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Minutes from 8-12-2020 08-12-2020 BOCC Minutes Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes Wednesday August 12 2020 9:00 AM BOARD MEMBERS: Kevin Calvey Chairman will appear via video conference Carrie Blumert Vice Chair will appear via video conference Brian Maughan Member will appear via video conference ouTube Stream: https://youtu.be/rHjzfwbk6_4 Call to Order NOTICE: One or more members of this meeting will be participating by video or teleconference. Should audio or video capabilities be lost during the meeting efforts to restore connections will be attempted for a maximum of thirty 30 minutes. If connectivity is unable to be restored the meeting will reconvene at a date time and place certain determined by the Board. Roll Call Present: 3 County Commissioner Carrie Blumert County Commissioner Kevin Calvey and County Commissioner Brian Maughan Notice of the meeting was posted Monday August 10 2020 Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Brian Maughan 1. Discussion and possible action to set date time and place meeting will reconvene in the event technical difficulties arise during the course of this meeting and cannot be corrected within a maximum of thirty 30 minutes. No Action Approval of Minutes 2. Approve the minutes of the meeting of August 3 2020 prepared by the County Clerk as authorized by statute 19 O.S. § 243 244 and 445 subject to additions or corrections by the Board of County Commissioners. Blumert moved Maughan seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan Consent Agenda The following items are Consent Items and are routine in nature: Blumert moved Maughan seconded to approve the consent agenda. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan 3. Monthly Report of Fees for Juvenile Bureau for July 2020 4. Cancel CK #101020022 in the amount of $27 896.02 issued to Pierce Couch Hendrickson Baysinger dated 7 15 20 Do Not Reissue. 5.Approve Employee Benefit CVS Invoice #52886662 for Oklahoma County in the amount of $151 467.76 pending notification of encumbrance to Jackie Wilson Oklahoma County Treasurer’s Office. 6. Approval of Workers’ Compensation claim payments from Consolidated Benefits Resources in the amount of $25 609.81 for the period of 08/04/2020. 7. Approval of Transcript of Proceedings from the County Treasurer on the sale of county property acquired at RE SALE described as follows: CH4 QUALITY HOMES LLC 01 592 0625; BRAUERS HEIGHTS ADDITION; E9FT LOT 010; BLOCK 001 U B V INC 14 133 5520; WEBBS HEIGHTS SUB ADDITION; LOT 006; BLOCK 009 Authorize Chairman to execute County ReSale deeds conveying the above described real estate transactions. Requested by Forrest Butch Freeman County Treasurer. 8. Monthly Report of Fees for the Planning Commission Inspection Fee Fund State Building Code Fund and the Fee Fund Report for July 2020. 9. Approve Employee Benefit Warrant No. 750234 through 750707 for Oklahoma County in the amount of $ 216 827.57 pending notification of encumbrance to Jackie Wilson Oklahoma County Treasurer’s Office. 10. Approve Employee Benefit CVS Invoice #52891806 for Oklahoma County in the amount of $153 197.28 pending notification of encumbrance to Jackie Wilson Oklahoma County Treasurer’s Office. 11. Discussion and possible action for approval of Tin Horn Installation Walker District 1. This item is in compliance with Resolution No.118 08. Requested by Stacey Trumbo PE County Engineer. Document Received and Available for Review in the County Clerk’s Office 12. Discussion and possible action for approval of Tin Horn Installation Cranford District 1. This item is in compliance with Resolution No.118 08. Requested by Stacey Trumbo PE County Engineer. Document Received and Available for Review in the County Clerk’s Office 13. Discussion and possible action for approval of Tin Horn Installation Pursell District 2. This item is in compliance with Resolution No.118 08. Requested by Stacey Trumbo PE County Engineer. Document Received and Available for Review in the County Clerk’s Office 14. Discussion and possible action for approval of Tin Horn Installation Alcorn District 1. This item is in compliance with Resolution No.118 08. Requested by Stacey Trumbo PE County Engineer. Document Received and Available for Review in the County Clerk’s Office 15. Discussion and possible action for approval of Tin Horn Installation Williamson District 2. This item is in compliance with Resolution No.118 08. Requested by Stacey Trumbo PE County Engineer. ocument Received and Available for Review in the County Clerk’s Office 16. Receive Litigation: Case No. 20 33113 Bankruptcy Case No. CV 2020 1490 Notice of Hearing Case No. CJ 2020 163 First Amendment to Petition Case No. TC 2020 033 Tort Claim Case No. TC 2020 034 Tort Claim Case No. CJ 2020 3578 Foreclosure Petition Case No. 20 332333 Bankruptcy Case No. 20 43597 Bankruptcy End of Consent Docket Departmental Items District No. 1 17. Discussion and possible to approve early termination of a current lease agreement between the Central Oklahoma Workforce Investment Board COWIB and Oklahoma County Social Services. The current lease located at 7401 NE 23rd St is for 3 745.62sf of office space @$2 809.22/mo. and expires June 30 2021. COWIB wishes to terminate said lease effective August 31 2020. Requested by Carrie Blumert Commissioner District 1. Blumert moved Maughan seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan 18. A Resolution/Ordinance of the Commissioners of the County of Oklahoma Establishing the Nine One One Emergency Telephone Fee Rate for Calendar Year 2021. Requested by Carrie Blumert County Commissioner District No. 1. Blumert moved Maughan seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan District No. 2 19. Discussion and possible action to approve an agreement between Oklahoma County and the Coyle Law Firm PC Attorneys at Law to represent Commissioner Brian Maughan in his individual capacity for July 1 2020 June 30 2021 concerning case number CIV 18 00707 G. The total amount of the agreement shall not exceed $100 000.00 Requisition No. 12101667 00 has been issued to the Coyle Law Firm PC Attorneys at Law in the amount of $100 000.00 contingent upon encumbrance of funds. Requested by Brian Maughan County Commissioner District 2 and has been approved as to form and legality by Aaron Etherington Assistant District Attorney Maughan moved Calvey seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan District No. 3 20. Discussion and possible action to approve a Lease Agreement between the Oklahoma County Board of County Commissioners on behalf of the Oklahoma County Free Fair and the Oklahoma State Fair Park for the rental of Barns 7 and 8 for the 2020 Oklahoma County Horse Show. Rental of the facility will begin on August 21st 020 extending through August 22nd 2020. Oklahoma County will pay the State Fair Park a total of $4 847.00. Requested by Kevin Calvey Commissioner District 3. Calvey moved Blumert seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 Blumert alvey and Maughan 21. Discussion and possible action to approve a Lease Agreement between the Oklahoma County Board of County Commissioners on behalf of the Oklahoma County Free Fair and Jones Public Schools for the lease of the Don Ramsey Agricultural facility for the 2020 Oklahoma County Fall Livestock Show. Move in to the facility will begin on August 27th 2020 and will continue until move out on August 29th 2020. Lessee will pay Jones Public Schools the sum of $4 500.00. Requested by Kevin Calvey Commissioner District 3. Calvey moved Blumert seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan 22. Discussion and possible action to receive the amended response of the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office to the Oklahoma County Jail Property Audit as of June 30th 2020. Requested by Kevin Calvey Commissioner District 3. Calvey moved Blumert seconded to receive. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan 23. Discussion and possible action to transfer two vans from the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office to the Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Authority VIN numbers 1FTYR2CM3HKA31049 and 1FTYR2CMXHKA25569. Requested by Kevin Calvey Commissioner District 3. Calvey moved Maughan seconded to strike. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan 24. Discussion and possible action to use federal CARES Act funds to reimburse Oklahoma County for the cost of the Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Authority budget and the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office budget. Requested by Kevin Calvey Commissioner District 3. Calvey moved Maughan seconded to strike. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan 25. Discussion and possible action to transfer $3 million of CARES Act funds or other funds to the Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Authority for operations costs of hero pay for employees and additional maintenance people as needed to respond to COVID caused conditions. Requested by Kevin Calvey Commissioner District 3. Calvey moved Maughan seconded to strike. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan 26. Discussion and possible action to transfer $3 million from CARES Act funds to the Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Authority for immediate capital expenditures to make the jail more COVID resistant including but not limited to plumbing and air handling items. Requested by Kevin Calvey Commissioner District 3. Calvey moved Maughan seconded to strike. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan Budget Evaluation Team 27. Discussion and possible action regarding a transfer of $1.5 million dollars from Special Project Fund 1400 CARES Act to the Oklahoma County Home Finance Authority OCHFA so that OCHFA can establish a COVID 19 housing response program for the citizens of Oklahoma County; said program would provide for utility rental and mortgage assistance for individuals residing within Oklahoma County as outlined in the attached resolution. Any recommendation would be contingent upon the monies spent by OCHFA be in accordance with the requirements placed upon CARES fund dollars by the U.S. Treasury Department. This item is requested by Cody L. Compton District One. Calvey motioned to defer motion failed for lack of second. Blumert moved Maughan seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:2 Blumert and Maughan No:1 Calvey 28. Discussion and possible action regarding recommendations to the Budget Board to approve requests for Relief Funding expenses in the amount of $989.67 from the Special Project Fund 1400 CARES Act. This item is a recommendation by the Budget Evaluation Team and was approved by the Budget Board on July 30th and is requested by Cody Compton Chairman. Blumert moved Maughan seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan 29. Discussion and possible action regarding recommendations to the Budget Board to approve requests for Relief Funding expenses in the amount of $47 547.92 from the Special Project Fund 1400 CARES Act. This item is a recommendation by the Budget Evaluation Team and was approved by the Budget Board on August 6th and is requested by Cody Compton Chairman. Blumert moved Maughan seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan County Clerk 30. Discussion and possible action to receive the Oklahoma County Finance Authority Financial Statement for fiscal year ended June 30 2019 and 2018 as performed by Russell & Williams CPAs PC. Requested by David B. Hooten Oklahoma County Clerk. Blumert moved Maughan seconded to receive. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan 31. Discussion and possible action to adopt Resolution 2020 3957 Policy Regulating the Use of County Property for Free Speech Activities said policy to become effective immediately upon approval. This item requested by Rick Warren Oklahoma County Court Clerk. Calvey moved Maughan seconded to defer until 8 14 2020 special BOCC meeting. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:2 Calvey and Maughan No:1 Blumert Emergency Management 32. Discussion and possible action in regard to recommendations and an update from the Oklahoma County Emergency Response Committee. No Action 33.Discussion and possible action to approve the Annual Fire Equipment Agreement between Oklahoma County and the City of Harrah/Harrah Fire Department. This Agreement as reviewed by the Oklahoma County District Attorney’s Office commences upon approval by the Oklahoma County Board of County Commissioners and ends on June 30 2021. Maughan moved Blumert seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan Engineering 34. Discussion and possible action to approve the Architectural Agreement between Frankfurt Short Bruza Associates FSB and the Board of Oklahoma County Commissioners for Oklahoma County Project Krowse 2020 1 to provide Interior Remodel Services for the Krowse Building. The total amount of the contract shall not exceed $12 500.00. Requisition No. 12101353 has been issued to Frankfurt Short Bruza Associates FSB in the amount of $12 500.00 from M&O Funds contingent upon encumbrance of funds. Requested by Stacey Trumbo. PE County Engineer and has been approved as to form and legality by Gretchen Crawford Assistant District Attorney. Blumert moved Maughan seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:2 Blumert and Maughan No:1 Calvey 35. Discussion and possible action to approve the Agreement for Household Hazardous Waste Disposal between the City of Midwest City and Oklahoma County. Midwest City agrees to accept HHW from residents of unincorporated Oklahoma County and will bill Oklahoma County monthly. The term of this agreement will be effective July 1 2020 and will conclude June 30 2021. Purchase Order No. 22101129 has been issued to the City of Midwest City in the amount of $5000.00 from General Fund/Engineering 10194000. Requested by Stacey Trumbo PE County Engineer and has been approved as to from and legality by Gretchen Crawford. Blumert moved Maughan seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan Planning Commission 36. Discussion and possible action to approve/deny Resolution No. 2020 3815 to accept the Re plat RE 2020 03 of Lot 35 in Block Lettered I Lake Hiwassee Subdivision an Addition to Oklahoma County. The purpose of the re plat is a Lot Line Adjustment to increase the buffer between homes as provided in O.S. Title 19 §868.8. This re plat was approved by the Planning Commission in an open meeting on July 16 2020. Requested by Tyler Gammon Planning Director and approved as to form and legality by Gretchen Crawford Assistant District Attorney. Calvey moved Blumert seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan Recurring Agenda Items: 37. Approve all claims list available for inspection in the office of the County Clerk Room 201. Blumert moved Maughan seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan 38. Discussion and possible action to approve Resolution No. 2020 3928 approving Blanket Purchase Orders as submitted by each department list available for inspection in the office of the County Clerk Room 201. Blumert moved Maughan seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan No Commissioners Comments/General Remarks: No New business Executive Session Recess into executive session Blumert moved Maughan seconded to recess at 9:58 a.m. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan 39. To enter into executive session pursuant to 25 O.S. 307 B 4 to engage in confidential communications between the public body and its attorney concerning a pending investigation claim or action by Michael McCully EEOC Case No. 564 2020 01504 and where on advice of its attorney the board has determined that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation litigation or proceeding in the public interest. 40. To enter into executive session pursuant to 25 O.S. 307 B 4 to engage in confidential communications between the public body and its attorney concerning a pending investigation claim or action by Cait Chapman v. BOCC et al CJ 2020 1924 and where on advice of its attorney the board has determined that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation litigation or proceeding in the public interest. 41. To enter into executive session pursuant to 25 O.S. 307 B4 to engage in confidential communications between the public body and its attorney concerning a potential claim for reimbursement of amounts paid by the Oklahoma Unemployment Security Commission and where on advice of its attorney the board has determined that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation litigation or proceeding in the public interest. Return from executive session Blumert moved Maughan seconded to return at 10:15 a.m. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan 42. Action regarding confidential communications between the public body and its attorney concerning a pending investigation claim or action by Michael McCully EEOC Case No. 564 2020 01504 and where on advice of its attorney the board has determined that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation litigation or proceeding in the public interest. Blumert moved Maughan seconded action to reject mediation at this time. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan 43. Action regarding in confidential communications between the public body and its attorney concerning a pending investigation claim or action by Cait Chapman v. BOCC et al CJ 2020 1924 and where on advice of its attorney the board has determined that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation litigation or proceeding in the public interest. Blumert moved Maughan seconded to approve give authority to our DA’s office to move this to Federal Court and pay the $400.00 fee. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan 44. Action regarding confidential communications between the public body and its attorney concerning a potential claim for reimbursement of amounts paid by the Oklahoma Unemployment Security Commission and where on advice of its attorney the board has determined that disclosure will seriously impair the ability of the public body to process the claim or conduct a pending investigation litigation or proceeding in the public interest. Blumert moved Maughan seconded action to direct nonpayment until the correct invoice is sent. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan Adjourn Maughan moved Blumert seconded to adjourn at 10:17 a.m. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OKLAHOMA COUNTY OKLAHOMA Kevin Calvey Chairman ATTEST: David B. Hooten County Clerk and Secretary to the Board

Minutes from 8-14-2020

08 14 2020 BOCC Minutes Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes Friday August 14 2020 11:30 AM BOARD MEMBERS: Kevin Calvey Chairman will appear via video conference Carrie Blumert Vice Chair will appear via video conference Brian Maughan Member will appear via video conference YouTube Stream: https://youtu.be/rHjzfwbk6_4 Call to Order NOTICE: One or more members of this meeting will be participating by video or teleconference. Should audio or video capabilities be lost during the meeting efforts to restore connections will be attempted for a maximum of thirty 30 minutes. If connectivity is unable to be restored the meeting will reconvene at a date time and place certain determined by the Board. Roll Call Present:3County Commissioner Carrie Blumert County Commissioner Kevin Calvey and County Commissioner Brian Maughan Notice of the meeting was posted Wednesday August 12 2020 Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance 1. Discussion and possible action to set date time and place meeting will reconvene in the event technical difficulties arise during the course of this meeting and cannot be corrected within a maximum of thirty 30 minutes. Board of County Commissioners 2. Discussion and possible action to adopt Resolution 2020 3957 Policy Regulating the Use of County Property for Free Speech Activities said policy to become effective immediately upon approval. This item requested by Rick Warren Oklahoma County Court Clerk. Calvey moved Maughan seconded to strike. Public Comments from the following in no particular order: Sincare Terry Austin Mack Emily Blount Hannah Royce Mark Faulk Bailey Colbert Adriana Laws Suzette Grillot Laine Bergeron Jacqui Ford Jaye Mendros Clay Curtis Casey Davis Sean Cummings Garland Praitt Jess Eddy Aleah Walker Jakob Lavicky J. Cagle Savannah Edgar Illiana Haury Lisa Brooks Isabella Aana Serena Prammanasudh Zed Scott Levi Mwirigi Bundi Brandon Ross Alan Hatcher Lazaro Ecemarec The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan District 3 3. Discussion and possible action to transfer $3 million of CARES Act funds or other funds to the Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Authority for operations costs of hero pay for employees and additional maintenance people as needed to respond to COVID caused conditions. Requested by Kevin Calvey Commissioner District 3. Calvey moved Maughan seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 2 Calvey and Maughan No:1 Blumert 4.Discussion and possible action to transfer up to $1 million of CARES Act funds or other funds to the to the Juvenile Department for operations costs of hero pay for juvenile employees as needed to respond to COVID caused conditions. Requested by Kevin Calvey Commissioner District 3. Calvey moved Maughan seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan 5. Discussion and possible action to transfer $3 million from CARES Act funds to the Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Authority for immediate capital expenditures to make the jail more COVID resistant including but not limited to plumbing and air handling items. Requested by Kevin Calvey Commissioner District 3. Calvey moved Maughan seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:2 Calvey and Maughan No:1 Blumert Sheriff 6. Discussion and possible action to transfer $1 million of CARES Act funds or other funds to the Oklahoma County Sheriff Dept. for operations costs of hero pay for Sheriff Employees as needed to respond to COVID caused conditions. Requested by P.D. Taylor Oklahoma County Sheriff. Calvey moved Maughan seconded to approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan Commissioners Comments/General Remarks: Adjourn Maughan moved Calvey seconded to adjourn at 1:18 PM. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:3 Blumert Calvey and Maughan BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OKLAHOMA COUNTY OKLAHOMA Kevin Calvey Chairman ATTEST: David B. Hooten County Clerk and Secretary to the Board

Proceedings from 8-12-2020

08-12-2020 BOCC Proceedings HOLDING COMPANY LLC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011662 D 3 US Comm Yard Buildi $29.97 HOME DEPOT USA INC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011663 USC16154 BLANKET Building & Gr $31.74 HOME DEPOT USA INC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011664 Highway Equipment Repair/P $73.49 INLAND TRUCK PARTS COMPANY Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011665 Pesticide $110.48 J R SIMPLOT COMPANY Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011666 D 3 NOC Travel Claim Lewis Sha $138.15 LEWIS SHAMBAUGH Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011667 D 3 STAKES $932.04 MAXWELL SUPPLY COMPANY Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011668 EMPLOYEE PARKING/aUG 2020 $450.00 METRO PARKING GARAGE Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011669 D 3 Special Reimbursement $86.50 MICHAEL J MEEK Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011670 AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT $10.50 ML&S INC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011671 CREDIT INV#0234 231232 FLEX PI $2 390.55 O’REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC AKA FIRST CALL Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011672 D 3 ACCT#131538557 3 MO ELEC S $1 415.11 OG&E Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011673 D 3 NOC MOTOR VEHICLE $132.33 OKLAHOMA KENWORTH INC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011674 SW195 Lease/Purchase Hwy Equip $9 649.44 OKLAHOMA STATE BANK Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011675 TURNPIKE TOLLS/JULY 2020 $356.66 OKLAHOMA TURNPIKE AUTHORITY Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011676 Hwy Equip Repair P $765.50 P & K EQUIPMENT INC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011677 AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT $1 923.79 P & K EQUIPMENT INC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011678 Hwy Equip Repair/Parts 3/8 $538.00 PATRIOT STEEL LLC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011679 WATER TEMP $341.91 PENSKE COMMERCIAL VEHICLES US LLC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011680 ADAPTER $9.21 PERFECTION EQUIPMENT CO INC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011681 Shop Supplies $198.50 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011682 WELDING EQUIPMENT $231.05 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011683 HWY EQUIP REPAIR/PARTS SEN $218.64 ROBERTS TRUCK CENTER OF OKLAHOMA LLC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011684 AUTOMOTIVE ACCESSORIES $89.68 RUSH TRUCK CENTERS OF OKLAHOMA INC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011685 Safety Supplies Hand Sanit $420.07 SAF T GLOVE INC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011686 SECURITY FIRE SAFETY $193.57 STANLEY CONVERGENT SECURITY SOLUTIONS INC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011687 Office Supplies $85.20 STAPLES CONTRACT AND COMMERCIAL INC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011688 Highway EQuipment $51.98 TISDELLS IMPLEMENTS LLC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011689 UNIFORM RENTAL $551.14 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS INC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 110011690 CW21025 1 BLANKETRoad & Bridge $2 207.00 VANCE BROTHERS INC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 800001706 D 3 # 20 31 Fuel $8 311.23 HARTLAND FUEL PRODUCTS LLC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 800001707 Blanket D3 CW20036 Lubricants $1 339.00 AEG PETROLEUM LLC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 800001708 OMINA R TC 17006 Webcam $34.99 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 800001709 FIRST AID SAFETY EQUIPMENT $66.36 CINTAS CORPORATION Fund 1110 Highway Cash 800001710 D 3 BOTTLED WATER $52.80 EUREKA WATER COMPANY Fund 1110 Highway Cash 800001711 D 3 FUEL $10 486.71 HARTLAND FUEL PRODUCTS LLC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 800001712 ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECOL $150.00 JANUARY TRANSPORT INC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 800001713 Premium and Awards $31.45 MTM RECOGNITION CORPORATION Fund 1110 Highway Cash 800001714 D 3 NOC Service Equipm $126.00 SAFETY KLEEN SYSTEMS INC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 800001715 Hwy equip Repair/Parts Tires $2 827.56 T & W TIRE LLC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 800001716 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES $2 186.35 US FLEET TRACKING LLC Fund 1110 Highway Cash 800001717 Oil Pans $632.00 W W GRAINGER INC Fund 1111 CBRI 800001697 PROJ# 1302387 LUTHER RD / 192n $21 991.56 FREESE AND NICHOLS INC Fund 1130 Resale Property Budgeted 113002183 BLANKET NOC RESALE BLDG SHOP S $49.73 AIRGAS INC Fund 1130 Resale Property Budgeted 113002184 287269702920X08012020 WIRELESS $113.85 AT&T WIRELESS Fund 1130 Resale Property Budgeted 113002185 FUEL $45.37 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES INC Fund 1130 Resale Property Budgeted 113002186 JULY 2020 DEPUTY SALARY REIMBU $5 857.61 OCSO Fund 1130 Resale Property Budgeted 113002187 MACHINE LEASE PAYMENT $506.87 QUADIENT LEASING USA INC Fund 1130 Resale Property Budgeted 113002188 OFFICE SUPPLIES $547.32 STAPLES CONTRACT AND COMMERCIAL INC Fund 1130 Resale Property Budgeted 113002189 BLANKET CW21019 TAX STATEMENT $3 211.82 TECHNICAL PROGRAMMING SERVICES INC TPSI Fund 1130 Resale Property Budgeted 113002190 UNIFORM RENTAL SERVICE $70.02 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS INC Fund 1130 Resale Property Budgeted 113002191 TRASH DISPOSAL SERVICE $77.27 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OKLA CITY Fund 1130 Resale Property Budgeted 800001682 STANDARD SOURCEWELL 081419 WE $464.86 CDW GOVERNMENT INC Fund 1130 Resale Property Budgeted 800001683 BLANKET ITSW1013S LEASE COPIER $290.97 STANDLEY SYSTEMS LLC Fund 1140 Treasurer Mortgage Fee Fund 114000546 OFFICE SUPPLIES $300.47 STAPLES CONTRACT AND COMMERCIAL INC Fund 1150 County Clerk Lien Fee Fund 115000274 NOC Liberty Lincoln Safe $2 539.98 OKLAHOMA SPORTING SUPPLIES Fund 1150 County Clerk Lien Fee Fund 115000275 BLANKET NOC Coffee Supplies $321.65 DAIOHS USA INC Fund 1150 County Clerk Lien Fee Fund 115000276 BLANKET NOC Ice machine leas $230.00 JERRY AMUNDSEN Fund 1150 County Clerk Lien Fee Fund 115000277 BLANKET NOC Presort mail $44.22 PRESORT FIRST CLASS Fund 1151 UCC Central Filing Fund 800001704 BLANKET NOC Prof Svc Consult $2 000.00 HENRY J HOOD PLLC Fund 1152 Records Preservation Fund 152000268 LEGISTAR SUBSCRIPTION: MEETING $51 813.49 CARAHSOFT TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Fund 1152 Records Preservation Fund 152000269 BLANKET NOC Prof Svc Consult $3 401.00 ELECTRA DIGITAL DESIGN STUDIOS INC Fund 1152 Records Preservation Fund 800001705 BLANKET NOC Prof Svc Consult $1 800.00 BROWN HENDRIX & ASSOCIATES Fund 1160 Sheriff Service Fee Fund 116004606 Svc tow to yard B612 442 $195.05 ARROW WRECKER SERVICE INC Fund 1160 Sheriff Service Fee Fund 116004607 SW104AI annual agreement AMA $2 386.00 AUTOMATION INTEGRATED LLC Fund 1160 Sheriff Service Fee Fund 116004608 Self inking address stamps $112.63 CUSTOM IDENTIFICATION PRODUCTS Fund 1160 Sheriff Service Fee Fund 116004609 BLKT FY 20 21 CW20002 Fuel fo $5 346.50 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES INC Fund 1160 Sheriff Service Fee Fund 116004610 FY 20 21 Parking for She $5 040.00 METRO PARKING GARAGE Fund 1160 Sheriff Service Fee Fund 116004611 SW0307A misc auto splys $475.80 O’REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC AKA FIRST CALL Fund 1160 Sheriff Service Fee Fund 116004612 SW1004 power sonic 12V 9AH SL $119.06 SYNERGY DATACOM SUPPLY INC Fund 1160 Sheriff Service Fee Fund 116004613 ACCT#120 Water & Trash SPENCER $136.26 CITY OF SPENCER Fund 1160 Sheriff Service Fee Fund 116004614 Nat Gas Svc MWC $90.86 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS COMPANY Fund 1160 Sheriff Service Fee Fund 800001684 US Comm 2017000280 water pump $2 083.98 ADVANCE STORES CO INC Fund 1160 Sheriff Service Fee Fund 800001685 CW20028 2.19 Jumbo toilet pape $148.50 CLASSIC PAPER SUPPLY INC Fund 1160 Sheriff Service Fee Fund 800001686 INV#25039876 CW20006 used HC w $303.98 EUREKA WATER COMPANY Fund 1160 Sheriff Service Fee Fund 800001687 postbase ink cartridge & label $122.50 GENERAL MAILING EQUIPMENT INC Fund 1160 Sheriff Service Fee Fund 800001688 SW0307 misc auto splys $95.43 HOWARD GMII Fund 1160 Sheriff Service Fee Fund 800001689 FY21 annual agreement for AVL $3 919.20 US FLEET TRACKING LLC Fund 1160 Sheriff Service Fee Fund 800001690 SW817NVP HVLS ceiling fan XL $4 337.08 W W GRAINGER INC Fund 1160 Sheriff Service Fee Fund 800001691 Notary commission renewal/Ange $155.00 WALKER COMPANIES INC Fund 1160 Sheriff Service Fee Fund 800001698 INV#S100001143.001 Splys to r $348.01 EMSCO ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO INC Fund 1160 Sheriff Service Fee Fund 800001699 Copier Maint LE Month t $472.76 IMAGENET CONSULTING LLC Fund 1161 Sheriff Special Revenue Fund 161003543 Trvl Reimb Honolulu Hawaii $1 207.71 MELISSA ABERNATHY Fund 1161 Sheriff Special Revenue Fund 161003544 RFP 12000447 1 OCSO Trng Roof $4 946.00 LG CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC Fund 1162 Sheriff Grant Fund 162000123 EXT TECHNICAL SUPPORT & SOFTWA $495.00 ITOUCH BIOMETRICS LLC Fund 1162 Sheriff Grant Fund 800001700 Caliber RMS Software Pro $29 359.69 COLOSSUS INC Fund 1231 Juvenile Probation Fee Fund 123000156 Client Reimbursement/ovepaymen $20.00 JACOB DEAN BENNETT Fund 1231 Juvenile Probation Fee Fund 123000157 DA Contract for Professional S $1 606.25 BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE UNIV OF OKLA Fund 1240 Planning Commission Fee Fund 124000682 IN STATE TRAVEL / MATT B. 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“And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32 (quoting Jesus). The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” – Edmund Burke paraphrase, 1767. If you want it in the paper, it’s advertising. If you don’t want it in the paper, it’s news.” – Ancient Chinese Proverb. “Without, or with, offense to friends or foes, We sketch your world exactly as it goes.” – Byron, 1818. “Every violation of truth is a stab at the health of human society.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1878. “We must always stand – alone if necessary – as the conscience of this community.” – J. Leland Gourley, 1959.


We urge courtesy in disagreement. We view with favor wise public choices and view with alarm flawed public choices. We give good advice to public officials at

federal, state and local levels, and society in general, on what to do right. So, if they don’t take our advice, it’s not our fault. EMAIL YOUR OPINION to: vicki@okcfriday.com

Mask Up OKC will save lives and keep businesses open

The City of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City-County Health Department (OCCHD), and the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber launched a campaign this week urging the community to follow public health guidelines regarding mask wearing during the coronavirus pandemic: MASK UP OKC - it’s for you, it’s for me, it’s for OKC.

By encouraging residents to follow the Centers for Disease Control and county health guidelines, the group hopes businesses will continue to be able to safely serve the community, stay open during this critical time and help halt new transmissions while keeping our economy moving in the right direction.

“Another round of closures would be devastating to small business, impact more jobs and significantly harm the economy,” said Roy Williams, CEO and president of the

In MY Opinion by VICKICLARKGOURLEY vicki@okcfriday.com

Greater Oklahoma City Chamber. “This affirms our commitment to keeping our residents safe and healthy so our city can remain open. We believe our residents want our community to succeed and we are so appreciative of those who volunteered to help us in this effort. This is another time where we need to pull together for the good of OKC.”

The campaign includes commercials, billboards, digital media and social media platforms. The citywide effort features OKC celebrities, business owners, local officials, neighborhood leaders and other residents wearing masks and delivering a message to encourage their neighbors, family, and friends to follow health protocols for face coverings and social distancing.

“The people of Oklahoma City have really stepped-up this last month and the wearing of masks has brought the COVID-19 numbers back down,” said Mayor David Holt. “This new campaign keeps that momentum going. The virus is still here. The simple act of wearing a mask keeps our numbers down and allows our small businesses to continue their recovery. Mask up, OKC!”

In more than a month since Oklahoma City introduced a mask mandate, Oklahoma County has seen its seven-day averages for daily infections fall from 213 infections in mid-July to 136 daily infections by midAugust.

“The most effective step society can take to stem the tide of the virus is to wear a face mask any time and every time we are in public – especially when indoors,” said Dr. Patrick McGough, DNP, executive director of OCCHD. “They provide a simple barrier to help prevent respiratory droplets from traveling into the air and onto other people when the person wearing the cloth face-covering coughs, sneezes, talks, or raises their voice.”

The campaign will begin airing today on local media. Find more info, get links to social media sites and downloadable, sharable social media graphics and posters at maskupokc.com.

Send your letters to the Editor to: Editor, OKC FRIDAY, PO BOX 20340, Okla. City, OK 73156 or email: vicki@okcfriday.com

Your Fridayland Caucus


OKC FRIDAY Nichols Hills Publishing Company PHONE 405-755-3311 www.okcfriday.com 10801 N. Quail Plaza Drive, OKC PO Box 20340 Oklahoma City, OK 73156

VICKI CLARK GOURLEY, CEO & Publisher ROSE LANE, Editor & Deputy Publisher MARY McCUTCHEON, Publisher’s Assistant LOVINA MORGAN, Senior Advertising Account Exec. JASON JEWELL, Production Mgr., Web & Sports Editor JENNIFER CLARK, Legals Mgr./Circulation/Classifieds JOY RICHARDSON, Social and Travel Contributor

Oklahoma City resident Mark Beutler has been named to the All Regions Club of the American Cancer Society. Beutler is director of communications and handles all internal and external media throughout Oklahoma and north Texas.

The All Regions Club consists of high-performing staff members who were nominated by their peers and then selected by a leadership team for achieving significant progress and modeling the organization’s core values and cultural beliefs.

“Mark has a keen eye for content develop

ment and has successfully increased the Society’s presence on social media in Oklahoma and beyond,” said Jeff Fehlis, executive vice president of the ACS South Region. “The past few months, Mark has taken on additional responsibilities to support a fellow colleague who has been on leave. Mark is an


incredible storyteller and leads our Marketing and Communications team with stories that tell the ACS story with truth, accuracy and compassion.”

Beutler has a farreaching background in Oklahoma City media and has been employed by the American Cancer Society since 2017.

“Until I began working for the American Cancer Society, I was very much in the dark about the organization’s local footprint,” Beutler said. “Through my work I have attempted to help publicize the amazing work ACS does every day. From life-saving research, a free ride to treatment, or just giving a patient a free wig, ACS is truly a beacon for those who are fighting cancer.”

Throughout his career, Beutler has been state Capitol reporter for OETA-TV, and was media spokesman for the Oklahoma Department of Human Services. He has worked as a freelance writer for several local publications and for several years was known as “Mark After Dark,” a local radio personality on KXY-FM.

His philanthropic work includes serving on the Board of Directors of the Oklahoma AIDS Care Fund and chaired the organization’s 2011 “Red Tie Night.” Beutler has served on the board of Oklahoma City’s City Rep Theatre and is active in the Wilemans Belle Isle Neighborhood Association.

Beutler earned a master’s degree in communications and two bachelor of arts degrees in communications and journalism from the University of Central Oklahoma.

Other honors include a Best Writing award from Society of Professional Journalists for a story he wrote on Miss America 1967, Jane Jayroe. He was also awarded Best On-Air Performance from Radio Equity Partners.

From Page 1

greater risk than ever of suffering evictions. In many cases, they’re literally one unexpected expense away from not being able to pay rent or their electric bill and Upward Transitions tries to be that safety net to help keep them from becoming homeless.”

Periann Pulliam, CEO, said June 30 marked the end of Upward Transitions’ 95th year of service to the community. She called 2020 “unprecedented and extraordinary.”

“I never imagined I would see the world come to a screeching halt, but when it did, we knew our work to prevent homelessness would become even more important for the community,” Pulliam said.

To maintain stable housing through this crisis has been an immense challenge for many in Oklahoma City. She said that the city will more than likely see a dramatic increase in homelinesss if the community doesn’t act quickly.

At the beginning of the crisis, the United Way provided funding and Sunbeam Family Services assisted with personnel to allow Upward Transitions to provide relief to nearly 550 people in more than 200 households.

“The people in these households were at risk of becoming homeless as they could not pay their bills due to a loss of income related to COVID-19,” Pulliam said. “Not only did Upward Transitions help renters stabilize their housing, we helped property owners and managers collect rent they needed to pay their own bills and employees.”

Pulliam said that as Upward Transitions is expecting an uptick in evictions, the nonprofit is readying staff to provide more assistance through UDS’s Emergency Solutions Grant, FEMA’s Emergency Food and Shelter Program and the CARES Act.

Additionally, the City of Oklahoma City is partnering with Upward Transitions and the Dragonfly Home to help victims of human trafficking using a federal grant for transitional housing.

The $500,000 federal grant from the Justice Department’s Office for Victims of Crime helps victims of human trafficking with up to two years of transitional housing costs, including rent, utilities and relocation expenses. The grant will also help victims find permanent housing and employment, and provide access to occupational training and counseling.

“Not only are evictions on the rise, but for those who are currently homeless, the ability to secure employment is becoming even tougher with pandemic-related restrictions,” Lane said. “Upward Transitions can help to secure and re-establish one’s identity through procuring birth certificates and state identification cards, therefore allowing the client to apply for employment that can help them move toward self-sustainability and put a roof over their head for them and their family.”

But, this all takes community support.

“The funding we have in place is only a fraction of what is needed to help address the growing distress in our community,” Pullium said.

For more information or to make a donation, visit upwardtransitions.org.

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