2 minute read
From the Top with CEO Patrick Grace
Last month, we wrapped up another successful Drive-Thru Annual Meeting, and I want to take a moment to reflect on how our cooperative continues to evolve to better serve you, our valued members. This was our second year using the drive-thru format, and it proved again to be a great way to engage more members. We saw a strong turnout, and I appreciate everyone who participated, whether you attended in person or supported us from afar.
Your involvement in this meeting was significant as we voted to approve a small but essential bylaw change. Thank you to everyone who took part in this process. Our cooperative thrives on the participation of its members, and it’s truly inspiring to see so many of you actively shaping the future of our organization.
It’s a reminder of the values that define us: transparency, member-driven decisions and a commitment to meeting the needs of our communities.
The drive-thru format offers a convenient way for members to connect with us and participate in the cooperative’s business. We’re committed to making these events informative, efficient and enjoyable for everyone involved. As always, we appreciate your feedback on how we can make each year’s meeting even better.
In addition to the cooperative's business, I’d like to highlight something that matters deeply to us all: voting. As members of a cooperative rooted in local values, we know the importance of making our voices heard. Participating in local, state and national elections is one way to advocate for policies that support our communities. It’s also a way to ensure that our rural voices are represented. I encourage you to take part in the upcoming election season. Research the issues, find your polling place and make a plan to vote.
As we move forward, I want you to know that we’re here to support you—providing reliable electric and fiber services and fostering a community where everyone’s voice matters. Thank you for being an engaged member of our cooperative. Together, we’re building a brighter, more connected future.