









Thanksgivingis atimeto gather,feast, andmake memories.This year,whynot takethe festivitiesupa notchby makingyour celebrationa cannabisfriendlyaffair?
Affectionately known as Sam I Am, the beloved owner of Next Elevation dispensary in Moore, Oklahoma, is bringing his unique style and community-focused spirit to a brand-new location in SouthOKC.Alongsidehiswife,Zalak,Samisexcitedtoexpandtheir cannabis business, continuing their mission to provide patients withthebestpossiblemedsataffordableprices
NYBansPopularCannabisEnergyPills Are CaffeineandCannabisTooRiskyTogether?
CozyCannabis-InfusedAppleCiderwith SpicedWhippedCream
FindingReliefandCommunity ThroughthePlant
HowCanCannabisHelpwiththe HumanReproductiveSystem
CANNABISSTRAINS forBeatingSeasonalBlues
Many cannabis companies feel the need to give backtotheircommunity,butitisnotalwayseasy to find places that will accept donations from them Some people don’t want ‘drug money’ to helptheirfunding,eventhoughitislegaltosellin their states. It’s very unfortunate, as cannabis companies make good money that can help nonprofits and other philanthropies Here are a few businesses that help their surrounding communitiesandcommunitiesacrossthenation
The company Bloom Farms was founded by Michael Ray, who grew up on his family's farm Hewastaughttherethatanyonewhoneededa warmmealwouldbefullywelcomed Thisisthe reason behind Bloom Farms’ dedication to helping with food insecurity across America Their mission has been a 1-for-1 meal program since2015.
Bloom Farms donates a healthy meal to people in need for every purchase of their products: flower, concentrates, and tinctures as well So far, Bloom Farms has given out over three million meals to people who need them It’s a beautiful thing to help those who are hungry To assist Bloom Farms in their mission, check out their products and if you do make a purchase know you helped someonegetameal
The CANN company is owned and operated by the LGBTQIA community FoundersLukeAndersonandJackBullockcreatedCANNasawayforthose who struggle with alcoholism to switch to a less harmful non-alcoholic cannabis product It was their alternative to drinking when in social situations In the creation of their brand, they make it their mission to promote diversity and inclusion among cannabis brands When promoting their products they enlist the help of drag queens, LGBTQIA models, and more. They are extremely proud of being queer, and they should be! CANN also is in active partnerships with other cannabis groups like Cannabis for BlackLivesandEazeMomentum,bothgroupsarealsostrivingtothegoalof equalityandequityforall
The company Bloom Farms was founded by Michael Ray, who grew up on his family's farm Hewastaughttherethatanyonewhoneededa warmmealwouldbefullywelcomed Thisisthe reason behind Bloom Farms’ dedication to helping with food insecurity across America Their mission has been a 1-for-1 meal program since2015.
Inadditiontothe cannabisbased companieswhogive backherearesome organizationsthat focusonhelpinginthe cannabisspace withoutselling cannabis.Ihave previouslymentioned theseorganizationsin ourmagazine,butthey areimportantto remember.These jcompaniescanallbe oinedandassistedby readerslikeyou!
The NDICA organization, which stands for The National Diversity and Inclusion Cannabis Alliance Its main goal is to create “equitable employment and ownership opportunities in the hemp and cannabis space” This non-profit organizationmakesitapointtocreateequitable programsforthosewhohavesufferedduringthe aforementioned war. This includes people of color, LGBTQIA+, and other members of marginalized communities The NDICA is composed of people who take pride in being innovative leaders in the community as they strive to guide and mentor the cannabis and hempmarkets Theydothisby“bringingtogether government agencies, industry leaders, practitioners and intellectuals through forums, expungement clinics, trainings, think tanks and a thriving online community, NDICA provides the necessary technical expertise and resources to succeed in the cannabis and non-cannabis industries” You can become a member through theirwebsite!
The Last Prisoner Project, founded in 2019, has a core belief that “no one shouldremainincarceratedorsufferthecollateralconsequencesofoffenses thatarenowlegal”.Thisgroupwascreatedby“justice-impactedindividuals, policy and education experts, and leaders in the worlds of criminal justice and drug policy reform to work to end the fundamental injustice that is America's policy of cannabis prohibition and the War on Drugs” Not only is this a goal for the back-end of justice, they strive to make changes in the frontaswellbythe“systemicreformtoourcriminallegalsystem”TheLast PrisonerProjectworksacrossthecountryin31statestopassandimplement billsthataimtoreleasepeoplewhohavebeenincarceratedforanowlegal activity and clear the convictions from their records. As of now, the Last Prisoner Project has worked on 26 bills to clear criminal records and sponsored 2 of such bills To get involved with this project, there are a few differentoptionstochoosefrom,oneoftheeasiestoptionsistheirStickersof Changeprogram Tofindoutmore,checkouttheirwebsite
The Marijuana Justice Coalition is a “broad coalition of national advocacy organizations, convened by the Drug Policy Alliance, who have joined forces to advocate for federal marijuana reform througharacialandeconomicjusticelens” This coalition is comprised of drug policy focused, civil rights, criminal justice, and immigration organizations who share a commongoal,thepassafederalcannabis reform that “both acknowledges the disproportionate harm faced by Black, brown, and low-income communities, and works toward repairing this harm”In the 116th Congress, the Marijuana Justice Coalition led the passage of the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and ExpungementAct(MOREAct).TheMOREAct was the first instance in history that Congress voted to reschedule cannabis ThepassageoftheActsetaprecedentthat timesaremovingforwardforcannabisand there is hope for the future The Marijuana Justice Coalition continues to collaborate with the Senate on the Cannabis AdministrationandOpportunityActtobuild upontheMOREAct.Ifthisissomethingthat appealstoyou,TheDrugPolicyAlliancehas options for becoming a member or even attendingtheirconferences,checkouttheir websiteformore!
WillLongBeachBecomeCalifornia'sNext CannabisHotspot?CityCouncilWeighs PublicEventConsumption
alifornia-LongBeachistakingsteps to become California's next big cannabis destination as the city council considers a proposal that would permit cannabis consumption atpublicevents.Ifthemeasuregoes through, it could transform Long Beachintoamajorhubforcannabis tourism and entertainment, following in the footsteps of other forwardthinking cities across the state The discussion is not new Back in 2019, talks about allowing cannabis consumption at public events were underway, but progress was halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic Now, four years later, the proposal is back on the table with renewed momentum In August, the Long Beach City Council unanimously voted to commission a study to explore how such a permit could work,aswellasthepotentialbenefits and challenges for the city Pam Chotiswatdi, a cannabis educator with Long Beach Green Room, has been part of the effort to revive the conversation “In2019,westartedthis conversation with the city and they were actually looking into it, but COVIDshutitdown,”sheexplained.
Read thefull story:
PsychedelicRevolutionorRisky Experiment?PublicPushforFreedom FacesOffAgainstExpertWarnings
Massachusetts - Massachusetts is at the centerofaheateddebateoverthefutureof psychedelics, with voters soon deciding the fate of Question 4 a proposal that would legalize not just the therapeutic use of psychedelics,butalsohomecultivation
Ononeside,personaltestimonialslikethose of Oneschuk, who credits psychedelics for transforming her mental health, paint a picture of these substances as powerful tools for healing On the other, experts and health authorities are sounding the alarm about the risks that come with unregulated use I don’t believe psychedelics will fix our whole system, but they’re certainly an important part of the solution for many,Oneschuk said, reflecting on her own experiences She sees prohibition as a barrier, preventing honest conversations with healthcare providers and forcing those seeking alternative therapies into the shadows
The“Genius” tablets,witha smallerdoseof caffeine,were toutedas enhancing focusand memorywhile promoting calmness.
NYBansPopularCannabisEnergyPills—Are CaffeineandCannabisTooRiskyTogether?
In a controversial new move, New York regulators have haltedthesaleofpopularcaffeine-infusedcannabistablets marketed as energy-boosting supplements. The New York Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) issued a “quarantine”orderagainstHudsonCannabis,theproducer ofthecaffeine-cannabisblends“Go”and“Genius,”onJuly
24, citing concerns that the products could pose health risks by combining caffeine and cannabinoids The ban has left cannabis enthusiasts and industry professionals questioning whether the decisionisaboutpublicsafety oranoverlyrestrictivepolicy For over a year, Hudson Cannabis has marketed the 1906 brand of cannabis tablets, selling “Go” and “Genius” blends, each targeting specific effects. The “Go” tablets, containing 80 milligramsofcaffeine,2mgof THC, and other plant extracts, werepositionedasanenergyboosting supplement The “Genius”tablets,withasmaller dose of caffeine, were touted as enhancing focus and memory while promoting calmness
Forthefirsttimeinhistory,youngwomeninthe US are consuming more cannabis than their male counterparts, signaling a significant shift in the market landscape According to a 2023 surveypublishedinAugust,womenaged19to 30 reported higher cannabis use than men, a trendthatispromptingretailerstoadjusttheir strategies to cater to the evolving consumer base. While older demographics still show a male-dominatedcannabisculture,thischange amongyoungeruserscouldhavefar-reaching consequences for the industry. The rising popularity of cannabis among young women coincides with record-high rates of nicotine and cannabis vaping, with past-year use reaching25%and22%,respectively,inthisage group Stress,anxiety,andothermentalhealth concernsaredrivingthisshift,asmanyfemale consumersturntocannabisforpotentialrelief, even though evidence of its effectiveness for these issues remains limited. Young women’s increased cannabis consumption appears to be driven by a combination of factors Stress andanxietyhavebecomesignificantconcerns for this demographic, with many women seeking out cannabis as an alternative way to managetheseissues
This trend aligns with a broader societal shift toward mental health awareness and the search for natural remedies, even though the therapeutic benefits of cannabis for mental health are not conclusively proven The shift in cannabis consumption patterns is also being fueled by growing social acceptance and ongoing legalization across the US With more states legalizing recreational and medicinal cannabis, young women are finding it easier and more socially acceptable to incorporate cannabisintotheirlifestyles.Infact,womenare now more likely than men to purchase cannabisfromlegaldispensaries,suggestinga preference for regulated and safe products overillicitalternatives
Cannabis companies are moving quickly to adapt to this emerging consumer trend, recognizingthatcateringtothepreferencesof youngwomenisnotjustasmartmove,butan essential one Lauren Carpenter, CEO of the dispensary chain Embarc, notes that women make over 80% of purchasing decisions in the US, making it crucial for companies to realign their marketing strategies and retail offerings toresonatewiththispowerfuldemographic
Yield:Thisrecipewllmake8 servings(dependingon howmuchcideryouuse)
PreparationTime:Ittypicallytakes about1to2hourstomake dependingonhowlongyouwant thecidertosimmerandinfusewith thespicesandcannabis
3-4tablespoonscannabis-infusedhoney(startwithlessifyou’reunsure aboutpotency)
To make the apple cider, start by grabbing a large pot and pouring in the apple cider Add the cinnamon sticks, cloves, orangeslices,andbrownsugar,andputthepotovermedium heat Letitcometoagentlesimmer,givingitastireverynow and then to make sure the flavors blend together nicely Let it simmer for about 20 to 30 minutes. You’ll notice the wonderful aromafillingyourkitchen,andthat’swhenyouknowit’sready Oncetheciderhassimmeredandallthoselovelyflavorshave meldedtogether,turntheheatdowntolow Nowit’stimetoadd thecannabis-infusedhoney Ipersonallylikeusingamildstrain likeHarlequinforitsrelaxingbutnotoverwhelmingeffects Slowly stirinthehoneyuntilit’scompletelydissolvedintothecider,as thisstepiskeytogettingthatsmooth,balancedinfusion
Afterthehoneyismixedin,it’stimetostrainoutthespices Usea strainer to remove the cinnamon sticks, cloves, orange slices, andstaranisesoyou’releftwithjustthesmooth,deliciouscider
Grab your favorite mugs and ladle in the warm cider, making sure to leave a bit of room at the top for the whipped cream Now for the whipped cream! In a mixing bowl, combine the heavy cream, powdered sugar, vanilla extract, and ground cinnamon Whip it until you see soft peaks form it should be lightandfluffy Ifyouwantanextracannabiskick,youcangently fold in some cannabis-infused coconut oil at this stage I recommendusingasativa-dominantstrainlikeLemonHazefor abrightandupliftingtouch,addingthatextrabitofmagictothe cream
Finally,spoonagenerousdollopofthespicedwhippedcreamon top of each mug of apple cider For that extra cozy touch, sprinklealittlecinnamonontoporaddacinnamonstickasa garnish Takeamomenttoenjoyhowinvitingitlooks,andthen divein Thewarmthoftheciderandthecreamytoppingmake fortheperfecttreatonachillyfallevening
Thebeautyofthiscannabis-infusedapplecideristhatitbrings peopletogether I’veservedthisrecipecountlesstimes,whether on chilly porch nights or around the fireplace indoors There’s something about the combination of warm apple, aromatic spices,andthegentlecalmingeffectsofcannabisthatmakes peoplefeelatease It’snotjustadrink it’sanexperiencethat encouragesconnectionandcomfort,whichiswhatNovemberis allabout
Applecidercontainspolyphenols,whichare compoundsinplantsthatactasantioxidants Theycanhelpthebodytofightagainstfree radicalsandcelldamage,loweringyourrisk ofcertaintypesofcancer,diabetes,andheart disease Polyphenolsalsohelptoease inflammationinthebody
As the weather gets cooler and theleavesturnshadesofredand gold,there’snothinglikeawarm drink to keep you cozy This November, I want to share a unique recipe for cannabisinfusedappleciderwithaspiced whipped cream topping This drink not only warms you from the inside out but also brings a sense of calm and comfort perfect for those chilly nights leadinguptoThanksgiving Asa Le Cordon Bleu-trained chef, I love combining classic seasonal flavors with a twist that elevates the experience, and this cider doesjustthat
I remember a particular November evening a few years back My friends and I were gatheredontheporch,wrapped inblanketsasthecoldairswept through the trees. I decided to makeabatchofhotapplecider, and on a whim, I added a bit of cannabis-infused honey that I’d been experimenting with The result was magical everyone relaxed, the conversation flowed easily,andweallfelttrulypresent in that moment Since then, this cannabis-infused apple cider has become a staple of my fall gatherings, offering warmth and asenseoftogetherness Sograb abagofyourfavoriteherb,twist oneupandlet’sgetCookingwith aBuz!
Thanksgiving is a time to gather, feast, and make memories This year, why not takethefestivitiesupanotchbymaking your celebration a cannabis-friendly affair?Whetheryou'relookingtoreplace the traditional wine pairing or simply create a relaxed, elevated vibe for your friends and family, our complete guide willhelpyouhosttheultimatecannabisinfused Thanksgiving Here's how to blend the holiday spirit with some high spirits for a meal that your guests won't soonforget.
OneThanksgiving,Idecidedtointroduce cannabis to our family dinner, and it became a tradition that brought us closer together. It wasn't just about getting high it was about sharing laughs, feeling more connected, and creating a unique experience that everyone cherished This guide will help you craft your own memorable moments,emphasizingthetogetherness that both Thanksgiving and cannabis promote
Oneofthemostfunaspectsofhostinga cannabis-friendly Thanksgiving is incorporating cannabis into the menu
You don't have to infuse every dish in fact, it's better to give your guests a choice You can offer classic dishes alongside a few elevated versions. Consider a cannabis-infused gravy for theadventuroustypes,whilekeepingthe turkeyandmashedpotatoestraditional Remembertoclearlylabelwhichdishes are infused and which are not, so everyonefeelscomfortable.
Creating the right atmosphere is essential for a cannabis-friendly Thanksgiving Start by setting the tone with some cozy, laid-back decor: think warm fall colors, fairy lights, and comfy cushions. Consider setting up a "chill zone " where guests can enjoy their favorite strains without feeling rushed or judged A designated space, complete with soft music, comfy seating, and snacks, can be perfect for those who want to step away from the main festivities for a moment to relax One year,wecreatedacannabis-infusedhot chocolate bar that became an instant hit Guests could customize their drink withmarshmallows,cinnamon,orevena low-doseTHCsyrup,whichaddedafun, personalelementtotheevening
Justlikewine,cannabiscanenhancethe flavorsofyourmeal Whenplanningyour cannabis pairings, think about the differentterpenespresentinyourstrains and how they might complement your dishes. For instance, a citrusy sativa like Super Lemon Haze can pair beautifully with bright side dishes like cranberry sauce,whileamorerelaxingindicasuch as Granddaddy Purple could be perfect for after-dinner relaxation with dessert
To make your pairings stand out, consider regional dishes or cultural favorites like pairing a sweet, earthy strain with Southern-style sweet potato pie, or a piney strain with roasted Brusselssproutsforauniquetwist
Ifyou'reincorporatingcannabisintoyour Thanksgiving dinner, keeping an eye on dosage is crucial The last thing you want is for your guests to be overwhelmed Stick to low doses for infused dishes, and make sure you clearlycommunicatetheamountofTHC orCBDperserving Agoodruleofthumb is to keep each serving around 5mg of THC just enough to create a mellow, enjoyable experience without going overboard For guests new to cannabis, focus on microdosing: create low-dose appetizers,likeinfuseddipsormocktails, toeasethemintotheexperiencewithout overwhelming them. A section like "CannabisforBeginnersatThanksgiving" can make everyone feel included and
Not everyone will be into cannabis, and that's okay Make sure to offer noninfused food and drink options, and create a welcoming environment for all guests, whether they partake or not. Provide plenty of water and nonalcoholic beverages to keep everyone hydrated,andencouragegueststopace themselvesthroughouttheevening
Finally, remember to be responsible. Ensure that everyone has a safe way to get home, or invite guests to stay the night if they’ve indulged a bit too much Instead of just mentioning safe transportation,prepare"recoverykits"for overnight guests complete with water, CBDtinctures,andlightsnacks Addinga bit of humor, like including an eye mask labeled "For When You've Seen Too Much," can balance the seriousness of beingaresponsiblehost.
Hosting a cannabis-friendly Thanksgiving can be an exciting way to put a new spin on a beloved holiday tradition Byfocusingongoodfood,great cannabis, and creating an inviting atmosphere, you'll give your guests an experience that leaves them both full andlifted Sogatheryourfavoritepeople, passthestuffing,andmaybeevenpass ajoint becausethisThanksgiving,it'sall about giving thanks and sharing good vibes
AsVeteransDay approaches,wetakethe timetohonorthe sacrificesofthosewho haveservedourcountry. Butformanyveterans, thechallengesdon'tend aftertheyleavethe battlefield.Physicalpain, PTSD,anxiety,andthe struggletoreintegrate intocivilianlifeare commonexperiences amongveterans.While traditionaltreatments areavailable,more veteransareturningto cannabisasan alternativeapproachto managingbothphysical andmentalhealth conditions.Forveterans, cannabisoffersmore thanjustrelief—itoffersa senseofcommunity, support,andhope.
Research from the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) has shown that cannabis, particularly THC-rich strains, can alleviatePTSDsymptomsinveterans,providinga promising alternative to traditional treatments Many veterans have found that cannabis can help alleviate symptoms of PTSD by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which plays a crucial role in regulating mood, sleep, and stress response Many veterans report that usingcannabishelpsthemsleepbetter,reduces nightmares, and allows them to face each day with less anxiety Strains like ACDC, known for its high CBD content, or Blue Dream, a balanced hybrid, are popular among veterans for their calmingyetfunctionaleffects
Chronic pain is another significant issue for veterans, particularly those who have been physically injured during their service For many, prescriptionpainkillerscomewiththeirownsetof challenges, including the risk of dependency Cannabis, on the other hand, has become a valuable tool for managing chronic pain in a morenaturalway.
Topical products like CBD-infused creams are particularly effective for targeting localized pain without the psychoactive effects of THC, making them a great option for daytime relief Veterans often find that using a combination of THC and CBD products provides the most effective relief, allowingthemtoregainsomeofthemobilityand qualityoflifethatpainhadtakenaway
Veteran advocacy groups are also pushing for broader access to medical cannabis, and some stateshavemadeiteasierforveteranstoobtain medical marijuana cards However, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) still faces restrictions when it comes to medical cannabis. Due to federal laws, VA physicians cannot prescribe or recommend cannabis, which remains a significant barrier for many veterans Despite this, veterans who participate in stateapproved medical cannabis programs are not denied VA benefits, highlighting the ongoing struggle for broader acceptance and federal reform Organizations like Weed for Warriors and Veterans Cannabis Project are at the forefront, ensuring that veterans have a voice in the evolving conversation about cannabis legalization and access. Weed for Warriors, for example, has organized nationwide rallies to demand better access to medical cannabis for veterans, while the Veterans Cannabis Project successfully lobbied for the introduction of the Veterans Medical Marijuana Safe Harbor Act, which aims to allow VA physicians to recommend medical cannabis to veterans in states where it's legal For veterans, knowing they’re not alone in their struggle and that others understand their journey can make all thedifference.
Formanyveterans, cannabisisn’tjustabout managingsymptoms;it’s aboutreclaimingtheir lives Whetherit’sreducing theintensityofPTSD, managingchronicpain,or simplyfindinga communitythat understands,cannabis hasbecomeavitalpartof thehealingprocessfor thousandsofveterans acrossthecountry.Itoffers analternativetothe pharmaceuticalsthat oftenleaveveterans feelingdisconnectedfrom themselvesandprovides apathtowellnessthat feelsmorenaturaland empowering
ThisVeteransDay,let’s recognizenotonlythe serviceveteranshave givenbutalsotheongoing strugglestheyfaceand thewaysinwhich cannabiscanbeatoolfor healing.It’stimewelisten totheirstories,support theiradvocacy,and ensureallveteranshave accesstothereliefthey deserve
Cannabishasthe potentialtobeapowerful allyforveteransfacing PTSD,chronicpain,andthe difficultiesofreintegration Byprovidingrelief,building community,andoffering hope,cannabishelps veteransreclaimtheirlives onestepatatime This VeteransDay,let’s continuetoadvocatefor betteraccesstocannabis forveteransandhonor theirservicebysupporting theirpathtohealingand peace
BlackFridayisjustaroundthecorner,and formany,it’samixofexcitement,stress, andabitofchaos Whetheryou’replanning tohitthestoresortackleonlinesalesfrom thecomfortofyourcouch,cannabiscanbe yoursecretweapontomakingitthrough thedaywithoutlosingyourmind From easinganxietyduringthoselonglinesto helpingyourelaxafteradayofdeal hunting,here’showcannabiscanhelpyou surviveandeventhriveduringBlackFriday.
Didyouknow?Theterm"BlackFriday" originallyhadanegativeconnotation!In the1950s,Philadelphiapoliceuseditto describethechaoscausedbycrowdsof shoppersandtouristsfloodingthecitythe dayafterThanksgiving.Retailerslater rebrandeditwithamorepositivespin, usingittomarkthetimeofyearwhen storeswent"intotheblack"(profitable). Now,it’sashoppingholidayknownfor massivesalesanddeals!
ThehustleandbustleofBlackFridaycanbe overwhelming Startingyourdaywithadose of CBD can help set a calm, balanced tone before diving into the crowds CBD’s antianxietypropertiescanhelpyoustayfocused and level-headed, even when dealing with packedstoresorwebsitecrashes Personally, I’ve found that taking a CBD tincture before my morning coffee helps me stay relaxed yetsharp.It’sasmalladditiontomymorning routine that keeps the stress at bay and helpsmefacethedaywithclarity.
BlackFridayshoppingcanbeanendurance test, and sometimes you need a little something to keep you going Edibles can provideanice,discreetboostwhentheday starts to feel long I remember last year, halfway through a marathon shopping spree,alow-doseTHCgummygavemejust the lift I needed to stay upbeat without feeling too altered Plus, having a little treat tolookforwardtocanmakethoselonglines feelabitmorebearable.
Ifyou’rebravingthecrowdsin-store,it’seasy to feel stressed out and overstimulated Carrying a vape pen with a CBD-dominant strain can be a lifesaver when you need a quick moment of relief One of my go-to strains for crowded spaces is Harlequin, a CBD-rich strain that helps ease anxiety without making me feel too drowsy Just a couple of puffs can help ease the anxiety that comes with navigating crowded aisles and packed parking lots, helping you stay relaxed and patient while you hunt for the bestdeals
Allthatwalking,standing,andcarryingbags cantakeatollonyourbody.Afteralongday of shopping, using a CBD-infused topical cream can help soothe sore muscles and joints Ilearnedthisthehardwayafewyears back afterhoursonmyfeet,mylowerback waskillingme Now,ImakesuretouseaCBD balmonmybackandfeetafterBlackFriday shopping, and it’s made a world of difference Pair it with a hot bath and a CBD bathbombtofullyunwindandrecover
Once you’ve successfully navigated the madness of Black Friday, it’s time to kick back and relax. A joint or an edible with a balancedTHCratiocanbeagreatwaytolet go of the day’s stress and enjoy your haul. One of my favorite strains for post-Black Friday relaxation is Granddaddy Purple it’s calming, helps me ease into the evening, and makes the whole day feel worth it. Opt for a strain with calming effects, like an indica or indica-dominant hybrid, to help youfullyrelaxandeaseintotheevening
Ifyou’replanningtoshoponline,makeitan enjoyable experience by preparing a cannabis-infused drink to sip on while you scroll through deals A CBD-infused tea or THC-infused hot cocoa can make the experiencefeelcozyratherthanchaotic
Last year, I prepared a peppermint CBD hot chocolatewhilebrowsingonlinesales,andit turned what could have been a stressful scramble into a relaxed, enjoyable evening It’s a great way to keep your stress low and make the most of your shopping without feelingoverwhelmed
Let’s face it Black Friday is notorious for temptingusintoimpulsebuysthatwelater regret CBD can help you stay mindful and avoid overspending by reducing stressdriven decision-making. When you’re relaxed and level-headed, you’re less likely tomakepurchasesyoudon’tneed.Onetrick I’ve learned is to keep a CBD vape handy while shopping online taking a puff and giving myself a moment to reconsider a purchase has saved me from more than a few regrets Take a moment before hitting “buy” to breathe deeply, maybe take a puff ofCBD,andreassesswhetherit’strulyadeal youwant
Black Friday can be a rollercoaster of excitement, stress, and sometimes exhaustion, but with a little help from cannabis, you can navigate it all with ease From keeping anxiety at bay during shopping sprees to recovering afterward with CBD topicals and relaxing edibles, cannabis can be the key to making Black Friday a more enjoyable experience This year, consider exploring niche products like CBD-infused bath bombs for recovery, or specificstrainslikeHarlequinforstressrelief incrowdedspaces Prepareyourselfnotjust with a shopping list, but with a stash that helps you stay calm, cool, and collected Happyshopping,andmayyourdealsbeas sweetasyourrelaxation!
Winter is notorious for colds and sniffles, and keeping your immunesystemstrongiscrucialduringthesecoldermonths CBD, known for its anti-inflammatory properties, can help reduce stress and promote balance within your body two key factors for a healthy immune response Personally, I've found that taking a CBD tincture before bed helps me get deeper,morerestfulsleep,whichkeepsmefeelingenergized andreadytotakeonwinterchallenges AddingCBDintoyour daily routine, whether through tinctures or capsules, might help you sleep better, manage stress, and keep you feeling good,soyourimmunesystemcandoitsjob
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Astheleavesturnandthe temperaturesbegintodrop,it’stimeto prepareforthechillofwinter.Cold weathercanbringmorethanjustabite intheair itoftenmeansstiffjoints,old injuriesactingup,andfeelingabitmore sluggishoverall Thankfully,CBDmight betheperfectnaturalremedytohelp yougetreadyforthewintermonths. Whetheryou’relookingtoboostyour immunesystem,easetension,orjust findabitofcomfortduringthecold, here'showCBDcanplayakeyrolein yourpre-winterwellnessroutine.
Whenthetemperaturesdrop,it’sprettycommontofeelyour joints get stiffer and those old injuries start flaring up again CBD is a solid natural remedy to help manage pain and inflammation, making it a great choice for winter wellness Personally, I use a CBD cream after long days of shoveling snow or winter hiking rubbing it directly onto my knees and lower back makes a noticeable difference. You can use CBD creamsorbalmsdirectlyonsorespotstogetlocalizedrelief, ortryCBDoilsorediblestoaddressoveralldiscomfort.Alittle CBDmightbejustwhatyouneedtokeepmovingcomfortably throughthecolderdays
Winter isn’t just tough on your body it can be hard on your mindtoo Withlesssunlightandshorterdays,it’seasytofeel yourmoodtakeadip.CBDmayhelpwiththatbyinteracting with the body's endocannabinoid system, which is key in regulatingmoodandemotionalstability.OnethingI'vefound helpful is using CBD gummies in the afternoon, especially during those long, dark stretches of winter. They give me a little lift, helping me stay relaxed and keeping my spirits up evenwhenit’sdarkandcoldoutside.
There’s nothing better than a warm drink on a cold day, and addingCBDcanmakeitevenbetter Whetherit’sCBDtea,hot chocolate, or a spiced latte, it’s a simple way to feel both warmandrelaxed Afteralong,coldday,Iliketoaddadrop ortwoofCBDoiltomyeveninghotchocolate it’stheperfect way to unwind and beat those winter blues Not only does it tastegreat,butitalsohelpsmefeelmoreateaseandready foragoodnight'ssleep
Cold weather is rough on the skin it leaves it dry, chapped, and irritated CBD-infused skincare products, like lotions or face creams, can help protect against that winter damage CBD is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it great for soothing and hydrating dry skin I personally swear by a CBD hand cream that I use everymorningbeforeheadingoutintothecold itkeepsmy hands from getting cracked and painful Look for CBD productsthatalsohaveotherhydratingingredients,likeshea butter or jojoba oil, to really keep your skin healthy and comfortable
Winter can be tough on your respiratory system, especially withthedryindoorairandthecoldoutdoors WhileCBDisn’ta cure, it might help support respiratory health by reducing inflammation CBDvaporizers,whichuselowertemperatures, can be a gentler way to inhale and may help open airways This could be particularly useful after spending time in cold, dryenvironmentsthatcanmakebreathingfeelmorestrained Just remember, moderation is key, and it’s important to use high-qualityCBDproducts
If you’re into winter sports like skiing, snowboarding, or even just some serious sledding, CBD can be a lifesaver for postactivityrecovery Afteradayontheslopes,yourmusclescan besoreandfatigued CBDbathbombsareoneofmyfavorite waystorelaxthosemuscles justtossoneinahotbath,and letitworkitsmagic CBDtopicalscanalsohelpwithlocalized soreness,makingiteasiertogetbackouttherethenextday
Getting ahead of the winter slump is all about being proactive StartaddingCBDintoyourwellnessroutinebeforethecoldreally setsin Whetherit’stakingafewdropsofCBDoilinthemorning tohelpstaybalanced,usingaCBDcreamafterahotshowerto soothesoremuscles,orhavingaCBD-infusedteabeforebedfor bettersleep,thereareatonofwaystomakeCBDapartofyour pre-wintergameplan Thekeyisconsistency startingearlycan helpyourbodyadaptsmoothlytothecoldermonths.
Wintercanbetoughonboththebodyandmind,butwithalittle prep and the right tools, you can stay ahead of it CBD offers a naturalwaytoeaseaches,boostyourmood,andkeepyourskin ingoodshapethroughthecoldseason BymakingCBDpartof yourpre-winterwellnessroutine,you’llbereadyforwhateverthe season throws at you feeling relaxed, resilient, and ready for anything
Authoredby Dr.PepperHernandezND,Ph.D.,CTC,CNHP,NHC
Didyouknowthatcannabishasbeenincreasingly researched for its effects on various body systems,includingthereproductivesystem There isgrowingsupportforspecificusesofcannabisin addressing reproductive health concerns Today, we will explore the benefits of cannabis for the reproductivesystem,detailsspecificcultivars,and discuss complementary herbs and foods known tosupportreproductivehealth
Theendocannabinoidsystemplaysavitalrolein regulating various physiological processes, including hormonal balance Cannabinoids like cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)interactwithreceptors(CB1andCB2)within the ECS, which are distributed across the brain, immune system, and reproductive organs. These receptorshelpmodulatethereleaseofhormones like luteinizing hormone (LH) and folliclestimulating hormone (FSH), which are crucial for ovulation, sperm production, and other reproductiveprocesses Researchhasshownthat certaincannabinoidsmayaidinbalancingthese hormones, potentially benefiting those with hormonal imbalances or polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS)(Wangetal.,2019).
Cannabis has shown potential in managing dysmenorrhea, or menstrual pain, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties A study by Ranganathan et al. (2020) found that THC and CBD can help reduce the perception of pain by blocking pain receptors and reducing inflammation.
Cannabis strains high in CBD, such as Harlequin and ACDC, are often recommended for menstrual pain as CBD is known for its non-psychoactive yet potent anti-inflammatory effects These strainscanhelpeasemuscletensionandreducecrampingwithout theintensehighthatTHC-dominantcultivarsmightcause
While research on cannabis and fertility is complex and at times conflicting, certain strains and doses may positively impact reproductive function. Lower doses of THC have been shown to potentially stimulate the release of reproductive hormones beneficial for conception However, excessive THC use has been linked to decreased sperm count and altered menstrual cycles. Strains such as Blue Dream and Jack Herer are moderate in THC content and are noted for their ability to promote relaxation, reducingstress afactorcloselylinkedtofertilityissues.Balancing THC intake with high-CBD strains may be key to minimizing any adverse reproductive effects while still reaping the relaxation benefitsneededforreproductivehealth.
Endometriosis, a painful condition where uterine tissue grows outsidetheuterus,hasbeenchallengingtotreatwithconventional medicine However, cannabis has shown promise in reducing the inflammationandchronicpainassociatedwiththiscondition.Ina studybySinclairetal (2020),cannabinoidswerefoundtosuppress the proliferation of endometrial cells and alleviate pain by modulating pain receptors. Cannatonic and Purple Kush, cultivars withbalancedCBDandTHClevels,arereportedtoofferbothpain relief and muscle relaxation, making them potentially helpful for endometriosismanagement.
Cannabis may enhance sexual health by reducing anxiety, which often negatively impacts libido and intimacy. Low to moderate doses of THC have been shown to reduce stress and increase blood flow to reproductive organs, enhancing sexual arousal Additionally, cultivars like Granddaddy Purple and Sour Diesel are known for their ability to relax the body and mind, potentially boosting libido CBD-dominant strains, meanwhile, may be more beneficial for those who seek relaxation without the psychoactive effects
AllinformationinthisarticleisforeducationalpurposesonlyTheinformation providedisderivedfromresearchgatheredfromexternalsourcesPlease checkwithyourCannabisEducatedPrimaryHealthCarePhysicianor Educated&TrainedCannabisTherapyConsultantbeforebeginninganynew dietorlifestylechange
WrittenbyDrPepperHernandezNDPhD,CTCCNHPinECS&Naturopathic Medicine,CannabisTherapyConsultantTheFounderandEducationDirectorof theCannabisHolisticInstituteTofindoutmoreaboutherTelemedicine Consultations,EducationalPrograms,YouTubevideos,andothercreative content,youcanfindheronthemassiveinter-websonallplatformsorat drpepperhernandezcom
Several herbs and foods can work alongside cannabis to promotereproductivehealth:
MacaRoot:Knownforitsadaptogenicproperties,maca rootsupportshormonalbalanceandenergy,potentially enhancinglibidoandreproductivefunction Researchby Melnikovova et al (2020) found that maca could increase fertility and reduce symptoms associated with menopause
Ashwagandha: This adaptogenic herb helps lower cortisol levels, which may improve fertility by reducing stress levels Ashwagandha has been shown to support hormone balance and enhance reproductive tissue health
Chasteberry (Vitex): This herb is particularly beneficial for balancing female hormones, supporting regular menstrual cycles, and reducing PMS symptoms Studies suggestchasteberrymaypositivelyinfluenceLHandFSH, aidingfertilityandmenstrualhealth
Zinc-Rich Foods: Zinc is vital for reproductive health, supporting sperm production in men and ovulation in women. Foods like pumpkin seeds, chickpeas, and almonds are rich in zinc and are beneficial when includedinabalanceddiet
Leafy Greens and Berries: High in antioxidants, these foods can protect reproductive organs from oxidative stress, which can negatively impact fertility. Including foods like spinach, kale, and blueberries in your diet supportscellularhealthandhormoneregulation
The weather is changing and the days are feeling shorter It’snotthemostfunbutsomestraincanmake it easier on us If you ever feel like winter makes you feeldown,therearesomanydifferentcannabisstrains that can help lift you out of any funky feelings you mightfeel However,ifyouareexperiencingdepression orsuicidalthoughtstherearehotlinestohelpyou24/7 Pleasedonothesitatetocall988ifyouareinneedof immediatehelp Ifyou’renotinneedofhelprightnow, feel free to go searching out some of the cannabis strainsthatarelistedbelow.
As the days grow shorter and the weather shifts, it’s natural to feel a little off. But remember,brightermoodsare just a strain away. Cannabis can lift the spirit, but if your lows feel too deep, know that help is always within reach. Take care of your mind and explore what helps you feel lighter.
StrainFlavors:Woody/Earthy, Spicy,Herbal
This sativa strain is well balanced between its THC and CBD properties.Harlequinisabalancedchoiceforanyonewhowants tofeelmellowandclear-headed Asthisstrainisrelaxing,itisa great choice for wanting to relax and stave off your anxieties. It hasamusky,mangoscentaswell
Feelings:Energetic,Focused,Creative StrainFlavors:Pine,Woody,Earthy
This strain is a sativa and many people have reported to feel happier and comforted after using it Although this strain commonlyhasahighTHCpercentage,formostwhouseitthey donotfeeloverlyhigh Ifyoulikestrainsthathavestrongpine andwoodscents,thisistheoneforyou
Feelings:Crreative,Euphoric,Happy StrainFlavors:Blueberry,Berry,Sweet
BlueDreamisasativahybridthathaswonderfulcerebralhighs tomakeitsusersfeelhappyandrelaxed Thisstrainisgoodfor allcannabisusers,itwillmakeyoufeelupliftedandmightburst intoafitoflaughtertoo Itsscentissweetandberry-like When using this stain to fight off depression symptoms, it’s good to practicepositivethought,andBlueDreammakesthateasy
Feelings:Focused,Relaxed,Uplifted StrainFlavors:Woody,Earthy,Pine
The Cannatonic strain is more CBD heavy than THC Due to this difference, it does not make the user as high as other strains This can be helpful as some people would prefer to simplyfeelmorerelaxedandnothigh ItactslikeanIndicaso itwillmakeuserssleepyandrelaxed
Feelings:Focused,Energetic,Creative StrainFlavors:Citrus,Earthy,Pungent
This strain is a hybrid strain that smells fresh and lemony From scent alone, your spirits could be lifted but using it will surelymakeyoufeelbetter ThelightnessofCinexisamazing for revealing symptoms of depression It has higher THC content but is not known to make its users paranoid Some sayCinexisgoodforhelpingcreativity,andcreativeactshelp keepdepressionawayaswell.
Thisstrainisaheavyindica.NorthernLightsiswellknownfor its euphoric and relaxing high Its effects are similar to Strawberry Banana If you’re to try this strain, expect a pungently sweet and peppery scent with notes of pine and earth Depression, anxiety, pain, and insomnia are all things relieved with it If depression is trying to keep you down, havingagoodmealcanmakeyoufeelalotbetter
StrainFlavors:Strawberry,Treefruit,Tropical THC21%|CBG1%
Strawberry Banana is an indica dominant hybrid strainThis strainhasafruityaromathatisreminiscentofcandy Userscan expect to feel calm, physically relaxed, and happy It has a strongcerebraleffectwithouttheriskofgivingitsuseranxiety When using Strawberry Banana to combat depression, the cerebral high with the physical relaxation combine to create theultimatehappystoner.
StrainFlavors:Tea,Sage,Herbal THC22%|CBG2%
This strain’s name is exactly how it will make you feel Laughing Buddha is well known to send its users into belly laughsthatmightworkonyourabs Gigglyornot,thisstrainis perfect to help with sadness It makes people feel euphoric andrelaxed,it’sperfectforusebeforesocialgatherings Also, beingsocialcanhelpfendoffdepressiontoo.
Feelings:Euphoric,Hungry,Relaxed StrainFlavors:Diesel,Skunk,Pungent THC26%|CBG1%
Motor Breath is a strong and well balanced hybrid strain Its flavor is diesel, but with hints of spicy pepper and its effects arestrong Usersfeelatpeacequicklyandoftenfeelrelaxed and relieved This strain will make your body couch locked and your mind clear. Be sure to get some sunlight or just Vitamin D supplements because this strain will have you sleepinghard.
Feelings:Uplifted,Relaxed,Focused StrainFlavors:Pine,Flowery,Woody THC--%|CBG--%
This is another CBD dominant strain that has very low THC Users can expect to feel relaxed with relieved anxiety Charlotte’sWebisasativastrainthatwhenusedproperlycan help with any symptoms of depression, including panic attacks.Itsflavorispiney,woody,andflowery.
Feelings:Focused,Uplifted,Energetic StrainFlavors:Vanilla,Pepper,Butter
The next strain is Wedding Cake and it is common across the states and is a potent indica hybrid Users can expect to be relaxed, euphoric, and calm Wedding Cake is savory and earthywithnotesofpepperandtanginess Thestraincanease themindandallowuserstofallasleepquickly Italsohelpswith physicalpainandappetiteloss TheTHCcontentinthisstrainis typicallyhigh,sobeprepared
Feelings:Happy,Relaxed,Focused StrainFlavors:Berry,Treefruit,Sweet
Thisstrainisjustaspunchyasitsname CherryPunchisfullof different terpenes making it well rounded and potent It is a sativastrainthatsomehavereportedmakesthemfeelalert andrelaxedatthesametime Ifyoulikethetasteofcherryvanilla soda this is the choice, for sure A great taste and a greattimeawayfromdepressivesymptoms
Feelings:Sleepy,Hungry,Relaxed StrainFlavors:Earthy,Grape,Pine
Purple OG is an indica strain that helps with increased relaxation Itsflavorisearthyandalittlesweet,userssaythey enjoy how mellow the taste is in comparison to the strong high When using this strain for depression it can help you sleep through the night, some have called this weed restorative
Feelings:Relaxed,Happy,Hungry StrainFlavors:Mint,Sweet,Earthy
This strain is readily available in many states and a great choicetofightdepression GSCisasweet,sugarystrainthat canhelpwithmanydifferentsymptomsofdepression,lossof appetite, mental and physical pain, as well as anxiety If this strain sounds like a good choice for you, give it a try with some friends as well Friends can help more than cannabis mosttimes
Affectionately known as Sam I Am, the beloved owner of Next Elevation dispensary in Moore, Oklahoma, is bringing his unique style and community-focused spirit to a brand-new location in South OKC. Alongside his wife, Zalak, Sam is excited to expand their cannabis business, continuingtheirmissiontoprovidepatientswiththe bestpossiblemedsataffordableprices.
SamhasbecomeastapleintheMoorecommunity, known for his fun and caring personality He genuinely connects with his patients, and it's no surprise that his regulars keep coming back just to see him This connection goes beyond customer service it'saboutbuildingrelationshipsandmaking eachpatientfeelvaluedandcaredfor.Withthenew location, Sam’s team is dedicated to bringing this same dedication and warmth to South OKC, ready to welcome new patients and bring a sense of communitytothearea
NextElevationhasbuiltareputationforhavingone ofthelargestselectionsofcannabisinthestate,all offeredatthebestprices Whetheryou’relookingfor flower, edibles, concentrates, or THC carts, Next Elevation has it all Their selection of edibles, concentrates, and carts is particularly impressive many patients say it’s the largest they’ve seen anywhere in Oklahoma But it’s not just about quantity;it’saboutqualitytoo
Sam and his team are dedicated to offering a wide variety of top-tier cannabisproductssothateverypatient canfindexactlywhattheyneed
The atmosphere at Next Elevation is welcoming, thanks in large part to the incredible team Sam and Zalak have built Their budtenders are friendly, approachable, and most importantly, knowledgeable They take the time to understand each patient's needs, guiding them to the rightproductsandofferingextensive information along the way It’s this level of service that makes Next Elevationstandout notjustaplace to buy cannabis, but a place where patients feel supported and informed. The new location at 1009 SW59thSt,OklahomaCity,OK73109 (formerlytheGreenPlus)isreadyto welcome patients, bringing the same excellent service and extensive product selection that patientsinMoorehavecometolove. If you’re in the South OKC area and looking for high-quality, affordable cannabis,makesuretostopbyand experience what makes Next Elevation so special Sam and Zalak are excited to meet their new neighbors and help even more patientsfindtherelieftheyneed
Thanksgiving is all about family, friends, and fantastic food And forthosewholovecannabis,it'stheperfectopportunitytoaddan extralayerofflavortoyourholidayspread.AsaLeCordonBleutrained chef, I’m excited to bring you a culinary guide to some Danksgivingfavorites withacannabisinfusion.Theserecipeswill not only elevate your holiday dishes but will also create an experience that everyone (of legal age!) will be thankful for. Get ready to blend traditional comfort foods with the uplifting effects ofcannabisforatrulyuniquecelebration.
Personal experience can make these appetizers even more special I remember the first time I served cannabis-infused brie and cranberry puff pastry bites my guests couldn't stop talking about how the slight sweetness from the infused honey perfectly paired with the creamy brie The laughter and conversation just keptflowing,anditsettheperfecttonefortherestofthemeal
StartyourDanksgivingfeastwithsomecreative,cannabis-infused appetizers that will surprise and delight your guests Here are a fewoutside-the-boxideastokickoffyourholidaycelebration:
Cannabis-InfusedBrieand CranberryPuffPastryBites
Theseflaky,bite-sizedpuffpastries filledwithcreamybrieandtart cranberrysauceareelevatedwith asmallamountofinfusedhoney UseamildstrainlikeHarlequinfor agentlestarttothemealthat pairsbeautifullywiththecreamy cheeseandtangycranberries
THC-InfusedButternutSquashSoup Shooters:Butternutsquashsoupis perfectforachillyautumnday,and servingitasasmallshootermakesita funappetizer Infusethesoupwitha bitofcannabutterduringthecooking process AstrainlikePineapple Express,knownforitsupliftingand energeticeffects,workswelltocreate aninvitingandcomfortingexperience.
SavoryCannabis-InfusedDeviled Eggs:Deviledeggsareaclassic appetizer,andaddingacannabis infusionmakesthemevenmore enjoyable Mixabitofinfusedoliveoil intotheyolkmixturealongwith mustard,mayonnaise,andadashof smokedpaprika AstrainlikeSour Diesel,whichpromotesanuplifting andtalkativehigh,canmakethesea hitduringpre-dinnerconversations..
No Thanksgiving meal is complete without gravy, and this cannabis-infused version will have everyone reaching for seconds The first time I made this gravy for a family gathering, I rememberwatchingtheskepticismturnintodelightafterthefirst bite The rich, savory flavor combined with the calming effects of cannabis had everyone feeling cozy and relaxed. Start by preparing a classic turkey gravy, using the drippings from your roastedbirdforthatrich,savoryflavor.Toaddacannabisinfusion, infuse the butter with your choice of cannabis choose a strain with a mild, relaxing effect, like Northern Lights, to create a cozy and calming vibe Remember to keep the dosage low, around 5mg per serving, to ensure everyone can enjoy a pleasant experiencewithoutfeelingoverwhelmed
The first time I added cannabis to the classic green bean casserole, I was a bit nervous about how my family and friends wouldreact.Butitturnedouttobeaninstanthit.Mygoodfriend, who was skeptical at first, ended up asking for seconds and thirds! The light cannabis infusion brought out a laid-back vibe thathadeveryonefeelingrelaxedandjoyful GreenbeancasseroleisaThanksgivingstaple,andinfusingitwith cannabiscanmakeitevenmorespecial.Todothis,prepareyour usual green bean casserole with a homemade cream of mushroom sauce, but instead of regular crispy fried onions, toss them in a bit of cannabutter before baking Strains like Blue Dream, which offer a balanced and uplifting high, are perfect for this dish The combination of fresh green beans, savory mushrooms,andcrispyonionswithagentlecannabisinfusionwill keepeveryonerelaxedandreadyformorefamilyfun
Sweetpotatoesareamust-haveonanyThanksgivingtable, infusingthemwithcannabiscantakethisdishtoanewlevel year, I decided to try a more unconventional strain Gorilla G #4 foritsrelaxingyeteuphoriceffects Theresultwasincred the natural sweetness of the roasted potatoes paired perfe withtheearthyundertonesofthecannabis
Start by roasting sweet potatoes until tender, then mash them withcannabutter,brownsugar,cinnamon,andatouchofnutmeg For a mellow, happy experience, you can also use a strain like Sunset Sherbet The infused sweet potatoes will have everyone feelingwarmandcontentastheydigintotheirplates
I’ve always loved experimenting with different herb combinations in stuffing, and one year I added some cannabis, it became a game-changer The uplifting effects of the Jack Herer strain infusedbuttermadeeveryonemoretalkativeandlight-hearted I hadfriendssayitwasthebeststuffingtheyhadeverhad,notjust because of the flavors but because of the great mood it put everyonein
For this Danksgiving favorite, prepare your stuffing as usual, with cubesofbread,sautéedonions,celery,andclassicherbslikesage andthyme InfuseyourbutterwithastrainlikeJackHerer,known for its uplifting and creative effects Last year, I decided to try infusing the butter with a less common strain Tangie to add a citrusyaromathatelevatedthedish Thisherb-infusedstuffingwill bring out the best flavors of the season while offering a light, euphoric high that makes conversation and laughter flow effortlesslyaroundthedinnertable.
No Thanksgiving feast would be complete without dessert, and pumpkinpieisthequintessentialfavorite Addatwistbymakinga cannacreamtoppingtogoalongwithit.Whipheavycreamuntil softpeaksform,thengentlyfoldinabitofinfusedcoconutoilor cannabutter. One year, I tried using Gelato strain to infuse the cannacream,andthecombinationofthecreamytoppingwiththe classicpumpkinspiceflavorswassimplyunforgettable.Asativadominant strain like Lemon Haze also works well here, adding a brightandupliftingnotetofinishoffthemeal.Thecreamytexture and light cannabis infusion will be the perfect ending to a memorableDanksgiving.
Dosage Matters: Keep doses low, especially if you have guests who aren’t regular cannabis users. Start with around 5mg per serving,andclearlylabelallinfuseddishes
KnowYourAudience:Makesureyourguestsarecomfortablewith consuming cannabis It’s a good idea to have both infused and non-infusedoptionsavailable,soeveryonefeelsincluded
PaceYourself:Ediblescantaketimetokickin,soremindgueststo pace themselves and enjoy the meal slowly The goal is to enhancetheholidayexperience,notoverwhelmanyone
Danksgiving is a wonderful opportunity to bring together traditional holiday flavors and the relaxing, uplifting effects of cannabis Byinfusingclassicdisheswithcannabis,youcancreate amemorableexperiencethataddsextrawarmthandlaughterto your gathering Remember to keep dosage in mind, know your audience, and most importantly, enjoy the time spent with loved ones HappyDanksgiving!
As Floridians prepare to vote on Amendment 3, the ballot measure aiming to legalize recreational marijuana, a surprising lineup of celebrities and political figures is publicly taking sides From former PresidentDonaldTrumptoboxingicon Mike Tyson and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis,powerfulvoicesareshaping thiscrucialdecisiononFlorida'sfuture cannabis laws Florida voters will consider six constitutional amendments on Nov. 5, 2024, with eachneeding60%ofthevotetopass Amendment 3, dubbed the “recreational marijuana amendment,” wouldallowadultsover21topossess, purchase, and use marijuana for personal use and create a regulated industry for cultivation, processing, andsaleacrossthestate.
The celebrity endorsements for and against the amendment highlight the contrasting visions for Florida’s future cannabis laws, providing a dramatic andhighlypublicizedbackdroptothe decisionathand.
The “Yes on 3” Camp: ProLegalization Influencers Step Up Leading the charge in favor of Amendment 3 is former President Donald Trump, who made a rare break from GOP norms by endorsing recreational cannabis. Trump stated, “As a Floridian, I will be voting YES on Amendment3thisNovember,”adding that it’s time to end the criminal penalties surrounding small-scale cannabis useTrump has hinted at broader plans to support cannabis research and allow state banking systems to open up for marijuanarelated businesses, suggesting a vision that aligns with Florida’s amendment if he’s re-electedJoining Trump is Mike Tyson, the former heavyweight boxing champion and now cannabis entrepreneur, who threw his support behind the amendmentinanAugust2024video.
Trump has hinted at broader plans to support cannabis research and allow state banking systems to open up for marijuana-related businesses, suggesting a vision that aligns with Florida’s amendment if he’s re-electedJoining Trump is Mike Tyson, the former heavyweight boxingchampionandnowcannabisentrepreneur,whothrewhissupportbehindtheamendment in an August 2024 video Tyson’s cannabis product line has kept him close to the issue, and he believesthatlegalrecreationalusewillreducestigmaandofferadultsgreaterfreedom Attorney John Morgan, Florida’s high-profile “Pot Daddy,” has been a loud voice for Amendment 3 since May, saying he believes recreational marijuana will bring revenue and freedom to Floridians Former Miami Dolphins running back Ricky Williams also joined the campaign, drawing from his own experience with cannabis, which he says helped him navigate the NFL’s rigorous demandsWilliamsaimstoendwhatheseesastheoutdatedcriminalizationofmarijuana,which hesayshasharmedmorelivesthanit’shelped The“Noon3”Camp:High-ProfileOpponentsof Recreational MarijuanaOn the opposite side, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has made his oppositiontorecreationalmarijuanaafrequenttalkingpoint,oftenlinkingittolargerdrugissues