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Nichols Hills details contents of $40 million bond proposal

By Mike Ray Staff Writer

This is a compilation of what is to be included in Nichols Hills $40 million bond issue this fall.

For more information, see Page 1.


Proposition No. 1 would provide $28 million for streets, primarily for rebuilding 32 blocks of streets with concrete paving and resurfacing 15 blocks. It also would include repairs to the 7100 block of Brentwood and to the intersection of Drury and Nichols Road; both projects might include related drainage improvements, utility repairs and relocation, traffic control improvements and devices, and engineering.

The street improvements are to be performed over a six-year period, City Manager Shane Pate said.


Proposition No. 2 would provide $6 million for improvements to the city’s water system. Those projects would include:

• Replace the water line along Bedford Drive between NW Grand Boulevard (west) and Western Avenue, at an estimated cost of $1,250,000.

• Drill, re-drill, rehabilitate and/or acquire and equip new and existing groundwater wells, including related collection lines, well sites, and site improvements such as access roads, well houses, fencing, easements, water rights, and

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