ONLY NINETY NINE LEFT! limited collection 2013
ABOUT US A story about okimono, okimono, okimono and some more okimono
Okimono is a design-driven brand offering high quality, eco-friendly and fair t-shirts for the young at heart. Collaborating with a growing variety of artists, Okimono is fueled by a collective of talented individuals who strive to create unique iconic designs ready to be worn with pride, off and on stage. Okimono shirts look great beneath a suit jacket or just on a pair of your favorite jeans. And they look even better worn together with your baby son. The shirts are available with a round and v-neck. The designs are released in a strictly limited series of 100 individually numbered t-shirts (on the back of the shirt), a common practice with art reproduction and greatly adding to the exclusivity of the shirts. The shirts are packed in a transparent tube, giving a nice small glimpse of what to expect.
COLLECTION Hurry up! The’re only a few left!
So beautiful! Yet so few!
Strictly Limited Editions The designs are released in a strictly limited series of 100 individually numbered t-shirts, a common practice with art reproduction and greatly adding to the exclusivity of the shirts. The number, design and artist are all printed on the lower back of the shirt.
It’s in a tube!
All shirts come in a great transparent tube. The tube label features great art work and contains shirt info, number, design and artist.
ROUND OR V? Some Okimono-designs are available with a round-neck others with a v-neck
RESPONSIBILITY At Okimono we only use eco friendly materials and try to live up to our social responsibility.
Okimono has adopted a Zero Tolerance policy with regard to the following minimum social responsibility criteria: • No use of child labour • No use of forced labour • Safe and healthy working conditions • Legal labour contracts • Payment of living wage • Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining • No discrimination against employees • No excessive hours of work
• Employment is freely chosen • There is no forced or bonded labour • Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected • Working conditions are safe and hygienic • Child labour must not be used • Living wages • Working hours are not excessive • No discrimination is practised • Regular employment is provided • Harsh or inhumane treatment is prohibited
Our shirts are manufactured under the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS). The aim of these standards is to define requirements to ensure organic status of textiles, from harvesting of the raw materials, through environmentally and socially responsible manufacturing up to labelling in order to provide a credible assurance to the end consumer. Approved are natural fibres that are certified organic and fibres from conversion period certified according to recognised international or national standards and certified by any IFOAM accredited or internationally recognised (according to ISO 65) certifier.
Cotton, the most valuable non-food agricultural product, is labelled as the worlds “dirtiest” crop. Vomiting, paralysis, incontinence, coma, seizures and death are some of the many side effects suffered by farmers and children in the developing world who are routinely exposed to pesticides, many of which are banned or restricted in use in the West.
The following social criteria currently apply to the textile processing level only. As far as a practical quality assurance system for the farm level will be in place, these social criteria also apply for the farm level.
Why choose Organic Cotton?
Steve Trent, Director of Environmental Justice Foundation, says “With no less than 99% of the world’s cotton farmers living in the developing world, the pesticides are applied in fields where illiteracy is high and safety awareness is low, putting both the environment and lives at risk”. He adds “The dangers faced by poor illiterate children and farmers, to keep our clothes cheap, is unacceptable”.