3 minute read
by okcfriday
“And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”
John 8:32 (quoting Jesus). The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” – Edmund Burke paraphrase, 1767. If you want it in the paper, it’s advertising. If you don’t want it in the paper, it’s news.”

Ancient Chinese Proverb
“Without, or with, offense to friends or foes, We sketch your world exactly as it goes.”
– Byron, 1818.
“Every violation of truth is a stab at the health of human society.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1878.
“We must always stand – alone if necessary – as the conscience of this community.”
– J. Leland Gourley, 1959.
Funny Fran, international crises
for a new washing machine to be delivered Saturday during the window Lowe’s promised, 1-4 p.m., I decided to watch Netflix instead of golf. Since the washer didn’t arrive until after 4 p.m. I discovered several documentaries and wanted to pass them along in case you are ever waiting for a delivery.
I’ve been a Fran Lebowitz fan forever so I went straight to “Pretend It’s a City” first. It is a series of conversations between Lebowitz and her best friend Martin Scorsese.
She is always funny, in looks and words, it is a great series and you will be laughing all the way through it. An avid book collector and reader, she said “I don’t have a computer, an iPhone or any of those things. I know as much as I want to.”
She writes all of her books in long hand.
Sill killing time, I watched “Rotten.” This series is anything but funny.
“Troubled Water,” The explosive growth of the bottled water industry has driven corporations to dip into public water supplies and left vulnerable citizens.
“A sweet Deal,” Exploited workers altered ecosystems, political power players: Behind the scenes, Big sugar is anything but refined.
“Lawyers, Guns and Honey,” About why bees are dying in record numbers.

Dear Wise Elder: I am about to retire. I’m in good health. I hear the term “aging successfully,” but I don’t really know what it means in practice.

Dear Aging: Aging successfully involves taking care of various aspects of your well-being. Firstly, maintaining physical health is important, which includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, sufficient sleep, and routine medical check-ups. Staying mentally and cognitively active is equally crucial, engaging in activities like reading, puzzles, or learning new skills. Building and nurturing social connections can combat feelings of loneliness and pro- mote overall well-being. Financial planning is also essential. Embracing a positive mindset, practicing stress reduction techniques, and finding joy and purpose in life can greatly contribute to successful aging. It’s important to adapt and be flexible to changes that come with age, seeking support and assistance when needed. Consider attending the GIFT (Gathering Information for Transitions) workshop offered by VillagesOKC to learn about options and write solutions for the “what if’s” in the future.
“The Peanut Problem,” why food allergies are sky rocketing.
“Garlic Breath,” Cooking shows turned the humble garlic into a multi-million dollar crop.
“Big Bird,” The ruthless world of chicken production.
“Milk and Honey,” changing diets and dramatic price swings have put dairy farmers on the ropes.
“Cod is Dead,” As the global fish supply dwindles, the industry faces crises on all sides— including crooked moguls, dubious imports and divisive regulations.
“High on Edibles,” Consumer risks.
“Reign of Terror,” In the south of France, frustrated winegrowers go to extremes to stave off cheap imports from Spain and new competitor from China.
“Bitter Chocolate,” is pure: But the long journey from bean to bar is pure misery. Can and upstart company turn the tide?
“The Avocado War,” The avocado’s rise from culinary fad to must-have superfood has made it a lucrative crop—and a magnet for money-hungry cartels.
- Courtesy VillagesOKC, www.VillagesOKC.org, (405) 990 6637 You can have your ad here! $20 a

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Capital. She is a trustee for the foundation founded by her parents, E.L. and Thelma Gaylord. She is a former officer and director of OPUBCO. Louise and Clay Bennett have been married for more than 40 years and have three grown children and four grandchildren.

Chenoweth is an Emmy and Tony Award-winning actress and singer. Chenoweth’s career spans film, television, voice-over and stage. In 2015, she received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. She earned an Emmy Award for Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series for her role in “Pushing Daisies.” She won a Tony Award for “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown” and was nominated for her original role of Glinda the Good Witch in “Wicked.” Chenoweth has been nominated for two Emmy Awards and a People’s Choice Award for her role on “Glee.”

Hoskin serves as the principal chief of the Cherokee Nation, the largest