o g e a e e e rn in rb in p h u g a T o S ta n e J S a Y n c rr st g r g si A e si n u ca M ap ce C De aki an road Stage Dan phy Printm on Graphic and Vocal sion Newsp andbell Org ti B ra g vi g H ra g in le o st p in ct Te g h A lu Ty in Il rc a ct e y sm u tr h M li ss d a ea Con otograp Arranging Stained Gla r Pedagogy dcast Journ earbook Th Painting Ph riting Broa usic Theate Printmaking bell Organ wspaper Y d e M W n y N s a h l p w H n ca Animation e Graph o ra o N g g si V o in vi p n d Tele onduct g Ban phy Ty lustration C sm in unicatio Il ra li h m g a rc rd m to a rn ss a o o u o C la M h o P G J yb ss g e d a st g K ine rboo ngin dca intin m M Composition spaper Yea riting Broa Organ Arra tmaking Sta imation Pa w n W n e ll ri ry s A e P N o b w e d s e h n y n ic T N o h a p m si H n ra vi ra ip og Ce ing Tele icatio hing B Worsh graphy Typ ournalism ss Commun ard Conduct ging Marc to wing Fibers J a o n o ra a h st M yb P D rr e ca A K d g zz a sm n a n n li ti ro J a o a B a siti Org horal n Pain io Journ phy Printm imatiookbu.edu ory Compo ews Writing onducting Handbell Media Aud eramics An orship The nication N phy Typogra adcast Jo C C u ra W m g rs m c rd to e o a o si b Persuasion o C h u P Fi yb M ss e Drawing position K rnalism Ma Playwriting on Painting Writing Bro uctin Choral Jazz n Media Audio Jou Theory Com rs Ceramics Animati ommunication News g Lighting g ip in h tr S rs o oard Cond W ra o e e Music Mass C Persuasi ing Fib ition Keyb sion Op