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Official business at the Annual Meeting
Those attending the Drive-Thru Annual Meeting on Sept. 27 will have the opportunity to take an active part in their cooperative by conducting official business. Members will be asked if they approve minutes from the 2023 OEC Annual Meeting (shown below), as well as the 2023 financial statements (see page 8). If a quorum of five (5) percent of OEC’s members attend the meeting, votes will be tallied and reflected in the meeting minutes.
Below is a copy of the items on the ballot. Enlarged versions are available at okcoop.org.
Members may arrive and register at the Lloyd Noble Center parking lot at any point between 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 27. As you arrive, a friendly OEC employee will give you a ballot, which you will give to a separate OEC employee when you arrive at the registration tent.
Beginning at 7:15 p.m. on OEC’s YouTube page (youtube.com/OklaElec), we hope you will join us for a brief business meeting and the drawing of four $500 grand prizes.
This will conclude this year’s Annual Meeting. We invite you to give us feedback via a survey link, which will be provided in the program you will receive at the event.
Meeting Minutes
Oklahoma 10, Oklahoma September 15, 2023
The members of Oklahoma Electric Cooperative held their Annual Meeting on September 15, 2023, via Drive-Thru at the Lloyd Noble Center, Norman, Oklahoma, pursuant to written notice which had been previously given to members, according to the By-Laws.
Autumn McMahon made welcoming remarks. She then turned the meeting to OEC Attorney Greg Tontz, who acted as the Secretary for the meeting. The Secretary certified that 3,378 members had registered at the meeting, which satisfied the required quorum minimum of 2,441 members. Attorney Tontz then conducted a business meeting. Tontz announced that the registered members had voted by written ballot in favor of approving the minutes of previous meetings of the members on August 9, 2019, and August 5, 2022 (No Annual Meeting was held in years 2020 and 2021 due to health and safety concerns surrounding the COVID19 pandemic.)
Attorney Tontz then announced that the registered members had voted by written ballot in favor of the approval of the financial reports of OEC for 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 and that the expenditures and actions of the Trustees for those years had been approved by the members
The ballot count for approval of the minutes and financial reports as set forth above was 3,304 (YES) and 42 (NO).
The following newly-elected Trustees were administered the oath of office, each to serve a three-year term representing the District set opposite the respective name:
District - 4 - RONNIE GROVER
District - 8 - BOB USRY
Patrick Grace, OEC Manager and CEO, and each of the Trustees, addressed the members by video
Following the business meeting the winners of the two (2) $1,000 grand prize drawings were announced, and the meeting was concluded.
Ballot Preview
Those who attend the DriveThru Annual Meeting on Sept. 27 between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. will be given two ballots like those pictured below. Simply check Yes or No, and a friendly OEC employee will ask you for the ballots after you register.