The Chronic Magazine - December 2024

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Decemberisall about indulgence, comfort,and celebratingthe warmthof togetherness. Thistimeofyear, Ilovecreating something specialthatisn't justdeliciousbut alsostandsout fromtheusual fareyouseeat holiday gatherings

Asthefestiveseasonrollsin,wewanttoexpressourgratitudeforyour unwaveringsupportthroughouttheyear MayyourChristmasbefilledwithjoy,love,andunforgettablememories,andmaytheNewYear bringendlesspossibilitiesandpositivityyourway

Whilecelebratingtheseason,weencourageyoutoenjoycannabis responsiblyandsafely Let’skeepthegoodvibesflowingwhilestayingmindfulandrespectfulofourselvesandthosearoundus Wishingyouaseasonofwarmth,happiness,andbrightbeginnings! Staysafe,staylifted!


Tipsonhandlingcannabisdiscussions witholdergenerations

TeensinDanger:HowMarijuanaLegalizationis FuelingaYouthAddictionCrisis








CannabisandtheMuscularSystem: SupportforStrengthandRecovery



Talking Cannabis with Family


HowtoTalkAboutCannabis atFamilyGatherings

Theholidaysarehereandmostofuscan’twaitto celebrate with our friends and family However, sometimes when we visit our families, some uncomfortable conversations might arise Now, wecan’tgiveyouadviseoneverythingthatmight bespokenabout,butwecantalkaboutcannabis. If you need some tips on how to comfortably speakboutcannabiswithpeoplewhomayhave negative views on it, don’t worry; it will be easier thanyouthink

Let’sstartwithifyouwanttobetheonetobring up the conversation It’s possible to begin with somethingassimpleas,“Whatdoyouthinkabout the new cannabis laws?” or “What’re your thoughts on [your local cannabis news]?” If they bringitup,thatmakesthismucheasier.Withhow manystatesarelegalizednow,it’slikelythatthey will have already heard some positive points about cannabis Regardless of how the conversation starts, be sure to still be open to their opinion, even if they’re fully or partially wrong Therewillbetimetocorrectthemwithout making them potentially feel stupid. It’s never a good idea to talk-down to someone or overcorrect them when the topic can be uncomfortable During moments like these, keeping a level head and speaking clearly can makeorbreakit Nothingwilleverbesolvedwith shouting or outright arguing These people are yourfamilyand,whileyes,familysometimescan make you angrier than ever before, they are still your family. Most of the time they are in your corner,supportingyouandlovingyou

Once the conversation begins and they seem ready to speak about some of the good that cannabiscando Iftheyhaveanyquestions,you don’t know the answer to, it’s completely fine to usetheinternet. Wehaveawealthofknowledge in our pocket that should be used anytime we have a question that needs answered Although you can look up anything you need, here are a few positive talking points about cannabis Quick cheatsheetifyouwill:

Anxiety and Mental Health

Cannabisisusedextremelyoftentotreatmanymentalhealthsymptoms.Both THC and CBD, the active ingredients in cannabis, have a relaxing effect of the body Indica, typically thought of as a nighttime strain, and Sativa, typically thoughtofasadaytimestrain,canhelpreduceanxietyanddepressionintheir ownways,choosingwhichonetouseisstilluptotheusers’personalfeelings Inexperienced users can get these effects just by one dose, either 5mgs of an edibleorafewpuffsfromajointorpipe

Pain Management

Cannabiscanbeusedforalldistincttypesofpainmanagement Mostdoctors recommenditforchronicpainasareplacementforopioids,andwhilethisisa greatalternativethatworkswell,itcanalsobeusedforcommonpainslikesore musclesandheadaches Cannabiscreamsandtopicalointmentsaregreatfor treatingpain,especiallywhenpairedwiththingslikementhols However,when using cannabis as a replacement for opioids, it is helpful to use CBD forward strainsandedibles Thatwayifyouneedmorepainsuppressantyouwon’tend upoverusingTHC.

Anti-Cancer Effects

It is well known that cannabis is used by cancer patients and has been for many years for pain and appetite increase However, it wasn’t until 2019 that researchers found that cannabis can help slow the growth of tumors! An incredible discovery that might lead to even the potential reduction of tumorsize,butthathasnotbeenproven.

Epilepsy and Other Disorder/Disease Treatments

Cannabis can also help people with things like epilepsy and Parkinson’s Whenusingcannabistotreatepilepsy,researchers found that when cannabis is used to treat certain types of epilepsybyreducingflaresbyover30%

While we might avoid this part of cannabis conversations, it’s important to be informed on the negative side as well so you aren’t blindsided by a comment they make Knowing the bad can help inform on caution, not reasons for cannabis to be bannedorconsideredillegal.Withthat,herearesomenegative talkingpointsaboutcannabis:

Side Effects of Overindulgence

When people use cannabis there are moments when the THC canaffectyounegatively,symptomscanincludedrymouth,dry eyes, stomachache, dizziness, increased heart rate, paranoia, forgetfulness, and anxiety These symptoms will likely not happen all at once, but they are all possible This is why when using cannabis, you must be cautious and ease into it. Taking toomuchcancausewhatthekidscall‘greeningout.’Thisislike ‘blacking out’ when drinking too much, and it carries the same symptoms,vomitinganddizziness

Cannabis HyperemesisSyndrome

Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS) is not unlike greening out,butitissomethingthatispersistent Ithappenseverytime someoneingestsTHCafterprolonged,heavyuse Essentially,this isasyndromethatcandevelopatanytimetoanyone,butitis not very common There has been an increase in reports but that is due to more people using marijuana than before, it has not increased significantly Symptoms of CHS are abdominal pain,vomiting,andpersistentnausea.

Increased Strain on Heart and Lungs

Whensmokinganythingthereisariskofstrainontheheartand lungs Cannabis is no different, while yes, cigarettes are man made and not naturally grown, inhaling smoke is not good for thebody.However,whennoteatingordrinkingcannabistherisk is still there as THC can sometimes raise your blood pressure andlessenblood’sabilitytocarryoxygenaroundthebody Risk can include an increased possibility for arrhythmia, cardiac arrest, and cardiomyopathy These are also not incredible commonbutasTHChasincreasedinpotencyandavailability,it isthesameasCHS

Overall, whether the conversation goes positively or negatively, just speaking on potentially controversial subjects is a good thing. Cannabis, while more commonly legalized than not, still has a negative connotation to it. Luckily, the viewpoint is constantlymovinginthepositivedirection,sohopefullywewon’t needtobeuncomfortablearoundcannabistoomuchlonger

WhyFlorida’sMarijuana BattleIsFarfromOver

F Concentrated N E W S

lorida's recent referendum to legalize recreationalmarijuanamayhavefallen short, but the fight over cannabis reformintheSunshineStateisanything butfinished Deepcultural,political,and generational divides reveal a state in transition, with growing momentum for change despite resistance from key politicalleaders

Florida’s marijuana battle is shaped by a stark cultural divide On one side are younger, more progressive voters who see cannabis legalization as a common-sense reform. Many of these advocates point to the success of recreational marijuana in states like Colorado and California, where legalization has generated tax revenue andreducednon-violentdrugarrests

On the other side are older, more conservative Floridians who remain skeptical Forthesevoters,marijuanais still associated with stigmas from the "WaronDrugs"era,whencannabiswas demonized as a gateway drug This cultural clash reflects Florida’s unique status as both a retirement haven for conservative seniors and a growing hub for younger, more progressive residents TheSurprisingReasonIllegalCannabis

Read thefull story:


Washington - Despite the legalization of cannabis in Washington, D.C., illegal cannabis stores continue to operate and getshutdown atanalarmingrate Justthis week, the Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration (ABCA), alongside the Metropolitan Police Department, padlocked thedoorsof"PeaceintheAir,"anunlicensed cannabis retailer in Northwest D.C. This marked the 14th closure in the District as authorities crack down on unregulated cannabisbusinesses

While enforcement agencies cite public health and safety risks as their primary concern, the persistence of unlicensed dispensaries reveals deeper issues within D.C.’s cannabis regulatory framework. For manyofthesebusinesses,operatingoutside the law isn’t just an act of defiance; it’s a symptom of systemic barriers in the legal market

A13% increasein youth consumption anda25% fastergrowth inteen addictionin legalized states.

TeensinDanger:HowMarijuanaLegalizationis FuelingaYouthAddictionCrisis

As marijuana legalization efforts expand across the United States,aconcerningtrendisemerging:adramaticincrease in youth marijuana use and addiction rates in states with recreational markets. While proponents of legalization promisedsaferaccess,socialequity,andtaxrevenues,the realityforAmerica’steenagerstellsadifferentstory—oneof

heightened risks, health consequences, and a future overshadowed by substance dependence A comprehensive new study confirms the link betweenrecreationalmarijuana legalization and increased teen use. Researchers found a 13% rise in youth marijuana consumption following legalization in states where the drug is commercially available Worse still, teen addiction rates aregrowing25%fasterinstates withlegalmarijuanathanthose without, underscoring the unintended consequences of normalizing the drug Today’s marijuanaisnotthe“Woodstock Weed” of the past The average THCpotencyhasskyrocketedto 99% in some products, a stark contrasttothemildcannabisof decadesago.

by the numbers

MarijuanaTopsCigarettes:IsThistheHealthier SmokingAlternativeWe’veBeenWaitingFor?


Forthefirsttime,moreAmericansarereporting regular marijuana use than cigarette smoking a shift that highlights changing attitudes toward health, recreation, and substance use According to the latest Gallup survey, 15 percentofUS adultssaytheysmokecannabis, compared to just 11 percent who smoke cigarettes weekly This trend underscores a cultural pivot that has been building over the last decade Tobacco use in the United States hasbeenonthedeclinefordecades,thanksto widespread awareness campaigns about its health risks, higher taxes, and restrictive smoking laws The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that cigarette smoking rates among adults have dropped from42percentinthe1960stoanall-timelow of around 11 percent today. For many Americans, cigarettes have become synonymouswithserioushealthrisks,including cancer, heart disease, and respiratory issues. These dangers, paired with a cultural shift awayfromtraditionaltobaccouse,havepaved thewayformarijuanatoemergeasapopular alternative Cannabis,meanwhile,hasfollowed anentirelydifferenttrajectory

Once stigmatized and criminalized, marijuana is nowlegallyavailableformedicalorrecreational usein38US states Itsgrowingacceptancehas been driven by shifting perceptions of its safety, medical potential, and economic benefits Gallup’spollingdatashowsthatmarijuanauseis particularly prevalent among younger adults, with 19 percent of those aged 18 to 34 reporting regular cannabis use. This figure drops slightly among adults aged 35 to 54 (18 percent) and significantly among those 55 and older (10 percent).Menarealsomorelikelythanwomento smokemarijuana,with17percentofmenusingit compared to 11 percent of women These demographics reflect a broader trend of cannabis normalization among younger and more socially liberal populations The shift from cigarettes to cannabis could have significant implicationsforpublichealth Whilemarijuanais not without risks such as potential cognitive effectsanddependencyforsomeusers itlacks the overwhelming health dangers associated with tobacco Cigarettes are responsible for more than 480,000 deaths annually in the U.S., while there is no equivalent category for cannabis-relatedmortality

Cannabis-Infused CranberryWalnutBrie

Yield:Thisrecipeserves approximatey6–8people asanappetizer













First things first, preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) While the oven warms up, go ahead and line a baking sheet with parchment paper so nothing sticks Now, grab your brie and placeitonthebakingsheet Takeasharpknifeandscorethe topbymakingshallowcutsinacrosshatchpattern thishelps theflavorsreallysinkintothecheeseasitbakes

Next, mix the topping In a small bowl, combine the dried cranberries,choppedwalnuts,cannabis-infusedhoney,regular honey,andorangezest Stireverythingupuntilwellcombined Youwanteverybitetohavealittlebitofeverything.Spoonthat cranberry-walnutmixtureevenlyoverthetopofthebrie,making suretocovertheentiresurfacesoeachbiteofcheeseistopped withthisflavorfulmix Don’tworryaboutbeingtooneat rusticis perfecthere

Popthebrieintoyourpreheatedovenandletitbakeforabout 12-15minutes You’relookingforthecheesetobesoftandjust starting to ooze, but not completely melted into a puddle The topping should be golden and fragrant by the time it's ready Onceyoutakeitoutoftheoven,giveitabout5minutestocool down a bit it’ll still be warm and gooey. If you like, add some freshthymesprigsforabitofcolorandextraaroma Then,serve it up with crackers or sliced baguette, and let everyone dig in whileit’sstillniceandwarm


Thepotencyofthisdishwilldependonthestrengthofyour cannabis-infused honey Be mindful of the dosage, and adjust the amount of infused honey to suit your desired effects.

Remember that edibles can take longer to kick in, usually between 30 minutes to 2 hours Encourage guests to start withasmallportionandwaitbeforehavingmore

Keep the dish clearly labeled if you’re serving it alongside non-infusedfoodstoavoidanyaccidentalconsumption


BuzDeliere| chefbuz

December is all about indulgence, comfort, and celebrating the warmth of togetherness This time of year, I love creating something special that isn't just delicious but also stands out from the usual fare youseeatholidaygatherings As a cannabis chef, I enjoy experimenting with flavors that reflect the holiday season, and I want to share a recipe that combines the richness of baked brie with a festive twist: a Cannabis-Infused Cranberry Walnut Brie This CannabisInfused Cranberry Walnut Brie stands out because it’s a sophisticatedyetsimpledishthat bringstogetherflavorsperfectfor the holiday season The cranberries add a festive tartness, the walnuts provide a satisfying crunch, and the cannabis-infusedhoneyaddsan earthy sweetness that ties everything together Unlike typical cannabis edibles, which tend to lean heavily towards sweets like brownies or cookies, this savory appetizer feels elevatedandfitsseamlesslyinto aholidayspread Sogrababag ofyourfavoriteherb,twistoneup andlet’sgetCookingwithaBuz!

Cranberriesarewellknownforbeingrichin antioxidants Onestudyfoundthatamong20 commonfruits,cranberrieshavethehighest levelofphenols,atypeofantioxidant The anthocyaninsfoundincranberriesmayhave anti-cancerandanti-inflammatoryeffects

TheinspirationbehindthisdishcamefromtheholidaysIspentinOklahomaandPennsylvania Irememberthosecoldwinternightswherefriendsandfamily wouldgatheraround,andthetablewouldbecoveredwithanarrayofsnacks cheeseboards,nuts,freshfruits,andallkindsofholidaytreats Thesimplicity ofbakedbrie,withitsgooeytextureandboldflavors,hasalwaysbeenafavorite,butaddingacannabistwistmakesittrulyuniqueandmemorable The tartnessofcranberries,thecrunchofwalnuts,andthesmoothnessofbriecometogetherinadishthat’sperfectforsharingwithlovedones

HowCannabisShaped 2024andBeyond ALookBack

As 2024 comes to a close, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the highs, lows, and everything in between in the cannabis world this past year It’s been a rollercoaster ride, but one thing’s for sure 2024wasfullofpivotalmomentsforthe cannabis industry. I wanted to take a moment to look back on some of the major highlights, the emotions they broughtout,andhowtheyinfluencedmy year

Disclaimer: The following is a personal reflectiononkeyeventsinthecannabis industry throughout 2024. Opinions shared are based on personal experiencesandobservations.

FederalLegalization BillGainsTraction

CannabisTech Innovations

2024wasalsoahugeyearforcannabis tech. We saw new devices, apps, and software designed to make both consumption and cultivation smarter and more efficient One of my favorite moments was testing out a new AIpowered vaporizer right there in my living room. I’ve always been a bit of a gadget guy, and this vaporizer, with its automatic temperature adjustments and strain-specific settings, felt like a glimpse into the future It was like my love for tech and cannabis finally found the perfect intersection. It made me realize just how far we’ve come from thosesimplerdaysofrollingjointsinthe park

SocialEquity ProgramsExpanding

This year, the cannabis industry came closerthanevertofederallegalizationin the U.S. When the news broke that the legalization bill was being seriously debatedinCongress,Irememberfeeling a mix of excitement and cautious optimism I was sitting in my apartment in New York, scrolling through the news, when I saw the headline It felt surreal Thepossibilityoftruefederallegalization is something so many of us have been waiting for there’s hope, but also the understandingthatthisbattleisfarfrom over. Watching the discussions evolve throughout the year made me realize howmuchcloserweare,yethowfragile progress can be It was a reminder to stayhopeful,butalsostayinvolved

The push for social equity in the cannabisindustrysawsignificantstrides this year More states and municipalities started rolling out initiatives to right the wrongs of past cannabis policies, and that was something that really hit home for me I remember attending a community event in Brooklyn this summer where they discussed grants andtrainingprogramsaimedathelping communities most impacted by prohibitiongetafairstartintheindustry Standing there, surrounded by people who’vebeenfightingforequityforyears, Ifeltasenseofpride It’sfarfromperfect, but seeing tangible steps being taken reminded me of the importance of community action This is our chance to make the cannabis space better, more inclusive,andmorejust


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European MarketGrowth Ce

MedicalCannabis Research Breakthroughs

Perhaps the most inspiring moments for me were the breakthroughs in medical cannabis research We saw new studies this year that expanded our understandingofhowcannabiscanhelp with everything from chronic pain to PTSD One particular study, showing the effectiveness of cannabis for veterans dealing with PTSD, struck a chord with me Ihavefriendswho’veserved,andI’ve seen firsthand the toll PTSD can take. Reading about these new findings brought a sense of hope it’s incredible to think that the plant we’ve fought so hard to destigmatize could genuinely changelivesforthebetter

Reflectingon2024,it’sclearthatit’sbeen a transformative year for the cannabis industry There were moments of triumph, moments of hope, and a few moments of skepticism, too But overall, I’m left with a sense of progress however gradual it may be The cannabis community continues to grow, innovate, and push boundaries, and I’m gratefultohavewitnesseditallfirsthand Here’s to more progress, more breakthroughs, and more community actionaswemoveinto2025

Best Cannabis Products for Every Type of Friend


Decemberishere,and withitcomestheseason ofgiving!Whetheryou're celebratingChristmas, Hanukkah,Kwanzaa,or justridingthatfestive vibe,there'salwaysthat onequestion—what'sthe perfectgiftforyour friends?Fearnot,we’ve curatedtheultimate HolidazeGiftingGuidefor thecannabisenthusiasts inyourcircle.We'vegot somethingforeveryone, fromthemostseasoned smokertothecurious newbie,sorolloneup,sit back,andlet’sgetgifting.


For that friend who knows their terp from their trichomes, give them a they’ll never forget Personally, I Small Batch Craft Cannabis is the here there's something special a boutique strains from local growers makes them stand out. The un profiles and smooth hits bring a w new level of enjoyment. Pair it with a premium grinder that offers perfect consistency. One time, I gifted a friend a subscription box that delivered artisanal flower monthly, and they said it felt like getting a personal stash curated just for them. Experiences like that are what makegiftingsomuchfun



This friend loves a good gadget, especially when it’s decked out with the latest tech In my experience, smart vaporizers are a game-changer they offer elegant designs, efficient use, and customizable settings that allow each session to be just right I remember testing one that let me adjust the temperature precisely, which made a huge difference in flavor and smoothness It’s all about finding that perfect puff One of my gadget-loving friendsmentionedhowtheUV-protected stash jar I gifted them, with a humidity pack, became their go-to for keeping nugs fresh. The little things can really make a difference when it comes to preservingquality.

You know the one always hosting, always sharing They need products that are perfect for a crowd One time, I brought a homemade cannabis-infused gathering, mixing up a batch herbs and fresh citrus it insta thenightintosomethingspecial loved the creativity, and it mad and interactive experience as differentflavorcombinations Im friend being able to whip up T cocktails right there at the par great pick is an infusion mach LEVO II I’ve watched a friend ma butter at a get-together it w crowd-pleaser! Bonus points for gifting cannabis-themedpartygames,whichare always good for a few laughs while sparkingup



Thisfriendisjustdippingtheirtoesintothe cannabis pool From my experience, helping them have a gentle introduction is key Abeginner-friendlyvapepenisideal something that offers a mild high without overwhelming them A cannabisjournal is also a great idea. I’ve had friends new to cannabis really appreciate being able to write down what they liked and didn’t like about each strain they tried A mixoflowTHC pre-rolls can let them experiment withoutfeelingoutoftheirdepth,andit’sa nicewaytosamplethevarietyavailable


Forthefriendwhowouldn’tbecaughtdead without matching accessories, gifting something chic is the way to go I remember a friend's face lighting up when they unwrapped a custom-made grinder with their initials engraved on it it's those personal details that really make a gift special Matching accessories can be cool, but something made just for them adds a whole different vibe A handmade ceramic ashtray that doubles as art is another favorite of mine And if your friend is into fashion, highfashionweedapparel like a hoodie with subtle cannabis embroidery can let them rep their love for the p style.


For your health-conscious buddy, it's all about balance and self-care. I’ve tried CBD-infused bath bombs myself, and there’s nothing quite like a relaxing soak to melt away stress A CBDtincturec also be great for daily wellness, helpi to calm the mind I often hear frien ravingabout microdosedgummies th combineCBDandlow-doseTHC they the perfect solution for a lig manageable relaxation session Shari something like this is not just abo gifting a product, but encouraging yo friendstotakecareofthemselves


For the outdoorsy friend who loves up in the wild, consider a smel backpackfortheirhikingadventures one friend who swears by their p rollingtray itmakesrollingupmidmuch easier A windproof lighter is must-have for those windy days friend is all about sustainability, c hemp-based products like rolling or a hemp hammock perfect for hanging out after a long trek Trust me, there’s nothing like sparking up and relaxing in nature

Forthefriendwholovesnothingmorethan to cuddle up on the couch, it’s all about enhancing their chill vibe. One of my favorite gifts to give is a cozy weighted blanket paired with some indicaedibles perfectforarelaxedmovienight Ionceput together a cozy set for a friend that included a candle with earthy scents like sandalwood and lavender, plus a soft blanket They said it completely transformedtheireveningsessions,making them feel like they were wrapped up in a comfortingatmosphere Andlet’snotforget a customized rolling tray with their name on it because personal touches like that makeallthedifference


The Holidaze are a time to spread cheer, and what better way than with gifts that elevate the lives of your favorite people? Remember, these recommendations come from my own experiences and the joy I’ve seenthesegiftsbringtoothers Whetherit’s thoughtful, practical, or just plain fun, there’s a cannabis-themed present for every type of friend It’s not just about the giftitself,butthecareyouputintochoosing it that truly makes it special Happy gifting, andmayyourHolidazebelit!

Staying Productive Duringthe Holidaze Cannabis Tipson Handling theStress

The holidays can be a wonderful time filled with family, friends,andfestivecheer butlet’sbereal,itcanalsobe downright stressful Between the shopping, the decorating,andtryingtomeetallthoseexpectations,the pressurecanbealot Fromaguywho’sbeenthroughthe chaotic holiday seasons and made it out the other side, herearemyfavoritecannabistipstohelpstayproductive, focused,and mostimportantly keepthestressincheck duringthe"Holidaze"



Disclaimer:Pleaserememberto consumecannabisresponsibly.Ensure youareawareofandcompliantwith thecannabislawsandregulationsin yourregion.Cannabisaffectseveryone differently,sostartlowandgoslow, especiallyifyouarenewtothese strains

I’m not talking about getting blasted first thing in the morning especiallyifyou’vegotalonglistoferrandsto tackle But, I’ve found that a small dose of a sativaleaning hybrid like Green Crack can give me that motivational boost I need without feeling overwhelmed I liketobrewastrongcoffee,takeahitortwo,andthensit down with a list of my to-dos for the day That mix of energy and focus makes the mountain of holiday tasks feelalittlemorelikeasmallhill OneDecembermorning,I rememberhowthissimpleritualturnedadreadeddayof shoppingintosomethingthatfeltalotmoremanageable andevenalittlefun.


OnethingI’vefoundisthatmoderationiskey especially if you want to stay productive Instead of going for a full high,IliketomicrodosewithsomethinglikeJackHereror Harlequin Justenoughtoquietthechaosinmymind,but not enough to make me lose sight of what I need to get done I usually go with a tincture or a low-THC edible Once,whenIhadtofinishdecoratingmyapartmentand wrapping gifts in a single afternoon, a tiny dose kept me focusedandrelaxed Thedecorationswereup,giftswere wrapped, and I still had the energy to get dinner on the table


Duringtheholidays,there’snothingquitelikesteppingoutside forabreathoffreshair andmaybeasmallsmokebreak I’d takewalksaroundmyneighborhoodtoescapethestress I’d rollupalittleBlueDreamandtakeitwithme BlueDreamhas just the right balance of calm and creativity it made those walksfeelrestorative I’dcomebackfeelingrecharged,ready totacklethenextroundofholidaytasks.Ifyou’vegotaccess to a nearby park or even just a quiet block, I highly recommendanaturebreaktogetoutofyourownheadfora bit Ifyou’vegotaccesstoanearbyparkorevenjustaquiet block, I highly recommend a nature break to get out of your ownheadforabit

SettheVibewithanIndicainthe Evenings

When the day’s work is done and it’s time to wind down, a goodindicalikeBubbaKushcanmakeallthedifference.One ofmyfavoritememoriesiscominghomeafteralong,freezing dayofshopping,andjustmeltingintothecouchwithBubba Kush and a classic holiday movie It’s important to reward yourself and truly rest there’s no productivity without balance BubbaKushhelpstakeawaythetensionoftheday, allowingmetorelaxandactuallyenjoytheholidaylightsand thesmellofpinefillingtheroom


Navigatingfamilygatheringscanbeoneofthemoststressful partsoftheholidays Alightdoseedible(somethinginthe510mg THC range) can help keep me mellow, even when the conversation gets awkward or heated During a big family dinner, I remember taking a low-dose gummy before everyone arrived It helped me feel more patient and less reactive plus,itmadeallthefoodtasteincredible!Thekeyis keeping the dose light so you’re still present but able to roll withwhatevercomesup


Let’s be real, sometimes the holiday season can get overwhelming, and that’s where CBD steps in On those days when I feel like I can’t catch a break maybe the gifts didn’t arrive on time, or the weather’s wrecking travel plans CBD helpsmefindmycenter.IlikeagoodCBDtinctureorevena CBD bath bomb to just unwind and let go of the tension I remember one year when everything seemed to be going wrong right before a holiday party, and a quick dose of CBD waswhatkeptmefromlosingitcompletely.

The holidays don’t have to be a time of non-stop stress and pressure With the right cannabis approach, you can stay productive, keep your cool, and actually enjoy the season Frommorningmotivationtoeveningrelaxation,thesearejust a few of the ways I’ve learned to handle the Holidaze Remember, it’s all about balance keeping stress at bay so you can make the most of what should be a joyful time Consume responsibly, stay mindful, and make this holiday seasononetorememberforalltherightreasons


Cannabisand theMuscular System:Support forStrengthand Recovery

Authoredby Dr.PepperHernandezND,Ph.D.,CTC,CNHP,NHC


The muscular system is a complex network of muscles and connective tissues responsible for movement, posture, and vital functions such as circulationanddigestion.Itcomprisesthreetypes ofmuscles:


SkeletalMuscles:Thesevoluntarymusclesare attached to bones and enable movement by contractingandrelaxing


Smooth Muscles: Found in organs like the stomach and intestines, these involuntary muscles help control functions like digestion andbloodflow


CardiacMuscle:Thisspecializedmuscletissue isfoundonlyintheheart,whereitmaintainsa consistentheartbeat

Muscle health is vital for mobility, strength, and overall well-being However, factors such as overexertion,stress,injury,andchronicconditions canleadtomusclefatigue,pain,orstiffness This is where cannabis and other natural remedies comeintoplay


Cannabis, particularly regenerative sungrown cultivars, offers several potential benefits for musclehealthandrecovery Sungrowncannabis, cultivated in natural sunlight and using sustainable practices, often contains a robust profile of cannabinoids and terpenes These compounds work synergistically to support musclefunctionandalleviatediscomfort



Anti-InflammatoryProperties: Cannabinoids such as CBD can reduceinflammation,makingthemhelpfulformusclesoreness, arthritis,andinjuries


Pain Relief: THC interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), which regulates pain perception These compoundsmayalleviateacuteandchronicmusclepain


Muscle Relaxation: Cannabis cultivars high in terpenes like myrceneandlinaloolcanpromotemusclerelaxationandreduce spasms, making them useful for conditions like cramps or fibromyalgia.

4 RegenerativeSungrownCultivarsforMuscles

ImprovedRecovery:Cannabiscanhelpreduceoxidativestress and promote faster muscle recovery after intense physical activity.



Benefits: Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, HarleTsuisidealforsoothingsoremusclesandreducingstiffness



Benefits: This cultivar helps alleviate muscle pain and inflammationwhilepromotingrelaxation



Benefits: Afghan Kush is a classic cultivar with musclerelaxing and pain-relieving properties, thanks to its sedative effectsandhighlevelsofmyrcene


Cannabis can be administered in various ways to support the muscularsystem Eachmethodoffersuniqueadvantages:


Topicals: Cannabis-infused creams, balms, and salves can be applieddirectlytotheskin Theseproductsareidealforlocalized relief of muscle pain and inflammation without psychoactive effects


Tinctures and Oils: Sublingual administration allows for fast absorption and systemic effects, making it suitable for widespreadmusclediscomfort



Edibles:Ediblesprovidelong-lastingreliefbutmaytakelongerto takeeffect,makingthemidealforchronicconditions

Inhalation: Smoking or vaporizing cannabis offers rapid relief, particularlyforacutemusclepainorspasms

AllinformationinthisarticleisforeducationalpurposesonlyTheinformatonprovidedis derivedfromresearchgatheredfromexternalsourcesPleasecheckwithyourCannabis EducatedPrimaryHealthCarePhysicianorEducated&TrainedCannabisTherapyConsultant beforebeginninganynewdietorlifestylechange

WrittenbyDrPepperHernandezNDPhD CTCCNHPinECS&NaturopathicMedicine CannabisTherapyConsultantTheFounderandEducationDirectoroftheCannabisHolistic InstituteTofindoutmoreaboutherTelemedicineConsultations,EducationalPrograms YouTubevideosandothercreativecontentyoucanfindheronthemassveinter-websonall platformsoratdrpepperhernandezcom GoforthGoCannabis


In addition to cannabis, many herbs and natural remedies cansupportmuscularhealth:


Turmeric: Rich in curcumin, turmeric is a powerful antiinflammatory that helps reduce muscle soreness and oxidativestress


Arnica: Often used in topical form, arnica helps alleviate musclepain,bruising,andstiffness



Peppermint: Peppermint oil contains menthol, which can provideacoolingsensationandreducemuscletension.

Ginger: Known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, ginger helps improve circulation and alleviate musclepain.


Ashwagandha: This adaptogen can reduce stress and cortisol levels, promoting muscle recovery and reducing tension.



Epsom Salt: Rich in magnesium, Epsom salt baths help relaxmusclesandreduceinflammation

Valerian Root: Valerian is a natural muscle relaxant that can help ease tension and promote restful sleep, aiding recovery

The muscular system plays a vital role in our overall health and daily functioning Cannabis, particularly regenerative sun-growncultivars,offersanaturalsolutionformusclepain, inflammation, and recovery Remember CBD helps with inflammation and THC with Pain Various administration methods, such as topicals and tinctures, cannabis can be tailored to individual needs Complementing cannabis with othernaturalremediesliketurmeric,arnica,andpeppermint creates a holistic approach to maintaining muscular health andvitality

Best Cannabis Strains for WWinter armth

Winter is here, and there’s nothing quite like curling up with a cozy blanket, your favorite movie, and of course, the perfect cannabis strain to match the season For those chilly nights whenallyouwantiswarmthandcomfort,I’veputtogethera list of my top cannabis strain recommendations crafted especiallywithwintervibesinmind.

Note:Theserecommendationsarebasedonpersonal experiencesandwhathasworkedformewhenI’veneededto embracethosecold,quietnights.


You can’t go wrong with this classic Northern Lights is like that old knitted blanket you keep coming back to comforting,reliable,andwonderfullysedative Itremindsme of winter nights in Toronto, where I’d watch the snowflakes pile up on the balcony while the city lights glowed softly through the storm The calming effect made it feel like the worldwastakingapeacefulpause,andIcouldtoo Duringa snowstorminToronto,IfoundthatNorthernLightshelpedme embrace the stillness, turning a cold night into a serene retreat. Personally, I love pairing it with a cup of hot cocoa, extramarshmallows,andmyfavoriteromancemovie It’sthe perfectwaytowinddownafteralongday.


When I think of winter, I think of rich, warm flavors, and Blueberrystrain hits all the right notes Savoring Blueberry's richflavorduringaquieteveninginNewYorkmademysmall apartment feel like a warm sanctuary Back when I lived in New York, I remember a particularly harsh winter where I’d curl up in my small apartment with a thick sweater and a good book, and Blueberry made the whole experience feel like a warm escape from the bitter cold just outside the window Imagine curling up on the couch with a thick sweater, a good book, and the scent of blueberry filling the room it’s like stepping into your own winter wonderland I find that Blueberry helps me keep the winter blues at bay, offeringawarmhugthat’sbothupliftingandcalming


When you need something a little more decadent, Granddaddy Purple is a great choice I remember one particularlyfrigidwintereveninginPhiladelphia whereeven stepping outside felt like a battle this strain made me feel luxurious and relaxed, almost like I was far away in a warm vineyard, sipping wine Enjoying Granddaddy Purple on a chillyPhiladelphianightfeltlikeindulginginaluxurioustreat, akin to savoring a fine dessert. It’s perfect for those winter nights when you want to feel both sophisticated and completelyrelaxed.Forme,it’sbestpairedwithacandle-lit bath awaytoescapethecoldoutsideandjustindulgeina momentofpurecomfort.


Namedfittinglyfortheseason,JackFrostismygo-towhen I’m looking for a balance between calm and creativity. Sometimes winter can feel a little isolating, but On a snowy afternooninToronto,JackFrostinspiredmetostartanewart project, bringing color to the gray day I love using it before divingintoacreativeproject whetherit’sjournaling,knitting, orfinallyattemptingthatwinterrecipeI’vebeenmeaningto try In Toronto, I often found Jack Frost to be the perfect companion when I stayed indoors on a snowy afternoon, trying out new recipes or sketching by the window as the snow blanketed the streets outside The light, piney flavor alsohasawayofmakingmefeelmoreconnectedtonature, evenwhenI’mcoopedupindoors


There’ssomethingaboutWhiteWidowthatmakesitfeellike a winter essential. During a winter gathering in New York, White Widow enhanced our conversations, making the eveningmoreengagingandmemorable Ilovethesenseof warmth it brings like having a fire crackling in the background, even if it’s just my space heater doing all the work It takes me back to cozy evenings in New York, where friends would gather in my tiny apartment, bundled up, sharingstoriesandlaughterwhilethewinterstormragedon outside White Widow is a fantastic choice for a small gathering of close friends, where laughter and comfort are onthemenu


Nothing says winter quite like peppermint, and Peppermint Kushlivesuptoitsname.Afteradayofholidayshoppingin Philadelphia, Peppermint Kush, paired with homemade cookies,helpedmeunwindandembracethefestivemood.I often pair this strain with peppermint tea or even a holiday cookie or two One year in Philadelphia, after a particularly stressful holiday shopping spree, Peppermint Kush, along with some freshly baked cookies, made for the perfect remedy to unwind and recapture the holiday spirit Its relaxing,melloweffectsmakeitgreatforunwindingafterthe hustleandbustleofholidayshoppingordecorating Plus,it’s perfect for those who want something a little different somethingthatremindsthemofallthemagicthat




Winterisallabout embracingcomfort, warmth,andthelittlejoys thatmaketheseason special.Therightcannabis straincanmakethoselong winternightsfeelmagical, whetheryou’rerelaxing solo,spendingtimewith lovedones,ortappinginto yourcreativeside.These aremypersonalfavorites, chosenfortheirabilityto makethecoldestnightsfeel warmandwonderful.So grabablanket,findyour favoritestrain,andlet winterworkitsmagic one cozysessionatatime.

Cannabis is more than just a plant it’s a part of human history and culture that has been shared across continents, evolving within different communitiesinuniqueways.Throughoutmytravels, I'vehadtheopportunitytoseehowdifferentcultures have embraced cannabis, making it part of their celebrations, rituals, and daily life. From Canada to the Caribbean, Mexico, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, and across the United States, the way people honor cannabis speaks volumes about the role it plays in connectingustoeachotherandtoourroots

How Different Cultures Celebrate with Cannabis CANNABIS AND CULTURAL HERITAGE



One of the most memorable experiences I've had was witnessing a Rastafarian gathering in the Caribbean, specifically in the US Virgin Islands. Rastafarian culture sees cannabis often called the "holy herb" as a sacrament,abridgetohigherconsciousness,andatool forspiritualconnection.Irememberbeingwelcomedas wesmokedononeofthemostbeautifulbeachesinthe world,listeningtothewavescomeashore Itwasn'tjust about the cannabis; it was about embracing the moment, connecting with nature, and acknowledging thatwearealllivingbeingssharingthisworldtogether Theatmospherewasfilledwithwarmthandacceptance, areminderthatweareallconnectedandthatcannabis canbeameanstobreakdownbarriersandbuildbonds



WhileIhaven’tpersonallybeentoIndiayet,Iremember celebrating Holi with some friends from the Indian communitywhenIlivedinNewYork Theybroughtbhang an edible cannabis drink traditionally used during the festival of Holi and we enjoyed it as part of the festivities BhanghasbeenusedinIndiaforcenturiesas part of both religious rituals and cultural celebrations That day was full of laughter, vibrant colors, and an overwhelming sense of joy The cannabis-infused drink was mild but helped to enhance the feeling of camaraderieandfun,anditgavemeaglimpseintohow ancienttraditionsarekeptaliveeventhousandsofmiles awayfromtheirorigin


During a visit to Toronto, I had the pleasure of joining a friend for a traditional tea ceremony that included hashish Thoughhewasn'tfromMorocco,hehadagreat connectionwithsomeMoroccanhashishandhadspent amonththereonvacation,learningaboutthetraditions firsthand Hashish has a long history in Morocco, where it’s often used socially, in relaxed settings, paired with mint tea As we sat in his apartment, sharing mint tea and small puffs of hashish, I felt the warmth of those traditions Thehashishbroughtagentlecalmthatmade our conversations flow effortlessly, turning an ordinary afternoonintosomethingmuchmoremeaningful


While living in Oklahoma, I learned about some of the Indigenous American perspectives on cannabis. For sometribes,cannabishasbeenusedforgenerationsin ritualsaimedathealingandconnection ThoughInever attended any ceremonies, I was fascinated by the culture and how it remains an important part of our history The reverence that some tribes have for the plant reminded me that cannabis is, at its heart, a natural gift a reminder of our bond with the land and with each other The reverence they had for the plant remindedmethatcannabisis,atitsheart,anaturalgift a reminder of our bond with the land and with each other


Having lived in Canada for a time, I witnessed firsthand the shift in cultural perception that came with legalization Canada has taken strides in normalizing cannabis use, and it’s fascinating to see how it has becomepartofthesocialfabric,especiallyduringpublic holidays One Canada Day, I remember joining a group of friends at Niagara Falls in Ontario, just after legalization had passed, where cannabis was openly sharedandenjoyed Theyhadsomeofthebest-tasting weed my friends all grew their own, and I couldn't believe how beautiful, tasty, and potent it was The experience was eye-opening; it showed me what true care and craftsmanship could bring to cultivating cannabis It wasn’t about rebellion it was about community, about being able to enjoy the plant freely and responsibly The legalization didn’t just change the laws; it changed the culture, making cannabis an acceptedandevencelebratedpartoflife.



From Pennsylvania to Buffalo, New York, Oklahoma, and eventoplaceslikeArizonaandLasVegas,I’veexperienced myfairshareof420celebrations Eachlocationhaditsown unique vibe New York’s 420 gatherings were always bustlingwithenergy,fullofmusic,streetvendors,andamix of people from all walks of life, while Pennsylvania’s celebrations felt a bit more grassroots, often focused on advocacy, education, and featured music festivals that brought people together In Arizona, the desert backdrop made the gatherings feel almost serene, while Vegas was all about extravagance and spectacle. In all these places, 420 wasn’t just a day to light up; it was a statement of solidarity, a reminder of the journey toward normalization and the progress still to be made. It was about coming together to celebrate the plant that had, in many ways, broughtusallthere

Cannabis has found its way into cultural traditions around theworld,andeachoftheseexperienceshasshownmea different side of the plant Whether it’s a spiritual sacrament,apartoffestivecelebrations,orsimplyawayto bring people together, cannabis is woven into the cultural heritage of so many communities My travels have taught me that cannabis is more than just a substance it’s a connector, a symbol of community, resilience, and shared joy As we continue to push for greater acceptance, it’s importanttohonorthesediversetraditionsandthewaysin which cannabis has been, and continues to be, a part of ourcollectivestory


Mindful Highs


Theholidaysareoftenawhirlwind fulloffestivecheer fair amount of stress Between shopping, gatherings, endresponsibilities,itcanbeeasytolosetouchwith moment That’s where mindfulness, meditation, and cannabis can make a world of difference In this sharing some mindfulness practices that have h integratecannabiswithmeditationtofindpeaceduring holidayseason

SettingtheStagefor Mindfulness

Before diving into meditation, it’s important to environment that helps you feel grounded. I like to k simple acleanspace,acomfortableseat,andmayb or some soft lighting. When I pair this setting with cannabisstrain,likeHarlequinorACDC,itenhancesm settle in and release some of the holiday chaos A few low-doseediblehelpstoquietthemindandsettherig amindfulsession,turningeven15minutesintoagenuin


BodyScanMeditation withaLightHigh

bodyscan Afterconsumingasmalldoseofanindica-dominant hybrid,likeNorthernLights,Iliedown,closemyeyes,andguide my attention slowly through each part of my body The gentle high helps me tune in more deeply to physical sensations feelingthewarmthinmyfeet,thetensioninmyshoulders,orthe relaxation that gradually spreads. This practice is particularly groundingandhelpsmetofullyrelaxafterabusyholidayevent oralongdayoftravel

UsingBreathworktoStay Present

The combination of cannabis and breathwork has been a powerful tool for managing holiday stress I usually start with a sativa strain that promotes clarity without too much intensity something like Jack Herer I sit comfortably and begin deep, mindfulbreathing,lettingthecannabisamplifymyawarenessof each breath It’s amazing how just focusing on inhaling and exhaling can bring you back into the moment I’ve found this practice especially helpful before heading into social gatherings; it keeps me calm, collected, and ready to engage withoutfeelingoverwhelmed

MindfulWalking:Moving Meditation

Winter walks are one of the most underrated mindfulness activities Bundling up, stepping outside, and taking in the crisp aircandowondersforthesoul Iliketobringalongavapepen withaCBD-richstrainlikeCharlotte’sWeb justenoughtofeel centered without a psychoactive buzz As I walk, I focus on my surroundings the crunch of snow underfoot, the chill on my cheeks,thesightsandsoundsofwinter Itturnsanordinarywalk into an intentional, meditative experience that helps me feel groundedamidtheholidayrush

GuidedMeditationfor LettingGo

The holidays tend to bring up all sorts of emotions family dynamics, financial pressures, the stress of trying to make everythingperfect.Tohelpmanagethesefeelings,Ioftenturnto guided meditations designed for letting go A mild indica like Bubba Kush helps me sink into the practice without feeling overlysedated Withheadphoneson,Iletthevoiceoftheguide leadmethroughvisualizationsofreleasingtension,lettinggoof expectations, and finding inner peace It’s been a lifesaver on those nights when the to-do list feels never-ending and sleep seemselusive

Journalingfor Mindfulness

After a meditation session, I sometimes grab my journal to jot down whatever thoughts or insights came up Cannabis helps metapintoamorereflectivestate,makingiteasiertoprocess emotions or set intentions for the days ahead A few hits of a balanced hybrid, like Blue Dream, provide enough clarity to articulate my thoughts while still feeling relaxed Writing down what I’m grateful for, what I want to release, or simply how I’m feeling can transform stress into something more manageable andmaketheholidaysfeellessoverwhelming

The holidays can be hectic, but integrating mindfulness and cannabis has been a way for me to stay present and manage stress with grace It’s not about getting high and escaping reality; it’s about using cannabis as a tool to enhance awareness, relax the mind, and connect more deeply with the present moment Whether it’s through meditation, breathwork, walking, or journaling, these practices have made the holiday season more meaningful and less overwhelming. I hope they canbringsomepeacetoyourholidazetoo

SnoopDoggandKaiCenat:The UltimateHotboxSession

Snoop Dogg has a reputation for taking cannabis culture to new heights, and his recent collaboration with popular content creator Kai Cenat is no exception. The two were caught on video in a rather unconventional setting a car, ready to hotbox it with eight blunts in just ten minutes Snoop, ever the ambassador of all things cannabis, issued the challenge to see if Cenat, whohadneversmokedbefore,could handle his first encounter with marijuana in a quintessential Snoop Doggway

Kai Cenat, known for his explosive energyonTwitchandYouTube,might have thought he was ready for anything, but a hotbox with Snoop Doggisadifferentkindoftest.Inthe video, Snoop takes the lead, encouraging Cenat with tips on how tohandlethesmoke,allwhilesharing plenty of laughs It was evident that Snoop wanted Cenat to experience the"highlife"inoneofthemosticonic wayspossible aproperhotbox.

Hotboxing, which involves smoking inside a small, enclosed space to intensifytheeffectsofmarijuana,has become a cultural staple, especially within hip-hop and cannabis circles Snoop Dogg, a well-known cannabis enthusiast, has long been a part of the scene, often pushing the boundariesofwhatitmeanstoenjoy cannabis Throughout the video, the camaraderie between the two celebrities was palpable, as they joked and laughed, offering their audience a relaxed, behind-thescenes look at their antics. Though thechallengeseemedlighthearted,it also speaks to the broader trend of normalizing cannabis use, especially in celebrity circles where openness about marijuana is becoming increasinglycommon

Getthelatestscoop onallthingscannabis fromTheChronic Magazine-yourgo-to sourceforup-todate marijuananews, helpfulresourcesand anexcitinglifestyle

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