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OEC members may submit one free classified ad per month, limit 25 words. Ads selling services will be placed in the Business section and cost 50¢ per word. Submit all ads at www.okcoop.org/classifiedads.
• 3 1965 mercury comets, two @ $2500 each one @$4500. 642-1927.
• Tool box that fits full size pick up asking $100 obo call for picture or more info. 588-7203.
• ‘12 GMC crew cab truck, 220k mi, 4WD, VGC, $15,000 OBO; Custom built 9’long smoker on new 12Lx7W s/a trailer w/new 6-ply tires 3,750 OBO; Allison MT647 automatic transmission, 650; looking for 3-phase or deisel welder. 308-5742.
• 2003 M/B C230K, needs A/C compressor Black leather lots of miles, $1000, due to health, not going to repair, Noble, leave msg. 410-8980.
• ‘12 GMC crew cab truck, 220k mi, 4WD, VGC, 2nd owner, $16,000 obo; Custom built 9’ long smoker on new 12Lx7W s/a trailer w/new 6 ply tires, $3750 obo; ‘66 Autocar, triple winch rig w/truck, $5000 obo. 590-3394 or 308-5742.
• ‘69 c10 lwb 355 with nitrous 400 turbo trans 4.11 gears with a locker. very clean, no rust, call or text for info. 318-3769.
• ‘05 White Chevy Equinox, low mileage, good condition, $3500, call if interested. 735-6108.
• Wanted small bumper pull camper. 517-1721.
• ‘86 Ford F250 Diesel, needs work on engine, $700. 206-7314.
• ’97 Ford f250 gas engine work truck super cab $2000. 642-1927,
• ‘05 White Chevy Equinox, low mileage, good condition, $3500. 735-6108.
• ‘09 Harley Davidson Tri-Glide Ultra Classic 6100 miles $25,000 obo. 794-2521 or 885-0444.
• John Deere LT155 20 HP lawn tractor, runs well, Tractor has power-takeoff and can accept implements/accessories, mower deck is broken, $200. 464-1492.
• ’05 John Deere brush hog, MX- 10, 10 foot, loc in Blanchard, 10 ft, $6,500. 642-1745.
• 3-pt hookup sprayer, call for more info, $900. 317-3411.
• Mize produce & Greenhouse East Norman, Vegetable plants, bedding plants, hanging baskets, Aray of colors must see 8 am-6 pm Mon-Sun. 501-0646.
• Swisher pull behind side 60in mower od39 needs tune up $300. 366-6166.
• Health issues require sale of partially restored 1946 A Farmall tractor with belly mower. 329-0721.
• Top Hat 16 ft dual axle utility trailer with Bulldog hitch, excellent condition, $1500. 919-1419.
• 1952 Ford Jubilee Tractor, 12 volt system, $5500. 642-1927.
• 42 inch C raftsman riding lawn mower, hydrastatic, exc cond, paid $3000, will take $500, Yukon. 590-7422.
• ‘85 Ford 1210 Tractor, 4wd, 16hp Diesel, 683hrs, 3pt, good tires, new battery, comes with belly mower, box blade, brushhog, disk, fertilizer spreader, $3,500. 203-8501.
• 2015 Big Tex 14GN-28, 7000# single axles, 16” tires, $4500; 24 ton Northstar log splitter on trailer Honda GX 160, lightly used, $1200. 623-9438.
• BlackMax 6250 generator, 9hp OHV engine, 5000 watts; Gravely model 8 tractor w/brush hog, sulky, pre-68 by Studebaker; woodburning Buck enclosed fireplace insert. 872-5361 or 872-8903.
• ‘08 gm1072r grooming mower 3 point hook up, 72inch cut rarely used $2100 and 5 foot box blade $450, great condition kept in barn. 892-9455.
• 20 ft heavy duty utility trailer with let down ramps, bumper pull, $2500. 642-1927.
• 16 ft bumper pull trailer $500. 642-1927.
• 2 Horse straight-load trailer for sale, Bumper pull, New tires, Good floor, Needs some welding/paint, All steel, Good for renovation practice, some rust, asking $1400. 412-9502.
• John Deere backhoe/frontend loader $2500; ‘74 Chevy C-65 dump truck $1000; ‘81 International/Bluebird school bus, converted for hunting/ activities, gas/auto, $2750, leave msg. 381-3500.
• Wanted salvage rough tractors from 1960-2020, 2WD or 4WD. 641-7728.
• Custom wood growth charts, handcrafted, wood burned, fourteen stain options, pine $75, oak $85, name customization available, makes a great baby shower gift. 550-5943.
• Canning supplies, extra large pressure cooker $25 and many fruit jars 50 cents each. 366-6166.
• 11’x15’ heavy wool area rug, cost $1,500, asking $500; Matching rug for dining area, $100. 317-3411.
• Two matching Lazy Boy recliners excellent condition, paisley tan hues $225 each. 485-2019.
• Antique brown buffet, excellent condition; Laser cut metal art of horse 4x5ft; 2 Folding 12 ft wood event tables on wheels, Brian, will text photos/prices. 905-0579.
• Small square premium bermuda grass horse hay in 21 bale bundles, loaded on your trailer, sprayed and fertilized. 850-1005.
• Homing pigeons have to many have to sell, price depends on how many you buy starting at $2, if buy more then 10; Also lovely raised kittens for sale $65, all have shots must go to a loving homes ready for adoption. 474-4261.
• Bunnies, turkeys hatching eggs, chicks and guinea pigs, Please call WJ. 527-5105.
• AKC German Shepherd puppies, All are Solid Black, Born 4/8/20, check out our website for more information including upcoming litters of black/tan, gsdpuppies4sale-curtisfarmgermanshepherds.com, or text. 250-3062.
• Australian Shephard puppies, they are Mini and full size; 2 Black tri, 3 red merles. 740-5692.
• American Blackbelly lambs, Buff orpington hatching eggs, Pond plants available-lilies, yellow iris, etc, call for prices, Tuttle. 640-4651.
• All ages of bantam chicks, $3-5; ducklings $4-5; goslings $15-20; Slaughterville text or call. 872-8870.
• 19 year old Missouri Foxtrotter Mare, Easy keeper, sweet ride, can no longer ride due to injury, text. 255-1950.
• Free to good homes, kittens 4 were born 3-24-2020, 3 were born 4-5-2020, all are litter box trained, all are eating Friskies cat food, dry and canned. 598-8427.
• 2 reg Black&White paint mares, gentle, 21 and 16 yrs old, $3000 each. 387-2531.
• Bulls for sale, Registered Irish Black/Angus Cattle Bulls for Sale, great American breed, excellent genetics, docile, heat tolerant, highly fertile, in central OK. 831-1689.
• Wanted: Anatolian or Anatolian/ Pyrenees mix puppy for goat guard dog; For Sale: 10KW Coleman Generator, generator shot but excellent Pro 15 Kohler motor $150. 820-0363.
• AKC German Shepherd puppies, 4 litters due this year, put down your deposit today, information is all on our website gsdpuppies4sale-curtisfarm-germanshepherds.com, Mustang OK. 250-3062.
• Surplus rifles, russian sks, norinco sks, mosin nagants. 387-5425.
• Masonry Work & Repair: brick, block, stone & repair. All size jobs: fireplaces, mailboxes, planters, tuck pointing, pavers, brick replacement due to erosion. 40yrs experience, competitive prices. Danny, 329-2230.
• Stump Grinding: competitive prices, shrubs & some tree removal, call Danny. 329-2230.
• Remington model 7400, 30- 06 auto with Leupold Vari X3, 3.5X10; rifle is excellent, scope is mint; $800 for both or may separate. 570-0072.
• 2 burial plots at Sunset Memorial Park in Norman, in sold out Garden of the Good Shepard, $4300. 447-9899.
• 1250 Multilith offset Printing press w/receding stacker; extra parts press; and lots of parts; light table; darkroom equipment; paper drill. 527-6030.
• Savage 17HMR for sale model 93R17, shoots nice groups, with scope, text for details. 918-822-1402.
• Bison brand 4 horse trailer with living quarters, One owner, selling due to husband’s death, Call for details. 550-9014.
• Five 8ft folding tables $25 each. 642-1927.
• Hospital bed, older model electric, free. 823-9051.
• Poulen chainsaw $10, Scott 2000 fertilizer spreader $20, 3 terriums & accessories $50, new 7 piece kamado grill accessories $50, 14” trailer rims $20. 684-0350.
• Large wood and charcoal cooker/ smoker, Heavy Duty, Custom Made, Two Inside racks, 36” tall, 15” wide, bargain at $95. Call 292-6299 or text 620-3523.
• Fresh Brown eggs, Organic, Free Range Hens, $3 dozen. 795-1030.
• W: Ham Radio / Shortwave Gear, etc- Older is OK. 641-7582.
• Brother 361 printer, Schulze Pretreat, The Maxx Press, New $28,241, asking $14,000 OBO, Blanchard. 760-8268.
• Concrete construction rebar 20 ft long aprox 20 ea, $4ea; J hook plate supports aprox 20 ea, $5ea; Sewing machines w cabinets: one Singer zigzags, one White zigzag, one vintage w cabinet, all good working condition; modern three panel doors 16ea sev sizes. 366-6166.
• Jacobsen Greens KingIV diesel greens cutter mower $575 needs a new seat cover. 823-7310.
• Used Electrical Panels (2) - Siemens 600 Volt 200 Amp HNF364R with fuses and HF364R without fuses good condition; asking $375 for both. 693-6991.
• Local 100% Raw Honey With Pollen in Blanchard, Newcastle, Tuttle, 9 Gallons Left, Buy More Save, Will Divide, Call with message I’ll call back. 392-3123.
• Large wood Charcoal cooker/ smoker, heavy duty, customer made, two inside racks, 36” tall, 15” wide bargain at $95, call or text. 292-6299 or text 620-3523.
• Many bolts and yardage various fabrics great for crafts clothing etc; many big brown grocery sacks with all kinds-sizes sewingcraft patternsl great for beginners or experienced. 366-6166.
• Solar panels new 45W high output 21inx26in ($100 each); 305W nice used panels 41inx61in ($150 each); Controllers available PWM or MPPT just ask. 250- 1632 or darrengrant39@gmail. com.
• Direct to garment printing, Brother 361 Printer,S chulze Pretreat, The Maxx Press, Purchased new ($28,241) asking $13,000 OBO, Blanchard. 760-8268.
• 2000 Ford Expedition, 225000+ miles, 2WD, $1997 or Best Offer, needs TLC; Have half-pint jelly jars, button lids available; Rose rocks wanted, leave message/text. 802-4227.
• 2016 Troybilt 42 in, 7 Speed Pony, used 1 season, $575; King Sized C2 Sleep Number bed, never used, still in the box, $800. 387-4793.
• Sporting Clays 16’ shooting trailer with tandem axles with shooting stations, traps and targets, has hut for storage, complete and ready to use, $5000, leave msg. 381-3500.
• Motorized wheelchair and ramp. 872-7069.
• Ruger Alaskan 454 Casull with dies and new 45 Colt and Casull brass, $875, Contact Gary. 570-0072.
• Craftsman Radial Arm Saw, 10” with stand, runs great, $100, Call Gary. 570-0072.
• 14x70 Mobile home, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, remodeled kitchen, electric cook stove, and new roof, will need to be moved call chris. 615-2347.
• \2000 Terry Trailer 39 ft bumper pull one slide out, $5000. 642-1927.
• 16ft TriHull DeMagic boat very good condition w/Dilly trailer/ new tires, Force 50hp outboard motor, current title on both motor and boat, $350 cash. 527-5451.
• ‘07 Hitchhiker LS 29½ ft, Great condition, Clean and garage kept, good tires, king bed, 3 slides, washer/dryer hookup, Gas/electric Surround sound, $18,000. 615-9925.
• 2000 mobile home 14X60, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, $7,000 obo, Goldsby area, needs few repairs. 615-0187.
• 15ft aliner solidwall folddown, a/c, sleeps 4, $11650: nissanxterra 29000mi $18400: tuttle. 550-0387.
• 2016 MGP Cruiser RV, 31’ bumper pull, fiberglass, front living, very nice, need to pay off, more infor call. 421-3337.
• 32 ft ‘08 Gulfstream Kingsport 5thWhl, sleeps 6, frontBR, frig runs elec orGas, dual propane and disposal tanks, everything works, $7900, F250 available also. 918-650-2084.
• 20 ft Pontoon Boat, 50hp Mercury motor, Sun Tracker Bass Buggy, good condition , New trailer, tires, $3,500, Thunderbird Lake area. 401-1859.
• 2002 Rialta RV 89,000 miles HD class C $27,000; storm G3810103 eleven 81 electric bike $1,149; woman’s trek navigator 200 $150. 386-6735.
• ‘94 Harris 24’ Pontoon, 3.0L/125hp Mercruiser I/O engine, new upholstery, vented cover, potti, grill, swivel deck seats, skis, life jackets, + more, T-bird/Norman, $7,500. 360-3490.
• Want to sell your acreage property? Contact Metro Brokers Acreage Specialist, www.OkRealtySolutions.com, call or text to get started today. 417-1849.
• 6 ac w/new water well; septic, electric; 16x80 2bd/2bath mobile home and old farmhouse; pecan trees, Corbett/Lexington Area, $73,500 FIRM; Text questions or interest. 593-6542.
• Newalla: 2bd/1bth, appliances, wood floors, 1/4 acre, frame for shop, cul-de-sac; 59th & Harrah- Newalla Rd; empty, move-in ready; $59K. 608-9320.
• 3500+/- sq ft house on one acre, business/home with 30x50 bldg, Tuttle, outside city, great location, 269,999, For Sale By Owner, message or text. 232-4455.
• 5-80 acres, rolling hills, views, wooded, hunter’s paradise, lots of trees, highway 9 and Harrah Rd. 314-0755.
• FSBO 120 acres m/l, close to Foss Lake, NW corner of Hwy 73 & N2070 Rd, rural water & electric. 392-4804 or 640-4653.
• 2¼ Beautiful improved Acres, Fenced, Large trees, well, septic, electric, storm cellar, Must Sell, Reduced 10-K $28,500, 2 miles from T-Bird, 2402 168 Ave NE. 990-9235.
• 3 br 2 bath home on 2.5 acres, Newcastle trees, in ground pool, fenced yard, out buildings, quite, peaceful dead end road. 517-5471.
• 10 acres N/E 60th Norman, ready to build a house, $206,000 call or text. 642-0119.
• Someone to bale my hay, late summer and fall, I need it net wrapped, I will do the cutting and raking, call or text. 990-0027.
• House cleaner for large house in the Newcastle area, must be honest reliable and furnish references, call or text. 642-4554.
• 22 Rifle or Revolver, older is OK, voice or tex. 641-7582.
• Looking to buy toys from 70s-to now, Star Wars, Gi Joe, MASK, LEGO, He-man, MEGO, collections big and small, looking for comics also. 306-1462.
• Miniature mare or Welsh mare or Shetland mare wanted, call Tom. 321-0095.
• American Blinds & Shutters: Off-duty fireman, window treatments for home or business. Free estimates. 245-5502 or 381-2007.
• Handyman for Hire:off-duty fireman, remodel, painting, flooring (tile, laminates, etc), sheetrock, roofing, siding, fences, decks, carports, room additions, windows & doors, custom made bookcases, shelving, cabinets, etc. General home repair. All types of construction, 39 yrs exp. 245-5502 or 381-2007.
• C&B Paint Co: 15yrs experience, insured, interior/ exterior painting, popcorn ceiling removal, custom textures & drywall repairs. Cnbpainting. com or call Cody for a reasonable yet fair price. 496-5265.
• Jim’s Painting & Remodeling:interior & exterior wallpaper, popcorn ceiling removal, sheetrock repairs, texture, power washing, deck and fence staining, free estimates, quality work, 20yrs experience & insured. 366-0722.
• JL Painting: Commercial & residential sheetrock, wood repairs, custom texturing, interior/exterior, insured, free estimates. 314-0755.
• Sunshine Realty LLC: Rhonda Simmons Broker Owner, Residential, Commercial, Homes on Acreage, Acreage, Foreclosures, Short Sales, Service buyers/sellers in most areas of Oklahoma, active licenses #142160 & #175498, call or text Rhonda at (405) 808- 0705 or Cody Simmons, Realtor® (405) 203-2449 active license #183016. www.sunshinerealty. realtor.
• Brushog, boxblade: tilling, dirt and gravel work, driveways, tree removal, yard cleanup, fences Kevin 872-9576 or 365-6875
• Greg Moore Excavation: Septic systems, grading, backhoes, dozer, driveways gravel or concrete, building pads, BBB accredited, service and honesty is our goal. 388-5430.
• Meyer Masonry: Brick, block, rock, 35yrs exp, free estimates. Keith, 527-4934.
• Clint's Lawn Care: mowing, weed trimming and edging; one to five acres; Newcastle, Blanchard, Tuttle and Bridge Creek; I›m a Veteran with years of lawn care experience. 229-1046.
• Masonry Work & Repair: brick, block, stone & repair. All size jobs: fireplaces, mailboxes, planters, tuck pointing, pavers, brick replacement due to erosion. 40yrs experience, competitive prices. Danny, 329- 2230 .
• Taylor Auto Sales: 634-3565.
• Argo Siding & Windows: Windows, doors, siding, patio rooms, carports, remodeling, room additions, tile, painting, roofing, we also do skirting and repair siding on mobile homes. 255-5553 or 329-0553, leave message.
• Affordable lawncare and mowing: weeding, spraying, some tree work, Noble to Lexington area, call Jim at 693-5341.
• Pipe fence construction and repair: 40 years experience, Tony Keller 694-8490.
• Stump Grinding: competitive prices, shrubs & some tree removal, call Danny. 329-2230.
• Bowman’s Welding Service: Fences, corrals, entryways, alleyways, ornamental fence, any type of welding, shop or portable. 360-8091 or 990-1084.
• Portable buildings: 12x20 lofted barn $3830 or $177.31/ mo; 8x10 mini barn $1465 or $67.82/mo; 10x20 cottage barn $2840 or $131.48/mo. 405-872- 0338 or bargainbarnsusa.com
• Weld Up Steel Buildings: 30x40=$17,300; 4 0 x 5 0 = $ 2 6 , 9 0 0 ; 40x100=$49,000, price includes concrete & installation. 405-872- 0338 or bargainbarnsusa.com.
• Bargains Barns: 18x21 steel carport=$1195; 12x31 RV cover=$2085; 20 x 21 garage=$4285; 24x31 garage=$6195, financing available. 405-872-0338.
• Clean up & haul off: trash & debris from properties and building interiors. For a professional, neatly finished job, call Jerry Richardson, insured, references. 850-0577.
• CL Williams Excavating Services LLC: Water lines, sewer lines, septic systems, storm shelters, footings, driveways, trenching and more. DEQ certified, bonded and insured. Call for free estimate. 226-2930.
• Tractor work: gravel drives, brushoging, tree work, dirt work, tilling, finish mowing. 808-8202
• “The Piddler”: Need anything done around your house or property, call “The Piddler” Chet Adams. 248-0495.
• Seamless Guttering: Country Ridge Enterprises New installation or replacement, repairs, clean out and leaf guard. Local Norman company. Insured *Free Estimates* Call James. (405)623-2354.
• Outdoor services: dirt & gravel work, driveways, brushog, tilling, boxblade, yard cleanup, tree removal, fences built or repaired Kevin 365-6875 or 872-9576.
• Tractor work, brush hogging, box blade. 365-7572.
• I buy tractors running or not. 365-7572.
• Tractor repair 40 years exp, Slaughterville. 365-7572.