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March 25, 2011

Farm Bureau offers private treaty cattle sale

Farm Bureau legislation makes deadline

Oklahoma Farm Bureau, in cooperation with WW Livestock Systems in Thomas, is sponsoring a private treaty cattle sale April 7-9 in the Carriage Hall building at the Oklahoma City Fairgrounds. The sale will run concurrently with the Southern Plains Farm Show. “This sale puts buyers and sellers together in a unique setting,” said Thad Doye, OFB vice president of Field Services. “We are excited to offer this sale as another member service for Farm Bureau members.” The sale is open to all breeds. There is a $50 per head charge for heifers and $100 per head charge for bulls. A five percent discount is applied for groups of five or more animals. “We had great success at last year’s spring show and again in December at the Tulsa Farm Show,” Doye said. “This (See Farm Bureau, page 2)

The passage of a final bill marked the end of deadline week for Oklahoma Farm Bureau. House Bill 1296, authored by Rep. David Derby, amends the annexation procedure. It passed just in time for the March 17 deadline. House members endured long nights during the last days of the first leg of the 2011 legislative session. In order to advance to the opposite chamber for consideration, all bills had to be heard in their house of origin by March 17. OFB had several pieces of key legislation passing before the end of deadline week. HB 1044 requires proposed agency rules that seek to, 1) establish or increase fees, or 2) govern trades and professions under Title 59 of the Oklahoma statutes, to be approved by the legislature before the end of each legislative session. Authored by Rep. George Faught and Sen. Anthony Sykes, HB 1044 addresses an issue that has been a priority for OFB for many years. HB 1044 passed the House and will proceed to the Senate. Senate Bill 124, authored by Sen. Ron Justice and Rep. Tom Newell, prevents the use of eminent domain for the placement of wind turbines on private property. This position is the current industry standard. SB 124 is codification of this standard. SB 124 passed the Senate and will proceed to the House for consideration. SB 494, authored by Sen. Don Barrington and Rep. Skye McNiel, creates the “Oklahoma Private Land and Public Recreation Act.” The (See Farm Bureau, page 3)

By Kinsey Money, OFB Director of Research and Policy Development

2011 YF&R Speech Contest Oklahoma youth recently competed for $8,200 in savings bonds and scholarships during the 16th Annual Young Farmers and Ranchers Speech Contest, sponsored by the Oklahoma Farm Bureau. The contest was held March 14 at the OSU-OKC campus in Oklahoma City. The YF&R Speech Contest was broken up into three age divisions: Junior, nine-12 years old; Intermediate, 13-15 years old; and Senior, 16-18 years old. The Junior Division presented speeches on the topic, “I Believe in Oklahoma Ag.” The Intermediate and Senior divisions (See YF&R Speech, page 2) State YF&R Committee member Letisha Miller of Lindsay, right, helps Burlington FFA Chapter President Amber Allen register for the 16th annual YF&R Speech Contest in Oklahoma City March 14.

Member Benefits • EZ Ranch – Offers its profit and loss herd management software to OFB members at 15 percent off., 1-888-EZ Ranch

• PetPartners, Inc. – Offers health care for your dog or cat., 877-738-7888

OFB will highlight a few benefits in each issue of Perspective as a reminder of the savings available to OFB members. Find a complete list of savings online at

Farm Bureau offers private treaty cattle sale... (continued from page 1) demonstrates there is a need to provide this type of private treaty opportunity.” Entry forms are available online at, from OFB field representatives, or contact Doye at (405) 523-2307, or thad. doye@ okfb. org. The deadline to enter is April 1.

CRP general sign-up has begun

OFB Calendar Congressional Action Tour March 27-31 • Washington, D.C. Contact: Tyler Norvell, 405-523-2402 State YF&R Conference March 31 - April 3 • Quartz Mountain Contact: Chris Kidd, 580-228-4001 Farm City Festival April 6 • State Capitol Contact: Marcia Irvin, 405-523-2405

USDA recently reminded landowners and producers that a general sign-up for the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) began on March 14 and will continue through April 15. During the sign-up period, farmers and ranchers may offer eligible land at their county Farm Service Agency (FSA) office. The 2008 Farm Bill authorized USDA to maintain CRP enrollment up to 32 million acres. In addition to general sign-up, CRP’s continuous sign-up program will be ongoing. Continuous acres represent the most environmentally desirable and sensitive land. For more information, visit www.fsa.

Oklahoma Farm Bureau Online Monitor the latest Farm Bureau and agricultural news and information online at Currently online: • YF&R Conference – An agenda for the annual Young Farmers & Ranchers Conference is now available for download online. The four-day conference will be held March 31 - April 3 at the Quartz Mountain State Lodge. • Private Treaty Sale – Download an entry form online for the OFBsponsored Private Treaty Cattle Sale, which will be held April 7-9 at the state fairgrounds during the Southern Plains Farm Show. The sale is open to all breeds. 2

YF&R Speech Contest... (continued from page 1) gave speeches in three division categories, including Agricultural Production, Agriculture Policy and Environment & Natural Resources. Speeches for the Junior Division were three to five minutes in length; five to eight minutes for the Intermediate and Senior divisions. Participants of both contests were judged on speech presentation, content, response to questions and general poise and appearance. Farm Bureau presented plaques to the winners of each category in each age group. Junior Division: The first, second and third place winners in the Junior Division received $400, $200 and $100 savings bonds, respectively. Winners in the “I Believe in Oklahoma Ag” category were: First place, Colton Budy of Alva; second place, Madelyn Gerken of Kingfisher; and third place, Bayli Hyde of Burlington. Intermediate Division: First, second and third place winners of the Intermediate Division received $500, $200 and $100 savings bonds, respectively. Winners in the Agriculture Production category were: First place, Lydia Blaine of Amber; second place, Nicole Ashton of Lawton; and third place, Maegan Yost of Kingfisher. Winners in the Agriculture Policy category were: First place, Seth Paxton of Tuttle; second place, Kyler Belinson of Fletcher; and third place, Zoe Cummins of Elgin. Winners in the Environment & Natural Resources category were: First place, Tyler Schnaithman of Garber; second place, Denton Lowe of Amber; and third place, Cale John of Cyril. Senior Division: First, second and third place winners of the Senior Division received $1,000, $500 and $200 scholarships, respectively. Winners in the Agriculture Production category were: First place, Charlotte Towler of Meeker; second place, Annie Jo Gilbert of Tecumseh; and third place, Cade Broadbent of Cashion. Winners in the Agriculture Policy category were: First place, Amber Allen of Byron; second place, Katie Lippoldt of Kingfisher; and third place, Maddi Shires of Calera. Winners in the Environment & Natural Resources category were: First place, Gabe Cranford; second place, Jessie Heidlage of Claremore; and third place, Paul Brown of Waurika.

Farm Bureau legislation makes deadline (continued from page 1) Act will allow for any law enforcement agency to issue a ticket (similar to the way speeding tickets are issued) for recreational trespass violations. SB 494 will assist in resolving the issues many members have experienced with trespassers mud bogging on their property and other trespass violations related to recreation. SB 494 passed the Senate and will proceed to the House. SB 530 is an essential piece of legislation to protect Oklahoma livestock owners from situations similar to those experienced when Eastern Livestock failed. Authored by Sen. Sean Burrage and Rep. Don Armes, the provisions of SB 530 automatically create an Owner’s Lien to secure payment of the sales price. Additionally, the bill provides a non-judicial process for foreclosing on agistor liens. SB 530 passed the Senate and will proceed to the House for consideration. SB 172 changes the way street improvement districts are created. Under this legislation, authored by Sen. Roger Ballenger and Rep. David Derby, landowner consent is required before they can be assessed for costs related to the establishment of street improvement districts. SB 172 passed the Senate and will advance to the House for consideration. In addition to the above bills, OFB supports HJR 1002, authored by Rep. David Dank and Sen. Jim Reynolds. HJR 1002 sends to a vote of the people a measure that would limit the fair cash value of properties qualifying for a homestead exemption or classified as agricultural land. Any increase to the fair cash value of these locally assessed real properties in a taxable year would be limited to three percent or the rate of inflation, whichever is less. This bill passed the House and will advance to the Senate. Also receiving OFB support were SB 147 by Sen. Don Barrington and Rep. Corey Holland and SB 169/HB 1472 by Sen. David Meyers and Rep. Don Armes. SB 147 sets more stringent standards for the incorporation of a new city or town, thereby reducing the opportunity to “grab” agricultural land. SB 169 and HB 1472 raise the fee per bushel on all wheat sold by producers in the state to two cents. OFB will contact you to voice your support for priority legislation as the legislative session continues. To receive a call about upcoming votes on OFB supported legislation and be automatically connected to your legislator, contact Daniel Brown at 405-530-2681. Members’ calls have truly made an impact this session.

FARM BILL – The Oklahoma Farm Bureau Farm Bill Committee recently met at the home office to discuss developments in the 2012 farm bill. They also met with several key leaders in the state who are very influential in writing and implementing the Farm Bill. From left, are Scott Neufeld, Keith Kisling, Matt Muller, Greg Leonard and Jimmy Wayne Kinder.

Drought conditions worsen across the state The new U.S. Drought Monitor released March 17 shows extreme drought in U.S. Drought Monitor Tillman and portions of Cotton and Jackson counties in southwestern Oklahoma. Other areas in central, southern, southeastern and southwestern Oklahoma and the Oklahoma Panhandle are in a severe drought, and much of the rest of the state is classified as experiencing moderate drought.

YF&R to hold Golf Classic in Seminole May 6 Register now for the 9th Annual YF&R Golf Classic, sponsored by Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee. The golf tournament will be held Friday, May 6 at the Jimmy Austin Golf Course in Seminole. All proceeds will benefit the Oklahoma Farm Bureau Legal Foundation, which protects private property rights and production agriculture. Space is limited, so act now! The first 36 teams registered will play in a four-man scramble. Participants may register as a team, or individually. The cost is $340 per team, or $85 per person. Mulligans are also available for purchase for $10 each (limit 3 per person). Sponsorships are welcome! Teams or individuals must be registered and paid by Monday, May 2. To register, contact OFB’s Kelli Beall, (405) 523-2470 or Kelli.Beall@okfb. org. Send checks, payable to the OFB Legal Foundation, to Oklahoma Farm Bureau, Attn: Kelli Beall, 2501 N. Stiles, Oklahoma City, OK 73105. Check-in is at 10:30 a.m., followed by lunch at 11 a.m. Teams will tee off at noon.


Published by Oklahoma Farm Bureau

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Staff Directory

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Traci Traci Morgan, Morgan, 523-2346 523-2346 Perspective/Online Perspective/Online News News Editor Editor Sam Knipp, 523-2347 Sam 523-2347 Vice Knipp, President of Communications/PR Vice President of Communications/PR Tyler Norvell, 523-2402 Vice President of Public Policy Tyler Norvell, 523-2402 Marla Peek, 523-2437 Vice President of Public Policy Director of Regulatory Affairs Kinsey Money, 523-2539 Marla Peek, 523-2437 Director of Research & Policy Development Director of Regulatory Affairs

Budys named Outstanding Young Farmers

The 2011 National Outstanding Young Farmer Award winners are, from left, John and Stacy Melick, New Jersey; Ryan and Michelle Keller, Wisconsin; Danielle and Chad Budy, Oklahoma; and Dawn and Joe Geremia, Connecticut. Photo by Erin Slivka

Farm Bureau leaders Chad and Danielle Budy of Alva were named one of four national winners at the 55th Annual National Outstanding Young Farmers (OYF) Awards Congress held in Louisville, Kentucky, Feb. 17-20. The meeting was held in conjunction with the National Farm Machinery Show. The Outstanding Young Farmer Program is the oldest farmer recognition program in the United States, selecting its first group of national winners in 1955, and is administered by the United States Junior Chamber of Commerce. The Budys raise wheat, alfalfa, canola, stocker cattle and cow-calf pairs in the Alva area. They are parents to four children, Colton, 12; Tabor, 10; Sagelyn, 8; and Davin, 5.

RIGHT – Seminole County Farm Bureau leaders gathered at the State Capitol March 15 for a visit with their elected officials. From left, are Roberta and Gale Hughes, Tony LeMay, Rep. Tom Newell, Syd and Norita Morgan, and Samantha Smith.


LEFT – Hughes County Farm Bureau leaders posed for a photo with Sen. Susan Paddock, center, during a trip to the State Capitol in Oklahoma City March 15. From left, are Bob Houser, Bill Cates, Sen. Paddock, Joe Houser and Denny Wilbanks.

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