The Chronic Magazine - August 2023

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CONTENTS 7BESTCANNABIS-INFUSEDBEAUTYPRODUCTS THECHRONICMAGAZINE AUGUST2023 19 SUMMERBLISS Withmoreandmoreofthecountry(andworld)gainingacceptanceof cannabis, there will likely be more big branded companies coming out withhempandCBDinfusedproducts Ifyou'rean adventurous soullookingto embarkona journeywhere youcan indulgeinthe greenherb and experiencethe beautyofthe world,this articleisfor you. 16 31 CONCENTRATEDNEWS UndercoverOperationLeadstoMassiveIllegal DrugSeizureatPopularNorwalkShop COOKINGWITHABUZ! Sun-KissedGrilledPeachandArugulaSalad withCanna-BalsamicGlaze WEED&WANDERLUST STAYCOOL&CHILL Exploringtherefreshingpotentialof cannabisinthesummerheat CANNASCIENCE 07 THELATESTBEAUTYBUZZ 7BestCannabis-infusedbeautyproducts EXPLORINGTHE POTENTIALBENEFITS UNLOCKSUMMERGLOW WITHCBD Discoverthesoothingbenefitsforyour skin&sunburnrelief. 09 12 16 19 25 31 37 43 GANJAEXPOSÉ Blazin'CelebrityNews 48 DiscovertheTOP10weed-friendly destinationsforyour2023traveladventure TheMulti-facetedTerpeneFoundin Cannabis&Beyond-TheWorldof CannabinoidsandTerpenes 8Delightfulcannabistreatsfor ultimatesummervibes. ofCannabisforTouretteSyndrome

Chill-InfusedLemonade: Quench your thirst and chill out with a refreshing cannabis-infused lemonade Start with freshlysqueezedlemonjuice,addahintofsweetener,and infuse it with a cannabis tincture of your choice. Whether you opt for a CBD-infused lemonade for relaxation or a balanced THC:CBD blend for a mild buzz, this thirstquenching beverage will keep you cool and blissful throughoutthesummer


Blissful Berry Smoothie: Blend up a delightful cannabisinfused berry smoothie that bursts with fruity flavors and soothing effects Combine your favorite berries, such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, with yogurt, a splashofjuice,andacannabis-infusedoilorbutter.Blend until smooth, pour into a glass, and savor the refreshing tasteandgentlecannabisbuzz

Asthesunshinesbrighterandthetemperaturesrise,it'stime to embrace the ultimate summer vibes and infuse your season with a touch of cannabis magic From refreshing beverages to frozen delights and fruity concoctions, we ' ve curatedalistofeightdelightfulcannabis-infusedtreatsthat will elevate your summer experience to a whole new level Thesecreationsnotonlyprovideadeliciouswaytobeatthe heatbutalsoofferauniquewaytoenhanceyourrelaxation andenjoymentduringthesunnydaysahead Getreadyto embark on a journey of summertime bliss with these mouthwateringcannabis-infusedtreats

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Elevated Watermelon Gazpacho: Add a cannabistwisttoaclassicsummertimesoup withanelevatedwatermelongazpacho Blend together juicy watermelon chunks, cucumber, bell pepper, tomato, onion, and a touch of cannabis-infusedoliveoil.Theresultisachilled andvibrantsoupthatnotonlyrefreshesyour palatebutalsoupliftsyoursenseswithasubtle cannabisinfusion

Cannabis-Infused BBQ Sauce: Take your summer grilling to the next level with a homemade cannabis-infused BBQ sauce Combine ketchup, brown sugar, apple cider vinegar,spices,andacannabistinctureoroil tocreateatangyandsmokysaucethatadds a delightful kick to your grilled meats and vegetables Enjoytheflavorsofsummerwitha cannabistwist

Cannabis-Infused Caprese Skewers: Elevate your summer gatherings with cannabis-infused Caprese skewers Assemblecherrytomatoes,freshmozzarella, and basil leaves on skewers, and drizzle them with a cannabis-infused balsamic glaze Thesebite-sizeddelightsarenotonly visuallyappealingbutalsoofferadelightful combinationofflavors,makingthemperfect foroutdoorpicnicsorpoolsidesnacking

Zenful Mango Sorbet: Indulge in a Zenful Mango Sorbet that combines the tropical flavors of mango with the calming effects of cannabis Blendfreshmangochunks,coconut milk,andacannabistinctureoroil Freezethe mixtureinanicecreammakerorinacontainer, stirringoccasionally,foralusciousandcooling treat that brings a taste of paradise to your summerdays

EnlightenedGrilledFruitSkewers:Grillingisn't justforsavorydishes;itcanalsoworkwonders with fruits Create cannabis-infused grilled fruitskewersbythreadingyourfavoritefruits, suchaspineapple,peaches,andstrawberries, ontoskewers Grillthemuntilcaramelizedand servewithadrizzleofcannabis-infusedhoney

Thisdelectabledessertcombinesthesmoky flavors of the grill with the sweetness of fruit andahintofcannabis-infusedbliss

Relaxing Lavender-Infused Lemon Bars: Unwind and enjoy the calming benefits of lavender with cannabis-infused lemon bars The buttery shortbreadcrustpairsperfectlywithazestylemon fillinginfusedwithlavender-infusedcannabisoilor butterThesebarsaretheepitomeofrelaxationand indulgence,providingasweettreatthathelpsmelt awaythestressoftheday

Embrace the ultimate summertime bliss with these eight delightful cannabis-infused treats that elevate your summer vibes to new heights. From refreshinglemonadesandsmoothiestoelevatedgazpachoandsweetdesserts,eachrecipeoffersauniquewaytoenhanceyoursummerexperience withthesoothingandupliftingeffectsofcannabisAsyousavorthesedelicioustreats,remembertoconsumeresponsibly,startwithlowdoses,andallow ampletimefortheeffectstokickinbeforedecidingtoindulgefurther So,kickback,relax,andenjoytheultimatesummertimeblisswiththesedelightful cannabis-infusedtreatsthataresuretomakeyoursummerunforgettableCheerstoaseasonofrelaxation,enjoyment,andcannabis-infusedbliss! AUGUST 2023 8



LivingwithTourettesyndromecanbechallenging,astheinvoluntaryticsand associatedsymptomscansignificantlyimpactdailylife.Whileconventional treatmentsexist,manyindividualsareseekingalternativeapproachesto managetheirsymptomsInrecentyears,cannabishasemergedasa potentialoptionworthconsideringAsacannabisandnaturopathicexpert,I'd liketoshedlightonthepotentialbenefitsofcannabisinthetreatmentof Tourettesyndrome.

Aswecontinuetoexplorethetherapeuticpotentialofcannabis,it'scrucialto advocateforrigorousresearch,clinicaltrials,andevidence-basedpractices Bycombiningthewisdomofnaturopathicmedicinewiththepotentialof cannabis,wecanpavethewayforbettermanagementofTourettesyndrome andimprovedqualityoflifeforthoseaffectedbythiscondition.

Withthisbeingsaidcannabishasshownpromiseinthe treatmentofTourettesyndrome,aneurological disordercharacterizedbyinvoluntaryrepetitive movementsandvocalizationsknownastics.There havebeenaplethoraofstudiesthatprovide preliminaryevidencesupportingthepotentialbenefits ofcannabisinthetreatmentofTourettesyndrome However,it'simportanttonotethatfurtherresearch, includinglarge-scaleclinicaltrials,isneededto establishthesafety,efficacy,optimaldosing,andlongtermeffectsofcannabisasatreatmentoptionfor Tourettesyndrome

Whilemoreresearchisneededtofullyunderstandits effects,hereisanoverviewofhowcannabismay potentiallyhelpinthetreatmentofTourettesyndrome:

SymptomManagement:Cannabis, particularlycannabinoidslikeTHC(delta-9tetrahydrocannabinol)andCBD (cannabidiol),hasbeenreportedtohave potentialtherapeuticeffectsonreducingthe frequencyandseverityofticsassociatedwith TourettesyndromeSomestudiessuggest thatcannabinoidscanmodulatetherelease ofneurotransmittersandaffectthe functioningofthebasalganglia,abrain regioninvolvedinmotorcontrol

AnxietyandObsessive-Compulsive Symptoms:TourettesyndromeoftencooccurswithanxietydisordersandobsessivecompulsivesymptomsCBD,inparticular,has beenfoundtohaveanxiolytic(anti-anxiety) andantipsychoticpropertiesThismayhelp alleviateanxietyandobsessive-compulsive symptomscommonlyexperiencedby individualswithTourettesyndrome.

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Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms: Tourette syndrome often co-occurs with anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive symptoms CBD,inparticular,hasbeenfoundtohaveanxiolytic (anti-anxiety) and antipsychotic properties. This may help alleviate anxiety and obsessivecompulsive symptoms commonly experienced by individualswithTourettesyndrome

Side Effect Management: Tourette syndrome medications may have side effects that can be challenging for some individuals. Cannabis has beenexploredasapotentialalternativeoradjunct treatmentformanagingthesesideeffects,suchas nausea,insomnia,andappetitechanges

It's important to note that the use of cannabis for Tourettesyndromeshouldbeapproachedwithcaution andundertheguidanceofahealthcareprofessional While some individuals report positive effects, others maynotexperiencethesamebenefits Additionally,the legalstatusofcannabisvariesfromcountrytocountry and even within different regions, so it's crucial to adheretolocallawsandregulations

If you or someone you know is considering using cannabisforTourettesyndrome,itisrecommendedto consult with a knowledgeable cannabis therapy consultant who can assess your specific situation, provideguidance,andmonitoryourprogress Theycan help determine the appropriate cultivar, dosage, and administration method for your needs, taking into account potential interactions with other medications andindividualhealthconsiderations

Further research is ongoing to better understand the efficacy,safety,andlong-termeffectsofcannabisasa treatment for Tourette syndrome Clinical trials and scientificstudiesarecrucialtobuildastrongerevidence base and provide clearer guidance for healthcare professionals and individuals seeking relief from Tourettesyndromesymptoms

Allinformationinthisarticleisfor educationalpurposesonly.Please checkwithyourCannabisEducated PrimaryHealthCarePhysicianor CannabisTherapyConsultantbefore beginninganynewdietorlifestyle change.

Dr.PepperHernandez,CNHPisa NaturopathicNutritionist,Cannabis TherapyConsultant&Cannabis HolisticInstituteFounderand EducationDirector.Tofindoutmore aboutherprivatepractice, educationalprograms,videosand otherofferingsyoucanfindheronthe massiveinterwebsat Goforth,GoCannabis AUGUST 2023 10

Concentrated N E W S

UndercoverOperationLeadsto MassiveIllegalDrugSeizureat PopularNorwalkShop

Connecticut - A shocking arrest took place on Tuesday as Norwalk police apprehendedanemployeeatSmoke House 1, a well-known vape shop on Connecticut Avenue Acting on an ongoing investigation, authorities seized a significant amount of marijuana,THCproducts,psychedelic mushrooms, and various other items It appears that this smoke shop was operating without the necessary license to sell these substances, promptingthepoliceaction

In the recent operation, the Special Services Division of the department made a significant discovery They raided a shop and confiscated a variety of illegal substances and relateditems Thisincludes1kilogram of marijuana, hundreds of products with THC levels exceeding the legal limit, psychedelic mushrooms, products containing psychedelic mushrooms, fraudulent medical marijuana decals, packaging and weighing tools for marijuana, sales records, financial documents, and approximately $9,000 in cash The employee, a 36-year-old man from Yonkers, New York, was charged by the police for a variety of drugrelatedoffenses

For better reading experience


ReluctancetoEmbraceCannabis LoungesRaisesQuestionsAbout IndustryAcceptance

Nevada-Althoughcannabisisnowlegalin Nevada,electedofficialsarehesitanttofully embrace it as a legitimate part of the economy Recently, Washoe County commissioners voted against allowing cannabis consumption lounges to operate in unincorporated areas, highlighting the ongoingchallengesfacedbyentrepreneurs in an industry that has long been criticized bydrugopponentsandprohibitionists.

In a disappointing outcome, the vote effectively ends SoL Cannabis' plans to establish the first cannabis lounge in NorthernNevada Thiswouldhaveprovided a unique space for adults to legally consumecannabisproducts

The recent vote doesn't just affect one cannabiscompany,buttheentireindustry

WildHeistinDowntownL.A.:Carjacked VehicleSmashesintoCannabis DispensarywithDriverinTrunk

California - In the early hours of Wednesday morning, a carjacked vehicle was used to crash into an illegal cannabis dispensaryindowntownL.A.Thesuspectswereabletofleethe scene before law enforcement arrived, and evaded arrest PoliceinLosAngelesrushedtothesceneafterreceiving

a report of gunshots near Hooper Avenue and 15th Avenue in downtown LA The incident occurred at approximately 4 a.m. on Wednesday According to reports, a black vehicle crashedthroughthesteelgate attheillegalshopverycloseto the intersection officers were at Inabrazenincident,fiveto six suspects allegedly carjacked a driver at Washington Blvd and Central Ave,forcingthedriverintothe trunkofthevehicle


Theculprits then proceededto drivetoa dispensary andcrashed throughthe frontofthe building, potentiallyin reverse. AUGUST 2023 12

by the numbers


OKLAHOMA In a recent operation, agents from the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics conducted a raid on a warehouse in Oklahoma City This warehouse was being utilized as a hub for trafficking millions of dollarsworthofmarijuana

OBN reports reveal that the warehouse served as a major hub for shipping Oklahoma-grown marijuana across state lines. Oklahoma has quickly become the centerforillegalcannabisoperationsinthe country


Criminal organizations are orchestrating the transportation of large quantities of marijuana from farms to warehouses in Oklahoma City To avoid suspicion, the marijuanaiscleverlyconcealedinboxesthat appeartoholdlegalproducts Fromthere,it isloadedontosemi-trucksanddistributedto their accomplices throughout the United States, according to OBN Spokesman Mark Woodward


Cannabis organizations have launched a petition urging the state's Supreme Court to overturn House Bill 2179. This controversial law introduced a tiered licensing system for cannabis growers and processors The law officiallywentintoeffectonJune1st.

Oklahomans for Responsible Cannabis Action and several cannabis businesses have launched a petition against the Oklahoma MedicalMarijuanaAuthority

Cannabisbusinessesinthestateusedtopaya feeof$2,500,butunderthenewlaw,theymay nowfacefeesashighas$50,000.

Photo:OklahomaBureauofNarcotics AUGUST 2023 14

Sun-KissedGrilledPeach andArugulaSaladwith Canna-BalsamicGlaze

Yields:4 servings


Preparation& CookingTime: 25-30minutes

4ripepeaches,halvedandpitted 4cupsarugula



1/4cupslicedalmonds,toasted Freshbasilleaves,forgarnish 1tablespoonofcannaoliveoilforgrilling





First,Preheatyourgrilltomedium-high heat,andtheninasmallsaucepan, combinethebalsamicvinegarand honey Bringthemixturetoasimmer overmediumheat,cookingforabout 5-7minutes,stirringoccasionally,the glazeshouldthickenupjustalittle

Removefromheatandsetasidefor later Nowlightlybrushthecutsideof eachpeachhalfwiththecannaolive oilandplacethepeachesonthe preheatedgrill,cutsidedown You'll onlyneedtogrillthemforabout3-4 minutes,justuntilgrillmarksappear andthepeachesbecomesoftened

Next,removethegrilledpeachesfrom thegrillandletthemcoolforafew minutesbeforeslicingtheminto wedges Inalargesaladbowl, combinethearugula,cherrytomatoes, andgrilledpeachslicesandtoss gentlytocombine Thendrizzlethe balsamicglazeoverthesaladandtoss againtoevenlycoattheingredients

Platethesalad,stackingittallas possible,thensprinklecrumbledgoat cheeseandtoastedslicedalmonds overthesaladandgarnishwithfresh basilleavesforanextratouchofflavor andfre

Servet Saladi refresh grilled

Arugulaisfullofantioxidants compoundsthatcanprotectagainst orreversedamagetoyourcells.


Welcome back to all my canna chefs out there, I hope you all had a safe andfunIndependenceDay this year This month I wanted to do a recipe that helps capture the summer seasonandtheflavorsthat are associated with it So, indulge in the essence of summer with this mouthwatering recipe for Grilled Peach and Arugula Salad with CannaBalsamic Glaze As August bringsusanabundanceof ripe and juicy peaches, it's theperfecttimetocreatea light and refreshing dish thatcapturestheflavorsof the season The combination of grilled peaches, peppery arugula, tangy balsamic glaze, and delightful toppings creates a salad that is both satisfyingandburstingwith summergoodness.Sograb abagofyourfavoriteherb, twist one up, and let's get CookingwithaBuz!

Interestingly,basilproducesarangeof terpenesthatarealsofoundwithinthe cannabisplant,including:Eucalyptol, Linalool,Limonene,Caryophyllene

Cannachef BuzDeliere| chefbuz AUGUST 2023 16


DiscovertheTop10 Weed-Friendly Destinationsfor Your2023Travel Adventure

As the legalization of marijuana continues to sweep across the United States, a new trend in travel is emerging,onethatcombinestheloveforcannabiswith a sense of wanderlust If you ' re an adventurous soul lookingtoembarkonajourneywhereyoucanindulgein thegreenherbandexperiencethebeautyoftheworld, thisarticleisforyou Wepresenttoyouthetop10weedfriendly destinations in the US for your 2023 travel adventure, where the combination of marijuana and location promises to bring the ultimate amount of joy andwanderlust


Known for its lush forests, scenic landscapes, and relaxedvibe,Seattle,Washington,orthe"EmeraldCity," takes the top spot on our list. Here, marijuana enthusiastscanenjoythevibrantcannabisculture,with numerousdispensariesofferingawidevarietyofstrains TakeastrollthroughtheiconicPikePlaceMarket,where you can find both fresh produce and high-quality cannabis products Visit the nearby Olympic National Park, where you can hike through ancient rainforests whileenjoyingtheupliftingeffectsofyourfavoritestrain.


NestledintheheartoftheRockyMountains,Colorado haslongbeenaparadiseforoutdoorenthusiastsand cannabis connoisseurs alike With its progressive marijuanalaws,thestateoffersarangeofexperiences forweedlovers.Fromexploringthecharmingstreetsof Denver and visiting the world-class dispensaries to skiinginAspenorhikinginRockyMountainNationalPark, the combination of Colorado's breathtaking natural beautyandmarijuanaculturecreatesanunforgettable adventure

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California, the birthplace of the modern cannabis industry, deserves a spot on any list of weed-friendly destinations SanFrancisco,withitsiconicGoldenGate Bridge, vibrant arts scene, and diverse neighborhoods, offersaperfectblendofcultureandcannabis.Visitthe historic Haight-Ashbury district, where the counterculture movement took root, and explore the city'smanydispensaries Takeascenicdrivealongthe Pacific Coast Highway to experience the majestic beautyofBigSurwhileenjoyingtheupliftingeffectsof yourfavoritestrain.


While Arizona may be known for its stunning desert landscapesandtheawe-inspiringGrandCanyon,ithas also become a haven for cannabis enthusiasts With recentlegalization,visitorscannowexplorethestate's natural wonders while enjoying marijuana's relaxation andelevation Immerseyourselfinthemysticalbeauty of Sedona, with its red rock formations and spiritual energy, and experience the transformative power of cannabisinthisenchantingdesertoasis


Vermont, renowned for its lush landscapes, charming smalltowns,andprogressiveattitudes,hasemergedas aleadingdestinationforcannabisenthusiastsseekinga more laid-back and intimate experience. Explore the picturesquetownofBurlington,knownforitsvibrantarts sceneandeclecticdiningoptions,beforeventuringinto theGreenMountains Hikealongscenictrails,breathein thefreshmountainair,andsavorthecalmingeffectsof cannabiswhilesurroundedbynature'sbounty.


For those seeking an island paradise where they can enjoymarijuanaalongsidepristinebeachesandtropical landscapes,Hawaiiistheperfectdestination.Embrace thealohaspiritontheislandofMaui,whereyoucanhike throughbambooforests,relaxongoldenbeaches,and witness breathtaking sunsets while basking in the euphoria of cannabis Visit local dispensaries to find unique Hawaiian strains and experience the ultimate fusionofnature,culture,andcannabis.


Known for its vibrant music, unique cuisine, and rich history, New Orleans, Louisiana, or the "Crescent City," offers a marijuana-friendly experience like no other Explore the lively French Quarter, where jazz music fills the air, and indulge in the city's renowned culinary delights Enhanceyourexperiencewithmarijuanaand let the city's vibrant energy, colorful culture, and lively festivalscreateajourneyofsensorydelight

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NorthernCalifornia'smajesticredwoodforestsprovidea serene backdrop for cannabis enthusiasts seeking tranquility and connection with nature Visit Humboldt County, renowned for its lush forests and renowned cannabiscultivation.ExploretheAvenueoftheGiants,a scenic drive surrounded by towering redwoods, and immerseyourselfinthemagicoftheseancientgiants whileenjoyingtheeuphoriceffectsofmarijuana


WhileLasVegasmaybefamousforitsbustlingnightlife, thesurroundingNevadadesertoffersadifferentkindof adventureforcannabisenthusiasts Embarkonaroad triptoDeathValleyNationalPark,whereyoucanwitness breathtakingsunrisesandsunsetsovervastsanddunes and otherworldly landscapes Indulge in the calming effects of cannabis while stargazing in the desert, creatingatrulysurrealexperience


Nashville,Tennessee,alsoknownasthe"MusicCity,"isa vibrant destination where the love for music and cannabis collide Immerse yourself in the city's rich musicalheritage,exploringhonky-tonksandlivemusic venues, while also enjoying the benefits of marijuana. TakeastrollalongBroadway,visittheCountryMusicHall ofFame,andlettheharmoniousblendofmelodiesand marijuanacreateanunforgettablejourney

Incorporatingweedintoyourtravel adventurescanbringanewlevelof joy and wanderlust. From the lush forests of Washington to the majesticmountainsofColorado,the vibrant culture of California to the desert serenity of Arizona, the intimate charm of Vermont to the tropical paradise of Hawaii, the lively energy of Louisiana to the tranquilbeautyofNevada,andthe harmoniousmelodiesofTennessee, the top 10 weed-friendly destinations in the U.S. promise unforgettable experiences for cannabisenthusiasts.Embracethe beautyofnature,immerseyourself in local cultures, and let the combination of marijuana and locationtransportyoutoaworldof ultimate joy and wanderlust. So pack your bags, light up, and embark on your 2023 travel adventure for a journey unlike any other.

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Chronic The


As summer heats up, it's the perfect time to embrace the refreshing qualities of cannabis and elevate your chill game. Whether you ' re lounging by the pool, enjoying a beach getaway, or simply seeking relief from the scorching temperatures, cannabis offers a multitude of ways to keep cool and enhance your summer experience. From thirstquenching infused beverages to soothing topicals and invigorating strains, let's dive into the world of cannabis and discoveritsdelightfulpotentialinbeatingthesummerheat.

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StayHydratedand Refreshedwith Cannabis-Infused Beverages

Whenthescorchingsummerheatsetsin, it's essential to stay cool, hydrated, and refreshed Thankfully, cannabis-infused beverages offer a delightful and unique way to quench your thirst while providing theaddedbenefitsofcannabinoids.These infusedbeveragesnotonlyhelpyoubeat the heat but also elevate your summer hydrationgametoawholenewlevel

Imagine sipping on a sparkling water infused with a hint of CBD or enjoying a deliciouslyfruitymocktailenhancedwitha balancedTHC:CBDratio.Thesebeverages combine the rejuvenating properties of hydration with the soothing effects of cannabis,creatingarefreshingexperience likenoother

From tangy lemonades to invigorating iced teas, the variety of cannabis-infused beveragesonthemarketisvastandeverexpanding. You can choose from a range of flavors, potencies, and cannabinoid profiles to tailor your drinking experience to your personal preferences and desired effects

CBD-infused sports drinks and coconut waters provide a fantastic way to replenish electrolytes and stay hydrated during outdoor activities or intense workouts These beverages combine the hydrating power of traditional sports drinkswiththepotentialcalmingandantiinflammatory properties of CBD, helping youmaintainyourcoolandbalanceeven inthehottestofsummerdays.

And let's not forget about the innovative world of cannabis-infused mocktails and cocktails With the right combination of cannabistinctures,syrups,andmixers,you can create a sensational beverage that notonlykeepsyouhydratedbutalsoadds a touch of relaxation and enjoyment to your summer gatherings and social events

It's important to note that while enjoying these cannabis-infused beverages, it's crucial to consume responsibly and be mindful of dosage Start with low doses and allow ample time for the effects to kick in before deciding to have more. Remember, the goal is to stay refreshed and hydrated while experiencing the benefitsofcannabis,nottooverindulge

So, this summer, quench your thirst, beat the heat, and elevate your hydration game with cannabis-infused beverages. Whether you ' re lounging by the pool, hosting a backyard barbecue, or simply seeking a moment of relaxation, these refreshing elixirs provide a unique and enjoyable way to incorporate cannabis into your summer routine Cheers to staying cool, hydrated, and blissfully refreshed with the delightful potential of cannabis-infusedbeverages! AUGUST 2023 26

SootheandRejuvenate withCannabisTopicals

The summer season can take a toll on our bodies, leaving us in need of some soothing relief Luckily, cannabis-infused topicalsofferarefreshingandrevitalizing solution to combat sunburns, bug bites, muscle soreness, and other summerrelated discomforts These topicals, such as lotions, balms, and cooling gels, combinethepowerofcannabinoidswith other therapeutic ingredients to provide ablissfulandrejuvenatingexperience

Imagine applying a cannabis-infused cooling gel to your sun-kissed skin, instantlysoothingandhydratingitaftera long day in the sun These topicals often contain menthol or other cooling agents that provide a refreshing sensation, helping to alleviate inflammation, redness, and irritation caused by sunburnsorinsectbites

For those engaging in outdoor activities or sports, cannabis-infused lotions or balms can be a game-changer. By gently massaging these topicals into tired muscles and joints, you can experience the potential antiinflammatory and analgesic properties of cannabinoids, potentially relieving sorenessandpromotingfasterrecovery

Moreover, cannabis topicals offer the added benefit of providing localized relief, targeting specific areas of discomfort Whether you ' re dealing with minor sunburns, muscle strains, or general skin irritations, these topicals allow you to apply cannabis directly to the affected area, delivering targeted reliefwhereyouneeditmost.

It's important to note that cannabis topicals do not produce psychoactive effects since they do not enter the bloodstream Instead, they work locally on the skin, allowing you to experience the potential therapeutic benefits of cannabinoids without altering your mental state. This makes them an excellent option for those seeking relief while maintaining clarity and focus duringsummertimeactivities

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ChillOutwith Cannabis-Infused FrozenTreats

When the summer heat becomes almost unbearable, there's nothing quite as satisfying as indulging in a cannabis-infused frozen treat to cool down and relax. These delectable goodies offer a delightful way to beat the heat while experiencing the soothing effects of cannabinoids Fromcannabis-infusedicecream to fruity popsicles and creamy gelato, the options are endless for creating an irresistible lineupoffrozendelights

Imagine savoring a scoop of cannabis-infused mint chocolate chip ice cream on a hot afternoon,lettingthecreamytextureandsubtle cannabisundertonestransportyoutoastateof pure bliss These infused frozen treats not only provide a refreshing respite but also offer a fun and unique way to incorporate cannabis into yoursummerindulgences

The creativity in cannabis-infused frozen treats knows no bounds From classic flavors like vanilla and strawberry to more adventurous combinationslikemango-limesorbetorcookies and cream, there's a frozen delight for every palate Whetheryoupreferdairy-basedtreatsor opt for vegan alternatives, there are plenty of options available to cater to different dietary preferencesandrestrictions.

Apart from the delightful flavors, cannabisinfusedfrozentreatsalsoofferanopportunityto customize your dosage With precise labeling and consistent potency, you can easily choose therightdosagethatsuitsyourpreferencesand desired effects. Start low and go slow, allowing theeffectstokickinbeforedecidingifyou'dlike toindulgeinanotherscoop

Thesefrozendelightsarenotonlyagreatwayto beattheheatbutalsomakeforafunadditionto summer parties and gatherings Imagine hosting a cannabis-infused ice cream social, where friends can gather and sample a variety of flavors, sharing their favorite combinations and experiences It's a unique and memorable waytoembracethespiritofsummerandenjoy the pleasures of cannabis-infused frozen treats together

Remember, responsible consumption is key Enjoythesetreatsinmoderation,andbemindful ofyourtoleranceandthepotencyoftheinfused treats you choose It's important to consume responsibly,especiallyduringhotsummerdays when hydration and overall well-being should remainatoppriority

As the summer heat intensifies, exploring the refreshingpotentialofcannabisbecomesallthe more enticing. Whether you ' re seeking to stay hydrated with cannabis-infused beverages, soothe and rejuvenate with topicals, or chill out with cannabis-infused frozen treats, there are endless ways to enhance your summer experience These cannabis-infused options offer not only relief from the heat but also a unique opportunity to incorporate the soothing effects of cannabinoids into your summer routine. Remember to consume responsibly, be mindful of dosage, and prioritize your overall well-being while indulging in these delightful cannabis-infused delights Embrace the coolness, savor the flavors, and let cannabis elevateyoursummerchillgametonewheights Stay cool, stay refreshed, and enjoy the blissful potentialofcannabisinthesummerheat! AUGUST 2023 28


C A N N A B I N O I D S & T E R P E N E S

TheMulti-FacetedTerpeneFoundin CannabisandBeyond

Intheworldofterpenes,humulenestandsout for its intriguing aroma and diverse range of potential health benefits With its subtle earthy, woody, and spicy herbal notes, humuleneisnotonlypresentincannabisbut alsofoundinvariousotherherbs,spices,and plants This article delves into the characteristics and medicinal properties of humulene, shedding light on its significance intherealmofnaturalremedies

Humulene, classified as a β‐caryophyllene, is closely related to the well-known terpene βcaryophyllene,albeitwithadistinctstructural difference Initially discovered in hops, the plant responsible for beer's bitter flavor, humulene has since been identified in various sources such as marsh elders, tobacco, sage, ginseng, basil, black pepper, coriander, and cilantro Its presence in these herbscontributestotheiruniqueflavorsand pronouncedbite.

Studies have shown that humulene possesses remarkable medicinal properties, makingitanintriguingsubjectofresearchin the field of natural medicine Notably, humulene has demonstrated significant anticancer effects in laboratory settings, impacting the growth and proliferation of numerous cancer cells. Researchers have exploreditspotentialasananticanceragent duetoitspromisingcharacteristics

Additionally, humulene exhibits a range of other therapeutic properties While cannabis is commonly associated with appetite stimulation, humulene acts as an appetite suppressant, making it a potential tool for weight loss Its ability to reduce hunger may seemcounterintuitiveatfirst,buthumulene's unique composition sets it apart in this regard Moreover, this terpene has displayed anti-inflammatory effects, making it a potentialtreatmentforinflammation-related ailments It has also shown promise in relieving pain and combating bacterial infections,furtherhighlightingitsversatility.

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Humulene's potential effects encompass a range of beneficial properties. It exhibits anti-bacterial characteristics, which may contribute to its ability to combat certain infections effectively Furthermore, its anti-inflammatory propertiesmakeitacompellingcandidateforaddressinginflammation-related conditions Additionally, humulene has demonstrated anti-tumor effects, suggesting its potential role in the field of cancer treatment Exploring the pharmacokineticaspectsofhumulenecouldshedfurtherlightonitsinteraction withthehumanbody






Humulene,aterpenefoundincannabisaswellasvariousotherherbsandspices, holds great potential in the realm of natural remedies Its captivating aroma, coupled with its diverse medicinal properties, makes it a subject of significant interest among researchers. From its anticancer effects to its appetitesuppressingcapabilities,humuleneoffersamultifacetedapproachtohealthand well-being As further research unfolds, humulene may pave the way for new therapeuticavenues,promisingabrighterfutureintherealmofnaturalmedicine.

Allinformationinthis articleisforeducational purposesonly.The informationprovidedis derivedfromresearch gatheredfromexternal sources.Pleasecheckwith yourCannabisEducated PrimaryHealthCare PhysicianorCannabis TherapyConsultantbefore beginninganynewdietor lifestylechange.

WrittenbyDr.Pepper HernandezND,Ph.D.,CTC, CNHPinECS&

NaturopathicMedicine, CannabisTherapy Consultant,TheFounder andEducationDirectorof theCannabisHolistic Institute.Tofindoutmore aboutherTelemedicine Consultations,Educational Programs,YouTube videos,andothercreative contentyoucanfindher onthemassiveinter-webs onallplatformsorat

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The Latest Beauty Buzz

As cannabis can be infused with practically anything, it’s only right that beauty products were infused too. Most products are infused withCBDorhempseed oilsandnotTHC,sinceit is still federally illegal CBD is highly beneficial forthebody,insideand out. I use a couple different CBD lotions myself,andpersonally,I lovethem

Well, how is CBD a beneficial additive to your cleanser, moisturizer,oranyother skincareproduct?Can you be sure the higher price will be worth it?

According to multiple studies, CBD can help with “the treatment of inflammatory acne by reducing redness, pain, and swelling, the regulation of oil productionbyreducing excess sebum, reduction in breakouts, calming Rosacea, soothing Eczema by fighting irritation and inflammation, assisting in chronic skin conditions like dermatitisandpsoriasis, and keeping the skin hydrated” As research continues into CBD, there may be more proven benefits in the future Hemp seed oil has a lot of the same benefits as CBD, one uniquepropertyithasis itsanti-agingproperties asitisrichinfattyacids

If any of these interest you, here are a few brands that come highly recommended Remember,toomuchof anything on your skin canbegintoirritateit,so don’t buy everything at once!

SaintJaneBeautyisan award winning, luxury brand that carries both CBD skincare and makeup All of Saint Jane’s products are madetosootheskinby “harnessing the properties of the full flower hemp extract” Thebrandstartedsmall with a few other products, but has since expanded. They now “offer potent corrective products; some containing retinol and vitamin C They are sustainably sourced as well, including their usage of frankincense, myrrh, and Kakadu plum Some of their products are available at Sephora (This producthasbeenonmy shoppinglistforthelast few months as it is a mainstay in my best friend's beauty collection)

Prima is a premium brand that has a lot of differentproductstooffer, ranging from face creams and body oils to supplements and bath bombs Their varied products also can help withnotonlyskincarebut stress, sleep, increased mood, and physical recovery Co-founders andco-CEOs,Christopher Gavigan and Laurel AngelicaMyers,aswellas co-founder and Chief EducationOfficer,Jessica Assaf, have dedicated themselves to providing the best CBD products they can while “uplifting science and nature to advance health and cultivatewellbeing” Their products are also availableatSephoraand reasonablypricedforhow welltheproducthasbeen reviewed

TheVertly brand is heavily talked about when looking for CBD products and comes straight out of California. Vertly is another fullyorganicbrandandcalls their products “garden-tobottle”skincareastheyuse other herbs to help exemplify the benefits of CBD.Somethingthatmakes themaveryuniquebrandis thattheproductsaremade fresh weekly in small batches “The plants are carefully evaluated by our team before undergoing a slow-extraction, three-week process Theresult:nutrientrich, therapeutic oil extractionsthatwecombine with Hemp to include in all ourproducts”Thecompany was created by a married couple,ZanderandClaudia who just want their customers to slow down and remember how importantitistotakecareof yourself (I will be buying someofthisformyself The packaging alone is to die for)

Now, Foria is a bit differentthananyother brandthatislistedhere. ForiaismadewithCBD and good for wellness but their main selling pointaretheirintimacy products.Yes,stillmade with CBD Since their establishment in 2014, their “innovative botanical formulas have been changing lives in the bedroom and beyond They are onamissiontosupport intimate experiences across the lifespan” Foria’s products are goodforyourskinwhile helping with arousal, intimacy, relaxation, pain relief, and overall health and wellness If this interests you, I’d recommend checking their website and reading their eyepoppingreviews

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FITISHBeautyisanewly popular choice among canna critics. Created by fitness enthusiast and former co-host of the Kidd Kraddick radio show, Jenna Owens, FITISH is a CBD-infused line to refresh anyone whousesitAstheCBDis formulated to calm redness and replenish dehydrated hair and skin, they have a range of different options to choose from like sheet masks, hair plumping serum, and facial mists

Their products are available at nearly all Neiman Marcus locations

KOVO Essentials is an award winning brand who“firmlyembracesthe extraordinary power of nature” Their products are made with argan oil, peptides, CBD, and probiotics to curate an effective line of skincare productsforallskintypes

Theyarealsomadefrom “pure, plant-based ingredients, cold-pressed oils, steam-distilled therapeutic-grade oils, and GMO free” Although theyonlyhaveatotalof9 products, each have beenwellreceivedbythe cannabis and skin care communities

This is probably the most readily available brand on thelist,sinceyoucanbuyit at almost any grocery store's beauty section. Launched in 1998, Hempz has a wide variety of productsbutaremorewell knownfortheirsimplelotion, in fact, their original is still their best seller after 25 years Somethingfunabout Hempzistheyalsohavean entire section of their productsdedicatedtopets

Theyarealsovegan,gluten free, paraben free, cruelty free,andmadeinAmerica Remember,“thesecretisin the seed” (Personally, I’ve been using this brand for over6yearsandwillnever strayawayfromit.)

Thereareeven somemorewell knownbrands thataredelving intotheCBD market.Burt's Beeshasahemp seedoillipbalm, e.l.fdoestoo.Paul Mitchelland HerbalEssences havehemp shampoo.With moreandmoreof thecountry(and world)gaining acceptanceof cannabis,there willlikelybemore bigbranded companies comingoutwith hempandCBD infusedproducts.

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Asthesunshinesbrightandsummertakescenterstage,it's timetounlockyoursummerglowandembracethesoothing benefits of CBD for your skin CBD, short for cannabidiol, has gained significant popularity in recent years for its potential therapeutic properties Beyond its wellness benefits, CBD holds tremendous potential for enhancing your skincare routineandprovidingrelieffromsunburns Inthisarticle,we'll explorehowCBDcanbeyoursummerskincareally,offering a natural and nourishing solution to keep your skin healthy, vibrant,andprotectedduringthesun-drencheddays.


CBD, derived from the hemp plant, interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system, which plays a crucial role in regulating various physiological processes, including skin health CBD's potential anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and soothingpropertiesmakeitavaluableingredientinskincare products

Whenitcomestosun-kissedskin,CBD-infusedtopicals,such as lotions, creams, and balms, offer a gentle and nurturing touch The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD may help alleviate redness, irritation, and inflammation caused by sunburns Applying a CBD-infused balm or lotion to sunexposed skin can provide a cooling and soothing sensation, potentiallyacceleratingtheskin'shealingprocess

CBD'spotentialantioxidantpropertiesalsomakeitavaluable addition to your skincare routine, particularly during the summer months Exposure to the sun ' s UV rays can lead to the production of free radicals, which can damage the skin and contribute to premature aging CBD's antioxidant propertiesmayhelpneutralizethesefreeradicals,protecting the skin from oxidative stress and promoting a healthy, youthfulappearance

Furthermore, CBD-infused skincare products can offer hydration and nourishment to sun-exposed skin CBD's potential moisturizing properties, coupled with its ability to regulateoilproduction,canhelpmaintaintheskin'smoisture balance, preventing dryness and promoting a soft, supple complexion ByincorporatingCBD-infusedskincareproducts into your summer routine, you can enhance your skin's resilienceandkeepitglowingevenunderthesummersun.


When selecting CBD skincare products, it's important to prioritize quality and choose reputable brands that prioritize transparency and third-party testing. Look for products that contain high-quality CBD extract, ideally derived from organically grown hemp Additionally, consider the formulation and choose products with natural, nourishing ingredientsthatcomplementthebenefitsofCBD

CBD-infused facial serums, moisturizers, and masks can providetargetedcareforyourskin,helpingtocalmirritation, improvecomplexion,andenhanceoverallskinhealth.These products often combine CBD with other botanical extracts, vitamins,andantioxidantstocreateasynergisticblendthat optimizesthebenefitsforyourskin

For sunburn relief, CBD-infused cooling gels or aloe verabasedproductscanbealifesaver Thecoolingeffectofthese topicals, combined with the potential anti-inflammatory properties of CBD, can help soothe sunburned skin, reduce redness,andalleviatediscomfort

It'simportanttonotethatwhileCBDholdsgreatpromisefor skincare, individual experiences may vary It's always recommendedtoperformapatchtestbeforeincorporating new products into your routine, especially if you have sensitive skin or known allergies. Additionally, consult with a dermatologistifyouhavespecificskinconcernsorareusing prescriptionskincaremedications AUGUST 2023 44
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CBD's potential benefits extend beyond sunburn relief Its soothing properties makeitaversatileingredientforvarious skincare concerns, including acne, inflammation, and dryness By incorporating CBD-infused skincare productsintoyourdailyroutine,youcan unlock the potential for healthier, more radiantskinthroughoutthesummerand beyond

Remembertoprioritizesunprotectionby usingsunscreenwithabroad-spectrum SPF, even when using CBD-infused products. CBD can complement your suncareroutine,butit'snotasubstitute forpropersunprotection

As you embark on your summer adventures, embrace the power of CBD to nurture and revitalize your skin With its potential anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and hydrating properties, CBDcanbeyourtrustedcompanionfor a summer glow that emanates health, vitality,andnaturalbeauty So,seizethe opportunity to discover the soothing benefitsofCBDforyourskinandunlock your ultimate summer glow Let CBD be the secret ingredient to your skincare successthissummer!


GigiHadid'sTropical Troubles:Supermodeland FriendCaughtRed-Handed withMarijuana

GigiHadidandafriendwere recentlyarrestedandfined formarijuanapossessionin theCaymanIslands,as reportedbyalocalnews outlet

SupermodelHadidandher friendLeahMcCarthyfaced troubleattheOwenRoberts InternationalAirportinGrand Cayman Duringluggage inspection,authoritiesfound asmallquantityof marijuana,resultingintheir arrest.Thechargesinclude importingganjaand possessingutensilsforits consumption Bothwerelater releasedonbail

Thetwopleadedguiltyand wereeachfined$1,000on July12.

GigiHadid'sspokesperson clearedtheairina statementtoVanityFair

Accordingtothestatement,Gigihad legallypurchasedmarijuanainNYCwitha medicallicenseanditwasalsolegalformedical useinGrandCayman.Despitethis,Gigi'srecord remainsspotlessandshehadagreattimeon theisland.

GwynethPaltrow'sNew SecretVenture:Taking OverCalifornia's CannabisIndustry

Actress-turned-wellnessguru GwynethPaltrowistakingthe cannabisindustrybystormin California.Sheisjoinedbyother celebritieswhoarejumpingintothe industry,PaltrowisbackingaTHCinfusedsparklingwaterbrand, CANN,whichisdominatingthe marketbringinginabout$750,000 insaleseachmonth.

Cann,thecannabis-infused beveragecompany,offersarange ofsparklingwatersinintriguing flavors Amongthem,theblood orangecardamomflavorstandsout asacrowd-pleaser,receivingnearly 160ravereviewsontheofficial website Additionally,customerscan enjoytherefreshingtasteoflemon lavender,grapefruitrosemary,and theboldcombinationofpineapple andjalapeno

Cann'snew bubblybeveragehas aslowas2milligrams ofTHCand4mgof CBDperserving,and that'snotall,theyalso offerHiBoysfora strongerkickorgraba Roadieforamore convenientcanless option.

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QR CODE Readthefullstory: TheChronicMagazineisthenumberonesourceforMarijuanaNews,Resources,andLifestyle. Getthelatestscoopon allthingscannabisfrom TheChronicMagazineyourgo-tosourcefor up-todatemarijuana news,helpfulresources andanexcitinglifestyle AUGUST 2023 48
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