6 minute read
High & Hallucinations - The Potential Risks of Mixing Weed and Magic Mushrooms
by: Chynna Jasmine Pearson
It is not uncommon for marijuana users to consume other substances when under the influence. However, when mixing weed and magic mushrooms, the outcome can potentially cause negative effects and symptoms. It is important to know what the possible outcomes are now that some states have both legal weed and legal or decriminalized mushrooms aka psilocybin. There are only five states where you can use mushrooms legally; Oregon, which has been fully decriminalized, and Washington, California, Colorado, Michigan, and Massachusetts, which have been decriminalized in certain municipalities.
Combining weed and mushrooms has been done for decades, but there is little to no definitive research on the subject. In 2006, as reported by Leafly, a study “looked into poly-substance use among university students found that of the 149 students surveyed, nearly 60% regularly co-administered cannabis and psilocybin.” A more recent “Dear Stoner” column by Westword asked, “What happens to people when they mix cannabis and magic mushrooms?” Their answer was pretty simple. “Cannabis generally escalated the effects of psychedelic substances such as psilocybin (magic mushrooms), LSD, DMT, ayahuasca and mescaline.
However, the majority of participants said the benefits of mixing psychedelics and cannabis dropped off with the more weed they used, with their best experiences coming from limited consumption.” So that means some people have obviously found that they enjoy the experience, so it is not guaranteed that taking both will give you bad side effects. But, since it is a possibility, let’s get into it. As we all know, cannabis has its possible negative side effects, such as dry mouth, rapid heart rate, anxiety, and paranoia. Even though they are not too common, they happen and can be frightening on their own.

With psilocybin, the positive effects are experiencing profound changes in internal and external reality and euphoria. But the negative effects are both mental and physical. The negative mental effects are seeing moving or melting objects, distortions of people or objects, or even spiritual/philosophical ideas, experience an altered perception of their bodies and time, or feel a sense of fear.
As for physical, users can experience increased heart rate, twitching muscles, numbness in the face, vomiting and changes in body temperature. Now imagine having to deal with both the negative side effects of cannabis and psilocybin at once, sounds terrible. That is what people commonly call a bad trip. Sometimes a bad trip can be managed at home, but there are some cases where medical intervention is needed. Users might develop a fever, experience continuous vomiting, lose consciousness, or act in ways that may be harmful to themselves or others.
According to Sunlight Recovery, the psychological distress may look like someone continuously crying, destroying a room, or even seemingly unresponsive to external stimuli. It is also important to know that some bad trips can last for hours at a time, depending on how much has been taken and how your body metabolizes the drug. Due to the potential of having a bad trip, that is why it is common practice to take mushrooms in a group where one person is sober and can help if anything bad were to happen. This person is also there to make sure everyone drinks enough water and doesn’t accidentally trigger a bad trip by watching something scary on TV.
Yes, according to some, it is totally possible to be having a totally fine mushroom experience and be triggered into a bad trip by fear, anger, or even bad memories. Leafly reports that one's experience with mushrooms “can be affected by a person’s mindset and their social environment, often referred to as ‘set and setting.’ This also makes the effects of these drugs difficult to study in a controlled way.
Michelle Janikian, author of Your Psilocybin Mushroom Companion, wrote about “What You Need to Know About Smoking Weed While Tripping” for Double Blind last year. “The main concern,” she wrote, is the consumer’s ‘mental and spiritual well-being, because cannabis can have an unpredictably strong effect when mixed with psychedelics.’” Being in a good mental and spiritual state might be even more important than drinking enough water.
If you’re in a bad headspace, ending up experiencing a bad trip is more likely. If you do not feel 100% ready, you can always try to find an experienced professional or shaman to help guide you through the magic mushroom journey. So with all that information, if you are still interested in trying out magic mushrooms, here are a few preparations you need to make. Place yourself in a familiar environment, somewhere you feel comfortable that isn’t too noisy or crowded. If it’s your first time, home is the best option. It may not be the best idea to be out in nature, but if that’s your preferred spot, prepare your backpack properly with food, water, and safety provisions.
Lastly, as mentioned before, it is the best option to have some friends join you. A party of two to four is best, according to casual mushroom users, and they must be people you actually like and enjoy being around. You do not want to have bad vibes in the group! This includes the aforementioned babysitter to make sure everyone is okay. Don’t be afraid to try out magic mushrooms if you are interested. Do your own research, and when trying for the first time, maybe don’t mix it with cannabis just to be safe rather than sorry. Then if you do like the experience, you can try again later if you want to try mixing cannabis with it. In the legal states, there are places where you can experience mushrooms as a medical supplement. This is where you take a micro-dose and are monitored by specialists who can help with anything you may need during your experience.
Regardless of how you decide to try out magic mushrooms, the very most important thing to remember is to stay safe. Only try new things if you want to and not if you are being pressured to do so. Make good choices and stay safe out there!