5 minute read
Power Flush sediment from your suction lines.
Dental lines blocked with sediment, enzymes will not remove this debris.
H o w w e P o w e r F l u s h y o u r s y s t e m :
1 . O u r s e l f c o n t a i n e d p a t e n t e d - p e n d i n g P o w e r F l u s h S y s t e m i s c o n n e c t e d t o i n s t a l l e d C a m - L o c k f i t t i n g s .
2 . U n d e r g r o u n d s u c t i o n l i n e s a r e f l o o d e d w i t h o u r h o s p i t a l g r a d e Q u a t s a n i t i z i n g s o l u t i o n .
3 . T h e s o l u t i o n i s c i r c u l a t e d t h r o u g h t h e l i n e s u s i n g o u r c l o s e d c i r c u i t s y s t e m .
1-833-5-SUCTION w w w . s u c t i o n s o l u t i o n s . c o m
4 . T h e l i n e s a r e e v a c u a t e d a n d d r i e d .
5 . T h e c i r c u l a t e d s o l u t i o n i s f i l t e r e d t o 2 0 m i c r o n s t o r e m o v e s e d i m e n t .
6 . T h e s a n i t i z e d l i q u i d i s d i s p o s e d o f o n - s i t e a f t e r s o l i d s / s e d i m e n t s a r e r e m o v e d f o r r e c y c l i n g v i a f e d e r a l a m a l g a m w a s t e s t a n d a r d s .
The House of Delegates establishes all ODA policies not otherwise provided for in the Bylaws, elects the Speaker of the House and council members, confirms the appointments of the Secretary/Treasurer and the council chairs, adopts an annual budget and sets the membership dues. The House of Delegates meets annually and is comprised of the Board of Trustees, four officers from each Component, one delegate per fifteen members from each Component and four OUCOD dental students.
The House of Delegates met on April 27, 2023 at the ODA Annual Meeting in Tulsa. The House ratified a $1,152,830 budget, which includes a dues increase of $31. The House amended the Bylaws to add the Dean of the OU College of Dentistry to the Board of Trustees and voted down a motion to add a large group practice trustee to the Board. The House approved editorial amendments to the Guide for Disciplinary Hearing and voted to amend the Annual Session policy by striking ribbons recognition.
The House voted down a resolution to remove the names of member dentists from the following awards: Dan E. Brannin for Professionalism and Ethics, Robert K. Wynne for Public Education and Public Information, Shobe Memorial Tablet, and Richard T. Oliver for Legislative Leadership. The names of these ODA awards will remain the same. The ODA will purchase an updated Shobe Memorial Tablet and transfer the names of the prior recipients to the new Tablet to be displayed at the ODA building. The ODA will print a series of articles in the ODA Journal about all the awards to make members aware of the purpose and history of each award and its namesake.
The House adopted a policy on diversity, equity and inclusion: In principle and in practice, the ODA values and seeks diverse and inclusive participation within the dental profession. The ODA promotes involvement and expanded access to leadership opportunities regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, nationality, disability or type of practice. The organization provides leadership and commits time and resources to accomplish this objective while serving as a model for diversity to all associations.
The House adopted a the following statement in opposition to the Health Information Exchange: The Oklahoma Dental Association opposes the requirement of electronic health information exchange throughout Oklahoma for healthcare providers for SB1369/SB574.
The House elected the following members into State Life Membership: Dr. Chris Bussman, Dr. Leon Conkling, Dr. Walter Davis, Dr. Robert Dew, Dr. Nicholas Hunter, Dr. Larry Kiner, Dr. James Lowe, Dr. Don Morton, Dr. Steve Pracht, and Dr. David Simon.
The House elected the following members into leadership:
Dr. Twana Duncan, Vice President
Dr. Lindsay Smith, ADA Delegate
Dr. Chris Fagan, ADA Alternate Delegate
The House confirmed the presidential appointments for Secretary/ Treasurer and Council Chairs:
Dr. Nicole Nellis, Secretary/Treasurer
Dr. Twana Duncan, Council on Budget and Finance
Dr. Matthew Bridges, Council on Bylaws, Policy and Ethics
Dr. Brian Molloy, Council on Dental Care
Dr. David Wong, Council on Dental Education and Public Information
Dr. Lindsay Smith, Council on Governmental Affairs
Dr. Nicole Nellis, Council on Membership and Membership Services
The House recognized the 2023 award winners:
Dr. Scott Hubbard, Thomas Jefferson Citizenship Award
Dr. Paul Mullasseril, Dan E. Brannin Award for Professionalism and Ethics
Dr. Jeannie Bath, Robert K. Wynn Award for Dental Education and Public Information
Dr. Forrest Bath, Dr. Eric Winegardner and Eric’s Pharmacy, Presidential Citations
Mrs. Lynn Means, Richard T. Oliver Legislative Award
Representative Marcus McEntire, Oklahoma Legislator of the Year
Dr. Tim and Pamela Fagan, President’s Leadership Award
Dr. Matthew Bridges, Young Dentist of the Year
Dr. Lindsay Smith, Richard Haught Dentist of the Year Award
Dr. Doug Auld, James A. Saddoris Lifetime of Leadership Award
The following members were recognized for fifty-years of membership in the ODA:
Dr. Thomas Gilbert
Dr. Stanley Groom
Dr. James Hackler
Dr. Jay Hodges
Dr. Richard Homsey
Dr. Nicholas Hunter
Dr. Richard James
Dr. William Johnson
Dr. Robert Livingston
Dr. Claud McKee
Dr. James Nicholson
Dr. James Osgood
Dr. James Roane
Dr. Gregory Watkins
Dr. Scott Waugh
Dr. Gary Youree
If you are interested in serving on the ODA House of Delegates, contact your component president or the ODA office at 405-848-8873 coverage.
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