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Planting Energy Savings One Tree at a Time
OEC gives away 200 free trees to members
As one of only two certified Tree Line USA Utility electric cooperatives in Oklahoma, OEC partnered with the Arbor Day Foundation in October to give away 200 trees to members who signed up online. To date, OEC has given away more than 400 free trees. [1628420301]
Daniel Lofland, OEC's energy efficiency solutions specialist, organized the giveaway and stressed the importance of a strategically placed tree when it comes to saving energy and money and offered tips for anyone planting vegetation.
"First, look up. If there are overhead power lines where you are wanting to plant a tree that could grow to be 20 feet tall, plant it at least 10 feet away from that line," he suggested. "Also, it is extremely important to call Okie to have all underground lines located before you plant a tree of any kind. Any costs from damage incurred without having lines located first is on the homeowner."
The direction your home faces plays a critical role in deciding where to plant trees. In which rooms in your home do you spend most summer afternoons? Consider planting trees to shade those windows from the hot summer sun. Thinking about energy savings in the fall might help lessen next summer's bills.
"Fall is a great time of year to plant trees," Lofland said. "Be sure to survey your property and pinpoint which windows would benefit best from being shaded.
The Energy-Saving Trees program is part of the Arbor Day Foundation's Time for Trees initiative to plant 100 million trees in forests and communities around the globe and inspire 5 million tree planters to help carry the mission forward. For more information and a full tree planting guide, visit the tree trimming and vegetation management page at www.okcoop.org.