The Chronic Magazine - September 2021

Page 43

The Reason Cannabis and Art Blend Together by therin miller

Different artists all over

Legendary figures such as

While Brian Wilson of the

the world have used

William Shakespeare used

Beach Boys said marijuana

cannabis to reinforce their

cannabis in his playwriting.

helped him write Pet

creativity and widen their

Pablo Picasso used

Sounds, which is the second

artistic horizon. We might

cannabis to express his art

best album of all time on

think of musicians,

in the form of abstract

the Rolling Stone Magazine

painters and



influenced by cannabis in

We might think what really

Bob Marley said that music

all their output. In order to

goes on inside the brain

and herb go together. He

understand the

while high on weed. The

started smoking when he

connection between

THC keeps the flow of

first started singing in the

artistic impact and

neural transmissions more

1960’s. In the contemporary

cannabis, we have to look

constant and in effect,

music industry, we have

into the culture and future.

creates more creative ideas

Lady Gaga who writes

and concepts.

music while smoking pot.

photographers who were

As per Dr. Alice Weaver

Some notable names in the

Flaherty who is a

The dopamine release

music industry are Bill Hicks,

neurologist and specialist

causes euphoria that leads

Justin Timberlake and Alanis

in brain stimulation,

to wider imagination thus


cannabis has the ability to

helping artists create music,

stimulate and trigger the

painting, and many others.

Meanwhile, Steve Jobs said,

brain's frontal lobe.

This is because of the

“The best way I would

chemistry and how the brain

describe the effect of

This part of the brain is

operates while high is not

marijuana and hashish is that

active in creative people.

similar to the normal state

it would make me relaxed

She added that marijuana

of mind.

and creative.” Even if he is

is a stimulant and it can


Here are some of history's

can be part of the creative

However, the effect is still

most creative and famous

minds list.

based on dosage and

musicians and artists who

individual traits. For

are known to use marijuana

Therefore, to elevate the

example, some artists who

to enhance their artistic

thought process and think

struggle with anxiety may


of something more original

prefer a calming indica to

yet inspiring, people can use

help them get to their

Louis Armstrong is a

cannabis and make sure to

groove while others look

trumpet player who was one

record in pen and paper or

for more stimulating

of the first musicians to

phone when ideas flow in

sativa. Nevertheless,

admit his affinity to the plant

order not to forget the

cannabis has helped

and stated in his biography

racing creative juices.

artists create new and

which he described as

inspiring pieces of work

better than whiskey and

Cannabis can really impact

for hundreds of years

also an assistant and a

all areas of arts and


friend to him.




not an artist by definition, he

boost all types of output.

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