The Oklahoma Chronic (February 2020)

Page 1


CANNA-ROMANCE How Cannabis Can Up Your Relationship Game




The Great Recreational Debate

The State of the Cannabis Industry


Beats by Dre Giveaway Page 32



The Oklahoma Chronic Magazine STAFF

Therin Miller || Chief Editor Instagram: @oklahomachronicmagazine

Kayla Johnson || Writer Instagram: @ladyofhousej

Dr. Pepper Hernandez || Writer Instagram: @dr.pepperhernandez

Rachel Klubeck || Cannabis Attorney / Writer Instagram: @roklubeck

Caleb Jones || Writer Instagram: @itsmecast

Dusty Hayes || VP of Sales Instagram: @OklahomaChronicKing

Veronica Castillo || Writer Instagram: @v2_traveling_veg_canna_writer

Melissa Hall || Canna Critic Instagram: @okcannacritic

Chef Buz Deliere || Canna Chef Instagram: @medibles_ok







THE GREAT RECREATIONAL DEBATE What's the State of Oklahoma's Marijuana Industry?


CANNA-ROMANCE How Cannabis Can Up Your Relationship Game


HEMPTON HEIGHTS Oklahomas First & Only Cannabis Friendly Resort




Sitting Down with The Chronic's own Canna Chef.

THE WORLD OF CANNABINOIDS & TERPENES In-depth Look into Caryophyllene




Where is Our Industry Headed? Did you Know Cannabis can actually help you with your love life? Who knew? This issue was a really fun one for us 39 because of the amount of traveling and visits we were able to Medical Marijuana Waste, do. We have partnered with "Hempton Heights" Oklahomas Disposal,and Environmental Implications first and only marijuana friendly resort located on Grand Lake. The great thing about that for you our readers is 49 because we are going to be giving away 2 night stays in a How Hemp Can Save Us beautiful cabin located on Grand Lake! As always thank you all your support it had been absoulutly encoraging. 52 What are Oklahomans looking for? "I love marijuana - Mary Jane - and you can print that! I smoke it every day and it's the greatest thing since ice cream and I'm not afraid to say it." -Rick James 57




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How Hemp Can Save Us

Jan. 2020




The Great Recreational Debate BY KAYLA JOHNSON

If you have paid any attention to the goingson in the cannabis world in Oklahoma lately, chances are you’ve heard quite a bit of buzz about different bills being tossed around. First, State Question 806 came around out of absolutely nowhere in the beginning of

For Shelley Free, a cannabis proponent

December, taking most of the industry and

known for her work with Oklahomans for

patients by surprise. Many, both patient and

Health in the past, the meeting was a mess,

industry members, had serious concerns as

but it wasn’t even a mess that was

to the origins of the bill, as well as some of

concerning State Questions 806 and 807.

the things contained within and how they

“The organizers weren’t there, and they

were written. For the better part of a week

didn’t even send a proxy in their place who

and a half, the community tore itself apart on

could answer these questions. I attended the

social media and through different videos,

meeting hoping to get direct answers from

with people taking sides and outright

the authors themselves, but I was only able

arguing with each other over the pros and

to see arguing and bickering about issues

cons of the bill. By December 23rd, the

completely unrelated to a new state

measure was withdrawn, only to be refiled a

question, mostly just complaints about the

few days later as State Question 807. While

implementation of SQ 788 and HB 2612.”

the bill was rewritten in some places and

Despite the frustration she felt at being

adjusted, many within the industry and

misled regarding the purpose of the meeting,

community were still very displeased

Free stated that to her, it doesn’t speak for

with the push for recreational legalization

the rest of the industry or community.

happening so quickly, and so the rifts

“I don’t believe the attendees of that

continued to grow between some businesses,

meeting are an accurate or whole

owners and even some patients.

representation of the medical cannabis community or the citizenry of Oklahoma,”

Once the new year rolled around, a

she said. “I do not believe events like this

community meeting of sorts was held on

should be given serious weight in the

January 3rd, in an effort to open

grander debate of recreational legalization;

communication between the community as a

there were zero subject matter experts

whole and the people behind the bill.

present, zero legal minds to interpret, no

What was supposed to be a productive and

political science input on process or

educational event turned into something far

engagement, and no one was keeping time,

less beneficial: while the organizers of SQ

flow, or order.”

806 and SQ 807 were expected to be in attendance, those who arrived to the meeting were sorely disappointed to find that was not the case. The townhall aspect of the meeting quickly went out the window as patients and business owners began voicing their unhappiness with the state of things.

OKLAHOMACHRONIC The anger that many of those in attendance

Wilson called for both honesty and a united

program already in place, and both highly

unleashed upon the moderator and each

front, saying that the industry is at risk to

encourage individuals who want a say in their

other is the same that has been bubbling

destroy everything accomplished thus far.

cannabis laws to get involved.

over, especially online, for several weeks

“All of this inward fighting and keeping

now and for Free, there’s no one solution to

information from each other, this is the only

start to smooth things over. “I honestly don’t

distraction our opposition needs to finish

already to register to vote. “Get registered and

know how to stop certain individuals within

building their argument and jeopardize all

educate yourself on ballot issues. Make your voice

the community from reacting from a place

that we’ve worked for. “ He continued to

known, and contact your legislator or

of anger and frustration, rather than trying

press the need to come together, touching

representative directly with your opinion on each

to react from a place of understanding. I

on what is a sensitive topic for many

piece of legislation they support or oppose.”

really believe that people realizing that their

patients. “People are really upset with people

interests are not the same interests as their

like Chris Moe and Norma Sapp right now

fellow citizens is a vital part of civic

because of their participation in this and how concerned citizens and patients should get

engagement and the political process in

it all came out, and it hurt a lot of feelings

involved in the political process, also pushed the

Oklahoma, and I think if every individual

when it came out that they knew far more

importance of educating others. “Education is the

recognized their own interests, and

than they let on. It created chaos, because

only thing that is going to defeat 807; the best

recognize the bias they have towards their

all the trust we’ve built between each other

thing we can do as an industry and a community is

interests, I think we would be having a

as an industry just flew out the window when to come together for an educational campaign

much more honest and real dialogue about

all of this came out of nowhere, with no

against 807, and from that point, move forward as


communication between the authors and the

a unified group. If we keep focusing the fight on

people they are planning to impact with this

tearing down these other little subgroups in our


community rather than coming together, we’re

That call for honesty is one echoed by

Free went on to encourage patients who haven’t

Wilson, who again echoed Free’s statement that

going to be spread too thin. When we come

Greg Wilson, owner of Mr. Mack’s, who says that even when he first heard about the

Both Wilson and Free, like many of us in the

together, we have nearly a quarter million patients

‘town hall’, he expected it to just be a

cannabis community in Oklahoma, support

in this state. That is a powerful voice, and

distraction for the industry. “The way

recreational legalization, provided that it’s

it’s up to us to be able to use it together.”

it was organized, organized by people who

done in a way to protect the medical

may have had challenges with their credibility in the past and by these large companies like CBD Plus that have quite a bit to gain, it just didn’t seem like it was going to be on neutral ground. Once it started, it just immediately dissolved into ‘fixing 788’, and talking about all these other things, and it didn’t seem like the event was created to bring people together to stay focused, it seemed like it was to keep us off track.” For Wilson, the fallout from 806 and 807 has been extremely apparent, and the lack of any honest dialogue is something he believes plays a big role in the current state of the industry. “As an industry, we are in shambles right now in a sense, because we have no unity. There’s no unified message, like what we had with 788, and when you don’t have it, that’s when the dishonesty and the ego comes into play,” he said. “You suddenly have people trying to be influencers, and using their business to create their voices, and it becomes very clique-ish very quickly, and even though people may have the same idea of ‘hey, no to 806 and 807’, there’s no unified message or alternative right now.”


CANNA ROMANCE: HOW CANNABIS CAN UP YOUR RELATIONSHIP GAME BY KAYLA JOHNSON Some things just go together: peanut butter and jelly, popcorn and movies, bacon and pretty much anything, you get the idea. Some things are just better together, and for a growing number of people, another groovy combination is gaining popularity: cannabis and their love lives. Whether you’ve been seeing someone new for a week or two now, or you’ve been happily married for a few decades, love is a beautiful thing in any it comes in, and now that legalization, whether recreational or medical, is spreading across the nation, cannabis is quickly establishing itself as an important cornerstone in many relationships. It’s a powerful little plant that is becoming a powerful little relationship tool that can bring both fun and healing to couples that need it.

If you have been with your partner, married or not, for more than a week, chances are, you understand that love and relationships aren’t always sunshine and rainbows. It can take work, consistency, and a lot of patience to grow together, and part of growing is dealing with the rough patches and stressful times that come along, big or small, even when it doesn’t seem to be worth it. In the past, there has practically been a stereotype created; the unhappily married or committed man, sitting in the bar, drinking his sorrows away after a big fight with his partner, or the woman out with her friends, drinking and complaining about her spouse. For decades, alcohol (the usual ‘social lubricant’ for many) has provided a toxic fuel, often helping relationships spiral downwards, whereas cannabis now offers a lifeline through those hard times, helping people calm down during or after arguments and encouraging them to see things from a different perspective. Because it offers such powerful stress relief almost instantly when it’s inhaled, cannabis can work in a preventive manner, helping ensure you’re not overwhelmed by the ‘little things’ in life that can wear and tear on us until we’re snapping at our spouse, and for those bigger issues that can arise in any relationship, it can help prevent things from escalating to an even bigger fight or a split by keeping things relatively calm. While sparking a joint isn’t going to fix the root of whatever the issue in your relationship is, lighting up, together or separately, can help you and your loved one approach it with cooler heads and open minds, meaning it will be easier to work through it together.


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The benefits cannabis can bring your relationship extend well beyond the salve it can provide for the less-thanpleasant moments. It’s not just a tool to heal emotionally, it can also be an incredible tool to help couples reignite that certain spark and bring a new sense of passion back to a relationship. It’s probably no secret to most of us that for many people, consuming cannabis has a very similar effect to consuming copious amounts of oysters. As Chazz so eloquently put it in Blades of Glory all those years ago: “It gets the people GOING.” This is especially true for the female portion of cannabis consumers; according to a study published in Sexual Medicine in June 2019, women who consume cannabis (whether lighting up or eating an edible in advance) before they get it on have a better experience, meaning they had a higher sex drive and a quitenoticeable decrease in pain/ discomfort. Whether you choose to smoke before ( or during, we don’t judge) or not, there’s quite a bit of buzz about the benefits of infused lubricant, and speaking from experience, some things you just need to try for yourself. Trust me on this. While the benefits do seem to be quite noticeable for women, it’s not just us ladies who see a benefit from cannabis in the bedroom; most men notice an uptick in their drive after they’ve lit up as well, and with our powers combined...well, you get the idea. OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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For those who are with someone or seeing them regularly, but haven’t quite crossed the bridge into a physical relationship, or for those who have more than enough spark in their marriage, cannabis has a few perks as well. Because it makes most users and patients relaxed and at ease, you may find it a little easier to chat and be less nervous on your date if you consume a small amount first. By helping us relax and be at ease with ourselves, cannabis helps open relationship doors that we may not have had the courage to open before, whether it’s talking to the cute girl in your apartment building to see if she’d like to have coffee, or finally asking the handsome barista if he wants to grab lunch. For those who have been together for a while, use that kind emboldening motivation to try a new hobby with your loved one, something you’ve both wanted to try, but never had the time or motivation to get into. Use cannabis to help you push your relationship out of a rut, and into something fun that you both enjoy. Cannabis is something that brings people together, and for many people, the right amount of cannabis can help them embrace their best self and put it out there. For relationships, whether they’re as solid as a rock or it’s on the rocks, cannabis can help you and your loved one grow closer, whether it’s through healing damage in your relationship, rediscovering your passion, or embarking on new adventures together. It’s not a cure-all, as we know, but it can be an important key to unlocking healthy, new or renewed aspects of your relationships, and honestly, it can just be a great deal of fun to share with your love. What’s not to love about that?



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HEMPTON HEIGHTS Hempton Heights, is the State's First and Only Cannabis Friendly Resort Nestled on 30 Acres next to Grand Lake in Northeastern Oklahoma.



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The legalization of medical

For many, this includes the

cannabis in Oklahoma has brought

possibility of a short vacation, even

a plethora of changes and new

just for a night away with a spouse

opportunities to the state. Over

or group of friends, and while

two hundred thousand people

traveling seems to be back on the

have become patients here, and for

table for most, there is

so many of them, life is completely

considerable concern as to

different. People who were once

whether or not many of the state's

bedridden from pain, depression or

popular vacation destinations are

other health problems have been

cannabis or patient-friendly. Hope

given a new lease on life, once

for the eager canna-vacationer is

again able to enjoy hobbies and

on the horizon, however, and it

activities they may have given up

comes in the form of Hempton

on long ago.


Nestled in the woods near Langley, a green haven away from the world is taking root in the form of sixteen cabins, stretched across thirty acres of peace. Throughout the property, owned by Nicole Holt and her significant other Jeff Lipe, work has been steadily moving along since the very next day after closing back in December. Holt, who also owns the Bong Boutique in the Flower District in Tulsa, says that the inspiration for this new venture came from an experience on their last vacation. "I've been a patient for about six years now, battling pancreatic cysts and traveling back and forth to Colorado frequently. We've always tried to travel to places where cannabis has been decriminalized, but my stepdaughter lives in New Orleans, so we went down there to see her." Holt says during that trip last September, the family stayed at an AirBnB and she decided to medicate with cannabis outside. "We ended up getting a call almost immediately after we left. I guess the owners had gone by shortly after I smoked one morning and smelled it, and they nearly kicked us out." That moment was a wake-up call for Holt, who confessed it frightened her to the point of tears, to think that she had put her family in jeopardy. "I felt awful, that I had nearly made our family homeless while on this trip in a different city." The situation made such an impact on the couple that the following month, Jeff began looking at properties online to purchase. Holt says that seeing how distressed she was after the call pushed Jeff to take action not only for themselves but for other patients as well. "He said, 'There are so many people just like us that would love to have a night to get away and do something, or relax.' He became very determined after that, and we were lucky that he found this place right away." For Holt and Lipe, it was a one-in-a-million chance that they stumbled upon the already-equipped property online so quickly, and the couple immediately went to investigate. "We jumped in the car to go drive and take a look at it. We called the realtor from the car, and while he couldn't show it to us that day, we were able to get in a few days later, and we made an offer the same day we walked the property."

OKLAHOMACHRONIC That kind of 'jump in and grow your wings on the way down' attitude is one that is familiar to many of us in the cannabis industry, as is the story behind this peaceful retreat in the wood: a need was discovered, and a solution was created, with the people behind it throwing their heart and soul into their work for the benefit of others. Both native Oklahomans who are heavily involved in the industry through Bong Boutique and The Flower District (owned by Lipe), Holt and Lipe have gone to great lengths to create a truly unique getaway for cannabis patients, one that welcomes guests to partake openly and without fear. For Holt, the resort's saltwater pool is a special highlight that she's particularly excited about, for others and herself. "I have never been able to just go take a dip in the pool and then get out to relax and smoke a joint in public, and I think that's going to be a great feeling for a lot of people this summer." In addition to the saltwater pool, the property also has seven hot tubs attached to different cabins, and Holt says they're also in the process of building a large firepit area for guests to mingle together. "It was really important for us to create a space outside for people to gather at night, share a fire and a joint, and just relax together." What's more, an event hall is being constructed on the resort grounds, leaving the door open for cannabis-friendly events or weddings to take place in the serene environment. The main clubhouse, a central piece of the property, will additionally feature a massage room, and for those who forgot their smoking apparatus of choice at home, Bong Boutique will be opening a branch at the resort to keep guests stocked and ready to partake.

Photos courtesy of Tiffanie Dartez @Motherabbit OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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While Hempton Heights was purchased with the cabins and structures already existing, Holt says that even their experience flipping rental homes in the past paled in comparison to the task before them. "This was a massive undertaking, we went in and redecorated every single cabin in addition to the main house. That means all new paint, lighting upgrades, all new flooring, countertops, mattresses, and everything, and it has turned out to be a lot of orders, a lot of decision-making, and it's been such a challenge to stay organized and within budget." She admits that it was a bit of a rabbit hole at times, albeit an enjoyable one," You get so into it! You kind of have to stop yourself after a while because you could just go on and replace everything, so keeping on track and keeping it all organized has been more work than I realized." Despite the challenges they've run into along the way, progress has rolled right along since Holt and Lipe broke ground on December 7th, with the expected grand opening of the resort in April of this year and a soft opening planned for earlier in the spring for a limited number of guests. Most of the other businesses in the cannabis industry and community have to do with growing, processing, cooking, or selling cannabis or ways to consume cannabis. Hempton Heights is a cannabis-centered business that rings unique among others because the focus isn't focused on the plant, it's the people. For Holt, knowing that people are going to be staying in these cabins she has been working on for weeks now is a big part of what keeps her motivated. "There's a feeling that you're getting it ready for someone, and that it's going to be a special stay for someone. I was honestly worried that the stress of having people stay would keep me up at night, but instead, I've found I enjoy the process of preparing this really cute space for someone, almost like I'm getting my guest room at home ready for someone to stay." Even Lipe, who Holt says normally focuses on the acquisition side of their projects, has become quite hands-on with the process, and she says that it's apparent that it means a lot to him. "I can tell how much he has enjoyed working on this, and now that we're getting closer to opening, it's becoming a reality at last."

OKLAHOMACHRONIC The resort aims to be a sanctuary where patients can relax and unwind without stress, and Holt has taken care to cover all the of the bases, including offering a breakfast menu created by Tiffanie Dartez of White Rabbit Medicinals in Tulsa. While it's not an infused experience, for the time being, Dartez, a co-host of High Maintenance Productions alongside Holt, has a strong reputation within the community for creating not only potent but scrumptious edibles. Tying in other aspects of the community has been an important theme for Holt and Lipe during the process, and though there have been naysayers commenting that 'cannabis event centers' and other 'side projects' shouldn't be a business priority in the community, Holt staunchly disagrees. "Just because it's recently legalized doesn't mean we're all just recent patients. We've been sick for a long time, we've been trying to treat it naturally with plants, and we've been hiding. We have had to sneak around and feel like we're criminals, whereas now, we can go to events and feel comfortable talking to people and just acting naturally. Just because we're patients doesn't mean we should be penalized for wanting places where we can gather comfortably or getaway. That's important for any community, to be able to feel at ease, and here, you can do that. You can smoke, and just be yourself, without worrying that it's going to feel like a party situation." While they have their focus on their grand opening in just a couple of months, Holt says when it comes to plans to expand in the future, she and Lipe are up for just about anything. OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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"We're open to anything to happen at this point. We want any growth that comes from the resort to be organic, but once we open, if we are booked solid and we can't get enough patients in, we would love to build more cabins as we need them. Ideally, we'd love to have up to fifty cabins out there for patients to enjoy." While there is still quite a bit of time between now and their grand opening in April, some important details for guests have already been ironed out. Unfortunately for your four-legged friends, due to many patients struggling with different allergies this will be a pet-free resort, though service animals will always be welcomed. Due to the openmedicating policy that Hempton Heights holds for the enjoyment of their guests, Holt and Lipe also decided to keep the resort adults only. "State law prohibits medicating in front of minors, so for guests staying, we are adultsonly, but for people interested in reserving the entire property and event barn, children are welcome." With prices for their basic cabins starting at $115, it's a great place for parents to enjoy a night away when the kids are with grandma and grandpa. While they're not quite ready to begin early booking, Holt says it's coming very soon, and to keep an eye on the Hempton Heights Facebook page for more information.

HEMPTON HEIGHTS The work that has gone into Hempton Heights is a reflection of the work that we as a community and as an industry have put in for a long time now. For Holt and Libe, it's not just another job to keep them busy during the week; it's something that they have poured a lot of time and effort into, and it's something that's desperately needed here in Oklahoma. Being able to go on a quick couple's getaway or a weekend away with a group of adult friends is a very normal thing, and for patients to be able to do that in a place where they can medicate openly? That's how you continue to strike down old stigmas and stereotypes, by allowing patients to normalize cannabis by doing normal things. Hempton Heights gives patients that opportunity, and while they're still working on some of the final projects, Holt and Libe are determined to turn their new venture into a dream come true, for the patients as much as themselves, and Holt admits she can hardly wait to see the finished product. "We've never done something like this before, where we put so much of ourselves into a place we bought and renovated, but this isn't just another real estate property, we're trying to create something special for people."

*Be sure to watch our next issue for a full look at the finished Hempton Heights!**


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OKLAHOMACHRONIC Good day my fellow Canna Chefs and welcome back to another edition of Cooking with a Buz. This months recipe will be made with lots of love, for all you lovers out there. That’s right, it’s February and we all know what that means, Valentines Day!

TOPPING DIRECTIONS 1. Put 2/3 of the berries into a sauce pan and put aside the remaining 1/3 of the berries, into a bowl and in the refrigerator. 2. Add the lemon juice and sugar to the berries in the sauce pan. Slowly bring to a gentle boil for about 7 minutes. The

This recipe was a favorite with my island family every year and I always enjoyed making it. This canna berry

mix should look syrupy and the fruit will be soft. 3. Next put the mixture into a blender and blend until smooth.

cheesecake is easy and is sure to make your evening

Then with a fine mesh strainer and a bowl, slowly pour the

magical, having you and your lover melting in each

mixture in to be strained. Use a spoon to force the sauce

other’s arms. Don’t worry if you’re single, like me,

thru the strainer by moving it around edges in a circular

because what I like to do is have a few friends over to enjoy a good meal, smoke, laugh and have way too much fun. So grab a bag of your favorite herb, twist one up

motion. Throw out the seeds left in the strainer and repeat. 4. Once all the sauce is strained add the remaining berries from earlier and refrigerate until serving.

and let’s get cooking with a Buz!


1. Crush up the graham crackers, put them in a large resealable plastic bag, you can use a rolling pin or wine bottle. 2. Next pour the graham cracker crumbs into a medium bowl, add your sugar and stir. Then pour in the butter and canna butter, and stir until well combined. This will be your crust, press the crumbs into a 9-inch spring form pan, spreading it about 2 inches up the side. Make sure it’s flat, put it into the freezer for about 15 minutes.


3. Beat the cream cheese with an electric mixer in a large bow at medium to med high speed until smooth. Slowly beat the condensed milk in a little at a time, make sure you use a rubber spatula to scrape the edges of the bowl. Then beat in the vanilla flavoring and you’re ready to pour the filling into the crust. Use your rubber spatula to smooth out the top. 4. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate about 3 hours, until firm. 5. Then all you need to do is unclasp sides of pan and take the cheesecake out and pour over your berry topping and enjoy!






FEB. 08, 2020



MAR. 22 - 24, 2020


APR. 2020





Kentucky Black with Pharm 788 It was easy to see why Kentucky Black was nominated for February's "Top Tender" She is extremely passionate about the industry and Pharm 788. Her knowledge on strains and all things cannabis are out of this world. Kentucky is not only knowledgeable on all things cannabis, she also studies the strains lineages so that she can make the correct recommendations to her patients. Kentucky really enjoys helping people as well as seeing how cannabis helps heal her patients is just one of the things she enjoys most about working in the industry. Pharm 788, tries to provide the lowest cost possible to patients thanks to Kentucky's relationships with growers and processors in the area.


Since living in Oklahoma, Kentucky has worked for Pharm 788 in Roland, Ok. The dispensary was recently hit by flood waters this past May, and while the waters where still rising Kentucky was not only trying to help evacuate the dispensary but at the same time she was also helping patients get their medicine before they too were flooded. Kentucky enjoys Hiking , Smoking and Cooking with and without cannabis. She has big plans for what she wants from the industry and how she would like to help grow the dispensary by having an upstairs experience where they offer craft cannabis that you can't just get anywhere.

Stop in and Ask for Kentucky!





Pick up any copy of The Oklahoma Chronic, and you’ll

Before he ever set his sights on the cannabis industry,

find a delicious cannabis-infused recipe inside, ready for

Deliere’s family life made it fairly easy for him to pick a

you to try out in your kitchen. As more and more patients

culinary career path. “I guess you could say it’s in my

begin diving into making their own edibles at home for

blood; I worked in my parents’ deli when I was younger,

the convenience and even just the fun of it, it’s become a

and a few restaurants when I was older,” he said. “I always

favorite for many. For the man behind the recipes, Chef

strived to learn more, so I decided to go to the

Buz Deliere, it’s the perfect combination of two of his

International Culinary Acadamy Le Cordon Bleu in

favorite things: cannabis and cooking. His passion for

Pittsburgh. I graduated from ICA in 2001, and have been a

cooking, especially infused dishes, is apparent, and now

chef for several restaurants over the years since then.”

that he’s working in the industry, he’s using his experience and effort to help patients all across the state.

It was during his time at ICA that Deliere first dipped his toes into cannabis-infused cooking, thanks to something

Born in Monroeville, Pennsylvania, Deliere’s family

he had learned in class. “I remembered learning about

moved to Edmond in 1985, and says despite living in a city

infusing different cooking oils in class, and a light bulb

known for being extremely hard on cannabis users before

just went off.” With his own experience with cannabis

legalization, his upbringing was never really swayed for or

easing his battle with insomnia, he decided to try it

against it,” I can’t say I was raised pro-cannabis or anti-

out. “It was game over after that, I started infusing coconut

cannabis. My parents just made me aware and educated

oil, then different types of flavor-infused olive oils as well,

me on the fact that I could be approached with the

like lemon basil, rosemary garlic thyme, garlic basil

opportunity to try it, and if I did there could be

oregano, etcetera. It was really exciting for me because,

consequences.” Despite the relatively mild approach his

with those oils, the possibilities were endless, and so the

parents took, Deliere admits the reputation of law

dinner parties began.”

enforcement in the area was a pretty prominent deterrent. “I mean, we were living in Edmond before legalization, and Edmond police don’t mess around.”


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While it came as no surprise to the closer members of his family that

Now, with medical legalization opening the door to a

he stepped into the cannabis world, legalization has given Deliere the

thriving industry, Deliere has taken his love for cooking and

opportunity to be more open with many of his other friends and

applied it to his love for cannabis, jumping into that industry extended family. “My immediate family and friends always knew this is feet first last January. “I started working at a dispensary and

what I have been aiming for, but now, I am a lot more open with all of

grow last year, and currently, I’m doing consulting, kitchen

my family about it, especially my nana, aunts and uncles,” he said.

design and product development for a few processors as well “Before legalization, it was frowned upon, but now, the last time I was as working at a grow. “ Turning his two passions into a career up there, some of them tried my cookies and my pain cream.” He has taken time and effort, as so many of us know, and he

confessed that many of his friends expected him to go in the green

says part of what has kept him motivated is seeing the

direction as well, and joked that the canna-bar was set pretty high with

impact of cannabis in the state. “I have always had a passion

them. “I have a pretty solid reputation with my friends and my edibles,

to be in the cannabis industry, especially here in Oklahoma.

and I guess you could say they have high expectations.”

I’ve seen how cannabis can help people, and to be able to have the opportunity to make my products here and help people, that’s extremely gratifying.”

For Deliere, as with many of us, the best part of being a card-carrying patient is the freedom that comes with it. “I can travel through the state with, possess, and responsibly consume medical cannabis without being

Like thousands of other people across the state, Deliere has

paranoid anymore. I can drive home from picking up without wanting

found relief in cannabis and points to his insomnia as the

to consume an entire bag just to soothe my nerves from the drive

starting gun for his canna-culinary career. “The main reason

back.” While many patients may struggle to pick just one strain as their

I started making edibles was to help me sleep. That’s the

favorite, Deliere knew exactly which one had earned that spot in his

main thing I like to use cannabis for, it relieves my anxiety

heart. “I’m a huge fan of Gelato. It’s such a beautiful plant with great

and insomnia,” he said. “These days, I’m not a caffeine

aroma and nice earthy tones to it. It smokes a champ, too,” he said. “As

person at all. While most people enjoy their cup of joe in the

for my favorite infused dish, that would definitely be, hands-down, the

morning, I have a joint of a nice

crab cakes. Infused or not, I can’t stop eating them!”

indica-dominant hybrid.”

Taking care of fellow patients is something that is becoming a prominent piece of the Oklahoma cannabis industry’s reputation, and for Deliere, it’s one of the greatest aspects of the industry and community a whole. “The Oklahoma cannabis community has been incredible. A lot of the people I have a chance to work with are doing great things in the state and in their communities.” He explained that he had the chance to get involved in part of the RSO, or RickSimpson Oil, movement, which helps provide cancer patients and others with serious illnesses access affordable, powerful medicine. “The RSO drive I was a part of was done by Medicus Auri. Two events were hosted, one by Greenly Meds in Oklahoma City, and the other by Doobies, in Mustang. We were able to offer the patients a full gram of RSO at five cents a gram,” he said. “It is something that I am very proud to say that I’ve been a part of. The great thing about Oklahomans is that we care about one another, and will take care of each other.” In that same mind frame of helping others, Deliere called for an adjustment to the industry, one that has been echoed by others. “I think it would really benefit a lot of patients if there as a delivery system set up. Not all patients have a caregiver that can help them get medicine, and even those that do, their caregiver can’t always fully explain what ailments they’re struggling with. We could really make it a goal to deliver the right kind of quality medicine to the patients who need it.”

OKLAHOMACHRONIC 1. Be patient: oils and butter can take some time cooking at low temperatures. Don’t rush

“It is something that I am very proud to say that I’ve been a part of. The great thing about Oklahomans is

the process. 2. Learn the right way to infuse: Different types of oils have different burning temperatures, so take the time to learn the best way for each different type. 3. Be prepared: Make sure you have the right tools and equipment. Whether you’re using a butter maker or doing it the old fashioned way, make sure you have what you need: strainers, cheesecloth, pots, molds, rubber spatulas, etc. 4. Decarb: Do NOT forget to decarboxylate (or decarb) your cannabis. It’s a chemical

that we care about one

reaction that turns THCA into THC, essentially activating your flower and making it far

another, and will take

more potent in your butter/oil.

care of each other.”

5. Use quality flower: You get out what you put in. 6. Have fun: You’ve done the research, you have everything you need, now twist one up, smoke it, and make some delicious edibles.

While Deliere is no stranger to cannabis like many of us, he acknowledged that there were still people who were unsure about trying it for themselves, and offered some simple advice,” Think of it this way: if all of the pills and treatments you are trying now aren’t helping you, why wouldn’t you try something that might have the potential to? I’m not saying it’s a cure or that it works for very body, but our bodies have cannabinoid receptors built-in. So why wouldn’t you try something that could possibly make your current quality of life better?” For those new to cannabis or just new to making edibles, Deliere encouraged patients to try making their own infused butter or oils at home, and offered six tips to help any patient, whether a new user or a veteran consumer, make potent edibles themselves.

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THE WORLD OF CANNABINOIDS AND TERPENES As we move forward through the terpenes, this month we come along to one of my favorite. This very potent and valuable terpene is Caryophyllene. Caryophyllene is just one terpene, out of the 100+ terpenes that we can find in the cannabis plant. It was one of the first cannabis-derived compounds other than THC, CBD, and CBN is shown to bind directly to endocannabinoid receptors. pics/medicine-anddentistry/caryophyllene Caryophyllene is well known for its very original spicy aroma and best known for its peppery note. (Insert laughter here, as to why it is my favorite) Anyhow, besides cannabis Caryophyllene is also found in black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, hops, and spices such as oregano, basil, and rosemary. Of course, Caryophyllene is found in cannabis and give some cultivars its slight pungency fragrance.


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Written By Dr. Pepper Hernandez Ph.D, NHP, NHC, CNHP, CTC

OKLAHOMACHRONIC Caryophyllene is a bigger molecule than terpenes like Myrcene or Limonene. To find out more about these two terpenes check out the Dec 2019 and Jan 2020 issues of the Chronic. Beta-caryophyllene binds to CB2 receptors, which makes it an ingredient in anti-inflammatory topicals and creams. Caryophyllene is the only terpene that binds to cannabinoid receptors. Unlike other terpenes, it is able to activate CB2 receptors throughout the body. Caryophyllene Effects and Benefits Relieves full-body pain Skin diseases Neuroprotective Anti-inflammatory issues Analgesic Protection of cells (the line the digestive tract) Anxiety and Depression Besides its analgesic and anti-anxiety properties, some studies have found that Caryophyllene has some very promising properties when it comes to alcoholism rehabilitation. A group of scientists performed research on mice and found that this terpene reduces the voluntary intake of alcohol. They even recommended Caryophyllene for treating alcohol withdrawal symptoms. In another study also done on mice, scientists claim multiple behavioral changes relevant to anxiety and depression. You can benefit from Caryophyllene by using cultivars such as Super Silver Haze Skywalker OG Kush Royal Cookies Bubba Kush Sour Diesel Chemdog Candyland Death Star Original Glue Cookies and Cream Gelato White Widow Master Kush


All information in this article is for educational purposes only. The information provided is derived from research gathered from external sources. Please check with your Cannabis Educated Primary Health Care Physician or Cannabis Therapy Consultant before beginning any new diet or lifestyle change. Dr. Pepper Hernandez, CNHP is a Naturopathic Nutritionist, Raw Food Chef, Cannabis Therapy Consultant, The Founder, and Education Director of the Cannabis Holistic Institute. To find out more about her private practice, educational programs, videos and other offerings you can and find her on the massive interwebs, social platforms or Go forth, Go Cannabis OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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2020 BRINGS MORE CANNABIS JOBS AND CANNABIS EDUCATION BY VERONICA CASTILLO Cannabis legalization is booming and, Cannabis has officially become an industry. An industry offers jobs and that means- colleges offer programs/coursework that will equip students for jobs in those industries. Forbes says: “Even though cannabis use in some form is legal in only two-thirds of the states, our burgeoning industry is among the fastest-growing job markets in America.” Currently, the cannabis industry employs over 211,000 full-time employees. That’s just full-time, this doesn’t include part-time, seasonal, or contract workers- and that number is expected to BOOM: Forbes reported that the Cannabis industry added 64,000 jobs in 2018. According to Leafly, the state Florida (which is only a medicinally legal state at this time) added over 9,000 jobs in the Cannabis industry- the most jobs of any state.

Cannabis Jobs to Lookout for in 2020 Reports and predictions from New Frontier Data, Business Insider, and Leafly show: By the end of 2020, the United States should expect to see 300,000 jobs in the Cannabis industry. Florida’s marijuana industry will increase to 15,494 jobs in 2020. Cannabis is expected to overtake manufacturing in job creation. Positions in Cannabis as a whole will be in high demand because the industry is in high demand. Not all states benefit from Cannabis employment due to legality, however, in states where Cannabis is legal and expected to become legal, these positions are ones to be on the lookout for because they are considered “high in demand”. This appears to be the case in my opinion because- a search on any job search platform such as Indeed, show pages and pages of these jobs in legal states:

CBS news reports that the median salary in the Cannabis industry is $58,511- 11% higher than the overall median salary in the United States.

Budtender- usually employed at dispensaries, similar to a bartender/sales associate.

With wages/salaries averaging 11% higher than other industries- the boom won’t slow. People will want jobs in the industry and colleges will start launching full degree programs- it’s already happening! The Motley Fool, a private financial and investing advice company stated: “Between 2018 and 2023 we should see legal pot revenue essentially triple in the United States, perhaps even hitting $30 billion.” So, what can we expect to see in 2020 regarding Cannabis jobs and education? Let’s take a look.

Grower- usually employed by a Cannabis farm to plant and grow Cannabis. Bud trimmer- usually employed by a Cannabis farm and responsible for harvest: cutting/trimming the flowers from the stems. Extraction Technician- usually works out of a lab and responsible for extracting cannabis plant matter/oils/cannabinoids/ terpenes from the plant and turning it into concentrates. Dispensary Manager- usually employed by dispensary owners to manage the operation of the dispensary.


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OKLAHOMACHRONIC With legality happening more and more around the U.S, other positions are starting to blossom around the country- in the Cannabis industry: Edibles Chef Marketer Brand Ambassador Account Executive Distributor Cannabis College Degrees/ Programs to look for in 2020

Colleges want in on Cannabis too. Though I should say this before getting into Cannabis degree programs: because the government continues to hold Cannabis hostage as a Schedule 1 “drug”, financial aid/ pell-grants/ student loans may not cover a Cannabis program. Those are federal loans and the government- just like with research- may not open up the wallet for assistance. Colleges and programs to watch for in the U.S in 2020: Cannabis- Biology, Society and Industry: Undergrad Coursework and Master’s Degree - Cornell University in Ithaca, New York Cannabis, MBA: Master’s Degree - University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Regulatory Affairs for Cannabis Control: Graduate Certificate - Clark University Active Cannabis programs at colleges/universities in the U.S: Cannabis Science Major: 4 Year Degree Program -Northern Michigan University in Marquette, MI -Minot State University in Minot, North Dakota Medical Cannabis Science and Therapeutics: Master’s Degree Program -University of Maryland School of Pharmacy Marijuana Law and Policy: Law, Coursework -Vanderbilt Law School Cannabis Journalism: Coursework -University of Denver -University of Connecticut Cannabis Studies: Undergrad Minor -Stockton University in Galloway, New Jersey -SUNY in Morrisville, New York - Colorado State University in Pueblo, Colorado


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The topic of Cannabis isn’t new to college though. In the 90’s and into the early part of the 2000’s, for profit schools launched coursework in Cannabis: Cannabis Training University Clover Leaf University Oaksterdam University So, in closing I’d like to say that I believe that 2020 will be another successful year for Cannabis- a booming one! It is expected that 16 states will have Cannabis on their ballots in 2020. This just means- more Cannabis industry jobs! Interested in getting into the cannabis industry? Here’s a tip: go to Google, search “google alerts”, click the link, and set up “cannabis education” and “cannabis jobs” alerts to stay in the know.







This past month, police got involved after dispensary owners in Bethany, Oklahoma were disposing of medical marijuana waste improperly. The owners disposed of their medical marijuana waste in a trash bag thrown in their dumpster, which was later ransacked by vagrants and scattered across the premises. The Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (“OMMA”) told Oklahoma News 9 proper disposal of medical marijuana waste depends on what is being thrown out and stated, “buds, flower, or other product should be taken to a licensed facility”. The OMMA, however, has not licensed one waste disposal facility since applications opened November 1, 2019. In Oklahoma, medical marijuana waste is subject to the provisions of the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Waste Management Act but is not subject to the provisions of the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act. "Medical marijuana waste" is defined as the unused, surplus, returned, or out-of-date Marijuana (and plant debris of the plant of the genus Cannabis,) including dead plants and all unused plant parts. Roots, stems, stalks, fan leaves, and seeds are specifically excluded from medical marijuana waste. "Disposal" is defined as the final disposition of medical marijuana waste by either a process which renders the waste unusable through physical destruction, or a recycling process. Regarding medical marijuana waste disposal licensing, Oklahoma law provides: “The Authority may, upon determining that public health or safety requires emergency action, issue a temporary license for treatment or storage of medical marijuana waste for a period not to exceed ninety days. The Authority shall not, for the first year of the licensure program, issue more than ten licenses. Upon the conclusion of the first year, the Authority shall assess the need for additional licenses and shall, if demonstrated, increase the number of licenses as deemed necessary by the Authority.”


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Medical marijuana waste" is defined as the unused, surplus, returned, or outof-date marijuana (and plant debris of the plant of the genus Cannabis,) including dead plants and all unused plant parts.

By accepting only ten licenses facilities in the first year, the OMMA’s present policy will have an environmental impact due to the influx of medical marijuana waste. California marijuana retailers are required to dispose of marijuana waste in a secure receptacle or designated area. In Oregon, marijuana plants and products may be disposed of by landfill or compost. In Washington State, businesses are required to keep waste for three days, attach a barcode to it, and then dispose of it by mixing marijuana with 50% “other material”. While the laws vary from state to state, Oklahoma faces urgent implications for growing environmental concerns and missed market opportunities for Oklahoma applicants. In beginning to explain exactly how medical marijuana waste is produced, we must start with growers. Pests, deficiencies in nutrients, over or underwatering, and mold are all issues medical marijuana growers face in attempt to keep every one of their marijuana plants alive and well – a trying (if not impossible) task. Oklahoma law provides that commercial licensees, medical marijuana research facilities, and medical marijuana educational facilities are authorized to destroy roots, stems, stalks, fan leaves, and seeds without being required to utilize the services of a medical marijuana waste disposal facility. Flowering plants and buds, however, are not to be disposed of by the grower and need the appropriate disposal through a licensed facility. OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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Processors and dispensaries must dispose of their unused, surplus, returned, or out-of-date medical marijuana and medical marijuana products, resulting in even more medical marijuana waste. Additionally, samples of medical marijuana tested and researched by licensed laboratories are to be disposed of after analysis. Pursuant to Oklahoma law, a test batch cannot exceed ten pounds of medical marijuana or medical marijuana product. Considering the volume of medical marijuana produced in the Oklahoma market thus far, the number of samples resulting in waste are ever-growing which should raise environmental concern. Additionally, because of packaging requirements, patients find themselves with medical marijuana waste after consumption, including but not limited to excess pre-roll packages, empty cartridges, and exit bags. Manners of recycling are being introduced but have not been successfully consistent throughout the Oklahoma medical marijuana retail industry. With concerns for landfill exhaustion, Oklahoma must consider progressive and precedential medical marijuana waste disposal methods at a quicker rate to avoid lasting environmental issues. Commercial licensees may dispose of root balls, stems, fan leaves, seeds, and the mature stalks or fiber produced from such stalks at the licensed premises by open burning, incineration, burying, mulching, composting or any other technique approved by the Department of Environmental Quality (“DEQ”). The OMMA requires a waste disposal license applicant to have already obtained a DEQ permit prior to the OMMA issuing waste disposal licensing. With this, the OMMA has arguably acted out of the scope of their authority. Commercial licensees have an independent requirement to obtain their Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (“OBNDD”) license to maintain compliant operations – why is the DEQ permitting requirement not a reflection of existing regulations? The DEQ is a governmental agency under the State of Oklahoma whose vision is “to eliminate the effects of unintended consequences of historic development, to prevent new adverse environmental impacts and to provide significant input into national decision making, all the while enhancing both the environment and the economy of Oklahoma.” Despite the fact the OMMA may have acted out of the scope of their authority by requiring permitting by the DEQ prior to licensing, there is an imperative – if not emergency – need for appropriate waste disposal facilities to allow for the protection of our environment while also allowing Oklahoma residents to cater to the bursting marijuana market. The OMMA and DEQ each hold the responsibility to Oklahoma citizens to communicate with one another about regulation implementation and requirements, and it is their duty to provide guidelines for commercial licensees and patients alike regarding medical marijuana waste disposal. Our state and planet may not withstand another ten years of landfill exhaustion, chemically composted mixtures, and openburning without lasting environmental complications… isn’t it about time the State of Oklahoma set the precedent for environmental standards and protections?


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The Oklahoma Chronic Magazine Never Miss an Issue





FIRST LOOK: LIP SMACKER The Chronic's Exclusive Access to this Sativa Leaning Hybrid BY Melissa Hall, M.Ed.

Back on the strain hunt, tired of mids and even upper mids, bored with the flavor of the week that


everyone has to have, I have been on the pursuit to find a true Exotic, with an exceptional grow for this months review. Something unique, a strain most people have not even seen, something unequivocally outstanding, this is what I was looking for. In my quests for the most exquisite Cannabis in Oklahoma, occasionally I run across their trendy cuts, shock and awe bag appeal and super popular pheno pack drops, Rooted Zen has quickly become a crowd favorite in the OKC Cannabis market and a familiar name across the entire state. I knew Zen would be the perfect go to for my favor with a true exotic. I asked Zen if they had an extraordinary, unique strain that would be perfect for The Chronic Monthly Cannabis Review. The guys at the Rooted Zen farm surpassed my expectations and gave The Chronic exclusive access to a strain from their latest harvest. This strain was released to The Chronic to sample before it dropped on dispensary shelves. The remarkable strain they selected was Lip Smacker! Intimidating and alluring, Lip Smacker is a very hard to find slightly Sativa leaning hybrid bred by Exotic Genetix. Flirty and fun, the Lip Smacker strain combines the Indica lovers treat Sherbet with another sugary delight Strawberries and Cream. Lip Smacker earns its name with an unmistakable fruity yet deep aroma that notes light berry, citrus and sweet cream then draws the attention to the dank and skunky, earthy undertones and even a hint of that Durban Poison lineage leaving a gassy presence. The first whiff even screams exotic and the berry scent lingers after it is smoked. This strain is a perfect dose of light and sweet and deep and truly dank. Don’t let the sweet, cute name fool you though, this luciously fragrant prize has every component to be a true heavy hitter.

rehpargotzzirf@ yb yhpargotohP

growers that catch and keep my attention. With


Dressed to impress, Lip Smacker steals the show with its dazzling appearance. Absolutely coated and glazed with sparkling snowy white trichomes, the light lime green and sparse forest green solid buds are dotted with light orange and rust colored pistils. The density of this grow is amazing. Outstandingly firm, Lip Smackers buds are competition winning perfect. The cure on the flower is supreme and adds to that thick white coat the Lip Smacker proudly wears. A proper cure is more than essential to the quality of the flower in every way. If you

Photography by @frizztographer

catch a Glance of this girl on a

Lip Smacker may be a Sativa leaning hybrid, But the effects from its Indica ancestry

dispensary shelf you are most definitely going to take a second look. Stunningly

are oh so prevalent. And immediate sense of altered perception sets in with the first

impressive, Lip Smacker will reserve a

exhale. The head rush is persistent and dominates at first, but the body buzz comes

seat on any top shelf.

on strong without leaving users stuck somewhere. The effects are amplified in waves that almost mimic a mild psychedelic state. You feel a bit floaty and super

After sampling this skunky sweet

comfortable. The balance of Indica and Sativa make this great for wake and bake or

delight, You will certainly be reminiscent

your bedtime bowl. Lip smacker would be a good strain for stress, pain, muscle

of its name sake by thinking of those

stiffness and has even been said to help with ADHD and PTSD. Lip Smacker is an

pocket-sized super fruity lip balm’s every

absolute must try strain if you ever come across it. This grow was definitely the true

third grader just had to have in at least

exotic I was looking for.

three flavors. The delightfully sweet Thanks so much to the good folks over at Rooted Zen for The Chronics privileged

flavor profile flashes the rich, ripe strawberry taste from its Strawberry

sneak peak of the amazing Lip Smacker strain. As always, remember to medicate

Cough ancestry.

responsibly and Stay Lit Oklahoma.

Lip Smacker by Rooted Zen Rating: 5

= Highest Rating







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Many believe that global warming is

nothing but a scare. Others are marching and protesting for change that will help save the planet. Then there are people that believe anything is possible, especially if Florida is starting to experience winter. I say- for safety, let’s just turn to hemp! NASA says: “Global climate change has already had observable effects on the environment. Glaciers have shrunk, ice on rivers and lakes is breaking up earlier, plant and animal ranges have shifted and trees are flowering sooner. Effects that scientists had predicted in the past would result from global climate change are now occurring: loss of sea ice, accelerated sea level rise and longer, more intense heat waves.” Hemp History in the United States

Cannabis hemp will help us in so many ways. Hemp can contribute to daily life for the better. Our country has a history of using hemp in everyday life- before, during, and after prohibition. Lets’ take a stroll down history lane: Benjamin Franklin used hemp in his paper mill. The first two copies of the Declaration of Independence were supposedly written on hemp paper. Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, created a plastic car in 1941 which ran on hemp and other plantbased fuels. United States Presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew hemp. The USDA produced a film called "Hemp for Victory" to encourage U.S. farmers to grow hemp for the war effort.


How Hemp Can be Used in Everyday Life Hemp is such a versatile plant. It can be used to feed animals, to feed humans, it can be used as fuel, as medicine, and for housing. This just covers a few uses; hemp can be used for so much! Every part of the plant- even the roots, have purpose. Food: Hemp seeds contain a protein that is more nutritious and more economical than soybean protein. The seeds are rich in lanolin and linolenic acids, and are considered a complete protein (a food source of protein that contains the nine essential amino acids necessary in the human diet.) Hemp seed protein can be used to produce products like: tofu, veggie burgers, butter, cheese, salad oils, ice cream, milk, etc. Material: Like cotton, but better, and without the ugly history; hemp can be used for: clothing, carpet, and fuel. These are just a few uses; the list is more expansive. For fuel, oil from hempseeds can be turned into biodiesel, or the fermented stalk can be made into ethanol and methanol. Clothes have been made from hemp instead of cotton, for many years. It is said that hemp clothing is more durable than cotton because the fibers of hemp do not break with washing or wearing. Instead, they get softer with time but do not tear up as cotton does. Medicine: Hospital visits and tests are hurting our environment. Those machines, like radiation and dialysis machines, throw harm into the environment. Health care creates a tenth of US greenhouse gas emissions. Hospitals also produce about a pound of hazardous medical waste per bed per day. As the months pass, more and more research is being conducted, and proof is being found in the medicinal healing benefits of hemp. It’s also much more affordable than the “medicine” the government has legalized: A 2017 study by Reiman, Welty, and Solomon found that an 93% of patients preferred marijuana to opioids for pain management. 97% of the group of over 2,800 participants agreed that cannabis use enabled them to reduce their opioid intake. The average 30-day supply of Celebrex can cost between $203 to $241, depending on your provider and insurer. If someone is paying on the lower end of the price spectrum, that’s approximately $2,436 per year. The difference in price between a one-year supply of CBD tincture and Celebrex is about $1,476. Conclusion We are actively seeing and feeling signs of change in the environment. In a recent interview, actress and environmental activist Jane Fonda, warned that we have 11 years before the damage is irreversible. If this is true, that means that in 11 years, we will reach the point of no fixing. If we don’t make changes, what does this mean for our children and grandchildren?


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WHAT'S GROWING IN 2020 by Caleb Jones

Currently in Oklahoma there are over 4,000 growers and the majority of them are in full force producing medical grade cannabis for the patients of Oklahoma. With consumers needing to use specific medicines to treat different pains, ailments, and debilitation, the law of supply and demand still continues to thrive in a strictly medical market. However, with that being said, growers still get to choose how they grow and what they grow even in a strictly medically legal state and Oklahoma’s market is no different. Oklahoma kings of cannabis explained that in 2019 they saw a “sativa” dominant cannabis shortage in Oklahoma because” Indica” dominant cannabis is typically more resilient and easier to manage.

The reason being that, generally speaking, less care and attention has to go into an Indica plant in order for it to profitably reach maturity. So, producers naturally lean towards the easier of the two to grow. Oklahoma kings of cannabis also explained that when it comes to dispensaries some only want cannabis produced in specific environments such as indoor, organic, or hydroponics, or a mix of that. However, in 2020 as Oklahomans learn more about what cannabis really is and how to grow it, more cannabis strains, genetics, and how to grow them will be discovered as well as practiced.

Take a peek into a day in the life of budding artist Stella Young, and how she improves her craft

“Whoever said the best things in life are free, obviously grew their own marijuana” - Anonymous OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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OKLAHOMACHRONIC Seasoned growers in Oklahoma mentioned that a number of lineages, rather than individual strains, are going to blow up in the Oklahoma cannabis market during 2020. How it was explained, is that specific strains themselves won’t necessarily top the market and explode due to the very simple nature of plants. Cannabis is a very reactive plant so no matter what specific genetics the individual plant has, a lot of the time the environment will affect the outcome just as much as the chemical makeup the seed popped with. When asked what specific strains would be popular on the medical market in 2020, Lamont Headd explained that specific strains won’t be capitalized on. However, due to its high amount of Cannabinoid receptors (CB) CB2, which aides in weight loss, “... blue cheese will be a staple...” because Oklahomans have become more health conscious within the last few years. The second full year of Medical Cannabis in Oklahoma will evolve and maintain lineages/genetics such as the Cheeses, the Breaths, the Cookies, and the Cakes. Classic strains like blue dream or granddaddy purple will almost always be available in every dispensary you walk into but growers are going to want to experiment and expand their lineups with new and more difficult to grow strains. With the new year, genetics such as the cookies lineage that have birthed amazing strains such as the all-time favorite Girl Scout Cookies will be interbred with other genetics to create amazing new hybrids like the exotic sounding Indica dominant strain, Alien Cookies or not so exotic sativa dominant, Thin Mint Cookies. Who knows how many different unique genetics will be used to create new hybrids in 2020?

Growers tend to want to grow what dispensaries are going to buy, and dispensaries want to purchase what is going to sell to the general public. If the bud isn’t pretty and weighty it won’t look good on shelves or in cases and it might not sell well. There are a lot of misconceptions to the methods used for growing cannabis. Some dispensaries only want specifically grown cannabis because they think that type of medicine is the “best”. While some dispensaries prefer indoor hydroponics grown cannabis and some prefer indoor/outdoor organic cannabis that is all a matter of preference because if you know what you are doing when growing cannabis, no matter how you grow it you can produce quality flower. A huge part of what makes nugs unsightly are the techniques growers use to produce their flower. The first-year medical cannabis was legal in Oklahoma everyone and their dogs were either starting a grow op or opening a dispensary. With that being said, not everyone who did that, had the ability to do it 100% perfect and some improper techniques have been used to grow the medicine we use today. Without proper technique, letting plants grow uncorrected, bad environments, and over or under watering/feeding will very easily contribute to the demise of your crops. If you harm your plants growth and development due to lack of maintenance, unproductive “Christmas tree” shaped plants and thin lanky stalks will detract from the medicine the plant can produce in the long run.

The nutrients you put into your plant will ultimately make or break your plant. Letting a cannabis plant grow with the wrong food as well as not checking and adjusting the ph and ppm (parts per million) will lead to burning, deficiency, wilting, as well as many other preventable problems. Unmonitored growth combined with improper maintenance of humidity and temperature in the grow room can cause sweating and mold/fungal issues in the wet Oklahoma heat. Properly defoliating which is cutting insignificant growth off the plant can not only help it breathe but also help the energy being produced be more focused towards older, more mature growth. Defoliating will also help humidity issues and wilting issues caused by weight. Another retardation technique that actually accelerates other growth is topping or clipping the uppermost shoot/stem so the plant stops stretching, focusing the energy toward bottom branches and thickening existing limbs. Using clipping techniques and trimming in the right stages of growth will contribute to the overall structure and success of the plant. Pests have always been a huge problem in Oklahoma and when growing became legal pest maintained there “issue status” causing damage to plants and even destroy entire grows. Proper prevention such as organic pesticides and biological pest controls like lady bugs will be used throughout 2020 in order to keep the market stocked. As stated by royal queen seeds blog “lady bugs… are the samurai raptors of the garden” All in all, when education collides with experience, people tend to correct mistakes and improve their craft as well as the product being made. The medical market is a wonderful place to learn and fail and try again because no matter what, your trial and error is for the betterment of the craft as a whole. In 2020 we can expect a “canna-boom” bigger and better than last year’s start because just like cannabis, we humans are resilient and quickly adapt to changes in their environments. Genetic diversity and capable hands have the industry looking up and the future brighter than the Oklahoma sun for cannabis patients and growers alike!


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As of Jan 1 there are 5,443 growers within our state


We now have 1452 licensed processors in the state

Dispensaries Transportation Laboratory

We have made another dramatic jump back up to 2,242 dispensary licenses with this great state We now have 5 Transportaion licenses We have 3 licensed labs

Approved Licenses: 235,786 Patients & 1,787 Caregivers Received Licenses: 246,978 Patient & 2,412 Caregivers OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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We are rapidly approaching the two-year mark for the vote to legalize medical cannabis in Oklahoma, but for a majority of the growers, processors, and dispensaries that have opened in the last year, this is the first time tangling with the bear that is tax season as a cannabis business. More often than not, tax time for non-cannabis businesses is generally a stressful time, and for cannabis industry members, it can be even more of an unpleasant situation, especially if the proper steps were not taken throughout the year. For some owners, this first tax season will quite literally make or break their business, and while it may not be plausible to fix any errors or mistakes made for this year, now is the time to start laying the foundation for a smoother experience next season. Here at The Oklahoma Chronic, we are in the process of compiling a detailed tax-time canna-guide with as much information from CPAs across the state as possible, set to go to print in March’s issue, but we know that many businesses have tax questions and concerns now. Below, we’ve listed five things you can do now, even if you’re concerned you may not be prepared, to ease into the process.

Know your own books: This one may seem fairly obvious. It’s always important to know to basics of how your business is doing, but it’s critical that business owners have a detailed picture of what’s going on with their business financially, especially if you have an outside company manage your books for you. Even if you haven’t taken a closer, hard look at your books in six months, take the time to do it before you get ready to approach a tax preparer so that you won’t be sitting in the office and have a bomb dropped on you that there is a major issue you didn’t even know about. Make sure your Form 8300 ducks are in a row: If you’ve been making any transactions in cash that go over $10,000, IRS Form 8300 is required to document it, and for those who haven’t been using them, substantial fines could be waiting around the corner for them. It’s a small thing, to fill out a form each time, and while it may just be one more irritating thing to add to your to-do list, taking five minutes to do it can save you boatloads later on. Organize your records: Whether you have a mountain of receipts or a messy book, getting your records organized into as orderly a fashion as possible will make it far easier to sift through everything. You can apply this idea long-term by picking up the habit of logging your transactions and documentation the same day, whether you use paper or choose to scan things in digitally to create your own cash log. Either way, get organized now and keep up the habit for next year to prevent more stress in the long run. Don’t fall behind: Whatever your situation is, whether you’ve prepared properly all year long or you’re finding that you may have a big headache on your hands, don’t just throw in the towel and give up on trying to take care of business. If you fall behind on paying any taxes, income or business, it can be nearly impossible to get ahead again, leaving you in a bigger pit than where you started even. Making an effort to do what you need to is the first step, and if you don’t even try, you’ll make it worse. Don’t give up: Even if you’re discovering that you’re in a tax pickle for one reason or another, or even if you’re just absolutely overwhelmed from trying to run your business, manage your home life, and sort through everything you need to get your taxes filed all at the same time, do not give up. Be open with your CPA or tax preparer about your situation, and be willing to put in a lot of work to do what you can to fix the situation. It may mean digging through months of receipts or transaction reports, or it may mean paying more than you planned. Be brave, even when it’s stressful, and know that addressing the situation head-on is far better than sticking your head in the sand.

Tax season can be hard. When you’re brand new to owning a business or running one, it can be even scarier to face down for the first time, and you may even feel like you don’t know what you’re doing. It’s a learning process, and while for some it may include some hard lessons, if you’ve been taking steps throughout the past year to prepare your business for this time, you’re already on the right track. Be sure to watch next month’s issue of The Oklahoma Chronic for our in-depth tax guide, where we will be answering as many detailed questions about the tax process and hiccups business owners may encounter as possible.




Photo by Markos Mant on Unsplash



TOP TENDER Do you know a bud tender that deserves to be recognized? We want to know about them, they may end up in a future issue. Just email us and tell us why they deserve it.


THE FACE OF "THE OKLAHOMA CHRONIC" Roses Are Red Cannabis Is Green It Will Hurt My Self-Esteem If You Don't Give Me A Ring


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