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October 8, 2010

State Questions Overview, Part 2 By Lori Kromer Peterson, OFB Vice President of Public Policy In the last issue of Perspective, five of the 11 state questions that will appear on the November ballot were outlined. The final six state questions attempt to make some significant changes to Oklahoma’s law. State Question 751, if passed, would amend the Oklahoma Constitution making English the common and unifying language. It would also mandate that all official actions of the state would be in English, except as required by federal law. The ballot title of SQ 751 further states that the amendment could not be constructed to diminish or impair uses of Native American languages. Oklahoma Farm Bureau policy supports the passage of SB 751. State Questions 752 seeks to amend sections of the Oklahoma Constitution relating to the Judicial Nominating Commission. Supported by Oklahoma Farm Bureau policy, this proposed amendment would change the number of members on the Commission from 13 to 15. It will allow the President Pro (See State Questions, page 3)

Join us for the 69th OFB Annual Meeting to be held November 19-21, 2010 at the Cox Convention Center in downtown Oklahoma City. A special convention insert will be included in the next issue of Perspective.

GOV. BRAD HENRY ENTERS SQ 744 DEBATE "We all want to support education in Oklahoma, but SQ 744 is the wrong way to go about it," said Gov. Brad Henry during a recent press conference at the State Capitol. With those words, Gov. Henry entered the battle in opposition of State Question 744 and will now serve as the honorary chairman of the One Oklahoma Coalition, a strong group of organizations, including the Oklahoma Farm Bureau, fighting against the state question. For more information on State Question 744, visit the coalition’s newly updated website at

Oklahoma congressional delegation protests EPA’s dust regulations The Oklahoma congressional delegation has signed a letter protesting the EPA’s proposed regulations on dust particulate matter. The EPA is proposing dust particles be regulated under the Clean Air Act. The proposal would severely restrict any activity that adds dust to the air. “Farming activities kick up dust. It is impossible to stop it,” said Mike Spradling, Oklahoma Farm Bureau president. “Simply driving on a dirt road could potentially violate the EPA’s regulations. If the regulations are approved, this would establish the most stringent and unparalleled regulations of dust in our nation’s history.” The letter urges EPA Secretary Lisa Jackson to use common sense and refrain from causing extreme hardship to farmers, (See Oklahoma delegation, page 4)

Member Benefits • Farm Bureau Bank – Offers access to a broad array of financial services for members. Checking, loans, CDs, money markets and credit cards are a few of the services available only to members. 800492-3276, • Choice Hotels International™ – Members can save up to 30 percent off their next stay.

OFB will highlight a few benefits in each issue of Perspective as a reminder of the savings available to OFB members. Find a complete list of savings online at

OFB Calendar YF&R International Student Tour October 15-16 • Northeastern OK Contact: Marcia Irvin, 405-523-2405 State Resolutions Meeting October 26-27 • Oklahoma City Contact: Lori Peterson, 405-523-2539 OFB Annual Meeting November 19-21 • Oklahoma City Contact: Monica Wilke, 405-523-2303

Trade Show space still available at convention Oklahoma Farm Bureau is expanding the OFB Trade Show during the 2010 OFB Annual Meeting, which will be held Nov. 19-21 in Oklahoma City. This year’s trade show is moving to the first floor of the Cox Convention Center, and the extra space will allow for more than double the booth space from previous years. Approximately 800 farm and ranch leaders attend the convention each year. “This is an excellent opportunity for companies to reach a large number of farmers and ranchers, all in one setting,” Doye said. The dates and times for the OFB Trade Show are Friday, November 19 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday, November 20 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. A single booth space is $200, or a double space is $250. Spaces will be reserved on a first come, first serve basis. If you are interested in reserving a booth space, or know of anyone who might be, please contact OFB’s Thad Doye at 405-523-2307 or

OFB sponsoring cattle sale at Tulsa Farm Show OFB is sponsoring the Herd Builder Private Treaty Sale during the annual Tulsa Farm Show, which is presented by Midwest Shows, Inc. The sale is set for Dec. 9-11 at the Tulsa State Fairgrounds in Tulsa. An expansion of the popular bull sale, this private treaty sale is open to all breeds. It will include heifers, bred heifers, cow-calf pairs and more offerings. The sale is open to everyone attending the farm show for all three days. “OFB is excited to offer producers the opportunity to showcase all breeds of beef animals,” said Thad Doye, Field Services vice president. “Producers can choose to bring a group of animals or just one individual. This sale is a unique and great marketing tool for all producers.” Cattlemen interested in offering animals should call Doye at 405-523-2307. Health certification by a licensed veterinarian must be provided for all animals. Owners should be present throughout the sale, and will be responsible for the feeding, watering (water tub and water source will be provided) and stall upkeep.

Oklahoma Farm Bureau Online Monitor the latest Farm Bureau and agricultural news and information online at Currently online: • AFBF Annual Meeting – Download a registration form to join the OFB delegation bound for the 92nd American Farm Bureau Federation Annual Meeting, which will be held in Atlanta, Georgia Jan. 9-12, 2011. • Publications Viewer - OFB now has a “PDF Viewer” on its website, which allows visitors to view/read online publications much easier! Now you can read the Oklahoma Country magazine and the Perspective newsletter without having to download the publications first. 2

Webinar to address proposed GIPSA rules USDA’s Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) has proposed a rule addressing competition in the livestock and poultry sectors. The National Agricultural Law Center at the University of Arkansas will host a nationwide webinar open to all farmers and ranchers on Oct. 14 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. (CST). Information about how to participate in the webinar can be found at gipsaworkshops/. Comments on the proposed rule are due by Nov. 22, 2010. OFB staff has heard mixed reviews about the proposed rule depending upon the livestock species addressed. AFBF has prepared white papers explaining competitive injury in the context of the Packers and Stockyards Act and AFBF policy on the proposed rule. To receive copies of the white papers or for additional information on the proposed rule, contact Marla Peek at or 405-523-2437, or Tyler Norvell at Tyler. or 405-523-2402.


Videographer Jim Scott with the America’s Heartland TV show captures footage of a sesame plant.

ABOVE – A video crew with the PBS show America's Heartland tapes an interview with Jimmy Kinder of Cotton County on Sept. 17. Left to right is producer Tyler Bastine, videographer Jim Scott, reporter Akiba Howard and Kinder.

America’s Heartland television show is produced by KVIE, a PBS affiliate in Sacramento, Calif. The show airs on PBS stations around the nation, including OETA’s OKLA channel. America’s Heartland taped a “field to plate” story on sesame, which Kinder is growing for the first time. The video crew shot footage at Kinder’s farm in Cotton County as well as at the Sesaco plant in Hobart. While in Oklahoma, the crew also shot segments covering Tulsa’s Port of Catoosa, Air Evac Lifeteam and storm shelters. Bastine said the segment, along with other segments taped in Oklahoma, should air on PBS in December.

Governor’s Water Conference is Oct. 26-27 The 2010 Oklahoma Governor's Water Conference and Water Research Symposium will be held October 26-27 at the Embassy Suites Conference Center in Norman. This year's theme is “A Shared Resource, A Shared Responsibility.” To access online registration, visit the Oklahoma Water Resources Research Institute’s website at http://environ.okstate. edu/OKWATER/.

Register for 2011 AFBF Annual Meeting Register now for the 92nd Annual American Farm Bureau Federation Annual Meeting by downloading a registration form from Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s website at The AFBF Annual Meeting will be held in Atlanta, Georgia January 9-12, 2011. Those interested in joining Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s Atlanta-bound delegation must register by November 12. For more information contact Melisa Neal, OFB executive secretary and special programs coordinator, at 405-523-2475 or For more convention details, visit

State Questions... (continued from page 1) Tempore of the Senate to pick one member and the Speaker of the House of Representatives to pick one member. Oklahoma Farm Bureau policy also supports the passage of State Question 754. This proposed amendment to the Constitution relates to the state budget and the ability of the state legislature to spend money each year. It allows the legislature to make spending decisions and would not require the legislature to spend a certain amount of money for any one government service or function. If the amendment is adopted, the Oklahoma Constitution could not require the legislature to make spending decisions based on how much money another state spends. State Question 755 also seeks to amend the State Constitution. It changes a section that deals with the courts of this state. Passage of SQ 755 would require Oklahoma courts to rely on federal and state law when deciding cases. It would forbid courts from considering or using international law or Sharia Law. International law deals with the conduct of international organizations and independent nations, such as countries, states and tribes. Sources of international law also include international agreements, as well as treaties. Sharia law is Islamic law. It is based on two principle sources, the Koran and the teaching of Mohammed. SQ 755 was placed on the ballot during the 2010 Legislative session after the Oklahoma Farm Bureau policy development process was complete; therefore, there is no current policy regarding this issue. State Question 756 attempts to allow Oklahoma to opt-out of the federal health care system. Its passage would create a new section in the Oklahoma Constitution prohibiting making a person, employer or health care provider use a health care system. It would allow a person or employer to pay for treatment directly and allow a health care provider to accept payment for treatment directly. It would also allow the purchase and sale of health insurance in private health care systems. American Farm Bureau policy states, we believe that health care is primarily the responsibility of the individual. We oppose any tax on any agricultural (See State Questions, page 4)


Published by Oklahoma Farm Bureau Postmaster: Send address corrections to: Perspective, P.O. B. 53332, OKC, OK 73152-3332

Oklahoma Farm Bureau 2501 N. Stiles Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3126


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Traci Morgan, 523-2346 Perspective/Online News Editor Sam Knipp, 523-2347 Vice President of Communications/PR Lori Kromer Peterson, 523-2539 Vice President of Public Policy Marla Peek, 523-2437 Director of Regulatory Affairs Tyler Norvell, 523-2402 Director of State Affairs

No action on estate tax before adjournment The House adjourned Sept. 29 to return home to campaign for the November election without voting on the estate tax and expiring tax cuts that will increase next year unless Congress takes action. Votes on tax cuts will now be taken up in a lame duck session set to begin Nov. 15. Republican Leader John Boehner of Ohio urged the House not to adjourn until action was taken on the expiring tax cuts. The motion to adjourn squeaked by with a 210-209 vote, with 39 Democrats, most in tough re-election bids, joining Boehner and the Republicans. Boehner said a vote to adjourn for the campaign trail was akin to “a vote to raise taxes.”

State Questions... (continued from page 3) commodity being used to fund a health care program. We oppose compulsory national health insurance and a national plan in any form. Based upon these policy statements, Oklahoma Farm Bureau supports the passage of SQ 756. State Question 757 would amend the State Constitution increasing the amount of surplus revenue which goes into the rainy day fund. The fund is a Constitutional Reserve Fund and the amount would be increased from 10 percent to 15 percent of the funds certified as going to the General Revenue fund for the preceding fiscal year. Similar to SQ 755, SQ 757 was placed on the ballot based upon legislation during the 2010 Legislative session; therefore, Oklahoma Farm Bureau has no policy on this measure.


Oklahoma delegation protests dust regulations... (continued from page 1) ranchers and other resource-based industries throughout rural America. “Despite sound science proving the current regulation of dust is acceptable, the EPA and Obama Administration are pursuing steps that could mean a farmer is violating law by creating dust from driving his tractor. It’s just absurd,” said First District Oklahoma Congressman John Sullivan. “At a time when our economy is struggling, the government should not be creating obstacles that restrict business activities,” Spradling said. “Agriculture is using modern production methods such as no-till farming, to reduce dust as much as practical, but to achieve a zero-dust environment is impossible. “We are pleased our delegation supports our efforts to fight this unnecessary proposal.”

OFB policy on State Questions at a glance: SQ 744 – Opposed by Oklahoma Farm Bureau policy. SQ 746 – Supported by Oklahoma Farm Bureau policy. SQ 747 – Supported by Oklahoma Farm Bureau policy. SQ 748 – Oklahoma Farm Bureau has no policy on this state question. SQ 750 – Supported by Oklahoma Farm Bureau policy. SQ 751 - Supported by Oklahoma Farm Bureau policy. SQ 752 - Supported by Oklahoma Farm Bureau policy. SQ 754 - Supported by Oklahoma Farm Bureau policy. SQ 755 – Oklahoma Farm Bureau has no policy on this state question. SQ 756 - Supported by Oklahoma Farm Bureau policy. SQ 757 – Oklahoma Farm Bureau has no policy on this state question.

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