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AFBF calls for fix to pesticide regulation Consolidated, bipartisan legislation offers the best hope of fixing a regulatory nightmare created by a 2009 court ruling. That ruling overturned a key exemption for pesticide use under the Clean Water Act, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation. “The court set aside decadesworth of sound public policy on pesticide regulation,” said AFBF President Bob Stallman. “Right now there are three different bills to clear up this potential regulatory nightmare for farmers and ranchers. While each of the efforts is appreciated, we really need our lawmakers to come together in a unified effort.” Stallman said he appreciates the recognition by lawmakers that a congressional solution is needed. The latest effort is (See AFBF, page 2)


November 5, 2010

LUCAS – OFB’s Sam Knipp, vice president of Corporate Communications/Public Relations, recorded the latest on agricultural issues during an interview with Congressman Frank Lucas at the State Resolutions Meeting in Oklahoma City Oct. 27.

LANKFORD – James Lankford, at the time still campaigning for Oklahoma’s 5th District Congressional seat, spoke to OFB leaders Oct. 27 during the meeting. Lankford touched on several ag topics, including overreaching regulation by federal agencies.

OFB leaders voice support for direct farm payments

Clockwise from bottom left are Gary Johnson, E.J. Snider, Bill Shelby, Carter Campbell, Steve Standridge, Tyler Norvell, Roland Pederson, Norita Morgan, Patty Davis, and Ervin Mitchell.

A resolution declaring the next farm bill should continue direct payments to farmers is among more than 90 proposals passed by the Oklahoma Farm Bureau State Resolutions Committee Oct. 26-27. The proposal will be voted on during the OFB Annual Meeting Nov. 19-21 in OKC. “Our top priority is the continuation of direct payments,” said OFB President Mike Spradling. “The payments provide producers flexibility to grow various crops while providing income support.” There is concern direct payments may be eliminated since the administration is considering reducing the agriculture department’s budget. (See OFB leaders, page 3)

Member Benefits • Fasttrack Airport Parking – Near Will Rogers

World Airport in OKC, Fasttrack offers 10 percent off parking and auto services to members.

• The Sale Ring – All members may place online classifieds FREE at The Sale Ring, OFB’s online classifieds website. OFB will highlight a few benefits in each issue of Perspective as a reminder of the savings available to OFB members. Find a complete list of savings online at

OFB Calendar OFB Annual Meeting November 19-21 • Oklahoma City Contact: Monica Wilke, 405-523-2303 FBW Rally December 3-4 • Tulsa Contact: Marcia Irvin, 405-523-2405 AFBF Annual Meeting January 9-12, 2011 • Atlanta, GA Contact: Melisa Neal, 405-523-2475

OFB sponsoring cattle sale at Tulsa Farm Show OFB is sponsoring the Herd Builder Private Treaty Sale during the annual Tulsa Farm Show, which is presented by Midwest Shows, Inc. The sale is set for Dec. 9-11 at the Tulsa State Fairgrounds in Tulsa. An expansion of the popular bull sale, this private treaty sale is open to all breeds. It will include heifers, bred heifers, cow-calf pairs and more offerings. The sale is open to everyone attending the farm show for all three days. Cattlemen interested in offering animals should call Doye at 405-523-2307. Health certification by a licensed veterinarian must be provided for all animals. Owners should be present throughout the sale, and will be responsible for the feeding, watering (water tub and water source will be provided) and stall upkeep.

Register for 2011 AFBF Annual Meeting The deadline is quickly approaching to register for the 92nd Annual American Farm Bureau Federation Annual Meeting. Oklahoma Farm Bureau leaders can download a registration form from OFB’s website at The AFBF Annual Meeting will be held in Atlanta, Georgia January 9-12, 2011. Those interested in joining Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s Atlanta-bound delegation must register by November 12. For more information contact Melisa Neal, OFB executive secretary and special programs coordinator, at 405-523-2475 or For more convention details, visit

Oklahoma Farm Bureau Online Monitor the latest Farm Bureau and agricultural news and information online at Currently online: • OFB Annual Meeting – Find information about the 69th Oklahoma Farm Bureau Annual Meeting on OFB’s home page. A complete agenda, list of OFB Trade Show vendors and other information is available. • AFBF Annual Meeting – Download a registration form to join the OFB delegation bound for the 92nd American Farm Bureau Federation Annual Meeting, which will be held in Atlanta, Georgia Jan. 9-12, 2011. 2

AFBF calls for fix..... (continued from page 1) a bill introduced on Sept. 30 by House Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin Peterson (D-Minn.). The Peterson bill amends the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act and the Clean Water Act to prohibit additional permits for pesticides when applied consistent with FIFRA. Similar bills have also been introduced by Rep. Frank Lucas (R-Okla.), ranking member of the House Agriculture Committee, and in the Senate by Sens. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) and Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.). Stallman said Farm Bureau is calling for the three legislative efforts to “join forces.” “The clock is ticking. EPA has set a timeline for the new permit process. This is going to cause a lot of confusion and expensive litigation before it is all said and done,” Stallman said. “Congress needs to take action quickly in a bipartisan manner before the permit program starts, in April 2011.”

NWOSU Collegiate YF&R Discussion Meet Four students competed in a Collegiate Discussion Meet, held recently by Northwestern Oklahoma State University’s Collegiate Young Farmers & Ranchers at the university farm in Alva. After an extra round to break a tie, Katlynn Weathers (left) of Edmond was judged the winner and was congratulated by Steve Sneary, Woods County YF&R leader and NWOSU ag instructor. Weathers will next compete at the National Collegiate Discussion Meet in Orlando, FL during the National YF&R Leadership Conference in February 2011.

OFB leaders voice support for direct farm payments... (continued from page 1) The resolutions committee supported opposition to the government’s proposed renewable fuels standards (RFS) which would require a certain blend of ethanol in fuel. “We want to reserve the right to purchase 100 percent fuel that is ethanol free,” Spradling said. “We believe ethanol-blended fuels could damage some of our older engines on the farm and ranch.” Concern over a government requirement all businesses complete a 1099 form when purchasing supplies drew opposition from the farm group. The proposed policy calls for repealing the federal 1099 reporting changes. “If anyone does business with a vendor amounting to more than $600 per year, they have to fill out a 1099 form and that amounts to costly and needless paperwork,” Spradling said. Other proposed resolutions passed during the two-day meeting included support for increasing the Oklahoma wheat check-off from 1 ½ cents to 2 cents per bushel; oppose changes to the Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) regarding livestock trade; and request the Federal Corps of Engineers to hold annual public meetings in each corps’ district to seek public input.

TOP – State Resolutions Committee members are, clockwise from top left, Ralph Kelly, Robert Webb, Creek County; David Leatherwood, Adair County; Brian Knowles, LeFlore County; Desi Milacek, Garfield County; Wes Crain, Woodward County; and Carl Williams, Payne County. MIDDLE – Clockwise from top left are Eddie Sutton, Stephens County; John Swihart, Kiowa County; Larry Boggs, OFB Director, Latimer County; Kelli Beall, OFB staff; Marilynn Spence, Craig County; Robert Bierschenk, Oklahoma County; and Adam Martens, Major County. BOTTOM – Clockwise from top left are Phyllis Holcomb, OFB Director, Creek County; Will Cubbage, YF&R Chairman, Osage County; Georgia Doye, Comanche County; Macy Strom, Washington County; Joshua Miller, Garvin County; Dick Sheffield, Muskogee County; Tom Spence, Craig County; and Brent Davis, Atoka County.


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Traci Morgan, 523-2346 Perspective/Online News Editor Sam Knipp, 523-2347 Vice President of Communications/PR Lori Kromer Peterson, 523-2539 Vice President of Public Policy Marla Peek, 523-2437 Director of Regulatory Affairs Tyler Norvell, 523-2402 Director of State Affairs

Spradling receives Honorary American FFA Degree Oklahoma Farm Bureau President Mike Spradling received the Honorary American FFA Degree during the 83rd National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana on Oct. 22. The award is given to those who advance agricultural education and FFA through outstanding personal commitment. The National FFA Organization works to enhance the lives of youth through agricultural education. Without the efforts of highly dedicated individuals, thousands of young people would not be able to achieve success that, in turn, contributes directly to the overall well being of the nation. The Honorary American FFA Degree is an opportunity to recognize those who have gone beyond the valuable daily contributions to make an extraordinary long-term difference in the lives of students, inspiring confidence in a new generation of agriculturists. National FFA Officer Alex Henry, Eastern Region Vice President, congratulates OFB President Mike Spradling on his Honorary American FFA Degree.

Kay County YF&R Kiddie Tractor Pull Kay County Farm Bureau’s Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee recently held its 2nd Annual Kiddie Tractor Pull during the Kay County Fair at the fairgrounds in Blackwell. Kay County YF&R Chairman Marty Steichen and Vice Chairman Jason Schneeberger cheer on contestant Aaron Harmon, son of OFB North Central Field Representative Burton Harmon, as he prepares to pull a load on a John Deere pedal tractor. Other members of the Kay County YF&R Committee are Jamie Steichen, Bobbi Tripp, Derry and Jana Johns, Bryan Overman and Rachel Schneeberger.


Photo courtesy of the National FFA Organization



This is a special insert for young producers, ages 18 to 35, who have a vested interest in agriculture and desire to be a part of a group, which is actively engaged in leadership training, networking and promoting their industry. For more information, contact Coordinator Marcia Irvin at 405-523-2405.

YF&R to caucus November 20

YF&R Committee to elect new members, officers Oklahoma Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers will caucus Nov. 20 at the OFB Annual Meeting as young producers elect leaders to serve on the state YF&R Committee. All young farmers and ranchers between the ages of 18 and 35 are welcome to attend the caucus and learn more about the YF&R Program. During the caucus, elections will be held to determine representatives serving threeyear terms from the third, sixth and ninth districts. An at-large position also will be filled for a one-year term. District 3 encompasses Blaine, Caddo, Canadian, Grady, Kingfisher, Logan and Oklahoma counties. In District 6, counties include Adair, Cherokee, Craig, Delaware, Mayes, McIn-

tosh, Muskogee, Nowata, Ottawa, Rogers, Sequoyah and Wagoner. And District 9 is made up of Creek, Lincoln, Okfuskee, Okmulgee, Osage, Pawnee, Payne, Tulsa and Washington counties. Following the district and at-large elections, the new YF&R Committee will elect its chairman, vice chairman and secretary for the coming year. If you reside in one of these counties, are between the ages of 18 and 35, hold a voting Farm Bureau membership, and are interested in a leadership position within the Young Farmers & Ranchers Program, please consider attending this meeting. The YF&R caucus will be held on Nov. 20 from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m.

YF&R are involved in resolutions process Five Young Farmers & Ranchers are serving on the 2010 OFB Resolutions Committee, which met for the first time Oct. 26-27 to edit and consolidate resolutions submitted by county Farm Bureaus for consideration. The consolidated list will be presented at the 69th OFB Annual Meeting, where delegates will determine organizational policy for 2011. YF&R members serving on the committee include Will Cubbage, Osage County; Bill Shelby, Muskogee County; Brian Knowles, LeFlore County; Joshua Miller, Garvin County; and Adam Martens, Major County.

Message to County Farm Bureaus: I would like to personally ask you to remember that the YF&R program is always looking for more members. Since Farm Bureau is most of the way through membership renewals now, I would ask you to review your lists again to isolate potential YF&R members. The state convention is an excellent time for them to see what the program is about and meet other young producers! This time of year is an important recruitment opportunity for Farm Bureau’s YF&R Program. Your district’s state YF&R Committee member is an important contact for prospective members. If your county does not have a YF&R Committee, please don’t let that prevent young producers in your area from attending YF&R events across the state. We welcome them! The YF&R Committee includes several individual members who make up their county YF&R Committee...including me! Thanks again for helping us recruit more members! Will Cubbage, State YF&R Chairman, OFB District 9, Osage County

Florida to host 2011 National YF&R Leadership Conference Florida will be the host state for the 2011 National YF&R Leadership Conference. Hundreds of young producers from across the nation will gather in Orlando, Florida Feb. 5-7 to focus on cutting-edge opportunities in leadership development, personal growth, legislative and agricultural awareness, and networking. The meeting will be held in conjunction with the National Leadership Conference, which begins Feb. 3. This year's theme is “Engage. Act. Win.” Farm Bureau members between the ages of 18-35 can attend this event. Conference speakers include Captain Jim Lovell, commanding officer of Apollo 13, who will share lessons learned from the Apollo 13 mission that will be important as Farm Bureau engages in the 112th Congress. Also, Dick Wittman and Andrew McCrea will address the YF&R crowd. Wittman is an Idaho rancher who also provides consulting services and seminars in family farm business and financial management. Andrew McCrea is a farmer and rancher, an award-winning syndicated radio broadcaster, and a frequent speaker on leadership topics. Other conference highlights will include engaging breakout sessions, the annual Collegiate Discussion Meet and tours of Florida agricultural enterprises.

International students see how it’s done in northeast Oklahoma

Feeding the catfish at Moore’s Fish Farm.

Agriculture is the heart and soul of many countries around the world and an increasingly international business as new partnerships are forged between countries often in order to feed a growing world population. Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee has embraced a global outlook and looks forward to making international connections every year with its YF&R International Student Tour. The annual tour gives Oklahoma State University international students, many studying for agricultural degrees, a glimpse of Oklahoma agriculture during an intensive, twoday tour of agricultural operations and businesses across the state. This year’s tour, held Oct. 15-16 during the students’ fall break, covered the northeastern section of the state. Brian Knowles, LeFlore County producer and vice chairman of the state YF&R Committee, enjoys the students’ enthusiasm. “They’re very inquisitive. They ask a lot of questions,” Knowles said. “They just want to know everything about everything.” More than 50 students from 27 different countries saw a diverse array of agriculture during stops at the Port of Catoosa, Moore’s Fish Farm, S & S Pecan, A Bar Ranch, Coblentz Farms & Dairy, Munding Milling and Flying G Ranch. Also on the agenda was a presentation on peanuts at the Muskogee County Farm Bureau. Mayes County young Xiao Yan Xu of China, who is working on a masters in farmer Charlie Coblentz takes the agricultural education, attended the tour for the second students on a tour of his farm and dairy. year in a row. Her future plans include community development work in rural areas of China, so agriculture will be very important in her career. She thinks Chinese farmers can learn from Oklahoma farmers and ranchers, who have important access to organizations and resources that can help them in their businesses. “I think the networking part in America is very important for us to learn,” she said. “Like in my country, the farmers just develop by themselves. They grow something and they eat it, or maybe just take it directly to the market. “But they don’t have relationship or networking like the Farm Bureau, like the extension. They don’t get enough information,” she continued. “I think here, the farmers in America, are very informed about the technology, about the market. I think this is because of the local Farm Bureau or extension service and local land grant university. They play a very important role here. So, I think that is a part we can learn.”

The Armitage boys entertain the international students during a tour of A Bar Ranch.

The international students tour the pecan orchards at the Spradlings’ Flying G Ranch near Sand Springs.

Young producer Chad Selman answers questions after a tour of S & S Pecan near Skiatook.

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