>> Holiday greetings from your local co-op!
>> Youth Tour contest opens
Our December issue honors the people who make our cooperative what it is and reflects the deep-rooted spirit of giving that defines us. This time of year brings reflection, gratitude, and a collective focus on community. Programs like Operation Round Up® (ORU) embody that commitment, showcasing how we make a difference together.
Since its adoption in 1993, ORU has been a testament to the generosity of our members. Those participating elect to round up their monthly electric bills, contributing a few extra cents that go a long way. While each member's annual contribution averages just $6, this collective effort supports those facing tough times in our seven-county service area. Every donation, big or small, illustrates what makes our cooperative special: the shared desire to uplift one another.
Our employees' dedication amplifies this impact. They work with care and skill to ensure our services remain reliable and consistent, reflecting their commitment to our members. The yearbook-style employee section in this issue offers a glimpse of the faces behind the service you rely on. It's a reminder that our cooperative isn't just infrastructure; it comprises neighbors, friends, and family who take pride in their work and care deeply about the community.
During the holidays, the bonds within our cooperative become even more apparent. Our employees support one another and extend that same care to our members. Their commitment embodies the values that drive us year-round—service, connection, and community. When our members contribute to programs like ORU and our employees give their all, it creates a circle of support that highlights what truly sets us apart.
As you read through this issue, see the faces of those who dedicate their time and energy to improving our community, and know that your involvement as a member is just as vital. Together, we make a difference. The spirit of giving doesn't just happen—it thrives because of people like you who choose to be part of something bigger.
From all of us at OEC, we wish you a warm, joyous holiday season. Thank you for being part of our community. We look forward to continuing this journey of service and connection in the year ahead.
Danny Watters, President 7 District7Trustee@okcoop.org
Ronnie Grover, Vice President 4 District4Trustee@okcoop.org
John Jensen, Sec./Treas. 6 District6Trustee@okcoop.org
Mike Argo, Asst. Sec./Treas. 1
Danny Drake, Jr. 2
Debbie Frazier 3
Bob Usry 8
Ronnie Tharp 9
Shirley Idleman 5
OEC linemen bring light to a remote Guatemalan village
OEC opens Youth Tour contest for high school juniors
History repeats itself. During the 1930s in the United States, farmers banded together to bring themselves the gift of electricity and form rural electric cooperatives. Today, electric cooperatives power more than 1.1 million Oklahomans and 42 million people nationwide.
In a tremendous display of giving back, 15 volunteers from Oklahoma’s electric cooperatives recently returned from Guatemala – during National Cooperative Month – where they spent three weeks building powerlines, installing transformers and wiring homes to turn the lights on for the first time in the village of Barejones.
The international electrification project is possible through the coordination of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s philanthropic arm, NRECA International.
The project, which took place in the region of Jalapa, about three hours from Guatemala City, consisted of 51 poles and approximately five miles of line. The team installed three transformers and wired 19 homes and two elementary schools. A second phase of the village will be completed in January 2025 by lineworkers from Ohio’s electric cooperatives. Homes were equipped with four lightbulbs, two switches and two outlets. 5031201300
The locals live in extreme poverty conditions without running water, plumbing and food refrigeration. The villagers depend on farming operations for economic sustainment; they produce corn, pepper, tomatoes and green
beans among other agricultural products. They also raise farm animals.
“Bringing electricity to remote areas in developing countries takes electric cooperatives back to their roots,” says Chris Meyers, general manager of the Oklahoma Association of Electric Cooperatives. “It reinforces our commitment to improve the quality of life for local communities at home and abroad. Access to electricity will bring economic empowerment, better access to health care and education and enhanced safety for these villagers. It’s a life-changing gift.”
The following Oklahoma volunteers served on the project: Team Leader Derec Janaway (Oklahoma Association of Electric Cooperatives, Oklahoma City), Clint Robinson (Central Rural Electric Cooperative, Stillwater),
Billy Patterson (CKenergy Electric Cooperative, Binger), Zac Smith (Cimarron Electric Cooperative, Kingfisher), Case Hurst (Cotton Electric Cooperative, Walters), Damon Lester (Indian Electric Cooperative, Cleveland), Shane Stiger (Indian Electric Cooperative, Cleveland), Duncan Nelson (Indian
Electric Cooperative, Cleveland), Matt Montgomery (Northeast Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, Vinita), Jon Enkey (Lake Region Electric Cooperative, Hulbert), Jacob McFarlane (Oklahoma Electric Cooperatve, Norman), Tony Ramirez (Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, Norman), Trevor
"It was incredible to witness the sense of community and happiness in this remote village. Their curiousity and enthusiasm will stay with me.” — Tony Ramirez
Howard (Northwestern Electric Cooperative, Woodward). Additionally, communications support on the mission was provided by Lance Shaw (Oklahoma Association of Electric Cooperatives, Oklahoma City) and KorDale Lornes (Red River Valley REA, Marietta).
Oklahoma’s electric cooperatives have established a 501(c)3 not-forprofit, The Oklahoma Energy Trails Foundation, to support this cause. The Energy Trails Foundation has sponsored seven projects since 2016. All contributions to the Foundation are tax-deductible. Collectively, Oklahoma’s electric cooperatives have made possible nearly 1,000 firsttime electric connections through the international electrification projects.
Perhaps OEC’s best-known and most anticipated youth program, Youth Tour offers high school juniors a week-long, all-expenses-paid educational trip to Washington, D.C. in June of each year. Four deserving students travel with the Oklahoma delegation (70+ students) to our nation’s capital where they tour historic sites and national landmarks, meet Oklahoma’s congressional delegation and more.
Currently, the Youth Tour trip is scheduled for June 1319, 2025. 0413311204
Applicants will submit an essay or written speech on the topic outlined below.
Community Outreach
Carrie Koesler at 217-6726 or carrie.koesler@ okcoop.org.
• A high school junior residing in OEC's service area
• Available to attend the Speech Workshop, Live Presentation (March 6), and Youth Tour (June 13-19)
• Confirmed availability with parents, coaches, church group, club sponsors, etc.
applicants will be selected as finalists to progress in the contest winners will be selected following their live presentations March 6
Over 80 years ago, America’s farmers and rural citizens joined together to bring electricity to their communities — communities which the for-profit companies refused to serve. As a result, they improved the quality of life for rural Americans by satisfying an unmet need. Co-ops of all kinds bring that same spirit of purpose and cooperation to the changing needs of a new generation.
Write an essay explaining How Cooperatives Stregthen Your Community.
Write an original essay or speech answering the above question. Ensure it's 750-900 words and double-spaced. Deadline to enter is Jan. 24.
Submit your essay through the online entry form. Be sure to mention Oklahoma Electric Cooperative (OEC) in your application essay. Address questions to Carrie Koesler at carrie.koesler@okcoop.org.
Eight finalists are required to attend a halfday speech workshop to be held the morning of February 15, 2025. There, they will learn techniques to hone their speech craft and visual presentation skills as well as co-op information.
Finalists will present their co-op ideas live before three judges on Thursday, March 6, 2025, at a banquet held at OEC's headquarters.
In this contest, judges look for each applicant's power of persuasion – first in writing and then in oration. Present your speech with confidence, showing your understanding of cooperatives and their impact. Convince the judges that coops play an essential role in every community. Make a strong connection by highlighting that supporting cooperatives means investing in the resilience and prosperity of local communities.
Learn more at okcoop.org/YouthTour and, when you're ready, scan this QR code to apply.
Merry Christmas & happy holidays from all of us at OEC.
Our offices will be closed Dec. 24 and 25 and Jan. 1 so our employees can enjoy the holidays with their families. Please call (405) 321-2024 or use your MyOEC mobile app to report a power outage or safety hazard.
• ‘94 Oldsmobile 4dr 900 not running; ‘02 yamaha 650 kept inside 1800 actual miles 2600. 818-9011.
• ‘20 Lexus ES 350 Premium Package $22,000. 213-9399.
• ‘12 volkswagon jetta diesel gray, car will start but needs some work on motor body in good condition 1700 or best offer. 640-1629.
• ‘98 GMC pickup mileage is 159,620 tags up to date Fourwheel drive Starts but won’t keep running New Battery $3000 cash only. 381-9096.
• ‘12 Caravan runs and drives, has miss $1,000 OBO Call for details. 222-9068.
• ‘99 gmc serria z-71, fresh rebuilt motor, new tires, needs transmission, $2000 dollars. 642-6662.
• ‘80 Jeep Grand Wagoneer runs but needs restoration $3,500. 388-5962.
• ‘02 Yamaha 650 CC 1,800 original miles $2600. 818-9011.
• ‘64 Oldsmobile 98 4 dr not running $900. 818-9011.
• ‘23 Kawasaki Mule Pro Fxt Le, Great UTV, Excellent Shape, under manufacturer warranty, new tire and rim for spare, soft cover, extendable utility bed, room for 6 individuals, Rides Great, Loads of Fun. 687-0482.
• Large boxcar 5,000 or best offer located 207 east broadway Lexington ok great for storage. 568-1737.
• hay equipment and misc farm stuff, pipe and rod. 391-3688.
• 100-6’ T-post $4 50ea; 50-6’6” T-post $5 00ea; 5-spools used barbed wire $25 00ea; 12-7’6” x 2 1/2” pipe posts $9 50ea; 10-5”x8’ treated posts $60; 124”x7’6” treated posts $50; call/ text. 226-9186.
• 89,3 horse trailor 5th wheel; New tires x4 $6,900. 432-556-9893.
• 2 cream separators both antique manual 2 gallon is in excellent condition electric 5 gallon needs motor both have all parts text for pictures and prices. 800-4530.
• GE gas free standing, selfcleaning range also, convection, 5 burner, clean $250 cash. 255-2771.
• Kirby heritage vacum clearner $25. 596-4750.
• High quality Bermuda grass hay round and squares Newcastle, OK. 826-0120.
• Small square bales of Bermuda $10/bale and round bales of Bermuda also available. 459-6543.
• Firewood - Pecan and Oak seasoned $110 per rick. 808-5568.
• 2nd cutting Bermuda hay fertilized and sprayed 4x5 round bales $75/bale. 388-5658.
• Premium Small square bermuda grass horse hay in 21 bale bundles or mid square 3x3’s, sprayed and fertilized, located in East Norman. 850-1005.
• 20ft Gooseneck Trailer, 2023, 84” wide floor, 7k axles, 14 ply tires, new spare, 60” slide in trailer ramps, new condition, $7000. 206-7329.
• Nigeran Dwarf - Pygmy goats (Lake Thunderbird area) Males $75 Females $150. 414-5463.
• Southdown Babydoll ram, wethered, black, born January 2022, $400, Choctaw. 979-0947.
• 5 black angus bulls, 1 red angus bull, 7 months to 3 yrs. 391-3688.
• Kittens 9 mos old male vacc neut; female; indoors only; lve mess, Lexington. 761-0672.
• Aussiedoodle puppies, all colors, ready to go in December, Goldsby. 401-4012.
• Shih tzu; Bichon frise; and shichon puppies; micro chipped; current vaccinations; started on potty training doggy door trained; in Goldsby, OK. 918839 6420.
• Live mealworms $10 for 200 and $25 starter farm kits text for more info. 566-7107.
• Farm raised beef calves, grass fed grain finished with LNC feed rations, butcher date April of 25, whole or half calf, call for info. 474-3541.
• Masonry Work & Repair: brick, block, stone & repair, All size jobs: fireplaces, mailboxes, planters, tuck pointing, pavers, brick replacement due to erosion; 40yrs experience, competitive prices. 779-5362.
• Stump Grinding: competitive prices, shrubs & some tree removal, call Danny. 779-5362.
• 30x30 commercial greenhouse metal frame, all parts in good shape, all on lowboy trailer, part of plants “n” things garden center business, $1000 or best offer. 625-3017.
• Farm Fresh Brown Eggs $3,50 per dozen 4 1/4 mile North of Lexington on East side of road. 205-4146.
• Railroad ties # 2 grade $20 00 each Can deliver for additional fee depending on distance and number of ties purchased Located Southeast Norman. 570-5166.
• Piano for sale, good condition, $300 or best offer, buyer moves. 985-5139 or 996-8096.
• Remington 760 pump 30-06 with scope $1200. 213-4336.
• at least 3,000 cubic yards of free fill dirt, more possible, must have own equipment, no pickups and shovels, south of Tuttle. 830-3369.
• Two adjacent plots Sunset Memorial Park Cemetery, Good Shepherd Garden 262A/B; $5,000 for the pair; buyer pays transfer. 413-2500.
• 2 niches at Resthaven Garden Mausoleum Numbers 9 and 10 Purchased for $8200 00 Selling for $7,000. 469-831-5608.
• 2 Spaces at Resthaven Memorial Garden Cemetery located at SW104th and Western OKC) Garden of Nativity Section 20 Lot 1141 Spaces 1,2; worth appr $4500 each will sell for $2500 each, plus $500 transfer fee. 919-1334.
• 2 Inogen One G5 portable machines with 3 large BA-516 batteries and 1 smaller BA-500 Battery, with machine charger and a stand-alone charger, carrying case; 1- Devilbliss 5 liter home machine and 1 - Stratus 5 home machine; 1 Philips Respironics Trilogy 100 Ventilator; All for $5500 cash; Lexington. 651-8262.
• Angel iron red primed, 4”x4”x3/8”x20’ clean, $120 00 per stick, must be picked up delivery not available. 401-4956.
• nordictrack workout machine, everything works, $125. 392-2264.
• From our Farm to your Freezerdelicious tender BEEF- in NW Norman 1/4s, 1/2s, Wholes or Custom, give us a call. 850-6652 or 802-3327.
• W: Nice Metal Detector - Text Works Best. 641-7582.
• Manual Wheelchair ($50) Some wear on wheels but otherwise in good condition; Located in near Riverwind Casino. 268-3218.
• Vision sport electric wheelchair ($1750) Comes with red and blue bumpers, battery charger and manual Operates from slow to fast speeds Great condition with a few minor scuffs; Located in near Riverwind Casino. 268-3218.
• Vacuumed sealed shelled pecans $8 a pound. 391-3319.
• Private individual interested in buying small or very small oil & gas royalties or mineral rights in Oklahoma. 802-4227.
• Zinger Electric wheelchair New condition weighs 40 lbs two handed controls 1 standard battery and 1 longer lasting battery, $1550. 651-8262.
• Guns F/S: Titan 25cal Pocket Rocket - made in Italy: $250 & High Standard 9shot 22 Mag Revolver $350 All State/Federal laws observed. 641-7582.
• 30’x40’ bolt together tan metal building 1 overhead door 16’x12’ , 2 overhead doors 10’x12’ , 2 walk doors, buyer removes building $25,000. 222-8792.
• FN 509 Tactical 9MM with Burris Fastfire 3 Red Dot Sight $1000. 426-5686.
• 2 aquarium stands-13x25x27 and13x48x28. 857-2881.
• Medical handicap shower chair large size,good condition,white color, $30 Christmas for someone. 684-0350.
• 2 vintage gas heaters, $200 each; berger transit level and tripod includes original case and story pole, $250; can send pics: 823-7310.
• Mid Missouri brand mandolin, hand made, blond, “A” style, made from solid woods, no laminates, gig bag included, $250. 550-2862.
• Just in time for ChristmasJohn Deere L110 Lawn tractor w/42 inch mower Tractor just “refurbed”, starts easily and does not smoke , $900. 590-2451.
• 2 niches at Resthaven Garden Mausoleum Numbers 9 and 10 Purchased for $8200 00 Selling for $7,000. 831-5608.
• 2 Spaces at Resthaven Memorial Garden Cemetery located at SW104th and Western OKC) Garden of Nativity Section 20 Lot 1141 Spaces 1,2; Worth appr $4500 00 each will sell for $2500 each, plus $500 transfer fee. 919-1334.
• 2 cemetery lots in Rest Haven Memorial Garden, $3500 each, please text. 664-6203.
• FOR LEASE - Steel “Star Mfg” 70’x40’ horse barn, shop or storage building; and Pole Hay Barn 100’x30’ with tall 14’ doors. 205-8159.
• Live Mealworms $5 for 150, $10 for 300; Mealworm starter farm colony $30; Oak Firewood split ricks for sale $100 for more info text. 566-7107.
• 4x7 Trailor New tires single axel New flooring / freshly painted, $499. 535-8863.
• Two 55 gallon trash barrels w/ leds & locking rings $12 each & 300 gallon water tank $300. 535-8863.
• ‘67 larsen 16ft deep v 80hp johnson, runs good, good cond $2,100. 387-5425.
• ‘22 Prowler dual axle, Model 280RK, 34’ length, kitchen living room slide out, electric levelers, outdoor shower, one owner, $25,000 negotiable. 292-7709.
• For sale as is 33ft Travel trailer 4500 or trade for a golf cart Gary Miller. 414-1965.
• For sale: ‘16 Palimino Sabre, 5th wheel, 38 ft long, 3 slide outs, fireplace, propane bottle inc good condition, call for photos, $40,000. 420-1561.
• Commercial Building for rent, 5000 sq ft, 716 N Richland Rd, Tuttle, OK. 410-6023.
• Small custom-built houses,1,2&3 bedroom starting at $69,500, top quality construction by a father and son team delivered to your land, limited availability, call Mel for details. 990-9235.
• Wooded lot, no structures, Located in Oak Cliff Estates, East of Binger, Access to 40 acre lake, $12,500. 320-8139.
• Property for sale two homes on it; For appointments or questions call Sheila Kelley. 641-6861.
• Peace and Privacy on 4,48 wooded acres; Manufactured homes and Barndos welcome, Livestock allowed, Noble Schools; $50,000. 229-7571.
• Beautiful 3,359 Acres ready for your dream home; Manufactured homes and Barndos welcome, Dibble School District, Livestock allowed; $68,000. 229-7571.
• Wanted Appliances and scrap metal lawn mowers hw heaters air conditioners microwave farm equipment bicycles auto parts. 863-7492.
• Wanted Appliances, AC units, mowers, motors, Farm Implements, almost any Metal Scrap, no fencing please; Blanchard, Bridge Creek, area, Free Removal. 416-0127 or 306-6974.
• Wanted, prickly pear cactus red or purple fruits; also called cactus pear or tuna in Spanish; will pick. 802-4227.
• W: Cowboy Style 22 Cal Revolver - Older is OK. 641-7582.
• Wanted to Buy: Vintage Barbie dolls, plus Barbie’s family, friends, clothes and accessories from 1959 through 1973. 250-3394.
• WANTED: Someone with a backhoe who will dig a grave for two horses, on owners property, Bridgecreek/Newcastle area, please advise of charge for this service. 456-0898.
• WANTED: Towing, wrecker service, unlocking, battery jump. 919-8353.
• Handyman for Hire: off-duty fireman, remodel, painting, flooring (tile, laminates, etc), sheetrock, roofing, siding, fences, decks, carports, room additions, windows & doors, custom made bookcases, shelving, cabinets, etc General home repair; All types of construction, 37yrs exp; 2455502 or 381-2007.
• American Blinds & Shutters: Off-duty fireman, window treatments for home or business. Free estimates. 245-5502 or 381-2007.
• You dream it, and I can build it: Custom cedar swing sets, forts, playhouses, she sheds, backyard cottages with kitchen and bath, poolhouses, all types of furniture, bookcases, etc. Off duty fireman, 381-2007 or 245-5502.
• Construction & Fabrication: In shop or on site; welding, fabrication, Equipment building and repair; oilfield through New and existing construction, custom work; I’m also looking for used oilfield equipment, like pumps, generators, heat exchangers, air boosters, structural steel, derricks, sub structures, etc. 308-5742.
• Oilfield & Construction Equipment: Fabrication & machine shop equipment and machines, Diesel engines, Pump Drives, Transmissions, Pto’s, etc. 308-5742.
• C&B Paint Co: 15yrs experience, insured, interior/ exterior painting, popcorn ceiling removal, custom textures & drywall repairs. Cnbpainting. com or call Cody for a reasonable yet fair price. 431-9601.
• Certified CNA: services to take care of your loved ones, 25 years of experience, have great references and will work in the Norman, Moore and South OKC area. 572-522-3141..
• Annie & Lloyd Tree & Landscape LLC: Certified arborist Tree trimming, planting, removal, landscaping. 314-3607.
• Jim’s Painting & Remodeling: interior & exterior wallpaper, popcorn ceiling removal, sheetrock repairs, texture, power washing, deck and fence staining, free estimates, quality work, 20yrs exp erience & insured. 366-0722.
• JL Painting: Commercial & residential sheetrock, wood repairs, custom texturing, interior/exterior, insured, free estimates. 314-0755.
• Sunshine Realty LLC: Rhonda Simmons Broker/Owner, Residential, Commercial, Foreclosures, Short Sales, Service buyers/sellers throughout Oklahoma, Active OK Licenses, call/text Rhonda (405) 808-0705, #142160 & #175498 or Cody Simmons, 405-203-2449, #183016, www. sunshinerealty.realtor
• Masonry Work & Repair: brick, block, stone & repair. All size jobs: fireplaces, mailboxes, planters, tuck pointing, pavers, brick replacement due to erosion. 40yrs experience, competitive prices. Danny, 779-5362.
• Miller Exterior Services: Would love to help you with your lawncare needs: Mowing, Edging, Weed Trimming, Tree Trimming, Stump Grinding, Wood Chipping and Fencing; Veteran owned companycompetitive prices -reliable service. 405-973-7080.
• Alfredo Medina III Construction: All types of quality concrete work at an affordable price, no job too large or small; satisfaction guaranteed, free estimates, 405-664-9820.
• Bowman’s Welding Service: Fences, corrals, entryways, alleyways, ornamental fence, any type of welding, shop or portable. 360-8091 or 990-1084.
• Stump Grinding: competitive prices, shrubs & some tree removal, call Danny. 779-5362.
• Weld Up Steel Buildings: 30x30x12= 25,836.00, 40x50= 44,920.00, 40x100= 81428.00, Pricing includes concrete one walk dr, and garage dr, 872-0338.
• Bargain Barns: 18x21 stell carport = 1395.00, 12x31 rv cover = 2505.00, 24x31 steel garage = 7710.00, Delivery and installation included, call 872-0338.
• Portable buildings: 8x10 mini barn = 2410.00, 10x16 lofted barn = 4425.00, 12x28 garage = 8710.00, 872-0338.
• Jimmie’s Sewing Machine Repair: Blanchard, OK. 544-7139.
• Stump Grinding: Norman area no job to big or small, call or text 405-410-5221.
• Argo Siding & Windows: Windows, doors, siding, patio rooms, carports, remodeling, room additions, tile, painting, roofing, we also do skirting and repair siding on mobile homes. 255-5553, leave message.
• Harrah 44 Tire: Now open! Located at SE 44th and Harrah Road in Harrah, We provide new & used tires, brakes, and oil changes. 907-9538.
• Small Excavator: Small tree removal, trenches, stump removal. Call for free estimate. 761-3764.
• Prime Septic: Septic Installation, Repairs and Pumping. 226-2930.
• TJ Property Solutions Real Estate Company: Helping Buyers, Sellers and Real Estate Investors; Looking to Buy or Sell real estate? Have investment properties you need managed? I can help; Call Tosha Fennell, REALTOR. 487-7183.
• Brush hog: with 6’ brush hog $45 an hour with 3 hour minimum 20 years experience call W Swopes. 255-3440.
• Storm cellar/safe room: above ground; solid 8” steel-reinforced concrete attached to your home at floor level; no steps; f-5 rating custom built. 990-9235.
• Construction Remodeling: Father and Son Team, Old School Service. 990-9235.
• J&S TIRE REPAIR: 18504 VALLEY DRIVE NORMAN OK 73026 (LITTLE AXE OK). 580-565-9489.
• A&ECO Cleaning Services: Far more than sparkling clean rooms & offices, this service does it all; deep cleaning is just the beginning for this crew, repairing, rearranging, whatever needs to be done, local and dependable. 305-910-1160.
• Tractor Services: Off-Duty Firefighter offering brush hogging, grapple work, tilling, dirt and gravel grading. Gage Christian. 420-5646.
• Confused about MEDICARE??: I can help; Turning 65? Already 65?; Not affiliated with the U.S. Government or the Federal Medicare Program. Licensed Agent Pauline Martinez. 620-0959.
Hazelnut Crust:
1 ¼cups (180 grams) raw hazelnuts
1cup (125 grams) rice flour
¼ tsp salt
½ cup (112 grams) sugar
6 tbsp (100 grams) softened butter, more as necessary
• Clean up & Haul Off Trash and Debris: from properties & building interiors; tree removal; Professional, neatly finished job; Insured; Have Refrences, Jerry Richardson. 850-0577.
• Leeths Corrective Horse Shoeing, Tree Removal, Stump Grinding and Masonry Repair LLC: Call Johnny. 7610214 or 641-7849.
• Culverts installed, bush hogging, concrete removal, water lines, excavater work: 617-6827.
• Cash For JUNK: Unwanted Vehicles 213-3775.
Cranberry Curd:
12oz (340 grams) cranberries
1 cup (225 grams) sugar
Peel (orange part only) and juice of 1 orange (about ½ cup)
1 stick (113 grams) softened butter
2eggs plus 2 egg yolks
1. Make the crust: Heat oven to 325 degrees. Put hazelnuts on a baking sheet and roast for 10 to 15 minutes, until skins darken and crack. Put roasted nuts in a clean towel and rub off skins. Discard skins and let nuts cool.
2. In a food processor, grind nuts with half the rice flour until mixture resembles coarse cornmeal. Add remaining rice flour and salt and pulse briefly.
3. Cream sugar and butter in a mixing bowl for a minute or two until pale and thick. Add nut mixture and pulse until dough comes together. If it seems crumbly, add 1 to 2 tablespoons softened butter or a little cold water.
4. Press dough evenly into a 10-inch tart pan. Prick bottom with a fork and freeze for 30 minutes.
5. Heat oven to 350 degrees. Bake chilled tart shell about 15 minutes until lightly brown. Cool.
6. While the crust bakes and cools, make the cranberry curd: Put cranberries, sugar and orange juice and peel in a saucepan over medium heat. Simmer until cranberries have popped and softened, 10 minutes. Purée the cooked cranberry and orange mixture with an immersion blender. Press through a fine-mesh sieve.) Whisk the butter into the warm liquid.
7. Put eggs and egg yolks into a bowl and beat lightly. Slowly whisk a cup of warm cranberry liquid into the eggs to temper, then combine both and whisk together. Return liquid to pot and cook over low heat until nearly bubbling and thickened, about 10 minutes. Cool to room temperature.
8. Pour cooled cranberry curd into the tart shell and smooth top with a spatula. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes to set curd. Cool on a rack. Store at room temperature for up to 2 days.
via cooking.nytimes.com
Data collected from Western Farmers Electric Cooperative reflects generation during October 2024.
To view real-time generation output and environmental benefits of OEC's Solar Garden, visit link.okcoop.org/solar Visit link.okcoop.org/solar-garden-tours to tour OEC's Solar Garden, located at Interstate