Whole Coffee Beans Facts You Probably Didn't Know About

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WholeCoffeeBeans FactsYouDidNot KnowAbout okbutfirst.com


Are you aware of the fact that coffee beans are not somethingthatgrowsontreesorbushesbutitistheseedof a cherry that grows on a bush? Even though we are now in the third wave of coffee, but still there is so much which is unknowntous.

There is also so much misconception among people that coffee originated in Italy but it actually came from Ethiopia and it only came to Italy in the 1880s. It is where espresso wasinvented.

OKBFisanArabicacoffeebeancompanysituatedintheUS and is one of the finest coffee bean-producing companies.

The beans are sourced directly from the farmlands of Columbia,South&CentralAmerica,andBrazil.

The java beans are artisanally roasted and delivered directly to your doorstep. The website comes with a superb feature of a coffee calculator that can aid you in counting yourdailyrequirements.

Today we are going to share with you some awesome lesser known facts about coffee that you did not know. Happyreading!

InterestingFacts AboutCoffee Beans

#1AHappyWifeMeans AHappyLife

You might have read the above point twice, as to not be able to comprehendthefactbutit'sthetruthandnotjustanoldsaying.

ItactuallydatesbacktotheruleinIstanbulinthe15thcenturywhereit is believed to be a rule that the woman had the power to have a divorce from her husband if he was not able to provide her with the coffeeneedsthatshehad.

There is also a phrase in a verse of a song named “ The Work and WagesParty”whichisfromthe1900s,whichalsogivesusevidenceof sucharule.

#2JohannSebastian Bach–CoffeeCantata

This one is a really interesting story about a woman’s love for coffee. Bach's Cello Suite is certainly well-known to everyone, but have you everheardofhisbizarrecomedyopera,CoffeeCantata?

It's a duet in which the father chastises his daughter for drinking too muchcoffeeandaccusesherofbeingunattractivetosuitors,andthe daughterrefusestogiveupherhabitbecauseshefearsshe'llbecome anolddried uproastedgoatifshedoes.

The father and daughter trade verses back and forth until he issues her with an ultimatum: either stop drinking coffee or he won't let her getmarried.Shetellsafibatthemomentandconsents.

She tells each of her potential husbands that she will not marry them unless they sign a prenuptial agreement that would permit her to consumeasmuchcoffeeasshepleases.

Bachcomposedthesongatthetimetoaddresstheescalatingissues relatedtocoffeeuseandthetypesofcoffeedrinkers.

Coffee shops were somewhat boisterous back then. There, men and womenwouldsocializewithouttherequiredchaperonesasmusicians went to parties. When this article was created, there were ideas that specialtycoffeewas"Satan'sdrink"orthedevil'sconcoction

#3Coffee,Brazil,And The1932Olympics

It's not widely recognized that Brazil's 1932 Olympic participation was made possible by coffee. Since the Olympics were being held in Los Angeles that year during The Great Depression, several nations, includingBrazil,couldn'taffordtosendteamsthere.

Brazil devised a clever strategy to get their athletes there: they put themonthebackofacargoshipthatwasexportingcoffee.Theteam only arrived in time for the ribbon-cutting event because it was obvious that the ship had to stop a few times along the way to sell theircoffee.Cubaandothernationshadasimilarconcept.

TheCubansattemptedtobringashipmentofsugar,butbecausethe price of sugar dropped at the time, they were unable to raise the funds.Theyturnedaroundandweresenthomeasaresult.

#4DecafIs99.9% Caffeine-Free

This one is yet another interesting fact for you to know. While this assertion is true, it also functions somewhat as a marketing ploy. It does not contain a falsehood, but it also does not provide the completepicture.Declaringthatdecafis99.9%caffeine-freemakesit soundasthoughtheytookaregularcoffeebeanandextracted99.9% ofthecaffeinefromit.

Despite widespread assumptions, coffee beans contain more than just caffeine. Caffeine is merely one of the nearly 1000 chemical ingredientsthatmakeitup.Atypicalarabicabeanisactuallyonly2% caffeine,whichmeansitisalready98%caffeine-free.So,inreality,the amountofcaffeineinacaffeinatedvsadecaffeinatedbeanisonly1 1.9%different.

#5Revolutionary InventionforCoffee

QuentinStaffordFraserandagroupof15coworkersfromtheSystems Group Computing Department at Cambridge University shared a TrojanRoomcoffeepotin1991.

Only around three cups of coffee could now be made at once in the coffee pot. People would frequently go a great distance to the Trojan room from the other side of campus just to find that there was no coffeeleftwhentheyarrived.

Quentinusedanoldvideocamera,computer,andframegrabberthat he had found to point them at the coffee maker and run a server application that was specially made to take pictures of the coffee at regularintervals.

The Trojan room was connected to their local network, so anyone looking for coffee could always check if any were left before walking thelong,arduousdistancetoit.

It's crucial to remember that this occurred in 1991 because HTTP was stillverynewatthetimeandwebbrowserscouldonlyshowtext.Soin a nutshell, Quentin invented the first webcam. When that happened, anyoneontheglobecouldlogonandviewthecoffeemaker.


Well,wehopethatthestoriesbasedonfactswerequiteintriguing.Are you looking for coffee beans to get you started in the morning, something that can pick you up in the afternoons, or something that youlookforwardtointheevenings?

Place an order for 100% Arabicacoffeebeans on the OKBF website to make premium quality specialty coffee from the comfort of your home!Also,wesuredon'tknowallofthecoffeefactsoutthere,sofeel free to comment with any fun coffee facts you know. Let’s have a “Brew-Tastic”conversation.

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