3 minute read
Locally-owned Business Directory
by okcfriday
Debbie South RE/MAX Preferred 9520 N. May, Suite 110 Oklahoma City, OK 73120 Office: (405) 751-4848 debbiesouth.com
Full Circle Bookstore 1900 NW Expressway Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 842-2900 (800) 683-READ
Swiss Cleaners @ Laundry 3737 NW 50th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 946-0629
Junior’s Supper Club 2601 NW Expressway Oil Center Building (405) 848-5597 juniorsokc.com
Boutique One 6478 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hill Plaza (405) 888-9822 boutiqueone.store
The Learning Tree 7638 N. Western Wilshire Village (405) 848-1415 learningtreeokc.com
Carwin’s Shave Shop 6411 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hills Plaza (405) 607-1197 carwinsshaveshop.com
Winter House 6411 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hills Plaza (405) 607-1199 winterhouseinteriors.com
International Wigs 4429 NW 10th St, . Oklahoma City, OK 73107 (405) 943-1233
Nancy Farha’s 9205 N. Pennsylvania Casady Square The Village, OK 73120 (405) 775-0404 nancyfarha.com
Journey Quilt Company T-shirt Quilts 16516 N. Penn Ave. Edmond OK 73012 (405) 340-0444 journeyquilts.com
23rd Street Antiques 3023 NW 23rd. (405) 947-3800 Oklahoma City, OK 73107 Antiques23.com
Concordia Life Plan Community 7707 W. Britton Rd. Oklahoma City, OK 73132 (405) 720-7200 concordiaseniorliving.com
Coyle Law Firm 125 Park Ave. No.100 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 583-3909 coylelaw.com
Gulfport Seafood Market 8016 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 848-3468 Gulfportseafoods.com
Home Care Assistance of Oklahoma 323 S. Blackwelder Ave. Edmond, OK 73034 (405) 277-0035 homecareassistance.com
Mary’s Maid Service 7009 NW 53rd St. Bethany, OK 73008 (405) 728-1805 marysmaidokcity.com
Moorman's Distinctive Carpets and Area Rugs 3835 NW 63rd St. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 848-4888 moormanscarpetsoklahomacity.com
Naifeh Fine Jewelry
6471 Avondale Dr,. Nichols Hills, OK 73116 (405) 607-4323 Naifehfinejewelry.com
Retirement Investment Advisors
2925 United Founders Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 842-3443 theretirementpath.com
Thrifty Pharmacy 10904 N. May Ave. L Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 751-2852 230 S. Santa Fe Ave. Edmond OK 73003 thriftypharmacyedmond. com
State Farm Insurance Gary Baccus 16145 N. May Ave. Edmond, Ok 73013 (405) 844-6300 Garybaccus.com
6443 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hills, OK 73116 (405) 848-7811 Balliets.com
BancFirst 6200 Waterford Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 270-1622 Bancfirst.bank
Britton Feed & Seed 708 W. Britton Rd. Oklahoma City, OK 73114 (405) 842-5590 britton-feed-seed.hub.biz
First National Bank of Oklahoma 10900 Hefner Pointe Dr., No. 300 Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 848-2001 fnbok.com
La Baguette Bistro 7408 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 840-3047 labaguettebistro.com
McBride Orthopedic Clinic 9600 Broadway Ext. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 486-2530 mcboh.com
CK & Co. 6429 Avondale Dr. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 843-7636 ckandcompany.com

Chickasaw Community Bank 909 S. Meridian Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73108 (405) 946-2265 ccb.bank
Quail Creek Bank 12201 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 755-1000 quailcreek.bank
James B. Lowe, DDS 2821 NW 58th Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 848-3535
Covenant Brothers 5900 Mosteller Dr. No. 7 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 842-4671 covbros.com
Justin Beasley, DDS 4600 W Memorial Rd. Oklahoma City, OK 73142 (405) 755-5400 drbeasley.com
We Pay Fast 2239 NW 39th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (800) 937-2932 wepayfast.com
Cindi Shelby, Stylist Lela Rose & Pearl by Lela Rose 333 W. Wilshire Blvd., Ste. F Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 830-1138
Quail Plaza Barber Shop 10940 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (495) 751-2126
All About Travel, Ltd. 6104 Northwest 63 Oklahoma City, OK 73132 (405) 384-3880 www.allabout-travel.com
Papa Dios 10712 N May, Suite D Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 755-2255 papadiosokc.com
Deer Clan Books 3905 N. College Ave. Bethany, OK 73008 (405) 495-9005 deerclanbooks@gmail.com
J. Holland Photography 1130 W. 15th St. Edmond, OK 73013 (405) 341-5088 jhollandphotography.com
First Liberty Bank 9601 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 608-4500 myfirstliberty.com
First Fidelity Bank 6404 Avondale, Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 416-2222 Website: ffb.com
Denner Roofing Co. LLC 6608 N. Western Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 848-4411 dennerroofing.com
Beef Jerky Emporium 810 W Danforth (next to Hobby Lobby) Edmond, OK (405) 359-8200
First Source Real Estate Residential Sales 12020 N. Penn Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 236-4747
Michael Biddinger Real Estate Commercial Sales, Management 12020 N. Penn Ave. OKC, OK 73120 (405) 236-4747
The Adult Clinic at Hearts for Hearing 11500 N. Portland Ave. OKC, OK 73120 (405) 548-4335
Christian Science Reading Room 6490 Avondale Drive (Nichols Hills Plaza North) Nichols Hills, OK 73116 405 843-5334 christianscienceokc.org
Steam It Klean It LLC Carpet Cleaning PO Box 20232 Oklahoma City, OK 73156 (405) 602-4960
Locally-owned business listings are only $25 a month. Email rose@okcfriday.com
“And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”
John 8:32 (quoting Jesus). The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
Edmund Burke paraphrase, 1767. If you want it in the paper, it’s advertising. If you don’t want it in the paper, it’s news.”

Ancient Chinese Proverb
“Without, or with, offense to friends or foes, We sketch your world exactly as it goes.”
– Byron, 1818.
“Every violation of truth is a stab at the health of human society.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1878.
“We must always stand – alone if necessary – as the conscience of this community.”
– J. Leland Gourley, 1959.