Luminosity - Vol I, Issue 3

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Volume 1, Issue 3 September/October 2021

In Their own words: Breauna shaw From your perspective, why do we need DEI Roundtables?

What is your role in the Student Government Association? My role is to be a continuous advocate for OCU students in all things diversity-, equity-, and inclusion-related. SGA is a resource for students, and every position is meant to serve, create, and advocate. My position is unique, in that I am the specific Secretary that heads DEI projects and initiatives on-campus. I see my position as being the symbolic microphone for other students to use as a resource to feel empowered to have a voice on campus.

OCU campus culture is filled with passion and creativity. With the many positives that come with this culture, I believe one negative is that it often feels like there are "multiple mini OCU's" within the campus. (I heard someone use that example once and it resonated with me!) These [discussions] will be the best way for various groups to come together to grow and improve OCU. [They] are meant to give a space, outlet, and resource to our students... [and] be a good way for students to not only point out what needs improvement but help find solutions and see actual change happen. This will also be a good opportunity to keep the campus community updated on the great changes that SGA has already made.

How can students get connected and participate? On September 1st we hosted a kickoff event for the DEI Roundtables. We had some great snacks and were able to connect with students directly (with Dr. Carroll!) about the vision for the upcoming monthly roundtables. It was great to be able to ask and answer questions and get suggestions for what students would like to see from these connections. It was a really relaxed conversation and my other SGA members were able to give out more information about the new space we are bringing to campus! We are all super excited to get it going!

Do you have any advice for fellow students as we navigate the new semester? My biggest advice to students for this academic year is to insert your presence! This academic year will pose new and old challenges. Students will be facing Zoom fatigue, COVID-19, as well as the new Delta variant. I want students to know that their presence is valued, both physically and virtually, but their safety is more of a priority. I encourage our campus community to find different ways to stay involved while also practicing safe measures. With this, we must remain positive and intentional in everything we do.

What do you hope we will accomplish by the end of the year? At the end of the year, I hope that more OCU students are encouraged and empowered to use their voices to make real change. SGA is a major resource so I want to see more students utilize it! I also want to see more unity within the student body. To accomplish this, we need diverse perspectives to create lasting change.



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