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Welcome Change of Pace
Better internet makes transition from office to home a stress-free solution
From the beginning, OEC Fiber has talked about our mission to improve the lives of rural Oklahomans. We’ve talked about the impact our speed and reliability has had on our service area. But what do the people using the service say?
They are your friends and neighbors. The woman in front of you in line for a morning cup of coffee. Your next-door neighbor mowing their lawn early on a Saturday morning. These are the people whose lives have been changed through the addition of OEC Fiber.
We recently reached out to subscribers directly to ask them for their stories. We wanted to know the difference that OEC Fiber had made in their lives. These firsthand accounts tell us more about what OEC Fiber can do than anything anyone in our office could ever say.
Chelsee Wilson of Blanchard told us about the struggles she and her family had after moving back to Blanchard. The best internet option they had available was an antenna on their roof. Think about that for a second. Watching TV with an antenna is hard enough.
Weather can cause your signal to go in and out, changing coverage without warning and enjoying it in every room of your home can be nearly impossible unless you want to rewire everything. Imagine doing that with your internet.
Like many of us, the pandemic moved Chelsee’s workspace from the office to her home. How can you work from home without good internet?
“I had no idea how I was going to do my job,” said Chelsee.
With internet speeds at frequently less than 5 Mbps, barely enough to check email, it was a more than valid concern. Most streaming content requires 15-25 Mbps. That makes Zoom meetings we have all become accustomed to over the last year nearly impossible.
Chelsee and her husband Tanner signed up for service as soon as it became available. Our crews worked hard to bring her online as quickly as possible. Now, the stress of wondering how she is going to do her job has disappeared.
“The fiber… has made working from home a breeze!” Chelsee said.
What about you? How has OEC Fiber impacted your life? Share your #subscriberstory with us at www.OECFiber.com/stories.