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October 22, 2010

Farm Bureau sponsors “NO on 744” Caravan



ABOVE – A Tulsa Channel 2 reporter captures video while Rep. George Faught lists likely consequences should SQ 744 pass during OFB’s “No on 744” Caravan stop at the Muskogee County office.

on State Question

Rep. Leslie Osborn talks about misinformation being circulated by SQ 744 supporters at a stop at the Canadian County office.


Get ready to vote on November 2 By Lori Kromer Peterson, OFB Vice President of Public Policy On Nov. 2, Oklahoma registered voters will go to the polls to decide many important issues that will shape how this state moves forward. With elected offices to be decided and 11 state questions, expect long lines and a long ballot. On each ballot, elected offices are on the front and state questions are on the back. Every voter will have the opportunity to vote for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, State Auditor and Inspector, Attorney General, State Treasurer, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Labor Commissioner and Insurance Commissioner. Each voter will also have the opportunity to vote for U.S. Senator and then depending on the congressional district in which you are registered, U.S. Representative. Voters will be asked to decide whether or not to retain Oklahoma Supreme Court Justices and Justices of the Court of Civil Appeals. Next on the ballot will be legislative, district and county officers followed by judicial officers for that district. The ballot title for all 11 state questions will appear on the back of every ballot. Candidates appearing on the ballot for the office of Governor are Mary Fallin (R) and Jari


2010 Askins (D). Fallin is the U.S. Representative for the 5th Congressional District and former Lieutenant Governor. Askins is Oklahoma’s current Lieutenant Governor and former member of the House of Representatives. For Lieutenant Governor, Todd Lamb (R) and Kenneth Corn (D) will face Richard Prawdzienski (I). Both Lamb and Corn are State Senators. Prawdzienski will be making his third run for an elected office. Current State Auditor and Inspector Steve Burrage (D) will seek re-election. His challenger is Gary Jones (R), former Chairman of the State Republican (See Get ready to vote, page 3)

A caravan of OFB leaders made brief stops in six locations across the state Oct. 18 to support a “no” vote on State Question 744. “We want voters to know the devastating impact of 744,” said OFB President Mike Spradling. “Farmers and ranchers support education, but 744 could cost up to $1.7 billion. How are we going to pay for that? The answer is severe budget cuts and higher taxes that will cost all Oklahomans with no guarantee of improving education.” The caravan made stops at county Farm Bureau offices in Shawnee, Muskogee, Tulsa, El Reno, Clinton and Lawton. Each stop was attended by OFB leaders, legislators, businessmen and women, education leaders and members of the media.

OFB Legal Foundation files injunction against vet board The Oklahoma Farm Bureau Legal Foundation has filed a lawsuit seeking an injunction to stop the Oklahoma Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners from enforcing emergency rules contradicting legislation passed this year. During the 2010 legislative session, lawmakers passed House Bill 3202 clarifying certain acts of traditional animal husbandry, including pregnancy checking and equine teeth floating, were not exclusive to the practice of veterinary medicine. In August the board passed emergency rules prohibiting nonveterinarians from performing some types of animal husbandry. “We believe they are circumventing the legal process and going against the desire of the state legislature,” Mike Spradling, president of the Oklahoma Farm Bureau, said. “This goes against the intent of HB 3202 and is an attempt (See Foundation, page 2)

Member Benefits • Car Rentals – Both National Car Rental and Hertz Rent A Car offer members special discounts. 800-Car-Rent, 800-654-3131 • Lands End Business Outfitters – Offers

members 10 percent off catalog pricing. Call 1-800-916-2255.

OFB will highlight a few benefits in each issue of Perspective as a reminder of the savings available to OFB members. Find a complete list of savings online at

OFB Calendar State Resolutions Meeting October 26-27 • Oklahoma City Contact: Lori Peterson, 405-523-2539 OFB Annual Meeting November 19-21 • Oklahoma City Contact: Monica Wilke, 405-523-2303 FBW Rally December 3-4 • Tulsa Contact: Marcia Irvin, 405-523-2405

OFB sponsoring cattle sale at Tulsa Farm Show OFB is sponsoring the Herd Builder Private Treaty Sale during the annual Tulsa Farm Show, which is presented by Midwest Shows, Inc. The sale is set for Dec. 9-11 at the Tulsa State Fairgrounds in Tulsa. An expansion of the popular bull sale, this private treaty sale is open to all breeds. It will include heifers, bred heifers, cow-calf pairs and more offerings. The sale is open to everyone attending the farm show for all three days. Cattlemen interested in offering animals should call Doye at 405-523-2307. Health certification by a licensed veterinarian must be provided for all animals. Owners should be present throughout the sale, and will be responsible for the feeding, watering (water tub and water source will be provided) and stall upkeep.

Foundation files injunction against... (continued from page 1) to usurp the power of the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry, the agency responsible for implementing policy on the care and handling of livestock.” Legislators can disapprove the emergency rules but must wait until the next session convenes in February 2011. The injunction stops the emergency rules and allows producers to continue to care for their livestock without the threat of criminal prosecution.

Oklahoma Farm Bureau Online Monitor the latest Farm Bureau and agricultural news and information online at Currently online: • OFB Annual Meeting – Find information about the 69th Oklahoma Farm Bureau Annual Meeting on OFB’s home page. A complete agenda, list of OFB Trade Show vendors and other information will be available. • State Question Overview – Want to know OFB policy on the 11 state questions on this year’s ballot? Visit the OFB website to find information about all of the questions, and whether OFB policy supports or opposes each question. 2

“We’re asking the court to declare the emergency rules invalid because they are inconsistent with the Oklahoma Veterinary Practice Act,” Spradling said. The Farm Bureau leader is concerned traditional animal husbandry practices, which have been practiced for years by non-veterinarians, are now prohibited unless performed by a veterinarian. “Livestock owners face increased expenses for the proper care of animals and risk criminal liability unless these emergency rules are invalidated,” Spradling said.

OFB names McPherson General Counsel Ericka McPherson has been named General Counsel for Oklahoma Farm Bureau and Affiliated Companies. She most recently served as Assistant General Counsel. McPherson will continue her work in the General Counsel’s office on legal, regulatory and legislative matters. McPherson began her career at OFB in 2005 as an attorney with the Legal Foundation. She has worked on both state and national Farm Bureau issues as OFB’s Director of National Affairs. McPherson graduated from St. Louis University and then attended Oklahoma City University, where she received her Juris Doctorate. Ericka and her husband, Cody, have an 18-month-old son and live in Norman. In addition, Gary Buckner has been named Vice President of Claims and Daniel Navarro has been named Vice President of Underwriting for OFBMIC.

Get ready to vote on November 2 Take a look at the sample ballot as you prepare to vote on Nov. 2!

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Passage of tax legislation most pressing issue The most pressing issue for America’s farmers and ranchers in Congress is the prompt passage of legislation to provide estate tax relief, keep capital gains tax rates and extend other important tax provisions that expired at the end of 2009 or are set to expire at the end of 2010, according to American Farm Bureau President Bob Stallman. “Farm Bureau calls on Congress to act quickly to pass tax legislation when it returns after the election in order to avoid the economic damage that will be caused by tax increases and the uncertainty that surrounds the tax code,” Stallman wrote in a letter to members of the House and Senate recently. “For farmers and ranchers, passage of estate tax relief is the single most important tax issue left unresolved by Congress,” Stallman wrote. “Farm Bureau believes there should be an exemption large enough to exclude farms and ranches from estate taxes and should be indexed for inflation and be transferable to a spouse,” Stallman told lawmakers. “Farm Bureau supports a $5 million exemption and top rate of 35 percent,” Stallman wrote. (See Passage of tax, page 4)

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(continued from page 1) party. Attorney General candidates are Scott Pruitt (R) and Jim Priest (D). Pruitt is a former State Senator and General Manger for the Oklahoma City Redhawks baseball team. Priest is an Oklahoma City attorney and adjunct professor. Seeking the office of State Treasurer are Ken Miller (R), an economics professor and former Chairman of the Budget Committee in the House of Representatives, and Stephen Covert (D), a Certified Public Accountant. Janet Barresi (R), Susan Paddack (D) and Richard Cooper (I) are the candidates for Superintendent of Public Instruction. Barresi is a dentist and has launched two charter schools. Paddack is a State Senator and former Director of Local Education Foundation Outreach for the Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence. Cooper is a former classroom teacher and adjunct professor. Commissioner of Labor candidates are current Commissioner and former House member, Lloyd Fields (D), and Mark Costello (R), a businessman who heads USA Digital Communications. Current Insurance Commissioner Kim Holland (D) faces John Doak (R).

Oklahoma Farm Bureau policy on State Questions at a glance: State Question 744 – Opposed by Oklahoma Farm Bureau policy. State Question 746 – Supported by Oklahoma Farm Bureau policy. State Question 747 – Supported by Oklahoma Farm Bureau policy. State Question 748 – Oklahoma Farm Bureau has no policy on this state question. State Question 750 – Supported by Oklahoma Farm Bureau policy. State Question 751 - Supported by Oklahoma Farm Bureau policy. State Question 752 - Supported by Oklahoma Farm Bureau policy. State Question 754 - Supported by Oklahoma Farm Bureau policy. State Question 755 – Oklahoma Farm Bureau has no policy on this state question. State Question 756 - Supported by Oklahoma Farm Bureau policy. State Question 757 – Oklahoma Farm Bureau has no policy on this state question.

Register for 2011 AFBF Annual Meeting Register now for the 92nd Annual American Farm Bureau Federation Annual Meeting by downloading a registration form from Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s website at The AFBF Annual Meeting will be held in Atlanta, Georgia January 9-12, 2011. Those interested in joining Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s Atlanta-bound delegation must register by November 12. For more information contact Melisa Neal, OFB executive secretary and special programs coordinator, at 405523-2475 or For more convention details, visit

Published by Oklahoma Farm Bureau Postmaster: Send address corrections to: Perspective, P.O. B. 53332, OKC, OK 73152-3332

Oklahoma Farm Bureau 2501 N. Stiles Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3126


Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 131 Okla. City, OK.

Traci Morgan, 523-2346 Perspective/Online News Editor Sam Knipp, 523-2347 Vice President of Communications/PR Lori Kromer Peterson, 523-2539 Vice President of Public Policy Marla Peek, 523-2437 Director of Regulatory Affairs Tyler Norvell, 523-2402 Director of State Affairs

Conference is Oct. 26-27 The 2010 Governor's Water Conference will be held Oct. 26-27 at the Embassy Suites Conference Center in Norman. This year's theme is “A Shared Resource, A Shared Responsibility.” For more visit http://environ.

Passage of tax legislation most pressing issue... (continued from page 3) In his letter, Stallman said Farm Bureau supports continuation of the 15 percent capital gains tax rate. He emphasized the impact of increased capital gains taxes on farmers and ranchers will be “severe” because the average amount of capital gains they report is about 50 percent higher than the average taxpayer and represents 20 percent of the total adjusted gross income reported by farm households. “A 5 percent increase in capital gains taxes is punitive and discourages investment in our industry,” Stallman wrote. Farm Bureau also opposes an increase in individual tax rates. “Most farmers and ranchers file taxes as individuals, and any increase in individual

income tax rates will impact both their businesses and the disposable income they have to care for themselves and their families,” Stallman wrote. “The farm and ranch sector can help stimulate the economy, assist those in need, and preserve open space when agricultural producers’ incomes allow them to do more than just cover necessary expenses. This is why Farm Bureau supports the extension of tax provisions that provide incentives to upgrade operations, donate food and preserve farmland. These provisions include: the five-year depreciation for farm business machinery and equipment, an enhanced charitable deduction for donated food and an enhanced tax deduction for donating a conservation easement,” Stallman wrote. TOUR – OFB’s Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee recently hosted its annual International Student Tour, giving Oklahoma State University international students a glimpse of Oklahoma agriculture. Set during the students’ fall break, the two-day tour was held Oct. 15-16 across northeastern Oklahoma. Tour stops included the Port of Catoosa, Moore’s Fish Farm, S & S Pecan, A Bar Ranch, Coblentz Farms and Dairy, Munding Milling Co. and the Flying G Ranch. Approximately 50 students from 27 different countries attended the tour. Watch for more on the YF&R International Student Tour in the next issue of Perspective. The issue will include a YF&R special insert.


69th OFB November Annual19-21, Meeting 2010 Oklahoma City, OK

Trade Show to be convention hub

The OFB Trade Show at this year’s annual meeting is new and improved! Moving the trade show to the 1st floor of the Cox Convention Center has doubled the amount of space. With more than 75 vendors, attendees will have a large variety of booths and displays to browse throughout the convention. In addition, the FBW Hospitality Suite will be situated in the center of the trade show area with seating and refreshments. Also, all convention door prizes will be announced in the trade show area following each general session. In other words, the OFB Trade Show will be the place to be! Trade show hours will be 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 19 and 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 20. We hope you will take advantage of the new format, new space and new vendors and make the trade show area a central point of the 69th OFB Annual Meeting!

Stroke Prevention Plus to give free screening Stroke Prevention Plus, a new OFB member benefit for 2011, will give free Carotid/Stroke Screenings at its booth in the OFB Trade Show during convention. Information on additional screenings also will be available at the booth. For more information about Stroke Prevention Plus, visit www. or stop by the booth during the annual meeting.

Silent Auction to benefit OFB Legal Foundation Instead of the annual ice cream social, Oklahoma Farm Bureau will hold a silent auction this year to raise funds for the OFB Legal Foundation. The auction will be held Saturday, Nov. 20 in the 2nd floor pre-function area beginning at 5:30 p.m. The auction will close in phases throughout the banquet. The OKAgFund Reception also will be held in the 2nd floor pre-function area at the same time. Major County’s Dennis and Elaine Flaming will provide wine from the farm family’s Plymouth Valley Vineyards in Fairview. Please join us to bid on items for a worthy cause and enjoy a wine tasting while visiting with legislators and guests!

Speakers slated for OFB Annual Meeting

Keynote speakers will address OFB leaders during the 2010 annual meeting. Trent Loos, a humorist and storyteller on rural America, will entertain the crowd during the convention banquet and awards program on Saturday, Nov. 20. The sixth generation American farmer is a columnist and radio and TV personality, tackling agricultural issues and bringing his Loos Tales to a broad audience. Dave Roever, a Vietnam War veteran, will deliver a message of hope in every situation during the Vespers Program on Sunday, Nov. 21. Using his life as an example, he addresses issues relevant to his audience and presents concrete solutions to life’ s problems. Often drawing upon his war experiences of loneliness, peer pressure, disfigurement and pain, as well as life’s triumphs, Dave weaves a message of courage, commitment and survival that touches and transforms those who hear him. The newly elected Governor of Oklahoma and 5th District Congressman also will be invited to address OFB leaders during the convention.

Signs will help you navigate location changes

Signs will be clearly visible in the convention hall that will help you navigate the location changes during the 2010 OFB Annual Meeting. Some of these changes include registration, which will be held on the 1st floor of the Cox Convention Center. The OFB Trade Show also will be held on the 1st floor. YF&R and FBW Registration will take place in the trade show area. Usually held on the 1st floor, the OKAgFund Reception will now be held in the 2nd Floor Pre-function Area.

69th Oklahoma Farm Bureau Annual Meeting November 19-21, 2010 Oklahoma City, OK

Friday, November 19 8 - 9 a.m..............Credentials Committee Breakfast 8 - 8:30 a.m................Discussion Meet Orientation 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.........................Registration, 1st Floor 9 a.m. - 8 p.m................OFB Trade Show, 1st Floor **FBW Hospitality Room in trade show area 9 - 9:45 a.m.................... Discussion Meet, Round 1 10 - 10:45 a.m............... Discussion Meet, Round 2 10 - 11:30 a.m..........................Commodity Reports 11 - 11:45 a.m............... Discussion Meet, Round 3 11:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m......... State Board Mtg/Luncheon 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m...................... FBW Luncheon 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m....YF&R Judges/Speakers Lunch 12:30 - 1:15 p.m................. Discussion Meet Finals 1:30 - 4 p.m......................................Opening Session Music: Christina Bender, El Reno FFA Speakers: Political Dignitaries (TBA) Awards: County Awards, YF&R Discussion Meet Winner, Secretary of the Year Award, Journalist of the Year Award Evening On Your Own Trade Show Open until 8 p.m.

Saturday, November 20 7 - 8 a.m..............Credentials Committee Breakfast 7:30 - 8:30 a.m..... Resolutions Committee Breakfast 7:30 - 8:30 a.m..............Financial Review Breakfast 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.........................Registration, 1st Floor 8 a.m. - 7 p.m................OFB Trade Show, 1st Floor **FBW Hospitality Room in trade show area 8:45 - 9:30 a.m...... OFBMIC Policyholders Meeting 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.............................General Session Music: Brandon Baumgarten, Oilton FFA Credentials Report • AFBF Delegate Election Resolutions Session

** The Credentials Desk will close at 11:45 a.m., and not re-open until after the District Caucuses around 2 p.m. 12 - 1:15 p.m........Credentials Committee Meeting 12 - 1:30 p.m.....................YF&R Caucus Luncheon 12 - 1:30 p.m................FBW Gavel Club Luncheon 12 - 3 p.m................................................Farm Family/ YF&R Achievement Award Photos 1:30 - 2 p.m................. Caucuses – Districts 3, 6 & 9 2:15 - 4:30 p.m...................................General Session Music: Turner Armitage, Chouteau FFA Minutes • Financial Review Committee Report • Credentials Report • District Caucus Reports • YF&R Incoming/Outgoing • AFBF Delegate Announcement • 2010 OK AgFund Report • Resolutions Session • 5:30 p.m................................... Silent Auction Opens 5:30 - 6:30 p.m..................... OK AgFund Reception 7 - 7:45 p.m...................................................... Banquet Silent Auction closing announcements throughout 7:30 - 9 p.m............Awards & Recognition Program Speaker: Trent Loos Emcee: Ron Hays, Radio Oklahoma Network Awards: Distinguished Service Awards, Farm Family Awards, John I. Taylor Award, Lewis Munn Award, YF&R Achievement Award, YF&R Excellence in Agriculture Award

Sunday, November 21 7:30 - 9 a.m................. County President’s Breakfast Speaker: Mike Dain, Oklahoma Agrinet 7:30 - 9 a.m.....................FBW Chairman’s Breakfast 7:30 - 9 a.m..........................Breakfast of Champions Speaker: Jeff Todd, Attorney, McAfee & Taft 9:15 - 11:30 a.m..........Vespers & Memorial Session Music: Kathy Wampler Speaker: Dave Roever Memorial Service RL Wilson Corral door prize drawing

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