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Congratulations to the Most Powerful Young Professionals nominees

o JANELLE ARCHER Sr. Product Mktg., CoreLogic o BRITTANY ATTAWAY Dir. of Commun. Relations, DRG o J.D. BAKER Platform Mgr., Cortado Ventures o ANGELA BEATTY Domestic Violence Dir, YWCA of OKC o BLAKE BULLARD Owner, OSSO Sports and Science o BRIAN BUSEY President, CEO, Delaware Resources o PHILIP BUSEY JR. Executive VP, Delaware Resources o STEPHEN BUTLER Assist. Dean for Advance., OCU Law o ANDRE CALDWELL Shareholder, Ogletree Deakins o JEFFREY CARTMELL Counselor to Secretary of State o SUNNY CEARLEY VP Membership, Greater OKC Chamber o LIZ CHARLES Sr. Prog. Off., Kirkpatrick Family Fund o GRAHAM COLTON Musician, Partner, Social Order o JAMES COOPER OKC Councilman, Ward 2 o CASEY CORNETT CMO, Partner, Flight o MAREK CORNETT Owner, Alaine Digital o TERRANCE CRAFT Executive Director, OKCYP o MARGARET CREIGHTON CEO, Positive Tomorrows o STEVEN CURRY VP, Investment Strategist, BOK o JEREMIAH DAVIS Director, OK Contemporary o ALYX PICARD DAVIS Executive Director, deadCenter Film o TAYLOR OGLE DILLARD Co-Owner, Relax and Revamp o ROGER DOLESE Automotive Finance o TIM DOTY Dir. of Corp, Develop., Loves Travel Stops o DENA DRABEK VP, Extern. Relat., Arc of Oklahoma o DENISE DUONG Artist/Muralist, Little D Gallery o KELLI DUPUY Dir. of Develop., Special Care o ERIN ENGELKE Executive Director, Calm Waters o LANCE EVANS Dir. of Commun., Variety Care o DARCI LYNNE FARMER Ventriliquist, ‘America’s Got Talent’ winner o CHELSEY FLINT Owner, Chelsey Flint Events o TAYLOR FUDGE Manag. Partner, Claims Mgmt. Resources o ALLY GLAVAS Sr. Vice President, Candor PR o BAILEY GORDON Develop. Consult., Bailey Gordon LLC. o ADAM GRAHAM City Councilman, The Village o ELIZABETH GRAY GM, Civic Center Foundation o JONATHAN HAMPTON Analyst, Infinity Capital Partners o JoBETH HAMON OKC Councilwoman, Ward 6 o NATHANIEL HARDING Manag. Partner, Cortado Ventures o MANDY HEAPS Exec. Director, OK Zoological Society o JUSTIN HENRY Vice President, Valliance Bank o HAILEY GREEN-HOPPER Partner, Pierce, Couch, Hendrickson o ALANA HOUSE Assist. Dean for Student Services, OCU Law o DAVIS HUDIBURG Hudiburg Auto Group, OMRF Ambass. o CAROLINE IKARD AVP/Oper., Tech., American Fidelity o KYLE IMPSON Dir. Comm. Develop., Chickasaw Nation o LAUREN OTTAWAY JOHNSON Associate, Crowe & Dunlevy o TOMMIE JOHNSON Oklahoma County Sheriff o ALEX KAISER Vice President, Simmons Bank o CHASE KERBY Dir. of Art Moves, Arts Council OKC o TAYLOR KETCHUM Vice President, Jones PR o AMANDA KIRKPATRICK Realtor, Metro Mark Realtors o LINDSAY LAIRD Mgr., Community Outreach, OGE o SKYE LATIMER Partner/Co-Owner, Folded Owl o RACHAEL LEONHART Exec. Dir., Plaza District Assoc. o SETH LEWIS Festival Director, Arts Council OKC o MICHAEL LEVINE SVP/Healthcare Lend., First Liberty o CHRISTOPHER LLOYD CEO, Partner, Flight o SHANNON LOCKWOOD Mgr. Workplace Giving, Allied Arts o SUZIE LOVELESS Scrum Master, Paycom o RACHEL MANN Mktg., Customer Exper., American Fidelity o TRAVIS MASON Director, Cushman and Wakefield o MOLLIE BENNETT McCURDY Community Volunteer o KINDT STEVEN MEYERS VP, Humankind Hospitality o PHI NGUYEN Dir. of Finance/Admin., Downtown OKC o ABIGAIL OGLE News Anchor, KOCO TV o STEPHANIE O’GARA Consultant, RF Binder o ALLISON PARKER Dir., Develop., Commun., Infant Crisis o SHANE PATE City Manager, Nichols Hills o KELSEY PAUL Miss Oklahoma 2013 o COLLINS PECK Project Manager, Lingo Construct. o BAILEY PERKINS Public Policy Dr., Regional Food Bank o CASSI PETERS Co-owner, Skyfire Media o DAVID POSTIC Attorney, Postic and Bates o SHANNON PRESTI Coord. Teen Leader. Initiatives, YMCA o SACHE PRIMEAUX-SHAW Constituency Coord., OK Dem Party o WHITNEY RAINBOLT Principal Broker, Medallion Group o ADAM RAINBOLT Sr. VP, BancFirst Insurance Services o ANNA RANEY Dir. Leader. & Cult. Devel., Polston Tax o KATE RICHARD CEO, Warwick Investment Group o ERIK SALAZAR Manager, Budget Execution, FAA o JAY SCAMBLER Founder, Shillagig o JENNIFER SCHULTZ Senior VP of Marketing, OU Medicine o LAURENA SHERRILL Production Manager, OKC Rep o TAYLOR SHINN Global VP. Baker Hughes o ASHLEY SIMPSON Exec. Director, Cavett Kids Found. o BLAIR SIMS Blair Sims Events o LEXI SKAGGS Sr. Advance. Engineer., OU Found. o SELENA SKORMAN OKC Director, gBeta o ADAM SOLTANI Executive Director, CAIR o SARAH STAFFORD Chief Accounting Officer, OGE o KRISTI BIRK STEINBERG Dir. Develop., Prog., SF Family Life o KATIE STUMP General Mgr., The Greens GCC o LACY SWOPE Meteorologist, News 9 o JOHN SYMCOX Director/Innovation, First Fidelity o BECKY TAYLOR Community Volunteer o CLAY TAYLOR Lobbyist, The Taylor Group o JENNIFER THURMAN Dir. Philan. Services, Communities Found. o KRISTEN TORKELSON Comm. Engage Liasion, EMBARK o TRAVIS WEEDN Policy Mgr., Legis. Leiason, Corp. Comm. o SONNY WILKINSON Sr. Dir. of Development, OMRF o KIMBERLY WORRELL Development Director, OKCMOA

Davis, Harding top MPYP Readers’ Choice balloting

Oklahoma Contemporary Director Jeremiah Davis and Cortado Ventures Managing Partner Nathanial Harding tied for the top position in our Readers’ Choice Poll for the Most Powerful Young Professionals.

In a tie for second were Chickasaw Nation Director of Community Development Kyle Impson, Oklahoma County Sheriff Tommie Johnson, Metro Mark Broker/Owner Amanda Kirkpatrick, Cushman and Wakefield Director Travis Mason, Lingo Construction Project Manager Collins Peck, YMCA Coordinator of Teen Leadership Initiatives Shannon Presti and OKCMOA Director of Development Kimberly Worrell.

The poll was printed in the April 1 edition of OKC FRIDAY.

Simpson takes Facebook

Ashley Simpson, executive director of the Cavett Kids Foundation, placed first in our Facbook poll.

She was followed closely by Kristi Birk Steinberg, director of development, Santa Fae Family Life Center.

Chase Kerby, director of the Art Moves for Arts Council OKC, was in third.

Among others receiving votes included Adam Soltani, executive director, CAIR; Margaret Creighton, CEO, Positive Tomorrows; and Shannon Lockwood, manager, Workplace Giving, Allied Arts.

ASHLEY SIMPSON Executive Director Cavett Kids Found.

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