It is a time for cozy sweaters, pumpkin spice, and the joy of gathering with loved ones.
It is a time for cozy sweaters, pumpkin spice, and the joy of gathering with loved ones.
COVID is making the flu and other common viruses act in unfamiliar ways.
Cold and flu season is right around the corner, and nobody is excited about it Washington Post reported that, “COVID is makingthefluandothercommonviruses actinunfamiliarways”Anexampleofthis is how respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) hadbeeninfectingmoreandmorepeople outside of the typical winter months With this information it has been concluded that we are likely to have another bad yearwithcoldandfluinfections.
It’stimetogetprepared!Butcanyouadd cannabis to your list of preparations? Beforewefindout,let’sgooverthethings WebMDrecommendstobereadyforcold and flu season Stock up on supplies like tissues, hand soap, hand sanitizer, and papertowels.Grabsomemasks,theycan help with the spread of viruses. And, if you’re a parent, try grabbing some puzzles,coloringbooks,orotheractivitiesif theygetsickandneedtostayhomefrom school It’s also important to stock up on the medicine you’ll need: pain relievers, fever reducers, decongestants, cough syrups,andwhateverelseyouneedtofeel better when fighting a sickness. (I personally like the Alka Seltzer Cold Plus tablets!)Besuretotestyourthermometer to make sure it’s working, or buy a new one Ifyouhaveahumidifier,cleanitoutto be certain any germs from last time are washedaway
Wash your hands thoroughly and often with soap for around 20 seconds Seriously, if anything, keep your hands as cleanastheycanbe Inthissameline,it’s a good idea to disinfect your home's surfaces If you don’t want to, or can’t maketimeforcleaningallsurfaces,tryto clean heavily touched areas like remote controls, phones, and doorknobs once a day A great way to keep germs away is also getting the flu shot, if you are comfortabledoingso
If you do end up getting sick after taking precautions, it’s time to fill the fridge and the pantry so you don’t need to go shoppingwhilesick Thisisforyourhealth and the health of others. Stock up on easy-to-make foods like spaghetti, soup, sandwiches, and more Make sure to pick up snacks and drinks, orange juice has lots of Vitamin C, great for getting better! Duringthistime,youmustgetrest Restis oneofthebestcuresforthecoldortheflu This means getting plenty of sleep It's a good idea to ask a neighbor or a family member to help take the kids to soccer andkaratethatweek
Accordingtoonlyanecdotalevidence(not much scientific research going on in this area) the answer is yes, or at least, why not The only big stipulation to consider is how you should be consuming cannabis Whenyouarehitwithasorethroat,itmay notbethebestchoicetosmokeajointor hit a bong The smoke can be an irritant and make your throat worse than it alreadyis
The best idea would be to consume cannabis,ediblesofanykindcanworkfor this option. There are even infused teas that you can make that will soothe the throataswellasgetyouhigh
Usingcannabiswhilesickwithacoldorflu can be a great option to combat pain, inflammation, problems sleeping, and more Leafwell reports that cannabinoids act on the body through the CB1 and CB2 receptors within the brain and nervous system CB1 receptors have a role in the psychoactive and antiemetic effects The CB2 receptors are actually more active in theimmunesystem,theyareimportantin thepainresponsesystemaswell
“The flu causes the body to activate the immune response. Inflammation occurs as part of this response, causing many of the symptoms associated with the flu There are five cardinal signs of inflammation:pain,swelling,heat,redness, andlossoffunction Manyflusymptomsfit intothesecardinalsigns Youcanalready see from those signs that cannabis may relieve many of the common flu symptoms by acting on the immune response and inflammation” It is important to understand that sometimes inflammation is not bad and it can assist in how we beat illnesses It is when the inflammation becomes constant that you wouldneedtobeworriedabouttreatingit
As mentioned before, the main cold and flusymptomsthatcannabiscanhelpwith are inflammation, pain, and trouble sleeping When it comes to inflammation andpainmanagement,sciencecanback up the fact that cannabis can be a great help CBDinparticularisgreatatproviding anti-inflammatory qualities. Studies have found that CBD, when used topically, reduced inflammation in arthritis It has also been theorized that CBD can help with COVID-19 inflammation including those associated with cytokine storms which can be fatal Although those examples are extreme, the inflammation associatedwithsorethroats,swollennasal passages, and fevers can be lessened withtheuseofcannabis
For pain, cannabis has been treating this since the year ended in BC Out of all symptoms that cannabis can treat, pain has been proven time and time again to be treated well with cannabinoids. Both THCandCBDcanassist,thiscanalsohelp with how fatigued a body can feel during andafteracoldorflu
Topicalcreamscanbegreatforsorebody parts, the ones with menthol are best for this type of symptom Lastly, sleep is very important for healing during a sickness butitcanbedifficulttogettosleepwhen you feel achy and sore According to many personal accounts, cannabis is perfectforgettingtosleepwithoutfeeling groggyinthemorning However,ifyouare a long time cannabis user, you may be nearly immune to cannabis helping you get to sleep. For this, maybe try an edible specifically designed for sleep that has extrasleepinducingingredients
Regardless of what you want to use to heal after getting sick, remember that if you illness persists for over a week and seemstobegettingworse,it’stimetovisit a doctor. Don’t take any chances if you feel worse than you should. Stay healthy thisseason!Takeyourvitamins,washyour hands, and maybe you won’t be sick this fallandwinter
New Mexico -In a stunning turn of events, a truck driver attempting to cross into New Mexico was caught red-handedwithanillegalcargo Not just a few bags, but dozens of duffle bagsfilledtothebrimwithmarijuana werediscoveredinhistrailerduringa routine search at the Gallup port of entryonInterstate40
The driver, Tewelde Ghebreyoyanes, claimed innocence, insisting that he had no idea what was concealed in the trailer he was transporting However, his excuse fell flat as New MexicoStatePoliceswiftlyswoopedin after receiving a tip-off about a possible drug possession. This gripping incident serves as a stark reminder that even in states where cannabis is legal, illicit activities continue to thrive Stay tuned as we uncover further details about this audacioussmugglingattempt During a routine traffic stop in New Mexico, authoritieswereleftbaffledbyatruck driverwhoseemedunabletoprovide clear answers about the cargo he was hauling The driver, identified as Ghebreyoyanes, claimed to be on a cross-countryjourneyfromCalifornia to Virginia but couldn't explain who thetrailerbelongedto
Read thefull story:
Statepolicemakemajordrug bust,confiscating246poundsof marijuana
New York - A New York man has been arrested on drug-trafficking charges after state police discovered a whopping 246 pounds of marijuana in a luxurious SUV he was driving on Route 222 in southern Berks County
The suspect, 23-year-old Hassan T Dager fromAstoria,Queens,hasbeendetainedin Berks County Prison, awaiting a hearing, afterhisarraignmentonFridaynightbefore District Judge Alvin B Robinson in Reading Central Court His bail has been set at $100,000 Dager is facing charges of possessing and intending to deliver marijuana, as well as vehicle code violations,accordingtotheprobablecause affidavit. In an intriguing turn of events, a trooper from the state police drug law enforcement division stumbled upon a potentiallyillegalsituationwhileconducting routinesurveillance
Detectives,along withassistance fromthe California Departmentof TaxandFee Administration (CDTFA),found these dispensaries selling marijuanaand cannabis products illegally.
Lawenforcementshutdown7illegal marijuanashopsinGreaterLosAngeles, resultingin17arrests.
California -The Kern County Sheriff’s Office, along with several other agencies, conducted a raid on seven illegal marijuanadispensariesinRosamond.Theoperation,which tookplaceonSept.6ataround7:45p.m.,resultedin
the arrests of multiple individuals involved in running theseillicitestablishments.The search warrants were executed with the assistance of the Kern County HighIntensity Drug Trafficking Area Task Force, the Kern County District Attorney’s Office, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife/Cannabis Enforcement Program, the California Department of Cannabis Control, and the Kern County Probation Department The investigation has led to the shutdown of all seven marijuana dispensaries thatwerefoundtobebreaking County and State Health and SafetyCodelaws
Asthevibrantfoliageushersinthecrispembraceofautumn,apalpablesenseofanticipationfillstheair Theworld transformsintoacanvasoffieryreds,goldenyellows,andburntoranges,paintingavividportraitofnature'stransition Forcannabisenthusiasts,thisseasonalshiftisanirresistiblecalltothegreatoutdoors,aninvitationtoimmerseoneself inthesymphonyofsights,scents,andsensationsthatautumnbestows
Thefallseasonis,inmanyways,nature'sgrandfinalebeforethequietintrospectionofwinter Itoffersauniqueand invigoratingcanvasforadventure,whereeverystepthroughrustlingleavesandeveryinhalationofbrisk,coolairisan opportunitytoreconnectwiththerawvitalityofthenaturalworld Itisatimeoftransformation,adanceofchangethat mirrorsthecyclicalnatureofcannabisitself,fromseedtoharvest
In this article, we embark on a journey through a tapestry of activities curated specifically for cannabis enthusiasts. Here,weinviteyoutoexploretheprofoundconnectionbetweentheplantandthegreatoutdoors,weavingmomentsof introspection,exhilaration,andcommunionwithnature Together,wewillventureintotheheartofautumn'sembrace, seekingtoforgeadeeperbondwithboththeworldaroundusandtheremarkableplantthataccompaniesusonthis journey
Immerse yourself in nature's grandeur with a cannabisinfused hike through the stunning fall landscapes As the earthy aroma of cannabis mingles with the scent of fallen leaves, the sensory experience is elevated to a new level Choose a trail that matches your skill level and be sure to pack some responsibly dosed cannabis-infused products From energizing sativas to calming indicas, the strain you select can shape the adventure, heightening your appreciationforthenaturalworld
Embarking on a cannabis-infused hike is an opportunity to engage with nature on a profoundly intimate level As the leavescrunchbeneathyourfeetandthecoolbreezedances through the trees, the cannabis serves as a companion, enhancing your senses and allowing you to fully absorb the beautythatsurroundsyou Whetherit'sthevividcolorsofthe changing leaves or the subtle symphony of forest sounds, everyaspectofthehikebecomesasensorydelight.
Additionally,cannabiscanofferauniqueformofintrospection during your journey. It can encourage moments of reflection andadeeperconnectionwiththenaturalworld Asyoupause to take in a scenic vista or observe the intricate details of a leaf, you may find yourself more attuned to the rhythms of natureandthequietwisdomitimparts
Fallistheseasonofharvest,andwhatbetterwaytocelebrate thanwithacannabis-enhancedpicnicinanorchard?Choose a local farm, pack a blanket, and prepare a gourmet spread infusedwithcannabis Whetherit'sCBD-infusedapplecideror THC-infusedcaramelapples,letyourculinarycreativityshine
As you savor the fruits of your labor amidst the bountiful orchard, you'll find the cannabis plant harmoniously complementingtheflavorsoftheseason
This immersive culinary adventure combines the sensory delights of cannabis with the rich, earthy flavors of autumn Pictureyourselfseatedamidsttheorchard'sbounty,thescent ofripeappleshangingintheair.Witheachbite,theinfusionof cannabis elevates the experience, creating a symphony of tastesthatdanceonyourpalate
Beyond the culinary exploration, this activity also provides a uniqueopportunityforeducationandconnection Itallowsfor a deeper understanding of how cannabis can be integrated intovariousaspectsoflife,includingtheculinaryarts Sharing this experience with others can lead to lively discussions about responsible consumption, strain selection, and the creativepotentialofcannabis-infusedcuisine
OCTOBER 2023 thechronicmagazine.com
Combine the holistic benefits of yoga with the therapeutic propertiesofcannabisinafallretreatdesignedtorejuvenate both mind and body Engage in guided sessions that incorporatecannabis-enhancedmindfulnesspractices CBDinfusedbalmsandoilscanenhancetheexperience,providing soothingrelieftotiredmusclesandjoints Together,cannabis and yoga create a powerful synergy, allowing you to find balanceandharmonyamidstthechangingseasons
Acannabis-infusedyogaretreatoffersaholisticapproachto well-being,allowingparticipantstocultivateasenseofinner peace and physical vitality As you flow through poses, the gentle embrace of cannabis can deepen your connection to yourbody,encouragingasenseofpresenceandmindfulness
The incorporation of CBD-infused balms and oils adds an extralayeroftherapeuticbenefit Theseproductscanprovide targetedrelieftoareasoftensionordiscomfort,allowingfora deeper and more enriching yoga practice As you move through the poses, you may find a newfound sense of ease andfluidityinyourmovements.
Tapintoyourinnerartistwithacannabis-infusedcreativearts workshop Set against the backdrop of autumn's splendor, these workshops provide a space for self-expression and inspiration Whetherit'spainting,pottery,orcrafting,cannabis can be the catalyst that unlocks your artistic potential With each brushstroke or sculpted form, you'll find yourself deeply immersed in the process, producing works of art that reflect thevibrantcolorsandenergiesofthefallseason
Engagingincreativeartsundertheinfluenceofcannabiscan be a profoundly liberating experience The plant's influence canunlockchannelsofcreativityandintuition,allowingfora flow of expression that may be otherwise untapped. As you dip your brush into vibrant autumn hues or shape clay with intention, you'll find a sense of connection to the essence of theseason.
Theseworkshopsalsoofferacommunalaspect,providingan opportunity to connect with fellow participants on a deeper level Shared creative experiences can foster a sense of camaraderieandmutualinspiration Conversationsmayflow freely, fueled by the shared enthusiasm for both art and cannabis,creatinglastingmemoriesandconnections
Embrace the spirit of adventure with a cannabis-friendly camping trip Choose a serene campground that welcomes cannabisenthusiasts,andimmerseyourselfinthetranquility ofthenaturalworld Asthedayyieldstonight,gatheraround the campfire with fellow enthusiasts, sharing stories and experiences while passing a joint Under the canopy of stars, you'll find a sense of unity and connection, both with nature andyourfellowtravelers
Cannabis-friendlycampingisanopportunitytofullyimmerse yourself in the natural world, forging a deep and intimate connection with the environment around you As you set up camp, the scent of earth and pine fills the air, creating a sensoryexperiencethatisuniquelytiedtotheoutdoors.
As the day transitions into night, the shared experience of passing a joint around the campfire creates a sense of camaraderie and community Stories flow freely, laughter rings out, and a sense of unity emerges Under the vast expanse of stars, you'll find a profound appreciation for the beautyandwonderoftheuniverse
Inthetapestryofautumn,wheretheworlddonsitsrichest huesandtheaircarriesanewfoundcrispness,aprofound invitation awaits This fall, let the great outdoors be more thanjustscenery;letitbeyourcanvasforexplorationand connection.Withcannabisasyourtrustedcompanion,you embark on a journey that transcends the ordinary, a journey that elevates every sense, every breath, to a symphonyofheightenedexperiences
Witheachstepalongvibranttrails,you'renotjusttraversing landscapes, but engaging in a dance with nature herself Thecrunchofleavesbeneathyourfeetisareminderofthe ever-turning cycle of life, a testament to the seasons that shapetheworldaroundus Withcannabisbyyourside,the sensory delights of the journey are amplified a vivid symphony of colors, scents, and textures that invite you to bepresentineverymoment
In the quiet moments of creation, as you let your artistic instincts flow, you become a vessel for the energies of the season The canvas or clay becomes an extension of the natural world, a medium throughwhichyouexpressyourconnectiontotheearthandtheplantthataccompaniesyou Underthe influence of cannabis, creativity knows no bounds it becomes a river that flows freely, unearthing depthsofexpressionyoumightnothaveotherwisediscovered Cannabis,inthistapestryofexploration,emergesasabridgethatunitesyouwiththeoutdoorsinaway that is nothing short of transformative It is the thread that weaves together every sensory experience, everymomentofintrospection,everystrokeofcreativity Itheightenstheconnection,makingitnotjust anadventure,butaprofoundcommunionwiththeworldaroundyou
So,astheleavescontinuetheirgracefuldescentandtheworldaroundyoutransforms,it'stimetogear up,topackyourfavoritecannabisproducts,andletthefalladventuresbegin.Whetheryoufindyourself onavibranttrail,inthemidstofacreativeendeavor,orsimplybaskingintheawe-inspiringbeautyofthe season, know that you are not just a spectator, but an active participant in the grand symphony of nature.Embraceit,cherishit,andletitetchitsmagicintoyoursoul.Forinthisseasonofconnectionand exploration,everymomentisanopportunitytoforgeadeeperbondwiththeworldandtheremarkable plantthataccompaniesyouonthisextraordinaryjourney
Oklahoma has experienced a remarkable increase in its medical marijuana industry, with approximately 10% of its population now havingmarijuanacards WhatsetsOklahoma apart is that there are no strict medical requirementstoobtainacard
Thankstothesurgeindemandandthestate's cost-effective licensing system, Oklahoma has surpassed established markets such as Colorado,Oregon,Washington,andCalifornia intermsofcannabisretailstoresandfarms
However, despite this growth, there are still obstaclestoovercome
Oklahoma's medical cannabis production exceeds the needs of licensed patients by a significantfactorof32 Thissurplusiscausing concerns about the presence of illegal cannabis operations alongside legitimate ones According to Mark Woodward of the OklahomaBureauofNarcotics,theavailability of licenses triggered an unprecedented growthinthecannabisindustryinthestate.
by MarieScarciOklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond has recently announced the creation of an elite task force to address the rising threat of organized crime in our communities. Drawing inspiration from the legendary Untouchables of the Prohibition era, this team is determined to eradicate illegal marijuana grows and the criminal syndicates behind them In a press release, Drummond emphasized the urgency of this mission, highlighting the alarming influx of organized crime from Mexican drug cartels and Chinese crime syndicates The task force, composed of about a dozen agents with diverse backgrounds in the military, DEA, FBI, and legal profession,willplayavitalroleinensuringpublic safetyanddrivingoutcriminals.
Yields:20-24 truffles
8ozdarkchocolate(70%cocoa),finelychopped 1/2cupheavycream
First,inamediumsaucepan,heattheheavycreamover low heat until it just begins to simmer Make sure you ' re stove is on low heat because you don't want to boil the cream.Next,placethefinelychoppeddarkchocolateina heatproof bowl and pour the warm cream over the chopped chocolate Allow it to sit undisturbed for a minutetomeltthechocolatethengentlystirthemixture untilitissmoothandglossy Ifanylumpsremain,youcan gentlyheatitinshortburstsoveradoubleboiler Nowjust mix in the unsalted canna butter, vanilla extract, and a pinch of sea salt and stir until everything is well combined. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap, ensuring it makes direct contact with the surface of the ganache. This prevents the formation of a skin Let the ganache cool to room temperature, then refrigerate it for at least twohoursoruntilit'sfirmenoughtohandle Ialwaysput the plate or tray I'll be using to roll the balls on in the fridge as well to help keep the chocolate from melting whileformingandcoatingwithcocoapowder
Once the ganache has set, remove it from the refrigerator Using a melon baller or a teaspoon, scoop out portions of ganache and roll them into small bite sized balls Place them on with parchment paper T refrigeratorforabout15-20 firmupagain.
First, we will need to melt t heatproofbowleitherinthe
boiler Using a toothpick, di melted chocolate, ensuring any excess chocolate to d coated truffles back onto tray. While the chocolate i eyes to create eerie little powder
Optional:Dustthetruffleswi anethereal,ghostlyglow
Now just allow the truffles about 30 minutes Once hardened,theyarereadyto
Welcome back to all my canna chefs out there and happy fall! As October unfurls its shadowy tendrils, a chilling excitement sweeps through the air. Halloween, the spookiest of holidays, beckons us to indulge in the eerie and the macabre What better way to celebrate than with a delectable treat that's not only hauntingly deliciousbutalsoinfusedwitha touchofcannabismagic?Inthis special October recipe, we'll conjure up Haunted Halloween Cannabis-Infused Chocolate Truffles that are sure to cast a spellonyourtastebuds
With these Haunted Halloween Cannabis-Infused Chocolate Truffles, you ' re in for a bewitching culinary experience Each bite is a tantalizing dance of rich, velvety ganache enrobed in a dark chocolate cloak Thetouchofcannabutter adds a subtle hint of herbal intrigue, elevating the truffles to a new level of mystique. Whether enjoyed with friends at a spooky gathering or savored in the quiet of a candlelit room, these truffles are bound to enchant even the most discerning of palates This October,letthespiritsroamand the flavors haunt your senses with this ghoulishly good treat HaveasafeandhighHalloween this year, no it’s time to get our mind right and make some treats! So grab a bag of your favorite herb, twist one up, and let'sgetCookingwithaBuz!
Cannachef BuzDeliere| chefbuzAs the leaves begin their graceful descent, painting the world in huesofamberandcrimson,andtheairtakesonacrispedge,a transformativeenergysweepsacrossthenation Fallfestivals,like vivid tapestries woven from the threads of autumnal splendor, unfurl across towns and cities These gatherings are not merely events;theyarevibrantcelebrations,heraldingtheculminationof nature'stirelesslaborandtheabundanceitbestows
Formany,attendingafallfestivalisakintosteppingintoaliving mosaic of culture, a portal to a world where time seems to slow, andeverysenseisengagedinasymphonyofsights,scents,and sounds Yet, beneath the surface of this seasonal revelry lies a captivating undercurrent that binds these festivals with the cannabiscommunity
In the heart of fall festivals, a unique opportunity arises It's a chance to immerse oneself not only in the colors and flavors of the season but also in the heart and soul of cannabis culture. Here, amidst the festivities, a shared ethos emerges, one that celebratestheEarth'sofferingsandrecognizestheintricatedance betweenhumanhandsandnature'sbounty
In this article, we embark on a journey to uncover the profound connection that weaves together fall festivals and the cannabis community. Like two tributaries merging into a mighty river, they flow with shared values, traditions, and experiences. Together, theycreateatapestryofcelebration,remindingusoftheancient, unbreakablebondbetweenhumanityandthenaturalworld
Fall festivals and the cannabis community bothtracetheirrootstoasharedheritage of honoring the Earth's abundance. As the days grow shorter and the nights crisper, communitiescometogethertorevelinthe culmination of a year ' s worth of labor in agriculture
At fall festivals, this tradition is palpable The air is charged with the scent of ripe apples,pumpkins,andtheearthyaromaof freshly turned soil. The fields and orchards becomevibranttapestries,showcasingthe fruits of dedicated labor Families and friends gather to partake in the harvest, embracing the fruits of their collective effort
Similarly, within the cannabis community, October holds a special significance. Referred to affectionately as "Croptober," it marks the culmination of a year-long journey for outdoor cannabis cultivators The once-tender plants have matured under the sun ' s nurturing gaze, transforming into robust, resinous colossi This period represents the culmination of months of meticulous care, from the early stages of germination to the patient waitingfortheoptimalmomenttoharvest Inbothworlds,there'saprofoundsenseof gratitude for the Earth's offerings It's not merelyaboutreapingtherewardsofone's toil, but acknowledging the interconnectednessofalllivingthings.This gratitude promotes a sense of unity and connection with the natural world It's a reminderthatwearestewardsoftheland, entrustedwithitscareandwell-being Theactofharvesting,whetheritbeapples, pumpkins, or cannabis, becomes a ritualistic celebration of this bond. It's a time when hands, weathered from labor, connectwiththesoil,offeringthanksforthe sustenanceitprovides It'samomentwhen the hard work and dedication of the past year coalesce into a tangible bounty, a testament to the resilience of both nature andhumanendeavor
As fall festivals and "Croptober" converge, they create a harmonious symphony of gratitude and celebration They stand as living testaments to the enduring connection between humanity and the Earth,remindingusoftheprofoundimpact thatcomesfromrecognizingandhonoring thebountiesthatnaturebestowsuponus. Croptober as the year ' s outdoor crops are ready to harvest Both worlds share a commonthreadofgratitudefortheEarth's offerings, forging a sense of unity and connectionwiththenaturalworld
Within the realm of fall festivals, creativity takes center stage, painting the atmosphere with an electric fervor It'saspectaclewheretheboundariesof imagination seem to blur, and every corner reveals a new testament to human ingenuity Art installations rise like sentinels, each telling a unique story Live performances echo through theair,captivatingheartsandminds.In this dynamic tapestry of expression, festivals evolve into sprawling canvases,invitingattendeestopartake inasharedactofartisticcreation
Simultaneously, the association between cannabis and heightened creativity is a well-trodden path. For centuries,artists,musicians,andwriters haveturnedtocannabisforitsreputed ability to unlock the floodgates of inspiration It'sasif,withintheembrace of its influence, the mind unfurls its wings,soaringintounchartedrealmsof imagination Many festival-goers recognize and embrace this connection, viewing cannabis not merely as a substance but as a catalystfortheircreativepursuits
Under the influence of cannabis, the sensescomealive,eachnoteofmusic or stroke of the brush imbued with a newfound depth and resonance. The world takes on a heightened vibrancy, colors appearing more vivid, sounds more evocative, and ideas more expansive The fusion of cannabis and creativity results in an alchemical transformation, where vibrant hues, melodies, and concepts collide and intermingle, giving birth to a unique form of artistic expression that transcendstheordinary
In the midst of fall festivals, a sanctuary for holistic wellness emerges Yoga mats unfurl like petals, inviting practitioners to connect with their breath and bodies Meditation circles form, offering a space for introspection and stillness amidst the festival's exuberance Wellness workshops abound, providing tools and practicesforattendeestocultivatea senseofbalanceandwell-being
This emphasis on holistic wellness resonates deeply with the values of thecannabiscommunity.Beyondits recreational use, cannabis has found a prominent place in the realm of holistic healing The emergenceofCBD-infusedproducts exemplifies this commitment to nurturing the body and mind in harmony. From soothing balms to tinctures that offer respite from the demands of daily life, cannabis presents itself as a versatile tool for achievingastateofequilibrium
Mindfulconsumptionpracticeshave also become a cornerstone of the cannabis wellness movement. Individuals are exploring various methods of consumption, seeking a personalized approach that aligns with their unique needs and preferences Whether through edibles,tinctures,orvaporization,the cannabis community champions a conscious approach to consumption,allowingindividualsto harness the plant's therapeutic potentialwithintentionandrespect
As fall festivals and the cannabis community converge, the celebration of holistic wellness becomes a powerful beacon, illuminating the path towards a balanced and harmonious existence It's a reminder that true well-being extends beyond the physical, encompassing the realms of the mind and spirit Together, these two worlds offer a holistic approach to living, inviting individualstoembarkonajourneyof self-discovery and wellness that transcends the boundaries of time andplace
Inthemidstoffallfestivals,asanctuary for holistic wellness emerges Yoga mats unfurl like petals, inviting practitioners to connect with their breath and bodies Meditation circles form,offeringaspaceforintrospection and stillness amidst the festival's exuberance. Wellness workshops abound, providing tools and practices for attendees to cultivate a sense of balanceandwell-being Thisemphasis on holistic wellness resonates deeply with the values of the cannabis community Beyond its recreational use, cannabis has found a prominent place in the realm of holistic healing. The emergence of CBD-infused products exemplifies this commitment to nurturing the body and mind in harmony From soothing balms to tinctures that offer respite from the demands of daily life, cannabis presents itself as a versatile tool for achieving a state of equilibrium. Mindful consumption practices have also become a cornerstone of the cannabis wellness movement Individuals are exploring various methods of consumption, seeking a personalizedapproachthatalignswith their unique needs and preferences Whether through edibles, tinctures, or vaporization, the cannabis community champions a conscious approach to consumption, allowing individuals to harness the plant's therapeutic potentialwithintentionandrespect As fall festivals and the cannabis community converge, the celebration ofholisticwellnessbecomesapowerful beacon, illuminating the path towards abalancedandharmoniousexistence It's a reminder that true well-being extends beyond the physical, encompassing the realms of the mind and spirit Together, these two worlds offer a holistic approach to living, inviting individuals to embark on a journey of self-discovery and wellness thattranscendstheboundariesoftime andplace
Both fall festivals and the cannabis culture share a profound commitment to inclusivity and acceptance These gatherings transcend societal norms andembraceindividualsfromallwalks oflife Theyserveassanctuarieswhere judgment is left at the door, replaced with open arms and a celebration of sharedexperiences.
Inthesespaces,attendeesfindasense of belonging that transcends the boundaries of age, background, and belief The acceptance of diverse perspectives creates an environment where individuals can freely express themselveswithoutfearofjudgmentor exclusion This sense of acceptance extends beyond the festival grounds, leavinganindeliblemarkonthosewho partakeintheseexperiences
The connections forged in these inclusive spaces run deep. Attendees form bonds that go beyond the festival's duration, weaving a tapestry of shared memories and a sense of community that endures It's within these gatherings that individuals discover a profound truth: that the human experience is a rich mosaic, made all the more beautiful by its diversity.
In the convergence of cannabis education and advocacy, alongside the values of inclusivity and acceptance, fall festivals and the cannabiscommunitycreateapowerful forceforpositivechange Theyserveas beacons of enlightenment, offering a glimpseintoaworldwhereknowledge, compassion, and acceptance reign supreme, reminding us that true connection transcends the boundaries thatoftendivideus
In the heart of a fall festival, where the air is crisp and the colors vibrant, it becomes evident that nature reigns supreme. The very essence of these gatheringsisanhomagetotheEarth's bounty, and as we stand amidst the harvest,weareremindedofourroleas stewards of this fragile planet It is a shared reverence for the natural world that unites fall festivals and the cannabis community, forging a bond thattranscendsboundaries.
Creativity, too, serves as a common thread Whether it's the artistic tapestries of a festival's installations or theinspiredstrokesofapainter'sbrush under the influence of cannabis, these worldscollideandintertwineinadance ofimagination.Here,werecognizethat creativity knows no limits, and within thisfusion,wecelebratetheboundless potentialofhumanexpression
Wellness and education form another critical connection Both realms champion holistic well-being, whether it's through yoga sessions amidst fall's embrace or the mindful consumption of cannabis for therapeutic purposes The pursuit of balance and understanding becomes a shared journey, empowering individuals to lead healthier and more intentional lives.
Inclusivity and acceptance, perhaps the most profound connection of all, create spaces where diverse souls come together, leaving judgment behind Here, in these gatherings, attendees discover a sense of belonging that transcends societal norms and prejudices. It is a reminder that our shared humanity is more potentthanourdifferences
So,asthisfallbeckonsyoutostepinto the heart of a festival, take a moment to appreciate the threads that intricately weave us all together Amidst the music's euphony, the laughter's contagious joy, and the scent of cannabis wafting through the air, you will find more than a celebration of the season You will discover a celebration of life, of love, and of the shared journey we all navigate on this extraordinary planet Fall festivals and the cannabis culture remindusthat,beneathitall,weareall interconnected, part of a grand tapestry of existence where diversity thrives,andunityreignssupreme
In this month's journey into the fascinating realm of terpenes, we delve into the world of Trans-nerolidol – a terpene characterized by its dense and woody aroma Trans-nerolidol is primarily found in various flowers, includingrose,jasmine,lemongrass,and tea tree oil It also graces the essential oils of ginger and neroli with its presence ThescentofTrans-nerolidolis a delightful blend of floral, citrus, and earthy notes, resulting in a woody, citrusy,andfloralbouquet
Beyond its aromatic charm, Transnerolidol has proven itself as a potent ally in the fight against pests that threatenbothhumansandplants.Ithas displayedeffectivenessinrepellinghead lice, spider mites, parasites, and certain bacteria and fungi Moreover, Transnerolidol has a range of potential benefitsasascentcompoundandasa naturally occurring component within thecannabisplant
A significant study conducted by the American Society of Microbiology, published in Antimicrobial Agents Chemotherapy, sheds light on Transnerolidol's remarkable capabilities This study examined how Trans-nerolidol enhances the permeability of infectious bacterialikeStaphylococcusaureusand Escherichia coli to antibiotics, making them more susceptible to treatment In essence, Trans-nerolidol can collaborate with antibiotics to more effectively combat bacterial pathogens This discovery holds great promise for cannabis strains high in nerolidol, potentially extending this benefit to cultivars with significant terpene content.
Traditionally, Trans-nerolidol has been valued for its relaxing and mildly sedative effects A compelling study by BMCNeuroscienceindicatesthatTransnerolidol's neuroprotective properties stem from its antioxidant and antiinflammatory actions, presenting a promisingavenuefortreatingconditions likeParkinson'sDisease
This knowledge is particularly valuable for those cultivating boutique cannabis for wellness, especially as a neuroprotectant The potential effects of Trans-nerolidol encompassawidespectrum,includingitsroleas:
Anti-parasitic Anti-oxidant
Anti-fungal Anti-cancer
CultivarsrichinTrans-nerolidolincludefamiliarnames suchas:
Itisessentialtonotethatallthe informationpresentedinthisarticle serveseducationalpurposesonly.The insightssharedherearedrawnfrom externalresearchsources.Priorto embarkingonanynewdietaryor lifestylechanges,itishighlyadvisable toconsultyourCannabis-Educated PrimaryHealthCarePhysicianor CannabisTherapyConsultant. Dr.PepperHernandezND,Ph.D.,CTC, CNHPisanexpertinECS&Naturopathic MedicineandservesastheFounderand EducationDirectoroftheCannabis HolisticInstitute.Formoreinformation aboutherTelemedicineConsultations, EducationalPrograms,YouTube content,andothercreativeendeavours, youcanfindheracrossvariousonline platformsorvisitherwebsiteat drpepperhernandez.com.
Asyoujourneyforward,rememberto embracethepowerofcannabisinallits diverseformsandapplications.Goforth, andmaycannabisbeyourguide.
Asaconnoisseurandanenthusiastof cannabis extracts, I recently had the pleasure of trying the Talking Headz Banana Ice Pop Live Rosin. The awesome people at The Velvet Tiger DispensaryinOKChookedmeup,and it's safe to say that it left quite an impression. This solventless extract offers a captivating blend of aroma, taste,andeffectsthattrulysetitapart intheworldofcannabisconcentrates.
On my rating scale, I'm awarding the Talking Headz Banana Ice Pop LiveRosinasolid4.9outof5tokes. It's a solventless extract that excels in every aspect, from aroma and taste to effects and quality.Ifyou'reinthemarketfora top-tier live rosin that delivers an exceptional cannabis experience, you won't be disappointed with thisofferingfromTalkingHeadz.
One of the first things that struck me about the Talking Headz Banana Ice Pop Live Rosin was its aroma Upon opening the container, the rosin was shaped in a perfectly round 1-gram ball, I was greeted by a mellow yet sweet banana fragrance, laced with subtle earthy and piney undertones It's ascentthathintsattheterpeneprofilelyingwithin, promisingasensoryjourneyahead.Withaterpene content of 6.84%, this live rosin certainly doesn't skimponflavorandaroma
Thetruerevelationcamewiththetaste.TheTalking Headz Banana Ice Pop Live Rosin delivers a flavor that's nothing short of phenomenal It's exceptionally smooth on the palate, with a mellow sweetness and earthy notes that dance harmoniously on the taste buds This extract showcasesthepureessenceofitssourcematerial, offering a rich and authentic banana flavor with a hint of refreshing coolness, reminiscent of a frozen bananatreatonahotsummerday.Forthosewho appreciate a flavorful dabbing experience, this live rosindeliversinspades
Beyond its aromatic and gustatory delights, the TalkingHeadzBananaIcePopLiveRosintestingat 6891% also shines when it comes to effects Upon exhaling,awaveofrelaxationandeuphoriabegins to unfurl, starting from behind the eyes and gently cascadingdownthebody It'safeelingthatspeaks tothequalityoftheextractandthethoughtfulness that went into preserving the strain's unique attributes during the extraction process This live rosin offers an immediate high that's both enjoyableandwell-balanced,makingitsuitablefor both seasoned enthusiasts and those looking to exploretheworldofconcentrates.
In the realm of solventless extracts, Talking Headz Banana Ice Pop Live Rosin unquestionably stands out Itsexceptionalflavorprofile,potenteffects,and overallqualitymakeitatopcontenderintheworld of live rosin. It's a testament to the craftsmanship and dedication of the producers, who have succeeded in preserving the essence of the strain in a solventless format For those who prioritize purityandflavor,thisliverosinisamust-try
Thefallseasoniscomingupfast,andso is the stress that comes along with the foreboding holidays around the corner. Halloween,Thanksgiving,Christmas,and NewYear’sareallfilledwithjoyandfun, but it can be overwhelming to say the least A great way to deal with stress is mindfulnessandoverallmeditation
What is mindfulness? Mindfulness, accordingtotheMayoClinic,isatypeof meditation where you “focus on being intensely aware of what you ' re sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment Practicing mindfulnessinvolvesbreathingmethods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress.” This is a perfect way to managestressaroundtheholiday’sasit is meant to help you spend less time planning, problem-solving, daydreaming, or thinking negative or random thoughts that can be draining, bothmentallyandphysically
Scientificresearchonmeditationreports that meditation is very helpful with stress, anxiety, pain, depression, insomnia,highbloodpressure,aswellas potentially helping with asthma and fibromyalgia People who actively meditate report a greater balance and acceptance of their thoughts and emotions They also report improved sleep, improved diabetes control, decreased burnout, and improved attentionspans
Before we get into how cannabis can potentially improve meditation, let's go oversomewaysyoucanslowlyintegrate and practice mindfulness meditation within your own life. The first thing is to pay attention to the world around you and within you This is essentially the saying, “stop and smell the roses” Life canbefastpacedbuttakingthetimeto experience your surroundings with all of yoursensescanbeextremelybeneficial Agreatwaytopracticethisistoeatyour favorite food, really take the time to taste,smell,andactuallyenjoyit!
Next, live in the moment, stop thinking aboutallthethingsyouneedtodointhe future and actually be present with yourself Try to be open, accepting, and discerning with your attention It is so important to find joy in your everyday life.Forexample,maybetakethedogon a walk and really take in your environment, notice the beauty in the trees, notice how happy your dog is just to spend time with you It’s the little thingsthatreallymatter
This next step is one of the most importantanditcanbethehardestone to add into your routine Accepting yourself It’s okay to have insecurities andflawsbutallofthosethingsarewho youare Selfacceptancecanbesmallat first, maybe it’s time to stop scrutinizing yourselfinthemirrororwishingyouhad a better wardrobe. While yes, you can continue to better yourself but, acceptance is a huge part of bettering yourself
Some more specific mindfulness exercises are: body scan meditation, sitting meditation,andwalkingmeditation.Eachofthesearecenteredaroundfocusingon feeling your physical sensations Find an area where you can be alone, and for around10to20minutesjustbewithyourselfandfeel
So, how can cannabis be added to meditation, and have there been reported benefits? Many people who add cannabis to their meditation routine report that since cannabis is good at reducing stress and anxiety while enhancing sensory experiences, it enhances the overall exposure. According to the Green Goddess Collective,cannabiscan“makeiteasierto“drop-in”andfocusonthepractice...CB1 receptors (where your brain reacts to cannabinoids) are responsible for your brain’sinhibitionandexcitationresponse,allowingthebraintofunctionoptimally This can help promote balance in your brain Cannabis also affects the three primary neurotransmitters – dopamine, glutamate, and gamma-aminobutyric acid–whichhelppromotebrainhealth,controlmood,andmodulatestress When you introduce cannabis to this system, it directly affects all three of these neurotransmitters, making it easier to focus, relax, and settle into the meditation experience.”
Ifthisissomethingthatsoundslikesomethingyou’dbeinterestedintrying,picking the correct terpenes and THC percentage can be crucial to the experience For thosewhohaveahardtimegettingintotheproperrelaxedmood,linaloolisagreat option This terpene is often found in lavender As for strains, check around your local dispensaries for Do Si Do, Zkittlez, Scooby Snacks, OG Shark, and LA Confidential. If you have issues with physical pain while meditating, a terpene for that would be beta-caryophyllene. Beta-caryophyllene can help reduce inflammation, pain, muscle tension, and more Some strains that contain this terpene are Bubba Kush, Girl Scout Cookies, Sour Diesel, Super Skunk, and White Runtz Lastly, if one is experiencing issues focusing while meditating, limonene is perfectforimprovingfocus,reducingstress,andboostingyouroverallmood Some commonstrainswithlimoneneheavilypresentareBerryWhite,DurbanPoison,Jack Herer,JacktheRipper,LemonDiesel,andOGKush Somecannabismeditatorshave also recommended the use of Indica based strains as well. Popular Indica strains areGranddaddyPurple,NorthernLights,HinduKush,WeddingCake,andSlurricane. ItisnecessarytobeawareoftheamountofTHCwithinthestrainsyoupick While THC can help people focus, it can get overwhelming and make focusing nearly impossible TrytogolightontheTHCor,ifthereisn’tanoptionforlessTHC,justuse less Go slowly while integrating cannabis into your meditation routine CBD is anothergoodoptionifyouarefeelingapprehensiveaboutaddingtoomuchTHC Also,itisimportanttonotethataddingcannabistomeditationisyourchoice Not everyonewhohastriedthiscombinationhasfeltthatithasaddedbenefits,itisall up to each person ' s experiences Personally, mindfulness is one of my favorite things to practice Within my own life, it has worked to make me an all around better person During the pandemic, it was something I focused on heavily I fully recommendpracticingmindfulnessevenifyoudon’twanttotryfullonmeditation Additionally,Iwillbetryingtoaddcannabistomyownroutineandexpecttofeel wonderfulresults Ihopeyoutryityourself Staysafeandbesureto‘stopandsmell theroses’
The production and concentration of cannabis terpenes can be influenced by various factors, including the cultivar of cannabis, the environmentit'sgrownin,andthestageofitsgrowthcycle However, certain terpenes are known to be more prevalent in cannabis plants duringthefallharvestseason.Aswearelearningthehighestterpene concentration is found in outdoors in sun-grown flowers That being saiditisalwaysimportanttosupportOrganic,Local,andSmallCraft Farmerswhenchoosingyourmedicine
One such terpene is myrcene, which is often found in higher concentrations in cannabis plants harvested in the fall. Myrcene is knownforitsearthyandmuskyaromaandisbelievedtohaverelaxing andsedativeeffects It'salsofoundinotherplantslikemangoes,hops, andthyme
Another terpene one could find in abundance this fall-harvested cannabis is beta-caryophyllene This terpene has a spicy, peppery aroma and is unique because it can also interact with cannabinoid receptors in the body, making it a valuable compound in medicinal cannabis
Thereareseveralotherterpenesthatcanbefoundincannabisplants, andtheirpresencecanbeinfluencedbyvariousfactorsincludingthe harvest time Here are a few more terpenes commonly found in cannabis, some of which might be influenced by this year ' s fall harvest:
Linalool: Linalool has a floral lavender aroma and is known for its calmingandrelaxingeffects Itcanalsobefoundinlavender,mint, andcinnamon
JackalopeFarmsSEOklahomaHugelPits,Sungrown, OrganicFlowerThis month we dig into terpenes that are abundant in the fall season.
Pinene:Pinenehasadistinctpinescentandcanbefoundinpine trees, rosemary, and basil. It's known to have anti-inflammatory propertiesandcanpromotealertness
Humulene:Humuleneemitsanearthy,woodyaromaandisfound inhops,sage,andginseng It'sknownforitsappetitesuppressant andanti-inflammatoryproperties
Limonene: Limonene which has a citrusy scent and is present in citrus fruits, juniper, and peppermint. It's associated with elevated moodandstressrelief
Terpinolene:Terpinolenehasasweet,floral,andherbalaromaand is found in nutmeg, tea tree, and apples It's known for its antioxidantproperties
Ocimene: Ocimene can have various aromas including citrus, sweet,andherbal It'sfoundinmint,parsley,andorchids Ocimene which is known for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties
Bisabolol:Bisabolol has a floral and sweet aroma and is found in chamomile and the candeia tree. It's known for its antiinflammatory,anti-irritant,andantimicrobialproperties.
Remember, the presence and concentration of these terpenes can vary widely not only based on the harvest time but also due to the specific cultivar of cannabis and how it's cultivated and processed. Different cultivars can have vastly different terpene profiles, leading to a wide array of potential aromas and effects. Always choose Outdoors, Sungrown and most importantly Organic Local Small Craft Farmers to support.
WhoopiGoldberg,co-ofThe View,ismakingabold comebackinthecannabis industry Atage67,shehas investedahugeamountof moneyintoabrand-new marijuanabusiness.
IntroducingEmma&Clyde, thegame-changing cannabislinebreaking boundariesinHollywood At 67yearsyoung,she'ssetto becomethereigningweed queen.
Goldberg'sdedicationtoher newbusinessisunwavering asshefearlesslyinvests millionstoguaranteeits triumph
Accordingtoatrusted source,theSisterActstaris wholeheartedlyprioritizing thisventurebypouringher ownmoneyintoitGoldberg's ventureintothecannabis industryin2016hada bumpyride,mainlydueto herturbulentrelationship withMayaElisabeth
Despitefacingconflictswithintheshow, Goldberg'scontractualobligationspreventedherfrom makinganydrasticmovesinhercareer.However, sourcesclosetoheradvisedcautioninhernewventure toavoidgoingtoofar.“She'scompletelydisregarding warningsandbecomingfixatedonbecomingthe ultimateweedguru,"revealedaninsidertotheNational Enquirer.
Musical artist Wiz Khalifa is expanding his business empire with the launch of Mistercap's This new brand,namedafterhisnickname,is all about organic grow-your-own mushroom kits It follows in the footstepsofhissuccessfulcannabis company Khalifa Kush, established in2016
Inastatement,Khalifaexplainedhis motivation behind Mistercap's: "Growingyourownfoodisapassion for many But when it comes to mushrooms, there's a lack of knowledge WithMistercap's,Iaimto shed light on their incredible benefitsandmakethemaccessible to a broader audience" Introducing Mistercap's revolution in mushroom cultivation! With prices as low as $2795 per kit, we are making mushroomsaccessibletoeveryone
Asyoustartyourkit, you’llseeitbeautifully transforminfrontofyour eyesfromanorganiclogto anaturalworkofart,” Chetritsays.“Andoncethey arefullandmature, customersgettoharvest andenjoythemintheir favoritedishes.