A Grand Experiment

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A crisis of faith led the Joe’s Addiction founder to practice what she preaches.
JANUARY 11, 2023
VOL. XLV NO. 1 COVER P4 Jamie West-Zumwalt shows the hand sign for “I fucking love you.” By Berlin Green NEWS 4 COVER Joe’s Addiction 6 COMM ENTARY Robin Meyers 8 Chicken Fried News EAT & DRINK 11 Bobo’s Chicken 12 Gazedibles ARTS & CULTURE 14 OKG picks MUSIC 17 Ace Stiles 18 Central Coast Records 19 St. Paul and the Broken Bones 20 Opolis handoff 21 Live music THE HIGH CULTURE 22 Strain reviews FUN 22 Astrology 23 Puzzles sudoku | crossword EDITOR & PUBLISHER Matt Dinger | mdinger@okgazette.com ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Kelsey Lowe | kelsey.lowe@okgazette.com CREATIVE DIRECTOR Berlin Green | bgreen@okgazette.com ADVERTISING advertising@okgazette.com 405-528-6000 CIRCULATION MANAGER Patrick Hanscom | phanscom@okgazette.com CONTRIBUTORS Jerry Bennett Brett Fieldcamp Evan Jarvicks Robin Meyers Dave Gil de Rubio INSIDE NOW PLAYING WATCHPLAYITLOUD.COM GRANDBOXOFFICE.COM I-40 EXIT 178 | SHAWNEE, OK | 405-964-7263

Walking the walk

It all started as an experiment.

“It was born out of a terrible faith crisis that my husband and I were going through,” Jamie WestZumwalt said.

“I grew up as a pastor’s kid and he grew up as a missionary kid, both in very conservative evangelical Christianity. Then we married and because it’s just the next thing you do in that world, we went right into ministry ourselves.”

After spending a couple of years as missionaries in Taiwan, WestZumwalt and her husband started an organization that trained missionaries, which they spent more than two decades running.

“In the middle of all of that, our faith just began to crumble. We had some really painful things happen with people in our relationships and in our religious circle, and it just was not doing what we had been taught our whole lives that this religion was supposed to do. We were spiraling with doubt and confusion and trying to re-examine all of it, while at the same time still trying to lead other people in this thing that we had started. In the midst of that, we decided to do an experiment. We opened up this little coffee shop in Valley Brook with the purpose of answering two questions. The first being can you even do the stuff that Jesus taught? Can you even live that way? Loving one another, taking care of people that are in need, forgiving people who hurt you, loving your enemies, like the most difficult things? Can you even live that way? Then the second question was if you can live that way, does it make any difference? We didn’t know what we thought anymore

about heaven and hell, and life after this life, so does living that way make any difference here, in a community? So that was the experiment,” she said.

Joe’s Addiction opened in 2006, a small yellow building in a red light district that would serve as a space to love, feed and care for homeless residents of Oklahoma City powered by equal parts compassion and coffee. House-roasted gourmet coffee for a small donation, or for free if you just need a cup and some community. As word spread, so did the space, moving across the street to 1725 SE 59th St. in 2020.

“Some people can’t afford a dollar. Some people love what we’re doing and will pay $40 for a latte, so that helps us out financially,” WestZumwalt said.

There’s a shower on site as well as three washers and dryers as well as a free store.

“It’s like a thrift store, only everything’s free. We open that on Fridays and Saturdays. Then there’s a lot of other organizations in the city that we network with to provide connections to services so people can get to


help with mental health issues, help with addiction, recovery, support and housing opportunities for those who are experiencing homelessness. As

all of that has gotten into place, over the last year the number of people that are coming and hanging out at Joe’s has more than tripled. This time last year we were serving about 40 people at lunchtime, and now we’re seeing anywhere from 100 to 120 people. Many are coming on the bus, they’ll stay at City Care at night and then if they’re able to get a bus ticket, they’ll come across town and stay with us during the day.”

The walls of Joe’s Addiction are lined with colorful portraits of leaders like Gandhi, Martin Luther King,Thích Nhat Hanh, Jesus and a man named Bo.

“Most of the ones you’ll see are famous people that we do a lot of teaching about,” said West-Zumwalt, who gives a sermon each week. “And Bo you wouldn’t know because he was the first one of our Love Gang that passed away. That’s what this

tattoo is about.”

Jamie points to a small heart tattoo at the top of her left cheek.

“We started a new gang here in the neighborhood called the Love Gang and Bo was a part of starting that. He was a very, very violent person who had a lot of gang involvement, a lot of prison time in life. We decided we’re going to love our enemies and so as people make a commitment to do that, they take the tattoo. There are 37 tattoos now. It’s a symbol of just trying to do the best we can to love our enemies. So we put the tattoo on all the famous people including Jesus. We have our own sign for love gang which means, ‘I fucking love you.’ We took I love you and fuck you and we put them together and so this is what we say here,” she said.

Bo has since passed but he remains a strong presence in Joe’s Addiction.

“Can you even do the stuff that Jesus taught? Can you even live that way? Loving one another, taking care of people that are in need, forgiving people who hurt you, loving your enemies, the most difficult things?”
-Jamie West-Zumwalt
The memorial wall at Joe’s Addiction serves as a tribute to friends lost. | Photo by Berlin Green

His photo, along with many others lost over the years, grace the Memorial Wall. The tribute brings a sense of peace to guests and allows them to grieve and honor the memory of their friends. In 2022, Jamie would add ten new photographs to the wall.

“This year has been a really rough year. Part of it is because we’ve grown in our population, but really it’s just been a really rough year. We have 10 people that will be adding to the wall for this year,” WestZumwalt said.

The city’s homeless population has increased in recent years in part due to the COVID-19 pandemic, rapidly increasing costs and decreasing housing. As more people find themselves in unfortunate situations, Jamie and her small team of volunteers rise to the challenge to meet their needs, taking the time to learn the names and stories of all who walk through the door. She welcomes everyone regardless of their background or how they got there. Much like the man who inspired her mission, Jamie has faced a fair share of opposition.

“In the beginning, I was an outsider coming in with very different life experiences from the people in this neighborhood,” West-Zumwalt said. “It’s interesting how all of us have judgment, we all have our minds set — even if you’re not a religious person — about what is right and wrong, what’s acceptable and what’s not, and who is acceptable and who is not. In Joe’s Addiction,

worked through those issues. Many people in this neighborhood have been here from the beginning when we opened and now we have what I feel like is a really good relationship working together and serving the neighborhood together.”

As the attitudes in the surrounding community have shifted, Jamie and Joe’s Addiction has become a

to COVID and the commu nity here has taken care of her and her children. It takes a village and we’ve created a village here,” she said.

A careful observer of the people she serves, Jamie’s ultimate dream is to meet people where they are and help them find a permanent most comfortable, among the families they’ve created.

house to come back down to be near us because that’s where their community is. They’d rather be outside in the cold than be all the way over in Bethany because nobody knows them there. I want to help them keep that sense of community,” West-Zumwalt said.

In 2018, Jamie wrote a book chronicling her great experiment.

Beloved Chaos: Moving From Religion To Love In A Red Light District details her journey and the many lessons learned along the way. But did she find the answers to the questions that started it all?

“Definitely, but not perfectly. We just practice every day. We mess it up regularly, as all of us do. When we do, we just have to apologize, ask for forgiveness, get back up and do better the next time, and then it has made a difference. We’ve been embedded in this little community for 16 years and it’s been a long road of building relationships, trust and belief in each other, and just caring for the community,” West-Zumwalt said.

when we started letting just anyone be here including people with felonies, people who are homeless, people with sex offenses, all of those kinds of categories of people, it caused a lot of strife and struggle in the community, so it’s been an interesting road to walk together but we have stuck it out and

beacon of hope for those living in Valley Brook.

“This is a very difficult area, a very depressed area. A lot of generational poverty. Many issues, including mental health problems have been generational, so I feel like the success is that we have created a community of people that are taking care of each other. And it’s not just people from the outside like me that come in and offer services. But we together take care of each other. One lady in our neighborhood lost her mom in 2020

“I’ve always been a dreamer and I dream far beyond what is financially possible … Right now, I’m just trying to figure out how to pay the bills with what we’ve got going right now, but I’m gonna say this out loud — I’m dreaming of creating supportive housing. Many of the people that are part of our community I’ve watched get housing through other sources but they end up back out on the street. For many of them, it’s because the housing they get is far away from the community of people they’re connected to overall. When they get into that housing, they don’t find a new community … I see older women in our community, very naturally take on mother type roles with young girls and create those sort of symbiotic relationships where they support one another. So we’ve seen people get housed and moved outside of their community, and they’re desperately lonely, they’re out by themselves, they don’t have all the services that they need to do life. We’ll see them choose to just abandon their

Love is Jamie’s sermon and embodying it is her mission. She hopes all people find purpose in ways that serve both themselves and their community.

“I feel more love here than I do anywhere else,” West-Zumwalt said. “But not everybody is supposed to do what I do, I think each of us needs to find our place. I love the idea of fixing the world’s needs but we also need to follow what we desire, what brings us life. Where those two things meet might be the very place where you’re supposed to be.”

Learn more about Joe’s Addiction and Outrageous Love at www.outrageous.love or scan the QR code below.

James and Ethan. (above) Angela prepares meals for the Joe’s Addiction guests each day. (left) | Photos by Berlin Green Friends of Joe’s Addiction gather in the colorful space (above) A copy of Beloved Chaos by Jamie WestZumwalt (right). | Photo by Berlin Green

Here’s to a less violent 2023


You can’t escape the tears and the outpouring of prayers for Damar Hamlin, a young safety for the Buffalo Bills, who collapsed of cardiac arrest and almost died on the field during a Monday Night Football game. After medical workers worked for ten minutes to restart his heart, an ambulance carried him off the field, and in a rare show of traumatic solidarity, the game was canceled. Now we follow his condition every day, hoping he recovers in a Cincinnati hospital to lead a full and normal life.

I know of no one, thank goodness, who does not wish the best for Damar, but I do know people who did not think the game should be canceled. It’s the crucial end of the NFL season, and people had bet tens of millions of dollars on a game that defines both our national obsession with football and the bragging rights of our favorite sporting tribes. Let’s kneel and pray, they said, and then play on. Getting hurt is part of this violent pastime, and the players know what they have signed up for, they say. Besides, we watch young men get carried off the field on stretchers all the time and we know that countless players will ultimately die a horrific death from CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy), which afflicted 99 percent of deceased NFL players in a recent study.

What kind of society looks away, or lies about this disease as the NFL did for decades, from a sport that kills so many of its players? The answer is that for all our tears and prayers, football is more important to some than human life—even, and especially among the “pro-life” crowd that cheers the most vicious hits on the field and loves watching them played back in slow-motion. Something very deep and disturbing is happening in the reptilian brain when our modern-day warriors take the field. They take on our own primal desire to slay the

enemy and bring home the spoils of a violent spectacle.

A sociology professor at the University of New Brunswick who has written about the relationship between injury, suffering, and sport, put it simply, “What fans get out of suffering in sports is meaning … The meaning fans get is based on the idea that when they watch these games, something profound, powerful, and important is happening—and life and death are part of it.” If that sounds like a bleeding-heart liberal professor, just consider what we witness on a football field every day.

There are great plays, amazing comebacks, and the sheer exaltation of winning the big game, to be sure. But there is also the choreographed spectacle of deadly physical violence. We take out broken bodies and put in fresh ones and say, “Play on!”

Commentators spend countless hours discussing the latest trades or tirades as if the fate of nations hung in the balance. Sports trivia consumes us, as if it really matters. Is this just a harmless diversion, a way to escape the suffering in our own lives or give meaning to our mundane existence? Do we not see it for what it really is—death in slow-motion? Does it take someone almost dying on the field to make us reconsider who we are, and what we have become?

I doubt it. There is too much money at stake. Even as players get bigger and stronger and faster and we witness concussion after concussion on the field—players who wobble or slam their heads against the field, hands and fingers stretched out, splayed and frozen in what doctors call the “fencing response”—a sign of brain injury. Our most important question is often not about the welfare of the player at that moment, but about whether he can continue to play so we will win the game.


Let me confess to my own sport’s mania. I love college basketball and invest more than my share of time and energy watching my favorite team. But nobody’s head is “targeted” on the court, and nobody rises off the floor to dance and celebrate a devastating blow. Basketball players do not die in disturbing numbers from CTE. Sometimes ankles are twisted and occasionally bones are broken, but we are not celebrating violence in basketball because too much contact on the court is called a foul.

Football, on the other hand, exists at the apex of American sport because it is violent. We love to claim that we are a Christian nation but in fact we are a profoundly Roman culture. Watch a few minutes of a mixed martial arts fight and ask yourself, “What Would Jesus Do?” D. H. Lawrence said it best: “The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer.”

Everyone is making New Year’s resolutions. Mine is that we will take a long, hard look at our obsession with violence, not just in football, but in everyday life. Violence against women in our homes, which the NFL has long ignored so the circus can go on. Violence at home, as fathers abuse children so as not to “spare the rod and spoil the child.” Violence in school, as classmates are bullied until someone brings a

gun to make it stop. Violence in politics, with social media death threats so numerous that a man thought he was being heroic when he broke into the Pelosi residence to target what his hero called, “Crazy Nancy.”

Violence is the anti-gospel. Non-violence is the essence of faith. Let’s not forget what almost happened to Damar Hamlin or what happens to our kids every day. Who knows, it could be what the prophets call a “sign.” The dream of Isaiah was clear and profoundly countercultural: “They will not hurt or destroy on all my holy mountain.”


The Rev. Dr. Robin Meyers is pastor of First Congregational Church UCC in Norman and retired senior minister of Mayflower Congregational UCC in Oklahoma City. He is currently Professor of Public Speaking, and Distinguished Professor of Social Justice Emeritus in the Philosophy Department at Oklahoma City University, and the author of eight books on religion and American culture, the most recent of which is, Saving God from Religion: A Minister’s Search for Faith in a Skeptical Age. Visit robinmeyers.com.

Robin Meyers | Photo by Berlin Green


Nothing OklahomasaysCity quite like a sculpture made by New York artists.

“Light as a Feather” was recently installed at the northeast corner of Scissortail Park, located near Oklahoma City Boulevard and Robinson Avenue. The work by Jason Klimoski and Lesley Chang was commissioned by the city. Their studio is at the intersection of Washington Street and Front Street.

If that crossroads doesn’t sound familiar, it’s because it’s located in Brooklyn.

The piece is dedicated to Robbie Kienzle, whose dedication to the arts is largely responsible for transforming Oklahoma City through her pioneering 1% for the Arts program. Kienzle, who died last summer, is largely responsible for the visual arts landscape seen at virtually every corner of the city’s core. As of 2021, the city owned 215 pieces of public art, The Oklahoman reported.

many of the gorgeous murals you see all over town — are made by Oklahomans. But not this one.

Illustrator Jerry Bennett took Mayor David Holt to task over that on Twitter and, as per usual, he gave a “not my circus, not my monkeys” style of reply. The silver

has reached out and invited him to participate in the process next time, so hopefully when “Stiff as a Board” is installed at the southwest corner of the park, it’ll be designed by your neighbor.


Paycom recently caused quite a stir internally when it announced that certain teams, which had apparently had the ability to work from home until now, will soon be required to spend most if not all of their company time in the office.

In a Q&A The Lost Ogle got its hands on, Paycom gives its reasoning for the change: “Technology leadership feels working more closely together allows for better collaboration

between teams and aids us in continuing to be an innovative industry-leading company.”

Anyone who’s made the mistake of driving near Paycom’s campus during certain times can certainly empathize that workers may not want to contend with that every day. Also, imagine working without interruption in sweatpants for two years, then being told to start expecting unplanned visits by colleagues talking about who knows

The company must have predicted that this move might be unpopular, as one of the additional questions answered is, “Will we ever move back to a remote work environment?”

Some of these employees have

so also included is, “Where the hell is my office anyway?” Well, something close to that.

On the other hand, with their rate of growth, the better question might soon be, “Where in OKC isn’t Paycom’s office?”

A signal of the final stages of the COVID-19 pandemic response is that an increasing number of companies who allowed employees to work remotely are calling them back into the office. LINGERIE • ADULT TOYS • BDSM & FETISH ITEMS • LOTIONS • NOVELTY GIFTS & CARDS THANKS OKC FOR MAKING PATRICIA’S THE #1 ADULT BOUTIQUE FOR 21 YEARS! 615 E. MEMORIAL, OKC • 405-755-8600 2333 E 71ST ST, TULSA • 918-499-1661 7925 E 41ST ST, TULSA • 918-627-4884 8009 W. RENO, OKC • 405-792-2020 5634 W SKELLY DR, TULSA • 918-446-6336 11344 E 11TH ST, TULSA • 918-438-4224 @PATRICIASSTORES @PATRICIASGIFTSHOP Valentine’s Day Shouldn’t be the only thing coming. WE'RE SOCIAL Fiercely local and independent. AND WE'RE MEDIA, SOCIAL MEDIA. BUT WE'RE A LOT MORE THAN JUST
JANUARY 11, 2023 | OKGAZETTE.COM EAT & DRINK 10 Oklahoma Gazette is currently seeking a route driver to deliver papers in the Metro OKC area. WE BUY, YOU FLY To apply email phanscom@okgazette.com or call (405) 528-6000 Our drivers are independent contractors who deliver Gazettes every other Wednesday. Minivans and trucks work best. Insurance and a good driving record are required. Deliver Gazettes... and leave the food and people smells for those other drivers. Drivers earn significant hourly equivalent pay. JAN 12 - 3 FOR $15 1G BHO DABS (LIMITED 4 PER PATIENT) JAN 14 - 4 FOR $12 RAINBOW ROPES 125MG LEMON LIME JAN 16 - BUY 2 GET 1 FOR $0.01 28G REFINED SHAKE JAN 18 - 5G BHO DABS FOR $20 (LIMITED 4 PER PATIENT) JAN 20 - BOGO FOR $0.01 8-PK PRE-ROLL (LIMITED 2 PER PATIENT) JAN 22 - 1G CURED RESIN CARTS FOR $10 (LIMITED 3 PER PATIENT) JAN 24 - 1G LIVE RESIN CARTS FOR $15 (LIMITED 2 PER PATIENT) JAN 11 - BOGO FOR $0.01 RIPPY STICKS JAN 13 - $10 OFF EXOTIC 8TH JAN 15 - EDEN ROSE AUTUMN DREAMS SODA $6 PER CAN | $30 FOR 6 PACK JAN 17 - BOGO FOR $0.01 HASH ROSES JAN 19 - SURREAL NUGGZ 1000MG 5 FOR $100 | 1 FOR $20 (LIMITD 5 PER PATIENT) JAN 21 - 14G BHO DABS FOR $55 (LIMITED 2 PER PATIENT) JAN 23 - $20 RAINBOW NUGGZ 500MG PINEAPPLE (LIMITED 5 PER PATIENT) EDEN ROSE DISPENSARY TWO LOCATIONS! 3420 N. MAY AVE, OKC OPEN: SUN - THURS 9AM - 12AM FRI & SAT 9AM - 2AM 1333 N. SANTA FE AVE #104, EDMOND OPEN: SUN - THURS 10AM - 10PM FRI & SAT 10AM - 12AM

Original recipe

Long before food trucks had dedicated parks and were seemingly on every street corner, the tales of Bobo’s were so widespread in Oklahoma City that the man became a living legend.

Ozell Pope-Powell, affectionately known as “Bobo,” was born in Preston, Oklahoma in 1937. He spent his early childhood in Beggs before moving to California’s Bay Area in his early adulthood.

Curtis Hines, known as “Uncle Curtis,” describes his cousin as an energetic visionary with dashing looks and daring charisma.

“As a child, he was our leader and we were always in trouble because Bobo had great intellect that would have him accomplish many things…He had an insight that was greater than adults around him,” Hines said.

Food was dad’s second career, son Antonio Pope said. His first love was building.

That mechanical prowess came in handy much later when he was building his smoker, but Bobo was known for his extensive vocabulary and for his excellent motorcycle skills and engineering.

Bobo spent a lot of time in the Sierra Mountains and was featured in a film about the Bay Area.

“Dad was in a documentary in Sacramento called San Francisco: The City That Waits To Die,” son Bobby Pope said.

In the opening credits, you see a man leading a fleet of motorcyclists through the hilly roads of San

Francisco. It was none other than Bobo Pope riding his custom-built bike he called “Godson.”

Dad could pop a wheelie for 80 yards effortlessly, Bobby Pope said.

But after a 1966 motorcycle accident, cooking great food became his new obsession. He started at Uncle Curtis’ Oakland home, but built his first brick oven in Quincy, Calif.

Pops was a perfectionist, Bobby Pope said, and his meticulous process and use of stainless steel influenced health in -


spection standards at the time. Innovation and craftsmanship were his things, Antonio Pope said. Bobo’s ingenuity and scientific prowess — the same things he used with his cars and bikes — made his smokers great.

“You learned to have faith in him,” Hines said.

Bobo believed indoor slow cooking was best and eventually got

his unique taste right in the smoker he built both for short- and longcooking. The aroma had to be just right and even the seasoning had to look a certain way.

“Dad would throw a whole bucket of prepared chicken out if it wasn’t up to his standard,” Antonio Pope said. “That’s why the lines were so long, but people stayed in those lines.”

Dad committed to being open on the weekend to be mindful of the business on NE 23rd Street during the week, Bobby Pope said.

In addition to his recipe crafting, Bobo had a magnetic personality that attracted people to him. He knew how to talk to people and how to make them feel seen.

He would come out of the trailer and interact with the people who came to enjoy his food, even if it meant hopping out of the food truck on busy days and nights with chicken in his hands to pass out to people waiting in line. It was also his way of keeping people attentive and salivating for more, Antonio Pope said.

Antonio and Bobby Pope described their dad proudly with a grand respect for his work ethic and legacy that shone through in the

conversation. Yes, Bobo had high expectations and, at times, his perfectionism created a challenging work environment. But if you’ve ever gotten your hands on some of that chicken, you get it.

Rod, Bobo’s business partner, learned the business and kept Bobo’s Chicken alive. Rod understood food was a stepping stone to a greater business opportunity and believes in Bobo’s vision and honors his legacy, Bobby Pope said.

Although I never met Mr. Ozell “Bobo” Pope-Powell, his name resonates. If you’ve been in Oklahoma City long enough, you have a Bobo’s story too, a living testament to his exceptional contributions to the local food scene that have survived him.

Bobo — father, friend and legendary restaurateur — was from a unique generation of Soul Brothers that should be properly remembered as a fearless leader who was always seeking to become a better servant and enrich the lives of those around him.

When you think about late-night eats, think about Bobo’s opening at 5 p.m. and staying open until 3 a.m. Think of him when you think about the stainless steel interior of food trucks. When you think about a confident man that will stop at nothing to fulfill a dream that can live on, think about Bobo Pope-Powell.

BOBO’S CHICKEN IS NAMED FOR ITS FOUNDER OZELL “BOBO” POPE-POWELL, WHOSE LEGACY IS HIS BIG RED FOOD TRUCK WITH ITS SIGNATURE SMOKED TENDERS AND WINGS. Bobo’s still serves its famous chicken every weekend. | Photo by Berlin Green Ozell “Bobo” Pope-Powell (above) | Photo provided. Bobo’s famous fried chicken wings (left) Photo by Berlin Green.

Soup’s on

While the forecast predicts a relatively mild few weeks for the remainder of National Soup Month, you can still warm up with one of this season’s most beloved comfort foods. Though you’ll likely find at least one soup on most menus in the metro, here are seven places to find one that will sustain and soothe.

FRIDA southwest

405-683-7432 • 500 Paseo Dr. fridasouthwest.com

This stylish Paseo eatery prides itself on offering organic Southwestern-inspired dishes. Here you’ll find a new soup offering each day, but their hearty tortilla soup has earned a permanent place on the menu. This combination of pulled chicken in a green chilitomato broth with avocado, cotija, crispy tortilla strips and crema will leave you full but still wanting.

- Paseo Paseo Grill

405-601-1079 • 2909 Paseo Dr. paseogrill.com

At Paseo Grill, you’ll find a menu full of gourmet American fare cloaked in the romantic ambiance of one of the district’s oldest restaurants. While you won’t find many soups on the menu, the creamy mushroom soup is a longtime patron favorite, and for good reason — this velvety mushroom soup boasts a rich and earthy flavor with the help of button mushrooms and Port Salut cheese.

405-602-2302 • 605 NW 28th St. eatatscratch.com

As the name states, Scratch specializes in creating wholesome made-from-scratch meals that are both healthy and satisfying. With a focus on locally-sourced ingredients, the menu changes seasonally, allowing diners to experience a diverse range of produce and flavors. The forager’s soup is worth savoring with its sweet corn broth, wilted greens, mushrooms and seasonal tender crops.

Scratch Kitchen & Cocktails
SCAN THE QR CODE @THEJONESOKC THURSDAY JAN 19 Pat Green TUESDAY JAN 31 St. Paul & the Broken Bones SATURDAY FEB 4 The Jones Assembly presents Jason Boland & the Stragglers at The Auditorium at The Douglass THURSDAY FEB 9 Emporium presents Randy Rogers Band TUESDAY MARCH 21 Drive by Truckers with Margo Cliker SUNDAY MARCH 26 Colony House SUNDAY APRIL 16 Judah & the Lion THURSDAY APRIL 27 Snail Mail RAY ELECTRIC Low overhead = Low prices F ree Est i m a t es JEFF RAY 405. 820.7466 RAYELECTRICOKC.COM KIRAS KARE IN HOME CHILD CARE FACILIT Y Edmond, Moore, OKC and surrounding areas Currently accepting families for private, tribal and DHS subsidy payments. Hours: Varies by location KIRAS KARE Edmond 405.625.3649 KIRAS KARE PHASE 2 South OKC 405.850.0535 kiraskarellc com We provide a ordable rates! Preparing children for kindergarten in a safe environment with healthy meals & a fun- lled learning atmosphere.

405-208-7739 • 1610 N Gatewood Ave. thepressokc.com

A solid place to find southern comfort food, The Press offers a variety of homestyle dishes with their own twist. Whether you choose it as a starter or your main dish, the green chili chowder is sure to impress. This creamy chowder features bacon, corn and green chilis for a tasty and filling soup with a bit of a kick.

405-212-2378 • 901 W Sheridan Ave. thejonesassembly.com

Whether you go for the live music, the bingo or simply the ambiance, The Jones Assembly is the perfect place to find a strong drink and a rotating menu of delicious eats. Their winter menu currently features their delectable Chowdah, made with New England clams, potato, lardon and corn, served covered in a wood-fired dough perfect for dipping.

405-898-8120 • 1200 N Walker Ave. cafecuvee.com

Lovers of French cuisine will delight in Cafe Cuvee’s traditional menu.

Tomato basil fans will find a satisfying fix here, but those looking for another classic can transport themselves to the streets of old Paree with the onion soup gratinee. Beloved for its rich broth and the flavors of sweet and savory caramelized onions, this soup is finished with melted Swiss cheese and toast points.

405-763-5911 • 324 N Robinson Ave. kitchen324.com

A great place to find a menu packed with nutritious and delicious eats, Kitchen No. 324 is the perfect stop to help you stick to those resolutions you made on New Year’s. For a warm bowl of creamy comfort, the potato leek soup is sure to hit the spot. If a bowl isn’t enough, pair it with a fresh salad or a Really Fancy Grilled Cheese for a more balanced meal.

The Press
The Jones Assembly
Cafe Cuvee


Hollie Stuart book signing author will be signing her book I Can See for Miles which relates to her personal journey for empowerment through her happiness and depression as she searches for freedom from her past traumas, 6:30-8 p.m., Jan. 24.

Full Circle Bookstore, 1900 Northwest Expressway, 405-842-2900, fullcirclebooks.com. TUE, JAN 24

Kayla Olson book signing young reader author will be autographing her book The Reunion, a love story of two former teen tv stars, 6 p.m., Jan. 24. Best of Books, 1313 E. Danforth Road, 405-3409202, bestofbooksok.com. TUE, JAN 24

Pen & Keyboard Writers a panel of nine authors discuss their latest collaborative project, Celebrating the Seasons, An Anthology in Poetry and Prose, 6-7:30 p.m., Jan. 20 Deer Clan Books, 3905 N. College Ave., 405-495-9005, facebook.com/DeerClanBooks. FRI, JAN 20

Read the West Book Club discuss the book Nothing Daunted, based on the letters two women wrote to their families after leaving Europe to teach in Colorado, 1-2:15 p.m., Jan. 15. National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum, 1700 NE 63rd St., 405-478-2250, nationalcowboymuseum.org. SUN, JAN 15


Broker (2022, Japan, South Korea, Hirokazu Koreeda) the story of two brokers who sell orphaned infants, circumventing the bureaucracy of legal adoption, to affluent couples who can’t have children of their own., Jan. 20-22. Oklahoma City Museum of Art, 415 Couch Drive, 405-236-3100, okcmoa.com. FRI-SUN, JAN 20-22

The Eternal Daughter (2022, USA, Joanna Hogg) returning to a hotel now haunted by its mysterious past, an artist and her elderly mother confront longburied secrets in their former family home, Jan. 13-15. Oklahoma City Museum of Art, 415 Couch Drive, 405-236-3100, okcmoa.com. FRI-SUN, JAN 13-15

Film Noir: Strangers on a Train (1951, USA, Alfred Hitchcock) a psychopath forces a tennis star to comply with his theory that two strangers can get away with murder, 7:30 p.m., Jan. 11. Rodeo Cinema, 2221 Exchange Ave., 405-235-3456. WED, JAN 11

Free Community Screening: The Last of Us (2023, Canada, USA, Neil Drickmann, Craig Mazin) 20 years after modern civilization has been destroyed, Joel, a hardened survivor, is hired to smuggle Ellie, a 14-year-old girl, out of an oppressive quarantine zone, based on the critically acclaimed video game The Last of Us, 7 p.m., Jan. 15. Rodeo Cinema, 2221 Exchange Ave., 405-2353456. SUN, JAN 15

Friday the 13th Triple Feature enjoy a triple feature of Friday the 13th, Friday the 13th Part III (in 3D) and Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives on Friday the 13th, 5 p.m., Jan. 13. Rodeo Cinema, 2221 Exchange Ave., 405-235-3456. FRI, JAN 13

Music Movie Mondays: Woodstock (1970, USA, Michael Wadleigh) Oscar-winning musical chronicle that captures the three-day rock concert and celebration of peace and love that became a capstone for the 60s, 6:30 p.m., Jan. 16. Rodeo Cinema, 2221 Exchange Ave., 405-235-3456. MON, JAN 16

Oklahoma Film Society: Clerks (1994, USA, Kevin Smith) a day in the lives of two convenience clerks named Dante and Randal, who are bored out of their minds, as they annoy customers, discuss movies, and play hockey on the store roof, 7 p.m., Jan. 12. Rodeo Cinema, 2221 Exchange Ave., 405235-3456. THU, JAN 12

Skinamarink (2022, Canada, Kyle Edward Ball) two children wake up in the middle of the night to find their father is missing, and all the windows and doors in their home have vanished, Jan. 13-14.

Oklahoma City Museum of Art, 415 Couch Drive, 405-236-3100, okcmoa.com. FRI-SAT, JAN 13-14

Tales from the Gimli Hospital (1988, Canada, Guy Maddin) while their mother is dying in the modern Gimli, Manitoba hospital, two young children are told a tale by their grandmother, to help comfort them, about Einar the Lonely, his friend Gunnar, and the beautiful Snjófridur, 5:30 p.m., Jan. 21. Oklahoma City Museum of Art, 415 Couch Drive, 405-236-3100, okcmoa.com. SAT, JAN 21


GlitterBall Noir enjoy a night of live music, drinks, hors d’oeuvres and dancing with cinematic surprises with proceeds to support deadCenter Film, 8 p.m., Jan. 14. Tower Theatre, 425 NW 23rd St., 405-708-6937, deadcenterfilm.org/ glitterball-noir. SAT, JAN 14

LIVE! on the Plaza join the Plaza District every second Friday for an art walk featuring artists, live music, shopping and more, 6-10 p.m. second Friday of every month. Plaza District, 1618 N. Gatewood Ave., 405-426-7812, plazadistrict.org. FRI, JAN 13

Lunar New Year celebrate the Year of the Rabbit with live performances by the Hung Viet Lion Dancers, RACE Dance Collective and others, learn samurai sword skills and calligraphy, arts and crafts, face painting and more, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Jan. 21. Myriad Botanical Gardens, 301 W. Reno Ave., 405445-7080, myriadgardens.com. SAT, JAN 21

MLK Jr. Holiday Parade an inclusive event for all races, creeds and religions featuring a silent march, programs and a parade, Mon., Jan. 16. Downtown OKC, 211 N. Robinson Ave., 405-235-3500, okcmlkcoalition.org. MON, JAN 16

Oklahoma City Home & Garden Show get ideas for decorating, landscaping and more at this event featuring guest speakers and exhibits, noon-8 p.m., Jan. 20; 10 a.m. -8 p.m., Jan. 21; 11 a.m. -5 p.m., Jan. 22. Oklahoma State


Fairgrounds; Oklahoma Expo Hall, 3213 Wichita Walk, 405-948-6700, oklahomacityhomeshow.com. FRI-SUN, JAN 20-22

Oklahoma Winter Bead & Jewelry Show visitors will find millions of beads, beading supplies, pearls, silver, findings, chain, designer cabochons, fine minerals, and more, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Jan. 13-14; 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Jan. 15. Oklahoma State Fairgrounds; Oklahoma Expo Hall, 3213 Wichita Walk, 405-9486700, aksshow.com. FRI-SUN, JAN 13-15

Papercrete Planters learn how to make papercrete by turning paper and cement into a sturdy planter with fun designs, 1-3 p.m., Jan. 14. Myriad Botanical Gardens, 301 W. Reno Ave., 405-4457080, myriadgardens.com. SAT, JAN 14

SMO21: PROM! join in a night of adults-only science with dissections, the chemistry behind spiked punch, a dance floor and more, participants are encouraged to come dressed in their best, 7-10 p.m., Jan. 20. Science Museum Oklahoma, 2020 Remington Place, 405-602-6664, sciencemuseumok.org. FRI, JAN 20

Video Killed the Radio Star a weekend dedicated to the best music videos from the first 20 years of MTV in which participants have voted for their favorite music videos from the 80s and 90s to be played all night on the big screen TVs, 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m., Jan. 20-21. Up-Down OKC, 1629 NW 16th St., 405-673-7792, UpDownArcadeBar.com/Oklahoma-City. FRI-SAT, JAN 20-21

Winter Garden Potpourri create cozy and inviting potpourri mixtures using staple ingredients that can be found in the kitchen as well as items collected during a nature walk, 11 a.m.-noon, Jan. 14. Myriad Botanical Gardens, 301 W. Reno Ave., 405445-7080, myriadgardens.com. SAT, JAN 14


Veggie Dinner at Picasso Cafe join Picasso Cafe on the third Tuesday of each month for a four-course menu; featuring a fresh and creative take on vegetarian-inspired fare with the option to have a wine pairing, third Tuesday of every month. Picasso Cafe, 3009 Paseo St., 405-605-2022, picassosonpaseo.com. TUE, JAN 17 OKC Brew Tours jump on the bus and visit three local breweries within the OKC metro area with multiple tasters at each stop as well as take a behind the scenes tour and learn how beer is made, 6-9 p.m., Fridays and 2-5 p.m, Saturdays through Jan. 31. OKC Brew Tours, 701 W. Sheridan Ave., 405-822-0285, okcbrewtour.com. FRI-SAT, THROUGH JAN 31


Crafts and Tales a story followed by an activity ranging from learning about a real specimen from the collections to crafting a thematic piece of artwork, 11 a.m.-noon, Wednesdays. Sam Noble Museum, 2401 Chautauqua Ave., 405-325-4712, samnoblemuseum.ou.edu. WED, ONGOING

Homeschool Day children of all ages will have the opportunity to dissect an owl pellet and learn about the diet of owls along with taking home any bones they find, 11 a.m.-noon & 3-4 p.m., Jan. 18. Skeletons: Museum of Osteology, 10301 S. Sunnylane Road, 405814-0006, skeletonmuseum.com. WED, JAN 18

Junior Forensics preteens to teenagers will learn about the methods doctors, anthropologists and law officers use to examine human skeletons to determine age, sex, physical trauma and/or illness, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Jan. 21. Skeletons: Museum of Osteology, 10301 S. Sunnylane Road, 405-814-0006, skeletonmuseum.com. SAT, JAN 21

Kids Macaron Class children will learn the art of making macarons and will be able to take a dozen of them home after the class, 11 a.m., Jan. 21. Belle Kitchen, 7509 N. May Ave., 405-430-5484, bellekitchen.com. SAT, JAN 21

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration celebrate the life, legacy and message of Dr. King featuring original poetry readings by Society of Urban Poets, read-alouds, crafts and activities, and more, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Jan. 16. Myriad Botanical Gardens, 301 W. Reno Ave., 405-445-7080, myriadgardens. com. MON, JAN 16

Storytime with Miss Julie enjoy snacks, crafts and story time, 10:15-11:30 a.m., Saturdays, ongoing. Full Circle Bookstore, 1900 Northwest Expressway, 405842-2900, fullcirclebooks.com. SAT, ONGOING

Weatherschool with News 4 kids will learn about Oklahoma’s extreme weather with the KFOR 4Warm Storm Team, followed by an exploration of the galleries to see how weather is depicted in art, 10 a.m.-2p.m., Jan. 24. National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum, 1700 NE 63rd St., 405-478-2250, nationalcowboymuseum.org. TUE, JAN 24


The Book of Mormon a musical comedy about two Mormon missionaries who travel to Africa, Jan. 13-15. Civic Center Music Hall, 201 N. Walker Ave., 405-2972264, okcciviccenter.com. FRI-SUN, JAN 13-15

Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle a live stand-up comedy performance, 7:30 p.m., Jan. 20. Paycom Center, 100 W. Reno Ave., 405-602-8700, paycomcenter.com. FRI, JAN 20

The Five Browns a classical piano ensemble made up of five siblings who all attended Juilliard, 7:30 p.m., Jan. 12. Armstrong Auditorium, 14400 S. Bryant Ave., 405-285-1010, armstrongauditorium.org. THU, JAN 12

NW 26th St., 405-208-5707, okcu.edu. MON-FRI, THROUGH MAR 10 Photo provided

Open Mic Night enjoy an evening of music, stories, poetry and comedy performances, Thursdays. Core4 Brewing, 7 N. Lee Ave, 405-620-4513. THU, ONGOING

Rickey Smiley & Friends a live stand-up comedy performance, 8 p.m., Jan. 13. The Criterion, 500 E. Sheridan Ave., 405-308-1803, criterionokc.com. FRI, JAN 13

Sam Morril a live stand-up comedy performance, 6 p.m., Jan. 20. Cain’s Ballroom, 423 N. Main St., Tulsa, 918-584-2306, cainsballroom.com. FRI, JAN 20

Sunday Gospel Brunch a comedy performance over brunch hosted by Kitty Bob and Norma Jean as they mix a farcical church service with skits, sing-alongs, and drag, noon & 1:30 p.m. The Boom, 2218 NW 39th St., 405-601-7200, theboomokc.com. SUN, ONGOING


Devon Ice Rink enjoy outdoor ice skating with seasonal food and beverage offerings, through Jan. 29. Myriad Botanical Gardens, 301 W. Reno Ave., 405-445-7080, downtownindecember.com/devonice-rink. FRI-SUN, THROUGH JAN 29

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Art-o-Mat an exhibit that features Clark Whittington’s idea of transforming an old coin-op cigarette machine into a photography distribution device, along with close to 300 works from the Art-O-Mat repertoire and the option for visitors to purchase a piece of art for $5 from the machine, through Mar. 10. Oklahoma City University Norick Art Center, 1608 Shen Yun features a unique blend of costuming, high-tech backdrops, and live orchestra with the beauty of classical Chinese dance, 2 & 7 p.m., Jan. 21. Civic Center Music Hall, 201 N. Walker Ave., 405-297-2264, okcciviccenter.com. SAT, JAN 21 Photo OKG Archive

Myriad in Motion: Tai Chi dress in your comfy clothes and flat shoes for an entry-level Tai Chi class led by Ling Miller, 4:30-5:30 p.m., every other Monday. Myriad Botanical Gardens, 301 W. Reno Ave., 405-4457080, myriadgardens.com. MON, ONGOING

Myriad in Motion: Yoga bring your mat and water for an all-levels yoga class with instructors from YMCA, 6 p.m. Tuesdays and 9 a.m. Saturdays. Myriad Botanical Gardens, 301 W. Reno Ave., 405-445-7080, myriadgardens.com. TUE & SAT, ONGOING

YMCA FitCrew a four-week variable-intensity interval training workout to help lose weight or improve posture and balance, noon-1p.m. Scissortail Park, 300 SW 7th St., 405-445-7080, scissortailpark. org. MON-WED, ONGOING


Americans and the Holocaust a traveling exhibit that examines the motives, pressures and fears that influenced Americans’ reactions to Nazism, war and genocide during the 1930s to 1940s, through Feb. 12. Ronald J. Norick Downtown Library, 300 Park Ave., 405-231-8650, metrolibrary.org. THU-SUN, THROUGH FEB 12

Art of the Northwest Coast features the artistic work of the northwest coast known throughout the world for its style and vibrant colors that tell stories, teach family history and express cultural views though prints, glass, totem poles and more, through May 1, 2023. National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum, 1700 NE 63rd St., 405-478-2250, nationalcowboymuseum.org. SAT-TUE, THROUGH MAY 1

The Collector’s Eye a private collection of work from LBA player and Edmondite, Ekpe Udoh, carefully selected body of work featuring artists such as Taha Clayton, Jeffrey Henson Scales, Frank Morrison, and Kevin Williams, Jan. 5-Feb. 18. Artspace at Untitled, 1 NE 3rd St., 405-815-9995, 1ne3.org. THUSAT, JAN 5-FEB 18

Dried Floral Display create unique arrangements using dried flowers, leaves, fruits and more, 10-11:30 a.m., Jan. 14. Myriad Botanical Gardens, 301 W. Reno Ave., 405-445-7080, myriadgardens.com. SAT, JAN 14

The Elevate at 21c a program that presents exhibitions for local artists in the community which currently features works by Virginia Sitzes and a collaboration between Denise Duong and Gabriel Friedman, through Jan. 31, 2023. 21c Museum Hotel, 900 W. Main St., 405-982-6900, 21cmuseumhotels. com. THROUGH JAN 31

Fresh stART Art Show features artwork by artists who are or have experienced homelessness, Jan. 12-Feb. 5. DNA Galleries, 1709 NW 16th St., 405-525-3499, dnagalleries.com. THU-SUN, JAN 12-FEB 5

Highlights from the Rose Family Glass Collection this private curated collection showcases a broader look at the Studio Glass movement that began in the 1950s in America and continues to present date, through Jan. 15, 2023. Oklahoma City Museum of Art, 415 Couch Drive, 405-236-3100, okcmoa.com. THROUGH JAN 15

Inspiration in Detail an exhibit featuring works by Ranell Zurmehly using media such as oil, acrylic,

colored pencil and graphite as she depicts her growth as an artist through her drawings, Jan. 5-28. Artspace at Untitled, 1 NE 3rd St., 405-815-9995, 1ne3.org. THU-SAT, JAN 5-28

Jose Dávila features sculptures in which the artist has balanced industrial materials in precarious ways off of fabricated construction, through May 2023. Oklahoma Contemporary Arts Center, 11 NW 11th St., 405-951-0000, oklahomacontemporary.org. THUSAT, THROUGH MAY

Kiarostami: Beyond the Frame features a multimedia collection of artwork by Iranian filmmaker, photographer and visual artist, Abbas Kiarostami, through April 9, 2023. Oklahoma City Museum of Art, 415 Couch Drive, 405-236-3100, okcmoa.com.


Looking Through the Windows to the West expands on the permanent exhibit, Windows to the West, with Wilson Hurley’s never before seen prep materials such as test canvases, sketches, color studies and mathematical diagrams and formulas used to create the five large scale triptychs, through Feb. 19, 2023. National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum, 1700 NE 63rd St., 405-478-2250, nationalcowboymuseum.org.


Modern Wall Hanging workshop learn about the art of weaving along with various types of fibers, basic techniques and historic practices of weaving while creating a modern piece of wall art, 1-4 p.m., Jan. 14. Oklahoma History Center, 800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, 405-521-2491, okhistory.org. SAT, JAN 14

OKLA HOMMA the signature exhibition of the museum, features works of art, interactive media, and film from all 39 tribes in Oklahoma as of today depicting stories with ancestral origins, collective histories, sports and more, ongoing. First Americans Museum, 659 First Americans Blvd., 405-594-2100.


outLAWman showcasing the often thin-line between the lawmen and the outlaws in the American west featuring transcripts from the Osage murder trails, Virgil Earp’s Smith & Weston revolver, a purse allegedly belonging to Bonnie Parker and other items, Nov. 19 through May 7, 2023. National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum, 1700 NE 63rd St., 405478-2250, nationalcowboymuseum.org. MON-SUN, NOV 19 THROUGH MAY 7, 2023

Past, Present, Future featuring the works of Denise Duong, Brett Weston, George Bogart and Mike Larsen, through Feb. 25. JRB Art at The Elms, 2810 N. Walker Ave., 405-528-6336, jrbartgallery.com. FRI-SAT, THROUGH FEB 25

Perception and Technique in Abstract Art features works covering two different techniques of abstract styles through various artists, through Jan. 15, 2023. Oklahoma City Museum of Art, 415 Couch Drive, 405-236-3100, okcmoa.com. THROUGH JAN 15

Robert Rauschenberg: Pressing News features work by Robert Rauschenberg from his Currents exhibition in which he collaged together headlines, photographs, advertisements, and articles from national newspapers, through Feb. 27, 2023.

Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, 555 Elm Ave., 405325-3272, ou.edu/fjjma. THROUGH FEB 27

Sahara Sea Monsters features fossilized specimens

of several famous dinosaurs and reptiles from the ancient Sahara, including spinosaurus, mosasaurus and more, through Feb. 12, 2023. Sam Noble Museum, 2401 Chautauqua Ave., 405-325-4712, samnoblemuseum.ou.edu. SAT-TUE, THROUGH FEB 12

Second Friday Art Walk a free celebration of arts & creativity held monthly in the Walker Arts District of Downtown Norman, second Friday of every month, 6 p.m. Downtown Norman, 122 E. Main St., 405-6376225, downtownnorman.com. FRI, JAN 13

Selections from In Citizen’s Garb: Native Americans on the Southern Plains an exhibit displaying modern gelatin silver prints made from glass plate negatives of Indigenous people in the Lawton and Fort Sill area from 1889 to 1891, ongoing. Oklahoma History Center, 800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, 405-521-2491, okhistory.org. TUE-MON, ONGOING

The SuperNatural an exhibit features works from several artists focusing on a new world whose shape and matter will be determined by human activity. 21c Museum Hotel, 900 W. Main St., 405-982-6900, 21cmuseumhotels.com. THROUGH FEB 28

Synesthesia Factory Obscura’s newest immersive art experience focusing on color and textural elements while guests open their senses to discover what colors sound and smell like. Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, 555 Elm Ave., 405-325-3272, ou.edu/ fjjma. THROUGH JUNE 4

WINIKO: Life of an Object, Selections from the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian reflecting on the Native belief that their cultural materials hold the spirit of their makers and those who wore or used them this exhibit features of over 100 items that have been returned to the 39 tribes of Oklahoma after being taken from them in the early 1900s, ongoing. First Americans Museum, 659 First Americans Blvd., 405-594-2100. ONGOING

Winter 2022 Group Exhibition organized by Gallery Director Helen Opper, features the work of Joan Wegener, Michael McDaniel, and the student artists of Captivating My Creative Culture, through Jan. 31, 2023. The Art Hall, 519 NW 23rd St., 405456-9504, arthallokc.com/winter-2022-groupexhibition. SUN-SAT, THROUGH JAN 31

You Have Died of Dysentery an exhibit showcasing Western-themed games, books and videos, such as The Oregon Trail and Red Dead Redemption, through May 7. National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum, 1700 NE 63rd St., 405-478-2250, nationalcowboymuseum.org. SAT-TUE, THROUGH MAY 7

Visit okgazette.com/Events/AddEvent to submit your event or email them to listings@okgazette.com. Sorry, but phone submissions cannot be accepted. Submissions must be received by Oklahoma Gazette no later than noon on Wednesday fourteen days before the desired publication date. Submissions run as space allows, although we strive to make the listings as inclusive as possible. For OKG live music see page 21 GO TO OKGAZETTE.COM FOR MORE LISTINGS How to Grow
strains and how to grow them at home, 1-3 p.m.,
learn about mushrooms from their lifecycle to grains and substrate preparation to creating new
Jan. 21. Organics OKC Garden Supply,
N. Pennsylvania Ave., 405-528-4769, organicsokc.com.
Photo Shutterstock
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Suave Stiles


“I can hold a mean grudge,” Ace Stiles said.

The 18-year-old Tulsa singer-songwriter has seen some rejection. While that may not be a rare experience for most young adults, few can say they’ve been turned down in front of millions of people. Stiles progressed to the televised audition rounds of American Idol’s 19th season. Despite being one of the featured contestants granted a backstory segment for the program and earning praise from the celebrity judges for his quirky charisma and budding artistic voice, he ultimately did not secure a ticket to Hollywood.

Nonetheless, Ace Stiles downplays the bitterness on his new debut EP, Grudge, which pulls from vocal jazz influences to enrich his city boy alt-pop style. As the title indicates, resentment is at the root of the five songs that comprise the release. However, he finds a way to grow his negative experiences into constructive themes of self-confidence and resilience. He transforms the titular grudge from a potentially destructive mindset into a motivating one.

“I try so hard to see the positive in things and be good,” Stiles said. “But it takes time and anger and annoyance and all the nice to get to sweet from sour.”

Though 2021’s American Idol experience is still fresh in his memory, enough time has passed that he can appreciate the positives. He learned a lot about the industry at a young age, met some great people, and recalls moments with production staff as lovely and friendly. Additionally, making it to television meant that Stiles immediately made fans of people he had never met. His episode segment currently sits at over 750,000 views on YouTube with thousands of encouraging comments.

Being this visible, however, has its drawbacks, especially for transgender people. American Idol was not shy

about shining a light on Ace Stiles’ trans male identity, which some viewers praised but others criticized for virtue signaling. While he is happy to represent the trans community, the label has a tendency to overshadow other aspects of his art. It also attracts transphobia.

“I do get some off comments, and most people think I’m a lot younger than I am. People misgender me no matter how many statements I make,” Stiles said. “I just ignore most of those people and am lucky that online it has been easy to do so.”

Listening to Grudge, one can sense that Stiles has had to brush people off for a long time. Any shades of defiance in his lyrics come across as, if anything, aloof. Whether casually jabbing at toxic aspects of the entertainment industry or pitying the insecurities of those who can’t take his loud personality, he doesn’t spare more than a few breaths on naysayers. He has better things to do.

Much of the album happens into fruit metaphors, drawing comparisons to his flavorful personality and emotional growth. Opener “Mango Tree” is the clearest of the bunch with an angle about thriving outside of the entertainment industry’s exploitative practices. Instead of finding the fruits of others to squeeze life from, he creates life on the branches he extends elsewhere. As the first verse explains, “I planted seeds / In the people worth watering....And now I got sweet babies fallin’ all off of me.” Later tracks “Double Vision” and “Again” explore concepts of fruit as nourishment.

“It wasn’t intentional at the beginning, but as I was deciding what songs to put on the ep, I thought that it was a funny common theme,” Stiles said. “Fruit is deep. Like, there are so many metaphors for fruit. They can mean anything you want.”

The mix of tart and sweet also re-

sounds in Grudge’s musical palette. Stiles sings in a smooth, nonchalant croon that occasionally dips into an expressive rasp when it is not floating into delicate vibrato. The studio band fills out the recordings with easy-going strains of soul, blues, jazz, and funk adding texture to the adult contemporary leanings of Grudge’s style.

These sounds are not far removed from those of musical theater, which is where Ace Stiles started his journey at the age of six. Here, he developed his stage chops before jumping into songwriting, and by age 15, he was frequenting open mics like that of Tulsa’s Gypsy Coffee House. One restriction, however, kept him from much of the rest of the local music scene.

“I was too young to truly get into it,” Stiles said. “How do you go to shows or play at a bar you’re too young to enter?”

American Idol, however, is open to contestants as young as 15 and as old as 29. As Stiles is still a few years away from drinking age, he could return to compete again, as some online comments have suggested. Some contestants have found success with that route, but Stiles seems disinterested now.

“It’s been like, two years, and I don’t think about it all that much,” Stiles said.

As a fully independent, unsigned artist, Stiles has a chance to explore the facets of his own artistic identity rather than have the industry thrust one upon him. Of late, this includes other mediums of expression as well. He has taken to visual arts on the side, recently having a collection of abstract paintings shown at TAC Gallery under the title Am I Angry, or Is This a Beautiful Moment.

That title captures much of what may come to be known as Stiles’s “grudge period.” While his career is still blooming and promises much change to come -- he started on testosterone this year, which is already affecting how he writes for his voice -- he has learned a lot in a short amount of time. Perhaps the biggest takeaway from Grudge is the notion that simply casting off criticism and living one’s best life may be the sweetest revenge there is. That is what Ace Stiles is doing, and his creative fruits are as sweet as mango.

Visit acehasstiles.com

Ace Stiles. | Photo provided. Cover art for Grudge by Ace Styles. | Photo provided.

Label makers

For a couple generations of musicians raised on brutal public disputes, scene veteran horror stories and way too many episodes of Behind the Music, it’s often felt like record labels were the enemy.

In an age loaded with hyperindie sentiment and a prevailing DIY mentality bolstered by social media and YouTube, the question, “Why do I need a label?” seems to be coming stronger than ever from young artists and music students.

To find the answer to that question, a group of students at the University of Central Oklahoma’s Academy of Contemporary Music have taken an unexpected approach.

They started their own.

“Towards the end of the semester, our entire class was wondering why ACM didn’t have its own label,” said Ashton Lippel, acting Vice President of the newlyformed Central Coast Records. “It just really felt like something we should be doing.”

The idea that would become Central Coast floated out of a record label operations course at ACM overseen by Program Director and part-time Flaming Lips drummer Nick Ley.

“The idea had apparently kicked around for over ten years,” Lippel said, “But Nick was like, ‘You know, we’ve tried, and we just haven’t been able to figure out the logistics of it, but I’m willing, and I know [ACM Executive Director] Scott [Booker] is willing, if we can figure it out.’”

With that tentative greenlight, Lippel and friends started putting together an idea of what a studentrun, school-adjacent label could be and how it could help to not only promote young Academy artists, but to prepare them for the realities of the label game in the wider world.

“Our class as a whole just kind of started building a foundation of what label services we would want to offer,” he said. “And we have a teacher on staff, Cara Dehnert, that teaches music law and contractual law, and she put us in contact with someone running a

college record label, and they were able to kind of get us the framework of how they do it.”

The result is Central Coast Records, a joke on the glut of


through the law school to open collaboration with the school’s visual arts students to create album artwork alongside UCO’s graphic design studios like InkTank.

his band Tar Creek – a brutal hardcore outfit writing songs inspired by the 20th-century environmental disaster of Picher, Okla. – was Central Coast’s first official release.

“What happened was that the organization was started, we had a constitution, we were on paper as a UCO organization, and it was like ‘All right, we have to do something now,’” he said. “And my band had just finished recording our album, so I was just like ‘Well, if anyone’s interested, my album is ready.’ So we all voted and it was a unanimous ‘yes,’ and we decided that we would test this all out with the Tar Creek record.”

Seething political metal might not be what’s in most people’s heads when they think of ACM, but that kind of diversity and unexpected output is exactly what Central Coast Records hopes to spotlight going forward, even after Lippel graduates and hands the reins off to the next class.

coastal pride running through so many indie labels and scenes from the country’s edges, and perhaps a sly reference to the “no-coast” descriptor often thrust onto Midwestern punk and emo.

According to Lippel, the immediate goal is to set up distribution and promo channels for completed releases from bands and artists enrolled at ACM, but future plans hope to see them utilizing the school’s impressive recording and production resources as well.

“None of us at the school really have experience releasing music,” he said. “The whole point is to coach the people who come through on how to do it, so that once they graduate past the needs of Central Coast Records, they can either handle themselves or know what they’re looking for when they go to a bigger label.”

Operating a label with the full cooperation of UCO offers them a wealth of important resources, from legal advice and training

“It’s really about getting that kind of ground-up experience,” Lippel said. “I think that the whole point of us doing it from scratch was so that we can learn how hard it is to actually do it and learn what it takes because a lot of these people have expressed interest in starting their own labels eventually.”

Lippel says that might be in the cards for him in the future as well, but for now, his longer-term sights are set on the performing side of things.

The debut album Consumed by

“We want it to be as eclectic as possible,” he said. “We all agreed that one of the premises of Central Coast is that we’re not going to genre discriminate. If it’s good music, we’ll put it out.”

For Lippel, that’s the principle that he hopes will keep the label relevant and supportive for students and artists even long after he’s gone, and that’s what he hopes will change the image in young performers’ heads of record labels as an enemy.

“There are just a lot of people trying to do something new and fun and unique,” he said. “And that’s really what ACM is. It’s a melting pot.”

Visit acm.uco.edu

THE BRAND NEW CENTRAL COAST RECORDS IS LAUNCHING THROUGH ACM@UCO AS A LABEL BY THE STUDENTS, FOR THE STUDENTS. Tar Creek performs. (above. Album art for Consumed by Tar Creek. (right) | Photos provided.


Alien invasion

In the decade since St. Paul & the Broken Bones came out of Birmingham, Ala., the eight-piece outfit has made a name for itself as a horn-driven neo-soul act fronted by singer and namesake Paul Janeway. And while the pandemic kept Janeway and company from touring, the creative juices continue to flow.

The result is The Alien Coast , the group’s fourth studio album and its debut on ATO Records. And while prior efforts like 2014’s Half the City and the 2016 follow-up Sea of Noise were more straightforward with their R&B and soulfueled nuances, the band’s latest outing features songs wrapped up in psychedelia and surrealism, with the title being cribbed from a history book about the Gulf Coast Janeway was reading, having just made that area of the country his family’s new home.

He discovered how early settlers were puzzled by their new environs and dubbed it the Alien Coast. It was this kind of thinking that influenced the direction of this new set of songs.

“I really feel like what we did here was along the lines of having a musical fever dream,” Janeway said. “And while I was busy during the pandemic welcoming my first child into the family, I had lots of time to dig into subjects like 17th-century Italian sculpture, Greek mythology and dystopian science fiction.”

Adding to the new approach to the band’s sound were another couple of firsts—the decision to record in the collective’s Birmingham hometown for the first time and team up with Mountain Goats/Margo Price producer Matt Ross-Spang.

“It was a nice change to come home and try something differ -

ent, especially when we were going down such a different path,” Janeway said. “And what was also great was how everyone in the band came to the session and were able to throw in all these different kinds of ideas that made for some really interesting outcomes.”

Helping lead the charge was

inspired by the late Cubist’s habit of using the fictional monster as an alter-ego in his work.

“Man, I got the chills looking at that [Bermejo] painting,” Janeway said. “It was terrifying how clearly you could see the devil in this painting. And with ‘Minotaur,’ it’s all about recogniz-

teeth and where I played in the first band that’d I’d ever been in outside of church. It’s where I met Jesse and the whole idea was for me and Jesse to make a record and be good friends and then go our separate ways.”

What was supposed to be a musical lark instead found St. Paul and the Broken Bones expanding beyond their humble beginnings and getting a huge break in opening for the Rolling Stones, something Janeway still shakes his head over when asked to recount that particular experience.

bassist/founding member Jesse Phillips, whose efforts found him rafting a beat and bassline he drew out of a newly bought Korg minilogue analog synth for “The Last Dance,” a chugging anthem driven by a hypnotic groove.

Art loomed large for Janeway, who found himself being inspired by 15th-century Spanish painter Bartolomé Bermejo and fellow Iberian Pablo Picasso. “Bermejo and the Devil,” a simmering gem paced by a sturm-and-dirge beat and spooky whispered harmonies, came out of the vocalist viewing the former’s “Saint Michael Triumphs over the Devil” at The National Gallery in London. Picasso provided the spark for “Minotaur,” a jam soaked in Janeway’s falsetto vocal that undulates over a loop conjured up by guitarist Browan Lollar and

ing inner fear, trying to avoid it and how lonely that can be.”

And while The Alien Coast may mark quite an abrupt musical shift for the band to make, Janeway points to the group’s roots playing in Birmingham clubs as being a prime incubator for what was spawned on the record.

“The music scene is pretty diverse,” he said. “You have hiphop, indie rock, metal and all sorts of genres of music. So for us, it kind of shaped us because there really wasn’t a certain way to go because there are not a lot of bands out of Birmingham that tour. It’s not a place for that. We were one of the first ones in a while to do that. For me, there was a club in Birmingham called the Bottle Free Café that’s unfortunately not there anymore. It was the place where we really cut our

“It’s one of those things that will be written on our tombstones,” he said with a laugh. “You don’t understand the gravity of it until it actually happens. For me, I didn’t grow up listening to the Rolling Stones because I grew up only listening to religious music. To the guys, that was it. It’s a legacy builder. It was one of those things that no matter what happens to us, nobody can take that away from us. You look at the legacy of people that opened up for the Stones and it’s pretty amazing. Prince opened up for the Stones.”

Fast forward to the present day and St. Paul & the Broken Bones are preparing for a run of shows, including the fourth stop of the tour at The Jones Assembly Jan. 31. Janeway and his crew are ready to unleash The Alien Coast on music-starved concert-goers.

“It’s going to be really interesting sharing all the cool stuff we’ve been doing in the studio,” he said. “I can’t wait to see the reactions of all our fans to our brand of boundary-breaking beauty.”

Visit stpaulandthebrokenbones.com

ST. PAUL & THE BROKEN BONES BRING THEIR TOUR FOR THE ALIEN COAST TO THE JONES ASSEMBLY JAN. 31. St. Paul & the Broken Bones. | Photo by Bobbi Rich, provided.

Co-op makes the dream pop

“I don’t know that any one of us could be doing this ourselves,” Sarah Reid said.

As a music scene mainstay, kitchen worker, and part-time venue booker, Reid knows as well as anyone about the behind-the-scenes hustle that goes into assuring that musicians have a stage and a community in Norman, and it’s only been getting tougher in recent years.

With the town continuing to make headlines with increasingly contentious politics and uproar aimed primarily at the kind of young, struggling, often progressive residents that tend to make up much of the music scene, it’s becoming harder to find a safe or welcoming creative refuge.

For the past two decades in Norman, that place has been Opolis.

But as the times and the town have changed, owners Andy and Marian Nunez, formerly of The Starlight Mints, made the difficult decision to shutter the “micro venue” last summer, and just as quickly, plans began forming among Norman performers to secure a possible future for the space.

“A co-op really just seemed fitting for the large scope of what Opolis has to offer the community and music scene,” Reid said. “Plus ‘Co-Opolis’ just rolled off the tongue.”

As the worker-owned idea began taking shape and appearing more like a viable prospect, Reid approached the Nunezes with the pitch.

The result wasn’t just approval, but help.

“I followed up with them after giving it some serious thought and we sat down and talked about it in the beginning of the summer,” she said. “From there it was a combination of them referring folks who’d worked or played there over the years and me reaching out to my own network of people I knew from the community who could help. The group as we exist now, at six members, is made up of most of the folks who have been meeting and planning since the beginning of June. We’re committed to seeing

this through.”

That commitment is going to be key moving forward. The group is still pushing to secure the capital needed by the end of this month, and that means everything from garage sales to crowdfunding to investor drives.

But as a community-minded music venue first and foremost, it means putting on some shows.

“We have a bunch of cool shows booked every Thursday through Saturday through the end of

January, and more stacked up beyond that,” Reid said. “We have ‘til the end of January to fundraise our down payment and close the sale, so we’re really pushing our big fundraising event for Second Friday Art Walk on Jan. 13. Swim Fan and Dinosaur Boyfriend will be performing that night, and we’ll have an auction early in the evening with a bunch of art donated from some fantastic local artists. There will be food and punch and beer from local

breweries like 405 [Brewing] and Lazy Circles.”

Even as the final purchase continues coming together, the team is already looking forward, planning how this new iteration of Opolis will fit into the community, both for the upcoming Norman Music Festival – which Reid says is on their minds – and for the city’s rapidly changing, venomous political landscape.

“Opolis has long been a safe haven for the most targeted and outcast people in a conservative state like Oklahoma,” she said. “I think the Opolis T-shirt says it best: ‘Opolis is for pussies.’ It was first said as a slight, but worn as a badge of honor. If caring for our community and creating a safe space for all makes us pussies, then yeah, we’re pussies. There will always be people who will want to hate on us for that, but we won’t be intimidated or stop working to build the kind of community we want to see grow in Norman.”

Staying true to the same inclusivity and counter-cultural importance that Opolis has served for twenty years is paramount to this new co-op, but Reid also hopes that the venue’s scope continues to expand and offer the kinds of little-known surprises and new discoveries that fans have always loved.

“Some of my favorite Opolis shows were the ones where there was maybe small attendance but an amazing caliber of music,” she said. “You kind of just find yourself saying, ‘Is this really happening right now?’ Like, ‘Pinch me, am I really in Norman seeing this?’ That really goes to show the labor of love that Andy and Marian put into Opolis to make memories we all get to keep forever, and it’s what we want to continue doing for the next generation.”

Visit opolis.org

Opolis. | Photo Berlin Green.


Jazz Night, Bradford House. JAZZ

Jazz Nights, The Study. JAZZ

Kendrick McKinney Trio, 51st Street Speakeasy. JAZZ

Koch Marshall Trio, Belle Isle Restaurant & Brewing Company. BLUES

Trett Charles, River Spirit Casino Resort, Tulsa. COUNTRY

The Wednesday Band, The Deli, Norman. COUNTRY


Brent Giddens, River Spirit Casino Resort, Tulsa. COUNTRY

Country Music Group Therapy/Biscuits & Groovy, The Deli, Norman. COUNTRY

David Miner & Charlie Memphis, Blue Note. SINGER/SONGWRITER

The Emo Night Tour, 89th Street—OKC. EMO

Joel Forlenza, Othello’s Italian Restaurant, Norman. INSTRUMENTALISTS

Shelly Phelps and The Storm, Bourbon Street Bar. BLUES

Short & Broke, The BlueRays, JL Jones, Mojo’s Blues Club. BLUES

Will Gaines, Beer City Music Hall. GOSPEL


The Blend, Remington Park. COVER

Colourmusic/Labrys, Blue Note. ROCK

Colton Blake, Grady’s 66 Pub. COUNTRY

Dylan Wheeler, Diamond Ballroom. COUNTRY

The Groove Merchants, UCO Jazz Lab. COVER

Hunter Thomas, Beer City Music Hall. COUNTRY Jessica Tate and the Green Mystic Quartet, The Deli, Norman. ACOUSTIC

Joel Forlenza, Othello’s Italian Restaurant, Norman. INSTRUMENTALISTS

Jokers to the Right, Okie Tonk Café. COVER Kenny Pitts, Whiskey Chicks. ACOUSTIC

Kolby Cooper, Cain’s Ballroom, Tulsa. COUNTRY

Live Jazz!, Hefner Grill. JAZZ

Magazu/Video Nasty/NIM/Field Dressed/Kemper Temper, The Sanctuary. METAL

McKee Brother Jazz Band, Bourbon Street Bar. JAZZ

Rusty Meyers/Denise Hoey River Spirit Casino Resort, Tulsa. COUNTRY

Shawn Proffitt, Parlor OKC. SINGER/ SONGWRITER

Shlump, The Vanguard, Tulsa. ELECTRONIC

Swim Fan/Dinosaur Boyfriend, Opolis, Norman. INDIE

Wink Burcham, Grand Casino Hotel & Resort, Shawnee. SINGER/SONGWRITER


Allman Brothers Celebration, Belle Isle Restaurant & Brewing Company. ROCK

Ben Quad/Excuse Me Who Are You?/Tiny Voices/Speak, Memory, The Sanctuary. PUNK

The Bottom of the Barrel/Jonathan White, The Deli, Norman. BLUEGRASS

Brent Blount and Friends, UCO Jazz Lab.


Dead Metal Society, The Vanguard, Tulsa.


Jake & The Idols/Yacht Club, River Spirit Casino Resort, Tulsa. ROCK

Journey of a Lifetime & Return of the Mac Diamond Ballroom. TRIBUTE

Kalo, Grand Casino Hotel & Resort, Shawnee. ROCK

Live Jazz!, Hefner Grill. JAZZ

McKee Brother Jazz Band, Bourbon Street Bar. JAZZ

Rise Against the Machine/Lost in Hollywood, Beer City Music Hall. TRIBUTE

Robert Allen Gober Hollywood Corners. ACOUSTIC

Voodoo, VZD’s Restaurant & Bar. ROCK


Barrett Lewis River Spirit Casino Resort, Tulsa. ROCK

Ghostland Observatory, Tower Theatre. ROCK

Jazz Night!, Blue Note. JAZZ

Live Jazz!, Hefner Grill. JAZZ

No Whiners Aloud Mojo’s Blues Club. BLUES

Tin Can Gramophone/Hosty, The Deli, Norman. FOLK


The Aints/Bailey Gilbert & Friends The Deli, Norman. AMERICANA

Chris Hyde, River Spirit Casino Resort, Tulsa.



Ben Neikirk, River Spirit Casino Resort, Tulsa.


Bruce Benson & Studio B, 51st Street Speakeasy. BLUES

Caleb McGee, The Deli, Norman. BLUES

Koffin Kats/With the Costanzas, 89th Street— OKC. PUNK


Jazz Jam, 51st Street Speakeasy. JAZZ

Kendrick McKinney Trio, 51st Street Speakeasy. JAZZ

Trett Charles River Spirit Casino Resort, Tulsa. COUNTRY

The Wednesday Band, The Deli, Norman. COUNTRY


Brent Giddens, River Spirit Casino Resort, Tulsa. COUNTRY

Carly Gwin and the Sin/Baileyboy, Opolis, Norman. ROCK

Country Music Group Therapy/Biscuits & Groovy, The Deli, Norman. COUNTRY

Joel Forlenza, Othello’s Italian Restaurant, Norman. INSTRUMENTALISTS

Pat Green, The Jones Assembly. COUNTRY

Shelly Phelps and The Storm, Bourbon Street Bar. BLUES

Short & Broke/The BlueRays/JL Jones, Mojo’s Blues Club. BLUES

That 1 Guy, The Vanguard, Tulsa.


Wade Bowen, Tower Theatre. SINGER/ SONGWRITER


Boyz II Men, River Spirit Casino Resort, Tulsa. R&B

CJLilEz, The Vanguard, Tulsa. RAP

Emo Nite, Tower Theatre. EMO

Heartbreak Rodeo, Grand Casino Hotel & Resort, Shawnee. ACOUSTIC

Jessica Tate, The Deli, Norman. INSTRUMENTAL

Joel Forlenza, Othello’s Italian Restaurant, Norman. INSTRUMENTALISTS

Johnny Manchild and the Poor Bastards, Beer City Music Hall. ALTERNATIVE

Kennedy Fine, Stonecloud Brewing Co. SINGER/ SONGWRITER

Limp Wizurds/Smokey Motel/Vulture Club, Opolis, Norman. FOLK

Linda Gail Lewis Family Jewels/Danny by Harvey/Anne Marie Lewis, Blue Note. ROCK

Live Jazz!, Hefner Grill. JAZZ

McKee Brother Jazz Band, Bourbon Street Bar. JAZZ

My So Called Band, The Vanguard, Tulsa. COVER

R.A.P. Ferreira/AJ Suede/Eldon/S. Reidy, The Sanctuary. RAP

The Red River Ramblers, UCO Jazz Lab. JAZZ

Travis Linville, Ponyboy. AMERICANA

Whiskey Port Society/Hydramatics, River Spirit Casino Resort, Tulsa. COUNTRY

Willie & the Wild Cards/Nik Parr & the Selfless Lovers, The Deli. ROCK


Charlie Hickman Band Grady’s 66 Pub. ROCK

Chase & Emily McCumber/Matt Blagg/ The Dalbys/Miscee Smith/ Tori Ann/ Maggie King, Rodeo Opry. COUNTRY

Even It Up Tribute to Heat, Belle Isle Restaurant & Brewing Company. TRIBUTE

The Hype/Chris Hyde, River Spirit Casino Resort, Tulsa. ROCK

Jabee, Blue Note. RAP

Jack Waters and The Unemployed, Grady’s 66 Pub. COUNTRY

Joel Forlenza, Othello’s Italian Restaurant, Norman. INSTRUMENTALISTS

Kalo, JJ’s Alley Bricktown Pub. ROCK

Live Jazz!, Hefner Grill. JAZZ

McKee Brother Jazz Band, Bourbon Street Bar. JAZZ

Patrick Winslett, Grand Casino Hotel & Resort, Shawnee. ROCK

Stalling/Ramsey Thorton/Nature & Madness Opolis, Norman. ALTERNATIVE

Wakeland, VZD’s Restaurant & Bar. COUNTRY


Heart of Gold, The Vanguard, Tulsa. ROCK

Live Jazz!, Hefner Grill. JAZZ

No Whiners Aloud, Mojo’s Blues Club. BLUES

Tin Can Gramophone/Hosty, The Deli, Norman. FOLK


The Aints/Bailey Gilbert & Friends, The Deli, Norman. AMERICANA

Chris Hyde, River Spirit Casino Resort, Tulsa. COVER

Mental Mondaze, Hubbly Bubbly Hookah & Café. EXPERIMENTAL


Ben Neikirk, River Spirit Casino Resort, Tulsa. COVER

Bruce Benson & Studio B, 51st Street Speakeasy. BLUES


These are events recommended by Oklahoma Gazette editorial staff members. For full calendar listings, go to okgazette.com. Live
GO TO OKGAZETTE.COM FOR FULL LISTINGS! That 1 Guy, created by Mike Silverman, is an experimental one-man-band in which Silverman plays an instrument of his own invention called “The Magic Pipes” that he fabricated using pieces of classical instruments, items from a hardware store and various electronics. His unique music mixes genres from jazz to 70s power riffs, classical to funk, and 50s do-ops to electronic. Check him out at 8 p.m., Thurs., Jan 18 at Ponyboy, 423 NW 23rd St, 405-896-2037, ponyboyokc.com. THURS, JAN 18 Photo provided
McGee, The Deli, Norman. BLUES
must be received by Oklahoma Gazette no later than noon on Wednesday seven days before the desired publication date. Late
will not be included in the listings. Submissions run as space allows, although we strive to make the listings as inclusive as possible. Visit okgazette.com to submit your lisitngs or email listings@okgazette.com. Sorry, but phone
cannot be accepted.


Strain name: Strawberry Bubbles

Grown by: Golden Hour Gardens

Acquired from: Mosaic Dispensary

Date acquired: Dec. 29

Physical traits: frosted shades of green and orange

Bouquet: citrusy and fruity

Review: Mosaic is operated by Resonant Cultivation, but the dispensary arm has made a mission of lining their shelves with strains from other craft growers you won’t often find anywhere else. Mark and Chelsea Donnelson created Golden Hour Gardens with the mission of producing high-quality small batch flower that the husbandand-wife team would like to smoke themselves. Growing hand-selected phenotypes in living soil and often sharing growing tips and information on their Instagram page, their pride shines through in this dense and frosty cross of Mimosa and Strawberry Guava. This “sativa”-

leaning flower offers an incredibly flavorful smoke sesh, leaving a strong taste of berries to coat the tongue before whisking you into a relaxing yet uplifting high.

Strain name: Tropical Gelato

Grown by: Straight Fire

Acquired from: Happy Labs Dispensary

Date acquired: Dec. 30

Physical traits: frosted light green and orange

Bouquet: fruity, earthy and gassy

Review: Happy Labs Dispensary opened their third location in Mid town in December, and Straight Fire is their house brand of flower. The Tropical Gelato came quickly recom mended from their dense menu. The bright frosty buds hit the nose with a strong gassy aroma before breaking down into a dense fluffy bowl that hits as strong as it smells, though be prepared — the high isn’t quite as energizing as the flavor. This one produces a heavy, calming experi ence best suited for a quiet after noon. Expect full body relaxation and a slightly sedative head high followed by a rather serious case of the munchies.



Homework: What power will you possess in nine months that you do not yet have?


ARIES (March 21-April 19)

Nigerian author Wole Soyinka reworked the ancient Greek play, The Bacchae. In one passage, the god Dionysus criticizes King Pentheus, who is supposedly all-powerful. “You are a man of chains,” Dionysus tells him. “You love chains. You breathe chains, talk chains, eat chains, dream chains, think chains. Your world is bound in manacles.” The bad news, Aries, is that many of us have some resemblances to Pentheus. The good news is that the coming months will be a favorable time to shed at least some of your chains. Have fun liberating yourself! Try to help a few others wriggle free from their chains, too. Doing so will aid your own emancipation.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

The coming weeks will be a great time to fill your journal with more intense ruminations than you have for many moons. If you don’t have a journal, think about starting one. Reveal yourself to yourself, Taurus! Make conscious that which has been vague, unnamed, or hiding. Here are assignments to help launch your flood of intimate self-talk. 1. Write passionately about an experience you’ve always wanted to try but have never done. 2. Conduct imaginary interviews with people who rouse strong feelings in you. 3. Describe what deity, superhero, or animal you are and how your special intelligence works. 4. Visualize a dream in which you appear as a bolder, more confident version of yourself. 5. Talk about a time you felt rousingly alive and how you plan to feel that way again.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

A stranger approached me at Wild Birds Unlimited, a store that sells bird food and accessories. “You write the horoscopes, right?” she asked. “I’m a Gemini, and I want to thank you for helping me tone down my relentless fidgeting. You made me realize I have been secretly proud of tapping my fingers on the table while

talking with people, and constantly darting my eyes around the room to check out the ever-changing views. I’d unconsciously believed that stuff was a sign of my incredible vitality. But you’ve been a steadying influence. You’ve shown me ways to settle down and focus my energy better. I can see how restlessness sometimes saps my energy.” I told the woman, “You’re welcome!” and let her know that 2023 will be a favorable time to do much more of this good work.

Homework: Meditate on channeling your incredible vitality into being grounded and centered.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

According to Cancerian author Ronald Sukenick, the writer’s work is “to destroy restrictive viewpoints, notice the unnoticed, speak the unspeakable, shake stale habits, ward off evil, give vent to sorrow, pulverize doctrine, attack and uphold tradition as needed, and make life worth living.” I believe 2023 will be an excellent time for you to carry out those actions, even if you’re not a writer. You will have abundant power to bless and heal through creative rebellion and disruption. You will thrive as you seek out interesting novelty.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Psychotherapist Ryan Howes has wisdom you’ll benefit from heeding in the coming weeks. “We need to accept our age,” he writes. “We need to accept illnesses and addictions. We need to accept the past. We need to accept others as they are.” He goes on to say that this doesn’t mean we must like all these situations. And we can certainly try to make the best of them. But when we don’t struggle in vain to change what’s beyond our control to change, we have more energy for things that we can actually affect.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Here’s testimony from musician Pharrell Williams: “If someone asks me what inspires me, I always say, ‘That which is missing.’” Yes! This is an apt message for you, Virgo. The best way for you to generate motivation and excitement in the coming weeks will be to explore what is lacking, what is invisible, what’s lost or incomplete. Check in with your deep intuition right now. Do you

feel a stirring in your gut? It may tell you where to find important and intriguing things that are missing.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

“Every animal knows far more than you do,” declares a proverb of the Nimíipuu people, also known as the Nez Perce. Author Russell Banks provides further testimony to convince us we should be humble about our powers of awareness. “There is a wonderful intelligence to the unconscious,” he says. “It’s always smarter than we are.” These are good pointers for you to heed in the coming weeks, Libra. You will have a special power to enhance your understanding of the world by calling on the savvy of animals and your unconscious mind. They will be especially rich sources of wisdom. Seek out their educational input!

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Psychologist Carl Jung said that the whole point of Jesus Christ’s story was not that we should become exactly like him. Rather, we should aspire to be our best and highest selves in the same way that he fulfilled his unique mission. So Jesus was not the great exception, but rather the great example. I bring these meditations to your attention, Scorpio, because I believe life in 2023 will conspire to make you, more than ever before, the hero of your own destiny. You will be inspired to honor only your own standards of success and reject all others’. You will clearly see that you are progressing at your own natural and righteous pace, which is why it makes no sense to compare your evolution to anyone else’s.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

A reader named Mary Roseberry describes her experience of being a Sagittarius: “I hate to be bored. I hate imperfections. I hate to wait. I hate sadness. I hate conflict. I hate to be wrong. I hate tension.” Wow! I admire Mary’s succinct understanding of who she doesn’t want to be and what she doesn’t like to do. I invite you to compose a similar testimony. You would benefit from getting clear about the experiences you intend to avoid in 2023. Once you have done that, write a list of the interesting feelings and situations you will seek out with intense devotion during the coming months.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

When he was 74 years old, Capricorn author Norman Maclean published his first novel, A River Runs Through It. It became a best-seller. Capricorn film director Takeshi Kitano directed his first film at age 42. Now 75, he has since won many awards for his work in his native Japan. Capricorn activist Melchora Aquino, who was a leader in the Philippines’ fight for independence from Spain, launched her career as a revolutionary when she was in her eighties. She’s known as the “Mother of the Revolution.” I hope these heroes inspire you, dear Capricorn. I believe that 2023 is the year you will get an upgrade in any area of your life where you have seemed to be a late bloomer.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

According to my analysis of the astrological omens, you will soon be called upon to summon grace under pressure; to express magnanimity while being challenged; to prove that your devotion to your high standards is more important than the transitory agendas of your ego. The good news is that you are primed and ready to succeed at these exact assignments. I have confidence in your power to activate the necessary courage and integrity with maximum poise and composure.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

“By dying daily, I have come to be,” wrote poet Theodore Roethke. He didn’t mean he suffered literal deaths. He was referring to the discipline of letting go of the past; shedding worn-out habits; leaving behind theories and attitudes that once served him well but no longer did; killing off parts of himself that were interfering with the arrival of the fresh future. I recommend his strategy to you, Pisces. To the degree that you agree to die daily, you will earn the right to be reborn big-time in a few weeks.

Go to RealAstrology.com to check out Rob Brezsny’s expanded weekly audio horoscopes / daily text message horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700.



By John Martz

ACROSS 1 Nickname of the Looney Tunes animator Ben Hardaway

Occupied, as a desk

Language of Lahore

Cantankerous sort

Siouan people

1984 comedy in which Daryl Hannah plays a mermaid

Takes a turn

“Stop right there!”

Rapper ____ Dogg

“Little House on the Prairie,” e.g.?

“The Haunting of Hill House,” e.g.?

Grilled cornmeal cake popular in Latin America

Singer Zadora

No. in an email signature line

The “A” of P.G.A.: Abbr.

They’re in it for the long haul 38 Cocktail made with grenadine 40 “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,” e.g.? 42 One studying for a bar or bat mitzvah, usually 43 Onboarding participants 44 Wetland

45 “Back to Treasure Island,” e.g.? 48 “Ideas worth spreading” offshoot 49 Designers’ degs. 50 Ripen 51 Grandmother: Ger. 52 Prayer support? 53 Ballerina’s asset 54 Slugger Sammy 56 Justice ____ Brown Jackson 59 Like a bialy 61 “Crime and Punishment,” e.g.? 65 Make certain 67 Running the show, so to speak 68 Site of Vulcan’s forge 72 Vinaigrette vessel 73 Bit of butter 75 Suffix with block or stock 76 ____ vivant 77 Some family members, informally 78 Apple feature not found in the Apple logo 80 “If Beale Street Could Talk,” e.g.? 85 Some speaker systems, in brief 86 They often have large dollar signs on them, in cartoons 88 Stage name (and middle name) of Robyn Fenty 89 “Fantastic Mr. Fox,” e.g.? 91 They run parallel in a grocery store 93 14-time winner of the French Open 94 Fortune 95 Reddit Q. and A. 96 Some campers, in brief 97 Author Calvino 99 “The Help,” e.g.? 105 “The Secret Life of Bees,” e.g.? 109 One hundred, in Honduras 110 Sound from R2-D2 111 Ice cream flavor with a crunch 112 Straddling 113 Purple-crayon-carrying boy of childern’s literature

114 Spot for a trough 115 Autodom’s 88 or Toronado, once 116 Letters before the ZIP code 10001 117 Fresh 118 Terrier type

56 Wine cocktail 57 Legal suffix 58 Actress Aniston, familiarly 59 I, to Claudius 60 Prominent manufacturer of A.T.M.s 62 Daily grind 63 Mary ____, first lady’s maiden name 64 Large jug 65 Grande who has broken 27 (and counting) Guinness world records for musical accomplishments 66 Partly covered, in a way 69 Cut with a letter opener? 70 High times? 71 “My Way” lyricist Paul 72 Debate airer 73 The Rose City, so nicknamed for its pink sandstone 74 Bounds 78 Sun, in Santiago 79 Hit list 80 I.R.S. employee: Abbr. 81 Without direction 82 [I know it’s wrong] 83 Snippy 84 The creeps 86 1980s-’90s legal drama 87 All over again 90 Passover servings 91 ____ dozen 92 Some acids, informally 98 Student ____ 100 Phil ____, Joan Baez contemporary 101 Antipiracy org. 102 Role for George Burns, Morgan Freeman and Whoopi Goldberg 103 Tax amount 104 Pointer for an Olympian? 105 Scare word 106 Safari or Chrome address, in brief 107 Slip into 108 Catch sight of

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Stumped? Call 1-900-285-5656 to get the answers to any three clues by phone ($1.20 a minute). VOL. XV NO. 01 SUDOKU HARD | N° 99582 Fill in the grid so that every row, column and 3-by-3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9. www.printmysudoku.com 6 1 5 6 2 5 8 9 8 1 9 1 4 6 7 1 5 6 9 6 5 4 6 7 2 9 8 Grid n°99582 hard NEW YORK TIMES CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS Puzzle No. 1218 which appeared in the December 28th issue. NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE | NOVEL THINKING
DOWN 1 Hit it! 2 Sundance Film Festival site 3 Break down 4 Uses X-ray vision on 5 One side in the Battle of Thermopylae 6 On the same team 7 How guitars are strung 8 Sparkling wine region 9 Ergo 10 “Nasty!” 11 Hundred Acre Wood resident who sometimes falls into mouse holes while practicing jumping 12 Issued an edict, say 13 App developer’s target 14 Place of worship 15 Cat breed with a shabbysounding name 16 Fermented brew 17 Seoul singers 19 Indy-to-Memphis dir. 25 Toluca lucre 27 Reserved, as seats 28 Big affair 33 One might have three parts, with or without its last letter 34 Strength 36 “Whatevs” 37 Pick up 38 Spaghetti-sauce brand 39 Chaired 40 Word with small or deep 41 Perturb 42 Some spots for vaccines, in brief 43 Buses and trains 46 Film role played by a terrier named Terry 47 Saudi Arabia neighbor 49 Animal whose name comes from the Narragansett word for “twig-eater” 52 Parts of A.T.M.s 53 ____ chart 55 Some recesses | Puzzles Edited by Will Shortz | 0101 John Martz is a cartoonist, an illustrator and a book designer in Toronto, Ontario, who specializes in picture books and graphic novels for kids. This is his first published crossword. He found that constructing it was akin to composing a page of comics. “The processes share a similar choreography of boxes and words and visual design.” In the past he has created an end-of-year crossword for co-workers. This puzzle, coincidentally, grew out of last year’s. —W.S.



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