The Chronic Magazine - May 2024

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CANNABIS &ADDICTION UnderstandingTheirComplicatedRelationship STRAINSTOHELP CALMYOURMIND 9 Celebrating theMatriarchs ofCannabis EmbracingHolistic Wellnesswith Cannabisforthe NervousSystem CannaScience
Chronic The

The ChronicMagazine.

The ChronicMagazine. All Rights Reserved | 2023 See what we can do for you on page 38 The ChronicMagazine ispublishedeverymonthanddistributesandisdistributed throughouttheUnitedStates Noarticles,Illustrations,photographs,orothermatterwithin
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Top Shelf News, Resource & Lifestyle Magazine CHIEF Operating OFFICER CREATIVE DIRECTOR eDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS DIDYOUKNOWTHATWEALSO OFFERDIGITALSERVICES? Therin Miller Ayra Soriano Melissa Hall Chynna Pearson Pepper Hernandez Tatiana Melendez Anne D. Ward Jade Pebworth Buz Deliere Mc Dawn Hunter Dublin Graphic designer Terrisha Harris Sales & Account Executives Buz Deliere Therin Miller 3126 S Blvd, Box 252, Edmond, ok | OKLAHOMA 73013 PHONE: 405 310 0026 HAVE a STORy? theoklahomachronic@outlook com www Thechronicmagazine com The Chronic Magazine @thechronicmagazine The Chronic Network

Therelationship between cannabisand addictionis intricateandfilled withvarying opinionsand researchfindings. Itisessentialto delvedeepinto thistopic, weighingboththe positiveand negativeaspects associatedwith cannabisusage

Cannabis retreats are gaining popularity in regions where the plant is legal, offering a unique blend of traditional wellness practices and cannabis-infused activities These retreats provide guests with an opportunity to explore the therapeutic benefits of cannabisinasafe,comfortable,andoftenluxuriousenvironment




GreenDiplomacy:HowUS CannabisPolicy StacksUpAgainstGlobalTrends COOKINGWITHABUZ





EmbracingHolisticWellnesswithCannabisfor theNervousSystem



17 25
GANJAEXPOSÉ Blazin'CelebrityNews 05 07 09 14 17 24 25 29 31 37
CANNABISTHERAPY AlternativeTreatmentsforMentalHealth 35



HappyMother’sDaytoallthemamma’sout there!AsBeyoncesaid,“Whorunstheworld? GIRLS!”However,womenmakeuplessthan39% ofthecannabisspace,andracialminoritiesonly makeup24%maleorfemale.It’simportantto makespaceslikethecannabiscommunity morediverse,equitable,andinclusive.So,for mother’sday,let’stalkaboutsomeofthe powerfulwomenincannabis.Somewomenon thislistareactivists,somedoctors,andsome businessowners,andeachofthemhavemade theirownspaceinthemaledominated cannabisindustry.


Born in Chicago in 1922, Mary Jane Rathbun eventually became a hero within cannabis history When she was in her late 60s, she was a prominent volunteer for the AIDS crisis. Rathbun wouldgrowherowncannabisathomeandbake thousands of brownies for people infected with AIDS When she was arrested for the third time and released on bail, she had this to say, “If the narcs think I'm gonna stop baking brownies for mykidswithAIDS,theycangof*ckthemselvesin Macy'swindow.”

Brownie Mary might be one of the coolest old ladiesever.DuringtheAIDScrisis,thediseasewas so polarizing that there were not many people whoweregoingtostepuptohelp,butMarydid She had been growing and selling cannabis for over25yearsbythetimethe1980srolledaround Not only did her efforts make cannabis available forthosewhoneededit,shehelpedshowpeople that people with AIDS were still people that needed help In 1992, after her last arrest, she testified in front of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors about the medical benefits of cannabis Her testimony helped California lawmakersplacecannabisinthe“lowestpriority” for drug possession and prosecution When she passed in 1999, over 300 people came to honor her And the recipe for the brownies she made wasnevertold,shetookittothegrave

Have you ever heard of Women Grow LLC? It is a business focused on connecting, educating, empowering, and inspiring women who want to succeedintheircannabisbusinesses Withinonlythreeyearsofitsinception, Women Grow helped over 75,000 entrepreneurs within the cannabis community Dr Chanda Macias MBA, PhD is the Chairwoman of the Board of Managers and CEO of Women Grow She is also “the CEO and the owner of NationalHolisticHealingCenter,acannabisandhemphealthcareenterprise” National Holistic Healing Center is a dispensary in Washington DC that produces CBD and cannabis as an alternative to other more available products

Dr Macias is also first vice chair of the National Cannabis Roundtable Board (NCRB) The NCRB is “dedicated to promoting common sense federal legislation, tax equity, and financial services reform,” Macias explained, “It's hightimethatstatelegalcannabisbusinessesreceivethesametreatmentas non-cannabis businesses for issues like equitable access to banking and funding”WithoutpeoplelikeDr Maciascannabiscouldverylikelystillbeillegal inmoststates

Mama Sue, aka Sue Taylor, is the first, and only, Black woman to co-own a Berkeley, California dispensary, and she just turned 76 With as young and healthy as Mama Sue looks, I’ll have what she’s having! The dispensary she owns is called Farmacy Berkeley, and it’s been open for just over four years now,meaningitopenedduringCOVID Somepeopledidthesameandtheir stores are long gone They must be doing something right! Before the dispensary,MamaSuewasaCatholicschoolprincipal,butquitoncealifelong friendpassedaway Shewantedtohelppeople,andwhileshedidn’tforesee cannabis being what she’d focus on, she saw how much it can help senior citizens.Cannabiscanworkwondersforthingslikearthritisandgutissues.

Dr.ChandaMacias MamaSue Photo:ClioCannabisAwards
MAY 2024 05
Photo:ScottSommerdorf| BonAppétit

MamaSuehasmadehistoryandsheisproudofit BlackAmericansare threetimesmorelikelytobearrestedforcannabisuseandpossession, accordingtotheAmericanCivilLibertiesUnion Ithasalsobeenreported that it’s harder for Black Americans to get approved for dispensaries and things like that So Mama Sue thinks the future is bright and can’t waittoseewhather80shaveinstoreforher.

Another historic moment in the cannabis community goes to Extasy James, the first woman to own a dispensary in New York that’s supported by the New York State Social Equity Cannabis Investment Fund Extasy James owns the dispensary with her cousin, MichaelJames TheirdispensaryiscalledGoodGrades andit'slocatedinJamaica,Queens

Ontopofmakinghistoryforherself,James'sfatherhad unfortunately been deported due to cannabis related charges Forherbeingabletolegallyownadispensary andhavethesupportofNewYorkStateisamazing.She canmakeadifferenceforotherpeoplelikeherfatherto comfortably use cannabis without fear of deportation James told Yahoo News, "Cannabis goes from being literallyatooltooverpoliceourcommunitiestonowa tool of economic prosperity" This change is symbolic andmonumental

If you’ve shopped at a dispensary, you’ve likely seen Wana Brands WanaBrandswasco-foundedbyNancyWhiteman,whoisalsotheCEO! Thebrandwascreatedin2011inColoradoandonlyfouryearslaterthey expanded to their first state, Oregon Ever since, the company has continued to expand, and in 2021 they struck a deal with Canada's Canopy Growth Corporation to sell the company for $350 million. Whitemanisquotedinsaying,

She holds herself to that stance as well. During that same year, Whitemandonated$50millionandmorefromtheCanopyGrowthsale The money went to the Wana Foundation and to Johns Hopkins Universitytostudythemedicinalbenefitsofcannabisandpsychedelic drugs TheWanaFoundationisacharitableorganizationthatfocuseson “research and education, food security, shelter, safety, mental health, sustainability, connection, and social justice,” according to Cannabis BusinessTimes.

There'snoshortageofpeoplewho needhelprightthisminute.Andthe organization'smissionistodothat.
Empowerment knowsnobounds—like theresilientplantwe cultivate,womeninthe cannabisindustry breakbarriers, redefinenorms,and cultivateafuture wherestrength, innovation,and inclusivitythrive.
Photo:WanaBrands NancyWhiteman ExtasyJames MAY 2024 06


MarijuanaLe Oppositionin Gubernatori

New Ham landsca over ma stage a voicesh gears u Chris Su the gub stance for adu amid di advocat legalizat believes opioid challeng During Ayotte potentia healthc and sch firm o skepticis reform, Sununu' legalizat marijua has bee Bill 1633 support retail st adult-us marijua

Read thef


NavigatingUnc y ChallengeinDetectingDruggedDriving AmidLegalMarijuana theglobal community movestowards moreliberal drugpolicies, theU.S.stands atadiplomatic crossroads.

MINNESOTA - Since Minnesota legalized recreational marijuana in August, law enforcement has faced a new set of challenges Central among these is the significant hurdle of accurately detecting cannabis impairment among drivers, an issue that remains unsolved due to the absence of a reliable, state-approved roadsidetest.

The legalization of cannabis brings with it a series of public safety concerns, not least of which is driving under the influence While consuming marijuana is now legal, driving while impaired by the substance is not However,withoutaneffectivemethodtotest for cannabis impairment on the spot, police officers find themselves at a disadvantage, navigating a gray area between law enforcementandlegalconsumption

Currently, Minnesota employs traditional methods to assess impairment, which are not specifically tailored to detect marijuana intoxication

Intheshiftingsandsofglobalpolitics,theUnitedStates' stanceonmarijuanalegalizationisincreasingly becomingatopicofinternationaldiscourseand comparison.Ascountriesaroundtheworldadoptvarious degreesofcannabisreform,theU.S.findsitselfatapivotal juncture,withfigureslikeRepresentativeEarlBlumenauer advocatingforacomprehensiveshiftinfederalpolicy.

Blumenauer, a seasoned politicianknownforhisbow tie and bicycle-shaped lapel pin, has been a vocal advocate for cannabis reform during his long tenure As he prepares to retire, his parting mission is to galvanize support for federallegalization,amove he believes could reinvigorate President Joe Biden's appeal among young voters and potentiallyshiftthepolitical landscape

Globally, nations like Canada and Uruguay have taken bold steps by fully legalizing recreational marijuana, setting benchmarksintheprocess

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p y PolicyStacksUpAgainstGlobalTrends
MAY 2024 07

by the numbers


Navigating the Highs and Lows of the CannabisJobMarket

The burgeoning U.S. cannabis industry is a dynamic landscape of opportunity and challenge In2023,theindustryexperienceda robust 5.4% increase in jobs, adding approximately22,952positions,whichbrought the total to 440,445 full-time equivalent jobs This growth, as detailed in the 2024 Vangst Jobs Report, signals a significant advancement from the 122,800 jobs reported in2017 Yet,theroadaheadispavedwithboth potentialgainsandnotableobstacles

OpportunitiesintheCannabisJobMarket:The expansion of the cannabis market in the MidwestandEastCoasthasbeenparticularly impressive States like Michigan and Missouri haveledthecharge,eachaddingover10,000 jobs in the past year thanks to flourishing sales and market maturity Michigan, for instance, saw cannabis sales soar to more than $3 billion, a 33% increase over the previousyear,fuelingthejobmarketandstate revenuealike

Furthermore, the potential legalization of recreational marijuana in Florida presents a significantopportunityforjobcreation Shouldthe November vote favor legalization, the state could see a substantial boost in cannabis-related employment, capitalizing on the existing infrastructureofmedicalmarijuana.

Challenges Facing the Cannabis Job Market: Despitetheseopportunities,thecannabisindustry faces several challenges Regulatory hurdles remain a major obstacle, with federal illegality imposing banking restrictions, high taxes, and complexities in interstate operations Additionally, market saturation in states like California and Colorado has led to a contraction in job growth These mature markets are experiencing a recalibration as they navigate overcrowded fields anddecliningprofitmargins

The Vangst report highlights the dichotomy of a state-by-state, region-by-region job market Whileyoungmarketsbenefitfrominitialsurgesin demand and job creation, established markets must innovate and adapt to sustain growth and profitability


New Hope for Veterans CannabisandPTSD

Post-TraumaticStressDisorder(PTSD)isasevere andoftendebilitatingconditionaffectingmillions worldwide, with veterans being significantly impacted Traditionaltreatmentsincludetherapy andmedication,butrecentadvancesinmedical research have spotlighted cannabis as a potential new treatment avenue. This article exploreshowcannabisisprovidingnewhopefor veteransbattlingPTSD.

PTSD manifests in veterans due to exposure to traumatic events during military service, such as combat or training accidents. Symptoms include severe anxiety, flashbacks, nightmares, and uncontrollable thoughts about the event While traditional therapies have been the cornerstone of treatment, they don’t work for everyone and often come with side effects that complicate recovery

Recent studies have highlighted cannabis's potential to alleviate several PTSD symptoms Compounds in cannabis, notably CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), interactwiththebody’sendocannabinoidsystem, which plays a crucial role in maintaining mental health by regulating mood, sleep, and stress levels.

Emerging clinical research supports cannabis as a therapeutic option for PTSD For example, a landmarkstudypublishedbytheMultidisciplinary AssociationforPsychedelicStudies(MAPS)found that participants using controlled dosages of cannabisreportedasignificantreductioninPTSD symptoms compared to those who did not use cannabis Additionally, cannabis is reported to improve the quality of sleep and reduce the frequency of nightmares, a common issue for veteranswithPTSD

Many veterans, like John, a former Marine, have turned to cannabis as a lifeline “After years of struggling with PTSD and the side effects of my prescribedmedication,Itriedcannabis Itwasthe first time in years I could sleep through the night withoutanightmare,”heshares StorieslikeJohn's are becoming increasingly common as more veterans seek cannabis treatment for their symptoms

The use of cannabis for PTSD among veterans presents legal and medical challenges, particularlyincountriesorstateswhereitremains illegal. However, the shifting legal landscape, notably in the United States with the legalization ofmedicalcannabisinmanystates,isbeginning to ease access Medical professionals are increasingly recognizing cannabis’s benefits, advocatingforchangesinlegislationtofacilitate morecomprehensivestudiesandsaferaccess

Ongoing research aims to better understand how different cannabis strains anddosagesaffectPTSDsymptoms Thisincludeslong-termeffectsandhow cannabis can be integrated with other treatments for a holistic approach Institutions like Veterans Affairs are beginning to support research into cannabis, reflecting a broader shift towards accepting its therapeutic potentialforPTSD

CannabisoffersnewhopeforveteranswithPTSD,providinganalternativeto traditional treatments that many find ineffective or intolerable. As research advances and societal attitudes evolve, cannabis could become a key element of veteran mental health care. The promise it holds is not just in symptom management but potentially in contributing to a fuller, more peacefullifeforthosewhohaveservedtheircountry.

MAY 2024 09 MAY 2024 10

Cannabis-Infused StrawbasilLemonade

Yield:Thisrecipemakesabout 6-8glasses.

PreparationTime: 20minutes



1cupfreshstrawberries,hulledandhalved 10freshbasilleaves



3tablespoonshoneyortotaste(adjust basedonsweetnessofstrawberries)



Additionalstrawberryslicesandbasil leavesforgarnish


BuzDeliere| chefbuz

Asspringblossoms,sodoesthe opportunity for fresh, seasonal recipes that invigorate the senses and elevate the spirit This month, we ' re celebrating thevibrantflavorsofMaywitha Cannabis-Infused Strawbasil Lemonade. This refreshing beverage is perfect for sunny afternoons and pairs the sweet, lush taste of ripe strawberries with the cool zest of basil and lemon, enhanced with a subtle cannabis twist This cannabisinfused strawberry basil lemonade is more than just a delightful thirst-quencher; it's a way to celebrate the season with every sip, bringing a touch of elegance and relaxation to your spring days Enjoy responsibly and relish the fresh embrace of May's finest flavors.So grab a bag of your favorite herb, twist one up, and let’sgetCookingwithaBuz!

First,Inablender,combinethestrawberries,basilleaves, andlemonjuiceandblenduntilsmooth.Nextstrainthrough afinemeshsieveintoapitchertoremovethepulpand excessleaves,pressingwithaspoontoextractallthejuice

Nowyoucanaddthehoneytothestrawberrybasilmixture whileit'sstillinthepitchermakesuretostiruntilthehoneyis fullydissolved Ifthehoneyistoothick,gentlyheatitbefore addingtothemix.Pourthecoldwaterintothepitcherwith thestrawberrybasilmixture,addyourTHCpowderorTHC tincturetothemix,andmakesuretostirwelltocombineall ingredients

Justchillthelemonadeintherefrigeratorforatleastan hourtoblendtheflavorsandserveovericecubes, garnishedwithadditionalstrawberryslicesandafewbasil leaves.

Beforeaddingthecannabistincture,youcancustomizethe potencyperglasstocatertodifferentpreferences,addingit directlytoeachglassinsteadofthewholepitcher

Thisdrinkpairsbeautifullywithlightspringmeals,especially saladsandgrilledvegetables


DIDYOUKNOW?Basilleaves maybebeneficialandmay actagainstcancer,diabetes, bacterialgrowth,andarthritis Itmayalsomanagestress,

Honeyisrichinnutrientsand antioxidants,hasantibacterial properties,andcanplayarole indiabetesmanagementas partofabalanceddiet.

Whenpreparingcannabis-infusedrecipes,it'scrucialtoconsiderthepotency ofthetinctureandyourpersonaltolerance Thedosagerecommendedhere shouldofferamildeffect,suitableforthosefamiliarwiththeirtolerancelevels. Alwaysstartlowandgoslow,particularlyifsharingwithfriendswhomaybe lessexperiencedwithediblecannabis

Cannachef MAY 2024 14
Chronic The


Cannabisisagreatwaytohelprelaxatthe endoftheday Somepeoplejustneedabit of relaxation, but others need real assistance managing their anxiety, and cannabis can be a great help Anxiety can range from feeling a little nervous before a date to a debilitating mental block causing panic attacks If you fall within this range, hereareafewcannabisstrainsthatarewell knowntoloweranxietylevels.







TheCinderella99(akaCindy,C99,orCindy99)strainisa hybrid bred by Mr Soul of Brothers Grimm Known for its high THC content and huge yields, it is a rather popular strain Ifyouevercomeacrossthisstrain,knowthatitisa very fruity strain with notes of citrus and tropical fruits. Cinderella 99 is great for anyone who wants to feel dreamy, euphoric, and uplifted. It is perfect for anyone feelingstressed,anxious,ordepressed Afewreviewsfor thishybridstrainsaythatCinderella99isthebeststrain they’veeverusedforrelaxation






A common and beloved strain, Purple Kush! Purple Kush isapureIndicastrainthatwasdevelopedfromcrossing Hindu Kush and Purple Afghani Purple Kush is a wonderfully earthy strain, some people say it has a very classic cannabis smell While it is a commonly seen strain,itdoesn’tmakeitanylesspotentwhenused Asfor relaxation, it is meant to be a very long lasting euphoric high According to Leafly, “this blissful, long-lasting euphoriablanketsthemindwhilephysicalrelaxationrids thebodyofpain,sleeplessness,andstress”Sinceanxiety canbebothmentalandphysical,thisisagreatstrainfor helpingwithboth.






Just like an alcoholic mimosa, this strain can calm your nerves right down! Mimosa, or Purple Mimosa, hybrid strain made by blending Clementine with Purple Punch Depending on how much of the strain you use, it has different effects In small amounts, Mimosa can make youhappy,uplifted,andmotivatedwhilestillbeinglevelheadedenoughtorunsomeerrands Inlargeramounts, the strain will leave you feeling sleepy and relaxed That meansthatyoucanuseitallday,dependingondosage Mimosa’s scent is as you might expect, very citrusy but notraceofchampagne,unfortunately Itisverycommon forthisstraintobeusedtorelievestressanddepression Itcanbeagreatwaytotakealltheday'sanxietiesand smokethemaway

MAY 2024 17






Whether you choose a real ice cream cake or the strain, I’m sureyouranxietywillbelowered.ThisIndicadominanthybrid was created by breeding Wedding Cake with Gelato #33 If youwanttofeelsedatedlikeJoeyRamonethisisthestrainfor you!TheeffectsofIceCreamCakeoftenleaveyourmindand body in a total state of relaxation. The sweet, buttery, and vanilla scent give the strain a creamy smell that is very pleasant. Ice Cream Cake is great for relieving pain, anxiety, and helping with sleep Sometimes the most anxious part of thedayisrightbeforebedwhenallyoucanthinkaboutisthe stress to come tomorrow, try this strain to help relieve that Relaxinbedorthecouchwithsomerealicecreamandsome cannabisIceCreamCakeandyou’llsleeplikealogthatnight






This strain may not be as popular, it’s still a good one! The strainGrapeLimeRickeyisanIndicadominanthybridcreated bymixingPurpleUrklewithJacktheRipper Thisstrainisgreat for relaxation and will make you feel calm, at peace, and lockedinthecouch Likethenamesuggests,thisstrainhasa tart, citrusy lime scent, with sweet grape undertones (Not sure what Rickey smells like, but hopefully it’s good!) Grape Lime Rickey is used by many to help them relieve their pain andanxiety Ifyoufeelliketryingthisstrainout,you’llbesure tofeelallyourtroublesmeltaway.






For some people, the music of ACDC might not exactly be relaxing, but the strain definitely is! This strain is a little differentthananyotheronthelist;itisaCBDdominantstrain ACDCwascreatedbyCannatonicandwhileithaslittletono intoxicating effects, it can be perfect for treating many medical issues. People who use this strain say it helps them with anxiety, pain, and even epilepsy and symptoms from chemotherapy.ACDChasastrongwoody,pinesmellthatisa little spicy So if you are looking for a strain that doesn’t get you high, ACDC is the one for you! There are many CBD dominantstrainsthatcanhelpwithmedicalissues,butthey maybehardtofind Ifyoudofindsome,giveitatry!Youmay besurprised!





Ifyouthinkyouranxietycanputyouinahaze,tryOGHazeto take you out of it OG Haze, aka Original Haze or Haze Brothers, is a Sativa dominant strain I know, I know typically Indicasarerecommendedtorelieveanxiety,butthisstrainis goodtoo!OGHazeisknowntoprovideincreasedenergyand creativity,whichcanrelaxthemindandbody Ifyoufeellike tryingoutthisstrain,ithasaspicyaromawithhintsofsweet citrusandearthytobacco OneofthereasonsthisSativaisso helpfulforstressreliefisthatitisnotknowntomakeyoufeel like you ' re buzzing from too much energy It’s more like a soothingcupofcoffee. MAY 2024 18



Feelings:Talkative,Giggly,Energetic StrainFlavors:Diesel,Ammonia,Pine THC19%|CBG1%

Laughing gas, strain and medical aid, will completely relax whoever uses it. Funnily enough both will also make you giggly! Laughing Gas was created by TKO Reserve and is a powerful mix of Sour Diesel and Cherry Pie. Leafly reported that,“thispungentpaircreatesastrainthatemitsapowerful fuelaromaintermixedwithnotesofgrass,pine,andadista t sweetness” The strain is stimulating, makes you feel happ and can give you a creative boost while helping lesse anxiety and depression symptoms If you want to try th strainout,thefloweritselfisknowntobeverydense,sobre outthegrinder!




StrainFlavors:Pine,Woody,Earthy THC18%|CBD0%

OneofthemostcommonandwellknownstrainsisOGKus OG Kush aka Premium OG, is a great strain to pick f relievingthestressoftheday FirstcreatedinFlorida,nobod really knows what strains were used to create it: allegedly was a strain from North California with Chemdawg, Lemo Thai, and Hindu Kush Whatever the strains were they mixe up to create an awesome hybrid that is well known in th cannabis community It is a stinky, skunky strain with a ve well-rounded effect OG Kush will have its user’s feelings mixedheadandbodyhighthathelpswithpain,anxiety,an depression Trytousethisstrainneartheendoftheday,as canalsohelpputyouintoadeep,restfulsleep.

MAY 2024 19
MAY 2024 21
DownloadtheChronicMagazineapptoday! One App, Many Uses! MAY 2024 22

Mental Health Benefits and Policies

Cannabis inthe Workplace

As contemporary workplaces evolve, the integration of cannabis into corporate policies garners increasing interest, primarily due to its potential mental health benefits This topic not only sparks dialogue but also necessitates thoughtfulexplorationofitsimplicationsforbothemployees andmanagement

Historically,cannabishasbeenrecognizedforitstherapeutic properties, offering relief for a variety of ailments including chronic stress and anxiety Today, its acceptance extends into the professional domain, where its use is redefining traditionalviewsonworkplacewellness Companiesarenow consideringhowcannabiscanbepartofabroaderstrategy toenhanceemployeeproductivityandsatisfaction

The discourse on cannabis in the workplace centers around two main areas: the health advantages it may provide to employees and the necessary policies businesses must develop to manage its use responsibly For employees sufferingfrommentalhealthissues,accesstocannabisasa treatment option can be a valuable component of their health regimen Reports suggest that, when used appropriately, cannabis can significantly decrease workplacestress,enhancementalclarity,andfosteramore positiveworkenvironment

However, incorporating cannabis into the workplace also presents challenges The primary concern for many employers is navigating the complex legal regulations surrounding its use. Businesses must craft policies that not only adhere to the laws but also respect privacy and promote fairness. It is essential for these policies to clearly define acceptable use and ensure that they do not inadvertentlyencouragemisuse.

Additionally, there is the issue of societal stigma associated with cannabis use Despite its legal status and medical benefits in many regions, prejudices still exist. Progressive workplace policies must address this stigma directly, educating staff to foster an environment of understanding andsupport

Corporate leaders are therefore encouraged to approach cannabis policies with a balanced perspective, considering boththelegalimplicationsandthepotentialhealthbenefits By implementing comprehensive and clear guidelines, businesses can harness the advantages of cannabis for mentalwellnesswhilemitigatingrisks

In crafting these policies, companies should engage with legalexperts,healthcareproviders,andHRprofessionals This multidisciplinary approach ensures that the policies are not onlycompliantwithlegalstandardsbutarealsoalignedwith bestpracticesinhealthandemployeemanagement

In conclusion, the integration of cannabis into workplace policies, when handled with care and foresight, can significantly contribute to the well-being of employees It promotesamoreinclusiveandsupportiveworkenvironment, underscores a commitment to employee health, and positions companies as leaders in innovative health management Thefutureofworkmayverywellhingeonthe ability of businesses to adapt to such emerging trends and responsiblyintegratethemintotheircorporatecultures

MAY 2024 23
written by: MAY 2024 24



EmbracingHolistic Wellnesswith Cannabisforthe NervousSystem

In our column's journey toward holistic wellness, understanding the intricate relationship between cannabis, terpenes, and other medicinal herbs with our nervous system is paramount From centuries-oldpracticestocutting-edgeresearch, a holistic approach to nervous system health integrates the synergistic benefits of various natural compounds Let's dive into this multifaceted realm, exploring the potential of cannabiscultivars,terpenes,andcomplementary herbstosupportournervoussystem T H E W O R L D O F

CannabisandtheNervousSystem: AComplexConnection

Cannabis has been used medicinally for millennia,withanecdotalevidenceandemerging scientific research highlighting its potential benefits for the nervous system The endocannabinoid system (ECS), a complex networkofreceptorsandneurotransmitters,plays a crucial role in regulating various physiological processes, including mood, stress response, and pain perception. Cannabinoids, the active compounds in cannabis, interact with the ECS, potentially modulating neural activity and promotinghomeostasis.

While tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are the most well-known cannabinoids, numerous other cannabinoids, such as cannabinol (CBN) and cannabigerol (CBG), exhibit unique effects on the nervous system For example, CBD is renowned for its anxiolytic and neuroprotective properties, while THC may offer analgesic and mood-enhancing effects Understanding the distinct pharmacological profiles of different cannabis cultivars is crucial for tailoring therapeutic interventionstoindividualneeds

MAY 2024 25

Allinformationinthisarticleisforeducationalpurposesonly Theinformationprovidedisderivedfromresearchgathered fromexternalsources.PleasecheckwithyourCannabis EducatedPrimaryHealthCarePhysicianorEducated&Trained CannabisTherapyConsultantbeforebeginninganynewdiet orlifestylechange.

WrittenbyDr PepperHernandezND,PhD,CTC,CNHPinECS& NaturopathicMedicine,CannabisTherapyConsultant,The FounderandEducationDirectoroftheCannabisHolistic Institute TofindoutmoreaboutherTelemedicine Consultations,EducationalPrograms,YouTubevideos,and othercreativecontent,youcanfindheronthemassiveinterwebsonallplatformsoratdrpepperhernandezcom



Terpenes,aromaticcompoundsfoundincannabisand other plants, play a pivotal role in modulating the effects of cannabinoids and exerting their therapeutic benefits Beyond imparting distinctive flavors and aromas, terpenes possess an array of pharmacological properties, from anti-inflammatory andanalgesictoanxiolyticandantidepressant

Linalool: Found in lavender and cannabis strains such as "Lavender," linalool is revered for its calming and sedative effects, potentially reducing anxietyandpromotingrelaxation

Myrcene: Abundant in hops and cannabis strains like "Granddaddy Purple," myrcene exhibits analgesic and muscle-relaxant properties, offering relieffrompainandtension

Caryophyllene:Presentinblackpepperandstrains like"GirlScoutCookies,"caryophylleneisnotablefor its anti-inflammatory and anxiolytic effects, potentiallymitigatingstressandinflammation.

ComplementaryHerbsforNervous SystemSupport

In addition to cannabis and terpenes, several medicinal herbs complement the holistic approach to nervous system health, offering a synergy of therapeuticbenefits.

Ashwagandha: A revered adaptogenic herb, ashwagandha may enhance resilience to stress, support cognitive function, and promote relaxation

Passionflower:Knownforitsanxiolyticproperties, passionflowermayalleviatesymptomsofanxiety and insomnia, facilitating restful sleep and tranquillity

Lemon Balm: With its calming and moodstabilizing effects, lemon balm is valued for its potential to reduce stress and promote emotionalwell-being

Incorporatingtheseherbsintoyourwellnessregimen alongside cannabis and terpenes can enhance the holisticapproachtonervoussystemhealth,fostering balanceandvitalityfromwithin.


Inthequestfornervoussystemhealth,embracinga holisticapproachthatintegratescannabis,terpenes, and complementary herbs offers a multifaceted toolkit for promoting balance and well-being By harnessing the synergistic effects of these natural compounds, we can support our nervous system's innatecapacityforresilienceandvitality,pavingthe wayforalifeofholisticwellnessandvitality MAY 2024 26



Understanding Their Complicated Relationship

Therelationshipbetweencannabisandaddiction is intricate and filled with varying opinions and researchfindings Itisessentialtodelvedeepinto this topic, weighing both the positive and negative aspects associated with cannabis usage

Cannabis,alsoknownasmarijuana,ispraisedfor its therapeutic effects, which can significantly alleviatephysicalpain,reducetheseverenausea associatedwithcancertreatments,andeasethe symptoms of neurological disorders These benefits make cannabis a valuable tool in the medical field However, the conversation around cannabis does not end with its medicinal properties;thereisalsoagrowingconcernabout itspotentialforaddiction.

Addiction to cannabis, referred to as "cannabis use disorder," differs from the addictions seen withsubstanceslikeopioidsoralcohol.Ittendsto develop more subtly and can integrate seamlessly into a person ' s daily routine without the dramatic disruptions often associated with more severe substances This type of addiction might start with occasional use and gradually become a necessary part of the user’s daily life, sometimeswithoutthemevennoticing

Thereisconsiderabledebateabouttheaddictive natureofcannabis SomeexpertsarguethatTHC, the psychoactive component of cannabis, can lead to psychological dependency, creating a powerful urge to use cannabis persistently On the other hand, some argue that the risk of addiction is relatively low, especially when comparedtosubstancesliketobaccooralcohol, whicharelegalandwidelyconsumed.

MAY 2024 29

The legal status of cannabis significantly influences how its risks and benefits are perceived.Inregionswherecannabisislegal, theremightbelessemphasisonitspotential for addiction, possibly leading to more widespread use without adequate understanding of the risks Conversely, in areas where cannabis remains illegal, the focus might be more on its potential harms, including addiction, often used as a justificationforitsprohibition

Theunderstandingofcannabisanditseffects is still evolving Research into its long-term impactsisongoing,andthereismuchtolearn about how it affects different individuals This relationship is not merely about whether cannabis is good or bad, but about understanding a complex array of biological, psychological, and social factors that influenceitsuseandeffects

The discourse surrounding cannabis and addictionmustmovebeyondsimplebinaries to embrace the complexities involved As societal attitudes towards cannabis continue to shift, and as more regions consider legalization, it becomes increasingly importanttofosteraninformeddialoguethat balances the recognition of cannabis's medical benefits with a clear understanding of its potential risks This balanced approach willhelpensurethatdecisionsaboutcannabis usearemadewithcomprehensiveknowledge and understanding, contributing to healthier communities and more effective medical practices By continuing to research and discuss these issues, we can better navigate the nuanced landscape of cannabis use and itsimplicationsforhealthandsociety MAY 2024 30

A New Wave of Wellness Tourism

In recent years, wellness tourism has taken a vibrant turn with the emergence of cannabis retreats As the stigma surrounding cannabis continues to dissolve and its legal status shifts across the globe, travelers arenowexploringnewfrontiersofrelaxationandselfcare that incorporate this once-taboo plant These retreatsarenotonlyredefiningleisurebutalsosetting newstandardsforwellnessexperiences

Cannabis retreats are gaining popularity in regions where the plant is legal, offering a unique blend of traditional wellness practices and cannabis-infused activities These retreats provide guests with an opportunity to explore the therapeutic benefits of cannabis in a safe, comfortable, and often luxurious environment From guided sessions on mindful consumption to workshops on the medicinal propertiesofcannabis,theseretreatsaimtoeducate andempowerindividualsabouttheirholistichealth

Typically nestled in serene settings such as lush countryside or near tranquil beaches, cannabis retreats offer a variety of activities designed to harmonizethebodyandmind.Programsmayinclude yogaandmeditationsessionsenhancedwithCBDor THCproducts,cannabis-infusedcookingclasses,and educational talks by experts in the field Additionally, many retreats offer spa treatments incorporating cannabis-based products, such as massages with CBDoilorhemp-infusedskincaretreatments

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Proponents of cannabis retreats argue that cannabis has significant wellness benefits that can enhance the retreat experience These include reduced anxiety, improved sleep quality, pain relief, and an overall enhanced sense of wellbeing The controlled and informed use of cannabis in these settings allows individuals to experience these benefits first-hand, often leading to profound personal insights and an improvedrelationshipwiththeplant

The legal landscape of cannabis use is critical to the operation of these retreats Operators must navigate complexregulationstoensurethatallactivitiescomply with local laws Safety is also a paramount concern, with retreats providing clear guidance on responsible consumption and ensuring that all participants are of legalage.

Many attendees of cannabis retreats share transformativestories Forinstance,Julia,a45-year-old attorney, attended a retreat to disconnect from her high-stressjobandleftwitharenewedperspectiveon stressmanagementandself-care Anotherguest,Mark, foundthatincorporatingCBDintohisdailyroutinepostretreat helped him manage chronic pain that was previouslydebilitating

As acceptance grows and the benefits of cannabis continue to be recognized, the future of cannabis wellness tourism looks promising Experts predict an increase in specialized retreats catering to diverse needs and interests, from couples seeking a unique romantic getaway to individuals looking for alternative healththerapies.

Cannabis retreats represent a bold and innovative directionintheworldofwellnesstourism Bycombining the therapeutic properties of cannabis with traditional wellness activities, these retreats offer a compelling new way to experience relaxation and rejuvenation. As more people seek holistic approaches to health, cannabis retreats stand poised to become a cornerstoneofmodernwellnessculture MAY 2024 32

CANNABIS Altern Treatm for Me Health

Associetyprogressestowardanenlight the exploration of alternative therap cannabis therapy emerges as a signi potential in treating various psycholog deeperintotheefficacyandimplication


Cannabis has traversed a long journ controversy and back towards accep Historically used in myriad cultures properties,itfelloutoffavorinmanyso legalrestrictionsandsocietalconcernsa haveseenadramaticshift,withnumero benefitsandleadingtoaresurgenceini


Attheheartoftheargumentforcannab interactionwiththebody'sendocannab receptors plays a crucial role in regulat mentalbalance Cannabinoidssuchas (cannabidiol) mimic the body’s endoge receptorsinwaysthatcanprofoundlyaf

ResearchindicatesthatTHCcanactas such as anxiety and post-traumatic st anxietyandanti-psychoticeffects.These serve as a beneficial tool in the tre depressiontobipolardisorderandbeyon

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Thegrowingbodyofclinicalresearchprovides compelling evidence of cannabis's therapeuticpotential.Studieshaveshownthat patients suffering from chronic anxiety have experienced significant relief with controlled cannabis use Furthermore, individuals battling depression have reported improvements in mood and motivation when cannabis is used as part of their treatment plan

Patienttestimoniesaddapersonaldimension to the data, with many reporting that cannabis provides relief not found in conventional medications, often without the heavy side effects associated with traditional drugs


Despite its potential, the use of cannabis in mental health treatment is not without controversy. Ethical debates focus on the long-term effects of cannabis use, dependency issues, and the adequacy of existing research Legally, the landscape is complexandvarieswidelybyregion,affecting access for those who might benefit from its use.


The future of cannabis therapy in mental health looks promising but requires a balanced approach. Ongoing research and clinical trials are essential to fully understand its benefits and limitations. Moreover, an informedpublicdiscourseontheethical,legal, and social implications of cannabis use is necessarytoguidepolicyandpractice

As we advance, the hope is that cannabis, alongsideothertherapies,willbemoredeeply understood and integrated into holistic mentalhealthpractices,offeringnewavenues for relief and recovery for those affected by mentalhealthdisorders MAY 2024 36


FromMusictoMarijuana: HowWillieNelsonPioneered aGreenFuture

WillieNelson,anamesynonymouswithcountry music, has harmonized his legendary tunes withaferventadvocacyforcannabis,creating auniquelegacythatintertwineshisartisticand activistefforts ThisarticleexploreshowNelson usedhismusicalcareerasadynamicplatform to champion the cause of cannabis legalization, illustrating the powerful intersectionsofartandactivism

Born amidst the rugged landscapes of the Great Depression in Abbott, Texas, Willie Nelson's early encounters with music and hardship shaped his character and artistic voice His journey from a poverty-stricken childhood to a celebrated musician is not just ataleofmusicalprowessbutalsoofpersonal advocacy.Nelson'smusic,characterizedbyits blend of sincerity and soulful simplicity, became a vehicle for more than entertainment; it served as a conduit for societalchange

In the early days of his career, Nelson's introductiontocannabiswasinfluencedbyits starkcontrasttothehard-drinking,hard-living habits of his music industry peers. Cannabis offered Nelson a gentler, more sustainable muse that enhanced his creativity without the destructive side effects of alcohol This personal choice soon evolved into a public stance, as Nelson began to advocate for the medicinal and recreational benefits of cannabis, long before such a position gained mainstreamacceptance.

Nelson's transition from a cannabis user to a leading advocate was catalyzed by his move to Austin, Texas, in the 1970s a time when Austinwasameltingpotofmusicalinnovation and countercultural movements Here, Nelson notonlysolidifiedhismusiccareerwithalbums that challenged the conservative norms of Nashville but also found a supportive communitythatsharedhisviewsoncannabis

His music gatherings, famously known as the Fourth of July Picnics, became synonymous with cannabis culture, attracting fans and followers who resonated with his message of freedomandnaturalliving.

TheveryethosofNelson’s"outlawcountry"style arebellionagainstthepolishedproductions of mainstream country music mirrored his approach to cannabis He positioned himself againsttheprohibitivelawsthatmadecannabisuseacriminaloffense,arguinginsteadfora modelofpersonalfreedomandnaturalhealth Hisadvocacyeffortsgainedformalstructurein 2005whenheco-foundedtheTeapotParty,amovementthatadvocatedforthelegalizationof cannabisundertheslogan"Taxit,regulateitandlegalizeit!"

Further cementing his role as a cannabis pioneer, Nelson launched Willie’s Reserve in 2015, a brand that embodies his vision for a future where cannabis is not only normalized but also celebrated for its cultural and medicinal benefits Willie’s Reserve serves as a testament to Nelson's enduring commitment to cannabis advocacy, offering products that are ethically sourced and environmentally conscious, reflecting his broader humanitarian and environmentalistvalues

Nelson's intertwining of music and marijuana advocacy has left an indelible mark on both industries.Byusinghisplatformasareveredmusician,hehassignificantlyinfluencedpublic perceptions and policies towards cannabis. His life and career demonstrate how art can inspire activism, and how one voice, deeply embedded in cultural expression, can echo throughthehallsofsocietalchange

Getthelatestscooponall thingscannabisfromThe ChronicMagazine-your go-tosourceforup-to datemarijuananews, helpfulresourcesandan excitinglifestyle

MAY 2024 37 MAY 2024 38

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