october 7, 2011

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October 7, 2011

Planting wheat and praying for rain 2012 Wheat – Canadian Co. Farm Bureau member Jim Parizek of Yukon plants a field to wheat near El Reno on Sept. 27. He says he plans to plant 1,200 acres of wheat this fall. Does the prediction of a prolonged drought bother him? He said he is taking it in stride. “We’ll make a run at it as though we’re planting in good conditions,” he said. “I think if we’re not optimistic and don’t have faith, we don’t have any business putting seed in the ground. My dad lived through the Dust Bowl. His memory is that it was worse then than what it is now. I’ll just have to take that for what it is.”

Governor signs extension on hay transportation rules Gov. Mary Fallin recently signed an extension to the temporary suspension of several agriculture transportation rules. Fallin’s office says the decision to continue enforcing the transportation suspensions, “is necessary to assist and expedite all efforts of drought relief and wildfire suppression.” Oversized vehicles used to haul hay to ranchers require certain permits and licensing, but Fallin’s temporary suspenROLL ON – An 18-wheeler drives west on Interstate sion allows truckers to transport hay without following the 40 near Oklahoma City with a large load of hay. restrictions. The governor’s executive order stated, “Due to the severe drought conditions occurring statewide, it is necessary to expedite access to hay for livestock.” Fallin’s extension temporarily suspends requirements for special permits for use of oversized vehicles. The requirements are listed under Title 47 as they apply to vehicles used to transport hay for livestock. The following requirements also are included in the governor’s executive order. 1. Requirements for licensing/operating authority as required by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission 2. Requirements for licensing/registration as required by the Oklahoma Tax Commission 3. Requirements contained in the Motor Carrier Safety Regulations Fallin’s order is scheduled to terminate 60 days after its issue date of Sept. 20.

Member Benefits

• General Motors – Offers qualifying members a $500 manufacturer’s discount on 26 different GM models. Call OFB Field Services at (405) 523-2470 for more details. • Clearvalue Hearing – a comprehensive

cattle program utilizing radio frequency identification technology. Contact your OFB field representative or call (405) 523-2406.

OFB highlights a few benefits in each issue of Perspective as a reminder of the savings available to OFB members. Find a complete list of savings online at okfarmbureau.org.

OFB Calendar State Resolutions Meeting October 18-19, 2011 • OKC Contact: Tyler Norvell, (405) 523-2402 OFB Annual Meeting November 11-13, 2011 • OKC Contact: Monica Wilke, (405) 523-2303 FBW Rally December 2-3, 2011 • OKC Contact: Marcia Irvin, (405) 523-2405

OK Department of Ag creates pasture directory The Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry has created the Oklahoma Pasture Lease Directory to help livestock owners in Oklahoma locate producers in neighboring states who have pasture they are willing to lease through the winter. “We hope this will give our state’s pastures time to recover and give relief to owners who want to keep their herds,” Secretary of Agriculture Jim Reese said. The directory and an application form are available online at www.ag.ok.gov. Completed forms should be mailed to Oklahoma Pasture Lease Directory at the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry, PO Box 528804, Oklahoma City, OK 73152. Pasture listings will remain on the directory for 60 days and can be renewed for an additional 60 days. Changes to the listings can be made by calling the Hay Hotline at 800-580-6543.

Inhofe gives to new foundation U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma recently contributed to the new Oklahoma Farm (Farming and Ranching Matters) Foundation at the platinum $2,500 level. As an avid supporter of agriculture programs, Inhofe said he was more than willing to contibute to the new agriculture advocacy foundation. “Fewer and fewer Americans have an understanding or connection to our nation’s agricultural community,” he said. “For the average American to have an appreciation for the difficulties that farmers and ranchers face, it is vitally important for them to be educated through efforts like the FARM Foundation. Through the FARM Foundation, Americans no longer have to rely on the liberal media outlets and environmental groups for news and views. They can now receive information from the perspective of our nation’s hard working agricultural community.”

Oklahoma Farm Bureau Online Monitor the latest Farm Bureau and agricultural news and information online at okfarmbureau.org. Currently online: • Annual Meeting Details – Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s 70th annual meeting is just over a month away! Check the OFB website often for convention details and news as the event nears. • YF&R News – Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s Young Farmers and Ranchers group recently hosted its annual livestock judging competition at the State Fair. See OFB’s homepage or click the News button to see contest results.



Writing the rules – Canadian Co. Farm Bureau board member Francis Parizek (far left) writes down a FB policy resolution idea during the county’s resolution meeting, Sept. 26. Also pictured from left to right are Henry Heinrich, Bill Mansfield and Carolyn Mansfield. County Farm Bureaus are holding their resolutions meetings in preparation for the State Resolutions Meeting, Oct. 18-19, in Oklahoma City. Final resolutions will be presented to voting members at the annual meeting in November.

OFB to celebrate 70 years at upcoming annual meeting Oklahoma Farm Bureau members are encouraged to attend OFB’s 70th Annual Meeting, Nov. 11-13, in downtown Oklahoma City. This year’s theme “Living a Legacy ... Building our Future” reflects the rich heritage of the organization and how it has progressed over the years. The annual meeting is an opportunity for FB members across the state to join in helping set OFB policy, vote on other business matters and recognize the achievements of members. Convention highlights include the selection of three district board members, a presidential election between current President Mike Spradling and current Vice President Tom Buchanan and the announcement of OFB’s Farm Family of the Year award. Confirmed speakers include veteran Oklahoma meteorologist Gary England, scheduled for opening session on Friday afternoon. Also, country music singer Joe Diffie is slated to perform at the awards banquet Saturday night. OFB’s trade show is expected to include more vendors than ever before with the addition of several new vendors this year. Booth space is still available by calling Kelli Beall at (405) 523-2470. The trade show runs from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Friday and begins at 8 a.m. on Saturday. A tentative schedule of events is available online at okfarmbureau.org. See the next issue of Perspective for more annual meeting details and a list of OFB’s nine Farm Family of the Year finalists.

Feral swine directory connects hunters, landowners The Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry is establishing the Oklahoma Feral Swine Directory to assist hunters and trappers locate landowners who want help in controlling feral swine. Feral swine can be found in all 77 counties in Oklahoma and can pose several problems for farmers and ranchers. Cultivated crops make up a large part of their diet but they also prey on ground-nesting birds, such as quail and turkey. Crops commonly damaged by feral swine include wheat, sorghum, soybeans, corn, peanuts, hay, watermelons, pecans and vegetable gardens. The wild hogs typically travel in groups consisting of sows and young while boars are generally solitary. Also, it is speculated feral swine double in population every four months. “Feral swine have become a serious problem for our agriculture producers in the state,” said Secretary of Agriculture Jim Reese. “It is imperative that we do all we can to help control the spread of these animals.” The Oklahoma Feral Swine Directory is intended to be an online tool to help hunters and trappers connect with landowners and provide swine control. An application form for landowners with feral swine problems can be downloaded at http://www. ag.ok.gov/ais/feralswinelandowner.pdf. Landowners will be grouped by county in the directory. The exact location of their property will not be revealed. They will be in control of accepting or declining offers from hunters and trappers. Hunters and trappers willing to assist landowners can download an application at http:// www.ag.ok.gov/ais/feralswinehunter.pdf. A database of their contact information Feral hogs can be found will allow landowners to extend hunting in all 77 Oklahoma counties offers to them.

Members’ video is top ten finalist From left – Mike, Mason, Madison and Bob Bolay

A video featuring Oklahoma Farm Bureau members Mason and Madison Bolay is a top ten finalist in Dell’s America’s Small Business video competition. The video showcases their farming operation in Perry. To see the video, visit www.youtube. com/dellbusiness. Viewers can vote daily until the video contest ends on Oct. 9.

OFB remembers son of first state president Memorial services were held Sept. 19, in Elk City for James C. "Jim" Taylor, the son of Oklahoma Farm Bureau's first president, John I. Taylor. Taylor passed away Sept. 16, at the age of 81 due to a ranch accident. The Taylor family requests memorials in Jim's name to the first Presbyterian Church of Elk City or the Knights Templar Eye Foundation. The Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc., 1033 Long Prairie Road, Suite 5, Flower Mound, TX. 75022-4230.

Governor’s Water Conference set for Oct. 18-19

The 32nd annual Governor’s Water Conference and 9th annual OWRRI Water Research Symposium are scheduled for Oct. 18-19, at the Embassy Suites Hotel and Conference Center in Norman. The two events feature the latest developments in water management and quality infrastructure financing. Oklahoma Water Pioneer Award recipients also will be recognized during a special ceremony. To register for the conference and symposium, call the Oklahoma Water Resources Board at (405) 530-8800.


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Perspective/Online News Editor Traci Morgan, 523-2346 Monica Wilke, 523-2303 Perspective/Online News Editor Executive Director Sam Sam Knipp, Knipp, 523-2347 523-2347 Vice Vice President President of of Communications/PR Communications/PR Tyler Norvell, 523-2402 Vice Norvell, President of Public Policy Tyler 523-2402

Marla Peek, 523-2437 Vice President of Public Policy Director of Regulatory Affairs Marla Peek, 523-2437 Kinsey Money, 523-2539 Directorofof Regulatory Affairs Director Research & Policy Development

OFB approves temporary policy Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s board of directors recently adopted a temporary policy on the state’s production of castor beans. OFB strongly opposes the commercial production and processing of castor beans due to the crop’s potential to contaminate other crops. Castor beans contain ricin, a poison to humans and animals, and any contamination would prohibit the sale of contaminated crops and cause a quarantine of facilities and value-added byproducts. OFB recently submitted the following statement to the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry. “We oppose the commercial production and transportation of toxic castor beans in the state of Oklahoma, except for castor beans and their plants used as ornamentals for landscaping purposes.” – OFB OFB’s delegate body will vote to ratify or reject the temporary policy at its annual meeting in November.

EPA SPCC plan deadline approaches for farmers Oklahoma’s farmers and ranchers will soon be required to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency’s Oil Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure program. Under SPCC guidelines, farmers and other facilities are required to implement an oil spill prevention plan to reduce the risk of water pollution. According to the SPCC program, a qualifying farm includes “a facility on a tract of land devoted to the production of crops or raising of animals, including fish, which produced and sold, or normally would have produced and sold, $1,000 or more of agricultural products during a year.” The SPCC program applies to a farm that performs the following operations: • Stores, transfers, uses, or consumes oil or oil products, such as diesel fuel, gasoline, lube oil, hydraulic oil, adjuvant oil, crop oil, vegetable oil, or animal fat; and • Stores more than 1,320 US gallons in aboveground containers or more than 42,000 US gallons in completely buried containers; and • Could reasonably be expected to discharge oil to waters of the US or adjoin-


ing shorelines, such as interstate waters, intrastate lakes, rivers, and streams. Farms with the above criteria are covered by SPCC. Those already with a plan must maintain it, and those without a plan should prepare and implement one. According to the EPA, many farmers will need to have their plan certified by a Professional Engineer (PE). However, farmers may be eligible to prepare their own plans or self-certify their amended plans if the farm has a total oil storage capacity between 1,320 and 10,000 gallons in aboveground containers, and the farm has a good spill history (However, if farmers decide to use certain alternate measures allowed by the federal SPCC rule, they will need a PE.) Also, if the farm has storage capacity of more than 10,000 gallons, or has had an oil spill, a farmer may need to prepare an SPCC plan certified by a PE. Farms in operation on or before Aug. 16, 2002, must maintain or amend their existing plan by Nov. 10, 2011. Any farm that started operation after Aug. 16, 2002, but before Nov. 10, 2011, must prepare and use a plan on or before Nov. 10, 2011. Oklahoma Farm Bureau members seeking compliance assistance are encour-

aged to contact Edmond companies One Resource Environmental and The Compliance Group. Russ Green of One Resource Environmental said many farmers are not yet aware they are approaching a November deadline. “I want these farmers to know I’ve seen these EPA guys turn oil and gas companies upside down, and I don’t want them to make an example our farmers and ranchers,” Green said. One Resource Environmental Russ Green Environmental Engineer/Sales Manager Edmond (405) 708-5525 www.farmspcc.com www.orenv.com

The Compliance Group Nic Bittle Chief Operating Officer Edmond (405) 509-9003 www.thecompliancegrp.com

Farm Bureau members with questions about the EPA’s SPCC plan can also contact OFB’s Field Services division at (405) 523-2307 or the Public Policy division at (405) 530-2681.

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