The Chronic Magazine (May 2020)

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MAY 2020

Who's Who

Growers in Our Great State



Marijuana and Art:

Toking Moms

Breaking the stigma this Mother's Day

Inspiration in All Forms

The Oklahoma Chronic Magazine STAFF

Therin Miller || Chief Editor Instagram: @oklahomachronicmagazine

Kayla Johnson || Writer Instagram: @ladyofhousej

Dr. Pepper Hernandez || Writer Instagram: @dr.pepperhernandez

Rachel Klubeck || Cannabis Attorney / Writer

Dusty Hayes || VP of Sales Instagram: @OklahomaChronicKing

Veronica Castillo || Writer Instagram: @v2_traveling_veg_canna_writer

Melissa Hall || Canna Critic Instagram: @okcannacritic

Chef Buz Deliere || Canna Chef Instagram: @medibles_ok

Instagram: @roklubeck

Terrisha Harris || Graphic Designer Instagram: @smoke_tree_cannabis

Carisa Rowe || Writer Instagram: @groovygrower







MARIJUANA & ART: Inspiration In All Forms







It's Impact on Oklahoma

Pineapple Teriyaki Cheeseburger


Art,Advocating & Looking Ahead

FROM THE CHRONIC TEAM Wow! It's crazy how much our world has changed we are starting to slowly open back up our economy after being quarantined for a little over a month. The U.S. Cannabis industry has proven to be recession proof and that is because of great people like you supporting all cannabis businesses. Thank you!



Don’t judge someone until you have shared a joint with them. -Anonymous OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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Growers in Our Great State



We are excited to announce that we have been working with Chef Buz to launch a cook book the first of many. Be on the look out for it! It makes me hungry thinking about it. This issue was really special we got the amazing opportunity to interview Cheech Marin from the famous comedic duo Cheech & Chong. His interview is inspiring and fun, get ready to learn some interesting facts and see what direction Cheech thinks we should be headed with cannabis in the U.S.




Veronica Castillo's 2 Week Experience


Review of Apothecary Extracts




Creativity. Does taking a puff inspire the user to be more creative? The majority of people you ask may say ‘yes,’ but is there any proof that it does? The idea that marijuana enhances creativity has been a point of contention due to lack of concrete scientific backing. The scientists that have studied this concept have come to many conclusions, one being that when enjoying or creating art, marijuana users may be able to, for example, hear more than what they usually do during a song. This, in theory, can be extended to how we take in visual stimuli as well. Art has been evolving from the moment man began to carve into cave walls. As time drove forward, the more broad and unique art grew. From the styling’s of Picasso to the swells in Beethoven’s many symphonies, art is an ever-changing form of expression both within the self and community. OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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For the cannabis community, creativity and THC go hand in hand. In fact, one of the common uses for marijuana is to unlock the user's creativity. This is more than the stereotypical idea that stoners are creative enough to smoke out of anything like: apples, cans, and empty Chapstick containers. It is even more than the stereotypical “high sayings” that some may produce while smoking; for example, “Why is a building called a building when it’s already been built?” There is much more to cannabis and creativity that meets the eye. The community surrounding marijuana is aswarm with a multitude of musicians, artists, rolling masters, glass blowers, writers and directors.

There is much more to cannabis and creativity that meets the eye

"Creativity and THC go hand in hand"


"Starting back in the Jazz era, musicians were smoking “reefer cigarettes” before playing"

Did you just hear Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg? I’m willing to bet that you did! Marijuana and music have been best friends for decades (potentially longer even), and they have created some masterpieces. Starting back in the Jazz era, musicians were smoking “reefer cigarettes” before playing. That may have been the birth of freeform jazz as we know it. From there, the path of marijuana is kind of lost to the mind of most people until we hit the 1960s: the era of love, sex and drugs. Not only did marijuana gain some following, but it also became an integral part of the hippie aesthetic in fashion, but more on that later. Of course, while marijuana was easily accessible and common, there were more than just joints being smoked at this point in music history, but the mellowing out ability that THC had was definitely present within bands like The Beatles and Pink Floyd. When marijuana was hitting peak popularity among people of all creeds, it was the era of Woodstock, late 1960s early 70s. From that moment on, the usage and prominence of marijuana being a source of influence in musicians sky rocketed even though it was still illegal throughout most of this time. Many artists have been open and honest that marijuana enhances their creativity or performance abilities like Alanis Morrisette, a singer who was at her peak in the 90s. Jump into the 21st century and some musicians even have their feet in the cannabis industry: Snoop Dogg has his brand of edibles, Wiz Khalifa has his own strain and Willie Nelson has a few strains too. Just like music, the movie industry has benefitted from creating marijuana themed or fueled characters and films. One of the most popular movie and television stoners is Scooby Doo’s Norville “Shaggy” Rogers, an iconic character who we never even see take a hit. Unlike Shaggy, perhaps one of the greatest stoner movies of all time that consisted of heavy weed usage and goofy hijinx is Cheech and Chong’s Up in Smoke; the comedy quickly becoming a solid top ten stoner movie. Following this movie, we produced movies like Harold and Kumar, Pineapple Express and many more. In fact, Pineapple Express made it full circle by having marijuana help inspire the movie to having marijuana inspired by the movie; the strain Pineapple Express did not exist before the movie came out. Pretty impressive. Not only are there characters that are famous for their weed usage, but there are a few directors who openly partake as well. One of those is Oscar winner Oliver Stone who directed Snowden. Stone is even famous for saying that marijuana “humanized” him, potentially drawing out another way to look at things and perhaps direct something Oscar worthy. Puff and Paint. Dab and Draw. Using marijuana and creating visual art is actually a popular way to hangout with all of your friends. They even have public gatherings where participants can meet new people. Not only that, but artists like Pierre Schmidt use marijuana when creating their unique designs and figures. Schmidt uses his inspiration to draw some spectacular impressions of the female body within nature. He claims it is a look into his own psyche. Another artist that is very popular on Instagram is Killer Acid, a pseudonym. His art is trippy, weird, and exactly what one might expect from a few cannabis fueled art sessions. Killer Acid’s style of art is much more cartoonish and doodlings inspired rather than Schmidt’s concepts of sensual women surrounded by nature. As they are so different, it is a great example of how marijuana affects everyone differently, especially when it comes to one's artistic ideas. Though they are completely different, both artists are simply on extremely different sides of the same marijuana loving coin. OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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Photo Credits: Tony Greenhands

Another type of marijuana artist is one that uses their talent for art and love for cannabis then combines the two to create masterpieces that are completely smokeable. These creations are a long way from forming a heart out of concentrate before you smoke it or making interesting tips for your joints. These can take days to complete and hours to smoke. One of the most famous Instagram artists to do so is Tony Greenhand from Oregon. Greenhand is one of the first artists of his kind. By using everyday smoking items, he has made dragons, necklaces, replicas of cartoon characters and many, many more. For his creations, he sometimes needs multiple ounces of flower to be able to create what was ordered. One of his most amazing creations is a squid that you have to light up all the tentacles before you smoke it. He is just one example of how the relationship between marijuana and art has evolved into something more than just smoking and feeling a rush of creativity. He is part of the intersection between using marijuana as a medium and using it as an enhancer. In the same sense, the art of glass blowing is another intersecting art form. Glass blowing fully smokeable and elaborate bongs and rigs is a real talent. A popular glass blowing company is Northstar Glassworks, Inc. They have been smoking marijuana and blowing glass for years, improving greatly over time. Some of the works that have been posted look too elaborate to smoke from and would function better as a decorative fixture in the room. They even make custom glass that can contain vortexes for the smoke. Glass blowing artists are one of the unsung heroes of smokers all over the globe; without them, we all still may be using soda cans and apples.

Fringe. Colored sunglasses. Flower crowns. Red, yellow, and green. Sagging beanies. Earth tones. Bell bottoms. Marijuana has inspired more than a few looks in the fashion industry. The way that marijuana influences fashion is not just the simple pot leaf on a flat brim hat or tie dyed graphic tees with a smoking animated character. Pot leaves on clothing can be very pleasing and not at all appropriate to wear in certain areas. Many designers are aspiring to turn the leaf into a simple pattern that doesn’t scream “I SMOKE WEED”. The novelty clothing that is produced is only one version of marijuana’s influence on fashion. Back in the Woodstock era, the way people dressed has, over time, become a staple of the stereotypical stoner. It may be the beginning of what has developed over time as the stoner “look”. The gist of a weed inspired outfit is fun, expressive, Earth tones with added flair from your own personality. Not only do the patterns of pot leaves appear on clothes, some of them are made from those leaves. Hemp clothing is becoming more popular as years go on as it is a safe alternative to many synthetic fibers our clothes are usually made of and it is easy to grow and harvest. As hemp is just another version of cannabis, hemp clothing is an amazing way to stay inspired by weed and sell to people who may not even partake in the plant. That way fashion serves as a medium between those who do and those who don't, to potentially lessen the gap and the stigma that can be associated with marijuana.

marijuana and art has evolved into something more than just smoking and feeling a rush of creativity

Art. In any form, art can be inspired by marijuana. From making music to glass blowing to painting, marijuana has helped a number of people explore mediums that are unique to them in order to share their talent with the world. As time goes on, the cannabis industry continues to get bigger and bigger; growing into a soonto-be nationally legal stimulus to the United States economy. Until that time, the community will still gain more knowledge about marijuana and how it can affect the mind. While the popular idea that marijuana enhances creativity may still be a debatable topic, it is almost impossible not to see the impact that a simple plant can have on a giant community. It is through the awesome talent of artists that marijuana is considered to be so beautiful and interesting aside from its inherent medical properties. Marijuana as a plant can be considered one of the best things on the planet; it can be used to treat cancer, smooth your skin, help digestive problems, and inspire works of art that become iconic even for generations after its production. Cheech and Chong movies have been integral parts of the marijuana smoking community for over forty years. Art that is interwoven with marijuana can last for generations because, let's face it, we haven’t stopped using for a century, and I doubt we will stop soon. As long as people partake in marijuana, there will not be a shortage in beautifully inspired art featuring leaves, referencing nature, and making marijuana something worth having in a museum instead of something sitting in an evidence locker. OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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Toking Moms

Dealing with stigmas is something the cannabis community has more than a little experience in. For decades, many of us have been called stoners, potheads, bums, addicts and more. Anyone who dared admit to using cannabis has immediately been labeled as anything from lazy to dangerous, and have often been sneered at for being ‘unproductive members of society’, even by members of their own family. Cannabis is now more mainstream and socially accepted than it’s ever been in our history. It’s not uncommon for people who consume it to be fairly open with their use, and while there are still those who look down on cannabis use, many of the stigmas that have hung over cannabis users and patients have started to fade away. One notable exception to this new appreciation and acceptance of the plant, however, is the persistent stigma many mothers (and yes, fathers too, in their own way) who choose to consume cannabis face. For moms who use cannabis for their health, they’re often caught in a constant struggle, between their medicine and the judgment that they may face from others.


If any of the women in your life are moms, chances are you’ve seen the phrase ‘mommy needs a glass of wine’ on anything from phone cases to t-shirts and wine glasses, and judging from what I hear from many friends with munchkins, it’s a pretty valid saying. Seriously, kudos to you moms who hold down the fort, especially those of you who are doing it during this wild time in world history. As commonplace as that saying and frame of mind are these days, it’s an attitude that rarely extends to the moms and caregivers who prefer a joint or dab over a glass of wine or other alcohol, even if they’ve taken the step and received their medical card.

Many who are in a position where they share custody with a former partner are in even more treacherous waters; many a mom has found herself the subject of undue scrutiny due to a vindictive ex or family member, even when they’ve taken the proper precautions to ensure their medicine is locked away and out of reach. While this is something many families, mothers and fathers alike, deal with, it’s often a particularly prominent problem for mothers, who are usually already under increased scrutiny and judgment from others. There’s a reason mom-shaming is a thing, unfortunately. I don’t say any of this from experience; I’m not a mom myself. Many of my wonderful friends and family members are, however, and I’ve seen how so many of those who have chosen to use cannabis face discrimination and stigmas, simply because of their choice of medicine, to the point that they struggle to find ‘mom friends’ who are accepting of their decision. I have an enormous amount of respect for the ones raising the next generation of cannabis patients and advocates, and I can’t imagine the stress many canna-moms have carried with them. With Mother’s Day rapidly approaching, it felt like the appropriate time to not only shed additional light on the sticky situation so many mothers find themselves in, but to show how these cannamoms are throwing off the lingering stigma and pushing back against discrimination and negativity by simply living their lives, with a little bud sprinkled in. With the rise of social media, ‘mommy groups’ have become exceptionally popular. Many of the larger ones on Facebook have several thousand members, and while there is usually helpful advice and information to be found, like all social media, these groups have a dark side. For cannabis-using mommas, they’re especially dangerous. Kelly, a canna-momma from Pawnee who asked that her last name be withheld, stated that in many of the groups she’s tried to be a part of in the past, even the mention of support for legal cannabis has flipped a switch that led to intense online bullying.



“There’s been a lot of progress made in the last couple of years, but for those of us who smoke marijuana and have kids, there’s such a nasty stereotype hanging around that it’s hard to find a safe place to talk about it,” she said.” Even if people don’t care if it’s legalized, they see that you said something about smoking after your kids went to bed, and they just assume that you’re taking risks and exposing them, or leaving it out where they can get into it. It takes on a whole new type of problem.” Even as this type of bullying activity remains a prominent problem online in many circles involving moms, Kelly says she found relief and friendship through groups focusing on cannabis use first. “Of course any cannabisthemed group is probably going to be less judgemental of me being a mom who smokes, but I’ve really been able to connect with other moms online who are in a similar position, where they’re responsible with their flower but still like to enjoy it. It turns out there are more moms like me in the area than I thought, and a lot of them have had similar negative experiences online.” Even offline, judgmental comments and outright hateful attitudes are something many a mom has likely experienced, especially if she chooses to consume. However, because more moms than ever are beginning to turn to cannabis for their health needs, those hateful attitudes could become a thing of the past sooner than later; studies have started to show that women are rapidly becoming a powerhouse when it comes to consuming cannabis, and as that movement continues to spread, the arguments that cannabis use means one is inherently a bad parent are being proven false. It’s a tall wall they’ve kept parents, moms in particular, behind, but brick by brick, joint by joint, and mom by mom, it’s coming down. Many of the women who have faced discrimination or negativity due to their cannabis use while raising children have used those bricks to build a platform to help shatter the lingering stigmas and stereotypes still facing many other moms today. Amy Lee, owner of Boho Oils, credits cannabis with not only overhauling her health, but her entire life, and says that the criticism and judgment she faced from others only fueled her desire to succeed in the long run.

OKLAHOMACHRONIC “I personally medicate daily, it helps manage my ADHD, hypothyroidism, my anxiety, it reduces inflammation in my joints, boosts my mood...It really assists with my overall wellness.” Over time, Lee was able to drop ten different pharmaceutical medications and says her daily regimen not only impacted her health, but how she was as a mom. “My anxiety throughout the day is much lower and easier managed. I’m happier, especially when I’m fully balanced through my endocannabinoid system.” Despite those moments of criticism and even hatefulness, Lee has maintained a particular focus on being open with her daughter about her cannabis use, as well as other members of her family. “I own a cannabis and wellness business, where I coach others to wellness through cannabis and nutrition. My daughter knows the educational and medical aspects of cannabis because she’s heard me practice my talks, and I’ve never tried to hide that from her.” Rather than let it throw her off, Lee says each encounter with negativity pushed her further. “I’ve been on the receiving end of cannabis judgment more than once, but to me, it’s just an opportunity for a teaching moment, and breaking a stigma that’s been there for too long.” Just like any other cannabis patient is encouraged to be open with their use, Lee encourages all moms to shake off the stigmas and change their own inward perspective. “I’ve held many cannabis consultations where women are shy about their cannabis use. I get it, because I was the same way. It wasn’t until I, personally, stopped viewing it as a negative, bad thing and started seeing it as a life-saving medication that I really stood up and got comfortable being open with my use. Remember, it’s just your medication; you wouldn’t be ashamed of taking tylonel or hide an advil, why would you hide this? We have a real opportunity to set a living example for the next generation, and I hope we can do so.” Moms, more than likely, you’ve had days where you likely feel as if the weight of the world is on your shoulders, and in many ways, it really is; you’re helping to raise the next generation, who’ll raise the next generation.

While you’re doing that, many of you work, whether at home for your family or for an outside employer, and all the while, managing your career of choice and your kiddos. Some of you have newborns, and some of you have kids who have kids of their own. Some of you have been in favor of cannabis for decades, some of you have only discovered the benefits of it fairly recently, after years of looking down at the plant. More than likely, a lot of you have been shamed for your cannabis use as a mother, whether it’s from other moms/parents, or even your own family. In spite of this, and all the obstacles before you, you’re living your life, letting cannabis be a tool to help you rather than the weapon others can wield against you. You’re setting the future course for many, all while fending for yourselves at times. If that’s not admirable, I don’t know what is. Here’s to you, moms and moms-to-be; may your bud be louder than your children and the snide comments from others.

Happy Mother's Day!


What I’m about to tell you should come as absolutely no surprise: Cannabis in America is booming. From 2010 to 2020 alone, cannabis has exploded in states where it’s been legalized, whether medically or recreationally. Oklahoma was the 30th state to legalize medical cannabis in 2018, and three other states have followed suit since then while eleven states have also legalized adult use or ‘recreational’ cannabis use. Across the board, 2019 was a banner use for the nation’s still-newly- budding industry: Business Insider estimated that there was a 76% increase in cannabis jobs across the country, and showed a whopping $52 billion in sales within the industry. Even with the current federal standing of cannabis, America has one of the most open and thriving cannabis industries in the world, and while each state is still in charge of their own regulations and programs, the sharing of information has become a crucial component of each state’s success. Part of what makes our cannabis bill so unique is the fact that our grassroots effort took the time to look at the programs in other states, and acknowledged what worked, and what was flawed. We learned from the mistakes of other states, and in doing so, set a new standard for future states to bring medical cannabis to their citizens in a way that protects their rights while leaving the door open for growth and change. Needless to say, cannabis in America is here to stay, and as the push for federal legalization grows ever-louder, the green rush is only going to get more intense. Overall, a growing number of citizens in the country believe that cannabis should be legalized, so that states and cities can benefit from the tax while patients and consumers can access clean medicine that comes from a safe and reliable source.

CANNABIS IN AMERICA IS HERE TO STAY This rising support is evident, even here at home: more people voted about 788 than voted in the gubernatorial race in Oklahoma. That kind of support catches attention, especially when it keeps happening, state after state after state. More politicians than ever are getting behind the idea of federal legalization, and as national support grows, so does the local support. Let’s face it: it can be extremely hard to do something, even if you know it’s right, when you’re standing alone. Even though 33 states have a medical cannabis program, and cannabis is more open than ever before, a vast portion of cannabis patients and consumers say that, even though they’re legal, they don’t feel comfortable coming out with their use. State organizations and companies echo something similar: despite the progress made, many don’t want to risk outwardly supporting cannabis, for fear of the potential backlash they might face. However, when your state’s representatives start to get behind an idea, and when you see other people in your state or surrounding states supporting the same thing, it becomes easier to stand up for something, because you’re not alone. It’s not just your voice speaking up against cannabis prohibition, it’s thousands upon thousands of your fellow Americans, whether they’re in your state or not, saying the same thing. It’s harder to ignore thousands than it is to ignore a handful. Power in numbers is a thing, and it’s one of the greatest tools that America’s cannabis industry has: we have each other. Oklahoma’s cannabis industry and community have the potential to be a shining example of what a national industry could be; united, patient-focused, and growing rather than ego-driven, money-focused and stagnant. Part of what the national opposition is counting on is that we, as an industry and a community, all become so absorbed in our inward fighting and disagreements about how things should proceed that we are never able to take this momentum to the national scale. What we do as a state impacts national legalization efforts, and what happens in the quest for national legalization impacts not only our state, but every state with any legalized cannabis. It’s important that we remember this, and take steps to keep our eyes on the prize, so to speak; the national cannabis industry, as a whole, is a tight-knit one, as we’ve seen here at home for ourselves, and like any family, while we may disagree, we should be able to come together with the single goal of seeing federal legalization become reality.


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H INGREDIENTS Teriyaki Sauce approx 10-12 servings 1 cup water ¼ cup soy sauce 5 tsp packed brown sugar 1 ½ teaspoon ginger, minced ¼ teaspoon garlic, minced 1 Tbs RSO infused Agave nectar Honey to taste Slurry 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1/4 cup cold water RSO Agave 1 gram RSO ½ cup agave nectar

DIRECTIONS Heat a small pot of water to a simmer, place the agave nectar in a bowl and place over the simmering water. The water level should be just below the bottom of the bowl of agave nectar, not touching the bowl. Add the RSO, and mix until evenly combined. For the teriyaki sauce, first make the slurry by mixing the cornstarch and ¼ cup cold water together in a small cup, stir until mixed completely. Then take the 1 cup water, soy sauce, RSO agave nectar, brown sugar, ginger and garlic powder in a saucepan and over medium heat. Cook for about 1-2 minutes before adding the slurry to the sauce. Continue cooking, stirring throughout until the sauce is thickened, this will take approx. 6 minutes.

By Chef Buz @medibles_ok

ello and good day to all my cannachefs out there, welcome back. Hopefully everybody is staying safe during this crazy corona quarantine. Most of us have been off work and homeschooling the kids the last month and ready for some outdoor activities. I know I’m tired of all this social distancing and everything being closed. Lets hope by memorial day we can start getting things back to normal, and what better way then a backyard cookout. This month recipe is one of my favorites to grill outside, inspired by my mom, it’s my pineapple teriyaki cheeseburger. This is sure to take away the stress of being stuck at home and keep you stuck in your seat, binge watching The Tiger King. So grab a bag of your favorite herb, twist one up and lets get cookin with a Buz!

INGREDIENTS Burger Patty yield 8 patties 2# Ground beef 1 Tbs canna olive oil ¼ cup minced onion ¼ cup fine diced green pepper 2 Tbs Worcestershire 2 cloves of garlic, minced ½ tsp salt About ½ tsp pepper 8 brioche hamburger buns 8 iceberg lettuce leaves, rinsed 8 slices provolone cheese 8 thin slices red onion 8 slices of pineapple

DIRECTIONS First, put the canna olive oil in a saute pan over medium heat and saute the onions, garlic and green peppers until the become fragrant. This will take 3-4 minute, stirring them frequently. Them remove from the heat, and drain the excess oil into a small container. I like to use this oil on the grill before tossing on the patties. Next In a large mixing bowl add the ground beef, Worcestershire, salt, black pepper, garlic, onions and green peppers and combine well. Take the mixture and split it in half, then with the first half form 4 evenly sized balls and then again with the other half of the mix. Using a couple sheets of parchment paper, evenly mash the balls, one at a time, between the sheets to form patties. Then, with the reserved canna olive oil from before rub it over your grill grates. I like to use a clean kitchen towel, saturate the towel in the oil and use a pair of tongs to spread it over the grates. Then lay the burgers and pineapple slices on your oiled grill, close the lid and cook, after 2 minutes flip the pineapple and 4 minutes flip the burgers and place the cooked pineapple on top of the patties and cook another 4 minutes, both sides should be browned and no pink left inside. Melt the provolone cheese over top and then remove from the grill. Place the buns on the grill, cut side down for just enough to toast. Then add the vegetables and serve with teriyaki sauce.


MAY 29-30, 2020



JUNE 27, 2020



JUNE 27 - 28, 2020



AUGUST 16-18, 2020




By Kayla Johnson

Quarantines, cannabis, and looking forward I don’t know about you, but I went ahead and just tossed out my 2020 planner. Ten years ago, I was graduating from high school. If you told me then that a decade later, there would be a global pandemic that led to everything, even church services, surgeries, funerals and weddings, being canceled, I never would have believed it. And yet here we are, with thousands of lives lost so far around the globe, and a staggering number of people in the United States without work. It’s unlike anything I’ve seen in my lifetime, and I’m sure that many of you have experienced some of the same feelings of shock, fear, or anxiety over the last several weeks. It’s a combination of multiple problems that all seem to compound and play off each other, and the entire situation has brought out both the very best and the very worst from many. In all honesty, it’s been hard to keep a positive attitude over the last several weeks. There has been so much dishonesty, greed, and disdain for life displayed by so many, including people I never expected it from, everything from hoarding the damn toilet paper to clearing food shelves and leaving nothing for the elderly or the disabled, who may not always be able to stock up as others can. As people often do when they’re angry, afraid, or under intense pressure, some have lashed out in different ways at family, friends, and neighbors, causing wounds that will last long after this pandemic is finally over. Between the rising death toll, the heartlessness of some, and the lack of action taken to stem the spread initially, the picture isn’t a cheery one, even as social distancing measures and shutdowns do show significant progress in stopping the spread of the virus.

Even in the cannabis community here in Oklahoma, tensions have reached an all-time high due to everything piling on at once; while some dispensaries haven’t noticed much of a downturn in business, many are struggling to keep their packaging in compliance due to shutdowns, and with people already at each other’s’ throats due to various state bills or issues between organizations, the stressors stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic are pushing many to their breaking points, in more ways than one. While stress and tensions are at an all-time high for many, hope, as always, persists. Despite the selfish decisions of some, there are hundreds more who are taking steps to do everything from keeping their elderly neighbors and family members fed, to volunteering at food banks and sewing masks for anyone in need. While there is always the criticism by some that the wealthy should perhaps do more than they do to help out, many big-name celebrities have put forward significant amounts of money to food banks, local businesses, and charities when they’ve not donated much in the past. What’s more important, however, is the fact that everyday people are asking themselves, ”how can I help right now?”, and then turning right around and taking action.

OKLAHOMACHRONIC Many have likened the growing movement of returning to selfreliance and helping others to the attitude in America during World War II; manufacturing plants are now cranking out protective equipment and ventilators for medical staff, nearly everyone with a sewing machine or a needle and thread are sewing masks, and distilleries have taken to producing hand sanitizer rather than liquor, to help keep their communities safe and their employees working. That same kind of community-forward thinking has even started to spread back to the cannabis industry, and with a common goal in mind, many who were once at odds have, at least for now, found common ground in helping patients by continuing to provide much-needed medicine. Some growers, in particular, have taken it a step further, offering basic labor work and more to some who have found themselves furloughed or out of work due to the pandemic and shutdown. Other dispensaries have started a program, where patients can pay towards an open tab for other patients who are affected and struggling to afford their cannabis regimen. As has been said recently by others, this is a turning point in history, not only for our cannabis community here, but for the world as a whole. What we do in these weeks and months will shape where we go from here. The divisions, as a country, state, and cannabis community, that have become more prominent and obvious over the last several years aren’t going away, because many of them are not easily healed, but with the threat of this global pandemic comes the opportunity to move forward, rather than continue to pour salt on a wound. The only way out of all of this is through it, and this is a turning point where we can either adapt and overcome, or sink, together.

I, like hundreds of thousands of others, greatly appreciate those both around the world and here in Oklahoma who are doing what they can for others, however that takes form, and we owe a massive, massive debt to the medical workers on the front lines of this. If anything good can come from the terrible losses endured by so many, I hope that we find a way to embrace unity and selflessness longterm, even once planet Earth is open for business once more.

One of the beautiful things about cannabis and the culture surrounding it is that so often, a love for the plant leads people down roads they may not have even glanced down before, and to opportunities that not only help them bring their own passions and ventures to life but enable others to do the same. Over the last two decades, cannabis has taken serious strides in stepping out of the shadows as states began adopting medical or recreational cannabis policies, and like a seed growing in quality soil, the industry and community have grown like mad to become not only exceedingly profitable but incredibly prominent, with some industry members, patients, and advocates gathering huge followings online, rivaling more ‘mainstream’ celebrities in many ways.


OKLAHOMACHRONIC When Richard ‘Cheech’ Marin and I had this chat back in March, the pandemic, and resulting quarantines and shutdowns, were still in somewhat early days; it’s already a slightly surreal experience, every time I get to have an actual conversation with some of these household cannabis names, and doing so when the world is experiencing what many are calling the Great Pause was even wilder. As unusual as the circumstances were, it felt comfortingly normal, to just be doing my job, and I was grateful for that, even moreso for the laughs that followed my phone ringing that day.

K - It’s a pleasure to verbally meet you, Cheech, I hope you’re doing well with the shutdowns there in California, I imagine it’s pretty crazy to be there during this.

C - I am, I am, thank you, now, where are you at? K - I’m in Oklahoma, about an hour north of Oklahoma City.

C - Oklahoma, wow, I know some good people from Oklahoma. Gary Busey, a few others, and I’ve been there a few times for different shows. It’s a great place, great people. K - You found enormous success with your comedy records back in the ‘70s, as everyone knows, and of course Up in Smoke is just an icon of the culture surrounding cannabis. Forty-one years later, how do you think cannabis and the culture have changed?

C - I think it’s just become a lot more mainstream, people began to figure it out for themselves. You know, cannabis took me on a real journey, very enlightening in my life, and once people have started to see that for themselves, then it’s easier to start to change minds. And of course, there’s just a million different things you can do with it these days, the more we legalize it, the more we’re able to find out what we can do with it. K - Your comedy career took shape during the early push against drugs, and the rise of some of the stigmas and stereotypes that thousands of cannabis users have faced. Why do you think the stigma is finally starting to change now?

C - Well, people are a lot more open to exploring different things now than they used to be, and because cannabis is so ‘in’ now, people are just exploring what they can do with it, how it can help them. When they do that, they’re seeing that it’s not what Photo Credit: Dillon Sachs

Long before cannabis influencers from social media began their rise,

they thought. It’s taken us a while, you know, (laughs) but we’re finally getting there.

however, there were two names in particular that were synonymous with

K - After your success with Cheech and Chong, you went

cannabis and the culture around it: during the 1970s and onward, comedy

on to pursue a few different projects, including starring on

duo Cheech and Chong reigned supreme and are considered by, well, pretty

‘Nash Bridges’, of which my parents are big fans of, by the

much everybody to be the original ‘canna-celebrities, bringing the plant and

way. Did you ever encounter any negativity or closed doors

its use and culture into the spotlight in a big way through their comedy

due to your cannabis use and past work focused on it?

records and films.’ While we’ve had the opportunity to speak with one half

C - You know, I’m actually thrilled you mentioned that. (Laughs.)

last fall, it was high time (wink) to chat with Cheech, to find out what he’s

That’s great, I’m thrilled that they’re fans! I really enjoyed that

been doing lately, how he’s been promoting the arts, how he thinks cannabis

show. As far as any negativity, no, not really. (Laughs.) A lot of

normalization has changed things, and why it’s gaining so much momentum

people, even back then, were able to see more than just the pot,

after all this time.


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K - In addition to your work as an actor, I understand that you also have quite a collection of Chicano Art, probably one of the largest in the country, is that right?

C - It’s probably the largest in the country, (laughs) I really began actively collecting back in the day, back in the early ‘80s, and by now, I’ve got...700 pieces or more, in total. I really love a lot of different art and styles, but this Chicano art, it’s my real love. K - Now, you’re also actually working with the city of Riverside, California, to create The Cheech Marin Center for Chicano Art, Culture, and Industry, which is set to open in the fall of 2021. Your efforts even earned a significant grant to help make that a reality, what motivated you to pursue this?

C - Well, Chicano art is a genre, I guess you could say, that has never really been given much attention in some ways. It’s one of the most diverse forms of American art, but there’s not many real prominent exhibits anywhere, and I wanted to help change that. K - Have you always been passionate about art?

Photo Credit: Dillon Sachs

C - Oh definitely, even when I was a kid, I was always looking through the art books, it’s just always been there in me. K - What inspires you most about Chicano art specifically?

C - In part, the vividity. It’s so often very striking, either in color or in the image, and you know, it tells a story. It always offers a look at some part of Chicano or Latino culture, and for a lot of people, it’s a perspective they haven’t considered much. A lot of times, my favorite pieces of


K - Why do you think art and cannabis go so well together?

PERSPECTIVE AND MAKE YOU C - Because cannabis helps most people slow down! Art can change your


perspective and make you see something different,but the bud helps a lot of people change their perception, how they think about things that they see and


art are the ones that make people change CHANGE THEIR PERCEPTION" their perspective.

experience. That’s just an awesome combination.

K - Have you dipped your toes into painting or sculpting yourself?

C - (Laughs) No, no no. I’m not a painter, but I do love pottery! I’ve been throwing pots since the 80s, and there’s just something very wholesome and grounding about it.

K - How can the cannabis community become more involved in the arts and support them?

C - If you see something you like, buy it if you can. (Laughs) I don’t think I’ve regretted buying any art, but there are a few I regret not getting! Just smoke and go to art shows, and support your friends who create stuff. K - You’ve also branched out as an entrepreneur as well, working to create a brand of mezcal, called Tres Papalote, have you always been a fan?

C - Oh yes, mezcal is something not everyone drinks, but it’s such a classic that I wanted to kind of stick my hand in the mix and try to create something delicious. It worked out! (Laughs.)


Photo Credit: Dillon Sachs

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OKLAHOMACHRONIC K - Besides your mezcal project, you’ve also created your own cannabis brand, known as Cheech’s Stash (formerly Cheech’s Private Stash). From what I understand, you’ve kind of brought together some of your favorite products into a curated collection, is that correct?

C - Yes, there’s kind of a different variety of things, and it’ll change out. What’s good one


month may be different the next, but that’s our motto: It’ll always be good. (Laughs) It may not always be the same thing, but it’ll always be good, and the variety is good, too! K - What made you want to dive into the industry yourself?

C - I decided I didn’t have enough to do. (Laughs.) No, I mean, cannabis has obviously played a big role in where my life’s journey has taken me, and it just felt like the basic next step to take. K - I believe you work with your son and daughter as well. What has it been like to bring together two of your passions: cannabis and your family?


C - Yes, my son Joey is helping select the different flower and products for us to offer and Jasmine, my daughter, she handles all of the marketing, the brand and the packaging, things like that. They do a lot, and I have really enjoyed curating this collection with their


help. They know what’s good, they’ve learned well. (Laughs.) K - What keeps you involved as an advocate for cannabis?

C - I think partly, I just enjoy being right. (Laughs.) Even with our success with cannabis comedy, it was still something completely outlawed for decades, and now that we’re starting to get a little older (laughs), we’re proving that it’s not something that will kill you with repeated use. You can use cannabis and still grow old and be successful. I know! Sometimes people just need living proof of what they’ve been hearing. Well, here I am! (Laughs.) K - What’s your favorite thing about ‘modern’ cannabis culture and the cannabis community?

C - It’s just so open! It’s very open and mainstream compared to how it was. People are just doing their thing and smoking while they do it, it’s great to see.



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Photo Credit: Dillon Sachs

OKLAHOMACHRONIC K - How does it feel to see cannabis and consuming it becoming so mainstream and legalized widely after living through cannabis prohibition?

C - It feels great, to see how far things have come. And it’s been wild, you know, to live through it all. It’s really been a lifelong journey, and it’s good to see other people start to live out their own experiences. K - Do you feel a little vindicated after all this time?

C - Absolutely. I’ve always thought that marijuana was good for you, there’s never been a question for me, and so back when people would just get on to us for ‘promoting marijuana’, we came up with this saying: what if we’re right? What if marijuana is actually good for you? People would just laugh and laugh; well, who’s laughing now? (And yes, he laughed!) K - Switching gears just a bit before I let you go here, what advice would you share with someone who has never tried cannabis before, about where to start, what you’d try first if you were new to it today, etcetera?

C - Very simple: Go to a reputable dispensary! (Laughs.) Seriously! Go find a place where the people in the store really, really know what they’re talking about and know what they’re selling you, that way they know what to give you to try first. K - And do you have a favorite strain?

C - Nope. (Laughs.) No, but whatever I have, it’s always good. It’s always something good. (Laughs.) And now, you know, I’ve really been enjoying dabs. I’ve been dabbing a lot lately, very tasty. That’s kind of a new thing, but I like it. And it’s always good.

Photo Credit: Dillon Sachs

In spite of the circumstances, it was an honor to be able to have such a

K - What do you think we could do better, maybe?

laugh-filled chat with THE Cheech, and I’ll admit, it was a much-needed

C - (Laughs) Well, everyone else who’s not caught up yet needs

boost to my spirits. I knew some about his passion for art and supporting

to get with it, that would be a major step in the right direction.

Latino and Chicano artists in particular, but hearing it in his own words was

Those last holdouts without some kind of medical program or

something else; he has a real drive to help share these wonderful works with

something, they’re stubborn, so we need to figure that out.

the rest of the world, and just like his work in the past in cannabis comedy, is helping to shine a light on a group that is often either overlooked or

K - Where do you think the cannabis industry needs to go

looked down upon by some. It’s easy to see the parallels, and it’s easy to see

next? Do you think we’ll see any descheduling in the next

how much it means to him to have the opportunity to do so, and in the

year or so?

midst of so much darkness in the world, that kind of positive determination

C - If the government is smart, they’ll get with the program, too.

to continue doing something good is, well, always good.

(Laughs.) They may be the last ones to legalize it at this rate! I keep hearing someone is supposed to be getting around to putting bills forward to get it done, but with everything going on, that may delayed. But it’s inevitable at this point, I think. K - So you think with this new momentum, federal legalization is maybe on the way?

C - Well, that would be the intelligent thing. (Laughs.) There’s a lot going on that the sales tax from legal, regulated cannabis


sales could help, and why wouldn’t they? After so many states have taken up the cause and opened the doors, why wouldn’t they just throw the gate wide open?


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TOP TENDER Do you know a bud tender that deserves to be recognized? We want to know about them, they may end up in a future issue. Just email us and tell us why they deserve it.

WHO'S WHO IN GROWING In addition to proving it’s self essential, the Oklahoma cannabis industry has made a huge impact on the economy, culture and of course a patients choice of medication. Cannabis has also made an impact on Oklahoma’s Agricultural industry and landscape. With over 6,000 licensed Medical Cannabis Farms in the State, It is easy to see the impact these farms have made on our great state. We wanted to feature Some of the variety of farms Oklahoma has to offer.

Therapo Cultivation Therapo Cultivation is located in Edmond, OK, they use their own recipe of nutrients and produces a variation of strains’. With a combination of great genetics and abundant attention to detail and quality, Therapo has became a familiar name with patients in the OKC metro area. “Here at Therapo Cultivation we pride ourselves in choosing quality over quantity everything, we are patients, working for patients.” Jordan Lee, head of cultivation states. In addition, the guys over at this farm are the current reigning Battle of the Buds champs (IG). Watch for their new crop to drop, we hear it is amazing. Fire Ranch Farms Fire Ranch Farms, North Edmond, is an Oklahoma based medical cannabis grower which has carved out a space in the market by supplying only top shelf flower from the best genetics. With a focus on exotic, craft grown, trimmed by hand, high-quality genetically superior strains they have the vision to be the number one indoor cannabis grower and supplier in the state. From an innovative indoor growing process to a sales and customer service structure that is unmatched, they are driven by a commitment to provide the best possible medical cannabis product anywhere. Watch for coming drops from these guys. They don’t last long! Rockin T Cultivation Rockin T Cultivation, Lindsay, OK, is passionate about providing the rarest, and most aromatic strains to the patients of Oklahoma. Their state of the art grow facility, experienced team and genetic and cloning knowledge make their craft cannabis Stand out on any top shelf. True Pheno hunters, the guys at Rockin T have a large variety of strains available for patients and also a few very special signature strains that let their quality speak for itself. “Here at Rockin T, we will always focus quality over quantity.” Their head of Cultivation states. Watch for the next Rockin T drops, you will not be disappointed.

Eclipse Pharms


Eclipse Pharms, with cultivation facilities in Eastern and Western Oklahoma, provide superior medical Cannabis to patients across the State. “At Eclipse Pharms, we utilize superior genetics in lab grade environments. With decades long professional experience acquiring, compiling and explaining analytical data, we have had the opportunity to not only help educate others but also learn so much ourselves about this revolutionary industry.” They state. Don’t miss the next crop drops from these guys, they won’t last long.

Red Dirt Sungrown Red Dirt Sungrown has a horticultural legacy that goes back 127 years. Its parent company, Guthrie Greenhouses, is the oldest and largest wholesale greenhouse in Oklahoma, originally opening as Capital City Greenhouses in 1892. Herb Suehring, his daughter Tara Tischauser, and her husband, Jesse Tischauser operate 13 acres of greenhouses. Inside those greenhouses they produce bedding plants, vegetable starts, medical cannabis under the Red Dirt Sungrown brand, and industrial hemp under the Herb’s Herbs brand. The trio has also partnered with three brothers from Edmond, Tanner Fielding, Drew Fielding and Hunter Fielding to produce vape cartridges and concentrates under the Sunday Extracts brand. Red Dirt Sungrown is known for the quality and consistency they bring to Oklahoma patients.

Simply Green Farms Simply Green Farms, Stillwater specializes in high quality, organic grown medical cannabis. They are doing it right from cultivating their signature strains to testing phenotypes with their outstanding genetics. Simply Green operates from Farm to the Farmacy, also owning Simply Green Farmacy dispensary in Stillwater. Simply Greens products can be found across the state as their quality and consistency provide a go to for Oklahoma Medical patients. If you see the Simply Green logo, you will be guaranteed a quality, true organic product. Don’t miss the new drops from Simply Green!

Troybuds OKC Located in Oklahoma City, Troybuds Spared no expense to create their state of the art indoor commercial grow facility. With genetics that are carefully selected from Top seed banks, organic nutrients and no til living soil, Troybuds produces quality Equal to the high standards they have set. They offer a huge variety in strains with 28 currently available from their facility. They are also known for their minimum 30 day cure they have on their flower. “we love what we do and we’re grateful for the opportunity to bring quality medicine to the patience of Oklahoma.” They stated. Look for that Troybuds logo to ensure quality.

Full Power Flower Located in SW Okc, Full Power Flower cultivate top shelf Cannabis with a coco coir medium using no oils or pesticides. “Full Power Flowers are grown for the patient, with nothing but quality and affordability in mind. We understand the market, the products and the people, and we will continue to do our best to give Oklahoma medical marijuana patients access to quality medicine at affordable prices.” Hunter Fuchs, owner of Full Power Flower stated. Watch for upcoming drops from their new crop of patient faves Cake Boss, Jungle MAC, Special Ops, GMO Sherb Crasher among others!


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Highness Gardens Highness Gardens, a small boutique indoor hydroponic garden that truly grows small batch flower. Flower rooms are each approximately 200 sq ft so that they have a completely controlled environment with different microclimates unique to each strain’s individual needs. The owner, Oklahoma Native Nick McGee searched for the best Master cultivator and found a perfect match with Highness Gardens in California and now amazing products will soon be available to Oklahomans from this awesome grow. “We strive to provide the highest quality clean products at a affordable price.” The Head of Cultivation for Highness states. Watch for products to hit the shelves in July, this is One drop you definitely do not want to mIss!

Good Meds Good Meds, located in Piedmont operates their cultivation facility and dispensary on site. Partners Calvin Gidney, Dax Williamson, Houston Dockter, Max Stone and Master Grower Salvador Chavez have collectively 25+ years grow experience from California, Oregon, Colorado and now Oklahoma. They use cocoa and living soil for their grow medium. Their unique specialty strains they grow are Grease Ball, Black Dog, and Chocolatina among others. “We always want to deliver the absolute best quality products at affordable prices with the top-notch customer service. Our owners/growers are also hands on in our dispensary and consult with our patients daily to ensure we provide the best all around.” Houston Dockter states. The drive to Piedmont is definitely worth it, go check out this awesome farm!



Written By Dr. Pepper Hernandez Ph.D, NHP, NHC, CNHP, CTC

EUCALYPTOL This month I want to bring you information on a terpene widely know to help with respiratory issues. I would like to introduce you to Eucalyptol, it is also known as Cineole. Eucalyptol is the primary terpene of the eucalyptus tree. It has a distinct and very recognizable minty, cool-toned aroma. You will find it in unique and selected cultivars of the cannabis plant. It usually makes up only around 0.06% of strains complete terpene profile. During the interesting times of this pandemic, I have been using Eucalyptus oil (food grade) by breathing it in during the day and right before bed, at night. It has been remarkable and helps me breathe deeper and seemly better. There may be a familiarity with this terpene as it has been used in cosmetics, as well as medicine. When it comes to its medical value, Eucalyptol has been shown to relieve physical pain. It has also been shown to slow the growth of bacteria and fungus. It is an anti-inflammatory agent that has been shown to help with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, although in the early stages of research. It improves circulation when used topically for peripheral neuropathy.

Photo Credits "Aloha Farms" Humboldt County OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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OKLAHOMACHRONIC According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information & U.S. National Library of Medicine, patients with chronic diseases have been shown to benefit from treatments such as aromatherapy of Eucalyptol in addition to medications. Those that were researched would include: Cardiovascular diseases Chronic respiratory diseases Neurological diseases

Eucalyptus Bay leaves Camphorwood Damiana Ginger Tea tree oil Mugwort Turmeric Rosemary

ytnuoC tdlobmuH "smraF aholA" stiderC otohP

Besides cannabis, other sources of Eucalyptol can be found in the botany kingdom in a variety of plants such as:

I have been suggesting during the 2020 pandemic to cut back on cannabis inhalation as the viral disease can be a respiratory issue. So the strains and cultivars should be taken as suggestions. I personally recommend smoke-free options such as a topical, or oral delivery method such as an edible or tincture form. Cannabis cultivars high in the terpene Eucalyptol: Super Silver Haze Headband Bubba Kush Girl Scout Cookies



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All information in this article is for educational purposes only. The information provided is derived from research gathered from external sources. Please check with your Cannabis Educated Primary Health Care Physician or Cannabis Therapy Consultant before beginning any new diet or lifestyle change. Dr. Pepper Hernandez ND, CTC, CNHP is a Naturopathic Nutritionist, Cannabis Therapy Consultant, the Founder, and Education Director of the Cannabis Holistic Institute. To find out more about her private practice, educational programs, videos and other offerings you can and find her on the massive interwebs, social platforms or at Go forth, Go Cannabis...

Living on a Hemp Farm My 2 Week Experience


When it’s 420 all month long, it’s only right to honor Cannabis in a huge way; so I moved into a yurt on a hemp farm!

This month I honored Cannabis during the only month that gave us 420 all month long- April. I wanted to honor Cannabis in a special way because Cannabis saved me from migraines, and continues to leave traces of beauty in my soul. It didn’t seem like enough for me to light one up in her honor- so instead, I decided to honor her where she grows-on a hemp farm- in nature! As I write this piece, I am living on Fern Valley Farms in Oregon. Mid- month through the end of the month, I’ll be living on The Botanical Joint farm. So, this is part 1 of 2! Both hemp farms graciously sponsored my stay in support of my tribute. I also have 11 other sponsors that supported me by way of survival in nature: OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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Wyld CBD, MyCureAll, Higher Level Healthcare, Mahlon Haze, Nusanar CBD, The Brothers Apothecary, Portland Ashwagandha Farm, Vital leaf, A Boring Life, Sky High PEO, and CanMar Recruitment. The Tribute In my Cannabis Survivor Story piece, I shared my experience with Basilar Migraine and the 5 prescriptions that didn’t work. Cannabis did what nothing else could- healed me. And even that doesn’t seem like enough to say. Cannabis healed, and continues to heal me from more than just physical pain. Cannabis found her way into my soul and began to turn my darkness into light.

I got high one day and it hit me; I needed to live in nature all of April- in the place that Cannabis grows wild, during the first time that it is 420 all month long. One thing led to another and on April 1st 2020, I arrived at Fern Valley Farm to move into my yurt. Now, here I am- living my dream, spending my days and nights with Cannabis, under the beautiful Oregon sun (and warmth when the clouds allow it). About Southern Oregon Medford, Oregon, the 4th largest metro in Oregon, about 30 minutes from the California border, elevation 1,382, and population about 83,000. Medford is home to A LOT of hemp/ cannabis farms and has multiple inactive volcanoes. One of those volcanoes is near the farm.

About Fern Valley Farms Fern Valley Farms is a family owned organic hemp farm in Medford, Oregon. They are passionate about growing premium strains of organic, terpene rich, high CBD hemp. They have a line of products that includes: premium shake, oils, flower, lotions, and concentrates- all organic. My Two-Week Experience I loved it so much that I want to make it my normal way of living! Medford was beautiful! The weather was typically cold in the mornings and night- and brisk during the days. Week 2 was great to me because we had sun, not many clouds, and the temps were between 75-80! I’m a born and raised Floridian so- week 2 was just perfect for me.

Because of electricity, I was able to make coffee in the mornings and my hemp tea’s at night. I slept on a sleeping pad and inside of a sleeping bag which helped so much with those night temperatures. I travel a little heavy so- I came equipped with pillows, a cooler for food, and a pop-up privacy tent for farm showers. But- those weren’t enough so- Pilot travel centers were a frequently visited. I’m a plant-based eater so- meals were easy. During the days I lived on fruit, vegetables, cannabis, and water. For dinner: veggie fried rice, pizza, and burritos (the farm is close to city center). For snacks- my sponsors came through and so did the farm with Cannabis! The energy on the farm was incredible. Every employee was warm, smiling, and mingled with each other like family does. I had everything possible. The things I didn’t even think of- the farm did and had me covered. They even set me up in a huge yurt, with an electricity source, and a space heater. I had running water, a bathroom, and outdoor furniture so that I could enjoy the scenery. I spent my days both working and exploring the farm. The fields, the greenhouses, the volcanoes and mountains surrounding the farm. I explored edible plants, rocks, and tried to find mushrooms but- couldn’t. The plantsoh the plants. Every single morning, I had the pleasure of waking up to the scent of terpenes coming from the greenhouses. I had the honor of walk through’s and starring at pounds of premium shake, pounds of huge dense nugs, and observing growers and cloners in their art form. During the days, I went in and visited the plants, had non-verbal moments with them, and thanked them for their glory. In the evenings, I took walks and thanked nature for the most incredible experience. In Closing I was able to do this because of the village of supporters that saw my passion for this tribute and jumped on board to help. I am forever grateful to my sponsors- and I cannot say thank you enough to Fern Valley Farm for their warmth and giving me a beautiful and safe place to honor the plant that we all love. I arrived happy, excited, and grateful. I left feeling all those things and the addition of family. I arrived in Medford for a tribute, I left with a family. OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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High Cannabinoid Full Spectrum Extract BY Melissa Hall, M.Ed.

Back at it again, and upon recommendation of my


awesome readers, I’ve decided to take another dip into the concentrate pool. It can overwhelming to pick out your next dab. One thing is for sure, when you are shopping for your sugar, wax, shatter or badder, no matter where your shopping your most likely going to see a familiar brand that will let you know you have found the good stuff. Apothecary Extracts has established themselves as leaders in Connoisseur Concentrates. Founded in Colorado , they strive to bring high Cannabinoid, Terpene rich extracts at an affordable price to the patients of Oklahoma. Brent McDonald, the Director of Marketing and Sales said, " we are so excited to open our doors in OK, the patients have given us such a warm welcome. We can't wait to show you what we are capable of." Since Apothecaries arrival in our great State they have made quite the impression on patients everywhere. Patients  anxiously await each drop, the variety of concentrates Apothecary makes ranges from shatter to diamonds. But, one product really caught my eye. High Cannabinoid Full Spectrum Extract or HCFSE is A product which has nearly isolated a cannabinoid, but still keeps a bit of the original terpene profile. Common extractions are known to sift out certain components, which may leave the overall product missing the real depth that is present in the plant form. I like to use the entourage affect, to explain full spectrum. To put it very simply, the cannabis plant is made up of more than 80 cannabinoids, a variety of terpenes and flavonoids That all work in a symbiotic manner to bring the plants unique therapeutic qualities to yield. Why this is important for a medical marijuana patient to know, we have been shown over and over again the whole plant medicine works better in the treatment of health conditions. But every cannabinoid is somewhat limited without the plants other components present.This is one of the closest ways we can get to getting that full essence of the cannabis plant in a concentrated form.

Cannabinoids and terpenes are found on the lipid and fat based trichomes, That are primarily located on the cannabis flower. With over 400 compounds in the cannabis plants, many researchers still have a long way to go and finding each compounds unique effects and how they interact with each other. Full spectrum health benefits come from the natural ratio of compounds. The therapeutic compounds including the terpenes, flavonoids, proteins, phenols and esters. The HCFSE seeks to capture and retain the compounds for patient consumption. Now that we have had our daily science lesson, take in mind HCFSE Is definitely a top shelf product that is favored by True connoisseurs of fine cannabis. It usually looks like a sugar or diamond extract. The terpene profile can even exceed 20%. Also, when it’s in the sugar to form HCFSE can reach over 90% or greater THC levels. The cannabinoid levels can remain at 20 to 30% also. HCFSE Provides more depth, purity and complexity than most concentrates. To achieve this level of depth the actual

of letting it go to waste. This leaves you with a clean, complete product. Apothecary is known for using advanced and clean methods of extraction resulting in a superior product. The HCFSE is clean and super smooth for sure. The texture is similar to that of diamonds, not being too sticky to handle and also having the right amount of density. These sweet, sugary little crystals provide a smooth and super Terpy taste. I was able to get a hold of the Lava Cake HCFSE, which used the flower from Alterra Wellness.

extraction process uses light Hydrocarbon

Apothecary is also known for using top shelf flower in all of their concentrates. The aroma

solutions (butane or propane) To Raw cannabis material that exact temperatures in a sealed vessel. This strips away solvents and the plants cannabinoids and terpenes by binding to them. After that, the solvent is purged from the cannabinoid and terpene extract through a vacuum purge.

State of the art close loop extraction systems contain the solvent used and recycle instead

was not too intense, but very sharp hitting you in the face with those wonderful Lava Cake terps. Now the flavor, provided a definite maximum intensity. Sweet and gassy, No matter how you consume this superior concentrate, the taste stands out and lingers long after exhale. HCFSE Burns clean with a consistent pace. The effects are intense and definitely what any cannabis lover would desire. HCFSE is a concentrate every patient should check out. Apothecary’s reputation for quality and consistency is proved with this product for sure. Always remember to medicate responsibly and Stay Lit Oklahoma.

Apothecary Extracts: 5

= Highest Rating







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HAS LEGALIZATION MADE OUR STREETS SAFER Kayla Johnson Oklahoma has seen a wave of change sweep across the state since the passage of State Question 788. As of February 28th, there were over 270,000 licensed patients in the Sooner State, and thousands of businesses to serve them. In addition to the patients and businesses, many other Oklahomans have seen their opinions of cannabis change over the last two years, going from being vehemently against it to outwardly supporting those who choose to use it for their health concerns and issues. Many communities once struggling have seen new life thanks to cannabis-focused businesses in their area, and many of those businesses have found ways to directly give back to their towns and fellow citizens. While it’s easy to see these kinds of positive impacts that cannabis has had on our state, questions remain about the long-term impact legal, medical cannabis will have on Oklahoma, especially regarding whether or not legalization has made our streets any safer. In many ways, the answer to that question is an obvious ‘yes’: no longer do patients in need have to resort to contacting or approaching a black-market dealer or seller,


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Since the legal market is flourishing, the black market for cannabis in Oklahoma has died down dramatically; with no qualifying conditions holding people back, it’s easy to get a medical cannabis card, and this keeps people from pursuing riskier options to get their medicine. In the event that there’s an issue with the medicine they buy, a vast majority of dispensaries will take steps to make it right, versus a black-market supplier where they’d simply be stuck with what they bought, and any outspoken complaint could have led to a potentially dangerous situation. To put it simply: legal cannabis leaves fewer opportunities for patients to be the victim of crime, with no chance for it to be made right.

with little assurance that the product they purchased would be effective or safe, nor do they have to carry large amounts of cash across town just to make their purchase. Rather than skulk about in the shadows to get what they need, patients are able to walk into well-lit businesses with other people around them, adding to the ‘safety in numbers’ that hasn’t been an option before. People who had once been forced to turn to harder substances because they were unable to find medicinal-quality cannabis are able to turn away, freeing many from the grip of addiction and the potential crimes that many are forced into in the midst of a battle with addiction.

While the patient population here in Oklahoma is far better off with a legal cannabis program in place, the same sense of security that has blanketed most of us doesn’t extend to the businesses themselves. In the last year alone, dozens of dispensaries across the state have been broken into, and many growers and processors have reported break-ins as well.

In many cases, these businesses are repeatedly made targets, even as improvements to security are made, and even in the cases where the suspects don’t make off with very much product, the clean-up and repair costs can be staggering, especially when it occurs over and over. For most, even transporting their product from processor/grower to dispensary is a huge risk; a vast portion of cannabis companies in our state use transport agents that not only ensure their product is locked up securely, but are armed and trained to handle potential problems. Many growers have taken to hiring overnight security as well, to keep their valuable plants from being snatched one at a time by thieves. Despite the value and benefit these businesses have for the communities, it’s not always easy for business owners to have their concerns taken seriously by their local city or town, especially if that community put up any kind of fight to having a cannabusiness in their city limits.

Medical cannabis legalization in Oklahoma has brought the state a long way, and for thousands of people across the state, things have changed for the better. Despite what the opposition has been screeching since the push for 788 began, most patients in Oklahoma have not turned to crime to see their cannabis needs met, and businesses are, for the most part, following regulations extremely closely, to ensure they’re providing the best possible, and legal, medicine to patients. The industry continues to grow daily, and while 788 has provided a legal, safe program for anyone to be involved in once they take the proper steps, there is still work to be done; businesses have become a prime target for criminals, and while patients and the streets may be safer overall, many business owners find themselves in a tight position, pinched between repeated break-ins or robberies at their establishment and the needs of their usual patients and customers. For the average cannabis patient here in our state, the streets are safer; fewer people struggling with addiction or a lack of care for their health concerns leaves fewer people in a potentially desperate place. Areas that may have once been overrun with black-market dealers are being revitalized by legal, state-licensed businesses that are putting money back into their communities. However, with the unending string of break ins at cannabis businesses, it’s hard to truly say that the streets are entirely safer thanks to medical cannabis legalization; there’s still work to be done to ensure that these businesses are secure, and while law enforcement has, overall, taken great strides in Oklahoma, until these break ins are taken seriously and efforts are made to protect dispensaries and growers, there will remain a sense of unease for canna-business-owners.





As of April 1st there are 6,157 growers within our state

Processors Dispensaries

We have 1,566 licensed processors in the state We currently have 2,379 dispensary licenses with this great state

Transport Laboratory Waste Disposal

We now have 17 Transportaion licenses We have 17 licensed labs We have 4 licensed waste disposal faclities

Approved Licenses: 284,241 Patients & 2122 Caregivers Received Licenses: 297,662 Patient & 2829 Caregivers OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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THE "TIGER KING" OF "THE OKLAHOMA CHRONIC" Advertising anywhere else is like eating expired wal-mart meat. So... don't be a Carole Baskins and kill your business, give us a call.


(405) 310-0026


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