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OEC Foundation Grants $50,000 to Local Organizations, Families
The OEC Foundation, Inc. board of directors met Oct. 11 to review applications submitted by individuals and organizations for the Operation Round Up ® (ORU) program. A total of $50,924 was approved for disbursement to 17 organizations and families.
Assistance League of Norman received $10,000 for its Operation School Bell program. The board also granted $10,000 to the Citizens Advisory Board to provide beds for children in foster care.
Other grant recipients included Women's Resource Center ($7,000 for drainage and flooding solutions, as well as a bathroom remodel to be ADA-compliant), Food and Shelter, Inc. ($5,000 for operating expenses), Salvation Army of Cleveland County ($5,000 to community Christmas assistance), Bridge Creek Schools ($3,000 for its Christmas Food Baskets project), Grady County Sheriff's Office ($2,980 for officer equipment), Friends of Tuttle Public Library ($2,400 for library computers), Blanchard Lions Special Olympics ($1,500 for travel expenses); and Special Olympics Oklahoma ($1,000 for Winter Games funding).
"Thanks to the generosity of so many OEC members by rounding up their bills each month, we were able to meet a lot of community needs this month," said Alan Davenport, OEC Foundation board president.
Seven individuals received grants that will provide dentures, vision care, tree removal and home essentials.
ORU is made possible by the thousands of OEC members who choose to round up their electric bills to the nearest dollar each month. Applications — individual and organizational — are available at www. okcoop.org/ORU.
Applications submitted by Nov. 18 will be reviewed at the next meeting, scheduled for Dec. 3. Contact Education and Outreach Programs Director Tory Tedder-Loffland at ORU@okcoop.org or 405-217- 6726 for questions regarding the program or application process.
Pat Ragsdale of Tuttle joined the OEC Foundation board in September, He succeeded Leroy Bayliff, who generously served on the board for 10 years and retired last month. Ragsdale is a retired principal of Tuttle High School and a long-time OEC member with daughters who have participated in Energy Camp and Youth Tour.