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From the Top with CEO Patrick Grace
October is National Cooperative Month, and we love celebrating all that makes us and the thousands of other cooperatives unique.
One of the most distinctive differences between a co-op and an investor-owned business is the fact that co-ops are not-for-profit entities that operate at-cost. When profits are made above operating costs, we distribute those margins back to the consumer-members, not investors. What we refer to as "capital credits" represent these margins.
In October, virtually every member who purchased electricity in 2008 will receive a check in the mail from OEC. You will find more information about capital credits along with the check, or you can visit www.okcoop.org to learn more.
But the value of being part of a co-op doesn't lie solely in its financial health. It's true that no one benefits financially from a co-op business, so there are no profits or motivation for profits. What we hang our hats on is our dedication to quality, service and safety.
You — our member-consumers — are why we are in business and who we are in business to serve. This is shown through our commitment to our communities, our focus on providing reliable electric service, our transparency and, most recently, our relentless effort to provide you with high-speed, affordable internet service.
You are more to us at OEC than just a customer. We hope you know that, as your trusted energy advisor, we strive to improve your quality of life through the safe delivery of highly reliable, reasonably priced electric service, innovative energy programs and exceptional member service.