8 minute read

How a bus can win championships

Many coaches implement drills, community service, or shared meals to improve their team’s chemistry.

However, not many would think of sending their players on a long and boring bus ride to enhance their performance. Surprisingly, those tedious hours in uncomfortable seats build chemistry, shared traditions, activities, and conversation.

Student-athletes at Casady School frequently have these team-bonding experiences due to trips to Dallas-Fort Worth for SPC contests. Senior Stephen Shafer has

by Jack Barber

participated in numerous lengthy bus rides for volleyball, baseball, and football games against Texas opponents.

“The hours on the interstate before games promote lots of discussion about ways to improve individually and our strategies for the upcoming games,” Shafer said. “Since many of us watch film on the bus, we have productive conversa- tions that strengthen our chances of winning.”

Although watching film is key to any great team, bus rides aid in bringing teams those intangible qualities needed on a championship roster. Shafer recalls from his time with volleyball that it's the little moments like eating chips and salsa on the bus or the pictures with the Buc-ee’s statues at gas station stops that mean so much.

The atmosphere brought on by a tightknit unit is contagious, and freshman Suleiman Mansoor noticed it immediately. Mansoor’s first trip to

Dallas came when his team traveled down to play Fort Worth Country Day and St. Marks School of Texas.

“The bus rides benefit the team,” he said. “We all have a lot of time on our hands to learn about each other, bond, and create friendships that will build a sense of trust on the field.”

Talent is needed for a team to compete; however, it's the little things that separate a team from the pack. As my fellow Cyclones noted, that sense of togetherness, trust, and chemistry formed on a bus not only produces road wins, but can produce championships.

Ren Staggs named to Dean’s List at Rochester

Ren Staggs of Oklahoma City was named to the Dean's List at Rochester Institute of Technology for the fall semester of the 2022-2023 academic year. Staggs is in the environmental science program.

Full-time degree-seeking undergraduate students are eligible for Dean's List if their term GPA is greater than or equal to

3.400; they do not have any grades of “Incomplete,” “D” or “F”; and they have registered for, and completed, at least 12 credit hours.

Rochester Institute of Technology is home to leading creators, entrepreneurs, innovators and researchers. Founded in 1829, RIT enrolls about 19,700 students in more than 200 career-oriented and professional programs, making it among the largest private universities in the U.S.

The university is internationally recognized and ranked for academic leadership in business, computing, engineering, imaging science, liberal arts, sustainability, and fine and applied arts.

March 17

Teresa Chill

Judy Easlon

Peggy Funk

Patricia Leiser

Donna Rice

Shelley Roberts

Audrey Wheeler

March 18

John H. Funk III

Hogan Hunzicker

Patsy Hunzicker

Payton Leonard

Sean Stone

Gregory H. Wilson

March 19

Karl Boatman

Chasity Davis

March 20

Steve Condren

Julie Farrington

Lindsey Gregory

Heather Moncravie

Jay Savill

Jean Stone

TJ Taylor

Mandy Tiger

Steve Zabel

March 21

Mary Casey

Brenda Deimund

Kelvin Watkins

March 22

Jim Abernathy

Perry Ames

Chase Daniels

Anne Eddleman


Lee Hicks

Betsy Jett

Herb Kennicut

Tish Milligan

March 23

Susan Berney

Doug Bridges

Nancy Coats

John Fisher

Caden Hallman

Margaret Heath

Ed Kelley

Margaret Osborne

Chad Ragsdale

Jenifer Cefalo

Siegrid Thompson


(Published in OKC Friday, Friday, March 3, 2023; Friday, March 10, 2023; Friday, March 17, 2023)


Case Number: PG-2023-148

In the Matter of the Guardianship of) KATHERINE TATIANA) ARGUETA PORTILLO)


On this 17 day of February, 2023 the Court, after review of the file and being fully advised in the premises, finds that it is impracticable to make personal service of summons upon the minor child’s Father, Arturo A. Argueta, for the reason that his present whereabouts are unknown despite Plaintiff’s due diligence to locate him. THE COURT FINDS AND IT IS

THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that service be had upon Arturo A. Argueta by publication.

Done this 17 day of February, 2023.

/s/Thomas C. Riesen


BY: Attorney for the Petitioner

Cesar I. Cano Pascual, Esq.

OBA #33480

Michael Brooks-Jimenez, PC 5708 S. Western Ave. Okla. City, OK 73109

Phone: (405) 272-9393

Cesar: c@brooksjimenez.com

(Published in OKC Friday, Friday, March 3, 2023; Friday, March 10, 2023; Friday, March 17, 2023)


Case Number: PG-2023-148


State of Oklahoma To: Arturo A. Argueta TAKE NOTICE that Aldo Longoria Campos has filed a petition for appointment of guardian of a minor child in the District Court, Oklahoma County, State of Oklahoma, Case No. PG-2023-148, styled in the matter of guardianship of Katherine T. Argueta Portillo, a minor. The action alleges that the petitioner in entitled to an Appointment of Guardianship against you, based on the grounds of abandonment.

You are notified that you must answer the Petition filed by the petitioner on or before the 14 day of March, 2023, or the allegations contained in the Petition will be taken as true and judgement will be entered against you and in favor of petitioner as prayed for in this Petition. Given under my hand and seal this 21 day of February, 2023.

Rick Warren, Court Clerk Oklahoma County, Oklahoma By: /s/illegible signature Deputy (SEAL)

BY: Attorney for the Petitioner Cesar I. Cano Pascual, Esq.

OBA #33480 Michael Brooks-Jimenez, PC 5708 S. Western Ave. Okla. City, OK 73109 Phone: (405) 272-9393

Cesar: c@brooksjimenez.com

(Published in OKC Friday, Friday, March 17, 2023)


Case No: PG-2022-778

In the matter of the Guardianship of) Jaylen Mouton, Jamilah Harris) Jamiyah Harris, minors) NOTICE OF PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN

You are hereby notified that Elizabeth Young has petitioned this Court to be appointed guardian of the person of the above-named minors Jaylen Mouton, Jamilah Harris and Jamiyah Harris, and that said Petition will be heard in the court room of Judge Jennifer Montagna Room 217 in the Oklahoma County Courthouse at 321 Park Avenue on the 17 day of May 2023,

RICK WARREN, Court Clerk /s/Jamie Houston, Deputy Clerk (SEAL) (Published in OKC Friday, Friday, March 17, 2023; Friday, March 24, 2023; Friday, March 31, 2023) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. FD-2022-3154

In Re the Marriage of: ) Keyawauanna Moore,) Petitioner,) -and-) Ebenezer Denedo,) Respondent.) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: You are hereby notified that the Petitioner has sued you for Dissolution of Marriage, alleging incompatibility. You must answer the Petition on or before the 14 day of April, 2023, or the Petition will be taken as true, and a divorce and other relief

Gladys Ann Miskovsky, 73, went to be with our Lord and Savior on Tuesday, March 7, 2023 in Oklahoma City with her husband, Frank III, and her son, Frank IV by her bedside. She was born in Wichita, Kansas to Armelda and Ned Murad Simon on July 9, 1949. She married the love of her life, Frank III, in 1968. The two were inseparable and recently celebrated 54 years of marriage.

Above all, a devoted wife, mother and grandmother who delighted in cooking for her family and friends; allowing no one the slightest opportunity to ever leave her kitchen hungry. She wore many hats as a wife and mother and could always be found in the stands in support of every, single athletic performance of all three of her children.

Gladys loved the outdoors and made many memories with Frank and the kids in Colorado and loved to fish and water ski at Lake Texoma.

Gladys attended Nichols Hills Elementary, John Marshall High School, The University of Oklahoma and former Central State University. She began her real estate career with Truman Miller and obtained her broker license while serving as vice president of Churchill Brown and later formed her own brokerage company. She was also proud to serve as president of the Oklaho- ma Bar Auxiliary in the mid 1970s.

Growing up, Gladys was the pretty, blond-haired, little girl who loved girly things but she could also out-kick and out-throw a football or baseball farther than any boy her age in the neighborhood. Her best stories and fondest memories of her childhood were about her travels to Marlow, Okla. with her little brother to visit their maternal aunts and uncles affectionately known as the “Gandy Clan.”

Gladys received worldclass care at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas and was cared for by surgeon, Dr. Keith Fournier with whom she became great friends. She also received tremendous support from Dr. Van Morris, Houston, Texas and Dr. Brian Geister, Oklahoma City with special appreciation and thanks to her nurse, Ashley Nguyen, who cared for Gladys with empathy and compassion at Integris Cancer Institute in Oklahoma City. Gladys fought cancer for close to five years with incredible courage and stoicism. Her strength, love of life and love for her family will endure forever.

She is survived by her husband, Frank III, sons, Frank IV and Travis; daughter Nicole and their respective spouses all of Oklahoma City; grandchildren Madison, Emory, Jake, Mary Elizabeth and Dylan; sister, Gaynelle Seager and brother, Dr. Ron Simon along with many nieces, nephews and loving, lifelong friends. Gladys is preceded in death by her parents and oldest brother, Tommy Ned.

Her beloved family will miss her forever. Services were held Tuesday, March 14, 2023, at Nichols Hills United Methodist Church with Interment following at Rose Hill Cemetery.


Notice is hereby given that an Application for a Certificate of Approval from the Nichols Hills Building Commission has been filed by the following applicant as to the following project:

Applicant: David & Regina Bozalis BC-2023-13 Proposed project: Constructing and addition and altering more than 50 feet of the façade of the main dwelling Proposed project’s address or descriptive location: 1800

Lane The Application and supporting documentation may be inspected in the office of the City Clerk during regular business hours. No later than the Friday preceding the hearing, the full application and supporting documents will be posted at www.nicholshills.net. This Application will be considered at a public hearing to be held by the Nichols Hills Building Commission on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. This public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers at Nichols Hills City Hall, 6407 Avondale Drive, Nichols Hills, Oklahoma, 73116.

Any person objecting is received by the City Clerk not less than three days before the public hearing.

Dated this 7th day of March 2023

Amanda Copeland, City Clerk City of Nichols Hills, Oklahoma


Notice is hereby given that an Application for a Certificate of Approval from the Nichols Hills Building Commission has been filed by the following applicant as to the following project:

Applicant: Krone Construction Inc. / Callie and Jake Merritt BC-2023-12

Proposed project: Demolishing and constructing a main dwelling Proposed project’s address or descriptive location: 2307 N.W. Grand Boulevard

The Application and supporting documentation may be inspected in the office of the City Clerk during regular business hours. No later than the Friday preceding the hearing, the full application and supporting documents will be posted at www.nicholshills.net.

This Application will be considered at a public hearing to be held by the Nichols Hills Building Commission on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 4:00 p.m.

This public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers at Nichols Hills City Hall, 6407 Avondale Drive, Nichols Hills, Oklahoma, 73116. Any person objecting to or supporting this Application may appear before the Nichols Hills Building Commission on the above public hearing date and show cause why the proposed Application should be approved or disapproved. Further, written support or protest regarding the Application may be filed with the City Clerk at 6407 Avondale Drive, Nichols Hills, Oklahoma, 73116, provided it is received by the City Clerk not less than three days before the public hearing.

Dated this 7th day of March 2023

Amanda Copeland, City Clerk City of Nichols Hills, Oklahoma

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