The Chronic Magazine February 2021

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CHRONIC Cannabis Incarceration in Oklahoma

Who's Who of Growing



The Oklahoma Chronic Magazine

STAFF Therin Miller || Chief Operations Officer

Kayla Johnson || Editor Instagram: @ladyofhousej

Instagram: @oklahomachronicmagazine

Veronica Castillo || Writer

Melissa Hall || Canna Critic

Instagram: @v2_traveling_veg_canna_writer

Instagram: @okcannacritic

Dr. Pepper Hernandez || Writer Instagram: @dr.pepperhernandez

Rachel Klubeck || Cannabis Attorney / Writer

Chef Buz Deliere || Canna Chef Instagram: @medibles_ok

Chynna Pearson || Writer Instagram: @chynnathewriter

Instagram: @roklubeck

Terrisha Harris || Graphic Designer Instagram: @smoke_tree_cannabis

Philip Rodriguez || Writer Instagram: @wheretosmokeokc





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Well, we made it to February mostly intact, that's a good sign, right? Personally, I'm secretly a fan of Valentine's Day: it's cutesy, and any excuse to buy chocolate is worth it. (Pro tip: you can just buy those hearts for yourself, they can't stop you!) Whether you're spending the lovey-dovey holiday with your better half or spending it learning to love yourself, we here at the Chronic hope you take the time to spread a little socially-distanced love to others in the canna-community as well. With spring right around the corner, there are a few surprises here at the Chronic, waiting for the right moment to sprout up, and we can't wait to share the goods!


5 ways cannabis can bring humans closer to love By Veronica Castillo





Raspberry White chocolate cheesecake


By Pepper Hernandez




Exploring Alpha-Pinene 55



Be safe and be well! Have a story? Please let us know at!






Five ways cannabis can bring humans closer to love By Veronica Castillo

Many people call it the devil’s lettuce but the truth is, lettuce can’t be devilish. Lettuce is the most consumed vegetable and has a multitude of benefits like: low in fat and sodium, and a great source of fiber, iron, folate, and vitamin C. (fact check- If devil means great for mind, body, and soul- then maybe it is. Cannabis has been on earth since 2727 B.C, according to the DEA and since we can’t really believe what they say, I’m going to assume that cannabis was here longer than that. Cannabis has been used for all aspects of life before Nixon. It is known and always has been, as medicine (outside the eyes of the government) and for many, a way to heal from trauma and move closer to love. When people are happy, you know, battling fewer aches, flare-ups, and triggers, it allows for fewer relationship struggles, arguments, and hiccups. People are vibrational beings and so when vibrating high, humans become love. OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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This Valentine’s Day, I want to share ways 5 ways that cannabis can help bring humans closer to love. 1. Intimacy: Trauma creates boundaries, walls, borders, and maybe even seclusion. Cannabis can be consumed to help treat conditions like: PTSD, anxiety, and depression making it easier to connect with others. 2. Mental Health: Things and conditions like trauma as stated above, stress, and bi-polar disorder can be treated with Cannabis (always discuss with your doctor), creating a sense of “enjoying the moment” and not focusing on things would normally trigger someone. Stress is generally melted when cannabis is consumed and it also helps stabilize and balance moods. This can allow walls to come down, allowing for bonding.


3. Better Sex: Many people don’t tie sex and love together. I’ve heard many many times: “sex is an act; love is an emotion”. Well, in my opinion, humans act from emotion a lot of the time. But there’s proven science. Dr. Lester Grinspoon says that cannabis "greatly enhances the sexual experience for many people. There was a study that proved that cannabis can intensify orgasms, improve your sexual longevity, and even be an aphrodisiac. (fact check: High Times Mag) 4. Increased Communication: Cannabis has always had the “lonely stoner” stigma. Many believe that Cannabis makes humans retreat into a bubble and not like others. Truth is- cannabis brings clarity and so for many- heck yes circles have to change! This isn’t a bad thing. Regarding communication, cannabis allows for unfiltered, and more relaxing communication. Many times, all of the social pressures and anxieties of general society make it hard to communicate. Cannabis can create uninhibited ways to discuss intimate thoughts. 5. Less Arguing: When cannabis is in the body, relaxation is offered. Many times, no one wants to trade in relaxation for stress. And because cannabis can create better communication, it also contributes to less arguing. There was a study conducted in the 90’s by the University of Buffalo. 600 couples were involved and the study found that couples who consume cannabis more, have less violent relationships. Fact check ( The government played a huge role in the brainwashing of societies around the world. And of course, with their terror like movement- influenced other governments to move away from legalizing the plant. For decades, cannabis has been public enemy number one and for no good reason. Cannabis can create more love in the world, and we really need it. Many notice the change and growth from within since cannabis. For me, it started in, and then so much love flowed out. Cannabis heals and can increase the vibration of love around the world. What better Valentine’s Day celebration than that?


Cannabis Incarceration in Oklahoma By Chynna Pearson According to a High Times article from The idea of fully legalized cannabis, both 2019, “the Oklahoma Pardon and medical and recreational, seems to be Parole Board voted to recommend that creeping around the corner. More and the sentences for 527 state inmates be more states have been legalized. In fact, commuted by Republican Gov. Kevin after voting in November 2020, Oregon Stitt.” During this time, medical residents can now possess all drugs, each marijuana had been legal for nearly a one has been decriminalized. Oregonians year and it seemed as if the initiative can now have heroin, cocaine, was going to lessen the number of methamphetamines, and psychedelic people in prison for marijuana mushrooms for personal use, though charges. distribution is still frowned upon. Due to things like this, there is a significant Steven Bickley, the executive director amount of the population that wants of the Pardon and Parole Board, marijuana offenses to be expunged remarked how special the move was, because there are people becoming multi“This is a historical day for criminal millionaires off the marijuana industry justice reform in Oklahoma, as we while others are stuck in prison. send the largest single day Oftentimes, when released they cannot commutation of sentences in our participate in businesses or apply for nation’s history to the governor’s medical marijuana cards due to their desk. With this vote, we are fulfilling criminal history. the will of Oklahomans. However, from day one, the goal of this project When medical marijuana was legalized in has been more than just the release of Oklahoma, many had no clue how that low-level, non-violent offenders, but was going to change. Currently the laws the successful reentry of these regarding cannabis in Oklahoma, as said individuals back into society.” by Jaqui Ford Law, is, “without a medical marijuana license, possessing more than Ryan Kiesel, the executive director of 1.5 ounces of herbal cannabis will still the American Civil Liberties Union of lead to a misdemeanor charge (with the Oklahoma, said of the new laws and penalty of a maximum fine of $400, but progress, “From the 30,000-foot view, no jail time).” There is a possibility “to the criminal justice landscape is lightfile an appeal to have prior marijuana years ahead of where it was three or convictions altered to reflect the new four years ago,” Kiesel said. “It would rules. Though marijuana laws have have been impossible before State clearly changed, it is still illegal for Question 780 passed in Oklahoma; Oklahomans to possess or grow medical that signaled to lawmakers there was marijuana without the appropriate an appetite for reform.” license.” It seems to be clear that | 10 progress is being made within Oklahoma. OKLAHOMA CHRONIC


In 2019, the High Times article continued, the problem of mass incarceration in Oklahoma moved forward “with the passage of State Question 780 and 781, certain simple drug possession charges and nonviolent property crimes less than $1,000 were reclassified from felonies to misdemeanors. The ballot propositions also mandated that savings realized from reducing incarceration be used to fund drug treatment and rehabilitation services.”


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Unfortunately, the problem of mass incarceration in Oklahoma hasn’t changed much as of 2020. The Oklahoma ACLU reported that even with the medical legalization of marijuana and the lack of jail time as punishment, “far too much has remained unchanged when it comes to racial disparities in arrests.” New research from their report report, A Tale of Two Countries: Racially Targeted Arrests in the Era of Marijuana Reform, concluded with many troubling findings: “Across the U.S., law enforcement made more than 6.1 million marijuana-related arrests from 2010 to 2018. In Oklahoma alone, there were almost 9,057 marijuana arrests in 2018, the vast majority of which were for possession. In 2018, marijuana possession arrests accounted for 42 percent of all drug arrests in Oklahoma. Despite legalization in a number of states, it is not clear that marijuana arrests are trending downward nationally. National arrest rates have actually risen in the past few years, with almost 100,000 more arrests in 2018 than 2015. A Black person in Oklahoma is 4.2 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than a white person. In fact, Oklahoma ranks 13 in the nation for the largest racial disparities in marijuana possession arrests. Although the overwhelming majority of Oklahoma counties have racial disparities, Pontotoc, Ottawa, Rogers, Cherokee, and Stephens have the largest disparities in marijuana arrests. Overall, these disparities have not improved. Nationally, a Black person is 3.64 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than a white person, even though Black and white people use marijuana at similar rates. In ten states, Black people were more than 5 times more likely to be arrested. In states that legalized marijuana, arrest rates decreased after legalization while racial disparities remained.”


Kiesel, in reference to this information, said, “Oklahoma continues to vigorously enforce marijuana laws, which disproportionately target Black communities and entangle hundreds of thousands of people in the criminal legal system every year at a tremendous cost. As a matter of racial justice and sound public health policy, every state in the country must legalize marijuana with racial equity at the foundation of such reform.” Oklahoma is in need of radical changes in its handling of it’s marijuana industry and its prison systems. According to Prison Policy, the incarceration rates in Oklahoma stand out nationally. Per 100,000 residents, the national incarceration rate is 698 while in Oklahoma it is a whopping 1,079, nearly double. Overwhelmingly the prison population majority is people of color. The unfortunate reality of the disparities facing Oklahomans and specifically Oklahomans of color is incredibly disappointing. All of these reasons combined are why the ACLU pushes for acts to be passed to ensure racial justice, like the MORE act that was meant to decriminalize marijuana altogether. It is clear that there needs to be a radical change with the way we all deal with marijuana and the marijuana industry. Fortunately, there are many organizations that are stepping up to address this issue. The Last Prisoner Project (LPP) is a well known cannabis criminal justice organization. Their vision is “the belief that if anyone is able to profit and build wealth in the legal cannabis industry, those individuals must also work to release and rebuild the lives of those who have suffered from cannabis criminalization.” The LPP states in their mission statement that, “As the United States moves away from the criminalization of cannabis, giving rise to a major new industry, there remains the fundamental injustice inflicted upon those who have suffered criminal convictions and the consequences of those convictions.


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At the LPP we utilize a three-pronged approach to securing FULL freedom for the communities we serve. Through intervention, advocacy, and awareness campaigns the Last Prisoner Project works to redress the past and continuing harms of these unjust laws and policies.” There are many more organizations that are able to help with the changes needed. Oklahoma is not the only state where these problems happen and the fight is not impossible to win. The marijuana industry has the potential to be great for every party that wants to be involved. Through advocacy organizations like the LPP the cannabis industry can change as much as it already has. Remember it used to be considered the same as methamphetamines, we can absolutely make the change. This writer believes we can do it within our lifetime.


Who's Who: Growers in Oklahoma By Melissa Hall

Fabulous Cannabis Co. IG - @fabulous.cannabisco


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Emerald Fire Meds IG - @emeraldfiremeds

Emerald Fire Meds is owned by the husband and wife team, Josh and Dani. They have been in the cultivation business for over 15 years. Josh and his partner Vic also own Fire House dispensary at 3411 N Rockwell in Bethany. Their cultivation facility is in Piedmont, OK. It’s a smaller facility, at around 6500 sf, but everything is state of the art and mostly automated. They run a fully perpetual cycle with several separate rooms, allowing them to harvest a room every 18 days like clockwork. They also breed some of their own flavors in house, such as the very Popular Yoda Punch (Sky Walker OG x Jedi OG) X Purple Punch. They also hunt and test for several breeders and have some very unique pheno types in their gardens. Notably their wildly popular lil lady “Wet Betty” (Gushers x Grease Monkey). They very rarely grow from somebody else’s clone. They prefer to personally hunt through hundreds of seeds to find that one special lady that meets their criteria. They believe you will never stand out if you're only growing other people’s cuts, making their flower unique and exceptional. Their motto is... “Fire Product, Fire Prices” And that is definitely the case as their dispo prices reflect that they grow their own flower, making patients very happy!

Arbuckle Farms IG - @arbucklefarms

At the Arbuckle Farm, family values and high standards are predominant throughout the company. John A. Barringer, John K Pettigrew, and Thomas Young run the super-popular farm. A patient favorite and one of the most recognizable cannabis brands in Oklahoma, Arbuckle Farms has made growing high-quality products and a great professional business sense their reputation. They have just recently completed their expansion, going from 3 flower rooms to 8 to give them the ability to reach more patients throughout Oklahoma. They became known for the CAPs Cut of MAC, but their genetics vault holds so much more heat. With the completion of their expansion, their available cultivars will also expand. Their company motto is simple and sweet. “We Grow Medicine” And do they ever. Don’t miss a chance to try this amazing flower if you are one of the few that hasn’t in Oklahoma. We expect to see big things to come from this trailblazing farm and their brand to remain a staple in Oklahoma Cannabis for a long, long time.


Jive Cannabis Company IG - @jive.cannabisco

They put a lot of passion into cultivating high quality flower over at Jive Cannabis Company. Grown by patients, Flavor is their thing; the Jive Crew pheno hunts perpetually to have several new flavors all the time. They take the time to select varieties that are up to their standards. Jive gives the patients a genuine experience. ‘We are all connoisseurs at Jive and want to give the patients a great experience with our products, Something we’d enjoy ourselves.” Jive stated. Running about 40 strains, they have a very unique menu. Some of the strains they are known for include:Sunshine Lime, Grandpa’s Breath, Purple Jellato (DVG collab), Hot Rod (DVG collab), Banana Split, Gelato 33, Mint Cream Cake, Lemonade, and OZ Kush Bx2. Jive products can be found statewide and we expect huge things from them in the future. Their brand is strong and exudes quality, and always delivers patients a trustworthy product.

Applegate Farms IG - @applegate_farms

“Medicine For The Mind, Body, and Soul" is the motto of Apple Gate Farms. AG Farms strive to produce the highest quality medicine for Oklahomans looking for relief. They produce top-shelf cannabis grown in a state of the art, toxic-free environment. Founded in the fall of 2019, they are proudly serving dispensaries all across the state. Grown by true professionals with years of experience, they offer a wide variety of strains including Purple Punch, Grape Krypt, Vanilla Gorilla, Wilson Zero, Killer Cupcakes, and many more. They are constantly popping seeds and testing to bring new strains that are not as common to the area, while always keeping it frosty and fresh. Their product is hand-trimmed and packaged with pride bringing the best quality to their customers. While AG Farms is a little over a year old they are on track to cement their place in Oklahoma as a topquality grower. The AG Farms logo is already recognized for quality. Follow them on IG @applegate_farms.


Talking Headz Co-op IG - @talkingheadzcoop

Talking Headz Co-op is a western Oklahoma grow located in Weatherford, OK. A new state of the art grow facility, along with a meticulous team with knowledge and years of experience give Talking Headz Co-op a great foundation for having one of the nicest grows in the state. The Headz is becoming a brand that is getting quite a bit of notice as its products move across the state. Awesome genetics combined with ideal conditions and lots of love shine through in the flower from this soon to be very well known brand. Keep your eyes open for products from the Talking Headz Co-op, don’t sleep on this new name. You will not be disappointed. Follow them on IG @talkingheadzcoop.

Red Dirt Raised IG - @reddirtraised03

Red Dirt Raised is a small, veteran and family run boutique indoor garden out of Duncan, Oklahoma. James and Alissa, the husband and wife team that runs this special grow, specialize in small-batch craft flower. James’ first introduction to medical cannabis was at nine years old, watching his grandma treating her lung cancer. Experiencing pain and opioid abuse in his past, stomach problems constantly keep him and the team at Red Dirt searching for new and helpful medicinal cultivars. They may be smaller, but are making a big name for themselves across the state. The super attention to detail, trim, and quality control give this company’s flower wonderful medical effects, and quite the nice bag appeal too. They are also proud to produce true Oklahoma-grown Medicine. “Patients helping patients” is their motto. If you see Red Dirt Raised on a shelf near you, grab it quickly! It won’t last long.


Hideaway Farms

IG - @hideawayfarms580

Hideaway Farms, established in 2018, has become one of the largest 100% indoor organic cannabis farms in Oklahoma. Their vision is to combine the best organic growing methods and genetics from America’s top cannabis breeders to provide top quality medicine. In just over 2 years, they have gained a reputation for producing some of the finest medical cannabis for Oklahoma patients. Hideaway Farms carries 15 different strains, at all times, with a wide range of indica/sativa varieties. Hideaway Farms has an internal sales team and free delivery statewide, so ask for it at your favorite dispensary. When you see their popular brand, you know you have found a quality product. For inquiries contact, and follow them on IG!


By Carisa Rowe

A behavioral health therapist I worked with once upon a time gave me this advice pertaining to releasing the creative flow, “Write wasted, edit sober.” It was advice passed to her from a grad school professor and the creative process embraced by some of history’s greatest writers: Hemingway, Thompson, Keroac, Poe…. And yours truly. I am notoriously past deadline (sorry, Kayla) for every article. It seems to be a common problem amongst this particular creative set as many of the writers I know claim to be unable to put pen to paper unless they are under the wire or under the influence. I don’t drink much or often these days and I am not prone to opium binges, so my creative drug of choice is cannabis. Every month, when I can finally sit down to write – with less than 12 hours till deadline, I can be heard telling whichever loved one is in ear shot for my theatrics, “Okay, I need to focus. I’mma get smoke this bowl and then I’m going in.”

I did some research into the effects of cannabis on the creative process. There are some studies on this topic from the 1970s and a few through the early and mid-2000s but nothing in the last five years. The studies were, as all cannabis studies, problematic and incomplete. They do offer a little insight into the way that cannabis might influence creativity. The key takeaways are this: cannabis, at a low dose, can improve divergent thinking while high doses can impair it. Divergent thinking includes brainstorming and problem-solving outside the box, both measures of creativity. The boost in creativity was larger for people who did not consider themselves to be creative; naturally creative people did not report as measured an increase when influenced by cannabis. OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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The negative effects of using cannabis when creating can include scattered thinking, impaired communicative skills, and loss of interest or waning commitment as THC metabolizes. The trade-off still seems worth it for this highly creative writer and it got me wondering how other creatives embrace cannabis. This month when my editor, Kayla, assigned this very article, I was given the opportunity to peek in on the processes of artistic-minded creators within our local community and ask what impact cannabis has had on their arts.

Glitter Ganja

IG: @Glitterganja Shop: Through IG or FB (Glitterganjacups) Tell me a little about you and the products you create? I’m Keisha Brennan. I have three daughters, own and operate Glitter Ganja, and I grow cannabis for personal use. How does art play into your craft? I began my journey into art through my grandmother, who herself is an artist. At a young age, I would be in her sewing room watching her paint or sew a few pieces of fabric into something amazing and I was hooked! I fell terribly ill in 2015 while pregnant with my daughter and I needed income somehow. I fell back on my grandmother’s tutelage and dug out my sewing machine.

I started selling blankets to the daycare I had been working for prior to becoming sick. I added baby bibs and ventured into vinyl crafts. I eventually started creating vinyl window decorations for daycares. When my daughter was born, I spent even more time at home and fell into a rabbit hole with resin.

What drew you to create cannabisinspired products? Up until cannabis was legal, I focused on custom resin cups. These are the insulated tumblers available through your store right? Like coffee mugs and such? Yes. Once cannabis was legalized and it wasn’t frowned upon to make things involving cannabis, I went crazy! My mind overflowed with inspiration and I knew I wanted to grow my own cannabis to use in my artwork. Where do you draw your inspiration? The art of a cannabis leaf is beautiful. I’ve taken a lot of time to learn how to work the resin and mediums like plant material.


My favorite to work with is mica powder to create my own custom colors. I like to make things even more personal each item I make. I like to include key components of my clients’ personalities into the pieces they commission. Does your creative process involve cannabis use? Yes. Before I start any of my crafts, I consume. It helps me get creative. In what ways? I normally work late at night after my kids go to bed. As a home-school mom currently, I use that time to relax and make things. As I build a piece, I draw up a page of ideas picked from my client’s head and when I set out to actually making it, I shift those ideas that look good together and that highlight what the client is really into, until they become the final commission. Do you have a favorite varietal (strain) for unlocking your creative side? I like a strong sativa to help me get into creative mode. How would you like to see art, cannabis, and community come together? I would love to see everyone in the art cannabis community come together. There are a lot of people who do resin work, make rolling trays, or custom vinyl. I love to refer clients to different artists when I can’t meet their needs. There is so much talent and I love to support everyone’s vision in the community!


Nicole Lowry

IG: @peacelovedesigns Shop: or Tell me a little about you and the products you create? I am Nicole Lowry and I am a business and marketing consultant focused on digital marketing programs. I host shops on myshopify and Society6 that feature my designs available on a variety of products including wall art, functional décor, and design-minded fashion with a cannabis twist. How does art play into your craft? It's always been a creative life for me. My mother is an incredibly talented artist in her own right and because of th at art was encouraged in any venture. What drew you to create cannabisinspired products? I've always been drawn to painting nature, this just seemed like a natural evolution to include cannabis as a study in my piece. Where do you draw your inspiration? Color, nature, plants, and playful dances of light...

Does your creative process involve cannabis use? Yes, I do, it helps loosen my bones and get those creative juices flowin'. Cannabis is the reason that I am able to paint and create. It saved my career because without cannabis, I would be hopped up on pain killers and passed out daily. In what ways? I'm a bit old school, I'm the one to sage, paint, and smoke a blunt. ;) with the perfect soundtrack. Do you have a favorite varietal (strain) for unlocking your creative side? I prefer indicas. I love the Blue Cookies strain… or DJ Short’s Blueberry. How would you like to see art, cannabis, and community come together? Art has always had a way of uniting a community. Whether it’s a painting, a drawing, a sculpture, a mural, or wearable gear you have a moment, as an artist, to present a position of love and truth that can transcend change.


BeyondArt Studios

IG: @beyondart_studios Shop:

Tell me a little about you and the products you create? Beyondart Studios came about from needing to find a mental health escape (pre-cannabis). I had been watching lots of crafty ideas and failed at learning to knit well so I decided to give painting a try and tell in love with the process, ways to express emotions, and watching the paint become what it wants with a little help from me. I create visual art and wall dĂŠcor that often incorporates cannabis imagery or patterns. I use texture to elevate the visual experience of many of my pieces. How does art play into your craft? I took art studies in college and have been drawn to art ever since. When I was developing my craft, I had been watching lots of crafty ideas and failed at learning to knit well so I decided to give painting a try and tell in love with the process. Creating art gives me an outlet to express emotions and watching the paint become what it wants helps me work through my everyday health. What drew you to create cannabisinspired products? Cannabis culture drew me to cannabis art. I grew up southern Baptist and was really never exposed. I was naive about it until my 30s. I didn't come around cannabis until after it was legal. Once I started smoking, my art changed. I was able to let cannabis get my headspace to express my contained emotions. My therapist said it was a great outlet and it's proven to be so. Where do you draw your inspiration? I spend time walking art museums, attending art shows, and watching artists on YouTube a lot. OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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Does your creative process involve cannabis use? Cannabis plays a huge roll. Generally I partake before I paint. My mind space generally creates the painting. There are rare times I go in knowing what I want to make. In what ways? I let cannabis and music take my headspace where it needs and I paint. I have been caught dancing around my room a time or two. Do you have a favorite varietal (strain) for unlocking your creative side? Wedding Cake and Sage have been go to strains for me. How would you like to see art, cannabis, and community come together? I'd love to have smoke sessions with painting just like you do with wine nights.


Marion Glassworks

IG: @marionglassworks Shop: to order or for custom work Tell me a little about you and the products you create? A little about me? I’ve been blowing glass for about three years. I’m primarily a pipe maker but I do scientific glasswork whenever needed. My style is primarily rainbow fume work. Fuming is where you boil gold or silver and the fumes recondense on the glass. You can then apply glass on top of it to create a variety of patterns. How does art play into your craft? In my eyes, glassblowing is an entirely different artistic medium than any other. Because glass is so dynamic, it gives you absolute creative freedom with no restrictions. It’s an artist’s dream to have that kind of flexibility in both color palette and unique forms. What drew you to create cannabisinspired products? I have been a cannabis user for years and being able to create art that actually gets used and appreciated is wonderful!

In what ways? It enhances how I see color and helps me think of different possibilities for the piece I am working on.

Where do you draw your inspiration? I spend time walking art museums, attending art shows, and watching artists on YouTube a lot.

Do you have a favorite varietal (strain) for unlocking your creative side? My favorites lately are Kush Mints and Zookies .

Where do you draw your inspiration? I take a lot of my inspiration from older vases and scientific glassware.

How would you like to see art, cannabis, and community come together? I’d really like to see the cannabis community come together and start sourcing more of their glassware and cannabis accessories locally. We have a ton of great artists making everything from heady rigs to dab mats. A rising tide raises all boats and there’s a lot of opportunity in forming partnerships with local artists.

Does your creative process involve cannabis use? A lot of my design process involves intensive “testing” (fat dabs) to make sure that whatever piece I am making is as functional as it is captivating. Cannabis helps in other ways during the creative process.


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Jess McAteer

IG: @smokestashok Shop: Tell me a little about you and the products you create? My mom and I actually just launched our company, Smoke Stash, this month! This is a cannabis accessory subscription box service. It’s the first of its kind out of the Oklahoma market. Much like other cannabis subscription boxes, we’ll include great swag but we are going to feature a local brand or two, each month. We’ve got a big dream in mind, making it happen one day at a time. How does art play into your craft? I’d like to think my “art” is spreading happiness. I like everything about this industry and helping patients medicate and enjoy their life is everything to me. I think the happiness we’re spreading with this box is an art all in itself. On top of that, we’re spotlighting local artists and that art plays a pretty big role. What drew you to create cannabisinspired products? My mom and I have always dreamed of opening a company. She attended college at night when I was younger and on her nights off, we’d dream up business plans.

When I got involved in this industry, right after SQ 788 passed, I just knew the cannabis industry was my calling. Since being involved I’ve seen so many businesses open, just not a convenient accessory business. In light of Covid, technology advancing, and subscription boxes for just about anything anymore it really was a no brainer! Where do you draw your inspiration? We name a lot of our products after my sister who recently passed away, Josi. I think she inspires my mom and me the most... but I also draw a lot from the incredibly powerful women who surround me. My village is powerful. Does your creative process involve cannabis use? Absolutely. I have chronic anxiety and I struggle a lot with that. In order to relax, free my mind and get creative cannabis is always the key lol! In what ways? In order to relax, free my mind, and get creative: cannabis is always the key! Do you have a favorite varietal (strain) for unlocking your creative side? I don’t think I have a favorite because I try to choose strains like that anyways. However, Cookie Wreck and Julius Cesar have been helping me recently.


How would you like to see cannabis, community, and art come together? I’d like to see all of the untapped talent in this state given a chance to showcase their talents in our community somehow. We’re a very loving, open, tolerant community that should be more community driven. A flea to do so much good, if we’d all work together just a little bit more. market type of sale would be really neat. Maybe even charge a small fee and give THAT back to the community, too. There’s potential.

Veronica Foster IG: @theartistveronica Shop: Instagram

Tell me a little about you and the products you create? I have always been a bit of a Jack of All Trades as an artist and that trend has crossed over into my role in the cannabis community. I own my own business, The Artist Veronica, where I am expanding my line of apparel, hand-painted jewelry and other one of a kind treasures! I also do murals and other commercial design work. I have had the pleasure of working with a few dispensaries to help give them something unique to attract tourists. How did you get started as an artist? I have always been making art. First with crayons, then a lot of graphite pencil. I took private oil painting lessons at Red Fork Art Gallery for 7 years and then studied printmaking for a while at OSU. I worked for a local jewelry company starting in 2014 where I learned the ins and outs of running a small creative business, but it wasn't until 788 passed in Oklahoma that I truly felt I had the medicine I needed to be professionally creative.`

What drew you to create cannabisinspired products? The cannabis helps me create the art! I had the pleasure of visiting Colorado after they passed recreational and was able to see what a difference the legal market makes for medical benefits. When I can choose a good sativa or hybrid without sedative effects my muse comes out of hiding and is pretty reliable. So naturally, I felt inclined to make art about something that helped me and so many others I have met in the community. Where do you draw your inspiration? Cannabis, friends, family, and travel. My family blessed my brother and I with many road trips as children. I’ve been to all 50 states and I love hearing people's stories. I hope to continue to make art that helps illustrate the budding relationships between patients, nonpatients, their stories, and how we can all benefit from such an amazing plant!


Does your creative process involve cannabis use? Always. I fancy myself "princess dab" most of the time, but if you catch me in public for too long you'll likely see me spike my drink with some tree sap to take the edge off of my social interactions. It settles my stomach, calms my anxiety, increases my appetite. To say, “in cannabis I trust” would be an understatement.

Do you have a favorite varietal (strain) for unlocking your creative side? I really like Green Crack and anything bright and citrusy. I also have been smoking a lot of tangidos flower lately when I really need that extra get up and go! I have lots of days where I switch between designing, sales and anything else that calls me. It's nice to have a wide variety of options to get my head in the right place for whatever I'm up to. How would you like to see cannabis, community, and art come together? I love the way it has already been coming together lately! We're seeing art, music, educators, doctors, patients, nonpatients; all at the table together. Oklahoma is really working to pull itself up by the bootstraps and smash the stigma so that there's nothing standing in the way of patients getting medicine that can help them or even save their life. We're seeing a real movement of people wholeheartedly following their passion and supporting each other. It's the Wild West out here but it's home and we're putting it on the map in the biggest ways! I hope we can continue to put on safe events and do work to improve our communities together in a world that's full of uncertainty. I hope my daughter grows up not remembering any shame or stigma surrounding this plant, only a beautiful and strong community building each other up!

Christina Norton

IG: @copperandcojewelry Shop: Tell me a little about you and the products you create? My name is Christina Norton; I am the sole owner and operator of Copper & Co. Jewelry. My company sets itself apart by using high standard metals made of stainless steel which is plated or filled with gold. All of my creations are made with love and intention from designing a piece, to selecting its components, and then assembling everything by hand. Copper and Co. gets its name from our sweet, long-haired red dachshund, Copper. His “company” is staffed by his geriatric, canine colleagues: Scout and Mollie. How does art play into your craft? I’d like to think my jewelry has a personal style to it. Everything I make is unique and most of them are one-of-a-kinds, actually.

I enjoy challenging myself to create new and exciting products as well continuing to evolve the style of my own brand. I’m really excited about starting to create some of the images that get engraved into my stainless steel discs. I love to draw zentangles and zendoodles as well, and I’d like to start incorporating some of those into my jewelry pieces very soon. What drew you to create cannabisinspired products? Actually, I was a part-owner of a commercial grow when I founded Copper and Co. I slept, ate, and breathed cannabis all day, every day which of course, intensified my love even greater for this amazing plant medicine. I started what would later become my Botanicals Collection by making a few jewelry pieces for myself. I started getting requests to make them to sell, so I did my research, did a lot of testruns to make sure my products would be high quality while keeping prices affordable and here we are today. Most days I feel like I have more ideas of what to make than what I actually have time for, which is a great problem to have as an artist/creator. Where do you draw your inspiration? From others, mostly. It motivates me to keep making when I see how much joy my creations bring to others. I also get inspiration during regular float sessions in a sensory deprivation tank.




Does your creative process involve cannabis use? YES, always! A funny way that cannabis and creativity overlapped in my life happened when I recently developed a product called Bong Buddies. I was using my bong as a convenient bracelet holder one night. I thought “Hey, that’s actually a really cute idea,” so the first necklace for your bong was created right then and there.

Do you have a favorite varietal (strain) for unlocking your creative side? Not a particular strain, no, not yet. I have been experimenting with micro-dosing and full spectrum products lately. I’m totally digging how much it helps me to focus and be mindful on a daily basis. How would you like to see cannabis, community, and art come together? I’m seeing it already! SO MANY PEOPLE are willing to share their time, talents, and knowledge to help others. This has totally been an inspiration to me in my own efforts of community. I think by collaborating together, we can be more successful than when we try to do it all by ourselves. I receive a lot of community support from others myself: from individual purchases to every shop owner that carries my products in their shelves, alongside so many other amazing local artists and creators. Cannabis, community, and art are very much alive and thriving in Oklahoma and I look forward to watching it bloom.





"TWIST ONE UP AND LET’S GET COOKING" Welcome back and good day to all my cannachefs out there. This is the month of love, so let’s spread some love the Chef Buz way! Now, if there’s anything the world needs more of right now, it’s love, more love and a little cannabis. It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting a new relationship, been married for years or single this year, my recipe is sure to be a great addition to your night. My white chocolate raspberry cannacheesecake recipe is for 12 cupcake size cheesecakes, and are a delicious way to spread a little love this year. Let's get this party started right, so grab a bag of your favorite herbs, twist one up and let's get Cooking with a Buz!


Crust: 1 cup crushed graham crackers 2 TBSP sugar 3 TBSP cannabutter, melted

Cheesecake filling: 2 8-oz packages of cream cheese 2 oz white baker's chocolate 1 TSP vanilla 2 eggs 1/2 cup sugar

Raspberry sauce: 1 cup fresh raspberries 1 1/2 TBSP sugar Additional supplies: 12 cupcake/muffin liners

DIRECTIONS First, preheat your oven to 350 degrees. In a mixing bowl, mix the crushed graham cracker and 2 TBS sugar, then pour over the melted canna butter and mix until evenly coated. Portion the graham cracker crust evenly in a paper lined muffin cup, about 1 ½ TBS each. Press the graham cracker mixture down evenly. Now bake them for 5 minutes and remove and let cool. Turn the oven down to 325 degrees, and let's start making the cheesecake. In a large bowl with a mixer beat the cream cheese, ½ cup sugar and vanilla until mixed together. Then add the melted white chocolate, mix well and then add 1 egg at a time and mix, on low, until it’s blended. Once the filling is mixed together evenly, spoon over the cooled crusts until almost filled to the top. Now onto the raspberry sauce, this is an easy process. First, put aside a dozen raspberries for garnish. Then, in a food processor or blender, process the raspberries and sugar until smooth. Now just pour the mixture through a fine mesh strainer to remove any seeds or larger solids. This is the fun part, pour the sauce into a zip lock bag and close, then cut a small hole in the corner and you can pour a few drops in the cheesecake and swirl with a toothpick. Bake them for about 20 minutes or until the center of the cheesecakes are almost set, let cool and then refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Cut the remaining raspberries in half and garnish on top and some raspberry sauce on the plate. Now enjoy and I hope everyone has a blessed Valentine’s Day! OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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AREA 420






Fire Harvest 2020 Cultivars to look out for in 2021 Written by Dr. Pepper Hernandez, ND, PhD, BCHP, CNHP, CTC

Are you ready to bring on the fire this year, even if it's from the comfort of your own home? I have been working on finding new and unique cultivars that are extremely high quality, medicinal cannabis to suggest to my clients and trying them out myself. After plenty of submissions from local Humboldt and Tokelahoma farmers, growers, and cultivators these are the favorite cultivars of the Harvest season 2020. So look out for these this year 2021. First, we caught up with Nik Erickson of Full Moon Farms, an eco-friendly, fully organic, full sun farm in the heart of the legendary Humboldt county, to ask him a few questions about this year's harvest. The farm has always been involved in grassroots efforts and outreach programs such as compassionate care. They support their local community and believe in local family farms and #craftcannabis.

Photo credit: Stan Cantor and Sam Armamino Farm: Full Moon Farms Humboldt

He said he has a three-way tie for favorites, so here you go. Blueberry Tangie coming up strong which is also called the squirt, breeder The Humboldt Seed Company unicorn cut which is a beautiful flowering plant, purple hues with the flower leaves a light green contrast. It is easy to grow, both mold and pest resistant. “Testing at 20%thc, with notable levels of Beta Myrcene, Limonene, Neroidol, and Linalool offers up an energetic, creative effect that sets you up to accomplish tasks with a focused approach and refreshed mindset,” says Nik. Coming in next is the Sour Patch Kids (spk), which is a powerful sour diesel x candyland cross that, once inhaled, an instant smile comes to your face. Smooth sweet and gassy flavors on the exhale. “This now award-winning Sativa carries over the growth characteristics of sour diesel running late into the season, but worry not, it is mold resistant.


Photo credit: Stan Cantor and Sam Armamino Farm: Full Moon Farms Humboldt

"Apricot Vanilla Frosting"


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Photo credit: Mr. D Farm: Happy Dream Genetics Humboldt

"The G13 Genius"

Photo credit: Joe Brammer Farm: Holistic Heights Tokelahoma


"Panama Kush"


Discussing Black-Owned Cannabusinesses in Oklahoma By Chynna Pearson


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Email us at: 405.310.0026


Chronic: Why do you think cannabis has so little Black representation? (A complicated question, I know.) Shaw: I feel like Oklahoma has done a great job with the fees first of all which allows our community to at least get in the cannabis industry and do what I call go to the ymca(PRACTICE)! In other states those fees are set to keep our community out of the game and that’s unfortunate, the African American and the Latino community are the main ones getting locked up for this beautiful plant now we are being locked out because this is “brand new”money! So the ones that are fortunate to be in the game we have to be the ones to advocate for the ones that do have the resources but not necessarily the knowledge. To me with this mindset and push we can be a hand up for others wanting to come in not only to change their lives but their communities as well! Mack: Lack of black representation in cannabis- this is a multi-faceted question, initially, we only represent 7% of the state's population, we do not have a social equity program as other states do, we tend to look at each other always as competitors, therefore, we do not network or share resources to help us build together it's a toxic cycle that continues to expand the generational wealth gaps. Skipper: Cannabis has little black representation because all the cannabis “hustlers” from back in the day are either dead or in prison. In addition, the street hustlers knew little about how to run a legal business as far as complete marketing, taxes, ect. They know the product and how to make a dollar out of 15 cents with cannabis products based on a need for survival across the country. Now that it’s legal the white man who generally knows or has resources to properly run a business can now focus on generational watch from the cannabis boom. They have the knowledge and can get quicker access to financing while our Black peoples are still locked up. OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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Chronic: What’s your favorite part of legal cannabis? Shaw: My favorite part of this for me is the smiles we get from our returning patients based on the knowledge the team gives when they come in with questions based on how they’re feeling or what they need at the time. One thing we do at The Motherland is research and if I can not partake in the product myself, we won’t have it in our store! We strive for quality here at The Motherland so that our patients can get exactly what they come in for. Mental health and Autism is on the top of my list and with cannabis and all love I feel we can assist our community at a higher rate! Mack: My favorite part of legal cannabis is providing a variety of products that helps so many everyday average Oklahomans find relief. Skipper: Now that medicinal marijuana is legal my goal of being an expert in this subject matter is much more attainable. Chronic: Anything else you’d like the people to know? Shaw: Be who you are and live your life the best way you know how! Our lives are written based on our thoughts and what we speak, so think and speak wisely! Figure out your end goal as if it were an address being put in the gps of life! You will be guided to your destination however there will be some potholes, you may experience a few flat tires or a couple speeding tickets! As long as you KNOW your destination you will arrive! I’d love to thank my team and the ones that stepped up, the true meaning of all hands on deck! Mack: I think with us being minorities who come from corporate America and the hospitality industries we had a different approach and execution plan. But this plan has allowed us to be an inspiration to not just our black and brown brothers and sisters but an inspiration to all. Skipper: My book CBD & Me: The Ultimate Guide for Cannaboid and Medical Marijuana Differences, Uses, Benefits, and Science is fully launching on 4/20. I can’t wait for it to be available for everyone to read.

Getting this information from these wonderful people was very useful in understanding the world of cannabis in Oklahoma. Knowing that people from Oklahoma and from Washington agree on the plight going on in the cannabis industry is pretty amazing. Cannabis was once considered the most dangerous drugs in the nation and now we can make legal money off of it. The progress the nation has made is incredible but we are not done yet!


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Written by Dr. Pepper Hernandez, ND, PhD, BCHP, CNHP, CTC

ALPHA-PINENE Oh, the wonderful world of cannabis. Let us start with terpenes, which are aromatic compounds found in every plant, including cannabis. We know that the cannabinoids, terpenes, craft cultivars have effects and potential healing abilities. There are hundreds of different terpenes and cannabinoid combinations in the cannabis plant. While each has its own benefits, together, they have the ability to make up a potent combo. Terpenes and cannabinoids are the most important

Photo credit: Parker Newsted Farm: Full Moon Farm

determinants of a cannabis plant’s potential. Not only its taste and smell but its medicinal properties as well. When they come together in the molecular synergistic effect, know as the entourage effect, finding the right cultivar could improve the quality of your life and state of being. I am in hopes this column can help you do just that. So let's geek out together.

Alpha-pinene, sometimes referred to just as pinene or written α-pinene, is a terpene with the aroma of a fresh, earthy scent reminiscent of an evergreen tree pine forest. Besides cannabis, Alpha-pinene can be found in olive, parsley, dill, basil, rosemary, bergamot, and some citrus varieties. OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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Alpha-pinene has a very unusual chemical structure. There are two identical versions, known as enantiomers. These are 3D mirror images of each other and identical. The two Alpha-pinene versions are known as (+) Alpha-pinene and (-) alpha-pinene, which you may have heard of when researching this particular terpene. Another member of the pinene family also exists, known as beta-pinene. It has a different structure but the same evergreen fresh pine scent. The distinction of Alpha -pinene vs. Beta pinene really boils down to differences in sub-types of isomers. Which is very similar to the differences between THC and CBD. All information in this article is for educational purposes only. The information provided is derived from research gathered from external sources. Please check with your Cannabis Educated Primary Health Care Physician or Cannabis Therapy Consultant before beginning any new diet or lifestyle change. Dr. Pepper Hernandez ND, CTC, CNHP is a Naturopathic Nutritionist, Cannabis Therapy Consultant, the Founder, and Education Director of the Cannabis Holistic Institute.



To find out more about her private practice, educational programs, videos and other offerings you can and find her on the massive inter-webs, social platforms or at

Go forth, Go Cannabis...

Where To Smoke In Oklahoma



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Three Little Birds Considering the sheer number of dispensaries in the Oklahoma City metro area, it’s surprising that there’s not also a lot of public spaces that are intended solely for medical cannabis consumption. I’ve covered several spots where cannabis smoking is tolerated or allowed, but what about a space where cannabis consumption is specifically what it’s intended for? I happened to stumble upon exactly that with 33, a newly-opened restaurant and bar featuring a smoking lounge in downtown OKC, and I knew I had to try it. On a random Wednesday night I decided to visit Three Cubed after getting off work, and dragged along my friend Ashlee. She holds a medical card as well, and was intrigued by the idea of a smoking lounge. To my knowledge, there are no lounges intended for cannabis smoking in Oklahoma City, and certainly none without a cover charge or membership fee. A place like this would be the first of its kind in Oklahoma City. Opened in the space that was Rodeo Banquet Cinema until September 2019, 33 bills itself as “Oklahoma City’s NEW premier restaurant and entertainment venue.” Their menu features “new age cuisine with a southern flare and a variety of specialty cocktails,” but I was here for one particular reason: their “discrete, on-site cannabis lounge.” It’s a large space, replete with a full bar, kitchen, and two large auditorum-style rooms with projection screens—originally used as theater rooms by Rodeo Cinema. One of these rooms is now open as the smoking lounge at 33, while the other is a work-in-progress.

Rachelle Russell, who owns the space along with her husband, intends for this to be a spot for “everyone to be able to come in and have the experience they wanna have.” And adults and children alike will be able to unwind, relax and have fun. Minors aren’t allowed at the bar or in the smoking lounge, of course, but Russell has set up an incredible kids' area away from the noise and hubbub. Mom and dad can escape to the lounge to medicate, or grab a drink at the bar, while the kiddos plug away on PlayStation and Xbox consoles connected to state-of-the-art gaming chairs (you know the type: the sort of chair your nerdy high school friends who played a lot of Gran Turismo always had). OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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Besides the lounge and a very tasty food menu (more on that in a moment), Rachelle and her husband are hard at work turning the other former theater room into a club. Complete with a stage, a projection screen for films or art, and a bar connecting the smoking lounge to the club space, this promises to be something Oklahomans have never experienced. Guests will be able to venture from one space to the other, enjoying themselves with a triple-threat of local entertainment. “Our goal is for everyone to be able to come in and relax, and have a drink and have a good time,” Russell said. The unique setup allows for a group of friends with different priorities to have an ideal night out at the same spot. The introvert friend who wants somewhere quiet and relaxed? There’s a room off to the side in the bar area that’s quiet if you’re not a smoker, or the lounge has subdued lighting and chill music (contemporary R&B in this case, which is always solid. But does anybody else feel like every musician is just trying to sound like SZA now? I digress…), and you can light up at your discretion. While the introverted one enjoys their ideal atmosphere, the more exuberant types who wish to “dance the night away,” can enter the club once it’s open. Russell says they’ll charge a low cover charge—likely 5 or 10 dollars —and you’ll be able to dip in and out as you please. Meet your friends in the smoker’s lounge, pop back into the middle for another drink or two, out to the dancefloor to shake what your mama gave you, then back out for a bite to eat before the kitchen closes—all without ever leaving the building. On top of that, the menu is full of recognizable delights that all Oklahomans love: BBQ sandwiches, chicken wings, cheese fries and more, all done gourmet by their very own resident Chef Tony. The restaurant is so new that the drink menus hadn’t yet been printed, but I heard rumors that their house drink, the “Homegrown,” is a tasty and potent cocktail.

This particular night wasn’t one where I felt like drinking; I was done with work and I wanted to SMOKE. OMMA regulations prohibit patients from sharing their medication with each other, even if they’re both cardholders and using the same amount at the same time. It’s a silly rule, but one that must be observed to meet requirements, and 33 has signs posted to remind patients of this. So Ashlee and I came prepared with our own joints rolled, and I had plenty of live hash rosin on me as I so frequently do.


Seating is plenty: there’s bar-like seating at wooden tables built into the walls on each side of the room, with tables and chairs scattered throughout. It all felt just close enough to each other to make ample use of the space, but not so close that you’ll be constantly breathing in someone else’s cannabis (or their germs!). TVs on the wall on this night were streaming the album covers from the R&B Pandora station that was playing, but Russell said they definitely show big games and events when they happen or when patients request them. My brain turned immediately to the best Super Bowl and Oscar watch parties one could think of; the possibilities are truly endless. The space is definitely still a work-in-progress in some respects, especially the club portion, which Russell says should be open within a month or two. Despite that though, it’s an absolutely gorgeous place, with beautiful contemporary style and SO MUCH space! Russell said they hadn’t planned on opening until more work had been completed, but that they were getting so many interested calls from patients that they decided to go ahead and open up the lounge, restaurant and bar. They’d been running for 19 days when I visited, and she claimed they’d been busy since she opened. I can only imagine it’s going to get even busier.


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For more info on 33, check out their Facebook page! There you can find more info about their specials, including their delightfully bonkers happy hour, as well as their hours. I more than recommend a visit; this is one of the most unique opportunities for entertainment Oklahoman cannabis patients have had yet.


by Melissa Hall, M.Ed.



By Melissa Hall, M.Ed.

On the hunt again, and as 2021 steadily picks up pace, love is already in the air as February makes its entrance. Red hearts full of candy line the shelves everywhere, giving us that warm, loving feeling. With that wonderful feeling in mind, I thought who better for the February review than someone that exudes love and a real passion for Cannabis. The kind of grower whose heart beats for the plant, whose enthusiasm is shown on their face when they talk about Cannabis. Immediately, someone came to mind. A very renowned grower and breeder of genetics known across the United States and even around the world, John the Jar as most call him truly is a man with Cannabis in his heart and on his mind. John and his wife operate The Jar Genetics. His genetics have been long awaited in Oklahoma, and so has something else The Jar has been working on. A little something called The OG Kush project. I don’t think I could explain this historical Cannabis mission better than John did in a recent interview with The Chronic. “I've basically known this is what I wanted to do most of my life. I grew up in AZ near the Mexican border. We were flooded with commercial brick weed. We had no access to the types of genetics you saw in High Times Magazine back then. I can remember reading all the articles and began educating myself on cultivation. This was in the 90s. I would look at all the pictures and try to imagine what all the strains smelled like.

This is what sparked my interest in breeding. Every once and a while we would see what we called "kind bud." It cost $50 an eighth compared to our usual brick weed price of $50 per oz. I can remember the first time I saw Sour Diesel. It was the best flower in the land. And then it happened...OG Kush hit the scene.” He said.

When asked what exactly the project was producing, The Jar started back with that original OG. “OG Kush changed the entire game and over time, it became the backbone of western genetics. There is a lot of speculation as to where OG came from. Here is the truth: OG was first created by accidental pollination (which means no one knows for sure what the original parents are) in an underground Florida grow in the early 90s (by @origins_TK). The accidentally seeded pounds were sold and found by another Florida grower. This was when OG Kush was discovered in 1992,” he said. “It is notable that any male plants found at this time were thrown away. The OG cut made its way to the west coast (by Matt Bubba) where it made its way into a few key players hands. Kensi of Cypress Hill, Josh D and ORGNKID were a few of the key players who spread the OG. ORGNKID obtained the cut in the 90s for $40k! ORGNKID then performed a "reversal" on that cut which is a process of treating a female plant with chemicals to make it produce male flowers and pollinate itself. This is how feminized seeds are produced. “ This legendary seed line was the first OG seeds ever created and is known as "OGers." The seeds were spread all over the world. Many of the legendary OG cuts come from this line. “A couple years ago, a 20 year old jar of seeds surfaced that belonged to ORGNKID. The jar was returned to him and contained his last remaining pack of OGers seeds. He put them up for auction. Long story short, I won the auction. We did not want to mail the seeds so we both drove 5 hours, each me from northern California and him from southern California to meet in the middle of the state and exchange the seeds. The first two seeds I tried did not germinate. The third one I did some special treatments to and got it to germinate. OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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The process that was used to create feminized seeds will throw a freak male plant about 1/10,000 seeds. We got the lottery bean and scored that very special male plant 20 years later.” The Jar told the Chronic. “The best part about our special male is he is creating regular photoperiod male/female seed. So we are now able to pollinate the original OG Kush cut and create pure OG males to breed with. This is #TheOGKushProject . ORGNKID is my partner on the project. OG has always been my favorite strain hands down. My goal has always been to create new, flavored OGs.” He stated. The goal of this project is to preserve the original OG lineage and hunt for males to utilize in breeding that was not possible before with clone only females. The goal of The Jar Genetics is to create a whole line of special, Oklahoma bred genetics that cannot be recreated to start putting oklahoma on the map as a genetics hotspot. #TheOGKushProject is sponsored by ChilledTech LED grow lights, Mills nutrients and Anden dehumidifiers. The first flower from this project will be dropping soon and it has been much anticipated, so don’t miss the drops! Thank you so much to John the Jar and The Jar Genetics. Oklahoma is so excited to have such an amazing project here in our great state. Remember, to always medicate responsibly and Stay Lit Oklahoma.

By Kayla Johnson

Ask just about anyone who uses cannabis for their physical or mental health, and they’ll likely have a common theme: what they were trying with their doctor wasn’t working, they decided to give cannabis a try, and found a whole new world waiting for them when they did. Many of these people who are now regular or daily cannabis users share something else in common: they grew up in a heavily anti-cannabis household, and still turned to cannabis after they were able to educate themselves. The importance of learning about the plant and trying it for yourself to see how it works for you is something that cannabis patient and advocate Lillian Deemer (@misscannabisokc on Instagram) considers to be a top priority. Though born in Iowa, Deemer has spent most of her life in Oklahoma City, and like many fellow Oklahomans, grew up in a household that was against any kind of drug, including cannabis.

Despite the views in her home as a child, Deemer says her opinions on the plant shifted once she turned eighteen and tried it for herself. “I experienced cannabis for the first time after I turned eighteen, smoking at a music festival. Ever since then, I’ve wanted it to be legal for everyone, everywhere.” Despite her passion for the plant from that moment on, Deemer says she didn’t even recognize the role cannabis would play when she began to suffer from health problems later on. “When I was pregnant with my son, I tried many physician recommended medications to stop the nausea and the vomiting. After many trips to the ER, and losing nearly twenty pounds, I tried cannabis for the nausea, and just like that, it took away the pain and suffering. I had my life back.”


Now the mother of two beautiful children, Deemer says the relief that came with seeing legalization come to Oklahoma was immense. “It was, and still is, overwhelming to me: I’m finally allowed to consume cannabis, and also be a great mom, and not feel paranoid about it anymore. Legalization changed my life by giving me peace of mind, and it’s allowed me to finally be myself openly to everyone in my life.” While cannabis has played a positive role in her personal life, Deemer admits it’s still a treacherous topic with her family. “I’m open about my cannabis use to everyone I meet, including my family, but it’s not something they’re happy about,” she continued. “My family doesn’t support me when it comes to cannabis or cannabis related things. They want me to be happy, but cannabis is still a drug to them, and I can’t see them changing their minds.” In spite of this, Deemer continues to be open about her cannabis use. In her own way, Deemer has become an advocate for a different sort of cannabis consumer: one who, despite having nothing but love for the industry and community, doesn’t work in the industry herself, having what she describes as a ‘regular job’, and who’s just a mom and a person who shares her life and cannabis consumption online. “I know enough about cannabis to know that it impacts people differently, and it’s hard to make recommendations because everyone’s different when it comes to consuming it, but I do get a really warm and fuzzy feeling when someone says they tried something I had posted about using and it ended up helping them.”

For people looking to cannabis for the first time, Deemer’s advice is simple: “Cannabis is not perfect for everyone, but it was for me, and it may be for you too. I would start with very small amounts, and work your way up to larger ones as you feel more comfortable. Take things slow and appreciate that this beautiful plant is a natural remedy that grows from the earth and can do wonderful things for our bodies and minds.”


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The Oklahoma Chronic Magazine Never Miss an Issue





As of January 5th, there are 6,564 growers within our state

Processors Dispensaries

We have 1,262 licensed processors in the state We currently have 2,057 dispensary licenses with this great state

Transport Laboratory Waste Disposal

We now have 69 Transportation icenses We have 23 licensed labs We have 9 licensed waste disposal faclities

Active Licenses: 367,053 Patients & 2,550 Caregivers


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