Comprehend The Journey Of Your Coffee Beans Effortlessly

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Introduction ArabicaCoffeeBeans-CropToCup GetTheBestCoffeeBeansOnlineInTheUS ToRoastItUp AboutUs ContactUs TableOfContents

IntroductionIfyouenjoycoffee,youareawarethatfreshlygroundcoffeebeansproducethetastiestbrew. The Coffea arabica tree and the Coffea canephora tree are the two primary varieties of coffeetreesfromwhichthosebeansareyearlygathered. The most common coffee variety, Arabica, accounts for around 70% of the market. Although they can be fussy and challenging to grow, the end product is a gentle and aromatic coffee bean that the majority of people adore. The other popular variety, canephora, is more often referred to as robusta. It makes up about 30% of the world coffee market. Typically it has a muchhighercaffeinecontentandisusedinblendsortomakeinstantcoffee. Thereareasmanyas100differentspeciesofcoffeetrees,thoughthemajorityoftheworlds coffee beans come from just two of them. The life of a coffee tree is 20 to 30 years, during which time cherries grow in a continuous cycle. Two mature coffee beans are stored inside thenumerouslayersofeachcherry.

Upto4yearsmaypassafteranewcoffeetreeisplantedbeforeitbloomsandbearsfruit.The journeyacoffeebeantakesfromthetimeitisgrownuntilitreachesaretailernearyoumight span for months. Grab a cup of your preferred variant of OKBF coffee and follow us as we tracethepathtakenbyacoffeebeanfromcroptocup!

ArabicaCoffee BeansCropToCup



Thefirststepstartswiththeplantingoftheteeny-weenyseedintheland filledwithagoodamountofsunlightandinamountainousregion.

There are a lot of regions where coffee is grown, but specifically, it flourishesneartheequatorasthesunplaysamajorrole.

#2 HarvestingThe CoffeeBean

The following step after the plantation is harvesting the seed, it usually takes3to4yearsforacoffeeplanttoreachafood-bearingage.

Once they mature the red cherry fruits are harvested from the plant. The cherries are usually picked by either hand or machine, but as the plantations are done usually in the mountainous regions hand-picking is preferredbymany.OKBFcoffeebeansalsoarehand-picked.

#3 CoffeeBeansFrom CoffeeCherries

Insidethelusciousredcherryfruitisthegreencoffeeseedwhichneedsto be removed from the flesh of the fruit to get the bean. Various steps and methodsareusedforit. Themostusedandtraditionalmethodistospreadthebeansinthesunto dry them out. The beans need to be pestled gently from time to time to dehydratethem. This process is done to remove the cherry shell and get the end product whichisthecoffeebean.Butwaitthebeanisn'tstillreadytomakeafresh brewingjavaoutofitandwearestillhalfwayintotheprocess.


ExportingThe CoffeeBeans

Thebeansatthispointarestillleftwiththeprocessofroasting,Thedried, sorted,andskinnedbeansaredividedintodifferentvarietalsandpacked tobesenttodifferentroasters. They are also continuously checked for quality so the consumer receives thebestproducttobrew.

#5 RoastingOfThe Beans

Thisisthelastandthemostimportantstepasthebrowningofthebeans needs to be done at a particular temperature of 550°F. Also in the machine,thebeansneedtomoveconstantlysoastonotburnthem.

The majority of the bean roasting is done in a large-scale factory. But if you need something of premium quality, then choose Ok But First Coffee beans as they are roasted specifically for you. Every batch goes through anartisan-craftedprocess.



The packing needs to be done with specialty bags like ours to maintain thefreshnessofthebeansforalongtime. Java lovers always choose beans over the grind. As you would be awestruck by the flavor of your coffee when you choose to grind your coffeeathome.

GetTheBest CoffeeBeans OnlineInTheUS Mornin’Kick MiddayStroll ChillThirty OkButFirstCoffeeoffersyoufreshlyroastedjavabeans,thatarestrong, andboldtogiveajumpstarttoyourdays.Herearethreevariants availableonthesite:
Theseartisanroastedcoffeebeansareenough tomakeyourmorningsmerry.Therearehintsof Braziliannuts,grapefruit,andoakinit.


These specialty-grade coffee beans are harvestedfromSouthandCentralAmerica.The beans will tempt you to take a break from your work as they are rich in flavor with cues brownsugar,hazelnut,andplum.

The responsibly sourced coffee beans are to make your evenings relaxed and cozy. The beanshavethetouchofsmokyraspberry,dark chocolate,andanise.



The OKBF beans are from exotic locations like the farmlands of Brazil, the landsofSouth&CentralAmerica,orthemountainouslandsofColumbia. Thejavabeansareroastedfreshandareavailablerightatyourdoorstep. With the help coffee calculator, the website totals up your need and assistsyoutoorderusingthecoffeeclubsubscription. Get free shipping, great discounts, and more. Also, don't forget to check outthehigh-qualitycoffeemerch!


Coffeeissomuchmorethanadrinkthatgivesusthatmuchneededjoltthroughoutourday. Itisoneoftheoldestbeveragesthathavelongbeenbringingpeopletogether.Coffeeispart ofthemomentswecreateandtheexperiencesthatuniteus.

Growingupinabigfamily,coffeehasalwaysbeentheconnectionthatboundusthroughour gatherings, the stories we shared and memories we made. Far back as I can remember, the aroma alone, permeating from the stovetop percolator, was a signal that the night was far fromover.Itwasanexcuseforustolingerlongerandformdeeperconnections. Tosaythatwe'vegrownapassionforcoffeeisanunderstatement.Andtothisday,afreshly brewed cup of coffee is something that somehow teleports us back to a place or memory, whilecontinuingtoignitenewmemoriesnowandinthefuture.

Coffee is that familiar friend we all know; that casual encounter that allows us to foster comfortable relationships between each other. Coffee is family. Coffee is friends. Coffee is memories.Coffeeislove.Ok,butfirst…coffee!

ContactUs 732-927-1369 1056USHwy9S,#220Parlin,NJ08859

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