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OEC Fiber Connects First Customers

Have you heard? OEC Fiber is open for business! But take note: it will take some time before it's available to everyone.

"We have a couple of zones opened for sign-ups in the East Norman and Noble areas with more to be announced soon," said Kayla Brandt, OEC Fiber creative director.

While we can’t connect everyone at once, we appreciate your patience as we continue to build out our network to eventually serve all OEC members with some of the fastest internet in the nation."

The progress OEC Fiber has made is remarkable, especially when considering construction began a mere 11 months ago. Connecting internet service to homes and businesses requires time and careful planning, but we're working hard so all members can enjoy it sooner rather than later.

To be the first to learn about new zones as they open, make sure to like and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (@OECFiber) and be signed up for updates at www.OECFiber.com. We always reach out to OEC members and those who have signed up for updates in each zone once it’s opened, but following us on social media loops you in on every new zone as it’s opened.

Finally, we have heard your requests and have a new zone map uploaded on our website! You can find this map at www.OECFiber.com/map and it will be updated with new zones as they’re opened. Areas in green are open for service sign-ups now, so stay tuned as we continue to add more green to the map.

Thank you for your patience as we continue rolling out high-speed internet less than a year after construction first began.

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