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10 things to do this HALLOWEEN! Stoner's Edition
It's spooky season yet again and here at Chronic we want all of our readers to be able to celebrate Halloween in the highest and most fun way possible (while being safe, of course). Whether you are waiting for the season all year long or it’s a surprise how fast it comes every year, Halloween is a time to enjoy yourself in whatever way you see fit. For people like me, dressing up in a creepy costume and kicking back with my friends is the best option. Since most of my friends are in the cannabis community we celebrate most holidays and special events with smoke sessions. If you’re like us, here are 10 fun and Halloweeny ways to add cannabis to your spooky fun times.
Carve Pumpkins with Cannabis as A Theme
Most people carve pumpkins and do the classic face or an outline of a scared cat but, you and your friends can carve pumpkins that stoners can really appreciate. Carve in a weed leaf, a joint, a bong, anything that makes you feel like a Halloweed genius. Something fun to do would be having a connecting design like a person smoking and blowing “O’s” across the pumpkins. Whatever you try, if you get high beforehand, be careful using sharp objects!

Making “Gross” Edibles
If you were young and liked to watch infomercials for toys, you may remember a few different companies that allowed you to make candy that looked like slime, bugs, and snot. Today, you can use gastronomy (it’s not as hard as it sounds) to make your own nasty-looking infused edibles. You can also try to make some that look like different drugs, when Breaking Bad was really popular people used to make “the blue stuff” out of melted sugar. You can also roll some chocolate in matcha powder and make some cute little “nugs''!

Watch Scary Movies with a Smoking Game
I’m not sure about y’all, but I’ve seen about one thousand different types of drinking games come across my social media. I hardly see any games for stoners. We can switch it up and take a hit from a bong or pipe every time someone jumps or screams at a scary movie. (Anyone is allowed to tap out, no peer pressuring your friends!) It can be really fun to see who causes most of the hits and who doesn’t cause any.

Halloween Strain BYOB Party
There are so many different strains that you can buy and so many cool names. If you throw a BYOW (bring your own weed) party, each of you can bring one that is different and hopefully themed for Halloween. Some options are Frankenberry, Witches Weed, Ghost OG, Ghost Train, Killer OG, Ecto Cooler, or Ogre. Each of the bowls or blunts will be a different strain and comparing the smells and tastes can be really fun for a small get-together.

Tell Scary Stories
Do you remember Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark? Well, since most of us haven’t read them in so long it might be time to shut off the lights and tell them again. Or, if any of your friends or yourself have seen or experienced any spooky encounters you can tell your own stories! Be sure to have something to smoke after to calm you all down, maybe not a Sativa since it can make you less relaxed.

Watch Cannabis Themed Movies
If you’re like me and need a palate cleanser after watching too many scary movies. Typically, I put on something by Disney but with Halloweed as a theme, it’s fun to vibe out to movies that are made for stoners. Some of the most popular of these movies are Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Friday, any Harold and Kumar movie, and This is the End. If none of these are your style you can put on anything you like to watch while smoking.

Buy Trick or Treat Candy
As we all know, stoners can get a little muchie after a couple of bowls. For a fun party treat you can buy your favorite classic Trick or Treating candy. If you’re going to get some for a party be sure to get both chocolate and sour candies to cater to everyone. Honestly, though, I have never seen a bowl of Dum Dum’s go untouched at a party, so I’d get those.

Go to a Haunted House
There are Haunted Houses available all over the country when Halloween comes around. If you feel comfortable enough, you can smoke a little bit before visiting (or after if you feel too nervous to go while high). It’s always more fun to visit places like this with friends so huddle up together and explore the frightening halls! If you are located in Oklahoma, check out The Sanctuary or the Wicked Forest of Terror.

Wear Cannabis Costumes
For any party (cannabis themed or not) you can dress up as stoner characters or things. You can dress as a literal weed leaf, blunt, or bong if that floats your boat. But if you want to be a little more unique you can dress as Cheech, Chong, Shaggy from Scooby Doo, Jesse Pinkman, Towelie from South Park, and so many more!

Listen Chronic Encounters aka The Creepy Collective on Spotify
If you’re into real ghost hunting, try checking out some podcasts! The Chronic Encounters team is the spooky part of our Chronic family. They go on different ghost adventures all around the country. As they are based in Oklahoma, they’ve almost exhausted the state of all its haunts. Their podcast is a great way to feel spooky and full of Halloween fun.

Remember when trying to have fun and mixing it with cannabis, it is important to be responsible. If you’re traveling, have a ride set up before you get too high to function. Driving high is a DUI just like drunk driving. We want you all to be safe and sound while having the time of your lives this Halloweed. So find yourself an Uber or a designated driver and get some safety because Thanksgiving is right around the corner!