22 minute read
by okcfriday
Casady students reveal the total amount raised during BLUE Week 2022. From left: Left to right: Kiran Naidu, Anh-Thu Nguyen, Carson Buffalo, Bianca Caves, Divya Chandrasekaran, Eddy Kang, Tucker Jacobsen, William Bankhead and Jack Morgan.
BLUE Week benefits Jimmy Everest Cancer Center
Similar to many other schools, Casady presents an annual week of philanthropy benefiting a local cause or organization called BLUE Week.
This year, Casady’s Student Council selected the Jimmy Everest Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders in Children. The Butterfly Effect, the theme to accompany the event, conveys the message that a small act can lead to a larger effect on someone else’s life.
This organization’s mission to enhance the treatment and care for every child and family affected by childhood oncologic and hematologic disorders resonates deeply with the Casady community, especially because
James “Jimmy” Christopher Everest
was a student at Casady before his death in 1992. BLUE Week raises money through sponsorships, but particularly through student and community participation. Various activities included dodgeball and basketball tournaments, dress-up days, and a dunk tank performed by students and faculty alike. Many students remarked, “Every day felt like a Friday.”
The goal of our philanthropy week is to have a fun and exciting week for the student body, but more importantly, to spread awareness and raise money for a charity that needs our support. The idea that our donations will help the betterment of care for a child in need, especially a fellow Oklahoman, spurred many students to participate in the numerous activities and pay for entry or participation.
On Friday, representatives from the Jimmy Everest Center came to explain that the Butterfly Effect of our donations has a direct impact on the lives of kids battling cancer and the ability to support them and their families. Casady strives to give back to our community in a meaningful, direct way particularly when a cause coincides with our belief that our students are given every opportunity to realize their potential and use it to make a difference in their community.
by Krish Vasan
April 15 Matthew W. Brooks Randy Burnett Natha Cline Sasha Gill Sam D. Goodwin Bob Lake Grove Hunter Huff Mike Krywucki Julie Oakes Martha Records Almedia Rucker Gary Thompson April 16 R.G. “Bob” Bannister Steven G. Bentley Jr. Marilyn Brickey Agnes Brock Joe Ellis Braden Gordon Stephanie Hershberger Mary Keso Elizabeth Lambird Thelma Riggs Margaret Helen Schwab Jennifer Wickersham April 17 Robert Benard Don Bullard Carolne Chesher Thea Daniels Mazel Dockery Tad Hyroop Jada Jedlicka Margo McCann Steve Sanders April 18 Julie Carr Willie Mae Caldwell Betsy Felton Dan Kelly
Betty Kimberling Patti Taylor Jack Witt April 19 JoAnn Adams Marissa Blauser Karen Bradley Jesse Lee Cornwell Lois Dozier Fred Dunlevy Debby McQueen Christopher Neumann Mary Frances Pack Rob Rhodes Cathleen Shelby Brad Truss Jim Waldo April 20 Leigh Anna Babb Troy Benear Laura Carey Homer Carter Leora Crandall Georgia Kay Gross Jerry Kelley Jack Lowery Keith Shideler Tim Strange Walter W. Stumpf Jr. Steve Swann
April 21 George T. Allen Gary Baccus Paula Fulmer Summer Lutz Jo McMurrian Branden Oller Christina Robb Courtney Wells Cori Yordi

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(Published in OKC Friday, Friday, April 8, 2022; Friday, April 15, 2022; Friday, April 22, 2022)
Case No. FD-2022-560
In Re the Marriage of: ) Rhonda Perez ) Petitioner,) and ) Gregorio Perez ) Respondent.)
THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: You are hereby notified that the Petitioner has sued you for Dissolution of Marriage, alleging incompatibility. You must answer the Petition on or before the __ day of _____, 2022, or the Petition will be taken as true and a divorce and other relief sought will be granted to the Petitioner. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL this 28 day of March, 2022.
RICK WARREN, Court Clerk By /s/Illegible signature (SEAL)
(Published in OKC Friday, Friday, April 15, 2022; Friday, April 22, 2022; Friday, April 29, 2022)
Case No. FD-2022-346
In Re the Marriage of: ) Emily Marie Payne, ) Petitioner,) -and- ) Trevor Lee Payne, ) Respondent.)
You are hereby notified that the Petitioner has sued you for Dissolution of Marriage, alleging incompatibility. You must answer the Petition on or before the 2 day of June, 2022, or the Petition will be taken as true and a divorce and other relief sought will be granted to the Petitioner. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL this 7 day of April, 2022.
RICK WARREN, Court Clerk By /s/J.Pulley Deputy DEPUTY CLERK (SEAL)

(Published in OKC Friday, Friday, April 15, 2022)
Case No. CV-2022-681
IN RE: The name of: ) Sandra L. Mendoza )
TO: All interested parties. Take notice that Sandra L. Mendoza has petitioned to change his/her name to Sandra Lopez. A Hearing on said petition is set for 11:00 o’clock A.M. on the 5 day of May, 2022 , before Judge Timmons in his/her courtroom in the Oklahoma County Courthouse. Should you know of some reason why this change of name should not be allowed you must file a written protest in the above styled and numADVERTISE STATEWIDE
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bered cause prior to the above date with the Clerk of this Court. Should you fail to do so, the petition for change of name will be granted as prayed.
RICK WARREN, Court Clerk /s/Diane Watson By: DEPUTY (SEAL)
(Published in OKC Friday, Friday, April 8, 2022; Friday, April 15, 2022) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA
Now on the 17th day of MARCH 2022, the Court has reviewed the Petition for Administration. Based upon the affidavit of Bonita Ann Baines, the Court finds that this matter is proper for summary administration pursuant to the 58 OS 245. Bonita Ann Baines is daughter of the deceased: 1. The deceased is Maxine Bonita Jackson, 1925 NE 24th St. of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73111. 2. Petitioner is Bonita Ann Baines , 12206 Jacob Walker, San Antonio, TX 78253. 3. The deceased left no Will. 4. That Bonita Ann Baines should be appointed as personal representative to serve without bond. 5. That Bonita Ann Baines has petitioned the Court to sell the real estate described as 1925 NE 24th St. Oklahoma City with the net proceeds to be no less than $36,000.00 6. The heirs are: a. Gary E. Johnson, 10313 Caton Place, Midwest City, OK 73120 b. Denise Leona Johnson, 9043 Ballardy Lane, St. John, MO 63114 c. Antoinette Jackson, 812 NE 83rd St. Okla. City, OK 73114 d. Jonathan Jackson, 201 Reese Road, Noble, OK 73068 e. Kimberly Renee Owens, 6216 Johnnie Terrace, Oklahoma City, OK 73149 f. Bonita Ann Baines, 12206 Jacob Walker, San Antonio, TX 78253 7. The probable value of the estate is $36,000.00 with ½ to Bonita Ann Baines and the remaining ½ divided with each heir to receive 1/6th . 8. The final hearing is set for April 25, 2022 at 9:00 am before Judge Welch District Court, Oklahoma County Court, 320 Robert S. Kerr, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Room 217. 9. That the person receiving the notice or any interested party my file objections to the petition at any time before the final hearing and sena a copy to the petitioner or petitioner’s attorney or that person will be deemed to have waived any objection to the petition. 10. If an objection is filed before the hearing, the court will determine at the hearing whether the probate proceedings are appropriate and, if so, whether the estate will be distributed and to whom the estate will be distributed, and 11.The claim of any creditor will be barred unless the claim is presented to Attorney, Chuck Moss,5929 N May Ave, #504, Okla. City, OK 73112 no more than thirty (30) days following the granting of the order admitting the petition and combined notice. Dated this 17th day of March, 2022.
ALLEN WELCH Judge of the District Court RICK WARREN, Court Clerk (SEAL) By /s/illegible signature Deputy
Prepared by: /s/Chuck Moss OBA 6465 5929 N May Ave #504 Okla. City, OK 73112 405-849-577_ Fax 405-849-9581 chuck@mossbankruptcy.com Attorney for Petitioner
(Published in OKC Friday, Friday, April 15, 2022)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an application has been filed seeking a variance from the Nichols Hills City Code on the following described property:
Lot Twenty-Two (22), in Block Twenty-three (23), of Nichols Hills, to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof.
The property is also known as 1203 Marlboro Lane. Current zoning is R-1-60.
The applicants desire to install an accessory structure. For the proposed accessory structure, the applicants are seeking a 3’ variance to the rear yard setback, leaving a 7’ rear yard setback.
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French Braid, by Anne Tyler

Anne Tyler’s French Braid is the newest of her twenty-some novels reflecting understanding of family ups and downs, togetherness and separateness, written with humor and warmth that exists in most families. Her very successful books speak to the reader’s heart and soul on every page. The Accidental Tourist was made into a motion picture with Geena Davis and William Hurt and received several Oscar nominations. Breathing Lessons received a Pulitzer Prize and A Spool of Blue Thread was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize. One can never forget reading Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant.
From the first page, French Braid speaks to the depths of one family’s sorrows and joys in the 1950s through the current pandemic. The Garretts are the family through the generations and as dysfunctional as any family living in Baltimore in those years might be. There are many brothers, sisters, cousins, mothers, fathers, nieces and nephews to cause strains on family ties as these generations work through loving yet difficult years that prove the impossibility of breaking free from family while tightening the bonds.
The charm of this book comes from the telling of these incidents and how they affect other members of the clan. David, the baby of the family, sets his own pace and marries a German girl eleven years older than he is. He describes the effect this act has on the family as “2 skeins of hair near a girl’s temple with a very skinny and tight braid soon joined in with two thicker braids lower down…and when she undid them, her hair would still be in ripples, little leftover squiggles for hours and hours, suggesting that’s how families work, too. You think you’re free of them, but you are never ever really free. The ripples are crimped forever.”
There are tragedies and successes in every family and so it is with the Garretts: good marriages, shaky marriages that endure, heartbreaks, decisions to be made over and over in each generation. Sometimes the members don’t seem to have much holding them together, but deep in their hearts they have healthy influences on one another. The depths of emotion are stirred with recurring emotional self -questioning of kindness and cruelties of fifty years in the lives lived and lives hoped for.
Family dynamics are tested in quirky situations that can be triggered by memories and long ago hurts even in the best of families. Young Benny capped the experience by always having news of some kind that he passed on in a song because he knows the grownups just hate hearing it:
This is a song that never ends, Yes it goes on and on, my friends…Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, And they’ll continue singing it forever just because…
Thanks to Full Circle Book Store for sharing these books with FRIDAY Readers.
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Kyle Dillingham, who has performed in 41 dif‐ferent countries and on the Grand Old Opry stage, is known as America’s Violin Wizard. He can play with soul‐wrenching passion or electrifying speed––even while riding on a skateboard! Dillingham’s band, Horseshoe Road, includes Peter Markes and Brent Saulsbury. Together, they perform a blend of music that includes jazz, country, swing, gospel and rock, which they call ‘Heart‐land Americana.’ Horse‐shoe Road, formed in 2005, has shared the stage with country leg‐ends and pop super‐stars, performing throughout the world as musical ambassadors representing Oklahoma. The Edmond Histori‐cal Society & Museum is proud to present Ameri‐ca’s first full exhibit dedicated to Kyle Dillingham, Peter Markes and Bent Sauls‐bury. This exhibit explores the musical expression of these three performers through their lives, trav‐els and vast repertoire of music. The new exhibit is called Kyle Dillingham & Horseshoe Road: Ameri‑ ca’s Musical Ambassa‑ dors and shows from May 2 to Dec. 31. High‐lights of artifacts on loan include concert and tour memorabilia from Horseshoe Road, the first musical instrument of each of the band member, handwritten scores and recordings, Dillingham’s purple per‐formance suit designed by Manuel Cuevas and the Dolly Parton skate‐board Dillingham rode onto the stage of the Grand Ole Opry. Limited tickets are available to attend the Grand Opening Concert on April 30 in which attendees will be the first to see the new exhibit. Dillingham, Markes and Saulsbury will perform a live con‐cert for the audience and share personal sto‐ries about the artifacts on display at 4:30 pm. The ribbon‐cutting cere‐mony will include remarks by Bob Black‐burn, retired director of the Oklahoma History Center. Make your reserva‐tion at edmondhistory. org/product/kyle‐dillingham‐and‐horse‐shoe‐road‐concert/ or call 405‐340‐0078. Tick‐ets are $35.
Locally-owned Business Directory
Debbie South RE/MAX Preferred
9520 N. May, Suite 110 Oklahoma City, OK 73120 Office: (405) 751-4848 debbiesouth.com
Full Circle Bookstore
1900 NW Expressway Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 842-2900 (800) 683-READ
Swiss Cleaners @ Laundry
3737 NW 50th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 946-0629
Junior’s Supper Club
2601 NW Expressway Oil Center Building (405) 848-5597 juniorsokc.com
Boutique One
6478 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hill Plaza (405) 888-9822 boutiqueone.store
The Learning Tree
7638 N. Western Wilshire Village (405) 848-1415 learningtreeokc.com
Carwin’s Shave Shop
6411 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hills Plaza (405) 607-1197 carwinsshaveshop.com
Winter House
6411 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hills Plaza (405) 607-1199 winterhouseinteriors.com
Nancy Farha’s
9205 N. Pennsylvania Casady Square The Village, OK 73120 (405) 775-0404 nancyfarha.com
Journey Quilt Company T-shirt Quilts
16516 N. Penn Ave. Edmond OK 73012 (405) 340-0444 journeyquilts.com
23rd Street Antiques
3023 NW 23rd. (405) 947-3800 Oklahoma City, OK 73107 Antiques23.com
Concordia Life Plan Community
7707 W. Britton Rd. Oklahoma City, OK 73132 (405) 720-7200 concordiaseniorliving.com
Coyle Law Firm
125 Park Ave. No.100 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 583-3909 coylelaw.com
Gulfport Seafood Market
8016 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 848-3468 Gulfportseafoods.com
Home Care Assistance of Oklahoma
323 S. Blackwelder Ave. Edmond, OK 73034 (405) 277-0035 homecareassistance.com
Moorman's Distinctive Carpets and Area Rugs
3835 NW 63rd St. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 848-4888 moormanscarpetsoklahomacity.com
Naifeh Fine Jewelry
6471 Avondale Dr,. Nichols Hills, OK 73116 (405) 607-4323 Naifehfinejewelry.com
Retirement Investment Advisors
2925 United Founders Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 842-3443 theretirementpath.com
Thrifty Pharmacy
10904 N. May Ave. L Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 751-2852 230 S. Santa Fe Ave. Edmond OK 73003 thriftypharmacyedmond. com
State Farm Insurance Gary Baccus
16145 N. May Ave. Edmond, Ok 73013 (405) 844-6300 Garybaccus.com
6443 Avondale Dr. Nichols Hills, OK 73116 (405) 848-7811 Balliets.com
6200 Waterford Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 270-1622 Bancfirst.bank
First National Bank of Oklahoma
10900 Hefner Pointe Dr., No. 300 Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 848-2001 fnbok.com
La Baguette Bistro
7408 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 840-3047 labaguettebistro.com
McBride Orthopedic Clinic
9600 Broadway Ext. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 486-2530 mcboh.com
CK & Co.
6429 Avondale Dr. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 843-7636 ckandcompany.com
Chickasaw Community Bank
909 S. Meridian Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73108 (405) 946-2265 ccb.bank
Quail Creek Bank
12201 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 755-1000 quailcreek.bank
James B. Lowe, DDS
2821 NW 58th Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 848-3535
Covenant Brothers
5900 Mosteller Dr. No. 7 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 842-4671 covbros.com
We Pay Fast
2239 NW 39th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (800) 937-2932 wepayfast.com
Cindi Shelby, Stylist Lela Rose & Pearl by Lela Rose
333 W. Wilshire Blvd., Ste. F Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 830-1138
Quail Plaza Barber Shop
10940 N. May Ave. (495) 751-2126
All About Travel, Ltd.
6104 Northwest 63 Oklahoma City, OK 73132 (405) 384-3880 www.allabout-travel.com
Pirates Alley Picture Frames
2733 W. Britton Road (405)751-4395 1700 NW 23 (405) 525-0091 piratesalleyokc.com
Papa Dios
10712 N May, Suite D Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 755-2255 papadiosokc.com
Deer Clan Books
3905 N. College Ave. Bethany, OK 73008 (405) 495-9005 deerclanbooks@gmail.com
J. Holland Photography
1130 W. 15th St. Edmond, OK 73013 (405) 341-5088 jhollandphotography.com
First Fidelity Bank
6404 Avondale, Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 416-2222 Website: ffb.com
Mathnasium of North OKC The Math Learning Center
14101 N. May, Suite 106 Oklahoma City, OK 73134 mathnasium.com/northokc (405) 412-8758
Denner Roofing Co. LLC
6608 N. Western Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 848-4411 dennerroofing.com
Beef Jerky Emporium
810 W Danforth (next to Hobby Lobby) Edmond, OK (405) 359-8200
Norwalk Furniture & Design 12100 N. May OKC, OK 73120 (405) 919-3847
First Source Real Estate Residential Sales
12020 N. Penn Ave. OKC, OK 73120 (405) 236-4747
Michael Biddinger Real Estate
Commercial Sales, Management 12020 N. Penn Ave. OKC, OK 73120 (405) 236-4747
The Adult Clinic at Hearts for Hearing
11500 N. Portland Ave. OKC, OK 73120 (405) 548-4335
OKC FRIDAY SportsWeekly
SOCCER ROUNDUP Eagle boys get past Weatherford
Harding Charger Prep secured its third straight boys soccer win with a 3-1 victory against Weatherford last Friday.
Julio Ponce, Jake Martinez and Juan Huerta scored goals for the Eagles (7-3). Goalkeeper Danny DeLeon collected two saves.
The Eagle girls, however, suffered a 2-1 loss to Weatherford. Yamileth Ponce scored Harding Prep’s only goal, and goalkeeper Leoncia Mongu had three saves.
Both squads are set to host Elk City this Tuesday. The girls game starts at 5 p.m. followed by the boys around 7 p.m.
In a battle of Fridayland teams, the Heritage Hall boys came out on top with a 4-3 overtime win at Mount St. Mary last week.
Tucker Austin leads the Chargers (5-2) with eight goals this season and Cayson Argo is just behind with four goals.
The Heritage Hall girls also escaped with a 3-0 win over the Rockets.
Earlier in the week, both Charger squads cruised to easy shutout wins over Cordell.
This week, Heritage Hall hosts Community Christian Tuesday starting at 5 p.m., while Mount St. Mary visits Newkirk on Tuesday and Kingfisher on Thursday.
Publication No. (USPS 893-600) PHONE 755-3311 • www.okcfriday.com Official Legal Newspaper For OKLAHOMA,
Oklahoma City FRIDAY, Office of publication, 10801 N. Quail Plaza Drive, PO aBox 20340, Oklahoma City, OK 73156. FRIDAY is published each Friday by Nichols Hills Publishing Co., Inc. It is an official, legal newspaper, under Oklahoma law, published in Oklahoma County, primarily serving Oklahoma City but also The Village and Nichols Hills. Mail subscription price in county $30. elsewhere in Oklahoma $40, elsewhere U.S. $40. Newsstand price $1.
Periodicals postage paid at Oklahoma City, OK. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: FRIDAY, PO Box 20340, Okla City, OK 73156.
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Crossings Christian closed out a busy week with a split against Christian Heritage last Monday.
The Knights boys (11-2) cruised to 3-0 victory against the Crusaders.
They also rolled to a 9-0 win against John Marshall on Friday but lost 4-1 at Crooked Oak on Tuesday.
Michael Morris continues to lead the scoring with 14 goals and two assists this season. Garrett Hunt has 11 goals and five assists, while Luke Warmington netted seven goals and four assists.
The Knight girls (102) suffered a 4-3 overtime loss to CHA, after posting a 2-1 win against Bridge Creek and a 6-0 triumph at Crooked Oak.
Both squads host OCS this Friday and Atoka on Tuesday. The girls’ games start at 5 p.m. and the boys follow at 7 p.m.
Antlers sweep NW
Classen: Deer Creek swept Northwest Classen last Friday, with the boys (8-2) winning 2-1 and the girls (7-2) taking a 10-0 decision. The Antlers also posted identical 2-1 victories against Southmoore.
Both squads host Lawton this Friday and Norman on Tuesday.
Westmoore downs
Panthers: PC North endured a pair of difficult losses last week.
The Panther boys (44) lost 6-1 to Westmoore and 3-0 at Moore, while the girls (6-2) lost 9-0 to the Jaguars and 2-1 at the Lions. They host Norman North this Friday visit Edmond Santa Fe on Tuesday.
Irish split with
Southeast: McGuinness got a mixed bag from last week’s games against Southeast.
The Irish girls (9-3) cruised to a 10-0 victory but the boys (2-7) took a 9-0 loss to the Spartans.
They visit Piedmont this Friday and host Carl Albert on Tuesday.

- Photos by Richard Clifton, rtcditigalimages.zenfolio.com
PC North’s Christian Otero (8) punches the ball ahead to a teammate during last week’s boys soccer match against Westmoore.

GOLF ROUNDUP Irish boys win Regional Preview
With four players in the top 10, the McGuinness boys golf team captured the Regional Preview tournament championship last week.
Carson Lee and Ryan McClanaham shot rounds of 77 at Lawton Country Club to tie for sixth place.
Baxter Cornelius finished two shots back with a 79 in ninth place and Joseph Harroz tied for 10th place with an 80.
Earlier in the week, the Irish finished second at the Perkins Invitational. McClanahan fired an 83 at Cimmaron Trails to finish sixth, and Lee fired an 84 for seventh. Cornelius tied for 11th and Harroz finished in a tie for 21st.
This Monday, the Irish compete at the State Preview in Duncan.
With a pair of players in the top 20, the PC North girls placed third at the Duncan Invitational.
Katie Moore carded a personalbest score of 84 at Kingfisher Country Club to finish 12th and Tiana Fraz fired a 90 for 17th place.
The Panthers also finished third at Duncan, led by Shelby Ellis and Frantz with 93s at Duncan Country Club to tie for ninth place. Christina Huynh was three shots back in 12th.
Defending state champion Heritage Hall played its way to seventh place at the Norman Tiger Invitational last week.
Kyle McLaughlin scored a 36-hole total of 150 (73-77) to finish sixth in the indidivual standings.