The Chronic Magazine - March 2022

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Buds Craft Givesback



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Trying your luck? It's Saint Patrick's Day!



8 10

CONCENTRATED NEWS! Latest Cannabis News





by Sarah Prater

The New Love Affair

TRUST ME! I'M A LAWYER.. by Jade Pebworth








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Could 4/20 in 2022 be the year that cannabis is federally legalized? Recently, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D- NY) announced at a February 4th press conference, that he is aiming to file a bill to federally legalize cannabis-marijuana in April.

COULD 2022 BE THE YEAR OF LEGALIZATION Hope soared with the possibility of federal cannabis reform in 2021. Some of those reasons – the induction of a new, more liberal administration, statelevel legalization, great support by Americans, and growing bipartisan backing led many to believe that 2021 was going to be the year where federal decriminalization of cannabis would become a reality.


Ganja Garden Greens Salad




NATURE'S CURE Chynna Pearson


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GANJA EXPOSÉ Celebrity Stoners News Scoop



words by Chynna Pearson

Dr. Pepper Hernandez



by Veronica Castillo






C A N N A B I S in the United States BY VEE CASTILLO

“As majority leader, I can set priorities. This is a priority for me.” - Chuck Schumer (D- NY) Could 4/20 in 2022 be the year that cannabis is federally legalized? Recently, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D- NY) announced at a February 4th press conference, that he is aiming to file a bill to federally legalize cannabis marijuana in April. There is also House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), who also spoke at that same press conference, and discussed progress on his separate legalization bill. In a tweet posted by Chuck Schumer (D-NY), he states:

“I stood with an extraordinary group of organizers, advocates, and legislators to renew our work in the Senate for comprehensive federal marijuana legalization. We need to bring the spirit of New York’s groundbreaking legalization and address the wrongs of the War on Drugs.” We have been here before, hearing about plans, and seeing bills introduced that seem to fail repeatedly. This time, the intent seems to be strong with target dates and support from Republicans, whom Schumer (D-NY) invites to add to the bill:

“Any senators have other ideas that they want to add to the bill, as long as it keeps social and economic justice as the spearhead, we’re happy and willing to listen.” THE CANNABIS ADMINISTRATION AND OPPORTUNITY ACT The Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (CAOA) was unveiled in 2021 by Senators Chuck Schumer, Cory Booker, and Ron Wyden. It’s a comprehensive bill holding 163 pages, with the focus on main factors such as: Remove marijuana and THC from the Controlled Substances Act. Transfer agency jurisdiction over cannabis from the Drug Enforcement Administration to the Food and Drug Administration, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. Permit the movement of cannabis products through the channels of interstate commerce, regardless of whether the channels are located in a state where cannabis is legal or illegal.

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Impose federal excise tax on the sale of cultivated marijuana – 10% of the removal price for the first year followed by annual increases up to 25% over the next three years. (Removal price is the price of the sale from cultivator to any third party.) Establish a trust fund and transfer the greater of either $10 million or 10% of the annual excise tax collected on cannabis. The fund will be managed by the Small Business Administration to be used for loans to women and historically socially and economically disadvantaged individuals to be used in connection with the recipient’s cannabis business. Establish and conduct a study into the impacts of driving under the influence of marijuana. Establish and conduct a study into the impacts of cannabis use on the human brain and the efficacy of cannabis use for medical purposes. Promulgate federal advertising regulations to avoid marketing to children and young adults. Provide funding to states to be used in connection with expungement proceedings for those convicted of state-level marijuana crimes. It’s important to note that this bill doesn’t force/require states to legalize cannabismarijuana.

THE MARIJUANA OPPORTUNITY, REINVESTMENT AND EXPUNGEMENT (MORE) ACT Another bill introduced for cannabismarijuana legalization is the MORE ACT. In May 2021, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) reintroduced the MORE Act in the House of Representatives (it was introduced in 2020 but didn’t advance in the Senate). The MORE Act is set to:

Many of us feel that 2022 will not be the year of legalization. Chief Correspondent, John Schroyer says that his sources report:

End the criminalization of cannabis for adults by removing it from the list of controlled substances. Eliminate related criminal penalties. Take several other major steps toward criminal justice reform, social justice, and economic development. The MORE Act would create the Office of Cannabis Justice to oversee the social equity provisions in the law. The bill would ensure the federal government could not discriminate against people because of cannabis use, including earned benefits or immigrants at risk of deportation. The measure would open the door to research, better banking and tax laws, and help fuel economic growth as states are looking for financial resources.

“The federal marijuana reform landscape in 2022 is cloudy, with most national insiders doubting a comprehensive legalization bill will succeed just yet given the unfavorable political dynamics in Washington DC. Rather, if the U.S. marijuana industry is going to score legislative victories in Congress, they likely will be smaller but notable steps forward, such as the possible passage of the SAFE Banking Act or other federal reforms.”


MARCH 2022


Some of the factors impacting federal legalization are: President Joe Biden’s administration has been lukewarm at best when it comes to marijuana. The ongoing coronavirus pandemic remains a major focus in official Washington. The upcoming midterm elections will increasingly demand lawmakers’ attention. They say the best chance for legalization is the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (CAOA), which many predict will be released on the unofficial (yet so official) marijuana holiday- 4/20. For this bill to pass, it needs the support of every Democrat, and 10 Republicans.






Decriminalizing marijuana unlikely to happen in Alabama

Maryland lawmakers get first look at plan for full marijuana legalization

Oklahoma Lawmakers Approve Psilocybin Decriminalization And Research Bill In Committee

Maryland lawmakers on Monday began delving into the details of how to legalize the recreational use of marijuana, should voters support it on the ballot this fall.

Oklahoma lawmakers on Wednesday approved a bill in committee to decriminalize low-level possession of psilocybin and promote research into the therapeutic potential of the psychedelic.

Supporters are continuing to push for Alabama to join states that have decriminalized possession of small amounts of marijuana, but the state senator behind the bill acknowledged the measure has a bleak outlook in an election-year session. The Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday approved Democratic Sen. Bobby Singleton’s bill, which would make possession of less than two ounces of marijuana punishable only by a civil fine. The Alabama bill would also do away with jail time for possession of more than two ounces of marijuana for personal use— making it a misdemeanor until a person racks up multiple violations. Trafficking laws would still apply. Singleton said it was his intent to only address two ounces or less, and will revert to that if the bill comes to the Senate floor. Source:

Democratic leaders in the House of Delegates are advancing a plan to put the issue to voters in a referendum, which would trigger a series of changes in criminal law and automatic expungements of past marijuana possession convictions. And then lawmakers would work out details of who would get licenses for growing and selling the drug, how much it would be taxed and how the money would be used. They’d also study the health effects of broad use of marijuana. “Marylanders deserve to have their voice heard on the question of cannabis legalization,” Source:

The House Public Health Committee approved Pae’s bill, HB 3414, in a 7-2 vote.The 26year-old lawmaker’s proposal would make it so possession of up to one and a half ounces of psilocybin would be punishable by a $400 fine. “The number of veterans we’ve seen die every year, every day is astronomical. The goal of this is to see if it can be an alternative and an extra tool inside the toolbox for therapists, for mental health professionals, to treat those issues,” Phillips said. “Honestly, I served [in the military] for six years. Most of the people I served with killed themselves after they came back,” he said.

“This treatment could have helped my soldiers, my friends, my colleagues—so it’s a passion to me to make sure that we get this to where we are moving the needle quickly to actually help these people.”

Eligible research institutes would need to obtain a license for the state Department of Health “for the purposes of growing, studying, processing, and/or dispensing psilocybin containing fungi or other naturally occurring source organisms, or studying, extracting, synthesizing, and/or dispensing psilocybin or psilocin,” according to the bill text. The studies would still need to be approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Source:

MARCH 2022



Meditation by SARAH PRATER MS, RD/LD Throughout history the use of cannabis and meditation have long, intertwined roots. Cannabis, known to ancient cultures as a “sacred” or “medicinal” herb has been an integral part of religious rituals and ceremonies like that of Indian Hindu God, Shiva, and old texts from Chinese Taoists. With such a deep history, there must be something about these two practices and the combination of them to explain why they are still practiced today. Before jumping in, let’s go over the purpose of meditation and why people do it. Mediation is a practice that engages in contemplation or reflection, also described as a deep state of relaxation and tranquil state of mind. Another thing worth mentioning is, there are several different types of meditation, yoga included in this, but all have the same goal or purpose as mentioned. When comparing the list of health benefits for cannabis and meditation, the two lists almost mirror each other. Not just physical health either, both have proven benefits that help with mental health too. Well known academic institutions like the National Institute of Health (NIH), Mayo Clinic, Harvard, and Yale Universities have carried out research that shows meditation can help manage the physical symptoms of asthma, cancer, chronic pain, heart disease, blood pressure, and irritable bowel syndrome. One of the long-term studies done on meditation even suggests that the mindful practice could aid in preventing the physical symptoms listed.

sarahloudietitian 11 MARCH 2022

Additionally, the mental health benefits from meditation can improve cognition, enhance empathy, increase focus/attention, lower stress levels as well as improve coping responses to stressful situations and aid in managing anxiety and depression.

The combination of practicing meditation while using cannabis is where there seems to be some new age debate. People who take meditation seriously and long-term meditators seem to think that one can’t reach the tranquil state of mind without a “sober” mind.

The NIH website reports that studies about meditation and its effectiveness for smoking-cessation treatment is uncertain, although several other mental health and addiction websites talk up its effectiveness and how its practice can significantly increase one’s chances of a successful quit. Some more recent studies show that meditation can help to reduce, or even eliminate, their use of psychotropic medications and to better control the often-debilitating symptoms of PTSD.

They go on to explain that “being high” can hinder the boundaries of the mind and one may not be able to reach full enlightenment. However, both are used to promote relaxation of the body and mind and may induce a heightened sense of awareness. So, for someone brand new to meditation but not to cannabis, this could be an excellent way to ease into practicing meditation and getting into a deep tranquil, peaceful state of mind. There are a few things to consider when combining meditation with cannabis. First, there is a possibility that the use of cannabis containing THC could increase anxiety, especially in larger doses for those that haven’t earned a higher tolerance.

Now looking at the health and mental health benefits of cannabis, they are basically the same! Some key differences when comparing the benefits, appears the list of physical health benefits of cannabis is longer. This is most likely because of the endocannabinoid system that regulates major systems within our bodies providing all those physical health benefits. Likewise, cannabis has proven studies and an overwhelming number of personal stories of how its use has improved mental health and overall quality of life.

If using cannabis that contains THC, choosing cannabis with a higher CBD content may help relieve the anxiety that’s induced by the THC. Another way to avoid anxiety is to choose a product that only contains CBD. Picking an appropriate strain for meditation is something to consider as well.

Generally, people report sativa strains to be more head highs and sometimes for some will even increase heart rate, leading to anxious feelings. Choosing a hybrid strain, indica, or at least a strain you know has relaxing effects for yourself may be a good strategy for a better meditation experience. The method of consumption of cannabis is definitely something to think about too. For those who already meditate, adding cannabis to your meditation practice may provide new experiences but could also interfere with exploring the depths of the mind. For those who don’t meditate but use cannabis, finding a good strain and method of consumption may prove to be not only beneficial but highly effective. For those who don’t do either, the amazing health benefits from both are worth giving it a try! Start slow, don’t force anything, and maybe seek guidance from people with experience. The best part when talking about meditation, cannabis, and the combination of both is there are no hard rules. If anything, one or the other will most likely have calming effects on the mind and body, which seems like everyone needs at some point because of the noisy and extremely busy world we all live in today. Let meditation or cannabis be useful to you in whichever ways it is, and don't be afraid to explore them in combination.

MARCH 2022


Mc dawn'sCannabis WRITTEN BY: DAWN MC GEE




Cannabis is known by many names in the US and across the world. Marijuana, ganja, reefer, and more. Marijuana is probably the most common of all of them. So why do we call Cannabis, Marijuana? The indigenous people of Mexico introduced cannabis to the United States around 1910 after the Mexican Revolution. Ganja as it became to be known in San Francisco, appeared around 1911 due to the large immigration of Hindu people. Ganja was a part of Hindu traditions. The West Indies brought Reefer to New Orleans and much of the south. Cannabis was spreading everywhere in the United States and the government and people of the US wanted nothing of it. The US had been fighting a war on opium and cocaine for 70 years and now comes cannabis? It had to be stopped! Cannabis did not fit in with the social morals and mores of the time. California became the first state to outlaw cannabis (ganja) possession and its use after the spread of cannabis throughout California. Other states soon followed and developed their own laws. The Federal Bureau of Narcotics was formed in 1925 and by 1936, the cult film, “Reefer Madness” was released to the public which instilled fear into society. Guard your children! Marijuana was fast becoming public enemy #1. Wait, backup, why is it called Marijuana and not Ganja? The US relations with Mexico were not at their best in the 1930’s.

The Mexican people who were hired in the US worked and toiled on farms as pickers, ranch hands and domestics; and were grateful for the work to feed their families. Corporate farmers loved them; they were helping their bottom line. Out of work Americans were angry at the Mexican people for taking their jobs; this was the era of the great depression that began on October 4, 1929, with the collapse of the stock market. Unemployment rose 23% during the great depression and a good amount of America was unemployed. Most Americans could not work for the same wages as the Mexican laborers. Mexican labor may have been cheap, but it was not unionized. Labor unions were not very happy and rallied against the Mexican labor force. Racial tensions were growing. The term Marijuana was being used to describe a sub group of society. Anyone who was associated with Marijuana was either Mexican, Black, Native American, immigrants or social deviants. If you didn’t fit society’s mold of that time, then you were probably a social deviant. It didn’t matter what color you were.

MARCH 2022




15 MARCH 2022

When smoking cannabis your laughter is uncontrollable. The name marijuana is a slang term. Women cannot control themselves when they smoke cannabis. Smoking cannabis often ends in incurable insanity. Marijuana was touted as a new drug.

Sam Caldwell was the first person arrested and sentenced to four years in prison for selling two joints after the Marijuana Tax Stamp Act was put into law. In 1994 there were more people in federal prison for cannabis offenses than other felonies. Queen Victoria’s (England) personal doctor prescribed cannabis to the queen for menstrual cramps. Her physician, Dr. Russell Reynolds said, “It is a most valuable medicine.”



$38.5 MILLION DIVIDED AMONG 330 CHARTER AND PUBLIC SCHOOLS GETTING MARIJUANA TAX MONEY (KTEN) — School districts across Oklahoma have received their initial share of Redbud Grant money, distributed from the state's medical marijuana excise and sales tax.

Trust Me!



Licensing Report Growers Processors Dispensaries Transport Laboratory Waste Disposal

As of February 3rd, there are 8,137 growers within our state We have 1,508 licensed processors in the state We currently have 2,232 dispensary licenses with this great state We now have 103 Transportation Licenses We have 29 licensed labs We have 9 licensed waste disposal faclities

Active Licenses: 382,069 Patients & 1,897 Caregivers




2019 (JAN. TO DEC.)

2019 (JAN. TO DEC.)

..................... $24,156,269

..................... $30,594,902

2020 (JAN. TO DEC.)

2020 (JAN. TO DEC.)

.................... $56,245,888

..................... $71,593,772

2021 (JAN. TO DEC.) ..................... $66,173,758

2021 (JAN. TO NOV.) ..................... $83,265,745

2022 ( JAN.) ..................... $4,922,003


November - $6,252,699

....................... $6,691,761

The tax generated $38.5 million divided among 330 charter and public schools. "Oklahoma is one of a handful of states that has not provided these type of building fund supports to districts that are on the lower end of the ad valorem," said State Superintendent of Schools Joy Hofmeister. "This helps equalize the building fund support across the state."

This initial allotment from the Redbud Grant across Texoma ranges from $292 going to Maysville Public Schools in Garvin County to $142,633 earmarked for Durant Public Schools. The money will go to help schools build new facilities. "This was funds to help school districts that may not receive large amounts to their building funds," said Caddo Public Schools Superintendent Lee Northcutt, whose district is getting $19,874. "All schools have the same five mills or the same percentage, but if you have a lower base, to begin with, then your portion of the pie doesn't go very far," Hofmeister said. Colbert Public Schools received $49,363 in Redbud Grant funds. Superintendent Jarvis Dobbs already has plans for that money." We are trying to get away from the carpet and go with some of the hardwood floors that you don't have to wax and strip," he said. Schools will receive their second Redbud Grant payments in June. 17 MARCH 2022


ften in the center of divorce are your minor children. The question posed here is, whether simply having a medical marijuana card means you lose custody of your minor children. Thankfully, the answer is NO! Medical Marijuana became legal here in Oklahoma just a few short years ago. While using marijuana without proper licensure is still illegal, patients shall not be punished simply for having a medical card when it comes to child custody and visitation. Oklahoma Statute 63 O.S. §425(D) states, “No medical marijuana patient licensee may be denied custody of or visitation or parenting time with a minor child, and there is no presumption of neglect or child endangerment for conduct allowed under this law unless the behavior of the medical marijuana patient licensee creates an unreasonable danger to the safety of the minor child.” What does this really mean? This means that just because you have a medical marijuana card does not automatically mean you lose custody or visitation with your minor children. This also means that the decision is up to the Judge. Many interchange “custody” and “visitation”, but here in Oklahoma, custody means the legal right to parent your child while visitation means spending time with your minor children.

Prior to medical marijuana legalization, or while using marijuana without proper licensure, marijuana use was viewed by the court as drug use which made one incapable of parenting their children. Such is no longer the case, in most jurisdictions anyway. During a divorce or paternity action, the judge has a duty to make decisions in the best interest of the minor children. Such is clearly stated in the statute above, as the last portion states “…unless the behavior of the medical marijuana patient licensee creates an unreasonable danger to the safety of the minor child.” While the law states that there is not a presumption, the judge can decide that the medical marijuana user be denied custody and or visitation with the minor child. The judge still has the job of doing what is in the best interest of the minor child based on the evidence regardless of licensure. Again, the use of medical marijuana without proper licensure is still illegal in the State of Oklahoma and is viewed as such in family law matters. For questions or more info email:

- Jade


TOLERANCE by Alesha Wilson, M. Ed.

Certified Cannabis Therapy Consultant

Tolerance. What a word. It has positive connotations; it also has negative. If you consume cannabis… you probably understand or need to understand how tolerance affects your consumption and every once in a while, consider taking a break if the desired results just don’t seem to be what they used to be. Regular consumers understand this phenomenon and are accustomed to navigating its pitfalls but for a new user, it can be frustrating, especially in a budding market like Oklahoma. Getting results from cannabis isn’t usually the issue, it’s getting the results in a way that is sustainable and beneficial to the consumer over a prolonged period of time without waning effects. So, what can be done? Start by listening to your body before, during, and after consumption. Cannabis lovers use a variety of methods to narrow down the medicine of choice, but paying attention is key. For instance, one consumer reported that a particular cultivar did not have any noticeable psychoactive effects but relieved his chronic back pain. After some research, he discovered the cultivar tested THCa instead of the expected THC – leaving him with no head high and more importantly no back pain. Happy accident? Another noticed the “purples” were not particularly effective for him and caused his migraines to increase. Subtle differences in our “favorite strains” are the most detectable. The flavor or smell are the traits most consumers distinguish. “That Wedding Cake doesn’t taste like the last batch,” or “I know what Bubba Kush does, and this ain’t it.” Our senses tell us when something isn’t right – which is useful during cannabis tolerance training. Migraines, Anxiety, Chronic Pain, and Insomnia are discomforts and ailments that have benefited from tolerance training. 19 MARCH 2022

There are resources available to assist consumers with their training, one of my favorites includes the book CBD: A Patient’s Guide to Medicinal Cannabis by Leonard Leinow and Juliana Birnbaum. They suggest starting with lower doses and “… increase the dose every 3-4 days. The body has an ability to adjust and acclimate, and after 4-6 weeks, patients will be able to tolerate very high doses without as many psychoactive side effects.”1 Of course, “very high doses” are relative. Cannabis tolerance training is not without its risks and this or any other training program may result in too much or too little effects, though hopefully revealing an amount that is just right. As with any training program, consult a professional before and during the process. Additional tips to consider: Know the profile (cannabinoid/terpenes) of the cultivars or products. Make mental or physical notes of dosages and effects. Start with a low dose and make incremental changes. When possible, start tolerance training on days off. Incremental changes can tilt the scale towards “too much” – try to have a trusted soul nearby. Talk to your doctor about adding cannabis to your health routine, especially as it relates to your current medications. Example: Medications for the blood pressure may need to be modified since cannabis has the ability to lower blood pressure. What works for one person with similar discomforts or ailments may be a good starting point, but keep in mind that variables such as weight, diet, medications, activities, and environment play a part in the equation. There may come a time when tolerance to cannabis requires more and more to achieve the desired results. At this point, the consumer might consider taking a tolerance break (aka quitting for extended periods).


This presents a variation in suggested break timeframes and methods because again, one size doesn’t fit all. There are resources available online – search “T-Break” and several options will be available. Highlights include: selecting optimal timing of break, reducing temptation by removing your stash, informing friends and family of the break, and continuing or starting alternative self-care techniques. If the thought of taking a break from the green goddess alarms you, consider this preventative option. Michael Backes along with Dr. Jack D. McCue as a medical editor, recommends “… Use the minimum effective dose required to address the medicinal need, then set the shortest possible treatment course at that dosage, to reduce the chance of a patient developing dose-tolerance issues.”2 As a nation, we are pretty rusty when it comes to utilizing cannabis for medicinal purposes, and it will take time and intention to unify before we can truly enjoy the views of a cannabis-enriched life. For now, it is up to the consumer to navigate through the trials and errors of cannabis consumption. If you’ve benefited from cannabis, you know the bumpy road is something worth tolerating. Keep training.

MARCH 2022


Buds Craft Givesback By CHYNNA PEARSON

For all the states that have legalized marijuana, Oklahoma included, the money that has been made is staggering. In the last year alone, the United States made well over three billion dollars. According to NBC News, this amount of money came from just over a dozen states and 35 have some form of legal marijuana. This money is not only from the taxes but from the dispensaries themselves giving back to the community through donation as well. One of these storefronts is BudsCraft in our very own Oklahoma. BudsCraft has two dispensaries open, one in McAlester and the other in Henryetta (This one is brand new! It opened on December 30th of last year.). Here at Chronic, we got the opportunity to speak with James Monks, the CEO, and founder (and janitor and budtender and purchasing manager... he really has a hand in every part of his business. That is something I love to see in an owner!) Luckily, we now get to know more about the dispensaries and their mission. Let’s begin with how James began the business in July of 2019. Before he even opened anything, he knew that growing cannabis was one of his goals. He, his wife, and his kids were actually on their way to Oregon when 788 passed.



MARCH 2022


As soon as it did, they turned around and went back to continue living in Oklahoma, the state they knew and already loved so much. During this time, James was accepted into Eastern Oklahoma State and subsequently graduated after learning all they offered about CBD plants. It was then that James began formulating what type of business he wanted to run. He picked out many different names for his business and landed on BudsCraft. Originally, he was going to only sell seeds and help people set up their personal growth in their homes. It was then that James realized not many people were actually setting up home grows as much as he expected. But, this would not make James give up. He and his friends still created the grow and would sell to different dispensaries around the state. While doing this, James realized that he didn’t particularly like the system that he saw. When he would come back to the dispensaries that bought from him, they didn’t advertise the growing name and would change the discussed price points. After multiple experiences like this, he decided to make his own dispensary. One that would have a focus on the grows and be centered around local cannabis. At BudsCraft, James explained that


“OUR DISPENSARIES ARE COMMISSION STYLE. WE CATER TO SMALL BATCH GROWERS AND THE PEOPLE WHO LOVE SMALL-BATCH CANNABIS,” meaning that every party in the sale will ultimately benefit. For James, he lives by the Ralph Waldo Emerson quote, “If you would lift me up you must be on higher ground,” meaning that he is in a place to help others, he will. His ultimate goal and dispensary mission is to focus on lifting the local community up, no corporations, no brokers, just the locals to help boost the economy for those who need it. In his dispensaries, they have TV menus and receipts that feature the names of each farm that provides the products. (I don’t know about y’all but, I haven’t many dispensaries that do that!) Since the BudsCraft mission is to lift up others, they are very big into donations and charity in the community. At BudsCraft, they donate all of the money they get from advertisements to local charities. Additionally, they recently have rescued over 67 animals from the local shelters. They paid for all the adoption fees, microchips, spay/neuters, and flea dips, it all came to zero cost for the community. BudsCraft also has bought 10 wigs to donate to children that have been affected by cancer, the Wig Closet program is something that James has always wanted to be a part of when he opened the business. James says,


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On top of doing good work for the community, BudsCraft also has some fun with it too! They have a giant check that they like to take to the places they donate to. At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, when PPE masks and things like it were difficult to get, they donated $500 dollars to the police and fire departments specifically to get those difficult to get supplies. They gave $1000, for the same purpose, to the hospital for all the doctors and nurses. BudsCraft has also helped make care packages for homeless centers containing things like socks, gloves, lip balm, and more. This was in conjunction with a woman who gave to the Tulsa and McAlester homeless displacement camps. Along with the care packages, they did a blanket run. Over 40 new blankets were donated and more than 100 pounds of hand sanitizer and baby wipes.

The blanket run got the community involved to help the locals who need help, James said,

“They did a phenomenal job, really kicked some butt doing that!” For James, their next goal is to host a 5k to raise money for local schools. He explained that it is fun and one of his biggest goals is to get the community and help each other. So keep an eye out, readers! We hope that, if you’ve got some time and the means, you can join Budscraft in their mission to help those around them.

MARCH 2022




Ganja Garden Greens Salad Yields: 4



Approximately 20-25 minutes


Twist one up and Let’s get cooking

INGREDIENTS 1 Head Romaine Lettuce, Washed and Chopped ½ Head Red Romaine Lettuce, Washed and Chopped 1 Medium Cucumber, Sliced 1 Large Tomato, Diced 2-3 Radish, Cut in half, and Sliced thin ½ Bell Pepper, Julienne ½ cup Black Olives, Pitted and cut in half 1 Small Red Onion, Sliced thin ½ cup Feta Cheese, Cut into small cubes

LEMON GARLIC OLIVE OIL DRESSING Good day to all my canna chefs out there, I hope everyone is having a blessed day! Let’s wrap up these winter days already and get spring time here. Spring is one of my favorite times of year, hiking, camping,

2 tbsp Canna Olive Oil 2 tbsp Olive Oil 1 Clove Garlic, Minced ½ tsp Oregano 3 tbsp Lemon Juice Salt and Black Pepper To Taste

St. Patty’s Day and of course it’s the end of winter. If you couldn't tell I’m not much of a cold weather fan at all, more of the “80 all year” kinda guy.

DIRECTIONS 1. First let's start by washing all our vegetables before we get

So to welcome in spring time this year I’m doing my spring time favorite Ganja Garden Greens Salad with a nice lemon garlic olive oil dressing. This is a quick and light dish great for sitting on the back porch and enjoying the spring weather with some friends and good ganja. So grab a bag of your favorite herb, twist one up and let’s get Cooking with a Buz!

COOKING with a


started, then slice and dice up the veggies and add them to a bowl. You can add the veggies you like to this salad, I like to use a mix of green, red and yellow peppers, and I enjoy the radishes in there as well but you do you boo and make it your own. 2. After we chopped up the veggies and cheese and it's chilling in the bowl we can make our dressing. This is a quick easy dressing to whip up and can be modified for different salads, you can add Dijon mustard to it, and it's fantastic too. 3. Now back to our recipe, whisk all the ingredients together well, taste, and adjust salt and pepper. Once you have your desired taste pour over the mixed veggies and cheese and mix well and refrigerate. 4. Now just wash and chop the two types of romaine lettuce and portion into bowls and top with the veggie dressing mix from the refrigerator. Enjoy with some nice spring weather, good friends, and finish with a spliff of your favorite herb.

MARCH 2022


31 MARCH 2022

MARCH 2022


What's on the

SHELVES? flower, concentrates, edibles, clothing products, deals at dispos and anything else you NEED to find on the shelves in the State of Oklahoma


WAVES CAnnabis Co. If you are ever on the North Side of Oklahoma City, to be precise The Old town of Britton, which use to stand out. Now called the Britton District, this little piece of History still has remnants from the past and shows glimpses of future renovations. Tucked away off Britton Road is a Cannabis lover's best find, Waves Cannabis Company. Known by many patients for their excellent customer service, high-quality products, and overall welcoming environment Waves Cannabis is a must to cross off your dispensaries to visit list. This month we are featuring Lucid Moon’s Pre Rolls that you will find on the shelf at Waves if you stop in to say hi. These Pre Rolls are all flower, perfectly rolled, smooth and convenient. Exactly the quality and consistency we expect from the folks at Lucid Moon. So if you haven’t checked out the small but mighty Waves Cannabis and all their specials, stop by today! Tell them The Chronic sent you.


High society Dispensary If you are a Cannabis Lover, we are just sure that you recognize the unmistakable purple and green logo of your favorite neighborhood dispensary, High Society. When you find a High Society, you know you have found the place for all of your Cannabis needs. Known for outstanding patient service, quality flowers,s and products, High Society will never let you down. This month we are featuring what else than Diamonds from this Gem of a shop. Made by Medicine Man Cannabis Company, these 1 gram jars of the cleanest diamonds made from the best material will have you coming back for more! Smooth and clear, these shiny diamonds are true to their name And sure are a rare find. A true High Society Brand, Medicine Man Cannabis continues to deliver the best. Stop by a High Society near you today, experience that next-level Cannabis shopping experience.

VISIT THEM AT: 2921 NW 10TH ST, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73107 | (405) 493-9550

33 MARCH 2022

Doc FErguson There’s a new brand in town that is sure getting attention from patients and dispensaries alike. Doc Ferguson makes clean, quality medicine from the best material to provide patients with truly the best concentrates they can get. Making shatter, wax, diamonds and announcing their new product, Double Dabs, a 2 gram packaged jar of dabs with that outstanding Doc Ferguson quality we are all getting familiar with. The team at Doc Ferguson has a state-of-the-art processing facility and works around the clock to provide Oklahoma patients with the best possible concentrates out there. They are one of the fully certified and compliant processing labs in Oklahoma. Look for the Doc Ferguson brand and logo at a dispensary near you and try any of this hard-working team's amazing products. When you see the Doc Ferguson brand, you will be reassured you are buying quality, experience, and credibility. Try any Doc Ferguson product and we are just sure you will be back for more!



Blazed Dispensary If you love good flowers, a huge selection of awesome edibles, exquisite concentrates, and a great atmosphere with lots of friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable people, then you simply must not skip Blazed Dispensary when looking at shops to try out. There’s a reason so many patients have already made Blazed Dispensary their go-to shop for all things Cannabis. Not only do they have their own growth, which makes it possible to give patients the amazing deals they do, they also carry many products and brands and have frequent Vendor pop-ups. The team at Blazed is doing it right. This month we are featuring the Do-Si-Do flower grown by Algoma Farms. Do-si-Do is a flavorful, pungent, and potent Indica Dominant hybrid that comes from crossing Girl Scout Cookies x Face Off OG. Stop by for The Blazed Dispensary experience and grab some Do-Si-Do before it’s gone, this one won’t last long on any shelf. Go see our friends at Blazed Dispensary and Tell them The Chronic sent you!

VISIT THEM AT: 6001 S SHIELDS BLVD, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73149 | (405) 724-8744

Lucid Moon With classic strains like Gelato 33, Gorilla Glue, Chem OG plus many more and new classics like Dirty Taxi, Pineapple Express, Vanilla Bean, and several new strains to come, Lucid Moon really couldn’t go wrong with picking these hitters for their lineup to make their debut onto the Oklahoma Cannabis Market last Fall. The Woman-owned Cannabis Cultivation Company has made quite the splash and has become quite the top-shelf contenders with their amazing flower, friendly and knowledgeable growers, and fun yet sleek image. Patients and Non Patients have sure noticed the hard work this awesome team has put into their growth and business in general. We look to see a lot more heat to come from the fine folks at Lucid Moon, they are certainly doing organic flower right! Watch for Lucid moon flowers, pre-rolls, and other products at a dispensary near you! They never last long, so get your Lucid Moon on today.



MARCH 2022



Board Certified and Award-Winning Holistic Health Practitioner

What are Cannabinoids and what do they do? Cannabis has a wide range of effects, which are attributed to its cannabinoids. What are cannabinoids, and what do they do, you ask? They are so vital that cannabis would be just another plant growing in the wild if they were not present. In other words, they make cannabis, cannabis. Cannabinoids are a class of compounds produced by the cannabis plant. There are over 480 compounds produced by the plant, with dozens of them being cannabinoids. They are the active elements that determine how it will affect different people, especially when using it to treat a medical condition. Cannabinoids have a wide range of effects on the brain and body, ranging from euphoria, creativity to increased relaxation. They can achieve this because they have a great interaction with the human endocannabinoid system by binding to the CB1 & CB2 receptors in the brain and gut. Consider the endocannabinoid system to be a network of electrical outlets in the brain and central nervous system. The receptors activate when various chemicals plug into these outlets, known as cannabinoid receptors. Movement, mood, memory, pain sensation, and appetite are all controlled by these receptors. The effects produced are determined by the type of cannabis that is used. Each cannabis cultivar contains a long variety of cannabinoids that can cause pain relief, increased heart rate, and drowsiness, among other positive experiences. The health advantages of cannabis are due to these effects. The type and concentration of cannabinoids in cannabis determine how it makes you feel. The majority of the current study is focused on the cannabinoid's major actors. THC, CBD, CBG, CBC, CBN, and THCV constitute the major ones currently. Except for THC and CBD, the majority of cannabinoids are classified as minor, meaning they have concentrations of less than 1%. Minor cannabinoids such as THCA and CBDA, which are chemical precursors to THC and CBD, have only recently been the focus of substantial research.

MARCH 2022



Not all cannabis cultivars are alike, and as organic farmers continue to breed their specific genetics, users need to know what the cannabinoid profile is. Knowing the flower they are testing can bring positive experiences. The best experience and outcome, and make an educated decision on what will be best for their medical issue and or aliment. Please check with your cannabis therapy consultant for more guidance. All information in this article is for educational purposes only. The information provided is derived from research gathered from external sources. Please check with your Cannabis Educated Primary Health Care Physician or Cannabis Therapy Consultant before beginning any new diet or lifestyle change. Dr. Pepper Hernandez ND, CTC, CNHP is a Naturopathic Nutritionist, Cannabis Therapy Consultant, the Founder, and Education Director of the Cannabis Holistic Institute. To find out more about her private practice, educational programs, videos, and other offerings you can and find her on the massive inter-webs, social platforms, or at Go forth, Go Cannabis...


CURE by: Chynna Pearson

When Oklahoma legalized medical marijuana, it welcomed a multitude of dispensaries, grows, and medical professionals. For those who wanted and needed to get a medical card, seeing so many new storefronts pop up was amazing. If you’re like me you liked to check out different places since they all were unique in their own ways. If you’ve been in Oklahoma City and went around to check out different dispensaries, you may have run into one of the three Nature’s Cure dispensaries. If you’re like me and you’re one to use the internet to find stores, they are both rated over 4 stars and their reviews speak highly of them. One reviewer, Cliff Albiston, said that Nature’s Cure is an “awesome place, [with] super nice people. [They’re] very educated on everything that was in stock and more! Very comfortable and pleasant visit [with] great prices!" Another review from Jason Keller says, “While I've been to other [dispensaries] this one is by far my favorite. The people are super friendly, the setup is awesome and it is easy to find what you're looking for. The quality of the product is fantastic and the prices are very good for your wallet or purse." We were lucky to be able to speak with the District Manager of Nature’s Cure, Mia Trujillo, and got to find out what her family’s business is all about. According to Mia, being a family business was “always the goal.” Her mom and dad, Elizabeth and Sonny, are the owners of the Nature’s Cure dispensaries and their mission has always been to help their patients as best as possible.

39 MARCH 2022

MARCH 2022


Since the family has born and raised, tried and true Oklahomans, they were eager to help their community. They opened their first, the South East dispensary in 2018. As time went on and they got more situated in the business they opened their growth. (The growth is called Nature’s Cure, too!) Mia says, “the growth is our baby, it’s where all the magic happens!” Nature's Cure typically has around five strains growing at a time. After the growth, they proceeded to open the second dispensary, the North Western Expressway location. Now they have an up-and-coming location in Edmond! From 2018 to now, they have moved to new heights and it only looks like it can get higher from here. As long as they can help the marijuana community’s health thrive, they will aim to help as many as they can. Mia explained, “Yes, the family did and does hope to open multiple locations because it is all about the patients and how we can do better things for them.” Like their slogan says,

“Your life is our life,” and they really live up to that standard.

Since Mia is the District Manager, she says she is mainly at the dispensaries than the grow. “The dispensary is more fun for me! I love hearing how one of our medicinal products has helped one of our patients.” At the storefronts, they have a multitude of products, such as 35 strains of flower (White Widow, Cheese, Ghost Train Haze, Peanut Butter Breath, Frosted Factory, and Grandpa Joe, etc..), over 50 types of edibles (Zen Cannabis, Keef, Smokies, and 2wisted, etc...), over 40 types of concentrates, and other unique products! They also have a First Time Patient deal, if you come in for your first time you can receive three prerolls! Additionally, they have great sales, one of which could be their $18 eighths. Mia says their most popular items are their $10 one gram carts and concentrates or their shake. (If you’re low on cash, shaking is a really amazing way to get some bang for your buck!)

Nature’s Cure prides itself on keeping its patients happy and healthy. “Here at Nature's Cure Dispensary, we offer you a way to medicate naturally to promote mind and body wellness with cannabis. Our staff is very knowledgeable on our flower and THC and non-THC products. Our only focus is helping our patients and making them happy and comfortable. Our Dispensary offers a wide range of medical marijuana and CBD products.” If you have some time and are in Oklahoma City, I highly recommend checking out their dispensaries. They’ve got something for everyone, whether you need CBD or THC or maybe even a little of both, they can help you out. And, if you pop in at the right time you might even get to meet Mia, she will totally be able to help you get set! Say hello to her for us here at Chronic! 41 MARCH 2022

B 43 MARCH 2022

& s m o o l


m o s s o l

MARCH 2022


BLOOMS & BLOSSOM By Melissa Hall, M.Ed.


ack at it again, and with Spring sneaking upon us, we anticipate the longer and warmer days the new season brings with it. With Spring comes the renewal of life and starts the cycle of new growth. As we see new growth everywhere on the Cannabis circuit, every run is filled with new Cultivators and new Cultivars, and the vast variety is quite outstanding. So many new strains, so many great grows. But, not all grows are the same. There are the few, the proud, the true small batch craft growers that always stand out among the crowd. So when I thought of small batch craft quality, many came to mind but I knew exactly which cultivator I would select for The March Review. Blooms and Blossom Farms is doing small batch craft quality flower and single source hash rosin right. Perhaps the best definition of a craft product is cannabis that has been carefully tended to with handson attention, using specific techniques in order to maximize its potential. That means harvested by hand and trimmed and cured by hand. Further, craft cannabis cannot be replicated on a large scale. Craft cannabis in fact does come in small batches, is organic, and is grown in an environmentally friendly way. It is also cultivated to maximize the yield because there is limited space to grow.

45 MARCH 2022

This is all done in order to have the strongest terpenes possible, the highest potency, the best look, and various other attributes that ensure a superior bud and optimal experience. The Chronic recently got a chance to talk to the owner of Blooms and Blossom Farm and to try their new strain of small craft grown Pure Michigan. A stunning cross of Oreoz and Mendo Breath. The bag appeal is insane and the aroma and flavor are appealing to any Cannabis lover, the effects are instant and heavy and the attention to detail is absolutely outstanding with the trim and cure of this true craft quality growth. The Chronic: What medium do you use to grow? What sets your flower apart from other top shelf flowers? B&B: We use coco as our growing medium. Our flower was grown with love. We give every single plant the attention it deserves throughout the whole life cycle. We do daily inspections of our plants, check readings inside the medium, and really listen to the plant to learn what it needs. We also don't run “3.0 E.C+” programs or aim for extremely high yields. For us it's all about finding the right balance between quality before quantity with these plants to provide true small batch, boutique flowers. This deflects in our mission statement, “We grow the best meds we can and offer the best prices to patients. Its simple: #Passionatelygrown.

The flower speaks for itself when people see, smell, and try it.`` The Chronic: What does the future hold for Blooms and Blossom Farms? B&B: We are aiming to be one of the best farms in the state that consistently provides nothing but the best products. Because we are a small batch, we are only adding one or two more strains, we are pheno hunting, to the lineup in the near future. Besides our top-shelf flower, we just released our first rosin line with two strains under our processing license (Blooms and Blossom Extracts). We are also waiting back on our newest project coming up in a few months, prerolls. The Chronic: What does the phrase true small-batch craft flower mean to you? B&B: We are a perfect example of what true small-batch craft flower means. It's a flower that is grown specifically for quality. It's a flower that is grown with meticulous care and has everyone wanting to show off the flower to all their friends and loved ones. It means focusing on the little things the plant needs to thrive, day in and day out. It's a flower that is grown not for large yields and profits, but for the love for the plant itself. It's a flower that is trimmed delicately by hand. Thank you so much to Blooms and Blossom Farms for giving us an exclusive look at their true small-batch craft flower. If you see their flower or Rosin on a dispensary shelf, grab it quickly and it never lasts long! Always remember to medicate responsibly and Stay Lit Oklahoma.



Written by:

Nate Elisah

3³ (Three Cubed) - 800 Northwest 4th Street Oklahoma City

What's up fellow weed enthusiast! And

I have never bought from this dispensary so

welcome back to another “Where to

since their website was the one to recommend

Smoke?” IRISH y’all like this one… but all

“Where to Smoke?” then I thought to myself

jokes aside, Oklahoma offers an amazing

why not go buy something there to try while I'm

variety of places to chill and hang out on the

on my journey to find the best place to smoke in

marijuana scene.

Oklahoma City or Oklahoma in general.

A place I’ve been hearing good things about

So, the same day I went to 3 Cubed was the

for a while but I’m pretty upset about it

same day I went to Lotus Gold. I'm not a

because I didn't get a chance to spend that

political guy but in honor of our United States

much time due to family matters that I had

President, I thought I'd go ahead and grab a

to attend to. Rather than that the place

beautiful and danky eighth of “Sleepy Joe '' as I

seemed lit, organized, and well-staffed and

embark on this journey of the Okc nightlife. By

I will have to come back for a more in-depth

the name of the strain you already know that

review of this fantastic place.

thing was an Indica, the best of all weed according to myself and the expert opinion

This place is called the “3 Cubed'' restaurant

from one of the smoke gods himself Wiz

and bar. I found this beautifully established


hangout spot for adults while searching the

49 MARCH 2022

web for a place in OKC to get lit off the Mary

This is factual due to when he was on Adam

Jane without anybody batting an eye in a

22’s No jumper podcast a few weeks ago. But

feel-good inviting environment. I came

back to what y'all are here for and that

across a dispensary website for “Lotus Gold''.

obviously where to smoke?

I told y'all “3 Cubed'' but let me tell you why you should smoke there based on my time there. Let me start by saying the environment is fire, everyone is having a great time, and if the environment wasn't lighting up the mood enough go ahead grab you a couple of drinks at the bar. While you're trying to get crossfaded or just tipsy a bit because alcohol is just your poison go ahead and grab some delicious food too. I can't vouch for the drinks myself as I don't drink like that but it did seem like the beautiful females and sharp gentlemen were enjoying themselves but the food my guys... was phenomenal. This is why I want to come back, not even just to smoke at but the fact that 3 Cubed burger with tangy BBQ was enough of a high itself, and I hate that I didn't get to try more because everything I kept seeing come out of the kitchen for other paying customers looked just as good or even a little better than the last thing. Go ahead and check them out. On my journey back to this place in the coming months ahead I’m going to go more in-depth and possibly get a chance to talk to an owner and staff. I want to ask them what this place means for them and why they have become so successful in a city that doesn't get seen as an attraction stop. After my time there it's a must for me. So if you're wanting to have fun go ahead and plan a night out with the spouse, the guys, or even the ladies.

This place will have something for you no matter your personality, no matter if you are vegan, and no matter your background. So I hope y'all enjoyed this little segment of “Where to Smoke?” Have a very green and amazing St. Patrick’s day, as weed smokers are fond of the color green as well, go ahead and let this be the 4/20 before the 4/20, but with all this said drink and smoke responsibly, be safe, be kind, and stay high.

MARCH 2022




Hope soared with the possibility of federal cannabis reform in 2021. Some of those reasons – the induction of a new, more liberal administration, state-level legalization, great support by Americans, and growing bipartisan backing led many to believe that 2021 was going to be the year where federal decriminalization of cannabis would become a reality. But, as 2021 progressed, optimism dwindled as any advancement in federal cannabis reform was hobbled by the inability of Congress to agree on the appropriate level of reform and the proper mechanics for passage. In many ways, 2021 was a banner year for the U.S. cannabis industry, largely thanks to the continued legalization of adult-use cannabis at the state level. While the industry will face some of the same headwinds it did last year related to continued federal prohibition; there is hope! It looks like 2022 promises to be another exciting year for cannabis. Despite federal prohibition, the U.S. cannabis industry has experienced dramatic growth in recent years. By estimates, total U.S. cannabis sales were expected to surpass $24 billion in 2021, representing 38% growth over 2020 sales. Additionally, in considering the industry's broader effects on the economy, a recent analysis states the industry is projected to add $92 billion to the U.S. economy in 2022. Still, momentum for reform has not been lost this year. If anything, last year saw more bills introduced into Congress, which included two new federal legalization proposals, than before. It can be presumed its import to our nation's leaders. For example, Justice Clarence Thomas from the Supreme Court has advised Congress to address legalization, noting that the Federal Government's current "half in, half out regime" on cannabis strained the principles of federalism. As mentioned earlier, one of the federal legalization proposals is the SAFE Banking Act. Mainly focused on granting cannabis-related businesses access to federally backed financial institutions. The bill was introduced early in 2021 and passed in the U.S. House of Representatives in April 2021. At the House's passage, many believed the SAFE Banking Act of 2021 would quickly move its way through the Senate. However, after its passage in the House, the SAFE Banking Act stalled in the Senate's Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. Partially due to those opposing it campaigning for more comprehensive legalization. In late September 2021, the SAFE Banking Act of 2021 arose again when the House passed, by voice vote, an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 to add the SAFE Banking Act of 2021. Still, no dice. On a positive note, activists claim the stage is set for an active year for drug policy reform; it is unclear how many of these bills and ballot proposals will ultimately advance and become enacted.

MARCH 2022


However, I cannot help but think there is a sense of optimism that the reform movement will expand rapidly in 2022. And activists are pleased to see the range of policy reforms being pursued. There was a significant number of marijuana reform victories in state legislatures in 2021, but they are hopeful they can get even more accomplished in the new year. In states across the country, activists are already in the process of qualifying cannabis legalization, and other drug policy reform measures for November 2022 ballots as lawmakers separately work to advance reform bills. Another hot topic making headway -cannabis research is in full swing! We often think about cannabis legalization from a customer-based perspective, but there is another benefit to its growing availability. After a dormant period, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration has authorized federally authorized marijuana manufacturers for research. According to Marijuana Moment, this opportunity opens the door to studying the characteristics of cannabinoids and how they get into the bloodstream. Fun Fact: before 1999, there were fewer than 5,000 published cannabis studies in total, but with cannabis reform, over 3,500 peer-reviewed scientific papers were published in 2020 alone. This critical work helps destigmatize cannabis and reinforces the potential medical benefits of cannabis. Plus, understanding cannabinoids can lead to more efficient products. Look at the states below. Keep your eyes out for these marijuana law changes.


Three campaigns are working to give voters a say in whether Arkansas should legalize marijuana in 2022. Arkansans for Marijuana Reform, which filed its reform initiative with the state in November. Also, last year, a former Arkansas lawmaker announced a campaign that intends to put cannabis legalization on the state's 2022 ballot. Eddie Armstrong, a Democrat who previously served as minority leader in the state House of Representatives before leaving office in 2019, is chairing the newly formed advocacy group Responsible Growth Arkansas.



A medical cannabis bill that passed the House last year is still alive and poised for action in the Senate in 2022. However, Kansas Democratic leaders want to go further and recently announced new proposals to let voters decide on legalizing medical and adult-use marijuana in the state. "It's time to give voters their opportunity to have their say and let the legislature know how they feel," House Minority Leader Tom Sawyer (D) said. If approved in the legislature and then by voters in November, the laws would take effect in July 2023. For her part, Gov. Laura Kelly (D) supports medical cannabis. 53 MARCH 2022

She previously pushed a separate proposal to legalize medical cannabis and use the resulting revenue to support Medicaid expansion.

This month, a Republican-led bill to legalize medical marijuana in Kentucky landed in the state legislature. The measure is an update to lead sponsor Rep. Jason Nemes's (R) past legalization efforts and includes several conservative-minded adjustments to win broad support among lawmakers, including leaders of his party who control the legislative agenda. Rep. Nemes filed a medical legalization bill in 2020 that soundly passed the House but later died in the Senate without a vote amid the early part of the coronavirus pandemic. He reintroduced the legislation for the 2021 session, but it did not advance.

In recent months, Nemes has been working to build support for a new, scaled-back version of the bill for 2022 and in October said he was confident it could pass if only legislative leaders had the "courage" to allow a vote on it.

North Carolina

A proposal to legalize medical cannabis in North Carolina advanced through three Senate committees last year and advocates are optimistic that the reform could be taken up again in the new year. Under the proposal, patients would be allowed to access cannabis if they have a "debilitating medical condition" such as cancer, epilepsy, HIV/AIDS, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, and post-traumatic stress disorder. In addition, patients could possess up to one and a half ounces of marijuana, but home cultivation would not be permitted.



' n i z a l B y t i r b e l e C News

MARCH 2022




Lil' kim

Doing It Doggy Style: Snoop Dogg’s “Next Episode” in Cannabis

Lil’ Kim reveals when and where to find her arousing line of Aphrodisiak strains Kim tested the products from her new line personally to make sure they got the job done (Courtesy of superbad inc.)

Snoop also invested in Canopy Growth as the firm began to expand to Europe several years ago. 55 MARCH 2022

Source: Leafly


Beyond American borders, he is also making headlines. Namely, he also just invested $15 million into Frankfurtbased distributor Cansativa, which has the distinction of not only winning the monopoly contract from BfArM, the German FDA, to distribute all German grown medical cannabis nationally, but is now setting its sights on the nascent recreational market now being considered by German lawmakers. This is not Snoop’s first foray into the international cannabis industry.

Legendary artist and fashion trailblazer Lil’ Kim gave Leafly a special Valentine’s Day scoop on her designer line of strains, Aphrodisiak. The highlyanticipated brand will be available to California shoppers in April, with plans to expand in markets like Michigan, New Jersey, and Kim’s native New York shortly after. All of the brand’s products have been handselected and developed over two years with Kim’s input to ensure they inspire the same raw passion and stimulation fans have come to expect over her 25-plus years of stardom. “I test my product. I tested this and I was like ‘Oh yeah, this is that gas,'” Kim said last year when the brand was announced.

NFL Legend Ricky Williams Can't Stop Launching New Weed Projects

We Tried System Of A Down Bassist Shavo Odadjian’s Weed And It Definitely Surprised Us

Source: Uproxx

Snoop Dogg has been busy of late, including investing in the German cannabis industry and appearing at the Super Bowl

ian ms j a i d l a l i d w o y o Rick Shav System of a Down isn’t the first band that comes to mind when you think “weed.” “Aerials,” doesn’t make you want to light up the same way… just about any Snoop track does, B.Y.O.B. (that’s bombs, not beers) can’t exactly be described as chill, and “Chop Suey,” beautiful and transcendent as that breakdown sounds when you’re stoned out of your mind, doesn’t have any explicit lines about weed. It’s certainly not overt, in the way Bieber’s “Peaches” is. So we don’t blame you if you weren’t on pins and needles just waiting to find out more about System of a Down bassist Shavo Odadjian’s weed brand. That said… maybe you should have been. Because Odadjian’s cannabis brand, 22Red, is more than a cheesy vanity project or a celebrity gash grab — something the weed space is flush with.

“If I’m taking hits on the field, you better believe I’m taking hits off the field, too,” Williams said. Former NFL player Ricky Williams has announced he’s dropping yet another cannabis line. Months after the 1998 Heisman Trophy recipient announced the launch of his wittily-named Highsman brand, news broke that Williams is partnering with another cannabis brand, Jeeter, on a sporty package stoked with an indica named after “Sticky Ricky” himself.

Source: Merryjane

g g o D p o Sno

The vape and pre-roll included in the Jeeter x Highsman package are made with an exclusive indica strain called, yes, Sticky Ricky, which Williams says is one of his nicknames. The drop’s locker-themed packaging is emblazoned with Williams’ 34 jersey.








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