The Chronic Magazine (August 2021)

Page 46

Family-Owned Industry

by Carisa Rowe


I suggest you begin this article by asking Google to define

Even in the case of brands like Cookies, Peak, or Starbudz –

I found a paper by industrial/organizational psychologist, Dr.

“family”. Open the dictionary definition that auto-populates

all brands that are recognizable in other legal markets, the

Gerald Pulvermacher, which details the keys to a functional family

and you can read nearly a dozen definitions for this

company is still majority locally owned, thanks to SQ 788

business. In that paper, “What Makes a Family Business

complicated concept. The easiest definition is that a family

activists. Having an accessible market to enter like

Functional vs. Dysfunctional?”, Dr. Pulvermacher lists twelve

consists of people connected by genetic bonds but that is

Oklahoma’s gave many families the inspiration they needed

observations he believes to be essential behaviors of functional

rarely enough of an explanation for what a family actually is.

to pool resources and launch a family weed business.

family businesses.

The definition lists other arrangements, including the informal

When the weed market was born here, just three short

The top three considerations Dr. Pulvermacher lists include

definition of a “group of people united in […] activity”. The

years ago this past June, two types of families got into the

respect, an emotionally safe environment, and accountability. In

word provided in those brackets was “criminal” and I guess,

biz: those with no prohibition experience or those with a

my observations as a consultant, I agree wholeheartedly with

federally, that’s what we are in the weed industry. That

legacy of “marijuana”. There are many variables that come

these foundational elements. If a company, whether it is family-

definition, like all definitions for family, falls far too short of

into play, of course, but the most compelling differential

owned or not, does not promote an environment of respect, it

describing this sort of a family.

(from my perspective) is the criminality factor of this

cannot be successful.

industry and how it affects legal commerce and industry



It might also help to have a clear definition for “family


business”. The Small Business Administration identifies a

The amount of respect that a company creates for its team is directly proportional to the company’s continued success. When

family business as “any company wherein two or more

The success of a family business in the cannabis industry in

respect is the norm in a company, it creates a safe environment

family members operate the business and the majority

Oklahoma seems dependent on whether the business has

and within that structure, accountability comes easily.

control lies within the family”. Family businesses employ

enough criminals to navigate the traditions of this industry.

nearly two-thirds of all American workers and generate more

The downfall to criminalizing cannabis for more than eight

The most functional companies I have consulted in this industry

than 64% of the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP).

decades is the secrecy required to maintain commerce.

have professional environments that are considerate of the staff,

Family-owned businesses maintain the economy and are

Secrets, by their very nature, create an environment of

businesses have leadership that recognizes the value of hard

responsible for the overall well-being of their employees.

deceit. When you must operate the family business in

work and who offer understanding when productivity or energy is

That certainly holds true in the Oklahoma cannabis industry

secret, the family dynamic becomes one of distrust. There


where activists worked vigorously to ensure that local

are a majority of research papers available to dissect

ownership would hold priority over out-of-state interests.

functional and dysfunctional family business models.

as employees, and as non-employees. These family-owned

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