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Oklahoma Farm Bureau

Sept. 18, 2015

OKFB President Tom Buchanan issues statement on lesser prairie chicken ruling klahoma Farm Bureau President Tom Buchanan issued the following statement in response to the ruling of a federal district court judge in Texas concerning the lesser prairie chicken. “Oklahoma Farm Bureau applauds a Texas federal district court judge ruling on Sept. 1 that removed the lesser prairie chicken from the threatened listing under the Endangered Species Act. “The court said the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service failed to follow its own policies and did not adequately consider the states’ conservation plan when it listed the LPC as threatened. “The LPC is found in western Oklahoma,

as well as Texas, Kansas, New Mexico and Colorado. Listing the LPC as threatened creates additional regulations for Oklahoma farmers and ranchers, as they must protect any LPC populations on their property. “If the FWS had followed its own policies from the start, the LPC might not have been listed at all. “Oklahoma Farm Bureau urges the FWS to correct the mistakes it made when it listed the LPC as threatened. Marla Peek, our director of regulatory affairs, will continue to work tirelessly to ensure farmers and ranchers are not subject to unnecessary regulations.”

Tom Buchanan

OKFB members save on Caterpillar equipment, USAPetMeds can be combined with any current retail discounts, promotions, rebates or offers available through Caterpillar or its dealers, with the exception of other membership purchase incentives (excluding the NCBA membership incentive). Visit to print a Membership Verification Certificate. Must present certificate at time of purchase or lease quote to receive the discount. As an OKFB member, enjoy savings on expenses for livestock and pets using USAPetMeds. OKFB members save up to $2,000 on a qualifying Caterpillar This new Skid Steer Loader. Photo courtesy of Caterpillar.

klahoma Farm Bureau members can save up to $2,000 when buying or leasing a qualifying Cat® Backhoe Loader, Wheel Loader, Mini Hydraulic Excavator, Multi Terrain Loader, Skid Steer Loader, Compact Track Loader, Telehandler or Small Dozer. The discount

program is a comprehensive online mail order service that features pet and livestock specialty foods, animal grooming supplies, animal supplements and an online pharmacy that focuses solely on prescriptions for animals. Save an average of 55 percent on generics and 15 percent on brand-name drugs using the new OKFB drug savings card. The free, printable card is accepted at over 80 percent of pharmacies nationwide and does not expire. The card also offers rewards points for every dollar spent. To access savings, visit and print a free drug card. After printing the card, click on the ‘Pet Drug Pricing & Pharmacy Look Up’ tab and click on the blue button. Login to the Allivet website with the group number and ID number on the drug card. If you have questions or need help accessing the savings, please call Jennie Bruning at 405-523-2300.

Oklahoma Farm Bureau President Tom Buchanan meets with the Latimer County Farm Bureau board of directors on Sept. 10 to discuss water, wild hogs and the state beef checkoff program. Buchanan has been traveling around the state to discuss agricultural and rural policy issues, including State Question 777, with Farm Bureau members.

AFBF releases map detailing EPA overreach in Oklahoma

Above: The color-coded map of Stillwater, Okla., shows the radical expansion of regulation by the EPA WOTUS rule. Even without mapping of all jurisdictional ditches, the area of regulation covers the entire map. The WOTUS rule went into effect Aug. 28.

he American Farm Bureau Federation released still more maps that show how the Environmental Protection Agency intends to radically expand its jurisdiction over land use via the newly issued Waters of the United States rule. Implementation of the rule in at least 13 states was recently halted by a court in North Dakota pending further hearings. The maps prepared by Geosyntec Consulting show the dramatic expansion of EPA’s regulatory reach across wide swaths of land in Missouri, Oklahoma, New York and Wisconsin. Nearly all of the states’ total acreage would fall under EPA scrutiny. Landowners have no reliable way to know which of the water and land within that area will be

regulated, yet they must still conform their activities to the new law. “The EPA’s new rule places farmers in the agency’s crosshairs for using the same safe, scientifically sound and federally approved crop protection tools they’ve used for years,” AFBF President Bob Stallman said. “This rule creates a new set of tools for harassing farmers in court, and does it all with language that is disturbingly vague and subject to abuse by future regulators. It’s worth saying again: The EPA needs to withdraw this rule and start over.” Maps detailing EPA’s overreach in Missouri, Montana, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin can be found here: wotus/resources/

Oklahoma Farm Bureau Online Agriculture is a big part of the Oklahoma State Fair! The 2015 Oklahoma State Fair started yesterday at the Oklahoma State Fair Park, creating a perfect opportunity to showcase the agricultural industry. Listen to OKFB’s radio story about agriculture’s role in the state fair by visiting the OKFB SoundCloud page.



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The latest news available on Facebook Keep up with current events in agriculture, rural Oklahoma and Oklahoma Farm Bureau by liking the OKFB page on Facebook. We daily post photos, news articles, OKFB announcements and more to keep OKFB members, leaders and friends informed.



OSU releases app designed to help see progression through fire hings change over time. A man’s hairline, his beltline and retirement fund are some examples of the process. Many of these changes are gradual and go unnoticed on a day-to-day basis. However, if he were to compare a snapshot of the top of this head from years ago to how it looks now, the changes could be drastic. That is the concept behind a new app created by Oklahoma State University’s Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management. Rather than hair and body weight, this app lets land managers see how effective their prescribed burning

efforts have been. “The RxBurnTracker app allows anyone who uses it to see the progression of the property through the use of prescribed fire,” said John Weir, NREM research associate. Available for both Android and Apple, the app allows users to name each burn unit and pinpoint certain areas within the unit to use as reference points. A user can take a “before” picture, which will be saved within the app and used as a ghost image to be able to take photos from the exact same spot for the “after” shots. The app also includes areas for data input such as wind speed, humidity and

other weather conditions on the day of the burn. “We’re hoping this app will help promote prescribed burning and let land managers know what is actually happening over time,” Weir said. “In the future, we will be adding a GPS feature and the ability to download the information onto a computer.” A SUNUP video introducing the new app is available at: category/seg/2015-second-half/090515growth To download the app, search “RXBurnTracker” in the app store.

During a Bureau of Land Management hearing in Oklahoma City on Sept. 3, Marla Peek (right), OKFB director of regulatory affairs, presented comments raising concern about the population of wild horses and burros on public lands. Callie Hendrickson (far right), chairman of the AFBF public lands advisory committee, also presented testimony at the hearing.

Member Benefits



Resolutions Deadline Oct. 9 Contact: Tasha Duncan 405-530-2681

A new benefit for Oklahoma Farm Bureau members, MyHealthPass is an innovative method of delivering healthcare, including specialist care, to patients in rural areas. The service allows users to speak to a physician via phone or email 24 hours a day, and offers many other valuable features. To learn more, visit the benefits page on our website or contact Jennie Bruning at 405-523-2300.

YF&R Awards Deadline Oct. 15 Contact: Holly Carroll 405-523-2307 State Resolutions Committee Meeting Oct. 20-21 Contact: Tasha Duncan 405-530-2681

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Published by Oklahoma Farm Bureau Published Oklahoma Farm Bureau Postmaster:by Send address corrections to: Postmaster: Send address corrections to: Perspective, P.O. B. 53332, OKC, OK 73152-3332 Perspective, P.O. B. 53332, OKC, OK 73152-3332

Oklahoma Farm Bureau 2501 N. Stiles Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3126


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Executive Director Monica Wilke 405-523-2303 VP of Public Policy and Media Relations John Collison 405-523-2539 Directors of Corporate Communications Sam Knipp 405-523-2347 Dustin Mielke 405-530-2640 Communications Specialist Hannah Nemecek 405-523-2346

Why should we fear federal agencies? By Tom Buchanan Oklahoma Farm Bureau President ith the EPA threatening to enforce its egregious Waters of the U.S. rules, farmers and ranchers are among a growing list of Americans who fear the heavy hand of a bureaucratic federal agency. During a recent town hall meeting, U.S. Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK), said the EPA is the most hated federal agency in his fourth congressional district. We might extend the coverage to include all of Oklahoma and, I imagine the good folks in Colorado and New Mexico are not too happy with the EPA after their recent blunder with mine waste in the Animas River. Why so much concern about federal agencies? The main reason is the promulgation of regulations, many of which are considered unnecessary. The list of concerned, hard working citizens includes those in agriculture, energy and actually any business impacted by federal regulations. Thomas Jefferson once said, “When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” We should not fear or hate our government. I believe what has happened is a severe lack of responsibility by federal agencies. We vote for elected officials but we don’t vote for agency directors. EPA Director Gina McCarthy is acting as though she is responsible to no one. Congress has repeatedly told the EPA not to push forward on WOTUS. Oklahoma’s Attorney

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General, along with attorneys general from other states, has filed lawsuits to stop the EPA enforcement of WOTUS. The EPA has ignored Congress, and by extension, ignored the will and desire of the people. If the EPA enforces WOTUS, Oklahoma farmers and ranchers could see federal regulators traipsing across their land, searching for mud holes, buffalo wallows and other areas with the potential to hold water and thus fall under the new regulations. Once a mud hole is declared, land management practices could be restricted. Such restrictions could include limited use of fertilizer, herbicides, and livestock grazing. There is a true, realistic fear that, despite the best land use management, backed by years of scientific research, farmers and ranchers could be severely penalized. Food production will decrease, costs will increase and consumers will suffer. As an agricultural producer I want to help feed and clothe the world while leaving the land in good shape for the next generation. How can I do that if the federal government tells me production is no longer important? Where will we get the resources to feed the world? I urge everyone to communicate their concerns with elected officials and hold agencies responsible for their actions.

Safety training available for students With school back in session, now is the perfect time to invite Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s various educational events to a school near you. OKFB Safety Services offers various trainings for students including fire safety, defensive driving and DUI prevention. Each of the programs provide students with valuable skills needed for protection and safety. If interested in any of the safety training, contact Micah Martin at 405-641-5151. Schools also can invite the OKFB Grown for You commodity trailer to teach students about food and fiber and its importance in Oklahoma. The trailer can be adapted for students of various ages. If interested in hosting the commodity trailer at your school, contact Todd Honer at 405-523-2300.

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