6 minute read
by Carisa Rowe
Once upon a time in the not too distant past (and in many American states still), cannabis consumers had little choice in offerings. In the days of prohibition, there was little variety available at the plug’s house, if any.
Stoners would spend weeks, months, or even years searching for a dealer that had a consistent supply of dank. Back in the day, the cannabis industry motto might as well have been
Tokers were grateful for any shwag they could score and unlikely to demand to know the THC content of their purchase. “Back in the day” was a long time ago and in this era of legal weed, discerning cannabis consumers want to get the most bang for their buck.
The common belief is that THC content works like alcohol content – a higher THC percentage will get you higher the same way high proof spirits get you more intoxicated. The proof of this misconception can be observed on dispensary shelves everywhere. High THC flower dominates the offerings despite budtenders divulging tips about tastier, more effective buds with lower “psychoactive content”.
TaTo understand why, consider the cost of cannabis for the average consumer. Top shelf flowers still fetch up to $20 per gram in high end markets. Many cannabis consumers believe that more THC, the psychoactive cannabinoid in cannabis, will equate to a more potent high. This myth persists because we measure alcohol and pharmaceuticals in the same manner. Higher percentage alcohol content by volume, or the spirit’s proof means that less of the particular spirit will create the desired effect. For pharmaceuticals, particularly anxiety or pain medication, a higher number of microor milligrams in a particular dosage can mean more effective relief.
Buying weed based on high THC numbers is an outdated, and proven false, train of thought for cannabis consumers. This is particularly important information for those seeking to fine tune the therapeutic benefits of their administration regimen.
The first thing to make note of is this: tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) has absolutely no bearing on how “good” any cannabis product is, whether it be flower, concentrates, or edibles. Researchers at University of Colorado at Boulder’s Institute of Cognitive Science studied 121 participants in study to evaluate the experiential and measurable effects of THC content. Study participants were divided into two groups, those favoring flowers and those favoring concentrates.
In the flower group, participants received doses of dried cured flower which had been tested to contain either 16% THC or 24% THC. The participants who selected concentrates were administered doses measured to contain either 70% THC by volume or 90% THC by volume.
Researchers recorded data regarding the efficacy of the dosages at three intervals. THC concentration levels were recorded prior to administration, immediately following, and at the one hour post mark. Additional measurements included intoxication and impairment, cognitive function, mood, and energy levels. Researchers were surprised by the findings which were subsequently published in JAMA Psychiatry.
The results reflected that even though concentrated users had elevated THC in their blood, they weren’t any “more high”.
ll the patients, interestingly, reflected the same perception of their own impairment. Patients also matched closely when measured for balance and cognitive impairment.
Researchers expected to find elevated concentrations of THC based on which product was administered. They were not expecting everyone to be high on the same level, and measurably so.
All the patients, interestingly, reflected the same perception of their own impairment.
Patients also matched closely when measured for balance and cognitive impairment.
Researchers expected to find elevated concentrations of THC based on which product was administered. They were not expecting everyone to be high on the same level, and measurably so.
Old school stoners, shrewd budtenders, and industry pros would be unsurprised by these findings. The myth of THC potency is easily disproved with the opportunity to compare really good cannabis against itself.
Weed Heads that have been toking for the last 40 years or so almost never ask for the THC content of their flower, instead opting for aroma, texture, and visual appeal ahead of “potency”. Budtenders and other industry professionals choose their weed the same way.
This can be challenging in markets where cannabis is prepacked or where deli-style sniffing is not available.
Cannabis, like food, relies on the nose. A pleasant smelling nug of ganja is an answer to a craving in the human endocannabinoid system, a complex cell signaling system that metabolizes cannabinoids into vital “nutrients” for this complex biologic function.
Food cravings are a distinct indicator of the body’s nutritional demands. By making smart choices when answering food cravings, individuals increase their overall health. By learning how to use the nose to choose their flower, users can maximize the potential therapeutic effect of their cannabis.

The therapeutic effect of cannabis does not rest solely on the shoulders of THC.
Unlike pharmaceutical interventions, cannabis is a naturally evolved nutrient that exists to serve one purpose: nourish the endocannabinoid system. A prime example of this can be measured during an epileptic seizure.
At the onset of the event, during the prodrome and aura stages, the central nervous system signals the endocannabinoid system to deliver cannabinoids to act as lubricants along the neural pathways that are about to experience epileptic trauma.
This protective effort is believed to reduce the intensity of the ictal stage and mitigate damage caused by the seizure. In the post-ictal stage, recovery can be drastically reduced by the administration of cannabis therapy. With more than one hundred cannabinoids working together to harmoniously nourish the body, choosing the right medicine can feel like a daunting task.
Limited research about cannabis can make it hard to understand why a user should choose a CBG-rich varietal over THC content if dementia runs in the family.
This task is even more daunting when a consumer just wants to get stoned and not consider terpenes or the entourage effect.

Terpenes and the entourage effect are like molecular hype men for the main act, which are the cannabinoids in this weird analogy. Terpenes are components of the essential oils found in plants.
Terpenes such as myrcene give mangoes their strong taste while linalool is responsible for the common sensation of calm that is associated with the scent of lavender. Both of these terpenes, and dozens more, are present in cannabis. The cocktail of terpenes in the plant is responsible for the aroma that faithful potheads love. Individual weed preferences vary though, much like individual food preferences.
Some users want a bright citrusy aroma and depend on weed matching that scent profile to feel refreshing, like a glass of freshly squeezed OJ.
Stoners looking for spicy notes on their bud are likely seeking caryophyllene, a terpene that can activate the endocannabinoid system and stimulate anti-inflammatory effects. Interestingly, foods that contain caryophyllenes, such as black pepper, clove, and cinnamon, are all recorded to have provided anti-inflammatory benefits as part of the natural diet or when introduced as supplements. The combination of terpenes in a given varietal is responsible for what is known as “the entourage effect”. Much like combining ingredients to create the perfect sauce, or like using a mood stabilizer in conjunction with an antidepressant, terpenes bring balance to the medicine. The psychoactive compound THC acts as a potentiator for cannabinoids to affect their specialized biologic functions. By relaxing the central nervous system, THC increases the efficacy of antiinflammatory CBD, stress mitigating CBN, and dozens of other cannabinoids. The entourage effect, caused by a unique cocktail of terpenes, is the most likely culprit for the perception of “high-ness”.
A well-crafted drink with fresh mixers and clean ice delivers a finer experience than a shot of the same vodka straight. Spaghetti sauce made from scratch heals the soul in a way that jarred sauce never could. A straight shot or jarred marinara serve a purpose: they are efficient and affordable. High THC may seem like a costconscious move, but connoisseurs and informed patients both know that high THC percentages do not equate to a better high.