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USDA Deputy Secretary visits state

Major County Farm Bureau Vice President Scott Neufeld asked a question of Kathleen Merrigan, Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, during a USDA meeting with farm leaders in Kingfisher May 13. Photo courtesy of Jeff Johnson

• 2010 • 2010 • 2010 • 2010 • 2010 •

Just a week away from adjournment and no budget agreement has been reached. The state is facing a shortfall of over $1 billion. Agencies are anticipating a 10 percent budget cut; however, that percentage could go higher if common education is held harmless. Agriculture sales tax exemptions are not on the table, nor do we expect any attempts to raise property taxes, but other sources of revenue generation, such as fees, are being considered by some. Tax credits will likely be eliminated or suspended pending improvements in the economy. The 2010 Legislative Session is set to adjourn on May 28 at five o’clock as required by the Oklahoma Constitution. In addition to budget negotiations, in these final weeks of session, many bills will be reported from conference committee. The process begins to move more quickly as these bills reported from conference committee must pass before the full House of Representatives and the Senate before reaching the governor’s desk. Until adjournment, Oklahoma Farm Bureau will be monitoring proposed legislation to protect agriculture producers and private property rights. Some of those issues include: mineral owners’ rights with respect to changes in pooling statutes; transportation issues as they relate to (See No budget, page 2)


• 2010 • 2010 • 2010 • 2010

By Lori Kromer Peterson, OFB Vice President of Public Policy

2010 • 2010 • 2010 • 2010 •

2010 • 2010 • 2010 • 2010 • 2010 • 2010

No budget agreement as session nears end


May 21, 2010

OFB to expand Trade Show Oklahoma Farm Bureau is excited to announce it is expanding the OFB Trade Show during the 2010 OFB Annual Meeting, which will be held November 19-21 in Oklahoma City. This year’s trade show is moving to the first floor of the Cox Convention Center, and the extra space will allow for more than double the booth space from previous years. “Trade show exhibitors will have the opportunity to visit with the key decision makers from both large and small agricultural operations across the state,” said Thad Doye, OFB vice president of Field Services. Approximately 800 farm and ranch leaders attend the annual meeting each year. “This is an excellent opportunity for companies to reach a large number of farmers and ranchers, all in one setting,” Doye said. The dates for the OFB Trade Show are Friday, Nov. 19 and Saturday, Nov. 20. OFB is offering a single booth space for $200, or a double space for $250. The spaces will be reserved on a first come, first serve basis. If you are interested in reserving a booth space, or know of anyone who might be, please contact Doye at 405-523-2307 or Watch future issues of Perspective for more specific details.

Member Benefits • The Sale Ring – All members may place online classifieds FREE at The Sale Ring, OFB’s online classifieds website. • Agristar Global Networks – Provides leading

agribusinesses the high-speed information network and value-added services they need. 888-777-0440

OFB will highlight a few benefits in each issue of Perspective as a reminder of the savings available to OFB members. Find a complete list of savings online at

OFB Calendar State Legislature Adjourns May 28 Contact: Lori Peterson, 405-523-2539 OFB Safety Seminar June 7-9 • Tatanka Ranch in Stroud Contact: Justin Grego, 405-850-6479 National Ag in the Classroom Mtg. June 24-27 • Baltimore, MD Contact: Marcia Irvin, 405-523-2405

No budget agreement.......... (continued from page 1) agriculture producers; eminent domain rights for public utilities and wind energy facilities; and changes to water law pending completion of the statewide water study. Bills currently in conference committee of interest to Oklahoma Farm Bureau include: INCREASED F INES FOR SHOOTING FROM THE ROAD SB 2093, by Sen. John Sparks and Rep. Mike Sanders, seeks to increase the fine for shooting from the road from $100 to no less than $500 or more than $1,500 for a first offense, and no less than $1,500 or more than $2,500 for a second offense. These are the current fine levels for trespassing and hunting without permission on agriculture land. SB 2093 must be signed out of conference committee, pass before the Senate and the House before going to the governor’s desk. LANDOWNER RIGHTS FOR W IND ENERGY DEVELOPMENT HB 2973 and SB 2132 are in conference committee and must be signed out before floor hearings. Both bills, authored by Rep. Mike Sanders and Sen. Bryce Marlatt, seek to address some concerns for landowners wishing to develop wind rights, such as the decommissioning of commercial wind

Oklahoma Farm Bureau Online Monitor the latest Farm Bureau and agricultural news and information online at Currently online: • STOP SQ 744 – OFB has serious concerns about State Question 744. To name just a few, this dangerous proposal puts property taxes, agriculture sales tax exemptions and funding for county roads and bridges in jeopardy. Find a link to more information from OFB’s home page. • About Us – Looking for more information about the organization, what we believe, or how to contact us? Check out the “About” section of the website.


energy facilities while still encouraging wind development in Oklahoma. SB 1787, by Sen. Mike Schulz and Rep. Fred Jordan, would prohibit the severance of wind rights from the surface. SB 1787 is now in conference committee. PAVING DISTRICTS HB 3160, authored by Rep. Leslie Osborn and Sen. Ron Justice, seeks to exempt agriculture property owners from unwanted assessments by paving districts. For agriculture property owners who do not wish to develop their property, the paving assessment is an unwanted tax. This piece of legislation is currently in conference committee. LEGISLATIVE APPROVAL OF A GENCY PROMULGATED RULES A longtime priority issue for Oklahoma Farm Bureau has been to change the law to require legislative approval of agency promulgated rules. Under current law, an agency rule becomes law unless the legislature disapproves it; therefore, no action by the legislature means an agency rule is law. SB 817, by Sen. Randy Brogdon and Rep. George Faught, and HB 3311, by Rep. Scott Martin and Sen. John Sparks, both seek to require legislative approval of agency promulgated rules. These bills remain in conference committee. A coalition including the Oklahoma Farm Bureau is working toward a hearing before the full House of Representatives. HB 2852, authored by Rep. John Wright and Sen. Cliff Aldridge, has been signed into law by Governor Henry and requires an agency to include the need for an emergency rule in the rule impact statement as required by the Administrative Procedures Act. A step in the right direction, but additional reform is certainly needed.

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Farm Bureau committed to stopping SQ 744 OFB has serious concerns about State Question 744, which will be on the November ballot. To name just a few, this dangerous proposal puts property taxes, agriculture sales tax exemptions and funding for county roads and bridges in jeopardy. Learn more at

House Ag Committee accepting online comments The House Agriculture Committee recently wrapped up a nationwide series of field hearings on U.S. farm policy in advance of the 2012 farm bill. However, the committee will be collecting online comments until June 14. Submit your comments at http://agriculture. All online comments received by the deadline will be included in the field hearing record.

YF&R Golf Classic raises funds for OFB Legal Foundation More than $7,600 was raised for the Oklahoma Farm Bureau Legal Foundation during the annual fund raising golf tournament at Hennessey’s Turkey Creek Golf Club May 7. The event was coordinated by the OFB Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee. “We are pleased by the good turnout,” said Marla Peek, director of the legal foundation. Approximately 28 teams competed for prizes and the opportunity to help production agriculture and rural Oklahoma. “The money raised will be used to fund legal issues involving protection of private property rights and other important issues,” Peek said. The winning team was composed of Kenny Heckart, John Dowell, Lee McLaurine and J.C. Dunigan. Coming in second place was the team of Keith Kisling, Chad Kisling, Eric Smith and J.J. Louthan. The third place team consisted of Tyler Norvell, Will Osbum, Alex Yauk and Nick Storm.

State YF&R Committee Member Jeff Weeks sinks a putt as golfer Kile Furr looks on during the YF&R Golf Classic May 7. The annual tournament raises funds for the OFB Legal Foundation.


Published by Oklahoma Farm Bureau Postmaster: Send address corrections to: Perspective, P.O. B. 53332, OKC, OK 73152-3332


Oklahoma Farm Bureau 2501 N. Stiles Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3126

Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 131 Okla. City, OK.

Traci Morgan, 523-2346 Perspective/Online News Editor Sam Knipp, 523-2347 Vice President of Communications/PR Lori Kromer Peterson, 523-2539 Vice President of Public Policy Marla Peek, 523-2437 Director of Regulatory Affairs Tyler Norvell, 523-2402 Director of State Affairs

CAPITOL VISIT – Hughes County Farm Bureau leaders visited with their senators and representatives, including Rep. Steve Kouplen, center, during a visit to the State Capitol May 5. From left, are Bob Howshar, Hughes County Farm Bureau Secretary Bill Cates, Rep. Kouplen, Ryan Sherry, Hughes County Farm Bureau Director Jack Sherry and Emma Sherry. Leaders from several county Farm Bureaus have visited the State Capitol during the 2010 Legislative Session to discuss Farm Bureau policy and agricultural issues with their elected officials. The legislature will adjourn on May 28.

LEGISLATIVE DINNER – Several county Farm Bureaus across northwestern Oklahoma hosted a legislative dinner May 6 at the Northwest Inn in Woodward. Rep. Gus Blackwell, right, visited with leaders and guests attending the event. From left, are Woodward County Farm Bureau Director J.T. Winters, member Wallace Howard, Woodward County Sheriff Gary Stanley and his wife, June, member Doris Lee Howard and Rep. Blackwell. Wind energy legislation and HB 3202 were hot topics during the dinner, which was hosted by Dewey, Ellis, Harper, Major, Woods, and Woodward County Farm Bureaus.


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